The Billboard 1902-09-13: Vol 14 Iss 37 (1902-09-13)

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THE BILLBOARD 13 .. Carnival Novelties.. Lowest Wholesale Prices on ho rarer for Fairs, Pienics, ete. : Confetti, Return Balls, Flags, Balloons, Penny Goods, Jewelry Fireworks, Decorations, Toys, EXPLODING CANES New, cheap and harmless. Fireworks can't besold where our canes are shown. Price list free. FABRICIUS, 705 N. 4th St., St. Louis MODESTO, CAL.—Thirty-eighth Agricultural District Fair. Oct. 16-18, inclusive, ez. L. B. Walthall, secy. RED BLUFF, CAL.—Red Bluff Fair. Sept. . Jackson, secy. 31-Oct. 4, 1902 Geo. SAC RAMENTO, CAL.—Callfornia State Fair. Sept. 8-20, 1902. Geo. W. Jackson, secy. SAN ANDREAS, CAlL.—Calaveras Agricultural District Fair. Oct. 7-11, inclusive, 102. Henry Wesson, secy. SONORA, CAL.—Twentyninth Agricnitaral Fair. Oct. 2-4, inclusive, 1902. Thos. W. Wees, secy., P. O. Box 448. *TOCKTOR, CAL.—Stockton Driving Club Fair. Sept. 23-28, inclusive, 1902. J. W Witty, secy. COLORADO. PUEBLO, COL.—Colorado State Fair. Sept. 15-20. inclusive, 1902. Chas. A. Gallo way, secy. CONNECTICUT. RAKERSFIELD, ricultural Fair. E. M. Roberts, CAL.—Kern County AgOct. 8-11, Inclusive. 1902. pres.; Harry A. Jastro, secy. BRANFORD, CONN.—Fair. Sept. 18-20, inclusive, 1902. J. P. Callahan. secy. BERLIN, CONN.—Berlin Agricultural So elety Fair. Oct. 1-2, 1902. S. F. Raymond, pres.: F. H. Shaw, treas.; W. W. Christian. secy. BROOKLYN, CONN.—Windhawm County Agricultural Society Fair. Sept. 18-20, inelusive, 1902. Chas. Hyde, pres.; W. G. Williams, vice pres.; P. B. Sibley, Danielson, Conn., treas.; Chas. A. Briggs, Brooklyn, Conn., secy. CHESTER, Mechanical Society Fair. H. F. Hornbeck, secy. DANBURY, CONN.—Danbury Agricultural Society Fair. Oct. 6-11, 1902. Samuel H Rundle, pres.; John w: Bacon, treas.; G. Mortimer Rundle. secy. ENFIELD, CONN.-—Enfield Agricultural Fair. Oct. 1, 1902. M. Hamilton, secy. GUILFORD, CONN.—Gullford Agricultural Society Fair. Sept. 24, 1902. John B. Hubbard, pres.; Edgar Wilcox, first vice CONN.—Chester Agricultural Sept. 24, 1902. pres.; BE. E. Griswold, second vice pres.; Harry W. Cafter, treas.; Miss M. Loulse Hitcheock. secy. and mgr. HARWINTON, CONN.—Fair. Oct. 7, 1902. J. W. Buell, secy. HUNTINGTON. CONN. —Union Agricultural Society Fair. Beginning Sept. 24, 1902. Palmer, secy. LYM Ef. CONN.—Lyme Grange Fair. Sept. 1902. J. W. Stark, secy. NAUGATUCK, CONN.—Beancon Valley Grange Agricultural and Horticultural Soelety Fair. Sept. = inclusive, 1902. William LL. Loyd, NEW MILFORD, “CONN. —New Milford Sept. 16-18. 1902. J. B Hungerford, sec Association Fatr. NEWTON. CONN _Fatr Sept. 29-Oct 2. IncInsive, 1902 FPF HE McCarthy. secy NORWICH, CONN.