The Billboard 1903-04-11: Vol 15 Iss 15 (1903-04-11)

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ALS EN A OO OREN SIE 16 THE BILLBOARD BUFFALO, N. Y rotected Home Circle Su preme Circle Convtn. May ns. Wal ter S. Palmer, Sharon, Pa., Secy BUFFALO, N .) Women’s Christian Assn. Convtn. Mey & 6, 1005. Mrs. Fred ik. Blakelsee, 192 Richmond Ave., Secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.-—-National Piano Mfrs. Assn. Convention. May 13-14, 1903. John V. Pease, 2325 Oxford St.. Secy. BUFFALO, N. \.—Journeymen Bakers Nat'l Convtn. April 6-11, 190%. #. H. Harzbecker, 236 Superior St., Cleveland, U.. Secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—Nat’l Piano Dealer’s Assn. Cenytn. May 13-14, 1903. Geo. F. Bradnack, Middletown, N. Y.. Secy BUFFALO, N. Y. —2ud ae Convention N. Y. State Br. S11 United Nat'l Assn. of Dost Office Clerks Convention. May 30, 1903. Walter C. Dickersou, Syracuse, N. Y., secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—Royal Templars of Temper ence Supreme Conclave. May 20, 1003. Es jon B. Reiv, Masonic Tempie, secy JAMESTOWN, 3 -—M. W. of A. "State Con. vention. May. 6, 1903. WM. Franklin, 89 Washington Ave., Albany, N. Y., Secy. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.--State Press Assn. Convtn. Apr. 15, 1903. R. R. Soper, Elmira, N. Y., Secy. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—Naval & Military Order of the Spanish American War Convtn. May 6, 1903. Capt. John T. Hilton, 170 5th Ave., New York City,; Secy. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—Hugenot Society of America, Convention. April 13, 1903 NEW YORK CITY, N. \.—american Railway Assn. Convtn. Apr. 22, 1903. W. F. Allen, 24 Parks Place, Secy. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—Daughter’s of the Revolution General Society Convtn. May 10, 1903. Mrs. Carlton M. Moody, 156--5th Ave., Secy. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—United Hatters of North America Convtn. May 11, 19v3. Jolin —_ 797 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., NEW York CITY .—International Sunshine Society Convtn. May 20-22, 1903. Mrs. Theo F. ve. 14 N. Engl’d Terrace, Orange, N. J., Sec NEW YORK CITY.—Eastern Assn. of oo Service Officers Convtn. May 14, 1903. F. E. Higbie, Jersey City, N. J.. secy. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y .—American Library Assn. Convtn. June 22-27, 1903. Wyer Jr., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr., Secy NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.—American Institute of Electrical 29, Engineers Convtn. June 1903. Kalph W. Pope, 95 Liberty St., New York City, Secy. ROCHESTER, N. Y.—Knights of Columbus State Council Convtn. May 5, 1903. ROCHESTER, N. Y.—State Elocutionists’ Convention. April —, 1903. Miss Stella King, 73 Madison Ave., New York City, N. Y., ROCHESTER, N. ¥.—wNational Federation of Musical Club 1903. Heury Vanterd, 535 West Ave., Secy. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.—American Mechanical Engineers Society Convention. June 23-27, 1003. T. R. Pa 12 W. 3ist St., New York City, N. Y. y SARATOGA, N. Y —Order a the Mystic Shrine Imperial Couneil Convtn. June —, 1903. Benj. W. Rowell, 206 Masonic Temple, Boston, Mass., Secy. TROY. N. Y.