The Billboard 1902-07-26: Vol 14 Iss 30 (1902-07-26)

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pr TS ee THE BILLBOARD 29 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS FAIR ASSOCIATION at Anna, Illinots, Aug. 26 to 29, 1902. Cencessions to Let. ce, $200. 2.35 Trot, $200. 3-30 Na $200. 2.25 Trot, $200. Members of American Trotting Association. Plenty of running races. Good Box-stalls, Good Water and Plenty of shade. Address Henry C. Sifford, Sec’y, Anna, Ills. WANTED First class out-door talker to go on the road and take out a troupe of celered singers to introduce a new medicine. Man of experience wanted. Address Lock Box 5, Madison, Ind. SLIDE FOR LIFE or Hirsute Novelty Act now booking for parks and fairs, Regorell, 1211 Cutter Street, Cincinnati, O ---S NAH ES -- Choice Pythons, all sizes, Bulls and Pine Snakes. Also Complete Bosco Dens, $20 up. }_ HOPE, 35N. Ninth Street, Philadelphia,Pa. Ba loon Ascensions and P»*rachute Teups Night ascensions with Fire works. Miss Murphy, the monkey aeronaut. Races between man and monk a specialty. Thelatest—Shot from a cannon 3000 ft. above earth furnished by T. H. KINKADE, Wellsville, Ohio, Attractions and Midway Shows of all kinds Wanted For the Dodge Co. Fair, Sept. 29, Oct. 3, Beaver Dam, Wis. rite quick to C. W. Harvey, Sec’y New York State Fair,to be held at Syracuse, September 8-13, 1902, should communicate with S.C. SHAVER, Secretary, Albany, N.Y. X 30 SETS OF COLORED SONG SLIDES For sale chea . Steropticons $15 and u A L.HARS & CO., 136 E. 14th St., N. Y. Scenery Linen Tent Makers’ Supplies! R. A. HUNPHRYS’ S®ONS, 1022 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Buttons of Every Description FOR CONVENTIONS, <4 GATHERINGS, SHOWS B We make them in any quantities fill orders on short notice and beat i any firm im the west on price. jal designs to order. tus know what you want. St. Louis Button Co., °s2':Sros4rer World’s Fair Sign Co. SIGN AND PICTORIAL PAINTING Special rates to the profession. Estimates furnished. 204 South Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. f Parties ae purchase privileges at the Mexican Zarapes, Pottery, Onyx, Drawn Work and Novelties ef All Kinds. Drawn work shirt waists, table cloths and napkins a order a specialty. Mexican miniature hair hats, baskets, canes, ete. Just the thing for Streetmen. Send for illustrated catalogue free. MEXICAN CORIO CO., successor to Ourie Ce., Laredo, @KAS. STREETMENS’ SUPPLY HOUSE peadquarters for Streetmen, Auctioneers, Fair ~ oe ers and Peddlers Supplies, Tri-color Canes ber Return Balls, Balloons, Indelible Pencils Fillers, Pen Holders and Pens, High Pitch ———7 lots, Shear lots, Comb lets, ete., Collar nuton Sets, Optical Goods, Cutlery, Jewelry and ; VELTIES, Cigars, Penny Goods and Cneap ewelry, specially adapted for Fish Ponds, Pickouts, Spindles, etc. Catalogue free. INGE-TOBD & CO., GI7 N. 4th St., St. Louis, Me. Go to see Eu e Boud the Neckwear Man, Columbia Theatre Bide. Cinte Ohio. wandol h GCount Fair ‘hester, Ind '. '. ’ %, 1902. 6. L. HULCHINS. Fn Ney Don’t Buy Till You Hear from Us (ALL ORDERS RECEIVED BY 5.30 P. M. SHIPPED SAME DAY) Everything in Watches, Jewelry, Notions, Flat Ware, Cutlery SOAP We want the address of every Medicine Man, Fakir and Street Man in the country. Close prices and free samples sent. Charges paid on request. W. & W. SOAP CO., Indianapolis, Ind. Optical Goods and Novelties Knife Boards, Gift Shows, Fish Ponds, Spindles, etc.,supplied. Return Balls, Rosettes Flag Canes, Umbrellas, Spar and Pyrite Goods, Alluminum Novelties, Soaps, Spfecialties for Razor Lots, Comb Lots, Shear Lots, Fountain Pen Outfits, Indellible Pencils, Full line Notions, W. B. W. Spoons, Combination Glass Cutter Knives, No. 1886 Mem Orandum Books, White Handkerchiefs, etc. Write for Price List. JH. G. & B.. 106 Canal St., New York, FAIR GROUND GAMES eecceces eacecceses esece Open Face Drop Case, $25.00 @ Ce ecececece Se eaeseee cane Clouth Spindle, 20.00 sep stpipied aati celtics hace heats ye Open Center Spindle, 15.00 Cee ee ees eee teeter eee teense le SHES EEE EET HEE REET ORE Strikers, Se a ee 20.00 SHH e ee ewaeee ee enact Nickel in the Slot Striker, PREETI EERETIEERE EET New use as Slot Machine or As ABs rep. and grind, + + + 30.00 These are in stock, and can send them C. ©, D. on receipt of telegram \ from Agent that express is guaran teed. with privilege of examination. 