The Billboard 1902-08-23: Vol 14 Iss 34 (1902-08-23)

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THE BILLBOARD . @ N. Y¥.—State School Boards’ Assuciation Convention. 5 Shautiler, New Rochelle, N. Y., secy. N. Y.—Societies for the Vrevention of Cruelty in N. Y, State Convention. Robert J. Wilkin, 105 Scher> N. Y¥., secy. i on eee a » . Y.—State Veterinary Association Convention. vy, 233 Western ave., secy. BINGHAMTON, ‘ Supreme Circle. N, ¥.—National Railway Mail Mutual Benetit i ; . Ky., KE. Buffalo, N. X., secy. BUFFALU, N. Y.—U. 8. R. M. 8S. a it Association Convention. W. S. Corning, Monon Bidg., cht ¥.—National Asseciation of Kallway ——— Clerks’ Convention. Sept. Sutherland, care D., L. Ry. 7” * Buffalo, N, BUF FAL U, N. Y¥.—Urder of ag Clerks’ of America Convention. Sept. kK. EB. Fisher, $813 Central st., Kansas city, e Wat ‘b AL Qu A, Y.—American League * Improvement Conuvention. , N. Y.—National " Association Convention. : ve ries Conven v “state Conven"Welnaes W. Graham, secy. N. Y. * Franklin County —— ans’ ‘Association Encampment, NEW "YORK CITY, N. Y.—American Soclety Professors of Dancing Convention. ~ 2. NEW YORK PE Be 3h Y.—Royal & Select . Vi , 16 Sth av., secy, NEW YORK CITY, N. \.—Tutitieth International Association of Fire on eo . &. Hills, Wyoming, Oo, secy. NE WwW YORK c ry, Y.—State Railway y gpg ag John 3. C: ishman, rains, Order Prophets itnchanted Hamilton, N. % grand secy. NEW YORK Crass ; Association Convention. <, N. ¥.—Americuu Gas Light Association Convention. oT Alfred E. Forstall, 58 Willlams st., ; NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.—General Assembly ag of Labor Convention. . . Hayes, Washington, D. N. Y.—I. O. O. F. Lilgh Sept. 9-10, 1002. C. K. a? 3u9 Porter ave., Luffalo, PL ite SBURGH, Court C onvention. STER, N. Y¥.—American Society Municipal Improv ement Convention. = ‘Brooklyn, = SARATOGA gay Shorthe — Wi rite rs’ SARATOGA, rs RINGS, N. —State Convention. SARATOGA SPRINGS, _N. Y.—State l’rohibition Convention. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N, * Knights of St. John & Malta Convention. : ‘ SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.— der of Hibernians State Convention. Se SARATOGA SPRINGS, Bar Association Convention. John Hinkley, 215 N. Charles = osname Md., secy. > &@ # —A. oO. H. State Conven aiedas x oe —Knights ce eer Commandery Convention. 2d George H. Smith, 96 Court *. secy. SYRACUSE, N. Y.—Danghters of Liberty National Counctl Convention. 26-% . W. V. Edkins, 1604 E. _ ave., saan oe * +» Becy. . O. 8. of A., State “3 9-10, 1902. 137 Washington at. N. Y.—Empire State Deat Mutes C ‘onve ntion. NORTH DAKOTA. GREENSBORO, N, si " € NORTH ‘CAROLINA. —The Associate Reformed Presbyterlan Synod. N OHIO. AKRON, O.—Catholic Kuights of Oiilo Cun veuliuu. Sept. —, lyuve. Cc. J. Aulbuuy, Muse iidg., Clevelaud, U., secy. CINCINNALI, U.—Lri-dtate Veuicle and luipicment Dealers’ Association Conventiou, Nov. 17-l¥, 1002. Monte L, Green, Lipt, CINCINNATI, O.—Grand Lodge of Ohio, Urder of bustern Star, Cuuveutlow, Uct. Sy, lyuve. Jubu J. Weer, chairwan, CINCINNATI, VU. —Dtate aAssuciutivu of Cuuuly Cowmmissiouers. Juuuury, (secoud Week), lLyUus. CINCAINNA'I, O.— Knights of Ancient Kome Couvention, Uct. 2-31, luuzZ. 3S. 5S. uubright, 410 Clark st,, udjl. geueral, CINCINNALI, O.—Coulectiouers Auuual Convention, Sept. —, luz, CINCINNAAIL, U.—Natioual ‘Life Underwri ters’ Association Cuuvenlion. Ucl. — luvs. bb. B. Mason, Clicagy, Lil, secy. CINCINNALI, U.