—New York State Music Teachers Assn. Convtn. June 23-25, inclusive, 1903. F. A. Shepard, Orange N. J., Secy. NORTH CAROLINA. ASHVILLE, N. C.—Natl. Music Teachers Assn. Convtn. July (ist. week), 3. Francis L. York, 235 Hancock Ave., Detroit, Mich., Secy. ASHEVILLE, N. C.—American Society Civil Engineers Convtn. June 9-12, 1903. C. Warren Hunt, 220 W. 57th St., New York City N. Y., Secy. CHARLOTTE, N. C.—State Funeral Directors Assn. Convention. May 12, 19038. W. L. Bell, Concord. N. C., secy GREENSBORO, N. C_sith Prot. Episcopal Diocesan Convtn. June 10, 1903. Rev. Jul E. Ingli,. Henderson, N. C., Secy. MOREHEAD CITY, N. C.—State Pharmaceutical Assn. Convtn. June —, 1903. P. W. Vaughn, Durham, N. C., Secy. WILMINGTON, N. C.—Grand Lodge i 0 ©. F. Convention. May —, 1903. WILSON, N. C.—Royal Arcanum Grand Council Conytn. April 14, 1903. W. P. Woolteen, Secy. NORTH DAKOTA. FARGO, N. D.—Grand eg Fe & A. M. Convtn. June 23, 1903. J. Thompson, Gr. Secy and aetna” FARGO, N. D.—Grand R. A. M. Convtn. June 25, 1903. Frank J. Thompson, Gr. Secy. and Recorder. FARGO, N. D.—F. & A. M. Grand fatee Convention. Beginning June a4 Clinton D. Lord, Park River, N. D yy Treas.; F. J. Thompson, Gr. Secy. FARGO, N. D.—Southwestern Educational Assn. Convention. May —, 1903. Prof. T. C. Williams. Casselton, N. D., secy WAHPETON, N. D.—20th inane Convtn. and Tournament of North Dakota Firemen’s Assn. June 9-11 incluvive, 1903. H. L. Reade, Box 522 Bismark, N. D., Secy. OHIO. o.—Y. P. C. U. AKRON, National Convtn. of Universalist Church. July 8-15, 1903. C. Neal Barney, 30 W. St., Boston, Mass., Secy. AKRON, 0O.—Loyal Legion of Labor Convtn. May 4-6, inclusive, 1903. CANTON, O.—Knights of Pythias Convtn. June 9, 1903. Wm Beatty, Toledo, 0., Secy. CINCINNATI, O.—Commercial ‘lravelers Assn. Natl. Convtn. May 29-30, 1903. Chas. C. Daniel, Cor. Front & Gay Sts., Columbus, Q., Secy. CINCINNATI, O.—International Printing Pressmens & Assistants Union Convtn. June 15 19, 1903. CINCINNATI, 0.—Glass Bottle Blowers Assn. of United States & Canada Conytn. July 13, 1903. Wennis A. Hayes, Pres.; Conrad Anth Natl. Treas.; Wm. Lawner, 939 Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa., Natl. Secy. CINCINNATI, O.—American Vehicle Weetutects Assn, Convention. April 15, 1903. J. E. Buscher, Station E. Louisville, Ky., Sec Day CINCINNATI, O.—National Traveling Freight Agents Assn. Convention. June 4-5, 1903. CIRCLEVILLE, 0O.—Redmen’s State Convtn. May 14-21, 1903. CLEVELAND, 0.—International Ladies Gar. ment Makers Union. June 8, 1903. B. Braff, 8 First Ave., w York City, N. Y. Gen’! CLEVELAND. 0.—Nat’l Assn. Stove Mfrs. of U. S. Convention. May 13, 1903. T. J. Hogan, 1400 Auditorium Tower, Chicage, Il., COLUMBUS, ©.--Sons of American Revolution Siate ioniigatien: April 19, 1903. R. M. Davidson, Newark, O., Secy. COLUMBUS, O.—wnNatl. Athance of Theatrical Stage Employees Couvt. July 19003. ©. H. Bond, St. Paul, Minn., Pres.; John F. Boyle, Philadelphia, Pa., Secy. and Treas. COLUMBUS, O.