The Billboard 1902-09-13: Vol 14 Iss 37 (1902-09-13)

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THE BILLBOARD SOUTH DAKOTA. DE SMET, S. D.—De Smet Agricultural Fair. (Dates not set.) HURON, S. D.—Huron Fair. Sept. 16-19, inclusive, 1902. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D.—Minnehaha County Fair. Sept. 23-26, inclusive, 1902. — 6 Avery, sec YANKTON, S. D.—Sonth Dakota State Fair. Sept 8-12, inclusive, 1902. C. C Moulton, pres.; Walter B. Dean, secy. TENNESSEE. ALEXANDRIA, TENN—De Kalb County Agricultural and Mechanical Association Fair. Sept. 25-27. 1902. Rob Roy, secy. COAL CREEK, TENN.—Coal Creek Stock and Fair Association. Sept. 16-19, inclusive, 1992. R. M. Lindsay, pres.; T. J. Gross, secy. COOKEVILLE, TENN.—Putnam Count Fair Association. Sept. 25-27, inclusive, 1902. Luke P. Gillem, cor. secy KINGSTON, TENN. —Kingston Fair. Dates not fixed. James F. Lintitan, secy. TRENTON, TENN.—Gibson County Agrieultural and Mechanica! Association. Oct. 4-7, Inclusive, 1902. Dr. T. J. Hoppel, pres.: W. W. Harrison, secy. TEXAS. ABILENE, TEX.—West Texas Fair. Oct. 14-18. Inclusive, 1902. John Bowyer. secy. AUSTIN, TEX.—Austin Fair Assoctation. (Dates not set.) I. P. Lockridge, pres. RRYAN. TEX.—Central Texas Fair. Oct. 14.17. ineinsive. 1902. Pant Rradley. secy CENTER POINT, TEX. —aieiaee’ Valley Fair. Sept. 25-27, inclusive, 1902. F. C. Nelson, secy. DALLAS, TEX.—Texas State Fair. Sept. 27-Oct. 12. inclusive. 1902. W. H. Gaston, pres.: Sydney Smith, secy. DENISON, TEX.—Dentson Fair. Sept. 2326. inclusive. 1902. A. L. Dain, secy. DENTON. TEX.—Denton County Fair. Sept. 18-20, inclusive, 1902. Claude Grant, secy. FREDERICKSBURG, TEXAS.—Glillesple County Fair. Sept. 13-15, 1902. H. Wahrmund. pres.: Capt. L. Hagen. secy. KERRVILLE, TEX.—Kerrville Park Association Fair. Oct. 9-11, Inclusive, 1902. Chas. Real, secy MARQUEZ. TEX. — Marquez Association Fair. Oct. 6-8, Inclusive, 1902. F. M. Amos, pres.: W. K. Powell, vice pres.; 1. 9. Roegs secy. and mer PALESTINE, TEX.—East Texas Industrial Carnival and Fruit Show. Sept. 16-18. 1902. Wm. Branagan, secy. and treas. SAN ANTONIO, TEX.—San Antonio International Ageociation Fair. Oct. 18-29, Inelusive. 1902. Vorles P. Brown, pres.: John Kokernot. vice pres.; T. C. Froat, trens.: J. M. Vance. fecy. VICTORIA, TEX.—Southeast Texas Fair Assoclation. Nov. 11-14, 1992. L. N. Ho fer secy UTAH. RICHFIELD. UTAH—Central Wtah Aegrtenltural Soctety Fair. Sept. 22-27, inelusive, 1902. Jas. M. Bolitho, pres.: B. Stringham Young. secy. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH —Uteh State Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 4. Inclusive. 1902. Nelson A. Empey, pres.: Septimus W. Sears. secy. VERMONT. BARTON, VT.—Orleans County Agriculteral Association a, Sept. 9-12, inclusive, 1902. D. D. Bean, secy. BRATTLEBORO. "Tt. —Valley Association oy Sept. 24-25, 1902. G. Hooker. : C. L. Stickney, secy. CANAAN, VT.—Essex County Fair. Sept. 17-19, inclusive, 1902. G. B. Trask, pres.: C. N. Green, secy. FAIR HAVEN, VT.