The Billboard 1902-10-04: Vol 14 Iss 40 (1902-10-04)

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¢ %®, cen ns mermea $$ $$ ————_——_—_— ee BN . . re onte “otherhoo i Stock Association Show. Dee. 31, 1802, 1908. Sharp Butterfield, judge: John A UTAH. oe ee ae las wae te Jan. 3 103. ten S. Myers, judge; hoe res o, Sag a ame ‘Trust Bldg.. secy rer oe oCIPy ovr Thirty-sec ae cee i andy op old fo antag Chas. Mann, seey. s N. Y. Cattaraugus County eS "2 a= aad y ott sen Isen, G48 Waleansia Ay., Chicago, chuoNn 1 yr, —_DPodge Counfy Poultry Poultry Association Show. Dee, 22-04; FIRE Lodge. Jan, 20, 1905. ‘Christopher Diehl, WAUSAU WIS.—Anniversary Presbyterian — Het Stock —_ a oe. Baca asnare ok bry if a Mable, go: ——. : , -19, inclusive, 1002. . di, Haven, secy. | oh SESE, Be . a ‘ RADI sALT LAKE CITY, UTAH—Annual ConferS Wilson by ~ ey gi vi. FRESNO, CAL. — Sixth a r = la gage ol on A ce gon ence of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter secy : sd County Poultry Association Show. ec 008, A. J. Keith, pres. Midak . 0-13, 1902. Geo. R. Andrews, 1828 Maribrook, Rock Rapids, Ta., viee pres.; Jol Pay. Oct. —, 1908. Goes, Reynolds, escy. CANADA. pons” st., secy. “4 King, treas.: Ww. D. Harding, supt.: F. i. VERMONT. \T anadian | GALESBURG, ILL. — Galesburg County rellabarger est Liberty, Ia., judge, BARRE, VT.—I. 0. G. T. Grand Lodge "Caan fia ‘en akon Poultry Association Show. Res = _ arn sae by aes noses, ate oa R gor. EE. Johnson, pres.; D. E,. ic tING nois State 1 Convention. _ ~ pl lg Campes a a Rosebrough, 12 _ "y. cbs , try Association Show. J: in, rf, TUM) 3. "e URi NGTON. Vi.—State Medical Soclety WHITBOURNE, NEWFOUNDLAND, CAN. | GALVA, ILL.—Third Annual Galva Poultry | | E. Ellsworth, Danville, IIL, seey, BUBLINGTO "Oct. 9-10, 1902. Geo —Grand Orange Lodge of Newfoundland | Association Show. a 10-13, 1002. EB. or a a mF i leventh Aunuai me 7 a ek : W. Robinson, secy. and treas. . ) SNC *» Poultry Associ; Gorham, pehows eae Nt. 8 es Pythias Convention. Jan. (third week), 1903. atamn eee a MICH. Grand Rapids} tion, Jan. 610, 1903. ©. W. Nuss Tn, BURLINGTON, % tts we Oct. 8. 1902 Poultry Association Show. Feb, 2-8, 1908. Teekrok x. JEN ; : ch ‘ 7 ca Charles McClave, judge. “‘. od. ew ersey Poultry, me Ng T, OU. Tinker, St. Johnsburg, Vt., EXPOSITIONS. HAGERRTOWN. “aD Poultry Show. Oct. Dee 3 an ak Stock Assoc ‘lation Show. . a~ A ah De ” 2 = iad Oo s » q ed alter S. Gl: uiney, J . — Pharmacevt| ATHENS, GREECE—Exposition Royale In 14-17, 102. J hn I. Cost, secy. ec r., ST. JOUNSBURY, pent only Oct, So, ternationale. Sept. 15-Dec. 30, 19u2. Di| HAMILTON, O.—Butler County Poultry, oy, MO.—L , : 0 ©. ©. Bingham, secy rector-General Deanworth, American rep-| Vigeon, Pet Stock and Belgian Hare Asincoln County Poultry Asso a Es ee a resentative; Charles Austin Bates, Vandersociation Show. Dee. 11-15, 1902 ciation Show. Jan, 13-15, Wen.” J. WwW. VIRGINIA. bilt Bldg., New York, American agent. It Alt’ reFORD, CONN.