—Knights of St. John Nat'l. Conytn. June 22, 1903. Hon. M. J. Kane, 43 Church St., Buffalo, N. Y., Sup. Secy. COLUMBUS, O.—Amalgamated Iron, Steel and Tin Workers Assn. Convtn. April 14, 1903. Join Williams, House Bldg., Vittsburg, Va., Secy. COLUMBUS, Supreme C Clarles C, 0.—United Commercial uncil Convention. Daniels, Travelers June 26-27, 1993. Front & Gay St’s., Secy. COLUMBUS, O.—Koyal Arcanum Grand Lodge Convin. April 15, 1908. Lucian Seymour, 519 Savings Bidg.. Cleveland, O., Secy COLUMBUS, O.—Chainmaker’s Nat'l Union of U. &. Convtn. June 3, 1903. COLUMBUS, 0.—National Guard Inter-State Convtn. April 14-18, 1903. COLUMBUS, O.—Internat’l Railway Master Boiler Makers Assn. Convtn. May 19, 1903. F J. Graves. Huntington. W. Va., Pres DAYTON, O.—Grand Lodge of Free and accepted Masons Convtn. Oct 28, 5 Horace A. Irvin, Chairman; Geo. L. Marshall, Secy. FINDLAY, O.—State Letter Carriers Assn. Convention. May 30, 1903. Melville Jolnston, Columbus, 0O.. IRONTON, secy. 0.—I1. O. 0. F. Grand Lodge Convention. H May 19, 1902. C. Lyman gr. secy. LIMA, 0O.—Ohio Billposters and Distributors Assn. Convtn. June 9, 1903. Mr. Chennell, Columbus, O., Pres.; Mr. wy Galvin, O., Treas.: Mr. McClellan, Xenia, O., Secy. MARIETTA, 0.—G. A. R. 37th po AM Encampment. May 12-15, inclusive, 1803 . J. I.. Barlowe, Chairman; D. B. Torpy, Treas.; Geo. M. Cooke, Secy. MONTPELIER, O.—Northern Tri-State Medi cine Society Convtn. July —, 1903. Dr. W. F. Shumaker, Sutler, Ind., Pres.; Dr. J. R. Williams, White l’igeon, Mich., Secy. PUT-IN-BAY, O.—State Eclectic Medical Assn. Conytn. July es. 1903. Dr. W. N. Mundy, Forest, 0., Secy WARREN, ies Fraternal ation Convtn. May 20, 1903. Dr. W. S. James, 1519% Lor. ain St., Cleveland, 0., Secy. OREGON. OREGON CIfY, umm.—i. VU. KR. M. State Coun cil Convtn. July 22, 1903. wm. ©..& Pohl, Gr. Secy PORTLAND, ~ A eee of Honor Grand Lodge Convtn. July —, 1903. Mrs. Ollie F. Stephens. 500 Columbia St., Grand Recorder. PORTLAND, ORE.—State Pharmaceutical Assn. Convtn. June —, 1903. A. W. Allen, 241 N. 16th St.. Sec PORTLAND, y. ORE.—State Sunday School Assn. Conyvtn. May 12-15, inclusive, 1903. r Morse, Pres.: Merwin Pugh, Lock Box 536, Sec v> PORTLAND, ORE.—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter Convtn. June 8, 1903. Mrs. Mary Scott Myers, The Dalles, Ore., Secy. PENNSYLVANIA. ALLEGHENY, PA.—Woman’s General Missionary Society of United Presbyterian Church of U. S. Convtn. May —, 1903. Mrs. John MecNaugher, Secy. ALLENTOWN, PA.—O. U. A. Grand Temple Convention. April 21, 1903. Ralph W. Palling, Bank Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa., Secy. CATASAUQUA, PA.—Firemen’s Asso. Convtn June 191903. P. J. McNally, Secy. ERIE, PA. = National German American “Teach Assn. Convtn. July —, 1903. E. Kra , 1334 Broadway, Cincinnati, O., Secy. ERIE, PA.—International Brotherhood of Paper Makers Convention. May 11, 1903. P. Lor PA.—State Dental Society July 7, 1903. Robert H. Nones, Chestnut St., Philadelphia, y. Kratzer, v! D. S., Read ing. JOHNSTON, PA.—Ladies of the Golden Eagle Grand Temple Convention. May (2nd week), ——. Mrs. Josie Y. Walter, 814-916 N. Broad St.. ie ee Penn., secy. JOHNSTOWN PA.