—New London County Fair. Sept. 16-18, inclusive, 1902. T. W. Yerrington, secy. ORANGE, CONN.10-12, inclusive, 1902. ROCKVILLE, CONN.— The Orange Fair. Sept. A. D. Clarke, secy. Rockville Fair Asso elation. Sept. 23-25. inclusive. 1902. Andrew Kingsbury, pres.: FE. F. Badming ton. secyv. STAFFORD SPRINGS, CONN.—Acricultural Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 2, Inclusive, 1:02 Cc. FP. Beckwith, secy SUFFIELD. CONN.—Suffield Fair. Sept., 1902. A. M. Graves. secy. WATERRURY, CONN.—-Agricultaral Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 1902. N. W. Heater. secy. WEATHERSFIELD, CONN. 1, Inclusive, —Weathersfield ~~ <= Fair. Sept. 23-25, inclusive, 1902. Harris. secy. WILLIMANTIC. CONN.—Fatr. Sept. 232h. Incinsive. 1902. T. R. Sadd. secy. WOLCOTT, CONN. —Woleott Fair. Oct. 15, 1902. E. M. Upson, secy. WOODSTOCK. CONN — Woodstock Agric! tural Soclety Fair. Sept. 15-17. 1902. H. H. Davenport. Pomfret. pres.: C. FE May. Fast Woodstock. vice pres.: A. E. Rrono South Woodstock. treas.: L. H. Healey. North Woodstock. secy FLORIDA. DE FUNIAK SPRINGS. FLA. Agricul tural Fair. Oct. 24-25, 1902. R. W. Storrs, secy. and mer LAKP CITY, FLA.—Florida State Fatr. Nov. 11-14, inclusive, 1902. H. FB. Stockbridge, secy. GEORGIA. ATLANTA, GA.—Manufacturers’ 1902. W. G. Cooper, secy. ATLANTA, GA.—Sonthern Interstate Fatr. Oct. &1902. Frank Weldon. secy. AUGUSTA GA.—Fatir. Oct. 14-17, 1902. W. T. Flelds, chairman privileges. LEXINGTON, GA.—Oglethorpe Connty Fair.. Oct. 27-Nov. 1, Inclusive, 1£92. John Knox, pres.; George C. Smith, secy.; Cc. M. Hunter. treas. MACON. GA.—Falir. Sept. 29-Oct. 8. 1902. VALDOSTA. GA.—Georgtia State Fair. Oct. 29-Nov. 8. Incinsive. 1902. Dudley M. Hughes, Danville. Ga., pres.: T. G. Cran Fair. Oct. ford, Valdosta, Ga., vice pres.; W. 8. West, treas.; A. T. Moore, mgr. IDAHO. IDAHO.—Fatr. Oct. MeMillan, pres.: C. 8. secy. CALDWELL, IDAHO—Canyon County Fair. Oct. 7-11, 1902. V. D. Hannah, pres.: L. D. Dille, secy. LEWISTON, IDAHO.—Interstate Fair. Oct. 13-18, 1902. R. C. Beach, pres.; Van W. Hasbrouck, secy. ILLINOIS. ALEDO, ILL.—Forty-ninth Annual Mercer County Agricultural Society Fair. Sept. 16-19, Inclusive, 1902. Ed. L. Scott, Keit tesburg, Ill, pres.: EB. A. Petrie, New Windsor, mM. vice pres.; Jas. W. MecRob BOISE, 20-25, 1902. John Loveland, erts. Aledo, (ll, treas.: W. D. Emerson, secy. CAMARGO, ILL.—Donglas Connty Fatr Sept. 9-13. 1902 CARROLLTON, ILL.—Green County Asso ciation Fair. Oct. 14-17, Inclusive, 1902. Geo. W. Witt, Kane, Ml., prea.;: J. P. Kahn, Greenfield, Ill... viee pres.; C. H. Eldred. Carrollton. Ill... treas: 8S. E. Simpson. secy CARLINVILLE, ILL.—Macoupin Connty Fair. Oct. 7-10, 1902 CLEAR CREEK, ILL.