The Billboard 1902-09-13: Vol 14 Iss 37 (1902-09-13)

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ef THE BILLBOARD BITTEN BY RATTLER. Hatty Kerns, ‘“‘Zola,’’ with the Thornton Show, was bitten by a rattlesnake Aug. 2s, at the Elkader (la.) Street Fair, and is not expected to recover. As soon as she is able, on the other hand, Zola will be sent home to St. Louis. The permium list for the North Manchester (Ind.) Fair has been issued. The dates are Sept. 23-26. rhe premium list for the West Michigan State Fair has been issued. It is attractive and comprehensive, containing 224 pages. The fair will be held at Grand Rapids, Sept. 20-Oct. 1. The Dryden Agricultural Society has issued their premium list for the fair to be held at Dryden, N. Y., Sept. 16-18. FAIR NOTES. The Tolchester (Md.) Fair was a big sue cess. The attendance averaged about 20,000 daily. Especial interest was taken in the racing. On Sept. 25 President Roosevelt will at tend the air to be held at La Crosse, Wis., Sept. 22-27. a ane Baldwin, aeronaut, has been en gaged for the Fergus County Fair, to be held at Lewiston, Mont., Sept. 10-12. The Salem (Ind.) Fair Association was incorporated recently. The capital stock is $3,400, and the directors are W. W. Stevens, KE. W. Menaugh, Henry Streaker, H. C. Hobbs and A, Lanning. The Milton Driving Park and Fair Asso elation have issued the premium list for their eighteenth annual fair, to be held at the association’s grounds, Milton, Pa. The booklet is attractive and contains a big list of handsome premiums. The International Fair Association, of San Antonio, Tex., has designated Tuesday, Oct. 28, as World's Fair Day, and Hon. David R. Francis, president of the Louisiana Pur ehase Exposition, has been invited to speak there on that occasion. The Montpelier (Ind.) Fair and Driving Association has filed articles of incorpora tion. The association is capitalized at $10,ooo, and among the directors are C. IL. Smith, Bert Paxton, C. J. Neff, C. D. Chaney and A. H. Bonham. The Harford County Fair is to be held at Belair, Md., Sept. 20-Oct. 3. For amusements $800 has been appropriated. The race stakes will amount to $6,000. Mr. John G. Rouse is president of the society, and Mr. James W. MeNabb, secretary. The Central Carolina Fair Association, which will hold its third annual fair at Greensboro, N. ¢., Oct. 21-24, has made ar rangements to put up some new buildings and to light the grounds by electricity, so as to be able to keep open day and night. The State Agricultural and Mechanieal Society of South Carolina will hold their thirty-fourth annual fair at Columbia, S. C., Oct. 28-51. The society offers $7,000 in pre’ miums and $2.500 in purses. The officers are: A. White, secretary: A. G. Le Motte, treasurer, and D. F. Efird, general superintendent. The Hon. John Allen, of Mississippi, fam ous wit of the National Congress for many years, now a member of the National World's Fair Commission, has accepted an invitation to speak at the Texas State Fair, Dallas, Sept 27. The entire gate receipts at the fair on that day will be donated to the Texas World’s Fair Fund. The Two Hewitts are great believers in bill board advertising, and elaim the quick est returns on record. They advertised