—Knights of the Golden Eagle Grand Castle Convention. May 12, 1903. LL. ee 814 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa., Se JOHNSTON, PA. em SIN Home Circle Grand Circle Convention. May 12, 1903. Arthur D. ~~ 2614 Hamilton St., Pittsburg, Pa., er. LEBANON. 1 ty I. 0. O. F. State Convtn. May MEADVILLE, PA.Odd Fellows’ Convention. Apri] 27, 1903. L. J. A. Leser, Pres. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Shield of Honor Grand Lodge Convtn. April 20, 1903. Edwin Nason, 2128 N. 9th St., Secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—State American War Veterans Assn. Convtn. Juiy 3-4, 1903. Col. Horace M. Ebert, Pottstown, Pa., Asst. Adjt. Genl. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—International Steel & Copper Plate Printers Union of North America Convention. June 17, 1903. PHILADELPHIA, PA. *_¥raternal Mystic —< Supreme Ruling Convtn. July 14, 1903. H. Swartz, Supreme Treas.; J. D. aie Land Title Bidg., Supreme Recorder. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Ceranic, Mosaic and Encaustic Tile Layers & Helpers International Union Convtn. June 8, 1903. James T. Reynolds, Pittsburg, Pa., Secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Car Inspector & Car Re pairers Assn. of America Convtn. 1903. Owen J. Boyle, dence, R. I.. Secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Hotel and Restaurant Employees International Alliance & Bar Tenders International League Convention. oy | May 18, 16 Olney St. Provi 11, 1903. Chas. P. Sweeney, cor. 9th Filbert Sts., Secy. PITTSBURG, PA.—State Master Plmbers Assn. Convtn. Apr. 21, 1903. Hugh M. Hay, Rebecca St., Allegheny City, Pa., Secy. PITTSBURG, PA.—National Tube Workers Assn. Convention. May 4, 190%. PITTSBURG, PA.—¥Federation of American Zivinsts Convention. June 7-9, 1903. Jacob De Haas, 1227 Clark St. Secy. PITTSBURG, PA.—International Kindergarden Convtn. Apr. 14-17, 1903. _ Fannie Curtis, 47 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Secy WILKESBARRE, PA. —State Letter Carriers Assn. Convention. May 30, 1903. J. H. W. New York City, N. Y. Anderson, Pittsburg, Pa., secy. WILKESBARE, PA.—Jr.'0. U.'A. M. Funeral Benefit Dept. Nat'l. Convention. May 12, WILKESRARRE, PA.—German Catholle Socte ties State Convention. May 25-27, inclusive, 1903 Jno. Marsa, secy.; eter Yockum, Jr.. 273 Washington Ave., S. S. Pittsburg, la., rec. secy. RHODE ISLAND. NEWVORT, R. 1. Nath. Carriage Dealers Assn, Conyth. July 19US. PROVIDENCE, R. 1I.—State Medical Soclety Conyvtn, June 4, 1903. Dr. S. A. Welch, 253 Washington St.. Secy. PROVIDENCE, R. 1.—Royal Arcanum Grand Council Convtn. April 231903. Wm. A. Hagan, 146 ‘lransit, St., Secy. PROVIDENCE, RK. 1.—American Medico-Phichological Association Cunvention. May—, 1903. G. Alder Blumer, M. D. pres.; A. B. Richardson, M. D., Washington, D. C., vice-pres.; Cc. B. Burr, M. D., Flint, Mich., seey. and treas. VROVIDENCE, R. I.—I. 0. G. T. Grand Lodge Convention. April (last week), 1903. John D. Spalding, 599 Westminster St., grand secy. ROCKLAND, R. L—O. U. A. M. State Council Convtn. April 21, 1903. O. C. Barrows, 395 Westminster St., Providence, R. 1., Seey. SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON, 8. C.