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The Billboard 1903-05-30: Vol 15 Iss 22 (1903-05-30)

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THE BILLBOARD 21 PORSLAND, ME.—State County ers Assn, Conytn. Com milasion Aag. be Ae — 190%. Albe:t M. Venley, Anburn. Me., See PORTLAND, ME.—New England "Allied Printing Trades Convtn. June 9-10, 1905. BP. tl. Me Mahon, Box 206, North Adams, Mass.. Sec) MARYLAND. MD.—B. P.O. EB. Grand Lodge Convention. July 21-23, Inclusive, 1905. Morris Cahn, Chairman; A. A. Keynolds, Saginaw, Mich.. Secy. BALTIMOKE, MUD.—National Wholesale L. Dealers Asxn. Convin. June 3-5 inclusive, . David Stauber, Cinciunatl, O., BALTIMORE, MI).—1. ©. ©. P. Sovereign Grand Lodge Convention, Sept. 21. Hees. J. Prank BALTIMORE, Grant, 25 W. Liberty St., Secy. BALTIMORE, Mi).—Evangeitcal Lutheran Church General Synod. 3, 1903. Kev. Wm. E. Secy. FREDERICK, MD.—State Firemen’s Convtn. June 10-12 inclusive, 1903. Wom M. Crim mins, Secy. BOSTON, MASS.—American re, Singers Union Convention, July —, 10 BOSTON, MASS.-—-American Modhematioa’ Soclety Convention, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1903. F. M. Cole, Columbia University, New York City, Y Secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Awerican Lomological Society Convention, Sept. 10-12, 1908. Charlies L. Watrous, Des Moines, Ia., l’res.; L. a. Tuft, Agricultural College, Mich.. Treas.; Wm. A. Taylor, 55 Q St., N. E., Washington, b. ©.. June 3S. 1905. June Fisher. Shamokin, ['a_. Secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge Convention, May —, 1905. BOSTON,MASS .—National Educational Assn. Couvention, July Glu, 1905. Irwin Shepard, Winona, Minn., Secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Natl. = _of Postmasters’ Convention, Aug. . 1903. . Edgar Springer Detroit. Mich.. Secy BOSTON. MASS.—U hited Supreme Council A. A. 8. Rite Masons Fourth vtn. Ang. 3, 1903. John G mour Ave., Chicago, DL, Secy. BOSTON, MASS.—I. 0. RK. M. Great Council Session. Aug. 27, 1903. Alex Gilmore, 18 Boyleston St., Boston, Mass., Great Chief of BOSTON, MASS.—American Institute of Homeopathy _.. June 22-27, 1903. Charles Gat= M. D., lw State St., Chicago, Ill., BOSTON, MASS. ed Nurses of 1903. BOSTON, MASS.—United States League of Building & Loan Assn’s Convention, July 221903. H. F. Cellarius, Cincinnati, 0., see BUSTUN, MASS. —Kaltlway Ciaim Convtn. June —, 1903. W. a care of 0. & K. C. BR. R., Kansas City, = Jnited States ConJones, 3717 Ar Associated Alumnae of Train8. Convention, Jane 10-12, Secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Nat'l. Veteran Firemen's Lea gue Convtn. May —, 1903. ROSTON, MASS.—Nat'l. Mgrs. of Newspaper a ar ag Assen. Convtn. June 8-10, inclusive, 1903. Boeschaus, Columpus, O., Secy. BOSTON, * Mane. — International Halinemanoian Assn. Convtn. June 25-27, Inclusive, 1903. Dr. J. B. 8. King, 6713 Wentworth Ave. Chicago Ill.. Secy. BOSTON, MASS.—U. 0. G. Star Grand Commandery Convtn. June 9, 1903. Arthur Beale, Zi School St., Grand Recorder. LYNN, MASS.—Amalgamated Leather Workers Union of America Convention, July 4, 1905. —_ Cahill, 211 South lith St.. Orlean, N. ¥ NEW BEDFORD. MASS.—Daughters of wet State Council Convention, May —, 1903. Mrs. M. F. Tober, 187 Kempton St.. Secy WOOD'S HOLE, MASS.—American a Seociety Convention, July 22-24, 1908 Geo. F. Veabody, Appleton, Wis., Secy. WORCESTER, MASS.—State Federation of Women's Clubs Convention, May —,. 1903. MICHIGAN. AD@IAN, MICH.--W. C. T. U. tion, May 26-29. 