—Putnam ‘ounty Fair. Sept. 22-26, 1902. DANVERS, ILL.—McLean County air Sept. 16-19, 1902 ELMWOOD, ILL.—Peorta County [fair Sept. 16-19. 1902 EI PASO, ILL.—Woodford County Fair. Sept. 8-12, inclusive, 1902. Geo. R. Curtiss, sev, FREEPORT, ILL. — Stephenson County Fair. Sept. 15-19, inclusive, 1902. T. H. Hollister, secy. GALENA,. ILLS --Jo Daviess County Fair Sept. 80-Oct. 8, 1902. Chas Scheerer. pres.: W Barner, secy GOLCONDA, ILL.—Pope Sige 4 Fair Oct. 14. 1902. A. HA. Floyd, GREENTP, ILL.—C wahevian’ Connty a ys 9-13, inelusive, 1902 Wu JOLIET. IL. —Will Connty Faltr Sept 9-12. Incinstve, 1902. Thos, J. Kelly, secy. JONESBORO, ILL.—Union County Fair Sept. 16-19, 1902 KANKAKEER, _ ILIL.—Kankakee Fair. Sept. 8-12. Inclnsive, 1902. Schobey. Union Hill. TIL. pres.: William Cooper. Kankakee Ill... vice prea: Wil liam J. Brock, treas.; D. S. McKinstry. gen'l enpt ; Len Small. secy KFEWANFFEF, IIT.—Seventeenth Annnal Ke wonee District Agrienitnral Fair. Sept & to 12 Inelnsicvre 1992. Gen A. Anthony nres: AR. Tinekings, secy. MARION, ILL.—Williameaon Connty Fair Sept. 9-12. 1902 MARTINSVILIRF. ILL —Clark Fair. Sept. 80-Oct. 4, 1992 MORRIS. ILL.—Stevens County Agricnitntral Soctety Fair. Dates not set. E. P. Watson. pres.: R. Hall, vice pres; Somue! Larson, treas.: D. T. Wheaton. secy. NEWTON. Fair Sept. 16-19, OLNEY. ILL.—Richland County Fair. Sept. 9% to 12. 1992. Ernst Z. Bower. secy. District = ¢ County ILL.—Jasper County 1902. OREGON, ILL.—Ogle County Fair. Sept. 9-12, 1902. PANA, ILL.—Falir. Sept. 9-13, Inclusive, 1902. Lewis Roley, secy. PARIS, ILL.—Edgar County Fair Sept 16-19, Inclusive, 1902. 8S. B. McCord, secy. PINCKNEYVILLE. ILL.—Perry County Fair. Oct. 7-10, 1902. R, J. Rushing, secy. SALEM, ILL.—Marton County Fair Sept 16-19. 1902. H. F. Sweeney, secy. SANDWICH, IL.—Sandwich Association Fair. Sept. 9-12, Inclusive, 1992. W. G. Reveridge, pres.; F. S. Mosher, treas.: C 1.. Stinson, secy. SHELBYVILLE, ILL.—Shelby County Assoctation Fair. Sept. 9-18, inclusive, 1902. Dr. J. C. Westerwelt, pres.; W. BE. Walker, vice pres.; C. E. Keller, treas.; Geo. A. Roberts, secy. SPRINGFIELD, ILL.—Illinots State Fatr. Sept. 29-Oct. 4, Inclusive, 1902. Martin Conrad. Sherman House, Chicago. Il, pres.: Fdward A. Ball, Springfield. i11., treas.: W. C. Garrard, Springfield Ill. secyv WATSON, ee County Fair. Sept. 9-12, 1902 P. Mautz, secy. WENONA, ILL —Marshall County Fatr. Sept. 10-12, 1902. INDIANA. IND.—Angola District Fair. Oct. 7-10. Inclusive, 1902. C. C. Carlin. pres.: L. E. Smith, vice pres.; H. Linder, treas.: O. Goodale, secy. BOONVILLE, IND.—Falr. Sept. 8-18, 1902. J T. Richardaon, secy. ROTRBON, IND.—Bonurbon Association Fair Oct. 1-8. Inclusive, 1992. Robt. Erwin. prea.; Chas. Nen. vice pres.; L. Johneon. treas.; BRB. W. Parks, secy. ANGOLA, BREMEN, IND.