—Epworth League, wt Convtn. Apr. 30-May 4, 1903. Key. Kirkland, Secy. COLUMBIA, 8. C.—State Federation of Women's ¢ ‘ubs Convention. Apr. 21-24, 1903. Miss Daisy P’. Smith, Spartanburg, 8. C. secy. COLUMBIA, 8. G.—1. 0. R. M. Great Council Conytn. Apr. 14, 1903. Geo. R. Harding Secy. COLUMBIA, 8S. C.—113th Prot. said Fas. 6 Diocesan Convention. May a . Glass, Summerville, 8. C. RAPID CITY, 8S. C.—State Stock anwen Assn. Convention. April 13, 1908. F. M. Stewart, Buffalo Gap, 8S. D., Secy. SOUTH DEKOTA. BELLE FOURCHE, 8S. D.—Nortnwestern Stock Assn. Convtn. Apr. 10, 1903. TENNESSEE. CHATTANOOGA, TENN.—Presbyterian General Assembly. May —, 1903. CHATTANOOGA, TENN .—Annual Convention of National Association of Co-Operative Mutual Insurance Companies. May 6-8, 1903. W. B Linch, Lincoln, Neb., secy. CLARKSVILLE,’ TENN.—United Daughters of the Confederacy State Division Convention. May 13-14, — — Jno. P. Hickman, Nashville. enn. CLAR?:. VILLE, “TENN. —li7th Annual State Sunday-school Association Convention. April 22-24, inclusive, 1903. Geo. O. Bachman, 42 C. P. Bidg., Nashville, Tenn., secy. CLARKSVILLE, TENN.—Kings Daugiters State Branch Convention. May —, 1903. Mrs. “red Hardy, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., secy. JOHNSON CIty, TENN.—State Federation of Womeus Clubs Convtn. May 6-8, 1903. Mrs. W. P. Harris, Secy MEMPHIS, TENN.—State Traveler's Protective Assn. Convtn. April 13-14, 1903. W. B. a eare of Barksdall, Venton, & Co., ecy Mi:MPHIS, TEN.—tth Annual Convention of Interstate Cetton 26-28, inclusive, o Samant p ae FP Seed Crushers Assn.—May 1903. A. H. D. Perkins, Allison, Pres.: M. Gibson, MEMPHIS, TENN.—7ist of ge Episcopal Dio cesan Convention. May 6, 1903. Rev. Arthur Howard Noll, Sewanee. . secy. MONT EAGLE, TENN.—State Druggists Assn. Convtn. July 15, 1903. E. T. Trolinger, Bell Buckle, Tenn., Secy NASHVILLE, TENN pe — Aa Presbyterian Church General Assembly. May 21, 1903. Rev. J. M. Hubbert, Lebanon, Tenn., Secy. NASHVILLE, TENN.—State Medical Assn. Convention. April 14. 1903. Dr. P. F. Eve, Secy. NASHVILLE, TENN.—Train Dispatchers Assn. of America Comvtn. June 16, 1903. J. F. Mackie, 7042 Stewart Ave, Chicago, Ills., Secy. TEXAS. AUSTIN, TEX.—Knights Templar State Conelave. Apr. 15, wert John O. Johnson, Secy. AUSTIN, TEX.—I. R. M. Great Council Convention. May 12. 1903. J. D. Slawson, Bartlett, Tex.. grt. chief of records. BEAUMONT, TEX.—Travlers Protective Assn. State Convtn. April 23-25, 1903. James B. Ludlow, Dallas, Tex., —— DALLAS, TEX.—G. A. R. pt. Encampment. April 14-16, 1903. H. A. Johnson, Sherman, Tex., Secy DALLAS, TEX.—Southwest Gas Electrical and Street Railway Association Convention. pril —, 1903. H. A. Evans, San Antonia, Tex., FORT WORTH, TEX.—Knights of Pythias State 1903. Dr. J Convention. April 21-23, ° per, 1407 Main St., Secy FORT WORTH, TEX. Rathbone we Snap Temple Convention. April 28, 1903 » W. T. Beverly, McKinney, Tex., ecy. FT. WORTH, TEX .—Knights of Pythias Grand aioe Convtn. April 9-11, 7 incl., 1903. Carl F. Drake, Austin, Tex., GALVESTON, TEX.