The Billboard 1902-07-26: Vol 14 Iss 30 (1902-07-26)

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BILLPOSTERS & DISTRIBUTORS —_—THE—_ John Chapman Co. BILLPOSTERS Have the best boards and greatest lecations in Cincinnati and Suburbs. Telephone 2314. 17 Longworth St. CHAPMAN BULLETIN SERVICE Contractors for Bill Posting throughoutthe United States,Cuba aud Canada. Population: City 325,902. 56 Suburban Towns, 79,000. O. P. FAIRCHILD & CO. Members of Associated Bill Posters and International Association of Distributers, LICENSED BILL POSTERS Distributers and General Advertising. Covingten, Milldale, Central Covington, Rosedale, West Cevington, Ludlow, Bromley, Ky., and Surroundings. Office, 24 FE. FIFTH 8T.. COVINGTON, KY. WE TELL THEM ABOUT IT! Maysville Advertising Co.. Lock Box V, Maysville, Ky. Contro) all Billboards, John D. Taylor, Proprietor. J. BESSAUR & SON, Dainty Delicatessen. Cheese, Delicacies, Imported and Domestic Sausages, Table Luxuries. Phone Main 81865. 602 Race Street Cincinnati, 0. illiams’ Oyster and Chop House. John B. Williams, Manager. 17 East Sixth Btreet, Cincinnati, O. Ladies Dining Room, 2d floor. Phone, Main 2597. ** Manhattan ”’ 138-142 W. 5th St, CINCINNATI, O. Bet. Kace and Elm. Everything Furnishers. Union-hiade. St. Louis Calcium Light Co. Oxygen and Hydrogen Gas furnished "h tanks for Stereopticon and Moving Picture Machines. All orders te any part of the United States filled promptly. 619-521 Elm St., St. Louis, Mo., U.8. A. THE PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU CINCINNATI, O. Readers of newspapers and dealers in newsaper information. Undertakes commissions rem business or professional people who want te keep posted on what interests them in the public prints of the country. Offices at Boston, New York and Denver. SONG BOOKS s0c. Per 1o0Oo Samples for iOc GROENE, 32 E. Sth St., Cincinnati SIMPLEX. Name=Plate Machine LATEST--BEST. Fully Protected Under U. S. Patent Laws. Price $150 for Complete Outfit With Roll of Aluminum. Send three two-cent stamps for sample plate and Illustrated booklet. SIMPLEX MFG. CO., 839 Broadway, N. Y, Crap Dice, $3.00 Marked Cards, $1:° “= Address Box S, 204, Newark, Mo. Privileges of all Kinds FOR SALE, for Noblesville Big Mid-Summer Carnival, Noblesville, Ind., Aug. 11-16. To be given in heart of city, everything open. No exclusives. Positively no sure thing gambling. Only Fair ofany kind in one of the best counties in Indiana. Write H.T. HULL, Noblesvilie, ~ 7 Ind. The Leading Bars and Cafes in the City The Mecca, 431 Walnut St. Tel. 2304. GRUBER & SALMAR, Proprietors. The Palace Car, 431 Vine St. Tel. 1725. GRUBER & FRIXIONKE, Prop’s. Direct entrance to and frem Hotel Emery. The Vestibule, S. W. Cor. 4th & Main Streets. GRUBER & FRIXIONE, Proprietors Beer at the Walhalla 1S ALWAYS SERVED JUST RIGHT H, G, Wittxenfeld, Prop., 512 Vine St. Telephone Main 1546. THE ELM S.E. Cer.5thand Elm Sts., Cincinnati,Ohio, headquarters for Cireus and Theatrical oe Finest brands of beers, liquors and cigars. Tel Main 1515. WM. A. BETTELON, Prep. HOTELS. The Following Hotels Cater Profession. oF te THE BELMONT Nos.7 and 9 E. Sixth Street, near Vine, CINCINNATI, 0. Rates, 50c., 75c., $1. Convenient to all Theaters and Car Lines Splendid Restaurant in connection. Open al} night. C. H. THURMAN, Manager. The HOTEL HOEMER Headquarters for the profession. Henry G.Hoemer, Prop., 15 and 17 W. Twelfth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. BALLOON ASGENSIONS STRONGEST ATTRACTIONS AVAILABLE Single and double parachute leaps. Night ascentions. New acts that are strong features. Secretaries of Fairs and Park Managers, we invite your eorresponcence. For terms and particulars address Prof. Chas, Swartz, Aeronaut, Creston, la. Wanted Attractions for Lebanon, 0., Centennial Celebration to be held Sept. 25, 26, 27, 1902. Address F. M. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary Executive Committee. WANTED All kinds of attractions for the Fair Carnival to be vivea at New Hampton, lowa, Sept. 10th and llth, 1902. Privileges to sell. Write PAUL BRORBY Sec’y. PROF. O. K. STUART, The acknowledged King of the Air, also Proprietor and Manager the Three Acrial Stuarts, wishes to say that Harry Reed, using the name of Harry Stuart, is mo longer connected with me in any way. Please avoid, as | know of places where he is still using the name of Harry Stuart. First-class bar attached. HOTEL RAN Fifth St,, bet. Vine and Race, Cincinnati, 0 Rooms, $3.50 and upwards per week. 75c, $1.00 and — per night with bath. Popular price restaurant. Professional Rates: European, single $8.50, $4, $6 and $7 per week. European, double, $6.7,8, 9 ary $10 per week. R.S. Payne, Proprietor. HOTEL STRATFORD. European plans. For ladies and gentlemen. Walnut 8t., bet. 6th and 7th, Cinti., 0. The Gerdes Hotel and Cafe W. J. COLOPY, Prop. European Plan Went Fifth Street, bet. Elm and Plum. CINCINNATI, 0, Phone Main 980. I make the swellest paintings on the market. Also Wax Figures, Ventriloquist Figures, Dlusions, etc. Send for lists. W. H.'J. SHAW, Victoria, Missouri. GOOD ATTRACTIONS WAATED for Labor Day Celebration, Sept. 1, Wabash, Ind. Address Oren Smith, Secy. GLASS-BLOWERS and ENGRAVERS Wanted for first week in September. GOOD SALARY ddress quick A C. H. GRIBBLE, P8atteville, Wisconsin, TRANSPARENT EBANKING CRAP DICR—Made by usonly; detection impossible. New isventionse in Elec. trical Sporting Goods fer Fairs, Races, ete. CATALOGUES FREE. G. EVANS & CO., 125 Clark 8t., Chicago, Ill. Don't Four Flash. Have the Real Thing, or None. Broncho John’s Wild West Specially adapted for RACES and FAIRS as an ‘attraction between heats. Horsemen are anxious to see BRONCHO J@HIN work when he is booked. Draws monster crowds and plenty of Money, Rain or Shine. BODE WAGON WORKS Largest Circus Wagon Manufacturers in America. Livingston & Central Ave., CINCINNATI, 0. CHIPPEWA FALLS, WIS., STREET FAIR. SEPT. 16, 17, 18, 19. REASONABLE CONCESSIONS te.sovcit Address PHIL LOEWE, Sec’y. The Home Steam Laundry Ce. Established 1866. Main Office and Works, 6th & Sycamore. Braneh office, 45 Arcade. Family Washing, Toilet Supply. French Dry Cleaning and Pressing. CHAS. F. JEIN, Pres. & Manager. Tel. 745. The Bickett Family Have some opentime. Address Grand BAPIDS, MICH. Attractions Wanted At the Pine Bluff State Fair, Pine Bluff, Ark., Oct. 26—25 inclusive. Open for attractions of all kinds. Address M. E. BLOOM, Secretary. Privileges of all Kinds for Sale At Prospeet Park Fair, Sept. 8, 9,10,11,12,13. Apply atonceto Grant Stockhan,, Se’y 18 Pest-Office Avenue, Baltimore, Md. THE AERIAL DO BELLS Novelty Gymnuasts. En roate with J. H. SULLIVAN, Megr., Valparaiso, Ind, MANAGERS AND AGENTS. Contractin Agent John H. I. ELLIS, ubianens ten 3ig Shows. Permanent address care of Billboard, Cincinnati,O L. H. HECKMAN, }08e"" 05,50.) Robinson’s Ten Big Shows. Permanent address care of Billboard, Cincinnati, O. Manager Side WARREN B. IRONS, S\cneccr, Side nex, John Robinson’s Ten Big Shows. Permanent address care of Billboard, Cin’ti, O DAN. W. MAYON, S32 "eetins Agent. pow Show: Permanent address, Kokomo, OLIVER SCOTT, fori eho Bie Shows. Permanent address, Bristol Hotel, Cincinnati, O. Manager Advertising WM. M. DALE Car No.3 and Excur sion