for season's engagement—1903—-and as soon as Col. H. W. Wright saw their “tad.” he re engaged them for-the coming season, which will make their third summer as free attrae tions with the Wright Carnival Company. Col. Wright savs “Dan,” the flying dog, is the act, but “Pop” Hewitt must be given credit for hustling work for the dog. The fair at Putnam, Conn., proved all that eould be expected and one of the most suc cessful ever held in Eastern Connectient. Fstimated attendance, 10.000. A perfect track, good trotting fine hall exhibits and plenty of amusements on the Midway. All contributed to the satisfactory result. The two heavy attractions furnished by the management were Miss Lillian Hoffman and her trained horses and Barnes’ high diving Fiks. Both proved strong drawing ecards. These were assisted by Boom’s New York Comedians. The fair was spoken of in the papers as the “Danbury” of Eastern Con necticut, The Johnstown (Ark.) County Fair Asso ciation report their grounds in perfect con dition for the coming evenf, Oct. 7-10. Spe cial attractions will consist of automobile racing and four days’ racing, both in har ness and running. The amount of the purses offered is $2,500 and of the cash premiums S800 to $1, 000 The buildings are all ample and commodious, and the grounds cover ten acres. The grand stand has a seating ea pacity of 1,000 and raised embankments with seats that will aeecommodate 1,000 more. The association reports itself gener aliv “fixed for business.” The Toronto Industrial Exhibition, which is known all over the continent, was for mally opened Sept. 1 by Major-General Ear! of Dundonald, C. V. 0. C. B.. the new commander-in-chief of the Canadian militia The weather was perfect, and a vast crowd was present, over 40.000 passing the turn stiles. The new buildings were much ad mired, and the various exhibits are the largest known since this great fair was started some years ago. The entertain ment in front of the grand stand is a splen did one. Some of the star acts are Hardy Downing, in his thrilling looping the loop: Woodward's troupe of performing sea liens; Lockhart’s elephants; Madam Lilgens, thrilling fire dive The great big spec'al attraction was Kiralfy’s gorgeous spectacle “The Orient,” which proved an immense success. The Midway of Marvels, with its funny barkers and curious, is also a_ big drawing card. Up to this date the receipts are many thousand dollars ahead of this time last year. The city is crowded, and as the fair will not close until the 13th. and they still keep coming, 1902 will be a record bre aking one. Street Fairs and Carnivals. STREET FAIR AND CARNIVAL NOTES. The dates of the Knoxville (Tenn.) car iva: have been changed to Oct. 14-16. ihe Meiroses, high wire DICYCUSLS, scored a ing hit at the Kkiks’ Circus, Deiuware, VU. ‘The Melroses, bigh wire bicyclists, wou the applause of thousands ot people at the free sireet fair, Mudson, Micu. fhe well-known banda Kossa has been engaged to give seven concerts during WellInglon’s than.) big street carnival, Sept. 2z a Carroll, Ia., is to have a street fair Oct. 6-7. Among the attractions secured so far is the lowa State Military Band, of Des Moines. Owensboro, Ky., looks good. Location on Court Mouse