The Billboard 1902-07-26: Vol 14 Iss 30 (1902-07-26)

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ty oan V oe ee ‘i : THE BILLBOARD CARNIVALS »Elks’ Free Street Carnivals.. New Castle, Pa., week July 21st Sharon, Pa., week July 28th Oil City, Pa., week August 4th Meadville, Pa., week August 11th And several other Elks’ Free Street Carnivals follow in succession too numerous to mention. WANTED TWO MORE 6000 SHOWS To join one of the best Carnival companies on the road; now carrying ten high-class refined, up-to-date, strictly moral shows; also ferris wheel and gondola; also two bands of music, and two of the very best free attractions in the country. Dana Thompson, the world’s greatest High Diver, and the De Gamet Family, direct from Europe, the world’s greatest Aerial Acrobats, ten in number. All Kinds of Concessions for Sale Reasonable P. S.—We are now booked solid until December 27th, inclusive, with the exception of four weeks, which we are now booking, and all Carnivals are Free Street Carnivals; the same are held on the principal business streets in the heart of a respective city, and all Carnivals are under the auspices of the local lodge of Elks or the Merchants and Business Men’s Associations. All Carnivals are personally promoted by Mr. J. S. Berger, and the same are Carnivals that are Carnivals, as each and every Carnival is thoroughly advertised within a radius of 100 miles, using nothing but the best of the Donaldson Lithographing Company advertising matter. Besides, we always get the Elks or Merchants and Business Men to run special excursion trains continually at greatly reduced excursion rates, thereby bringing thousands of non-residents to a respective city daily, Each and every city we get beautifully illuminated and decorated, along with parades daily, and we always manage to have lots of enthusiasm in a respective city; in fact, we don’t leave a stone unturned. So you see our Carnivals cannot help but be tremendous successes, which they always are. Address all communications to THE MORRIS & BERGER CARNIVAL CO., as per Route WANTED Side Shows of all Kinds For the K. of P. Street Fair at SULLIVAN, IND., Week ot August 4th. NOBLESVILLE, IND., to follow week of Augast lith. The Banner Fairs of Indiama. Rans Day and Night. Only one free attraction onthe Pablic Square. You will be located in the he irt of the city. Connection and wiring Free. Address quick, F. Mi. BARNES, Manager, Western Theatrical Exchange. 968 Chicago Opera House Block, CHICAGO, ILLS. Attractions — Attractions — Attractions WANTED The Best Show Town in the State of West Virginia You can’t miss coming to Parkersburg Ang.4-9. It will be the biggest of the season. All shows must be elean and have good fronts. Streets of Cairo, Oriental Theatre, Original Plantation. Eleetric Theatre, Vaudeville Theatre, Conderman’s Ferris heel, Merry-Go-Kouad, Attractions for German Village, Free Attractions, Acrebatic Treupe, Barrel Jumper, impaling Act, Juggliers, Slack Wire Walker, Revolving Globe Act, Trapeze and other circus acts. All performers must have geod wardrobe. Two shows daily. Would like to hear from Lionel Legare and ether good attractions. All kinds of legitimate privileges for sale. EDWARD FICK, General Manager Everything Goes at Elks’ Carnival Aug. 4=9 SAULT STE MARIE, MICHIGAN Six big days of fun. Fakirs and grafters write or wire for privileges of all kinds. Manager Knowles, Soo, [Michigan Wanted for Brown County Fair Mt. Sterling, Illinois A Merry-Go-Round and all kinds of Side Shows tor week ef Augusi 18-22. Address C. E. HENRY, Secretary. CAT EYES G9 HAVE TAKEN A TUMBLE chy QUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST $1.65 per hundred. $15.00 per thousand. One or two hole. Any color—Pink, Green, Black or White. Our Pink Cat Eyes are the best in the market. We carry the largest and most complete up-to-date line of Gold Wire Artists Findings in the world. Our orders are all shipped the same day they are received. A sample order of our Gold Wire will convince you that it can not be beat in quality, polish and price. DOUBLE OLIVE BRACELETS made from the Two-Hole Olives. New this season. They sell from 25c to 50c each. All colors. We will send you a sample Doz. made up in different styles for $1.00. They are the biggest seller of the season. It will pay you to try them. FREE—One doz. 16-page Illustrated Catalogues of Wire Goods with retail prices sent free with every five-dollar order you send us. These catalogues do not peop vo name and address, but a blank space for you to put yours. It will pay you o try them. Juergens Bros., {94 Broadway, New York PRIVILEGES FOR SALE. Elks’ Carnival, Jamestown, N. Y. Under Auspices Jamestown Elks and Bostock-Ferari Co. at Celoron, August 12th-16th, Concessions and privileges of all kinds for sale outright or on percentage. 75,000 expected; double that amount to draw from. The biggest affair of its kind ever given by live people. Novelties of all kinds wanted. Send bids quick to W. R. BOTSFORD, Sec’y Elks’ Carnival, Jamestown, N. Y. New York Burlesque Stars can use two Oriental Dancers, one Bally-Hoo Man, Good Skirt Dancer, two Irish Comedians. This is the show that keeps the opponents guessing. Played to more business at the Lafayette Carnival than any other two shows there. The season is booked until January in the best of western and southern cities. Address F. MIONTGOSPIERY, Deadwood, S. Dakota. Street Fair and Carnival Company I am now booking for the Fall my two Snake shows, namely, U. N. O., the Snake Eater, and U. N. O. and her Monster Den of West India Pythons. I just received through Mr. Hope, of Philadelphia, six of the largest Python snakes that ever landed in America. Either one of them is a whole show itself. If you dom’t care to have a snake-eating show at your carnival this vear secure this attraction; it gets the money. Will pay cash privilege or work percentage. I always send a deposit of from $10 to $25 when contracts are signed as good faith in coming, and also to have the show as represented. You will do well by having others follow this rule, as there are many disappointments in the Snake show business when it is not properly handled. Reference, any showman in the business, or any street fair or carnival where I have shown. Have all open time so far; would do business with thoroughly organized Midway Company if territory suits me, with either show or both. Address F. L. LANGLEY, = = Bay City, Michigan STREET FAIR CHANCE Sullivan, Ind., August 4th to 9th We have for rent two excellent lots size twenty by forty in the heart of amusement district and suitable for dime museum, vaudeville, or continuous performance where a tent is used. Will rent very reasonable for the week address BURTON BROS., Sullivan, Ind. Yes! This is the Great Italiau Leader whe conducted the Royal Italian Band last Year on esvetonty e e nergetic a CREATORE = His Italian Band At Hammerstein's, on Broadway, New York, commeneing Jaly 28th. Pittsburg Exposition in September. following with coutinaous tour of entire country under new management. CREATORE Is the sensation of the century. It you don't get CREATORE, you don't get the Band. Once seen, never forgotten. HOW ARD PEW, FRANK GERTH, Mgrs. 121 West Forty-Second Street, New York. 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