—dlWile Baukers Assuclation Couveution. Uct. 10-16, luu2. Ss. b. KMuukin, cushier Bunk of Suuth Churiestou, Svuth Churleston,* OU., secy. CINCINNATI, U.—Nativnal Assuviation of Muster Bakers’ Cuuveulion. Sept. ¥J1, iuciusive, lvuz. H. K. Clissold, 410 Dear boru st., Chicago, LiL, secy. CINCINNATI, ©. —Cathole Knights of America Stute Convention. Aug. 26-27, lyur. CINCINNATI, O.-—Show Printers’ Conven tion, Sept. 23, luvz, W. HH. Donaldson, Newport, KNy., secy. CLEY KLAND, U.—Methodist Missionary Conference ot the World. Oct. 21-24, luvs. CLEVELAND, U.—Central Ublo Ieacters Assvuciation Convention. Noy. 7-3, Luvud. Win. Werthuer, Dayton, U., pres.; Joln Ss. Weaver, Springnteld, U., chairman kx ecutive Committee. CLEVELAND, U.—State Liquor League Sep. ¥-11, inclusive, lyu2. J. N. Schaetler, mevcy. ‘LEVELAND, O.—National Association of Ketail Drugygists’ Convention. Sept. 23-25, inclusive, luv2. Jas, W. Seley, Detrott, Mich., pres.; RK. H. Vitt, St. Louls, Mo., treas. ; Thos, V. Wooten, Chicago, IIL, sec ‘OLUMBUS O.—County Auditors’ State Association Convention. Noy. 18 19, lvu2. A. B. Feekinpuugh, Wooster, U., secy, COLUMBUS, O.—State Legislature. Aug. 25, 1902. Cunt MbUS, O.—L. O. T. M. State Con vention. Aug. —, lvv2. COLUMBUS, vU.—F. uud A. M. Grand Lodge Convention. Oct, 22, luwuz. J. H. Bromwell, Cincinnati, O., secy. COLUMBUS, VU. —state L ibrary Association Convention. Oct, (first week), 1902. Virginia Davis, Sandusky, U., secy. CULUMBUs, O.—P. O. 8S. of A. State Camp. Sept. 2, lyww2. J. L. Dill, 3 &. Lawu st., Dayton, U., secy. DAYTUN, O.—Kuights Templar Conclave. Beginning Oct. 8, luv2. J. &. Lindemuth, secy. LIMA, O.—R. A. M. Grand Chapter Cenvention. Sept. 24, lyvz. Edwin Hagenbuch, Urbana, U., secy. LIMA, O.—Koya! and Select Masters’ Grand Council Convention. Sept. 23, 1902. Wm, E Evans, Chillicothe, O., secy. NEWARK, O.—Reunion Ohio Elks. et 6, acai 1yuz. Charles W. ilier, sec SANDUSKY, O.—State Democratic Con vention, Sept, 2-3, 1902. John J. Malter, secy, SPRINGFIELD, 0.—A. O, H. State Convention. Aug. —, 1002. SPRINGFIELD, ©.—State Conference of Charities and Corrections. Oct. 7-8, 1902. Jos. P. Byers, Columbus, 0., secy. TOLEDO, O.—Team Drivers’ ‘and Helpers’ International Union. Sept. 8, 1902. Geo. Innis, 20 Monroe ave., Detroit, Mich., secy. TULEDU, O.—A. UO. U. W. State Grand Lodge Couvention. Aug. 26, 1902. Walter Perkins, secy. URBANA, O.—Jr. O. U. A M. State Session. Sept. 9-10, 1902. G D. Hill, secy. ZANESVILLE, 0.—G. U. of O. F, Grand Lodge Convention. Aug. —, 1902. OKLAHOMA TERRITORY. BLACKWELL, O. T.—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. 15, 1902. Mrs. Katie MeWethy, Guthrie, O. T., pres.; Mrs, Nora V. Smith, l’onea City, O. 'T., sevy. OREGON. FORTLAND, ORE.—Konights of Pythias Grand Lodge Convention. Oct. 14, 10902. L. R. Stinson, Salem, Ore., secy. PORTLAND, ORE. State Press Association Convention. Aug. 25, 1902. EF. S. Harding, McMinnville, Ore., secy. POKTLAND, ORK.—State Pharmaceutical Association Convention. Oct, 10-12, 1902. A. W. Allen, secy. PORTLAND, ORE. — Rathbone _ Sisters Grand Temple. Oct. 14, 1902. Mrs. Gussie Cole Miller, 325 6th st., Astoria, Ore., secy. PENNSYLVANIA. ALLENTOWN, PA.—State Medical Society Convention. Sept. 16, 1902. Dr. C. L. Stevens, Athens, Pa., secy. FREELAND, PA.—A. O. K. of M. C. Select Castle Convention. Sept. 9, 1902. John J. Davis, Box 256, Pittsburg, Pa., secy. GETTYSBURG, PA.—State Millers’ Asso ciation Convention. Sept. 9-11, inclusive, 1%. W. H. Richardson, Philadelphia, Ia., secy. HARRISBURG, PA.