—Poultry Show. Dee. mL A Stuart L. Penn, seey. BALTIMORE, MD.—Maryland = Industrial m. tre 1902. ee 7 an Stock pve me ye “Poultry = net — United Daughters ef Exposition, May 20-June 20, 1903. John G 0 v. C.—Poultry Association . BOC ( ec. 3 80, gon Ate pee Convention. J. ieeaaien: gen’l mer.; offices, No. 2 St. Show. a 16-20, 1908. R. L. Simmons, ~ 2 ele aa Hathaw: ay, judge: < é m. Miss Charlott A. Ran aul st., Baltimore, Md. Cherryville, N. C., seey. _ * See ame hese Mey Va. zee. secy. Mrs. J. IL. | BINGHAMTON, N. Y.—Isinghamton Indus| HOLLAND, MICH.—Hoiland Poultry Assobe 4 “RT, O.Van Wert Pouitry Asso Timberlake, Atlee, Va., cor, secy, trial Exposition. Sept. 30-Oct. 8, incius— Show. age 16-19, 1902. J. ConGatien Show, Feb. {first week), 1903. ©, J , _ 7, UO. site a ive, 1902. Hi. C. Hardie, treas.; Hear sey, pres.; C. D. Kyzer,’ vice pres.; R. ARTY ee ae og AIS ¥S35 1902, Mrs. S. M: artin, 891 State st., sec y. % J Westvildt, treas.; H. EK. Bradshaw, supt.; Ww = ‘N, PA.— Poultry Show. Jan. 12 16, Ns Shepperd, 408 Fairfax ave., cor. BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—Worid’s Mineral| ©. I. Greer, Borbon, Ind., judge; C. St. 1003, Eugene Sites, Elyria, O., judge of Og oD Manufactured and Agricultural Exhibi.| Clair, secy. poultry: Mat Woelfle, Silver Creek, N. ¥., NORFOLK, VA.—Jr. O. U. v« M. State tion. 1905. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Indiana Fanciers’ wneen i judge: J. H. Bowden, secy. Council. Oct. 21, 1902. T. Keeton, CINCINNATI, O.—Vehicles, Harness and Assoclation Show. Dec. 3-9, 1902. Lora CHITA, KAN.—W ichita Poultry Associ _— and Franklin sts., ucbaseed, Va.,| Implements. November 17-22, 1902. Aus-| ©. Hoss, Kokomo, Ind., pres.; H. D. Lane, wae Show. Jan. 12-17, 1903." H. w. ecy. pices of Tri-State Vehicle and Implement treas.; ©. W. Hackleman, secy. Ww Parete) secy. NORE OLK, VA. — Christian Chureh of a Association. Monte L. Green, IOWA CITY, TA.—lowa City Fanciers’ Asatt a MINN.—Winona wewltey Associ America National Convention, Oct, 8-15, sociation Show. Jan. 4-0, 1908. HL W. a a. how. Jan. 5-8, 1903. . B. Shaner woz, Rey. J. Preshy Barrett, Secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Industrial ExposiPairall, seey, ; ; 7 : Judge; Henry Hess, secy, ‘ NORFOLK, VA.—National Bottlers” Asso tion and Farm’ Implement Show. Oct, 1-| JAMESTOWN, N. Y.—Western New York “ciation Convention, Oct. 14, 1902, Judge} 11, 1902. Fanciers’ Association Show. Dee. 9-13, ‘). L. V. Moffet, 5 Tremont, st., Boston, NEW YORK, N. Y.—Novelty Exposition, | 1902.) J. W. Morris, secy. P Mass., Secy. Madison Square Garden. Dee. 15-24, 190v. | KALAMAZOO, MICH.—Southwestern MichFOOD SHOWS, ‘tin RICHMOND, VA.—Ninety-fifth Grand An-| Novelty Ex. Co, (offices, 183 Willi 133 Williams st.), igan Poultry Association Show. Dec. 22-] AUGUSTA, ME. . tua: Convocation of the Grand Royal mers. 27, 1902. James A. Tucker, judge; J. 8 Fool Show. Noy . inclusive, 1902. Wm. R. Kimball. en ns of Virginia. Nov.