The Billboard 1902-09-06: Vol 14 Iss 36 (1902-09-06)

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THE BILLBOARD 21 PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Americap Pharma. ceutical ‘Association Convention. “~— s, lyvz. Prof. Charles Caspari, Jr., luv Aisyuith st., Baltimore, Md., secy. PHIL fADEL PHIA, PA.—National German Americal ‘Technologists’ Association Con vention. Sept. 6, lvvz. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—State Llomeopathic society Convention. Sept. 23-20, iuciu sive, Jive. a Gramm, M.v., M'uslaSoiphin, Va., PITIsSBURG. va 7” United Typothetue ¢ Awerica © tveullon. Sept. Sil, “Welusite, lyuz. BP. Pears, Pittsic. a — Kawto Iriegard, St. Louls, Me, rir iT PsBU RG, PA.—National Life Insurance Company Ge neral Agents’ Association Convention. Sept. 25-20, 102. Kdw. O'Neil, Hamilton Bldg., Pittsburg, secy. pirTr SBUKG, PA, —Ituliway Signaing Club Convention. No lyu2. Charlies U. a West Milwaukee, Wis., secy. and PITISTOWN, PA.—Catholic Total Abstinence Union Convention. Sept. —, lyuz. Julbn A. Burns, 105 S. Frankiin st., slamubiu, Pa., secy. SUMEKSLT, PA.—Pennsylvania Associatiun of Directors of the Poor and Chartules’ Convention. Oct. 7-9, inclusive, lyv2. L. CC. Colborn, cor. secy RHODE ISLAND. CENTRAL FALLS, R. L—wW. F .T. U. State Convention. Oct. 1902. E. O ney. 319 Butler Exchange, me A] m= &. cor secy PAWT UCKET, R. Pao oe Santer School! Convention. ‘Oct 2.1-22, W. B. Wilsco, ¥. M. C. A, Bidg.. Focchient me Bis Rave R, L—State Sunda Association Convention. Oct. 211902. W. B. Wilson, Y. M. A. Bidg., Ra PROVIDENCE, R. State inetivate of Instruction. Oct. —, 1902. Sidney A. Sherman, Pb.D., 227 Irving ave., xecy. UNIONTOWN, PA.—G. U. Oo of Odd Fel lows, Grand Lodge Convention. Sept. \'. 1yuz. P. C. Baxter, 21 Stewart av., Union town, Pa., secy. WOONSOCKET, R. I.—National Loomfx ers’ Convention. Sept. (2d week), lw Fe a | Murphy, 70 Rockland st., New Bedford, Mass., secy. SOUTH CAROLINA. MITCHELL, 8S. D.—W. C. T. U. Convention. Sept. 12, 1902. SUMTER, 8. C.—State Pharmaceutical As sociation Convention. Nov. 19, 1902, Y. Owings, Columbus, 8. C., pres.; Frank M. Smith, Charleston, 8. Cc. secy. SOUTH DAKOTA. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D.—Modern Brotherhood of America Supreme Lodge Cvuuvention. Oct. 8, 1902. . L. Balz, Tipton, la., sup. wecy. TENNESSEE. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. —L school State Oo. O. F. Grand Encampment of Tennessee, Oct. 20, 1902. Hulbert B. Case, grand patriarch; John R. Hurwell, Nashville, Tena., grand scribe. MEMPHIS, TENN.—Rebekah State Assem bly. Oct, 21, 1902. Mrs, Laura L. Lind say, Clarksville, Teun., pres.; Theresa A. Cramer, 730 Spruce st., Nashville, Tenn _ a SPART "A, TENN. -Middle Tennessee Medical Association Convention. Noy. 2021, 1902. F Reagor, Shelbyville, Tenn., secy. TEXAS. BEAUMONT, TEX. — Baptist ra and Educational Convention. id 1902. M. M. neaere, Lagrange, Test > “secy DALLAS. TEX. — State Retail Dealers’ Hardware and Implemént Association Convention. Oct. 8, 1902. Jas. G. Blaine, Taylor, Tex., secy. and treas. LEXINGTON, TEX.