Square. Privilege people are invited to write. ‘Lhe Bostock-Perars Com pany iurnish attractions. The directors of the Lafeyette (nd.) Fall Festival have closed with EF. C. Huffman to bring the Bostock-rerari Company to Lufayetie, week of Oct. 13. Dana Thompson, the high diver, formerly Wlih the Moris « berger Carnival Company, is low playing dates, and has not yuit the business, as reported. Mr. Fred. 1. Sargent, chier promoter of the Gaskill-Mundy Carnival Company, is in St. Luuis, looking after the interests of the Lemps Park Carnival, which occurs Sept. 2s, running until Oct. 12, ihe Loleuo (O.) Eiks civared about $10,000 from their carnival. The total admissious paid to the grounds during the week footed vise. ‘The Kiks are delighted, and are congratulating theluselves on this iast eftort. Ail things considered, the Lexington (Ky.) horse show, fair and carnival of this year Wis the biggest in Its history. Secretary Frank P. Kenney reports that With ail bills in, and all accounts paid, the Elks wiil net Dad dala Covlah, the man-woman, since the disbandment of the Vetwreko bros.’ CarniVal Company, has joined the Fisk & Snyder Carnivat Company, and is meeting with success under the management of Mr. Geo. Starling. Lhe Vubuque (Ia.) Fall Festival Associa tion has contracted with the Bostock-Ker rari Company to turnish all the free and paid gg — for their fall festival and street air, the dates of whicl > been ¢ > iy thet toe 1 have been changed The following people are with the L. Oppenheimer Carnival Company: Miss Julia Grachard, rolling globe and club juggling; Mr. Chester, hand balaneing; the Whirling Wheelers, in their sensational C ycle Whici, comedy juggling and trick bicycle riding; John W. Fiood, novelty jumping specialties. A Colorado Springs Md ol.) paper contains the following report: *’Yhe otticial time for the walk to the top of Pike’s Peak was reduced to one hour recently by Bert Wheeler ot “the Whirling Wheelers,’ with the L. Oppenheimer Carnival Company. The as cent of the peak was begun at 12 o’clock midnight and exactly four hours and fifteeu minutes later Mr. Wheeler registered at the Summit House. The trip was made without stops, except a few moments at the half-way house. The Star and Crescent Carnival and Ex position Company, that has just been or ganized by CC. Auezman and Geo. Richard son, two enterprising young showmen, opened their first week's business at Wes ton, W. Va., week of Aug. 25, to a phen omenal business. They have been very suc cessful in securing two first-class combin ation sleeping and dining cars to accommo date their people. They have also shown their ability as showmen by capturing some live towns in West Virginia, a territory that has been completely overlooked by some of the well-organized carnival com panies, Following is a list of the days decided on for the Cincinnati Fall Festival: Monday, Sept. 15, Opening Day, exercises on stage of Music Hall; Tuesday, Sept. 16, Ancient Order of Foresters: Wednesday, Sept. 17 Editor's Day, Itan-Nie-Nice in the evening: Thursday, Sept. 18, Flower Show: Friday Sept. 19, Swiss Day; Saturday, Sept. 20, Roosevelt Day: Sunday, Sept. 21, Sacred Concert; Monday, Sept. 22, Cincinnati Day, civic demonstration; Tuesday. Sept. 