| PKOKIA, ILL.—Peorla Corn Exposition and . Carr, seey, iw) Me., gen’l mer. a aaah, ge B. Blanks, ¥ ©: Bo x 65,| Carnival. Oct. 6-18, 1902. 1. B. Mor LAWRENCE, MASS.—Lawrence Poultry | BANGOR, ME.—Food Show: Nov 22 Petersburg, Va., grand secy. pres.; H. M. Griggs, chairman attractions Ammeciation Show. Nov. 12-14, inclusive, | elusive, 192. Wm, Ro Kimiei> tat RICHMOND, VA.—F. and A. M. Grand] committee; Will 8, Beck Carnival Co., at-| 102. HB. May and N. AL Knapp, |) Mo. sent ne gr. a oe, Lodge Convention. Dee. 2-4, inclusive,| — tractions. siinron M . ’ RATHI, ME. Food Show. Noy, 25.90 ; 1002. Geo. W. Carringtori, Masonic Tem-| PITTSBURG, PA -— Exposition. Sept. = | ew ee E.—State Poultry Show. clusive, 1902. Win. RK. Kimball, ont ine. ple, grand secy. Oct. 18, 1902, A, DP. Burehtield, secy. Dec. 16-19, inclusive, 1902. A. L. MerLEWISTON, ME. maul, gen'l mer. niCHMOND, VA.—Eightieth Grand Annual | PORTLAND, ORK.—Portiand iuteruavional |. Ti!!, 490 Court st., Auburn, Me., secy. Food Show. Dec, 24, ve of AheGrand Commandery, Exposition. 1905. LINCOLN, NEB.—Nebr: iska State Poultry —, —— Wm. R. Kimball, Bath’ Kaas ts Templars of Virginia. pag 13, | ST. LOUIS, MO.—World’s International ExAssociation Show. Jan. 20 . \ s 20, 1008. Geo. | poy i ; 1902, James PB. Blanks, aa. Box 565, position. 1904. Ex-Gov. D. R, Frances, ne, David City, Neb., pres.; L. P. ni clos one ts * aad pas ng 8 =~ d recorder. 4 on, secy, toa s : sath. RICHMONB: » Vi. Sisternational. AssociaSPOKANE, WASII.—Exposition. June to| McDONALD, PA.—MecDonald Poultry and ~ fen | mee. tlon of Municipal Electricians’ ConvenNovember, 1902, let Stock ‘Association Show, Dec.’ 11-15, ROCKL AND, ME.—Food Show. Ney eid uw; . re 17 tion. Oct. 7-9, . ae 1902. Frank P. ae T. bk. Orr, judge; KR. R. Holmes, faith, ae tet oe Wm. RR. Kimbatt, Foster, Corning, N. secy. : oer a As We ‘HEVILLE, VA.—State Reunion of MAASCHESTER, CONN.—Manchester Poul ny arn p i ny Oct. 21-24, —— ALPEN sameness SHOWS. m aa an ciation Show. Jan. 8, 102. ©, J. a * as Stat ran «PENA, } Alpena Poultry Associa aleh, secy. oo ae Under auspices ” tiot Bliow. Feb, 34, 1903. James A. | Mz ANHAY TAN, Bee Manhattan Poultry | tame ENGH SHOWS. i . ‘Tucker, judge. Club Show. vec, 2-4, 1902. Wm. A. NGHAMTON, N. Y.—Bench Show. Se WASHINGTON. ATLANTA, oe. -Poultry Show. Oct. 20anh, secy.; C. H. Rhodes, judge. noe: 3, inclusive, 1902, ‘ ept. » 2 . 25, 1902. K. Ottley, chairman. MANKATO, MINN.—Southern Minnesota | DALLAS, TEX.—Texas Kennel Club Show SPOKANE, ‘nen mer te: sg —. said AUBURN, N. Y.—Cayuga County Poultry loultry Association Show. Dee. 30, 1902, Oct. 8-11, inclusive, 1902. Sydney Smith, sociation Conventio , Association Show. Jan. 6-10, 190 to Jan, 3, 1908, inclusive. J. W. KollBey and ne mer. T VIRGINIA. AUGUSTA, GA.