The Billboard 1902-07-26: Vol 14 Iss 30 (1902-07-26)

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16 THE BILLBOARD $100.00 Donated to Every County Fair ‘wancing cist Show 4th JULY CELEBRATIONS. For two weeks start ng July 26 or Aug. rittepare. Pa. ea gvis.o0 Contracting with us for our first-class attractions. References: Ilinois Trust at peweheuinas aaa wens Sena : hone Monroe, Wis...... 40.00 and Savings Bank, Postal or Western Union Telegraph Companies. We | also price outright per week. METRO Piqua, Ohio......0 0... see eeee 400.00 gend our special representative, [Mre. W H. Hanna, to contract with com| POLE, Box 776, Rochester, N. Y. coe ohn. Oy arama l,i mittees for attractions of all descriptions. Our method obviates delays and Circleville, O...........+ 100.00 anpeyances resulting from unsatisfactory correspondence with unreliable agents W A N T Corry, Pa.... ae 110.00 and performers who do not scruple to disappoint at the last moment. You should Mondovi , Wis 2-0? appreciate the advantages derived from our method, and not rely upon gaudy, fic ser hora Park. e fi 50.00 titious letter heads describing impossible performances. Beware of type-written eo See, Mesry-UcReund, and all Masonic Picnic oe %.00 promises, never meant to be fulfilled. Send for our 64-page illustrated catalogue Fair. Aun. 27.20" len polite aoe Wemmapem, W 8... --2 +> 2-20 2>270-3-2 § cee of high class out-door novelties. R. Walton, See’y, Ge inantown, Ky. DR ciciwk ule pishteas.~ Rv ieee ees 0.44 Cab eenen S245 = WAN National Theatrical Exchange, Chas. J. Carter, Mgr., Chicago Opera House Bldg. TED QUICK Long Distince "Phone, Main 4036. Cable Address “Retrac” U.S. A. Trapeze Performers. High Wire Tumblers, Address Fair Department. Musicians and high-class Sketch Artist and M.W. A. Free Street Fair and Carnival Cairo, lll., Sept. 1, 2,3,4,5,6 Concessions and Privileges for sale. Ferris Wheel wanted. Wanted Crystal Maze and other good shows on per cent. Write us about Spiral Tower or other good up-to-date acts for free attractions. State best terms in first letter. Write at once if you want in on biggest event of the year. 75.000 people to do business with. Address W. H. REINHARD. President Committee. for Webb City, Mo., Free Street Fair ¥ WAI l E and Roman Carnival, August 4th to 9th, inclusive, Side Shows and privilege people of all kinds. Kemp Sisters’ Hippodrome and Wild West furnish the Free attrations. Webb City is located in the center of the greatest lead and zinc mining country in the U. S. and everyone working. 200,000 people in an area of 30 miles. Address G. P. Kemp, Promoter and Manager, Lamar, Missouri. M. F. WIEDEMANN The Burlington Decorator Is prepared to Decorate your city for all occasions. If you want a strictly firstclass, up-to-date Decoration, correspond with him. Headquarters 313 N. Main Street, Burlington, lowa Wanted for Portsmouth, Va. SiStERStTY 7° Week of August [Sth and Twenty Weeks to Follow Business Men’s and Firemen’s First Street Fair and Carnival.—Can place a few more good shows with good fronts. Remember this is a country where people don’t look at your fronts and listen to your speiler and turn their nose up and walk away, but will patronize and appreciate your show. This will prove a good spot and several to follow—twenty weeks solid. How do these towns suit you: Newport News, Va., Aug. 25-30; Henderson, N. C., Sept. 1-6; Durham, N C , Sept. 8-13; Kingston, N.C., Sept. 15-20; Goldsboro, N_ C©,, Sept. 22-27; Newban, N.C., Sept. 2-Oct. 4; Wilmington, N.C., Oct. 6-11; Fayetteville, N.C , Oct. 13-18; Charlotte, N. C., Oct, 20-25; Macon, Ga. Oct. 27Nov. 1; Columbus, Ga., Nov. 3-8; Athens, Ga., Nov. 10-15. Watch Billboard for others. All Free Street Fairs. Those that contract with me now, can have exclusive and pick of location Concessions of all kinds for sale. Address W. §. LAYTON, Promoter, Business Men Club, Portsmouth, Va. Eagla Grove Carnival and Harvest Festival AUGUST 20, 21, 22, 23,1902 ATTRACTIONS OF HIGH STANDARD WANTED Privileges of all kinds for sale. All propositions must be complete and final in first letter written to receive any consideration. W. F. INSEL, Secretary, Eagle Grove, lowa. A first-class six or eight piece band. Would like to hear from my last year’s Louisville band. Also a good organ; must be Al and cheap. Would like to hear from first-class bag piper. Address Capt. Louis Sorcho’s Deep Sea Divers, Mt. Sterling, Ky., for