—State Cambecmens Assn. Convtn. April 9-11, 1903. GALVESTON, PrEX. —State Underwriters Asan. ee May —, 1903. Charles R. Browne, Secy. GALVESTON, TEX.—State Philatelis Assn. Con= Apr. 16, 1903 G. C. Cuenod, Box 2731, Cy. HOUSTON, TEX.—Order of ey Clerks of America Convention. May 18-23, inclusive, 1903. R. E. a od Suite 500 Htll Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., Secy HOUSTON, TEX .— 1 May 13, 1903. Robt. a * aaa 1111 Franklin Ave. ° ‘Houston, Tex., HOUSTON, TEX .—State Dental Assn. Conven| 6 pepe _ 1903. Dr. Bush Jones, Dal SAN ANTONIO? TEX.-—State Sheriff's Asan. Convtn. July 14, 1903. Jno. P. Kirk, Secy. and ‘Treas. SAN ae TEX. = marth League State Convtn. pril 24-26, 1903. SAN ANTONE, TEX .—State Medical Assn Convention April 28, 1903. H. H. West, Trust, — -. Galveston, Tex., secy. WACO, TEX.—Texas Billposters and Distributors Assn. Convtn. June 9, 1903. —Paul Gal lia, Gainesville, Tex., Pres.; Geo. Robertson, Fort Worth, an Secy. WACO, TEX. . O. U. W. Grand Lodge Convention. sa 28, 1903. Joe B. Reed, Bryan, Texas, Grand Recorder. WACO, TEX.—City Marshals and Chiefs of Police of Texas, 9th Annual Convtn. June 23-25, inclusive, 1908. Wm. Rea, Chief of Police, Ft. Worth. Tex., Pres.; M. . Forrest, Houston, Tex., Secy. and Treas. UTAH. PROVO CITY, UTAH.—I. 0. O. F. Grand Encampment. April 21, 1903. Rev. P. oS Simin, Box 700, aut Lake City, Utah, PROVO, UTAH-—-1. 0. O. F.'Grand iodige vention. ro 16-17, 1008. B. nage ConSecy. SALLt LAKE CITY, UTAIL-International Assn. of Ticket Agents Convtn. May —, 1903, ©. G. Cadwallader, Broad St. Hiation. ven. &. R., Philadelphia, . . Secy SALT LAKE CITY, ured. ratate Dairy Assn. Convention. April ~ 903. SALT LAKE CITY, ital. —State pooees Soag &Convention. May 14-15, 1903. Dr. W. llerbeck, og. ERMONT. BURLINGTON, VT.—Reunion of Scottish Rite Masons, Vermont Consistory, June 8, 1903. Hamilton 8. Peck, Commander in Cheif, H. Ross, Gr. Secy. BURELINGDPON, Vi a ee! vention. April 17-19, 1908, BURLINGTON, VT.—N. B. O. P. Grand Convention. April 28, 1903. Frank E. Smif Montpelier, Vt., grand warden; H. A. Bart ett, St. Johnsbury, Vt., grand secy. NORTHFIELD, ad —Vermont M. E. A. State Con . Church Conference. A SOUTH RYEGA rE. VT .—Reformed Presbyterjan Church General Synod. May 20, 1903. Rev. Jas. Y. Boice, 2213 Spring , & % 8t., Philadelphia, Pa., Secy. VIRGINIA. DANVILLE, VA.—I. 0. O. F. Grand Lodge Convention of Va. Convention. May 12, 1903. T. Wiley Davis, Richmond, Va., gr. secy. HOT SPRINGS, VA.—National Rallway Accounting Officers Convention. May 27, 1903. C G. Phillips, 79 Dearborn St., Chicago, I.; b y. LEXINGTON, VA.—Presbyterian Church of U. S$. General Assembly. May 21, 1903. Rev. W. Alexander, 501 College St., Clarksville, Tenn., Secy LY NCHBU RG, VA.—Jr. 0. U. A. M. State Council oo. April 21, 1903. Geo. Spraw, Jr., Box 753, Roanoke, Va., Secy. NORFOLK, VA.—lI,. O. M. Supreme Lodge Convention. May 12-14, 1908. Elmer Bernhard, 630 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md., Secy. RICHMOND, VA. Improved Order Hepiasophs Supreme Council Conventiou. June —, S. H. Tattersall, Cathedral & Preston se, Baltimore, Md., Secy. RICHMOND, VA. Southern Educational Conference. April 23-24, 1903. Dr. H. B. Frissell, Hampton, Va. vo RICHMOND, ¥A.