—Western Vermont Agricultural Society Feir. Sept. 16-19, inelusive, 1902. A. Flory, secy. MORRISVILLE. VT.—Lamollle Valley Fair Association. Sept. 23-25, Insclusive, 1902. O. M. Waterman, secy. NORTHFIELD. VT.—Dog_ River Fair Association. Sept. 23-2h. 1992. J. B. Wells. pres.: W serv. ORWELL. VT.— Orwell Farmers’ Cinuh een (Dates not set.) E. P. Grainold. H. D. Branch, secy. ST. *AL RANS. VT.—Lamville County Fair. Valley inclusive, W. Holden, Sept. 232-25. Inelusive. 1902. ST. JOHNSBURY. VT.—Caledonta County Fair. Sept. 16-18, tnclusive, 1902. C. T. Smith. secv. SPRINGFIELD. tit "ane County Fair. Sept. 16-17, 1902. . D. Woolson, nres.: C. H. Moore, secy. WASHINGTON. VT —Washington Agricul. tural Soclety Fair. Sept. 18-20. Inclusive 1902. A. T. Newman, pres.: G. H. Bigelow. secy. WATERRURY. VT.-~Winoosk Valley Agrieultural Fair. Sept. 1902. H. D. Rrown. pres.: FE. G. Hooker. secy. WOODSTOCK. VT.—Fiftv-seventh Windsor County Annual Fatr Sept. 28 to 25. Inelusive, 1902. C. W. Graves, pres.; J. S. Faton, secy. VIRGINIA. PTLASKI,VA.—Pulaski Agricultural and Mechanical Association Fair. Dates not set. Francis Bell, pres.; H. B. Howe. Rev. RADFORD. VA.—Great District Fair. Oct. 14-17, inclnsive, 1902. H. C. Tyler, East Radford, Va., secy. WINCHESTER. VA.—Shenandoah Valley Agricultnral Association. Oct. 21-24, Inelusive. 1902. T. S. Chamblin. pres.: BE G. Hollta. secy. WYTHEVILILF. VA.—Southwest Virginia Fatr Assoctation. Oct. 21-24. Inclusive, 1902. W. C. Lawson, Rural Retreat. Va.. secy. Street Fair Buttons, St. Louis Button Co. WASHINGTON. COLFAX, WASH.—Whitman ar od Fair. Oct. 14-18, inclusive, 1902. C. . MacKenzie, mgr. DAVENPORT, WASH. — Lincoln County im Oct. 13-18, 1902. J. M. Harris, EVERETT, WASH.—Snohomish jones Ag: ricultural Association Fair. Sept. 9-12, inclusive, 1902. Dan Currie, secy. NORTH YAKIMA, WASH.—Washington State Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 4, 1902. Dr. T. B. Gunn, se z. PUYALL UP, ASH.—Valley Fair Association. Sept. 80-Oct. 4, 1902. L. A. Cham berlain, pres.; SPOKANE, Fair. Oct. J. P. Neonine, secy. WASH. —Spokane Interstate 6-14, 1902. Geo. H. Martin, secy. WATLA WALLA, WASH.—Walla Walla Fruit Fair. aa 22-28, 1902. C. T. Van de Water, sec WENATCHEE, WASH. —Agricultural Fair. Sept. 25-27, 1902. WEST VIRGINIA. CAMERON, W. VA.—Marshal County Fair. Sept. 23-25, inclusive, 1902. J. L. MeMahon, secy. CLARKSVILLK, W. VA.—Lewis County Fair. Sept. 16-18, inclusive, 1902. PENNSBORO, W. VA.—Ritchie County Agricultural Fair. Sept. 9-12, inclusive, 1902 Wm. A. Strickler, Ellenboro, Ww. Va., secy. pow PLEASANT, W. VA.—Point Pleas ant Fair and Driving Association. Sept. 39-Oct. 3, Inclusive, 1902. Wm. Duffy, pres.. Art L. Cottrill, secy. WHEELING, W. VA.—West Vir — 17% Fair and Exposition. Sept. 8-12, A. Reyman, pres.; Geo. Hook. secy. WISCONSIN. a WIS.—Fair. Sept. 9-12, 1902 J. Smith, secy. ANTIGO. WIs.— —Langlade County Agricul. Sept. 11-13, inclusive, tural Society Fair. 1902. Thos. Hutchinson, Bryan, Wis., pres.; H, A. Kohl, treas.; Geo. W. Hill, secy. ASHLAND, WIS.