--Poultry and Pet Stock mann, pres. and supt.; L. Z. Smith, vice | DANBURY, CONN.—Danbury Agricultural ES Show. Jan. 12-17, 1903. Mr. Love, secy. pres. ; red. O. True, treas.; Fred. A. Society Bene h Show. Oct, 9. 19, inclusive, FAIRMOUNT, W. VA.—Royal Arch Masons] BELLEVILLE, ILL.—St. Clair é ounty Fisher, secy. 102. J. W. acon, treas, Grand Chapter Convention. Noy, 11, 1902. Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. | MATTOON, ‘ILL.—Eastern Illinois Poultry | NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.--Ladies’ Kennel RK. C. Dunnington, secy. Jan. 7-11, inclusive, 1903. Theo. Hewes, | and Pet Stock Association Show. Jan. —,| Association of America Show. Oct. £ 21-24, GRAFTON, W. VA.—Knights of Pythias Trenton, Mo., judge; W. E. Eckert, Belle13. A. BB. Shaner, Lanark, IIL, judge; 902, Crand Lodge Convention. _ Oct. 8, 1902. ville, IIL, secy. and treas. _ ea 8. Vorhees, Ashmore, Il., recording PHIL ‘ADE LPHIA, PA. —Philadelphia Dog Werner ll. Jenkins, Piedmont, W. Ya., | BIG RAPIDS, MICH. —Big Rapids Poultry secy.; A. J. Temple, Oakland, Ill, correShow Association Rench Show. Nov. 26. hen Association Show. Dee. 15-21, 1902. B. respond hg secy , inclusive, 1902. M. A. Vitl, secy. ', GRAFTON, W. VA.—B. Y. P. U. State W. Fellows, secy. MERIDEN, CONN.—Meriden Poultry and ee . Convention. Oct, 17-20, 1902. BLACKWELL, OKLA. — Northern OklaPet Stoc k Association Show, Dec. 30, yy HUNTINGTON, W. VA,—United Confederhoma Poultry Association Show. Jan. 21102. Joshua Shute, seey. ate Daughters’ State Convention, — Oct. 24, 1903. J. J. Atherton, judge; J. W. | MIDDLETOWN S$, 1902, Pickett, secy. " "1 Dee. 17-22, 1 as aes LIVE STOCK SHOWS. » Judges | KANSAS CITY,M ican Nhor : , TA . M. State BOSTON, MASS. = Reston Poultry Club | Geo. M. Mantz, secy. RANSAS (¢ MO.—American Short Horn gag tis, 1902." Ww. T. Mitchell, | Show. "Jan. 13-17, 1% MILLERSBURG, O.~ Wooster Poultry As-| Breeders’ Association Show, Get, 20-25 j Wheeling. W. Va., BUTLER, MO.—Bates a Poultry and] sociation Show. Dec. 31, 1902. Chas, Me|. 102. | ; PARKERSBURG, Ww. “Va. wis! A 2. a, a Stock Association Show. Dee. 30, Clave, judge; S. G. Case, Millbrook, O., my clog —— — — an Royal Car Grand Lodge Convention, Nov. 12, 1902.| 1902, to Jan. 2, 1903, inclusive. C. A. AlB.S ; RADFORD, VA.—Virgin Live Stock As: Geo. W. Atkinson, Charleston, W. Va.,| _len. seer Mr. PLEASANT, MICH.—Isabella County sociatl Sh Oe a . . i ety. CANAL DOVER, O.—Tuscarawas County et Stock and Poultry Show. Dee, 18 “OD, on atieh ct, 21-24, Inclusive. SISTERSVILL BS W, VA~W: Cc: T. TU. Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. 20, inclusive, 1902. 1 J. loge Tyler, pren.; Capt. J. a. State Convention. Oct. 1-3, inclusive, pee ve gee Chas. McClave, judge; J. hee SOON, MICH.—Western Michigan | Osborne, secy, and treas, > i arks, Fairmont . Schell, secy. ‘oultry and Pet Stock Association Show. ig Me ht lll "| CEDAR RAPIDS, TA.—Bighth Annual Ex-| Jan, 13-16, 1403. 