The Billboard 1902-07-26: Vol 14 Iss 30 (1902-07-26)

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d 3 — PH SILLBUAKU \\b ISLAND, NEB.—State Firemen’'s oeiation Convention. Aug. 5-7, 1902. c Halberle, Broken Bow, Neb., secy. \fHA. NEBW\Amertean Christian Misnary Soelety Convention, Oct. 16-23, 2. “Kev, Benj. L Smith, Y. M. C. A. dg. Cincinnati, O., cor. secy. . ATLA, NEB.—Western Travelers’ Acciit Association Convention. Oct, 20, oz. Arthur L, Sheetz, secy. ‘ \HA, NEB. — United Association of ijumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters Contion. Aug. 18-25, 1902. L. W. Tilden, ' Ovden Bldg., Chicago, IlL., secy. ov AGLA, NEB, Order of Ane lent Sons and vhters of Jerusalem of the World ‘ vention. Aug. 25, 1902. Jas. R. Gor520 Grand ave., Kansas City, Mo., NEB.—State Philatelic Society ksarben v. OMAHA, Convention. Sept. —, 2, veek.) ~ Brodstone, Box 60, Superior, Neb., sec OMAILLA, Nis B.—Knights of Pythlas Grand Convention. Oct, 15, 1902. Will i. Love, Lincoln, Neb., secy. OMAILA, NEB.—State Camera Club Convention, (Aksarben week.) Sept. —, 1902. |. Brodstone, Box 60, Superior, Neb., secy. Lodge NEW HAMPSHIRE. CONCORD, N. H.— Pythian Sisterhoud Grand Assembly. Oct. —, 1902. Mrs. C. i. Locke, Rochester, N. Y., secy. CONCORD, N. H. —Kuights Templar Grand Commandery Convention. Sept. 30, lw. Frank D. Woodbury, grand recorder. CONCORD, N. H.—State Licensed Embalm ers’ Association Convention q 102. John A. Glidden, Dover, N. H., pres.; Fred M. reg Waruver, N.1}1., secy. *Rz \NKLIN FALLS, N. H.—Rebekab State Assembly. Oct. 14, 1902. Mrs. Annie P. Rogers, 11 Mason st., Nashua, N. IL., secy. “RANKLIN FALLS, N, l1.—l. O. O. F. Grand Encampment. Oct. 14, 1902. Jos. Kidder, Manchester, N. H., secy; Chas. E. Palmer, grand chief patriarch, ‘RANKLIN FALLS, N. H.—l. O. O. F ~ Grand Lodge Convention. Oct. 8, inv2. S. B. Page, Woodsville, N. H., grand mas ter: Jos. Kidder, grand secy. LANCASTER, N. H.—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter Convention. Sept. 3, 1902. Mrs. Bessie P. Norris, Epping, N. H., grand secy. MANCHESTER, N. H.—!I. O. R. M. Great Council. Oct. 2, 1902. James F. Whitehead, P. O. Box 504, Dover, N. Hi., great chief of records. MANCHESTER, N. H.—B. Y. P. U. State Convention. Oct. 14, 1902. Rev. H. St. John Filmer, Laconia, N. Il., secy. PORTSMOUTH, N. HI. 0.'G. T. Grand Lodge Convention. Oct. 1, 1902. Arthur F. Turner, 38 Parker Place, Laconia, N H., grand secy. THE WEIRS NN. H.—State Musie Teach ers’ Association Convention Aug. 4-8, 1902. Harry C. Whittemore, 327 E Spruce st., Manchester, N. H., secy. NEW JERSEY. ASBURY PARK, N. J.—Luther State Convention. Noy. 4, 1002. T, Clem Keck, Elizabeth, N. J., pres.: Miss Prudence A, Kerr, Atlantic City, N. J., treas.; Miss Lena Block, 95 Garside st., Newark, N. J., ree. secs.; Miss Augusta’ Neubeck, 46 DeHart Place, Elizabeth, N. J., cor. sec ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—State Firemen's Re _ Association Convention. Sept. 11, luo ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Knights of Co lumbus, Embarkation Day Reunion. Aug. 24, inclusive, 1902, ATLANTIC CITY, N, J.—American Associ ation of Flint and Lime Glass Manufae turers Convention. July 25, 1902. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Senior Order American Mechanics Convention. Sept. 16-18, inclusive, 1902. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Young Men's Institute. Aug. 22° 23, 1902, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. —Degree of Pocahontas Great Council. Oct. 28, 1002. Mrs. Jennie Hartough, 293 George st., New Brunswick, N. J., keeper of recerds, ATLANTIC cITy, N. J.—National Council — League O. U. A. M. Sept. 23, 1902. John Server, 1341 Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa., national secy. ‘AMDEN, N. J.—P. O. 8S. of * ge Con. vention, Aug. _ 15, 1902. . Thorn, Trenton, N. , ecy. APE MAY, N. yw, Cc. T. U. State Con vention. Oct. 2124, 10802. Dr. Eva Me Lake, Pleasantville, N. J., secy. FLORENCE, N. J.—1.'0.'G.° T. Grand Lodge Convention. mas ee | _— BE. 3. Fogg, Woodstown, ‘. « JERSEY CITY, N. J. M octele Benevolent Legion State Convention. Oct. 14, 1902. John J. Ghegan, 313 Belleville ave., Newark, N. J., secy. JERSEY CITY, N. J.—State Federation of Women's Clubs Convention. Oct. —, 1902. Miss Charlotte G. Tuttle, 58 DeForest ave., Summit, N. J., cor. secy. JERSEY CITY, N. J.—German Catholic State Societies’ Convention. Sept. 28, 12. J. B. Oelkers, pres.; Herman Floss bach, 850 Cross st., Elizabeth, N. J., secy. MORRISTOWN, N. J.—Brotherhood of the Kingdom Convention. Aug. 48, 1902. llon. Clinton R. Woodruff, N. Amer. Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa., seey. NEWARK, N., J.Knights of Honor Grand Lodge Convention, Oct. —, 1902. J. M. Mayhew, 53 Washington av., reporter. NEW ARK, N. J.—l. O. O. F. High Court Convention. Sept. —, 1902. Francis A. Mackenzie, Elizabeth,’ N. J.. high secy SEA GIRT, N. J.—Natlonal Rine Associa tlon of America Convention. Sept. (first week), = Lieut. Albert 8S. Jones, Passale, N. J., secy. TRE NTON, "N. J.—State Jr. O. U. A. M. punteal Benefit Association Convention. . 1902. Wm. N. Gray, Cranford, N. . Sey, NEW YORK. ALBANY, N. Y¥.—New York State Conference of Charities and Corrections. Nov. —, lwvz. kdward ‘It. Devine, 100 kK, 22d’ st., New York City, N. Y., secy. ALbDAN), N. X.—Stute Schvol Boards’ Assuciwtion Convention, OUct, 15, luvz, Geo. luruer, Auburn, N. X., pres.; A. ‘i. wuiller, New Rochelle, N, X., secy. awbKANIL, N. ¥.—Societies fur the ’reveution of Cruelty in N, XY, Stute Convention. VUct. 1, luv2. Robert J. Wilkin, luo Scher merboru st., Brooklyn, N, X., secy. ALBANY, NN. .— Presbyterian Church State Synod. Oct, 21-23, luuz. Kev, J. W. Jacks, Geneva, N. 1., secy. ALLAN}, N. XY.—ixnights of l’ythias State Couveution, July 2y-31, inclusive, lvv2. Max L. Holtz, Rochester, N. Y., chairman. ALBANY, N. \.—State Veteriuary Association Convention. Sept. —, lvv2. William Kelly, 263 Western ave., secy. ALBAN}, N. X¥.—Brotherbvvg vf Painters aud Vecorators’ State bruuch Couveutlon Aug. 4, lyuZ. ‘hos. A. Murtiwer, Ulica, nN. X., pres.; C. B. Wall, od Uruuge ot., secy. BATAVIA, N. Y.—Firewenu’s Conveution. Aug. 12-13, 1902. Mr, Locke, chairman. BROOKLYN, N. Y.—Circle Brotherhood Union, Supreme Circle. Oct. 20, luue. H. B. Walter, 2147 k. York st., Pbiladelplia, Pa., secy. BROOKLYN, N. Y.—Newsdealers, Book sellers and Stationers of the United States Convention, Aug. 2U-21, lvu2. M. XX. Golde, 1017 Gth av., New York, N. X., secy, BUFFALO, N. Y.—National Railway Mail Service Mutual Benetit Association Con vention, Sept. 16-20, 1902. Jas. Suther a care b., L. & W. Ky., E. Buffalo, +» secy BURP ALU, N. ¥.