—Brotherhood of the Union Grand Circle Convention. Aug. —, 1HR, INDIANA, PA.—Y. W. C. A. State Convention, Oct. 17-19, 1902. Miss Lilly M. Strong, 409 Madison ave., Scranton, Pa., secy. KITTANNING, PA.—I. O. F. High Court Convention, Aug. —, 1902, PA.—State Kmbalmers’ Assoclilivu CulVvellion. S. Newcomer, 2106 Periysvilie ave., Allegueny, Ma., secy. PHiLairL lita, pecy. PHILADELVHIA, VA. — National ’ Assucialiou Couveulion, PHILADHLIHIA, secy. PHILADELVUIA, PA.—American Associa tiou of ‘Traveling Vussenger Ageuts CunPHILAVELIMiuiA, ’A.—American Pharma. Churles Causpuri, jr., Aisquith st., Ballimeore, Md., secy. PiiLAVDeLIVHIA, ’A.—State Livmeopathic Suciely Cuuveution. ‘ delphia, M’a., secy. PiluseUku, ’a.—Natlonal Electrotypers’ Asociation of American Convention. ; » Cure of George © Scott & Sous, Bustun, Mass., secy. Alwerica Cuuveulion, Sept. d-il, bkudwin Iriegurd, St. PA.—Irish Catholic BenevoNational t vlyeuliol. cy. , PA.—Kuiiway Signaling Club ; wu ; West Milwaukee, N, PA.—Catholic Total Abstineuce Union Couvention. 3} a Juln A. Burns, 100 S. Frankiin st., ShaPA.—Pennsylvania tion of Directors of the Voor and Chart7 v-9, inclusive, lyvuz. ties’ Convention. Wit. L jade “OKT, B24 N. i 5 st., eA, va. marrcmag ISLAND. , R. L—W. CT. U. State 319 Butler. Exchange, mt 84 R. CE NTRAL FALL . I—State Sunday School om, 3. &. CG A, Bldg., secy. PKUvIDENCE, R. I.—State —s —— 190) e * » # “M. ray Bidg., a “wecy. PROVIDENCE, Rk. 1.—State Institute of InSidney A, Sher WOONSOCKET, R. ers’ Convention. Timothy Murphy, Bedford, Mass., se OUTH CAROLINA. . C.—State Pharmaceutical Association Convention. : 9U2. = Rockland st., New ; s. C., pres.; Frank M. Smith, Charleston, 8S. C., s SOUTH DAKOTA. SIOUX FALLS, 8S. D.—Modern Brotherhood of America Supreme Lodge . Oct. 8, 1902. E. L. Balz, Tipton, la., sup. TENNESSEE. .. — Commissioners TENN.—Encampment of the 6th Regiment of the Ns ational Guards of TenCHATTANOUGA, 7 Grand ee nt a: ‘Tennessee. Oct. . Case, grand patri, Nashville, Tena., ‘TENN.—Rebekah State Assem _ TEX. — Baptist GAINESVILLE, TEX i day School Association Convention. . TEX.—Daughters State Convention. 4 22109 Decatur st. TE x. Southern German M. 902. . TEX.—State Photographs’ Association Convention. § ‘ . Blanchard, Hills SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH—Annual Conference of Church of ae € hrist of Latter BENNINGTON, VT.—B. Y. P. U. State Convention. Sept. 24, 1902. F. 8S. Knight, Brattleboro, Vt., secy. BURLINGTON, VT.--State Medical Soclety Convention, "Oct. v-10, 1902. Geo. Gorham, Bellows Falls, Vt., secy. BURLINGTON, VT. —Khights of Pythias Graud Lodge Convention. Oct. —, 1902. Dr. C. 't, U. Tinker, St. Johnsburg, Vt., secy. ST. JOHNSBURY, VT.—State Pharmaceutical Association Convention, Oct, —, 1902 c. C. Bingham, secy. VIRGINIA. LEXINGTON, VA. — United Daughters of Confederacy, Grand Division Convention. Oct. 8, luvz. Miss Charlotte A. Ranson, Staunton, Va., rec. secy.; Mrs; J. H, Timberluke, Atlee, Va., cor. secy. NOKPUOLK, VA.—W. C. 'T, U. State Convention. Oct. 1-3, Inelusive, 1902. Mrs. N. J. Shepperd, 408 Fairfax ave., cor. secy. NUKPOLK, VA.—Jr. O. U. A. M. State Council. Oct. 21, 1902. E. T. Keeton, 25th und Franklin sts., Kichmond, Va., secy. NOKFOLK, VA.—I. O. M. Great CouncH of the United States rauavenen Se 8-13, 1902. Wilson Brooks, 234 La Sa le et., "Chicago, Ill, secy. VORTSMOUTH, VA.—State Firemen's Association Convention. Aug. 20-22, ineclusive, 1902. Emmett Deans, pres.; G. C. Cumming, secy. RICHMOND, VA.