Agent John Robinson's 10 Big Shows. Permanent address care Billboard. W. E. SANDS, West HARRY W SEMON General Agent P and Railroad Contractor, Buckskin Bill’s Wild West. Mer. No. 4 ad GEO. A. FLORIDA vance Car, and Excursion Agent Buckskin Bill’s Wild West Show. Permanent address, care Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. Manager Car No. 1, Buckskin Bill’s Wild Season 1002 Trafiic Manager John GEO. W. AIKEN, Robinson's Ten Big Shows. Permanent address, Bristol Hotel, Cincinnati, O. J.M. J. KAN Shows. Also Travelin Permanent address, * Gen’! Press Agt. Sells & 9 Downs Consolidated representative“ Billboard.” he Billboard,”Cincinnati,O Local Contracting Agent Buckskin Wright's Carnival Co. Bill's Wild West. In bulk or packages. American Confetti Company Manufacturers of CONFETTI and NOVELTIES. Our Confetti is cut round from clean, fancy colored paper. ————_ Address SIOUX CITY, IOWA REE FOR GooD SHOWS. daily in attendance. MONEY CAN BUY. The Biggest Free Fair, Carnival & Jahr-Markt in Wisconsin. FAIR AT KEWAUNNE, WIS., FOUR DAYS COMMENCING AUG. 20, 1902. Percentage shows of all kinds wanted. Will give a limited number of good shows Ohoice money making spaces inside of the Fair Grounds. FREE BIG MONEY Twenty thousand people Also Ferris Wheel wanted. THE BIGGEST ACTS THAT Shows of all kinds desiring to operate on percentage will addrese either JOHN WATTAWA, President, or C. V. MASHEK, Secretary, at Kewaunee, Wis. price list. The Newman Mig. Co., Rubber Balls, Canes, Confetti Canes, $12.00 per 1000; Rubber Balls, $2.60 per gross ers, Toy Whips, Blow Outs, Novelties for Street Fairs, Carnivals and Celebrations. 71 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Ribbon Rosettes, Badges, Dusters, SquakSe for the hundred. Established 1879. Sketches, Songs, Gomedies, Dramas and every description of theatrical work WRITTEN TO ORDER at LOWEST RATES. Only the best original work furnished to professionals. References by Send for estimate. BOB WATT, ‘iin, 806 Walnut Street, Phliadelphia, Pa. ANEW ONE. smile. and hear the laugh he gets. samples, l0c; 8 for 25c. You are sure to catch a beau or make a mash and always get a pleasant All you have to do is to pull the string, and the little eye does the rest. The most popuJar and catchy novelty on the market to-day. Ifa friend tells a funny story that does not sound just right, pull the string For sale by all novelty ei NOT AN OLD CHESTNUT. Looks and winks just like a live one, GOO GOO, THE WINKING EYE. ealers. Big profits PARIS NOVELTY WORKS, ROOM 207, 21 QUINCY STREET, CHICAGO. FOR TENT LIGHTS AND OUTSIDE LIGHTS GEO. TAYLOR, 97 Cliff Street New York. ties. ation Day Buttons and Rosettes; tridge Canes. HEADQUARTERS For Street Fair, Carnival, Sammer Resort and Convention Goods of all kinds. Carnival, Firemen and Elks’ Rosettes, Buttons and Souvenirs. Ladies Only, go way back and sit down, Midway Dancers, Rubber Faces, Trick Matches, Spar and Shell Goods, Flag Canes, Flying Balloons, Gas and Whistling Balloons, Dying Pigs, Comic Cameras, Imitation Beer Glasses and all the latest novelSole Agents for the Winning Heart Good Lack Birthstones. Confetti, Confetti Dusters, Ping Pong Puzzles, DecorRed, White and Blue CarSend for illustrated catalogue. W. F. MILLER, 134 Park Row, N. Y. FOXY GRANDPA JOKER. CONFETTI AND A FEW SPECIAL NOVELTIES For STREETMEN —— WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES——— ST. LOUIS CONFETTI co., St. Louls, Mo Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads, Mention“ The Billboard” when answering ads Mentton “The Billboard” when answering ads, Mention ‘‘The Billboard” when answering adg .