—U. 8S. R. M. S. Mutual Benetit Association Convention. Sept. 1, lyuz. W. S. Corning, Monou Lidg., Chicago, lil, secy. BUbbkALU, N. Y.—National Asseciatiou of Railway Postal Clerks’ Couveution. Sept. 16-20, 1002. Jas, Sutherland, care D., L. & W. Ry., Buffalo, N. Y. BUFFALU, N. Y.—Whotographers’ Association of America Convention. Aug. 5-8, 1902. C. R. Reeves, Anderson, Ind., secy BUPFALYU, N. Y¥.—Order of Kaiiway Cler ks of America Convention. Sept. 22-2¥, luz. kK. K. Fisher, 813 Central st., Kansas Uity, Mo., secy. ELMIR A, N. Y.—National Hay Mukers’ Association Convention. Aug, —, 1902. HUDSON, N. Y.—State Firemien’s Convention. Aug. 19-23, 1902. Chief Smith, chairman; Capt. Helm, secy. U(LHACA, N. Y.—W. C. ‘tT. LU. State Convention, Oct, —, 1002, Frauces W. Graham, Lockport, N. Y., secy. LIBEKTY, N. Y. Sullivan County Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Reunion. Aug. 1%, 19U2. MALONE, N. Y.—Frankiin County Veterans’ Association Encampment. Aug. —, 1902. NEWBURG, N. Y.—Empire State Philatelic Society Convention, Aug. SY, 1902. C. . Brown, Boz S. Salina st., Syrac use, N. eCcy. NI W YORK, N. Y.—League of Honor of America Supreme Council. Aug. 19, 1902. Adam Warnock, 200 Huntington = av., Soston, Mass., Se¢ i NEW YORK CITY, ty Professors of Sept. 2-5, 1 NEW YORK CITY, N. Y¥.—Thirtieth International Association of Fire Engineers’ Convention. Sept. 16-19, inclusive, 192. H. A. Hills, Wyoming, O., secy. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—State Railway Surgeons’ Association Convention. Nov. —, 1902. Dr. Geo, Chaffee, 226 47th st., Brooklyn, N. Y., secy. NEW YORK, N. Y. Buyers’ Association of America Convention. Aug. (second week), 1902. Robert S. Conklin, 26 E. 20th st., secy. NEW YORK, N. Y.—Firemen’'s Insurance Brigade Association Convention. Aug. —. 1s02. John J. Cashman, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y., sec NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—Mystie Order Veiled Prophets Enchanted Realm, Supreme Council. Oct, —, 1902. Sidney D. Smith, Hamilton, N. Y., grand secy NEW YORK CITY, N. Y¥.—State Medical Association Convention. Oct. 20-23, 1902. Dr. Guy D. Lombard, 6 E. 32d st., secy. NEW YORK, N. Y.—American Gas Light Association Convention. Oct. 15-17, 1002. Alfred EK. Forstall, 58 Williams st., secy. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. — Commercial Law League of America Convention. Aug. 11-15, 1902. E. K, Sume rwell, 35 Nassau st., New York, N. Y., secy NIAGARA FAL LS, N. *Y.—National Dental Examiners’ Association C onve sntion. Aug. 1, 1902, NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.—General Assembly Knights of Labor Convention. Nov. 1902. John W. Hayes, Washington, D. gen'l secy. and treas, NIAGARA FALLS . N. Y.—National Dental Association Convention. July 28-31, 1902. a hw Peck, 92 State st., Chicago, IIl., PLATTSBURGH, N. Y.—I. O. O. F. High Court Convention. Sept. 9-10, 1902. C. R. Fitzgerald, 399 Porter ave., Buffalo, N. Y., secy. ROCHESTER, N. Y.—American Society of Municipal Improvement Convention, Oct. 7-9, 1902. Geo. W._ Tillson, Municipal Bldg., Brooklyn, N. Y., secy ROCHESTE mm ms ue “National Apple Ship rs’ Association Convention. Ang. 6, 1902. H. Warren Patch, 17 N. Market st., Boston, Mass., secy. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.— Knights Templars State Convention. Sept. 11-13, 1902. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.—State Prohibition Convention. Sept. 5-7, 1902. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.—Anclent Order of Hibernians State Convention. Aug. —, 1902. M. J. Slattery, Albany, N. ¥ Y.—American Socle‘Dane Convention. C, secy. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.—American Bar Association Convention. Aug. 27-2y, lyv2. John Hinkley, 215 N. Charlies st., ualtimore, Md., secy. SARATOGA, N, Y.—A. O. H, State Conven tion. Aug. —, 1902. M. J. Slattery, Al bany, N. Y., secy. SAKA LUOGA, ‘N. y.—Knights Templar Grand Commandery Convention. Sept. (2d Week), luvz. George H. Smith, 96 Court st., secy. SYMACUSE, N. Y.—Daughters of Liberty National Council Convention. Aug. 26-29, lyuz. W. V. Edkins, 1tu4 E. Passyunk uve., Philadelphia, Pa., secy. SYKAC USk, N. Y.—Y. PV. U. 3S. of A., State Convention. Sept. ¥-10, 1902. Cc, D. Pendell, 157 Washington st., Binghamton, N. Y., secy. NORTH CAROLINA. ASHEVILLE, N. C.—American and Ornamental Horticulturists’ Convention. Aug. Stewart, Boston, Mass., secy. GASLONIA, N. C.— ‘The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod. Nov. 6, lyv2, Key. James Boyce, Lue West, 38. C., stated clerk. NEW KERN, N. C.—I. O. O, F. Grand Encatupment, Aug. —, 102. Geo, Green, secy. RAL&IGH, N, C.—State Firemen's Association C ove rh July 22-25, 1902. W. C. Von Glabm, Wilmington, N, C., s0ey. NORTH DAKOTA, FARGO, N. DAK.—Republican State Convention. July 25, 1902, (KAND PORNS, N. 1. State Pharmaceutical Association Convention. Aug. 5-7, lvuz. Sam McDonald, secy. GKRAND FORKS, N. L.— Knights of ’ythias Grand Lodge Convention. July Florists’ Society 19-22, 1902. Wim. J. —, luuz. H. D. Albert, Langdon, N. D., secy. OHIO. AKKON, O.—Cathuilc Kulghts of Uhlo Conventiou. Sepi. —, lyvz. Cc. J. Abthony, Khuse Bldy., Cleveland, U., secy. CANLION, O.—dSons of St. George Lodge Convention. Aug. —, 1902. CINCINNATI, U.—Tri-Suite Vehicle and implement Dealers’ Association Convention. Nov. 17-1¥, 1902. Monte L, Green, Grand nigr. CINCLN ‘NATI, O.—Grand Lodge of Ohio, Order of astern Star, Conveution, Oct. SY, luv. Johu J. Weuuer, chairman, CINCINNATI, U. — diate Assuciulivon of Cuuuty Commissiouers. Juuuury, (second week), 1003. : CINCINNATI, O.— Knights of Ancient Rome Convention. Oct. 29-31, lv0Z. 3S. 5S. Loubright, 410 Clark st., adjt. general. CINCINNATI, O.—National Lite Underwriters Association Convention. OUct. —, lyvz. EF. B. Mason, Chicago, Lil, secy. CINCINNATI, U.—State Baukers Association Convention. Oct. 15-16, lvu2. 3S. B. Kaukin, cashier Lank of Suuth Charileston, South Charleston,” O., secy. CINCINNATI, O.—National Association of Master Bakers’ Convention. Sept. ¥-J1, inciusive, 1yv2. Hi. R. Clissold, $15 Dearbern st., Chicago, Lil, secy CINCINNATI, ©. — International Typo graphical Union Convention. Aug. 11-16, ivuz. John W. Bramwovod, De Soto Block, indianapolis, Ind., secy. CLEVELAND, O.—Methodist Missionary Conference of the World. Oct. 21-24, 1902. CLEVELAND, O.—U. R. K. 0. T. M. State Encampment. Aug. 4, lvoz. Col. E. H. Putt, 149 Detroit st., secy. CLEVELAND, O.