week of July 20th to 28th. Sister Teams. Geneon li weeks. Salary low . co ; but sure. E. W. E‘wards Balloon i TWO TRAINED DOGS, 870.0 ; Frati| ¢ hae : oon and hand organ, 9 tunes, $20.00; Life-size Mechan| C@rmival Co, Coulterville, I, ical Wax Figureof Sitting Bull. with Tucker Haris: Dickinson Tower wvcouc, we | Wanted for Mason, 0., Fair Superior, Wisconsin. AUGUST Sth, 9th, 1902 WANTE Black Face, Dutch and Irish | All kinds of attractions. Refreshment privComedians for Medicine Show. | ileges will be sold Aug.2. Average attendMust be sober. Money sure. No Tickets to} ance 9000) Write to J. A. REBOLD, Chairanyone. DR, THOMAS, Beadlings, P. O., Al-| man Amusement Conimittee, Mason, Obio. legheny Co., Pa. Edwin Hoddy, Aerial Gymnastic Noelty CHARLIE TALSON, the well-known ° Spanish Rivg and Balancing Trapeze i, GA % Ui ae ee. Performer, is Open for engugements. Per| Eb Qmanent address, Montgomery, Ind. Att ti W t Alma Free Street rac 10ns an e Fair. Sept. 24-26. Privileges always make money. Write | Pe" for dates to Street Fairs, Pleasure Parks or W. A. My. rs, Secretary. Merchants’ Committees. Wanted Colored Films for Projecting Colored Lights, also Electric Search , Light. Care Billboard. For Sale—Complete Side Show, Detective and Police Museum. 10,000 Criminal Curiosities: 1 double-headed Mummy; 1 Guillotine from France: Keep an Eye on the Ander1 wax figure Czolgosz, the assassin. OLD CURIOSson Balloon Company Iry Suop, Terre Haute, Ind. If you want a ciean, up-to-date attraction WA Ww TE D for Fairs. Parks, Carnivals and Celebrations, write us for terms,particulars, ete Attractions for Harve t Carnival | tions texas. Beterences furnished. Mound City, Mo., —w ANTED=; August (9-20-21, 1902. TOM PEOPLE. Accommodations for 30,600 people. Those doable brass preferred. Good cornet for B. Free admission to grounds & O.; sober, reliable. Best of treatment. Never missed a salary day. En route E. E. KING, Secretary | Ogden'’s Tom Show, Waupaca.Wis Attractions Wanted and PriviIOWA’S BIG FAIR leges for Sale Sept. 2-5. Privileges fer sale. Side Central T es Meeeitann Shows wanted. No gambling allowed. entra exas Fair ssociation, Bryan, Texas, r . October 14, 15, 16 and I7th, inclusive. Address Bigerowds. G. W. VAN ATTEN, West PAUL BRADLEY, Secy. Union, ta. 1890 10th Successful Season. 1903 | Wanted for Johnsen and Bauman’‘s . ———No. 2 “Hearts of Gold” Co.——___ ’ ‘ o. M. Henry Walsh's American Crystalplex) Fou acting company, leading Indy, ‘leading Concert Band and Orchestra. Permanent address | 8D, heavy man, character woman, souNo. 6 Freeland St., Worcester, Mass. brette, man for general business, etc. One night stands. Season opens early in Sept. W and K.R. " Gel ghee sy Send photos, give age, height, weight full particulars. Address R. A. JOHNSON : FLKS AUGUST ANTICS —— — — : “a ae Wanted for the Citizens’ Pssienrcoeannn wrap Band Carnival hare Rogge ~_ | Otterbein, Ind., Sept. 10, 11 and 12, 1902, at : shows, Freaks, Monstrosities, Novelties, Money| 6¢ inds, V : ists, admission shows, r »» Hons wos. * allkinds, Vaudeville artists, admission st RT ee hd ew Merry-go-Round, ete. F and everything that helps to make “ee goed car ; DY, Sec'y. nival. Address K. V. GOUGAR, Otterbein, Ind. For the Big Jones Co. Fair, Monticello, lowa, Sept. 16,17, 18,19. N. wly reorganized as a Stock Company. Concessions and Shows of all kinds with swell fronts, including Traincd Animal Exhibition Ferris Wheel, Merry Go-Round, ete. Address W. G. EILERS, Sec’y, J.8 HALL, Cherm. Privilege Com. Southern Belle Railroad Circus wants Circus, Concert, Side Show People and Musicians. State business and lowest salary first letter. Show will run all winter. Address Southern Belle Circus Co, Louisville, Ky. The Business Men's Association of Rockford, Ill., will hold a Garnival on the Rockford Fair Grounds September 15-20, The Gaskill-Mundy Carnival Co. will furnish the attractions. For all privileges write the Rockford Bill Posiing Go., J. £. Williams, Manager, B 17 Gross No.5 Return R.A. Nickerson :2:2.7.-s«-" Maquoketa, la WANTED iicr*august 7, 1902, Address all communications to H. W. Ferguson, Secretary, Pana, Illinois. Wanted---Trap Drummer and Circus Musicians, or 5-piece Band for Side Show; also useful Circus people. Harris Nickel Plate Shows, as per route Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads. Mention “The Billboard” when cuswering ads a a a em aaah o