1903 Mrs. E. Ferguson, 48 S. Winter St.. Pres. BATTLE CREEK, MICH.—Postoltice State Convention, May 30, 1903. Secy. BAY CITY, MICH.—lInternational Marine aad Transport Workers Assn. Convention, Aug. 13. State Conven Clerks Cc. 8. Jones 1908 H. KE. Barter, Elks Temple, Detroit. Mich. y. CALUMET, MICH.—Templars of Honor Su reme Council Convtn. Aug. 5, 1903. C. 8. oodruff, Lb. D., Bloomfield, N. J. Secy. DETROIT, MICH.—1l. ©. O. F. Grand Encampment, May —, 1903. Thos. E. Robinson, 91 Horton Ave.. Secy DETROIT, MICH —_ National Electric Contract ors Assn. of U. 8S. Convention, July 14-16, _— Frank J. Miner, 307 Jefferson Ave... Secy. DETROIT, MICH.—-American Insurance Union National Convention, July 1903. DETROIT, MICIL—Kpworth League Interna — Convention, July 16-19, 1903. J. F. Re ‘7 Washington St er Ill... Seey DETROIT. MICH .—International Kings aught: ers and Sons’ Convtn. June 3-5, 1903. Mrs. Dickinson, 156 Sth Ave., New York Y.. Secy. DET Orr: MICH .—Central os. of American Rabbis June 29-July 4, cher, 2223 Rolton Ave. y. DETROIT. MICH. —Daughters of Liberty. ear Council Convtn. Aug. 25, 19038. W. kins, 1604 EF. Passyank Ave., Philadvipnic, Pa., Secy. DET ROIT, MICH.—American Ropesrrmen s Conwane. +, -~—, June 10-12, 1903. Geo. Sea Rochester, N. Y., Secy. DETnOr rie H. National Miller Assn. vention, June 10-12, Chie DETROIT, Assn. Con8. Kennedy, ., Seey. MICH.—American Water Works Convtn. June s. J. M. Dt ven, Delmaira, N. Y¥., Secy. DETROIT, MICH. —State Medical Assn. Convtn. June 11-12. 1908. Dr. A. P. Biddle, 57 W. FLINT, MICH.—National League Veterans and Sons Convention, Aug. 27-28. 1903. Frederick Gill, Saginaw, Mich., Secy. HANG ‘ocK MICH.—G. A. R. Reunion. Aug. 17-22, ious. A. J. Scott, Chairman. HANCOCK, MICH.—Northern Mich. Firemen’s Convtn. Aug. 17-22, 1908. A. J. Scott, Chair. man. ISHPEMING, MICH.—Supreme Grand Lodge Order ters of St. George Convention. Aug. 25-29, inclusive, 1908. Mrs. M. L. Set terfleld, 34 8. Washington Ave... Columbus, 0... G. FP, Seey. JACKSON, MICH.—Mieb., Billposters and Dis tributore Assn. Convtn. June 2. 138. P. P. Steketee, Muskegon, Mich., Sec'y. KALAMAZOO, MICH.—2nd Annnal State jonary Engineers Assu. Convtn. Aug. lvos. L. J. Holser, Pontiac, Mich., Sery. LANSING, MICH.—Daugiiters of Awerican Kevolation Convention, May —, 1005. Mrs. bh. Kiehards, Ann Arbor, Mich.. Secy. LANSING, MICH.—Michigan Pioneer and Historleal Society Convtu. June (first week) lus. lon. H&K. Pattengill, Secy. MACKINAC ISLAND, MICH. International Federation of Commercial Travelers Conven Stat | ELK | | GRAND tion, July Fas Tins. A. Sheetz, Omaha Nebr., Sec } MAChINAG “ISLAND, MICH.—Master Car HKuilders and Master Mechanics Convtn. 17-24, 1903. Jos. W. Chicago, lll., Secy. PONTIAC, MICIL.—American Couvto duly 21-25. A. beta. Natl. Secy. SAGINAW, MICIL.—State Bankers Assn. Convention. June --, 1903. Geo. B. Morley, Pres. June Taylor, 667 The ookery lusurance Unton inclusive, 1903. Juba il. ¥. ©. Hart, Adrion, Mich., Treas., Fred. EK. Farnsworth, Detroit, Mich., Secy. MINNESOTA. BRAINARD, MINN.—State Firemen's Convtn. June 9, 1903. K. OU. Strong, St. Paul, Minn., Sevy. DULUTH, MINN.—United Commercial Travelers Grand Council Convention, June —, 1903. M. Dresser, St. Paul, Minn., Secy. MINNEAPOLIS, | MINN. Kappa Alpha Theta Greek Letter Society Convention, July —, LUO MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—United Amateur Press (first 229 Sth St., Assn. Convention, July week), 19U5. ag A. Clerkin, Jersey City, J., Pres MINNE AVPOLIS, MINN.