—Ashland County fair. Sept. 23-25, inclusive, 1902. W. G. Nojhl, secy AUGUSTA, WIS.—Eau Clair County Fair. Sept. 9-12, inclusive, 1902. I. H. Liver. more, pres.; E. W. Plummer, secy. BARABOO, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 23-25, 1902. S. A. Pelton, secy. REAVER DAM, WIS.—Dodge Connty Association Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 8, Inclusive, 1 Van Brunt, Harrison, pres. ; ag Wallace, Hot Lake, vice pres.; H. RB. Drake, Beaver Dam, treas.; R. B. Thomas, mgr.; C. W. Harvey, sec . BERLIN, WIS. Berlin Blue Ribbon Fa'r. Sept. 23-26, 1902. . Seott, secy. BOSCOBEL, Wis.—Fair. Oct. 1-3, 1902. Plass Whitman. secy. CEDARBURG, WIS.—Ozaku County Agricultural Society Fair. Sept. 15-17, inclus!ive, 1902. Wm. Rintteman, pres.; John Dietrich, vice pres.; L. B. Schroeder. Salter P. O., Wis., treas.: Jacob Dietrich, Cedarburg, mer. and secy a ae FALLS, WiS.—Falr. 1902. Geo. B. McCall, secy. DODGEVILLE. WIS.—Iowa County Fair. Sept. 16-19 inclusive, 1902. DURAND, WIS.—Pepin County A ral Society Fair. Sept. 23-26, 1 John Dorwin, sec % ELKHORN, WIS.—Walworth County Fair. Sept. 16-19, 1902. Geo. L. Harrington, secv. ELLSWORTH, WIS.—Pierre C Sept. 16-19, 1902. E. S. Doolittle, secy. GAYSMII.L, WIS.—Central Agricultural and Driving Park Association. Oct. 7-10, inclusive, ga Atley Peterson, pres.; W. H. Thomson, Wi GRANTSBURG, IS.—Fair. Sept. 24-26, A. Anderson, secy. Sept. ieultu nty Fair inclusive, 1 GREEN RAY, wis: —Brown County Fatr. Sept. 10-13, Inclusive, 1902. Mr. Scheller, res. HORTONVILL FE, WIS.—Outagamle Counts Agricultural Society Fair. Sept. 17 to 19. inclusive, 1902. L. Jacknot, secy JEFF*®RSON, WIS.—Jefferson County and Roe’: River Valley Agricuitural ——T Fair. Sept. 23-26, Inclusive, 1902. ; Wasbburn. pres.; J. H. McGowan. vice pres.: F. P. Kispert, treas.; O. F Roess ler. mgr. and secy. LACROSSE, WIS.—Interstate Fair. Sept. 23-26, inclusive, 1902. C. S. Van Auken, secy. LANCASTER, WIS.—Grant County Agrtcultural Society Fair. Sept. 10-12, inclusive, 1902. Delos Abrams, pres.; John 8. Wright, vice pres.; C. W. y, treas.; J. Cc. Churehiill. aecy MADISON, WIS. a County Agricaita ral Society Fair. Sept. 23-26, inclusive, a4 8S. L. Sheldon, pres.; E. 8. Burwell, MAT ETON, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 9-12, 1902 H. Blv. secy MENOMINER. WI8.—Dunn County Agria yi Sept. 16-19, inclusive, 1902. B. Chickering, pres.; George Gal owe necy. MILWATKEF. WITS.—Wiseonain State Sept. 8-12, Inclusive, 1902. John M. Fatr. Trne, secy. NEW LONDON. WIS.—Fair. Sept. 28-26. 1902. Henry Cannon. secy. NEW RICHMOND. WIS.—Fair. Sept. 1719. 1902. J. A. Hughes. secy. PHILLIPS, WIS. — Phillips Agricultural Fair. Sept. 24-26, 1902. Fred. W. Ruff, secy. PORTAGE, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 16-19, 1902. J. BE. Jones, secy. RHINELANDER, WIS. — Onelda Connty Agricultural Soclety. Sept. 16-19, 1902. Frank EB. Parker, secy. SENECA, WIS.—Crawford County Agricul tural Society Fair. Sept. 16-18. inclusive, 1902. Jas. Fisher, pres.; J. F. Sprosty, secy. SEYMOUR, WIS.