—Southern German M. . Chureh Conference. Nov. —, John E, Stullken, secy. SAN ANTONIO, TEX.—State Phot Taphers’ Association Convention. Sept. Oct. 2, Inclusive, 1902. Frank Leffler, Fert Worth, Tex., “Ty + a Williams, Denton, Tex, treas.; A. L. Blanchard, Hillsboro, Tex., secy. UTAH. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH—Republican State Convention. Sept. 11, 1902. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH—Annua! Conference of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day. Oct. —, 1902. Geo. Reynolds, secy. VERMONT. BARRE, VT.—I. O. G. T. Grand Lodge Convention. Oct. 8-9, 1902. E. M. Campbell, nectar, Vt., ans 9 a BENNINGTON, VT.—B. Y. State Convention. Rept. 2 _ 1902. *. 8. Knight, Brattleboro, Vt. BURLINGTON, VT State Medical | Soctets Convention. ‘Oct. 9-10, 1902. H Gorham, Bellows Falls, Vt., scoy BURLINGTON, VT.—Knights rr Grand a e Convention. Oct. —, 192 Dr. C. T, O. Tinker, St. Johnsburg, Vt., secy. ST. ALBANS, VT.—State Firemen's Ass> elation Convention. Sept. 11, 1902. E. DP Moore, Bennington, Vt. secy. ST. JOHNSBURY, VT.—State Pharmaceut ical Association Convention. Oct, —, 1902 c. C, Bingham, secy. VIRGINIA. LEXINGTON, VA. — United Daughters of Confederacy, Grand Division Convention. Oct. 8, 1 Miss Charlotte A. Ranson, Staunton, Va., rec, secy.; Mrs. J. H. Timberlake, Atlee, Va., cor, es NORFOLK, VA. =, c= State Convention. Oct. 1-3, Inclusive, 1902. Mrs. N. J. Shepperd, 408 Fairfax ave., cor. secy NORFOLK, VA.—Jr. O. U. A. M. State Council. Oct. 21, 1902. E. T. Keeton, 25th and Franklin sts., Richmond, Va., secy. NUneULK, VA.—I. O. R. M. Great Counclt uf the United States Convention. Sept. o 18, ivud. Wiilsun bruvks, 234 La Baile at.. Chicago, Lil, secy. RICHMOND, VA. —Ninety-fifth Grand Antuar Convocation of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Masons of Virginia. Nov. 11, 02. James B, Blanks, P. O,. Box 55, ly etersburg, Va., grand secy. Rie HMOND, VA UL. oO. of True Reform ers’ Grand Reformer. Sept, 2-5, 1002. W lL. ae ti4 N. 2d st., Richmond, Va., sec Ric MOND, VA.—Elghtieth Grand Annual Consiave of the Grand Commandery, Kiights Tewplars of Virginia. Nov. 13, Az. James PB. Blanks, P. O, Box 55, Petersburg. Va., grand recorder. RICHMOND, VA.—International Associa tlon of Municipal Electricians’ Conventlon. Oct. 7-9, Inclusive, 1902. Frank P. Foster, Corning, N. Y., seey. STAUNTON, VA.—State Liquor Dealers’ Association Convention. Sept. 8-9, 1vuz. WYTHEVILLE, VA.—State Reunion of Confederate Veterans. Oct. 21-24, inclusive, 1902. W. H. Howe, pres.; W. C. Lawson, Rural Retreat, Va., secy. WASHINGTON. WALLA WALLA, WASH.