23 Wednesday, Sept. 24, Pioneer Day, Essenic parade in evening: Thursday, Sept. 25. bs senie Day: Friday, Sept Traveling Men's Day: Saturday, Sept Fraternal Day. Notes from Southern Carnival Company Ottawa, TIL, has closed one of our banner weeks of the season. Immense crowds have been the rule every day, the shows all do ing big business, the new stadium being taxed to its capacity at every performance. The big trained wild animal show had to close its doors at every performance, and eould hardiy handle the crowds at the Of tawa Fair with the Southern Carnival at tractions A. BP. Whitney's “‘Lotta,”” the fire dancer, done an enormous business at Ottawa, LiL, with the Southern Carnival Company's attraction. Woodford'’s Electric Theater report a big business at the Ottawa Elks’ Fair with the Southern Carnival Com panv’s attractions. The Southern Carnival Company has come to the front, and is now numbered with the big ones, carrying four teen big shows, including the largest trained wild animal show on the road. The new stadium is one of its main attraetions. All the tent shows have new hardwood fronts, using from ) to 120 lights to the front on each show, The platform and privilege peo ple are all using red and white striped duck top and sidings, making, in the whole, a very attractive appearance. They carry their own special train, consisting of five baggage, three flat, three coaches and a Puitinan sleeper, ROUTES AHEAD. The Billboard forwards mail to all — sionals free of charge. Members of t rofessiens are invited while on the road to ve their mail addressed in care The Billboard and it will be promptly forwarded. CIRCUS. BARNUM & Bailey—Epinal, Fr: a. Sept. 9-10: Luneville, 11; Naney, 12-14: Bar le Due, 15: Chalonss-Marne, 16; Verdun, 17: Sedan, 18: Mezieres, 19; Rheims, 20-22; Compiegne, 23: Laon, 24: Maubeuge, 25. BUSBY Bros.” R. R. Shows—Milford, DL, Sept. 10; Westville, 11; Tuscola, 12; Arthur, 13. BUCKSKIN Bill's Wild West, 1. FE. Allot, Mer.)—Perry, O. T., Sept. 9; Guthrie, 10; Stillwater, 11: Perkins, 12; Oklahoma City, as. sages <i Brothers’ Shows, (Chas. Genter. we Beton, Mo., Sept. 9; Pleasant Hill, 1h): Harrisonville, 11; Clinton, 12 ki Ss. Geo. S.. Big Show-— Freedom, Ind... Sept. Tz: Newark, 15: Salsberry, 15. FORE P AUGHL-Sells—Lineoln, DL, Sept. 9: Pontine, 10: Bloomington, 11; Danville, 12; Lafayette, Ind., 13; Huntington, 15; De fiance, O., 16: Toledo, 17, Findlay, 18; Bellefont: tine, 19: Dayton, 20;-Portsmouth, "P ene, OTTO—Chicago, Ill., indefinitely. GREz Buffalo Wild West Shows United, (Geo, is Hatehin Megr.)—Savanna, Ia., Sept. 9: St. Joseph, Mo., 10; Leavenworth, Kan., 11: Kansas City, 12. HALL. Col. Geo. W., United Shows—Ray mond, W. Va., Sept. 9%: Charleston, 10; Montgomery, 11; Hinton, 12; Covington, Va., 15; Goshen, 16; Staunton, 17. KEMP Sisters’ Hippodrome and Wild West—Shelbyville, TIL, Sept. #15: Warsaw. N. Y., 15-17: Albion, 18-20; Hicksville, O., 230; Wapakoneta, 30-Oct. 4. “KE NNEDY Bros.’ Wild West and Hippo Jrome— Greenup, IIL, Sept. 8-13. LUCKY Bill's Show—Waterbut ry, Neb., Sept. 0: Emerson, 10; Bender, 11: Bancroft, 12: Lyons, 15. MAIN, Walter L.—Coudersport, Pa... Sept. %: Smethport, 10; St. Mary's, 11: Brookville, 12: New Bethlehem, 13. NOBLES Show, (C. Noble, Mgr.)