—Seymour Fair and Driving Park Association. Sept. 25-27, tnclusive, 1¢ H. Van Vuren, secy. SHAWANO, WIS.—Shawano po County sen cultural Soclety Fair. ct. inclusive, 1 G. A. Richesadle, 2 D. H. Georga, Hashena, Wls., vice pres.; Chas. Brockman, Shawano, is., treas.; F. J. Harter. mgr.; I’. J. Martin, secy. TOMAH, WIS.—Eastern Monroe County Agricultural ne Fair. Sept. 15> inclusive, 1902. . Syverson, pres.; H . Skinner, secy VIROQUA, Wis. —Vernon County Agricul. tural Society. Sept. 16-19, Inclusive, 1902. F. M. Marshall, pres.; F. W. Alexander, secy.; J. W. Nulls, treas. WEST BEND, WIS. oon wt County Fair. Sept. 18.20, 1902 Rix, secy. WEST _ EM, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 23-26, 1902. J. Philips, secy. WEYAU WE GA, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 16-19, inclusive, 1902. J. Hill, mgr.; secy. CANADA. AYLMER, ONT.—East Elgin County Fair. Sept age B 1902. A. A. Leslie, pres.; D. H. Price, secy. BROW MANVILLE, ONT., CAN. Wm. Woods, —West Dur ham Agricultural Society Fair. Sept. 2223, Arch. Stalker, Toronto, Ont., Can., pres.; M. A. James, J. P., Lock Drawer 7. secy. and treas. CALEDONIA, ONT., CAN.—Seneca and Oneida Agricultural Society Fair. Oct. 9 10, 1902. J. W. Richardson, secy. CHARLOTTETOWN, P. E. ISLAND.—<Agrieultural and Industrial exhibition. Sept 23-26, inclusive, 1902. F. Haszard, area.: €. Re. Smallwood, secy. CHATHAM, O*” , CAN.—West Kent Ag ricultural Socuety Fair. Oct. 7-9, Inclus ive, 1902. Jaraes Chinnick, pres.: Spencer Stone, vice pres.; Fleming, treas.: Henry Robinson, Box 67, mgr. and secy. COLLINGWOOD, ONT, CAN —The Great Northern Exhibition. Sept. 23-26, Inclw sive, 1902. Thomas Robinson, pres: Jas Guilfoyle, treas.: J. W. Archer. P.O Box 637, secy. DRUMBO, ONT., CAN.—Drumbo Fair Sept. 23-24, 1902. K. 8S. McLaren, pres. * ¢£. Telfer, secy. and treas. DUNNVILLE. ONT., CAN. — Weaterp Branch Agricultural Society Fair Oct 1-2, 1902. Solomon 8. Smith, pres.: David Lyons, Jr., vice pres.; W. A. Fry. secy and treas EMRRO, ONT., CAN. bro vi — Oct. 2, hell, HALIP AX. NOVA SCOTIA Nova Previncial Fair. Sept. 10-18, Wood, secy. KEMPTVILILE, ONT., CAN.—Oxford Fatr Riverside Park. Sept. 25-26, 1902. S. H Guest, secy. LONDON. ONT., CAN.—Western Associa tion Fair. Sept. 15-20, Inclusive, 1902 Col. W. M. Gartshore, pres.: Col. J. W Little, vice pres.; D —— treas.; J A. Nelles, mgr. and sec “A METCALFRE, ONT., CAN,—Russell County West Zona and Em 1902. J. L. C. Norna Scotia 1902. J. k Fatr. Sept. 1617, MILTON, ONT.. CAN.—Flectrical District Fair. Sept. 25-26, 1902. William Clem ents, secy NEWMARKET, ONT., CAN.—North York County Fatr. Sept. 23-25. Inclusive, 1902 J. F. Cane, pres.: B. Jackson. treas.: W Keith. secy NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C.—Fair Sept 80-Nct. 4. 1992 PRESCOTT, ONT.—Sonth Greenville Agri enltural Soclety Fair. Sept. 28-25, Inclo sive. 1902. T. R. Melville, seey RENFREW. ONT.—Renfrew Fair. Sept. 25 and 26, 1992. Orange Wright. secv. SAULT STE MARIBF, ONT... CAN.