—State Press As sociation Convention. Sept. —, 1002 Grant ©, Angle, Shelton, Was., secy. “WEST VIRGINIA. FAIRMOUNT, W. VA.—Royal Arch Masons Grand Chapter Convention. Nov, 11, 1902. RK. C. Dunnington, secy. ILUNTINGTUON, W. VA.—O. U. A. M. State Council. Oct. 14-15, 1g Ww. tr. Mitchell, Wheeling, W. Va., se NEW MARTINSVIL LE. “W. VA.—Jr. O. U. A. M. State Council Convention. Sept. 9, linvz., isrent Shriver, secy. PARKEKSBURG, W. VA.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge Convention. Nov. 12, 1902. Geo. W, Atkinson, Charleston, oe Vag secy. SISTERSVILLE, W. VA.—W. C. T. U. State Convention. Oct. 1-3, inclusive, 1902. Mrs. Frances P. Parks, Fairmont, W. Va., cor. secy. WELLSBU RG, W. VA.—A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge Convention Sept. —, 1902. Frank Gruse, Wheeling, W. Va., secy. WiibkELING, W. VA.—State Ketall chuuts’ Association Convention. — ha P. sevy. MerSept. C. Stroebel, 2747 Eoff at., WISCONSN. ASIILAND, W1S.—IL. O. G. T. Grand L: e Couvention, Sept 13-16, 1902. H. Larson, secy,. KENOSHA, WIS.—Unitarian and Universulist) Chureh Conference. Oct. 23-25, liwe. Rev. F. A, Gilmore, Madison, Wis., see, MILWAUKEE, WIS.-National Operative Plasterers’ Association Convention. Sept. 8-13, 1. ‘TT. A. Seully, 824 Olive st., Indianapolis, lud. seey. MILWAUKER, WIS.—National Brewmus ters’ Association Convention. liar Louis Suess, 46 W cago, TL, seey. MILWAUbKEL, WIS.— National Crafts Con Vention Sept. 22-27, 1902 MILWAUKER, WIS. International Bridge and Structural tron Workers’ Association Sept. 15-17, Sth st., Chi Convention. Sept. 22-27, 1902. D. T. MeIntyre, Pittsburg, Pa., secy. MILWAUKEE, WES. — National Funeral Directors’ Association Convention. Oct. (second week), 102. HH. M. Kilpatrick, Elniwood, Tl. seey, MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Hoo Iloo ee Conventlon. Sept. 9-12, 1902. J. Baird Alt Witenw Ehtg . Naahville, 4 secy MIILWAUKER, WIS.—State Methodist Con ference. Sept. —, WATSAT. WIS, —Anniversary l'reshyterlan Svned of Wiseensin., Oct. 14. 1902." James S Wilson, 400 Cottage st., Iludson, Wis.. sevy, WYOMING. ROCK SPRINGS, WYO.—Knights of Pythlas Grand Lodge Convention. Sept. 24, 1902. C. D Greenbaum, Laramie, Wyo. secy. CANADA. BERLIN, ONT... CAN.—Alpha Myecalogical Society of Canada Convention. Sept. 24, Inez. DD. Forsyth, Berlin, Ont., secy. BERLIN, ONT., CANADA—The Trades and Labor Congress, Sept. 9, 1902 ry Draper, secy. and treas, HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA-—Nova Seotia Provineial Fair. Sept. 10-18, 1902 HAMILTON, ONT, CAN.—Canadian Con ference of Charities and Corrections Sept. 24-26, 1102 MONTREAL, QUE... CAN.