—National Negro Business League Convention. Aug. 25-27, yor. tootuett J. Seott, Tuskegee, Ala., secy. RiCHMOND, VA_—Ninety-fifth Grand Antuat Convocation of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Masons of Virginia. Nov. 11, 1902. James B. Blanks, P. O. Box 55, Petersburg, Va., graud secy. RICHMOND, VA.—Elightleth Grand Annual Conave of the Grand Commandery, Ki “thts Templars of Virginia. Nov. 13, 1902. James B. Blanks, P. O, Box 55, Petersburg, Va., grand recorder. RICHMOND, VA.—International Association of Municipal Electricians’ Convention. Oct. 7-9, Inclusive, 1902. Frank P. Foster, Corning, N. Y., secy. WATERFORD, VA.—l. O. G. T. State Grand Lodge Convention. Sept. 2, 1902. J. W. Hawxhourst. Falla Church. Va., secy. WYTHEVILLE, VA.—State Reunion of Confederate Veterans. Oct. 21-24, inclusive, 1902. W. H. Howe, pres.; W. C. Lawson, Rural Retreat, Va., secy. WASHINGTON. ELLENSBURG, WASH.—State Bar Association Convention. Aug. —, 1002. Austin Mires, secy. SEATLLE, WASH.—State Master Plumbers’ Association Convention. Aug. 25-238, 1902. Db. H, Lyman, secy. SEATTLE, WASH.—State Pharmaceutical Association Convention. Aug. —, 1902. W. P. Bonney, Tacoma, Wash., secy. WEST VIRGINIA. FAIRMOUNT, W. VA.—Royal Arch Masons Grand Chapter Convention, Nov, 11, 1902. kh. C. Dunnington, secy. ILUNTINGTON, W. VA.—O. U. A, M. State Council. Oct. 14-15, ag W. T. Mitchell, Wheeling, W. Va., se MOUNDSVILLE, W. Vi.— —Kuilghts of the Golden Eagle State Grand Castle Convention. Sept. 3, 1902. J. C. Spurr, Charleston, W. Va., secy. NEW MARTINSVILLE, W. VA.—Jr. O. U. A. M. State Council Convention. Sept. ¥, 1902. Brent Shriver, secy. PARKERSBURG, W. VA.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge Convention. Noy. 12, 1002, Geo. W. Atkiusop, Charleston, W. Va., secy. SISTERSVILLE, W. VA.—W. C. T. U. State Convention. Oct. 1-3, inclusive, 1902. Mrs. Frances P. Parks, Fairmont, W. Va., Cor. secy. | WHEELING, W. VA.—State Retall Mer chants’ Association Convention. Sept. —, 1902. P. C. Stroebel, 2747 Eoff st., secy. WISCONSN. ASHLAND, WIS.—I. O. G. T. Grand Lodge Convention. Sept 13-16, 1902. H. Larson, secy. EAU CLAIRE, WIS.—A. O. U. W. Northwestern Association Convention. Aug. 26, 1902. W. P. Fletcher, secy. KENOSHA, WIS.—Unitarian and Universalist Church Conference. Oct. 23-25, 1902. Rev. F. A. Gilmore, Madison, Wis., sec 2 MILWAUKEE, WIS.—National Box and tox Shook Manufacturers’ Association of the U. S. Convention. Aug. 21-23, 1902. bo Defebaugh, Ras Columbia Bldg., Louisville, Ky., s¢ MILWAUKER, wis. “National Association of Referees in Bankruptcy Convention. Aug. 27-29, 1902. R. A. Gunnison, Binghamton, N. Y., secy. MILWAUKEE, WIS. — National Funeral Directors’ Association Convention. Oct. (second week), 1902. H. M. Kilpatrick, Elmwood, Ill., secy. ¢ MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Iloo Hoo National Convention. Sept. 9-12, 1902. J. H. Baird, AIR Wileax Ridge... Nashville, Tenn., secy. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Natlonal Association of Postmasters’ Convention. Aug. 26-29, inclusive, 1902. F. B. Dickerson, Atlantie City, N. J., pres.; W. E. Springer, Detroit, Mich., secy. MILWAU KER, WIS.—State Methodist Conference. Sept. —, 1 MONROR, WIS.—Young People’s Alliance of Evangelical Association State Conven tion. Aug. 14-25, 1902. Arthur Stauffach er, secy. NEW HOLSTEN, WIS. — Turner State Turnfest. Aug. —, 1902. WAUSAU, WIS.—Anniversary Presbyterian Synod of Wisconsin. Oct. 14, 1902. James S.Wilson, 400 Cottage st., Hudson, Wis., secy.