The Billboard 1902-07-26: Vol 14 Iss 30 (1902-07-26)

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TY THE BILLBOARD FIREMEN’S TOURNAMENTS. BLUE ISLAND, ILL. — State Firemen's Tournament. Aug. 5-7, 102. BRADFORD, PA.—State Firemen's Tournament. Oct. 7-10, 10 GRAND ISLAND, NE It.—State May's yournament. Aug. 5-7, Inclusive, 1902. J. Sullivan, secy. LOWELL, MASS.—Fliremen’s Tournament. July 31, 1902. Jas, 11. Walker, pres.; W. SP Murphy, tress, MECHANICSVILLE, N.Y. Tournament. Sept, 1-2, PORTSMOUTH, VA—F iremen’ s Tourna. ment. Aug. 20-22, Inclusive, 1902. Emmett Deans, pres. RALEIGH, N. €.—State Firemen's Tourna ment. July 22-24, inclusive, 1902. Hon. James D. Me Neill, pres.; W. 'C. VonGlabn, Wilmington, N. C., secy. —Fighth Annual S. Seipel, secy.; Edwin nICHPIELD SP RINGS, N. Y.— Otsego County Mremen’s Tournament, Aug. 6-7, , LABOR DAY CELEBRATIONS ATLANTA, GA.—W. C. Puckett, secy.; J. RENTON TTARBOR, MICTI, COVINGTON, AY. —C. i. Sidener, secy. LAPEER MICH. MARIE TTA, O.—M. MONTPE ir, ie nN, IND.—II. T. Mote, secy. MUNCIE, IND. sitter, chairman, WARASIT, IND.—Oren Smith, secy. WARE, MASS. CANTON, ILL.—Fulton County K. of P. Tiente. July 23, 1902, Sept. 1, 1902. Jos. A. Gabriel, secy. ELLSWORTH, Aug. 14, 1902. C. A. Shinkle, seey , KOKONC. IND.—M.,. W. of A. State Picnic. M AR’ INSVILLE. ILL.—Big Farmers’ Ju hilee and Old Fiddler Contest. July 25Ind., amusement mgr. a OSTERBURG, PA.—The Grangers’ 17th inclusive, 1902. Geo. W. Oster, secy. 60 Centimeter Balloons Special price, per gross.........#3.00 and not likely to again soon. Strictly fresh goods, 4-ply stock in assorted colors. man. We want every one of our customers to get his share of this bargain. We to last over two or three weeks at the rate they are now selling. This adv. now, if you want any, while they last, for cet that we take the ‘‘cake’’ on quoting low prices on ctier gocds, such as Cone Caies, Confetti Dusters, Pocket Knives, Novelties, ether Ballooons, PF sh-pond Men, Medicine Men, Cavassers, Carnival and Picnic Followers, ete. and knifeboard men, ‘They all buy from us and all are well pleased, and, kind want you to try us, Send for sample of the New Pick-Me vier, W. Bridwell, chairman. DAYTON, O.—Jos, A. Gabriel, secy. ert, mg SOUTH © wsasalA, NEB.—C. W. SPRINGFIELD, 0.—T. J. Creager, secy. PICNICS. DAYTON, O.—Piente. ILL8.—The Old Settlers’ Association Picnic. 56, 1902. J. I. Montray, secy. 26, 1902. W. H. Duke, Terre Haute, Annual Encampment Pienie. Ang. 12-15, iss thi Don't you miss this Never before quoted at this low figure We don’t want to sell them all to one have quite a big lot, but not large enough may appear twice. Send your order in Now, on account of balloons, don’t forfetti, Return talls, kubber thread, ete., Goods for Str e'men, Circus Men, We have special outfits for caneborrd reader, if you are not our customer, we Out-Puzzle, It's a dandy. WHOLESALERS OF 264 -66€. MAISON 57. HI(AGO. WANTFD—An active partner with capital to huy a halfinterest inv and assume management of, awell esteblished ill Posting Plant in city of S' 0”) populitian. Wust be sober, industrious and *trietiy atteati eto business. Address *M,” care Billboard. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads THE TWO KINGS Open for engagements. Pormanent address 200 N. Front St, Quincy, Ills. WANTED First-class Free Attractions an 4 Side Shows for the Great Kankakee District Fair. Five Days and Three Evenings, September 8th-1 2th. $3000 in Purses. $10,000 in premiams and attractions. A combinationof Races, Exhibitions, Reuniuns and Carnivals. Everything first-class. No gambling. Kankakee is located 56 miles south of Chicago; is a railroad center. One fare and special trains on all railroads. LEN SMALL, Sec’y Kankakee, Ills. THE NEW YORK NEWS CO. 26 City Hall Place, New York, Importers and Jobbers of the most up-to-date line Mechanical Toys, Carnival Goods and Stre tmen’s Novelties in the World. Send for catalogue. First Grand Elks’ Fall Festival LABOR DAY WEEK Sept. Ist to 6th, 1902, South Bend, Ind. The Heart of the Garden Spot of the World Bostockh-ferari Carnival Compasy wil! furnish all shows nd attractions. All hind of legit imate privileges forsale. No grafters. Address W. H. Rice, J, W. Fitz Gibbon, Secretary Reading. Pa. Executive Committee —Fd. J. Fogarty F. tt. Dunnehoo J. W. Fitz Gibbon Hudson, Mich. Fe e Amus: ment Carnival end Street Fair September 2, 8,4 and 5,142. We want to nego‘ia e for & me wood out-door attractions of all kinds tiood e@ neession priviteges for sale in eood locatio. First come, first served, with the be-t we hasetoolfer C, &. SeGER. Secretary, Walton Fair Walton, W. Va