—United Garment Work ers of America Convention. Aug. 11, wer. T. J. Crouchley, 116 Bible House, New York, N. Y., secy. CLEVELAND, O.—Ceutral Ohio Teachers’ Association ‘Convention. Nov. 7-8, 1lvu2. Wm. Werthner, wou U., pres.; John Ss. Weaver, Springtield, ks chairman Executive Committee. CLEVELAND, O.—National Biscuit and Cracker Manufacturers’ Convention. July —, 1wwz. J. W. Callahan, 127 Kead st., New York City, secy. CLEVELAND, O.—State Liquor League Sep. ¥-11, inclusive, 19u2. J. N. Schaefer, secy. CLEVELAND, O.—National Association of Retail Druggists’ Convention. Sept. 23-25, inclusive, 1902. Jas. W. Seley, Detro't, Mich., pres.; R. H. Vitt, St. Louis, Mo., treas.; Thos, V. Wooten, Chicago, Ill. secy COLUMBU S, O.—County Auditors’ State Association Convention. Noy. 18-19, 1902. As Peekinpaugh, Wooster, O., secy. COLUMBUS, O.—L. O. T. M. State Con vention. Aug. —, 1902. COLUMBUS, O.—F" and A. M. Grand Lodge Convention. Oct, 22, 1902. J. H. Bromwell, Cincinnati, O., secy. COLUMBUS, O.—State Library Association Convention. Oct. (first week), 1902. Virginin Davis, Sandusky, ©., secy. COLUMBUS, O.—P. O. 8S. of A. State Camp. Sept. 2, 1902. J. L. Dill, 35 E. Lawn st., Dayton, O., secy. DAYTON, 0. —Knights Templar Conclave. Beginning Oct. 8, 1902. J. R. Lindemuth, secy. ELYRIA, 0.—State Baptist Assembly. July 27-31, 1902. HAMILTON, 0.—National Ang. (first week), 1902. LIMA, O.—R. A. M. Grand Chapter Convention. Sept. 24, 1902. Edwin Hagen buch, Urbana, O., secy. LIMA, 0.—Royal and Se lect Masters’ Grand Council Convention. Sept. 23, 1902. Wm. E. Evans, Chillicothe, O., secy. MARYSVILLE, 0.—Fighth District Demoeratie Convention. Aug. 12, 1902. PUT-IN BAY, 0.—United Anclent Order ef Druids’ Supreme Grove. Aug. 12-15, 1902. H. Fruedenthal, 426 Clinton st., Albany, N. Y., secy. PUT-IN-BAY, 0.—Phi Gamma Delta, Fifty Kruger Bund. fourth National Convention. Ang. 5-7, Inclusive, lvuz. Dr. Wilwer Curistiau, oo Newlu Ciaypuvi ssidg., suUulublapulio, bis eecy. > ack tut-IN-BAY, O.--State Probate Judges Assochilion Cullveltion, Aug. 2-0, Love. PUL-iN-DAL, UL SlLUce =AssvCiaviou of buliders Bxchahges Conlveuliou. way ool, 1902, Pul-tN-bAd, O.—National Fisheries Assv clition Convention, Aug. o-+, lvuZ, PU L-AN-DAL, U.—Llilleu olates teague of BULGES and Low Assuclulivlds CuUuVven(iol. vUly 23-24, sYuc. bb. BP. Cellarius, <i0 U. SD. Cuslulm fivuse, CiNnclubali, U. SALEM, U.—kKepublicuu Cougressivual Cunvention. July —, lvuz. Judge bauweew, chuiruian, FANUVLSHY, Veution, O.—State dept. 2-3, 12. Democratic Con Jolu J. Maiter, secy. S¥LANGPFIELD, O.—National Afro-American League. Aug. 15, lyvz, SreiNarianeD, U.—a. A. O. U. M. Imperial Grand Councii (Colored) Conveutloobk, = =Aug. Ll-lo, lvoe. Jobu A, Bel, Grand Kapids, Mich., secy. SVRANGP ini, U.—aA. A. S. R. Masons Luited Supreme Council (Colored) ConVeltion. Aug, ll-lo, luvz, John VU. Jones, Jdils Armour ave., Chicago, LIL, seey. SULINGbIELD, U.—state Conference of Churilies und Corrections. Uect, i-3, 19UZ. _dos. #. Byers, Columbus, O., secy. SURINGPINLY, O.—Ancient Order of HIberulaus Convention. Aug. o-7, lyuz. Chas, Bird, secy. Pib ihe ANOW Nv? # Association of we. TT. OC. secy. LULU, U.—A. O. U. W. State Grund Luuge Convention. Aug. 26, lyu2. Waiter s’erkins, secy. L&BANA, U.—Jr. O. U. A. M. State Session. Sept. v-1U, lyuz. G. D. Hill, secy. OKLAHOMA TERRITORY. BLACKWELL, UO. I.