—Licensed Vic trvallers’ Association 3-4, 192 m& A Que... seey TIURO, NOVA SCOTIA—K. of P. Grand lodge Maritime Provinces Convention Sept. 9 102 W. S. Archibald, Box 34, Truro, N.S. seey TORONTO. ONT. Master Bakers’ mre. Convention. Sept Lapointe, Montreal, CANADA — Dominion Convention. Sept. 3-4, TORONTO, ONT. CANADA — Canadian Prisoners’ Ald Assoctation a tov. —, 1902. Dr, A. M. Rosebrough, 12 Richmond st., E., secy. EXPOSITIONS. ATHENS. GREECE—Exposition Royale In ternationale. Sept. 15-Dee. 30, rector-General Deanwoerth, American rep resentativ “ Charles Austin Bates, Vander bilt Bldg¢., New York, American agent. ATLANTA. GA.—Atlanta Manufacturers’ Association Exposition. 1902. Cooper, secy. 192, Di Walter G. BINGUAMTON, N. Y¥.—Binghamtor Industrial Exposition. Sept. 30-Oct. 3, InclusIve, lyuz. LI. C. Liardie, treas.; ileary S. Martin, secy. BIKMINGIIAM, ALA.—World's Mineral Manufactured and Agricuitural Exhibi thon. lwo. ; CINCINNATI, O.—Industrial Exposition. Sept. 15-27, we. Ff. W. Foulds, pres.; Julius Fleischmann, vice pres.; J. Gane Wright, chairman attractlous committee; Wilt S. Ileck, Plaza mgr. CINCINNATI, O.—Vehiclies, Llarness and lmplements. November 17-22, luv2. Auspices of Tri-State Vehicle aud Lliuplement Wealers’ Association. Monte L. Green, mgr. CULLMEUS, O.—Industrial Exposition Sept PA tnelo twe, ban Semuel tastor Grove City, O., pres.; Db. J. Green, Cum. berlund, vice pres.; T, L. Calvert, Selma, treas.; W. W. Miller, Columbus, secy. CORK, IRELAND.—Ilnudustrial Exposition. May to Oct., 102. Address Lord Edward PFitzgeraid. DUSSELDORF, GERMANY.—Manufacturers’ Exposition. May 1 to Oct. 1, lyv2. HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA.—Nova Scotia 'rovineial Exposition. Sept. 10-18, lyv2. J. KE. Wood, secy CITY, MO. Industrial Exposi and Farm Implement Show. Oct, 1 31, 1202. LINCOLN, NEBR.—Exposition. Sept. 5, Inclusive, 1002. LONDON, ENG.—American Crystal Palace Exposition. May 1 to Oct. 1, Address Alfred Il. Post, Commissioner for U. 8., Produce Exchange, New York, N.Y. LILLK (NORD), FRANCE — Exposition. May 1-Sept. 30, 1902. Address G. Delory, mayor, Lille, France. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Sportsman’s Exposltlon. Sept. —, 1902. PEORIA, ILL.—Peoria Corn Exposition and Carnival. Oct. 6-18, 1902. Hi. B. Morgan, pres.: H. M. Griggs, chairman attractions committee; Will 8S. Heck Carnival Co., at tractions, PA.—Etposition. Sept. 8 PITTSBURG, Oct. 18, 1902. PORTLAND, ORE.—Portland International Exposition. 1908. PROVIDENCE, 8, L.—FExposition. June 15Sept. 15, 1002. Address 1019 Banigan Bidg., Providerce, KR. ST. LOUIS, MO.—World's International Ex Aug. 2 te position. 1904. Ex-Gov. D. RK. Frances, pres. SPOKANE, WASH.—Exposition. June to November, 1902. TOLEDO, 6.—‘Tri-State Exposition. Sept. 16* 1902. T. B. Tucker, 210 Huron st., sec TOP 4 ‘KA, KAN.—Kansas Exposition. Sept. 8-13, 1962. T. J. Anderson, secy. TORONTO, ONTARIO, CAN.—Canada's Great Exposition. Sept. .1-18, Inclusive, pres.; W) K. McNaught, 1902. A. — vlee nreeHt WHEELING, w. position. Sept. secy. TH] mer, ent sare VA.—West Virginia Ex812, 1902. Geo. Hook, BENCH SHOWS. PALLAS, TEX.