—Colum bia, S. C., indefinitely. ORRIN Bros. —Enroute in Mexico. PUBILLONES’—Enroute in Cuba. PAW NEE Bill's Wild West—Salamanea, N. Y., Sept. 9: Gowanda, 10; Dunkirk, 11 RINGLING Brothers—Broken Bow, Mont., Sept. 9: Grand Island, 10; Hastings, 11; Heldredge, 12; York, RIPPEL’S Shows, (Chas. A. Rippel, Mgr.) Saratoga, Ind., Sept. 13; Muncie, 20; An derson, 27. ROBINSON, Jolin, Ten Big Shows, (John G. Robinson, Megr.)—Westminster, Md., Sept. 9; Alexandria, Va., 10; Fredericks burg 11; Riehmond, 12; Louisa, 13; Charlottsville, 15. SOUTHERN sell Show Cherryvale, Kan.. Sept. 9: Mound Valley, 10: Oswego, 11; Baxter Springs, 12; Miami, tnd. Ter., 13: Afton, 15: Seneea, Mo., 16; Granby, 17; Monett, 18: Springfield, 19-20. SPARKS’. John H., New Shows— Prince ton, Ind., Se “pt. 10; Poseyville, 11; Mount Vernon, 12: Carmi, TL. 18; MeLeansboro, 15: Mount Vernon, 16 Ashley, 17; Nashville, iS: Bellville, 19; SUN trothers’ Shows Redford, Pa, Sept. 11: Cumberland, Md., 12. TRIBLY'S New London Shows —Pitts burg, Pa., indefinitely. WALLACE Shows, (C. E. Cory, Paragould, Ark., Sept. 13 ZIEMERS King F.-—-St. initely. ss Mgr.) Louis, Mo., indef MIDWAY COMPANIES. ARNOLDYS, E. J., Oregon. Pacifie and Oriental Carnival Co., (E. W) Frost, Mgr.) Salem, Ore., Sept. 15-20; Eugene, 24-27: The Dalles, 80-Oct. 4: La Grande, 5-11. BOSTOCK-FERARI. (Western)—Milwan kee. Wis... Sept S13: Owensboro, Ky.. —— af BOSTOCK-FPERARI, (Eastern: Vieter D Levitt. Mer.) Massillon. O., Sept. 8-13 CINCINNATI Carnival Co. —Durham, N (.. Sept. 8-13: Atlanta, Ga.. 15-2): Athens, Rome, 29-Oct. 4; Americus, 6-11: Ma eon, 18-18 COLDEN Gate Carnival Co Mo. Sept. 10-18: Mareceline, 17-20 GASKILL-MUNDY Carnival Co... (Prank W. Gaskill. Mer.)—Rockford, TIL, Sept. 8-18: Danville, 1-20; Alton, 22-27; St. Louis, Mo., 2ZObet 11 HECK, Will S.. (). Sept 15-27: Payette, Carnival Co. Cincinnati, Peoria, TL, OQet. 6-18 LOCKWOOD, TH. ©. Wichita, Kan., Sept. 22-27. MORRIS & Berger Carnival Co.—Wausau, Wis.. S13; Fond du Lac, 15-20; Ly crosse, 22-27. NEW York Carnival Co. _~ Bay Wis., Sept. 8-13; Streator, LIL, 15-20; Pans -2. OwiENTAL Midway, Circus and Menag erie Co. Portland, Ore., Sept. 1-13. OPPENHEIMEK, L., Midway Co.—Tope ka, Kan., Sept. 8-13; Beatrice, Neb., 15-20 PATTERSON & Brainerd Carnival Co Cedar Rapids, la., Sept. 20-Oct. 4; Ft Smith, Ark., 13-18. hol I NSON Carnival Co., (Dan R. Robin».)— Ligonier, Ind., Sept. 8-183; War YO; Streator, LIL, 22-2d; Crawfords vills, ind., 2H-Oct. 4; Henderson, Ky., 6-1] SOUTHERN Carniyal Co.—Henry, Il, Sept. 8-13; Kirksville, Mo., 15-20. WORLDS Fair Midway and Carnival Cy ik. C. Leburno, Mgr.)—Odesseo, Mo., Sept 10-13; Wagoner, I. ‘t., 17-20; Stroud, 23-z7; Chickasaw, Oct. 1-4; Davis, 6-11; Ada, 13-18 WRIGHT Carnival Co., CH. W. Wright Megr.)—Tell City, ind., Sept. 8-13; Terr Haute, Oct. 15-20 PERFORMERS’ DATES. ADGIE’S Lions—Atlantic City, N. J. (Young's Vier), July 31, indefiniteiy. BURTON and Brooks—London, Eng., July 16, indetinitely. BARKY'S ‘Troupe of Poodles—Denver, Col, (Manhattan Beach), July 21, indetiin itely BERGERI, Valerie & Co. (haimpire), Sept. S15. BEROL and Berol—Columbus, O., (hein pire), Sept. S-15 BROTHERS B market), Sept. 7-1 BERESFORD, Harry, (J. J. Coleman, nee. »—Cleveland, O., Sept. 7-15; Cincinnati, 14-2 BOW NE, Whistling Tom—Washington, D. C., «Grand Opera House), Sept. S-13. ‘ ‘OL EMAN, AIL. Newark, N. Be (Proe tors), Sept. S13 CRESWELL, W. P., (Bieyele Billb--Grun dy Center, la., Sept. 10-14. COUTHOUL, Jessie — Cincinnati, o., (Odeon), Sept. 5-28, DAVIS and Macauley Aug. 24-Sept. 28. IS, Geo. C.