—American Union of Swedish Singers ee. ~—_ 21-24, 1903. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—IL. M. ——— Aug. 11, lvud.. Frank J. Heb, 386 G St. Paul, Miun., Grt. C. of RB. MINNEAVULIS, MINN.—Sweaish Evangelical Mission Covenant of America Couvention, June 11-15, lous. Prof. b. Nyvail, North Park College, Chicago, LIL, Secy. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—Nat'l ectors Assn. Convtn. Aug... M. Kilpatrick, E Secy MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—lInternat’l b ivur & Cereal Mall June 15, 19u%.. A. hb. NEW ELM, Convtna. Pres. ; Funeral Dir19-21, _ 1908. H. Union of miupluyees Convtn. hellington, Sery. MINN.—State Pharmaceutical Assn. June —, 1903. Andrew Eckstein, Theodore F. Leeb, Winona, Minn., Secy. ST. PAUL, MINN.—A. VU. U. W. Supreme Lodge Convtn. June 9, 1903. M. W. Sackett, Mead ville, ’a., Secy. ST. PAUL MINN.—National Seciety of the Army of Philippines Convention, Aug. 1908. F. M. Schutte, Secy. | ST. PAUL, MINN.—lInternational Pure Food Show Assn. Congress Convention, July 21-24, 1908 | ST. PAUL, MINN.—State Grand Lodge Odd Fellows Convention, June 24-26, 1905. 8ST. PAUL MINN.—Minnesota State Billposters Assn. Convtn. Aug. 31, 1903 N. Scott, I’res.; M. Breslower, Minneapolis, Minn, Vice-Pres. ; = H. Griebel, Manketo, Minn., Secy & Tr ST. PAUL, MINN. —Degree of Honor Superior Lodge Convention, June 9, 1903. Mrs. E. E. Allburn, United Bank Bidg.. Sivox City, Ia., Secy. MISSISSIPPI. LAKE MISS.—State Patrons Union Convitn. July 20-24, — 19038. ©. sicIthenny, Forest, Miss., MERIDIAN, MISS. SB. x. P. tion, May —, 190.5, aale, Miss.. Secy. ‘ASS CHRISTIAN, MISS.—Southern Whole sale Grocers Convtn. May 22-23, 1903. FAYETTE, MO.—Order of Anurient Sons and Daughter's of Jerusalem of the World Convin, Aug. 24, 1903. Hon. Jas. R. Gordon, U. State ConvenRev. A. A. Corsey, Clarks. 520 Grand Ave, Kansas City, Mo., Sup. Gr King, Col. T. Benton obinson, Supt. Gr. a — 3 Prof. Harry R. Graham, Sypreme Gr. Ser JEFFERSUN City, MO.—State Music Teachers Assn. Convtn. June —, 1903. H. E. Rice tt Burlington St.. St. Leuis, Mo., Secy. . KANSAS CITY, MO.— Southwestern Firemen’s Assn. Convention, June —, 1905. P. B. Me Carty, Box 600, St. Louis, Mo., Secy. KANSAS CITY, Court Convtn. son, Springfield, Ill., Secy. KANSAS CITY, Mv.—Nationm Ceoerention I. 0. Boal Brith. May —, 1903. Victor ad ham, Masonic Temple, Cincinnati, 9. KANSAS CILY, MO.—.tate Ketail Merchants & Grocers Assn. Convtn. July —, 190%. Chas i’feifer, 426; Manchester Ave.. St. Louis. Mo Secy PERTLE SPRINGS, MO.—State —— ray ~ Convtn. June 2-4 inclusive, 1903. Goodman, 4000 Warwick St.. Kansas come, dio. Secy. PERTLE SPRINGS, MO.—25th Annual Pharma ceutical Assn. Conytn. June (2nd week) 1908. Dr. H. M. Whelpley, 2342 Albiz= “lace, St. louis, Mo.. Permanent Secy. POPULAR BLUFF, MO.—South East Mo. Log Rolling Assn., of the Woodmen of the World's Convtna Aug. 4, 1903. A. B. Sinks, Pres.; y. L. Jones. Charleston, Mo.. Sec'y ST. JAMES, MO.—U. B. F. & Sisters pe Mysterjous Ten Nat'l Convtn. July 20-25, 1903. W. A. Gaines, Covington, Tenn., Secy. ST. LOUIS, MO.—P. E. O. Sisterhood State Convention, June —. 1908. Mrs. H. Evans, 4140 Delmar Blvd., Secy. ST. LOULS, MO.-—Knights of Columbus National Council Convtn. June —, 1903. Daniel Colwell, New tiaven, Conn., Secy. ST. LOUIS, MO.—National Credit Mens Assn. Convtn June 9-11, 19038. A. H. Huote, Rox 575, Secy. ST. LOUIS, MO.—Transfer & Carting Companles Convtn June S, 19U8. ST. LOUIS, MO.