0. PB. Greer, judges P hibition Western Poultry Fanciers’ AssoI’. Stekee, secy,. ch fSibiea at Pir? WISCONSN. ciation. Jan. (third week), 1903. EB. E. | NAPOLEON, ©—Poultry § HORSE SHOWS. Show. Dee. 3-6, BARABOO, WIS.—-I. O. O. F. Grand EnRichard, secy. 1902. Frank Miller and J. W. Mulinix, ARLINGTON, O.—Horse Show, Oct. 4, aanpme ut. Oct, 14, 1902. L. O. Holmes, | CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—American Poland] jindzes: EF. J. Davis. secy, 1s en China Record Co. Show. Feb. (second | NEW ALBANY, IND.—Hoosier State PoulATLANTA, GA —Tlorse a. Oct. 8-25, GRE EN BAY, WIS.—Wisconsin Clay Work-| Wednesday), 1903. W. M. McFadden, | try . and Pet Stock Association Show. Jan. I 1.02, Walter s. Cooper, sec oO an. 27-29, secy. 14-21, 148. Theo. Hewes, judge; es ee MASS, —Lorse Show. ct. 1-3, ——s Association Convention. 5G" Hamil. | CINCINNATI, 0.—Cincinnati Poultry Asso-| Gifford. ecey. : 10 ton, “Grand Rapids, Mich., angen; Geo. J. ciation Show. Jan. 1317, 1903. A. E.| NEW MADISON, O.—Fort Black Poultry CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—Horse Show. Sept. Schwarz, Milwaukee, Wis., sec Lrooks, secy and Pet Stock Association Show. Dee. 29-Oct. 4, 1902 KENOSHA, WIS. —Unitarian ona Univer| COLU MBUS, 79.—onIo State Ponltry Asso 16-19, wz. A, C. Carney, Eldorado, O., | CHIC AGO: 1LL.—Horse Show. Nov. 8-8, salist Clurch Conference. Oct. 23-25,| ciation Show. Jan. 28-Feb. 1, 1903. Chas. | _ sees 192. Sidney C. Love, secy. — Rev. I. A. Gilmore, Madison, Wis.,| McClave, New London, 0., secy.; W. A. | NEWTON, KAN. Harvey County Poultry | CORINTH, MISS.—Horse Show, Oct. 15, ecy. Lott, Wooster, O., asst. secy. Association Show. December (first: week), 1M, LA CROSSE, WIS.—State Congregationai | COLUMBUS GROVE, v.—C olambus Grove voz, LB. H. Turner, secy. DES MOINES, IA.—Horse Show. Gct. —, Church Convention, Oct, 2-4, 1902. Rey. Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. | NEW YORK, N. Y.—New York Poultry, 102. 1. R. Mills, seey. Henry Faville, secy. Dee. 15-19, 1902. L. B. Williams, secy. agua and Det Stock Association Show. | GOSHEN, N. ¥.— Horse Show. Met. 4, 1902. MILWAUKER, WIS. International Oper| DANVILLE, JLL.—Vermilion County PoulJan. 5-10, 1908. Hl. V. Crawford, 34 | INDIANAPOL IS, IND.—Oct. 13-18, 1902. ative Plasterers’ Association Convention. try and Pet Stock Association Show. Jan. Union ‘st, Montclair, N. J., secy. J.T. Saulter, secy Sept. 20-Oct. 6, 19027 (T. A. Seully, 1215 (first week), 1908. G. E. A. Salmans,|NUNDA. ILL.—Third’ Annual Nunda Poul| KANSAS et M0.—Horee Show. Oct. S. Orange st., Indianapolis, Ind., seey. ReCY.* W. S. Russell, judge. “we = try Association Show. Jan. 13-16, inelu20-25, 1902. E. Ashbrooke, * * MILWAUKEE, WIS.—State Funeral Diree|] DAYTON, 0.—Dayton Fanciers’ Club Show. | sive, 1903. Geo. H. Prickett, secy, LOUISVIL, LE, ae —Torse Show. Sept. 20 tors’ Association Convention. Oct. 658, Dec. 30, 1902, to Jan. 3, 1908. OLNEY, ILL.