—Laneaster, Pa., worth Roof Garden), Sept. 8-15. DPESTA, Harry—Atlantiec City, N. J. (Young's Pier), March 1-Sept. 16. DAGWELL, Aurie—Vhiiadelphia, Pa., (Keith's), Sept. 8-13. Di PIERE—New Haven, Sept. 15-20. HLINORE Sisters 1-20. ESMONDE, Mr. and Mrs. Edward—De troit, Mich., (Avenue), Sept. 8-15. EVERHART the Great, (Original Hoop Roller)—Prague, Australia, Aug. 11-Oct. 1. EDOULIN and Edwards—London, Enz., ahem until Sept. 15. ELDS, W. C.—Berlin, Germany, (Win ser pee Aug. 15-Sept. 30. FLOOD, John W.--Enroute with S. Op penhe aa Carnival Co, FEELEY Family, Acrobats, Aerialists and que nae enroute with Orrin Bros Cireus, touring Mexico, indefinitely. FISHER, Mr. and Mrs. Perkins—Colum bus, O., (Empire), Sept. 8-15. Bi LYING Rieardo—Kankakee, IIL, Sept. 8 Cleveland, ©, right—Chiecago, Ill., (Hay Chisanieg, Mich., (Wool Conn., (Polis), Proctor Circuit, Sept. gine & Whitaker—Laneaster, Pa , (Woolworth Roof Garden), Sept. 8-15. ; HULL, Hamilton—Bradford, Eng., (Em pire), Sept. 15-20. HINES and Remington—Chicago, HL, (Haymarket), Sept. 8-15 ! HART and Bessie—Lancaster, Pa., (Woolworth Roof Garden), Sept. 8-15. HUGHES, Mr. and Mrs. GeneIene., (Empire), Sept, 8-13 HOWARD Bros. (World's Greatest Ban joists--Buffalo, N. Y., (Shear’s), Sept. 15-20. HAYES, Edmund & Co.—Lancaster, Pa., (Woolworth Roof Garden), Sept. 8-15. REH, John S8.—Indiana, Pa., Sept. 8-15; Hlollendayburg, 15-19. HOU PINT, Harry a (Circus Carre), Aug. 25-Oct. HARRY and Gertrude, (Cycle Whirling Bretons) Enroute with Orrin Bros.’ Circus, tome Mexico. MES Family, (Swiss Bell Ringers Pe au, Wis., Sept. 8-15. KELCY, ‘Alfred—St, Louis, Mo., bind, Sept. S15. SENNA, Charles — Indianapolis, Ind., (Gr ind Opera House), Sept. 8-13. : KLEIN, Ott Brothers and Nickerson—St. Louis, Mo., (Columbia), Sept. 8-15. : LITCHFIELD, Mr. and Mrs. Neil—Cinein nati, O., (Columbiay, Sept. 7-18. LEGARKE, Lionel, (equilibrist and Gym nust) Marquette, Mich., Sept. 7-13; Will mar, Minn... 14-20; Wellington, Kan., 21-24. JONES and Sutten—Guadalajara, Mexico, (Orrin Bros.” Cireus), June 1, indefinitely. AFAYETTE the Great—Atlantic City, J.. June 31, indetinitely. : LIND, Homer & Co.—London, Eng., (Tiv ib, indetinitely. MILB Kr N, “Hartley Sept. 1 g Mire His LLS, The--Troy, N. Y., Sept. 6 IZ: Binghamton, 1-19. MOTELLI, (Ride for Life) Kv... indefinitely. MceAVOY, Dick and Alice— Lancaster, Pa., (Woolworth Roof Garden), Sept. 8-15. MUREAY and Maek— Australia, indefin itely MUSICAL Jolnsons—New York, N.Y (Paradise Garden), indefinitely. MANN, Dan and Dolly Toledo, O., (Casino), Sept. Shs MIDGELEY and Cartiste Ne pt. S15 MOORE, Vietor, and Blane, Angeles, Cal, (Sept. 8-15. tradford, Bavaria, Manchester, Eng., Henderson, Columbus, ©. Julia—Los MORTON, Jas. J. Chicago, TIL, (Olym pier, Sept, S13 NOBLES Milton and Dollie Boston Mass., (Keith's), Sept, 8-13. NORTON, Miss —Indianapolis, Ind., (Grand Opera House), Sept. 8-13.