—Fast Algoma Agricnitural Society Fair. Oct 1-2. Inclusive, 1902. John Dawson, prea: William Brown, secy. and treas TORONTO CAN —Canadian Indnstria! Fair. Sept. 1-13, Iinelusive. 1902. H. VANTEFEK HILL, ONT... CAN.—Prescott Connty Agricultural Soclety Fair. Dates not fixed. James Allison. prea: Samne!l Howes, vice pres.: Fred. W. Thistle thwaite, mgr, treas. and seey. VICTORIA, RB. C.—Fatr. Oct. 711, Reanmont Roggs. seey. 192 ET aan yeas ADA, I. TER.—People’s Street Fair and Carnival. Oct. 13-18, inclusive, 1902. D. E. Burrell, Davis, 1. Ter., secy. AINSWORTH, NEB.—Street Fair and Carnival. Sept. 24-26, inclusive, 1902. Wm. M. Ely, secy. AL MA, NEB.—Alma Street Fair. Sept. 24 26, 1902. W. A. Myers, secy. ALTON, ILL.—Street Fair. Auspices Com mercial Club. Sept. 8-13, 1902. Barnes, secy Wm. H. ASHLAND, O.—Ashland Free Street Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 1902. P. E. Countryman, secy. ATCHISON, KAN.—Corn Carnival, Sept. 17-18, 1902' BAKER CITY, ORF. ow Fair and Car nival. Sept. 16-20. Mr. Pollman, pres.: C. A. Hosier, secy. BAY CITY, MICH.—Street Fair and Car nival. Sept. win, secy. BEATRICE, NEB.—Elks’ Street Fair and Carnival. Sept. 15-20, 1902. L. Oppenheimer Attractions. 16-19, 1902. Floyd A. Good BELVIDERE, ILL.—Street Fair and Flower Parade. Sept. 20-Oct. 4, 1902. LL. Oppen heimer furnishes attractions Fred. W. Jencks, mer. BELLEVILLE, ILL.—Red Men's Carnival and Jubilee. Oct. 6-11, inclusive, 1902. Chas. F. Wangetin, secy. BELOIT, WIS.—Merchants’ Free Sir Fair and Jahrmarkt. Sept. 22-27, 1% James H. Clark, secy. RBELVEDERRE, ILL.—Street Fair ana ¢ nival, Auspices N. 8. M. C. Band. Se; 20-Oct. 4, 1902. W. H. Dierthick, mer BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—Trades Council ¢ nival. Nov. 3-9, 1902. B. W. Brum! mgr.; GaskillMundy Carnival Co., ; tractions BRYAN, O.—Free Street Fair. Sept. 18-2 inclusive, 1902. Southern Carnival ¢, ractions B U TL ER, IND.—Farmers' Jubilee ana « nival. Sept. 17-19, inclusive, 1902. ©. | Downey, secy. CARLYLE, ILL.—Carlyle Street Fair Sept, 10-13. 1902. H. C. Norcross, secy CARROLL, IA.—German Day and Kirmess Oct. 68, inclusive, 1902. Thos. F. Gui rie, secy. CARR OLL TON, MO.—Free Street Fair eS aeenrel Sept. 23-27, 1902. J. EB. Di son, Sec CEDAR i -APIDS, 1A.—Carnival Sept Oct. 4, 1902. G. K. Barton, pres. CENTRAL LAKR, MICH. — Free Street Fair. Sept. 23-25, 1902. E. A. Fox, sec; CHICKASIIA, IND. TER. —Street Fair and Carnival. Oct. 1-4, inclusive, 1902. CC. K Czariinsky, Wagoner, I. T., Recy. CHIPPEWA FALLS, WIS.—Street Fair, Sept. 16-19, Inclusive, 1902. Phil Loewe. secy. CINCINNATI, O.—Cincinnati Fall Festiva! Sept. 15-27, inclusive, 1902. Will S. Heck Carnival Co. attractions. S. Wright, Secy CIRCLEVILLE, O.—Fall Festival and Car nival Sept. 15-20, 1902. Clark C Donghty, director. CLINTON, MO.—Street Fair and Burgo Sept. 24-27, inclusive, 1902. Bixman & Co.. mers, COALTON, O.—Street Fair and Carniva! Sept. 25-26, 1902. W. H. Weider, secy COFFEYVILLE, KAN.—Elks’ Street Fatr. Sept. 16-20, Inclusive, 1902. Clyde H. Knox, secy. COLUMBIA, TENN.—Elks’ Carnival and Street Fair. Sept. 8-13, 1902. Ashby Wilkins, secy. COLUMBUS, GA.