-Olney Poultry Association LYNCHBURG, VA.—Horse Show. Oct. 23 1902, DETROIT, MICH. —Detroit Poultry and Show. Jan. 13-16, inclusive, 1903. E. 25, 1002. C. W. Smith, Warrenton, Va., MILWAUKEE, WIS.—National Creamery] Pet Stock Association Show. Jan. 19-24,] Dalton, Parkersburg, Ill, secy. secy. Butter-Make 4s’ Association Convention. | 1908. Sharpe Butterfield. and Jas. A. | OWOSSO, MICH.—Shawassee County Poul| MORRISTOWN, N. J.—Horse Show. Oct. Oct. 20-25, 1902, E, Sundendorf, Elgin, Tucker, judges. try and Pet Stock Association Show. Dee. S11, inclusive, 1902, Elliot Smith, 59 tll. Secy. pene pwn peg ig gy en ne a | fl ee Fine —~9 judge; Geo. M. howd st., New York City, pres.; W. 4. KE E, WIS.—National Household . “ages eeepc UNC, AS Is. Xchange st., secy, tomaine, treas.; W. 8, Blitz, secy, MULWAUK Association Convention. Oct. — Dec. 16-19, 1902. A. C. Carney, fang mee + wg a oe PoulNASHVILLE, "TENN. —Horse’ Show. Oct. 22-24, 1902. Mrs, Frederick S.*Burrous, | ,, ; : ( Cee on Snow. ren. 1, 1o0s. our atehiann Fm p> mm Ill., Seey. FARGO, N. D.—North Dakota wee See PIPTSBURG, PA. — Pittsburg Fanciers’ | NEW YORK CITY, N. Y¥.—Hlorse Show. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Knights’ Tempiar r. Pa rg aa Jan. —, 1908. 8. —_ Show. Feb, 22-28, 1903. J. C. Moore, oun 18, 1902. James R. Hyde, oe 02. or i 4 wr Convontic t. — wanawnen O8G> os > Penn ave, secy, ER.— ‘ _ oo Commandery Convention, Oct. —, FAYETTE, MO.—Central Missouri Poultry PLYMOUTH, MASS. — Third Annual Driving Club ae ae oe AssociaMILWAUKEE, WIS.—Assoclation for Elec-| #24 Pet Stock Association Show. Dee. 9 | Piymouth Poultry, Belgian Hare and Pet Saas ~ toon Convention. Dec. 22, vinieay y oulten deen” Jan. 14-17 pier ee Pe Mg 28, inPrete I1ckLD, Mi.—Horse Show. Oct. ‘ ~ rat “ ° — b ° an. “hi, elusive, 12 rthur sledh secy, . 1902. Prin. C. C. Parlin, Wausau, Wis., 198. Will K. Heck, secy. P , | RICHMOND, VA. Virginia Pigeon, Puol| RICHMOND. VA. eee — Oct. 18-18, MII. W >AUKER, WIS.—State Optical SoclFLINT, MICH.—Flint Poultry Fanciers try and Pet Stock Association Show, Dee os: Cc. W. Smith, osname y all 21. 1903. I. M. Ad Association Show. Dec. 9-12, inclusive, 11-16. 1902. =F. S. Bullington, seey. JOSEPTT. MO. io “Show. Oct. 16 | ) Tomah, Wis, aecy. 1902, H. Wethy, 917 Lyon st., | secy.; | ROCHESTER. N. C.—Rochester | Poultry st, 1:02. Horse Show Association. “WAUKEE, WIS. iattenal Funeral rhos. F. Riggs, Iowa Falls, Ia., judge. ; Association Show. Jan. 16-28, 1903. John | ST. LOUIS, MO.—Horse Show. Qct. 27ee ‘Association Convention. Oct LOSTORIA, O.—Fostoria Poultry and Pet Drechsler, Box 472, secy. Nov. 1902. John R, Gentry, secy. > o ST. LOUIS, MO.—St. Louis Fanciers’ AssoWINST ’N SABIEN N. (Horse Show. oe ae H. M. Kilpatrick, Street Fair Buttons, St. Louis Buttom Ce.) oj5)\1, Siow. Dev. 29, 102, to Jan. 3,1 Oct. i 710, 1902. J. EL Webb, secy. ‘