—Texas Kennel Club Show. Oct. 8-11, inelusive, 1902. Sydney Smith, secy. and gen'l mgr. DANBURY, CONN.—Danbury Society Bench Show. Oct. 1902. J. W. Bacon, treas. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y¥.—Ladies’ Kennel Association of America Show. Oct, 21-24, 100.. PHILADELPHIA, Agricultural 7-10, inclusive, —Philndelphia Dog Show Association Bench Show. Nov. 26 29, inclusive, 1902. M. A. Viti, seey. TORONTO, ONT., CAN.—Twelfth Annual Toronto Exhibition Bench Show. Sept. 8 11, 1992. Fred. Jacobi, secy. WHEELING, W. VA.—Bench Show. Sept. 10-12, inclusive, 1902. G. O. Smith, mgr. LIVE STOCK SHOWS. LANCASTER, PA.—Cattle Show. Sept. 16-19, inelusive, 1902. Hox 346, secy. RADFORD, VA.—Virginia nave Stock Association Show. Oct. 21-2 inclusive. 1902. J. Hoge Tyler, pres.; tape J. G. Osborne, secy. and treas, CHAUTAQUAS. CLIFF HAVEN N. Y¥.—Catholic Summer School of America. July 6-Sept. 5, 1902. Warren E. Mosher, 30 E. Forty-second st., New York City, N. Y., secy. Richard McGrann, POULTRY SHOWS. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Poultry Show Sept. 2-6, 1902. T. F. Rackman, supt., 4am) Market st., Newark, N. J TORONTO, ONT., CAN.—Industrial Exposi tion yes Show. Sept. 4-12, 1902. H. J. Hill, WINONA. MINN. —Foultry Show. Sept 9-12, inclusive, 1 1902. HORSE SHOWS. ac al GA.—Horse Show. Oct. 8-25. 1902. RELLE HAVEN, CONN Belle Hlaven Horse Show Sept . 1902. W. H. Copp, Greenwich, Conn., secy BOSTON, MASS.—Horse Show. Oct. 1, 1902, CEDAR RAPIDS, LA.—Horse Show. Sept 29-Oct. 4, 1902. CHIC AGO. ILL.—llorse Show, Nov, 38 192. Sidney ©. Love, sec COLORADO SPRINGS, COL.—Sept. —, 1902. Auspices Horse Show Association. DENVER, COL.—Horse inclusive, 1902, ciation. DES MOINES, 19, inclusive, James Watt, Show. Sept. 3-6, Denver Horse Show Asso IA.—Horse Show. Sept. 15iyvz. Harry West, pres.; treas.; Dan Mills, secy. and mer. FRONT ROYAL, VA. oA, Ter. GOSHEN, N. Y.Horse Show. Get, HEYWORTH, ILL. -llorse Show, tor INDIANATOLIS, J.T. Saulter, secy llorse Show. Sept 4. 1902, Sept. 20, IND). —Oet, IS 18, 1902. WANSAS CITY, Me.—Borse Show. Oct. 7025, Dwr. AL KE. Ashbrooke, secy, LANCASTER, PA tlerse Siew Sept, 16 19, inclusive, 1002. Richard PI’. pres.: Won, }. borduey, oewy. Michael Burns, gen l mge. MecGrann, aud (reus.; LOUISVILLE, KY. —llorse Show, Sept. 30et. 4, line LYNC HBURG, VA.—Hlorse Show. Oct. 23= lyuz. C. W. Smith, Warrenton, Va., secy. MINEOLA, L. I, WN. Y¥. —llorse Show. Sept. 23-27, 1902. i NASH LLB, TENN.—Ilorse Show. Oct. 7-11, 1902. NEW YORK CITY N. Y.—Ilorse Show. Nov. 13-18, 1002. James R. Hyde, secy. OMAHA, NEB.—Horse Show. Oct, —, 1002. Driving Club and Llorse Show Assocla tlon. VRINCETON, IND.—llorse Show. Sept. 1-6. 1902. Lon Wheeler, vice pres. RE Ape MASS.—Horse Show. Sept. 2226 902 RICIIMOND, VA.—Horse Show. Oct. 13-18, 1902. C. W. Smith, secy. ST. JOSEPH, MO.