—Fall Festival. Oct. Nov. 1, 1902. R. ©. Howard, pres.: T. J. oO -t Hunt. gen’! mer.: C. B. Grimes, secy. CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND. — Elks’ Free Carnival. Sept. 29-Oct. 1, inelusive, 102 W. Morgan, secy,. CYNTHTIANA KY. —Street Fair. Oct. 1-3, Inelnsive 19 DANVILLE. TL.—Elks’ Fall Festival, Sept. 15-20, Inclusive, 1902. M. J. Wels man. supt. of privileges. MAVIS. I. T.—Street Falr. Oct. 6-11, 1902. D. FEF. BRussell. secy. MECATUR, 1..1..—Corn Carnival and Street Fair Net. 13-18, 1902. Jas. K. Stafford, <cecy DEKALRB, ILL.—Elks’ Carnival. Sept. 29 Oct. 4. inclusive, 1902. T. J. Adams, secy. DENISON, TA.—Denison Street Fair. Sent 23-26, inelusive, 1902 A. W. Wright, secyv DIXON, ILL.—Corn Festival. Sept. 2227 12. John Crabtree, secy.; auspices of B. P. O. E., No. T7 DUBUQUE, TA.—Fall Festival and Street Fair. Oct. 13-18, inclusive, 1902. W. J Glynn, secy DURANT, T. T.—Street Fair and Cotton Carnival. Oct. 22-25, inclusive, 1902. C K. Czarlinsky, secy. and mgr., Wagoner, ae DURHAM, N. C.—Elks’ Carnival and Free Street Fair. Sept. 8-13, inclusive, 1902. EAU CLAIRE, W!S.—Street Fair and Car nival. Sept. 30-Oct. 4, inclusive, 1902. Frederick Stussey, secy. EFFINGHAM, ILL .—Effingham Farmers’ Free Street Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 1902. W. W. Austin, pres.; H. O. Adams, secy. SLLSWORTH, KAN.—Woodmen’'s Carnival and Barbecue. Sept. 23-26, inclusive, 1902. W. H. Corhartt, secy. EUGENE, ORE.—Street Fair and Carnival. Sept. 24-27, inclusive, 1902. Al. Hamp ton, pres.: M. L. Wallis, secy. FARMINGTON, 1A.—Carnival. Sept. 1012, inclusive, 1902. Frank D. Carr, secy. FAYETTE, MO.—Street Fair. Sept. 10-13, inclusive, 1902. Lee Holliday, pres. Golden Gate Carnival Co., attractions. FOND DU LAC, Wis.—Elks’ Street Fair and Carnival. Sept. 15-20. FORT DODGE, IA.—Fort Dodge Carnival. Sept. 9-12, Inclusive, 1902. M. J. Haire, secy. tT. PLAIN, N. Y¥.—Street Fair. Sept. 2229, 1902. ET. SMITH, ARK.—Ft. Smith Street Fair and Carnival. Oct. 13-18, inclusive, 1902 W. FE. Blocker, secy. FT. WORTH, TEX.—K. of P. Street Fair. Oct. 14-18, ine lusive, 1902. J. J. Langiver, chairman ‘RANCESVILLE, IND.—Sixth Annual Carnival. Sept. 23-26, 1902. H. A. Myers, secy. “RANKFORT, KY.—Red Men's Fall Carnival and Street Fair. Oct. 7-10, 1902. Dr. O. B. Demaree, pres.; Francis Guth rie, secy. FREEPORT, Sept. 15-20, GAINSVILLE, Oct. secy. ILL. — Fair and Carnival. we TEX —Free Street 14-18, inclusive, 1902. J. T. GALVA, ILL.—K. of P. Carnival and Street Fair. Sept. 25-27, 1902. C. M. Sanders, chairman of committee; Chieago Theatrieal Co., attractions, GREENSBURG, IND.—Free Street Fair and Carnival. Sept.. 22-27, 1902. Goyert & Stegmaier, mers. GUTHRIE, KY.—Street fair. Oct. 1-4, in ~ ive, 1902. C. C. Givens, Madisonville, Fair. Leonard, secy. H. AL LETTSRU RG, TEX.—Street Fair. Oct. 15-17, 1902. KE. O. Meitzen, secy. HARTLEY, 1A.—Street Carnival. Sept. 1112, 1902. J. E. Palmer, secy. HASTINGS, NEB.—Street Fair and Trade Carnival. Oct. 6-11, Inclusive, 1902. C. E. Higinbotham, secy.