—Fair. Oct. 7-10, 19902. I.. G. Ditty, seey. CHRISNFY. INTD.—Seeond Annnal Spencer County Fair. Sept. 2 2to 27. 1902. J. P. Chrisney. secy COLUMRTS, IND.—Falr Sept. 9-12. 1908 Fdward Redman. secy COVINGTON, IND.—Falr. Sept. 23-26. 1902. Rose De Haven, secy CRAWFORDSVILLE IND.—Fair. Sept. & W Ff Holet. secy. . IND.—Great Northero Indiana Agricultural Fair. Sept. 28-26. Inclusive. 192. Geo. Tricker. prea. and mer: M. l.. Smith, vice nres.; R. Schng. Vera Crus Ind., treas.: T. H. Harris. Berne, Ind., secv FT. WAYNE, IND —Ft. Wayne Fair Aaso elation. Oct. 7-11, inclusive, 1902. Alexander Johnson, secy. Sept. —, 1902. Fair Buttons St. Louis Button o GOSHEN, IND.—Fatr. Badge Buttons, St. Louis Batton Co. a WE MANUFACTURE FLAGS e of every description. We are also In position to ‘manufacture N Novelties of any y description. The United States Flag Co., 2243-2245 Gilbert Avenue, Cincinnati, 0. ITENRYVILLE, IND.—Henryville Fatr. Sept. 18-20, Inclusive, 1902. Lewis Pat terson, secy HUNTINGBURGH, IND.—Dubola County Fair. Sept. 15-20, inclusive. 1902. E. W Pickhardt, pres.; H. C. Rothert, secy. HUNTINGTON, IND.—Fair. Sept. 16-20. 1902. L. Beck, sec A. y INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Indlana State Fair. Sept. 15-19, Inclusive, 1902. M. 8 Clay pool, pres.; Charles Downing, Room 14 State House, Indianapolis, Ind., secy. KENDALLVILLE, IND.—Eaatern Indiana Agricultural mong ae Fair. Sept. 29 Oct. 3. Inclusive, 1902. . M. Case. pres.: John Eley. vice pres.; ane Mitchell treas.: J. S. Conlogue, secy. uAPORTE, IND.—Laporte County Agricul tural ee geen Fair. Sept. 16-19, 1902. J. E. Rowell, LIBERTY, IND a County Fair Asso elation Sept. (2d week). Milton Mas well, secy. MIDDLETOWN. IND.—Fatr Sept. 9-12, 1902. F A. Wisehart, secy MT. VERNON, IND.—Mt. Vernon Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 4, inclusive, 1902. HT VY. Horton, secy. NEW CARLISLE, IND.—Falr 17-19. 19902. A. H. Compton, secy PORTLAND. IND.—Phirty first Annual Jay County Falr. Sept. 29-O°t 8, 1902. John Sehmuebl nree Jean F (tiraves asecy re ee IND.—Fatr Rept 24-27 F. F. Moore, secy. TIPTON. IND.—Fatr. Sept. —. 1992 BF 6-11. 1902 Sept Ramsey. secy. VINCENNES. IND.—Fatr Oct James M Honse. secy YALPARAISO. IND.—Fatr 1902 WORTTIINGTON INT). —Fatr Sept Ww MN inelnsive, 19 W. F. Crook, secy IOWA. ADE. 1TA.—Dallas Connty Fair. Sept. 16 1® Inelnstve, 1902. A. A. Crenshaw. secy AVOCA. 1A.—Pottawattamie Connty Fair Sent. 16-19, 1992. G. Diederich, pres.: John Flecher. secy RTOOMFIELD. 1A —Davte Sept 9-12 Connty§ Fatr Sept. 9-12. 1992. W W Power, pres: 1 ¢. Rronhard, secyv RRITT. TA —Hanecoeck Connty Patr. Sent 18 to 18. tInelnatve, 1902. John Hammill eee CFDAR VALE. TA.