3 WW. , *. We are headquarters, also, for = marked Cards, Inks, pereentage dice . 5 i} HOLD-OUTS, Reulette Wheels, ete. ) 5 ‘\ cmH): etc. Catalogue free with discount ‘Se 5 \ x‘ sheet : geet AH = TS J, JAMES MFG. CO. Fort Scott, Kansas. DRIFTERS, ATTENTION! WE ARE THE “REAL THING” FOR YOU. We not only carry, but sell anything and everything a drifter can make money on. We are the cheapest in price, promptest in shipping, and carry the largest assortment of everything made in White Stones, Watches, Glims, Notions, Cutlery, Flat Ware, Jewelry and Novelties for Diamond Palaces, Spindle Wheel, Fish Ponds, Give-away, etc., also latest Novelties for every excitement. Write for a Monthly Fair and Price List. Singer Brothers 82 Bowery, New York City. Nete—We have no Branches. ‘BALDWIN BROS. Leading Acronauts of the World, INVENTORS OF THE PARACHUTE, ARE NOW OPEN FOR SEASON OF 1902. Also manufacturers of all kinds of Balloons (Gas or hot air). Send for price-list to BALDWIN BROS., Quincy, HL, U.S. A The man who supplies the knife board men and auctioneers. Write for spe cial confidential price list or samples. HARRY L. WEISBAUM, 254 E. Madison St., CHICAGO, LLL. MAGNETIC TACK HAMMERS! Just the thing for tacking tin and card board signs. Every distributor should have one. Prices, with double extension handle, 82 inches long, each, $2.00 triple extension handles, 42 inches long, each, $2.50 Send the money with the order. None sent 0.0.D The Donaldson Litho, Ce., Newport, Ky, POP-CORN BRICKS The great seller for privilege men at Circuses, Street Fair Carnivals and picnics. We manufacture the only sealed brick on the market, and fill orders promptly. Garden City Popcorn Works, 416 State Street, Chieago, Il. Secretaries, Attention The Sinclair Sisters Balloon Co. are Bookfng dates for 8 of 1902. Get our — before contracting else. where. ddress THE SINCLAIR SISTERS, Farwell, Mich. The Fort Smith Street Fair and Carnival Association Wa Hot mete SE T™*”™ OCTOBER 13TH TO (8TH INCLUSIVE Street Fair attractions write at once. Exclusive Privileges Let No Pick outs or Spindies allowed. Canes, Bladders and Return Balls positively prohibited. Aftendance last year 75,000. Address all communications to W. F. BLOCKER, Secretary, 603 Garrison Ave., Ft. Smith, Ark. Garden City Fire Works Colored Fire Mluminating Torches, Flags, Lanterns, Decoration Goods. 30-32 South Water St., Chicago BIGGER, BETTER THAN EVER The Effingham Farmers’ Free Fair Sept. 30 to Oct. G, Inclusive Want Attractions such as Miniature Railway, Scenie Railway, Mystie Maze and other good things. Bum aggregations need not waste paper. Address J. W. GRAVENHORST, Box 393, Effingham, Illinois, MANAGERS OF Sireet Fairs, Carnivals and Fairs Desiring a most complete, gorgeous and refined independent Streets of Cairo and Streets of India attraction, in all their entirety, with Camels and Donkeys, address The Original De Kreko Bros. Amusement Co. P.O. Box 939, ST. LOUIs, MO. (@Attractions Always Wanted, The act all the Jugglers borrowed from. The Great FIELDING, the Juggling Clown, Don't forget to mark it down. Song Books 75c per 100, 87 per 1000. Deposit on C. ©. D. orders. Samples, l0cts. CARTER BOOK CO., 311 8. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. LATEST IN SPINDLES Electric Dice ete. Marked cards 6 decks $5. Stamp for catalogue. DEANE MFG. CO., Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio --CONFETTI.. Confetti Dusters, Canes, Ribbon, Return Balls, Whips, Horns, Balloens, Teys,and all the latest novelties fer Street Fairs, Carnivals and Celebrations. Write for price list. Western Toy & Novelty Co., 254 E. Madison St. CHICAGO, ILL, (ox \ Picture Machines WANTED and FOR SALE Pinnacle Optigraphs a SPECIALTY. Nan (4 bi, Sten, “OVING FIL sl SLIDES. AUETETTEIEANTERNS WANTED SRAM AME Bradford and Newbury fair August 19, 20, 21, 1902 The warmest one in New England. Attractions, Ground Rent or any other busimess concerning the same apply te J. ARTHUR BUTLER, Bradford, N.H. Privileges For Sale Erie county Fair, Sept. 16-19. 20000 attendance in F. H. Zerbe, Sec'y, Sandusky, 0. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads. Mention ‘‘The Billboard” when answering ads. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads Mention ‘‘The Billboard” uhen answering ada