—Supre Knights of Honor Convtn. Jane . mpOS. Noah M. Given, Harrisonville, Mo., Supreme Reporter. ROANOKE, VA.—Royal Arcanum Grand Council Convtn. Apr. 21, SALEM, VA.—Ancient Order Knights of the Mystic Chain Select Castle Convtn. April 14, W. H. Peters, Roanoke, Va., Secy. WASHINGTON. OLYMPIA, WASH.—A. 0. U. W. <= Lodge —, April —, 1903. T. C. Van Epps, OLY MPLA, WASH.—Degree of Honor Grand Lodge Convention. April —, SPOKANE, WASH. —United Commercial Travelers State Convention. May 2, 1908. E. H. Hamlin, onan Ore., + secy. TACOMA, WA —Roya Arcenem Grand Council Cmte aaa 19, 1903. WEST VIRGINIA. CHARLESTON, W. VA. —State Medical Society Convtn. May —, 1903 Dr. Rolla Camden, ‘Secy Parkersburg, W., Va., R. Degestment 8S. Kisinger, CLARKSBURG, w. va.—G. ‘< Encampment. A “a _, Moundsvile, W. &., secy. CLARKSBURG, W. VA.—Sons of Veterans State Encampment. April ke 1903. S$. Risinger Col. G. M. Write, Welltstarg, W. Va., Secy. HINTON, W. VA.— R. . Great Council Osavta. | 5-6, "1903. R. Wise, PARKERSBURG, 72. ee wee School Convention. April 2ii008. Shafer, Fairmount, w va, aa WHEELING, W. VA. —Nat'l. Brotherhood ot Operative Potters Convtn. May 4, 1903. Jas. Braithwaite, Trenton, N. J., Secy. WHEELING, W. VA.—26th anonat Ceuncil of Prot. Episcopal Church ; Diocese of W. ve. oat J 1903. Rev. R. D. Roller, Charleston, WHEELING, Pw. V.—Shiel Conytn. April —, 1903. wb bgeryine WHITE SULPHUR "SPRINGS, W. VA.—State Educational June Assn. Conytn une 23, 1908. Dr. Edgar O. Kinsnian, iS “Brat . Cambridge, Mass., Secy. _— WISCONSIN. wuneee, WIS.—The Gtéoens 8 April 26-27, 1903. 8. E. Hi 4Re Ne CHIP PEWA FALLS, WIS.—G.' A. z. State Encampment. June 9-11, inclusive, 1908, Ad dress Philip Lowe. EAU CLAIRE, WIS. —Knights of Phthias Grand Lodge Convntn. June 18-17, 1908. U. 8. Burns, Box 1198, Milwaukee, Wis., . EAU CLAIRE, WIS.—I. 0. O. F, Grand Conyntn. June 2, 1908. Richard Hoe Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., Grand LA CROSS, S.—Wis. State Blectric Medieal Society eae. May —, 1903. Semen? W. Rodecker, M. D., Wonewoc, Wis. +» pres.; J. F. Stillman, Walworth, oa treas.; J. V. Stevans, Jefferson, Wis., LA CROSSE, WIS.—State vention. April 21-23, te Soiriulalatte Con. LAKE GENEVA, WIS.—yY. '] ’ Laren One. June 19-23, << soe 4 LLS, WIS. —United Ord r Forest High Court Convention. " sa J. Rice, Wales, ; Hurd, New Lisbon, secy MADISON, Inter-Scholastic ‘Game May 80, 19038, R. B. Dridgeon, Madison, Wis., supt. ay WAUKEE, WIS.—State Wastesste Grocers’ Assn. Convention. —z & ril MILWAUKER, WIS. ABaptie’ ‘bane clety of the ‘West, Convtn. april MILWAUKEE, WIS Amalgamated Sheet Metal bb a International Assn. Convtn. Apr. 27, ohn Bray, 31 le ° Zt City, Mon Bo y 8 Nelson Bldg., KanWAUKEE,. WIS.—National ° MIL ILWACKER Ww me ve as cK, WIis.— Arch Convention. June —, 908. mig irr: MILWAUKER, WIS.—Woodmen of the World Soverign Camp Convtn. Ma T. Yates, Omaha, Neb., “4 a 0. "vy. A. M. State nights 1 MILWAUKEE, Wis. —Jr. MILWAUKEE, Wid. io ay igen a Ane proesntm Grand