—Chantanana Connty Fatr. (Dates not set.) PL N. Whitney. cory CTTARITON, TA.—Chariton Agrien!tural Fair. Sept. 24-27. inelusive, 1902 W. M. Honseholder, sec y. CT.ARION. TA.—Wrtent County Fair 9.12. 1992. W. C. Brown. secy. 1A.—District Fatr. Oct. 9-11, Sept CLINTON inelusive, 1902. CRESTON, fA.—Creaton Fair. Sept. 16-19. Inelusive. 1902. . L. Bullard, pres.: James MeCornack, secy. DE WITT. 1TA.—Ciinton Connty Agrienitn ra! Soctety Fair. Sept. 16-19. Inelnsive. 12. T.. S. Harrington, prea.: BE. J. Quiglev. treas.: L. D. Winne. seev FI DON. 1A. —Fldon Rig Fonr District Ag rienitnral Assoelation Falr Sept. 2-5. In elnsive. 1992. TD. A Jay. pres: Terry, White Film. Ia.. vice pres.: Mark Hilles, Eldon Ta. treas: HR Baker eore GREENFIELD, 14.—Adair ——— Fatr. Sept. 9-12, Inclusive, 1902. ae Le . Joho ston. pres.: 8. Y. Cornell, GUTHRIE CENTER, IA. ~ Gathrie Couaty Fair Sept. 16-20, 1992. A. H. Grisell. recy. INDEPENDENCE, TA. eultural Fair. Sept. H. Larwell, seev. LA PORTE CITY, 1A.—Fatr. Sept 28-26 1972. Joseph Hneman, pres.: B. L. Man. ville. secv MANCHESTER TA —Delaware (Connty a Soclety Sept. 18-19 192 N th VanAuken. pres.: James Rishop Agri1992. A Independence 80-Oct. 3. WAPLETON TA —Manle Vallew Fair As Attraction Fair. Sept. 16-19, Inclusive, Tamh nresTT VY Chanin. seew MPCTHIANTICSVITLTL RE 1A.—The Distriet ana Attraction Fatr Sent. 9-12. Inctuaive. 1m? A F. Fatrehild. secw MTSSOTRI VALLEY. 1A — Harrtaon Connty Aertenitnral Soclety Fair Sent 22.25. IncInsive. 1992 W HW Withrow aecyv VONTICFPTITO TA. —Jonee Connty Falter Sent. 15-19. Inclusive, 1902. W. G. Ellers. sory. NFW SHARON TA.—New Sharon District Fair Sent. 16-18 Inetnstve. 1992. Geo W Mar nres.: John W Irwin. secy NORTHWOOD TA. — Northwood Fatr. Sept. 17-19. Inelnstve. 1992. FEF. H. Miller. pres: Rert. Hamilton. secy. OGDEN. TA *—Roone Connty Falr Sept 11-12. 1992 CTH. Williams. prea: A J Gardner, secv ORANGE CITY. TA.—Stowx Connty Fatr Sent 17-19. 1992 A. Vander Metde. prea: TT Slinkkerveer secy PFTLTA TA —Take Prairie Dietrict Faltr. Sent. 22-28. Incinsive, 1992. Chas. Porter. secv RHAONES Soelety Fatr chard, secy SFYVOTR TA.—Sermonr Metriet Agrient. tural Soclety. Sept 182) tnelnaive. 1902 J.T. Lowry. pres.: R. E. Lowry, secy. and mgr. TA —Fden Wetrlet Agrienitnral Sept. 22-25. 1992 Ren MI ee POINT, IA.—Fatr. 2 HW. A. Harrin on, TOLEDO, IA.—Tama : Tare Sept. & LE County Fair. Sept 23-26, inclusive, 102. W. G. Malin, pres. : M. A. Shanklin, treas.: A. G. Smith, secy. KANSAS. BURLINGTON, KAN Coffey County Fair. Sept. 9-12, 1902. J. EB. Woodford. secy. oe GROVE, KAN.--Morris County exposition Fair. Sept. 25-27, inclusive 1902. W. H. White, pres.: M. F. Am. line, secy. ( LAY CENTER, KAN.