—Horse Show. Oct. 16 18, 1902. Horse Show Association. ST. LOUIS, MO.—Horse Show. Oct. 27 Nov. 1. 1902. John R. Gentry, secy. oi) ee N. Y.—Horse Show. Sept. 8 FIREMEN’S TOURNAMENTS. BRADFORD, PA.—State Firemen'’s Tour nament. Oct. 7-10, 192 SISTERSVILLE, W. VA.—Firemen's Tournament. Sept. 15-20, inclusive, 1902. Un der "4 ces of Fire De partment. Address Robt. L. Gregory, pres., Fire Department. PICNICS. CAPE GIARDEAU, MO Southeastern Missouri Woodmen Picnic. A. F. Williams, secy DAYTON, ©.—Picnte. A. Gabriel. secy. ROLLA, MO. Eastern Missouri Log ing and Weodmen VPienic. Sept, 10, | -PARKS.. ABKUN, U.—Laae Siue lace, manager. AKRON, O.—Randolph Park. Harry Hawn, mana x AKRON, O.—Summit Lake Park. Menches -, ve tte an. AKRON, O.--The Gorge. thinttwcer. ALBANY, N. ¥.—Kinderhuvok Park. K. M. Kobloson, manager. ALBANY, N. Y.—Lagoon Island. ALBANY, N. Y¥.—Weber's Park. ALBANY, N. Y.—Kinderhook Park. KE. M. Kebitsun, Wanager. Sept. 10, 19082 Sept. 1, 1902. Jos. Roll ed tsarty tiswh, Harry A. Hawn, ALBANY, N. Y¥.—Isiand Park. F. HKernstein, 41 S. Pearl at., Albany, N. Ty manager. ALLENTOWN, rA.—Dorney Park. ALLENTOWN, V’A.—Central Park. ALLENTOW N. PA.—Rittersville Park. ALLENTOWN, l’A.—Maubattac Vark. ALLE ‘OWN, DA.—Maubattan Park. AL LENTOWN, rA.—Wlillow Grove Park. ALTOONA, PA.—Wopsoneucock Park (near Altoona). Wopsenoveck Park and Hotel Co., 718 Drexel BKidg., Philadelphia, Pa. ALTOONA, PA.—Lakemont Park Theater. ANNISTON, ALA.—Usxford Lake lark. Howard W. Sexton, mauager. ANSOONTA CONN Piitee Meet Park ASHLAND, KY.—Clyffside Park. J. F. Arnold, manager. wo there N. C.—Riverside Park. ATCHISOM, KAN.—Forest lark. i ee Ben+dnre, ‘manager. ATLAN TA, GA.—Piedmont Park. Frank Weldon, secy. ATLANTA, GA.—Lakewood Park. Lake wood Vark Co. T. M. Poole, preaident. ATLANTA, GA.—Ponce De Leon lark. Woodford & Kalbfield. managers. ATLANTA, GA.—East Lake Park. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Guvernator’s Pavillon. James Sheernn, manager. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Ocean City. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Inlet Pavillon. J. Mehrer manager ATLANTIC CIT Y, N. J.—Columbita Garden. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Casino Garden. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Young’s Piler. ATLANTIC 8D = J.—Steel Mier. Mr. Bothwell, mara ATLANTIC CITY, Mit. J.—Aeditorium Pier. George Tilyou, manager. ATTLEBORO, MASS.—Roger Wililams ATTLEBORO, MASS.—Sabbatia Park. ATTLEBORO, MASS.—New Park. B. M. Bevins, manager. ATTLEBORO, MASS.—Creacent Park AUBURNDALE, MASS.—Norumbega Park. Carl Alberte, manager. AUGUSTA, GA.—Monte Sano Park G oH Conklin manager attrwetions AT RORA, TLL. —Riverview Park AE STEN, VEN --Zeue Park AUSTIN, TEX.Watter< Park, Pawttten, Summer Thenter, Athieth Field “ i. Salge, lessee. * . STIR x J RAS IONE, alain aay Rae ies eee Sept PRS TEE GT. mney i oe aime ws es