Attractions wanted, such as Balloons, Hands and Shows Privileges reasenable and ever\ thing gees. Games of all kinds permitted Add ess LEANDER MOORE, See’ y, Wa'ton, W. Va. FOR SALE.... One lIirge Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. one biack Cap Monkey. shew Patatings cheap: Address T. B. NORMAN, Rarat Route No. 1, Tangier, Park County, Ind. Siot Punching Machines Big, Quick, Lawful Money-getters. Will earn you #40 per week. Vrice #28 ROGERS MFG. CO., 526 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. WAN ETEK tcoN t 30x50; poles and ropes Must be cheap fer eash. Also want lady partner who ean sing. das. Liv inxston, Show, Milan, Brad County, Pa “We are Hungry for Streetmen’s Business” and we make all kinds of offers to please our customers Our prices are right; try us once and you will stay with us. New and fresh goods received continually and all orders filled promptly. We have a full line of Fresh Balloons of all kinds. Write fo~ price list. Confetti, Confetti Duster, Red,White and Blue Cane (stripe and flag), Rubber Balls and Rubber Thread, Tin Horns, Silverware, Jewelry, Crickets and Sight Illusions, Cigars, etc. LEVIN BROS. Fstablished 1886. 30-32 N. Sixth Street, Cor. Ch rry, TERRE HAUTE, IND. SNAKES All kinds broke and fixed tohandle. Bosco dens complete, $20 and up. 0. W. ESTES, 215 5th S¢. South, Minneapolis, Minn, Invest Money and Make Money. I want backer for repertoire,coming season. Male and female stars: established reputation. Two playsof myown, Only those meaning business and haviog cash, address immediately, EDWIN MAYNARD. Bronxwood Park, Williamsbridge, New York, | ie # — WANTED Three first-class slide-trombone players. singing and dancing soubrette, single lady musical act. Fair ground work open Aug. 25. Must be young, good looking, well dressed pec BERT KLINE. Flint, Mich. We m: make a sp°cialty OF FURNISHING CANVAS GOODS For Street Fairs, Carnivals, etc. Street Faircovers, wallsand tents. Send us your requirements. naming dates to be used, and we will quote lowest rental prices by retura mail. Awnings, Tents, Flags. M. Il. WILCOX CO. MANUFACTURERS 210 to 216 Water Street, TOLEDO, OHIO. WANTED Attractions For the Matthews Glass Workers* Carnival, Aug. 9-16, Matthews.Ind. Address VICTOR BRASSEUR, Box 132 Carlyle, Ills. Street Fair. September iv-13 inclusive Big money for privilege men. Farming commmnity. Big crops, plenty of money. Two special days. Two big parades. We want it distinctly understood that no Carnival Co. will run this Fair. A certain company has advertised that it would give a fair here Aug. 11-16, « hich is not true. Only one fair for Carlyle and that on Sept 10-13. Send on your privilege propositions. Boys. H.C. NORCROSS, Sec’y, Carlyle, Ill. This will be the fourth fair. Balloonist Jack Cassell is oxen for all kinds of dates. Balloon ascensions and high wire exhtibivens. Two acts that are strictly up to date. Midway shows and other people write. Frank Albert write 614 E. Ky. Street, Louisville, Ky. Attractions of ALL KINDS WANTED For the Georgetown Col. A & M Fair, Midway and « arnival, Aug. 20-23 Apply to Chas. B. Jackson, Sec’y, Georgetown, Ky, Box, i939. RALLOO ASCENSIONS Furnishe! by PROF, for sale. 459 Broadway. Kingston, N.Y. t{KABRICH. Outfits AND HAND-BILLS TOO Tell us what you are going to feature in the way of a special attraction and we will send you a Sample of a pictorial poster with which to advertise it, We have everything you need, viz: Automobile Races Loop the Loop Flip the Flat Cycle Whirl Balloon Ascension Bicycle Races Running Races Trotting Races Hippodrome Races Horse Fair Poultry Show Stock Show Fruit Exhibits Vegetable Exhibits Art Exhibits Sheep and Swine Lone ORT Through Picturesque and Historic Regionsto. .. New York VIA Washington Solid Trains from Cincinnati witb Cfhrough Sleeper from Louisville. C. B. RYAN, Ass’t Gen. Pass. Agt. CINCINNATI, 0. to CHICAGO. CAFE DINING CARS OVER Tre PAONON If you have not received our samples, write us about It to-day. a DonaldsonLitho Go, Newport, Ky. Cariyle, itlinols, Street Fair Sept. 10-18 inclusive. The fourth fair. Concessions ander control of committee. No carnival c om pany. Two special days. In farming commnnity. all will have lote of money. Good percentage shows write Also all privile ge men for rubber balls, etc. H.C. NORCROSS, See’y, Carlyle, 1. FOR SALE, Slot Tiatype Machine, $80. including Button outfit and lot of plates and cases. Great money maker for Fairs, Chas. Ray, Cumberland, Md. Mention“ The Billboard” when answering ads, Mention The Billboard” when answering ads Mention ‘‘The Billboard” when answering ads, ewe Sa