— Clay County Fair Sept. 9-12. inclusive, 1902. “E. BE. Hoopers, secyv ERIE, KAN Neosho County Association Fair Sept. 30-Oct. 3, inclusive, 1902. ‘ r Dutton, pres.; Fielding Scott, St. Paul, Minn., vice pres.; W. T. Allen. Erie, Pa.. treas.: H. Lodge, secy EL DORADO, KAN.—Butler Co s Sept Since & tnen itler unty Fair FR ANKFORT, KAN.—Frankfort Fair Assoctation Se ‘pt. 23-26, inclusive, 1902. A. Shearer, pres ; Jas. McCouchie, vice pres.; J. A. Gregg, secy.: M. L Lindsey, treas. HOLTON, "KAN Jackson County Agricn!tural Fair Association Sept. 28-26, inelu sive, 1902 A. Bumgardner, pres.: S. B. McGrew, secy. HUTCHINSON, KAN.—The Central Kansas Association Fair. Sept. 15-19. inelusive, 1902. J. Brown, pres.: D. J. Fatr Sterling, Kan., vice pres: W. H. Eagan, Hutchinson, treas.: O. F. Davis megr.: Ed. Moore, secy : Me MARYSVILLE. KAN. Marshall County Fair. Sent. 9-12, inelusive, 1902. K. L. Miller. secy. NEWTON, KAN.—Fair Sept. 22-26, 1902. J. F. Axtell, pres.; G. R. Follett. vice pres.: A. B. Gilbert, treas.: John e. Nicholason. seey. OSKALOOSA, KAN Jefferson County Fair. Sept. 9-12, 19902 Geo. A Patterson, secy OTTAWA, KAN.—Fair Sept. 16-19, 1902 R. B. Peddicord, pres.: R. € McQueesten, treas.; C. M. Porter, secy RILEY, KAN.—Riley County Fatr. Sept. 1902. A. R. Lee, secy. STOCKTON. KAN.—The Rooks County Fair Association. Sept. 9-12. Inclusive, 1902. Vv. Toepffer. pres.: Oliver Ad ams, recy STERLING, nan.—Fatr. Sept. 8-12. Inclusive, bs George B. Ross, Alden. Kan., . J. English, treas.: C. Hawkina, secy. WICHITA, KAN.—Wichita and Southwest ern Fair. Sept. 22-27, inclusive. 1902. H. C. Lockwood, director: H. L. Resing, secy. WINFIELD, eFatr. Oct. 7-10, 1 \sive, 1902. : a . J. Wilson, secy. KENTUCKY. BOWLING GREEN, KY.—Warren County Fair. Sept. 10-13, inclusive, 1902. J. B. eae secy. KY.—Ewing County Fair. . inclusive, 1902. 8. H. Price. secy. GUTHRIE, KY.—Guthrie Fair. Oct. 1-4, inclusive, 1902. C. C. Givens, Madisonville, Ky.. secy. HARTFORD, KY.—Ohlo County Fair. Oct. 1-4. Inclusive, 1902. S. K. Cox, treas. HENDE ~y ig KY —Great Tri-Count Fair, Sept. 23-27 , inclusive, 1902. Jacob Zimbro, Jr., secy. Established in 1852 F.PATUREL & CO. 16 Warren Street, NEW YORK. Manufacturers and Importers of GAS, WHISTLING AND ADVERTISING BALLOONS. Also Novelties for Street Men. We receive svery week from our fa Balloons of all kinds and sizes that we guarantee of superior quality to amy offered on the market. We also caution our customers and the trade to beware of inferior goods and false numbers offered at cheap prices PRICE LIGT OM APPLICATION. Mention“ The Billboard” when ensawering ads 4 3 ui Lae ‘ oA ng ‘ # } . a] i : it ‘ 7 hae “oe : by é 7) # i ‘ “ — ; ? in @ ee ' :