—Kebekah State Asselubiy, Uct, dv, ivuZ. Mrs. Kuuie MeWeluy, Guiurle, U. 1., pres.; Mrs, Nora v. Suith, Pouca uly, vu. 4d., secy. @REGON. LOURTLAND, ORE.—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge Convention. Oct. 14, lwz. L. K. Stinson, Salem, Ure., secy. VPURLLAND, OKE. —state Pharmaceutical Association Convention. Oct. lu-lz, lyuz. aA. W. Allen, secy. 0. — Reunion Ohio Marylanders, Aug. 4, Harbaugh, Casstown, O., PURTLAND, OKE. — Rathbone Sisters Grand ‘Temple. Oct. 14, lyvz. Mrs, Gus sie Cole Miller, 325 6th st., Astoria, Ure., secy. PENNSYLVANIA. ALLENTOWN, PA.—D. O. H. Grand Lodge Convention. Aug. 6, lyuz. John Islirzig, ‘Titusville, Pa., seey. ALLENLOWN, PA.—State Medical Society Convention. Sept. 16, 1002 br. cc. L. Stevens, Athens, Pa., secy. FREELAND, PA.—A. O. K. of M. C. Select Castle Convention. Sept. 9, 1902. John J. Davis, Box 256, Pittsburg, Pa., secy. INDIANA, PA.—Y. W. C. A. State Convention. Oct. 17-19, 1902. Miss Lilly M. Strong, 409 Madison ave., Scranton, Pa., secy. NEW CASTLE, PA.—State Embalmers’ Association Convention. Sept. 9-10, 19u2. . S. Newcomer, 2106 Perrysville ave., Allegheny, Pa., secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA. — National Association Convention. Oct. —, Rev. John L. Milligan, Alleghany, Pa., secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA.— National Prison Chaplains’ Association Convention. Oct. 11, 1sow. Rev. W. J. Batt, pres.; Rev. D. k. Imbrie, Hoboken, Pa., secy. VHILADELVPHIA, PA.—Prison Wardens’ Association Convention. Oet. li, 1902. Warden Wm. M. C. Johnson, care Western State Penitentiary, Ailegheny, Pa., secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—American Protestant Association National Council. Aug. Prison 90% 13, Ler. _ hg Cc. Gill, 2153 N. Woodstoc k st., s¢ PHILADE L VP HT. A, PA.—National Jobbing Confectionery Association Convention. Aug. 6-8, 1902. A. C. Keeley, pres. PHILADELPHIA, PA. — International Union Shirt Waist and Laundry Workers’ Convention. Aug. 12, 1902. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—American Association of Trave ling Passenger Agents Cunvention. Sept. 1902, PHILADELPHIA, "PA ceutical —, 1902. ._—American Pharma Association Convention. Sept. Prof. Charles Caspari, jr., 109 Aisquith st., Baltimore, Md., secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—State Homeopathic Society Convention. Sept. 23-25, inciusive, 1902. Theo. Gramm, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa., secy. PITTSBURG, PA.—National Electrotypers’ Asociation of American Convention. Aug. —, 1902. J. B. Scott, care of George C. Scott & Sons, Boston, Mass., secy. PITTSBURG, PA.—United Typothetae of America Convention. Sept. 8-11, inclusive, 1902. Harry P. Pears, Pittsburg, Pa.. pres.; Edwin Friegard, St. Louis, Mo., secy. ’ PITTSBURG, PA.—Irish Catholic Benevolent Union National Convention. Aug. 1902. John E. Davis, Philadelphia, Pa.. secy. PITTSBURG, PA.—Railway Signaling Club Convention. Nov. —, 1902. Charles 0. Tilton, West Milwaukee, Wis., secy. and treas, PITTSTOWN, PA.—Catholic Total Abstinence Union Convention. Sept. —, l#2. John A. Burns, 105 S. Franklin st., Shamokin, Pa., secy. SOMERSET, PA.—Pennsylvania Association of Directors of the Poor and Chartties’ Convention. Oct. 7-9, Inclusive, 1902. L. C. Colhborn, cor. seev a