—L. T. M. State Convention, May —, 1903. ST. LOUIS, MO.—K. of P. Lodge Convtn. ay. & 1903. J. L. jones, 1234 Chapel St. cinnati, O., 8ST. LOUIS, <4 —State Sunday Schoo * Assn. Convtn. Au —, 1903. Elmer Lacey, Springfield, Mo. Ree. Secy. ST. LOUIS, MO, ee 7 of Milliners Convtn. A —, 1908. . K. Glenn, 237 Fifth Ave., Chicago. I. MONTANA. HELENA, MONT.—State Sportsmen's Assn. Con vention, May 30-June 1, 1908. C. H. Smith, Mont., Secy Butte, HELENA. MONT. at nited Commercial Travelers Inter-state Convention, May —, 1903 Frank A. Mayall, Secy. (colored) Supreme NEBRASKA. HON, NERK.—tUnited Danish Loatheran Evangelical Chureh of America Convention. June 1-lv. 190%. Kev. I. Vig. Seer. | FALLS CITY, NEB.—State Retail Liquor Deal ers Protective Assn. Convtn. June 24. 190% i. tees 302 W. 16th St.. Omaha, Neb Sec GRAND ISLAND, NERR.—A. O. UL OW. Lodge Convention. May . Vr. ISLAND, NE.State Undertakers oo Convtn. June %-11 inclusive, 1903. Geo. Brown, Superior, Nebr.. Secy. LINCOLN, NEB.—State Bankers Assn tion, May 30, 1905. LINCOLN, NiG.—Nebroska Holiness meetin, . ‘June 21-22, Bnet. Ww. B. Ashland. Neb.. secy NEBRASKA CITY, NEB.—State Letter Carriers Assn. Convention, May 30. 1903. OMAHA, NEB.—Union Veterans Convention, June 5, 1% OMAHA, NEB.—National Editorial Assn. Convention. July 8-11, 1903. J. M. Page, Jerseyville, Ill., Secy. OMAHA, NEB.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge Convention. June 3, 1905. Francis E. White, 1608 Capitol Ave., Secy. NEW HAMPSHIRE. DOVER, N. H.—State Letter Convention, May 31, 1903. NEWPORT, N. H. —Congregational Church State a May —. 1903. Rev. James Alex Grand Conve n Camp Clark. Union State Carriers Assn. ander, Se THE WEIRS. N. H.—State Music Teachers’ Assn. Convtn. Aug. (ist week) 1903. Harry C. Whittemore. 327 kL. Spruce St., Manches ter. N. H., Seey. NEW JERSEY. ASBURY PARK, N. J.--United Typotheatae of America Convention, June 22, 1903. ASBURY P “9 K. N. J.-—-National “a gravers Asn. Convention, June 22, 1% ASBURY PARK. -National Eceltroty pe rs Assn. Convention. June 22, 190% ASBURY VAKn, NX. J.—State Dent al Society Convtn. July 117, inmesmve, Tees. Chas A. Meeker. 2 Fulton St.. N. J Secy. ASBURY PAKK, N. J.—Reformed (Dutch) Chureh in America General Synod. June 3, 1903. Kev. W. H. De Hart, Raritan, N. J., Secy. ATLANTIC CITY, N. “? ——— Electric Assn. Convention, June 22, 3. ATLANTIC CITY. N. * ea Seed Trade 23-26, 1903. mn FF. Conn.. Secy. J.—Nat’l. Union Nat'l. Senate Convtn. July —, 1903. J. W. Myers, Nat'l. Union Bldg., Toledo, O., Secy. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Wholesale Saddlers Convtn. July —, 1903. Willis Hough, Detroit, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Awmerican Federation of Catholic Societies Convtn. July 21-23, 1903. A. Matre, 612 E. Pearl St., Cincinnati. ALANTIC cITY, Assn. Convention, June Willard, Wethersfield, ATLANTIC CITY, N N. J.—26th Aszual Convtn. Shield of Honor Supreme Lodge. June 2, 1903 Wm. T. Henry, Lexington & North Sts.. Baltifhore. Md.. Secy. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—State G. A. R. Encampment, June 11-12, 1903. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—State Firemen’s Convention, Sept. 9, 1903. ATLANTIC CITY, N. ‘I.—Legion of the Red Cross Supreme Lodge Convtn. June —, 1903 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—American Opticians Assn. Convention, July 7-9, inclusive, 1903. Edward L. Jones, Sandusky, 0O., Secy. ATLANTIv CITY, N. J.—Natl. Masters of Dancing Assn. Convtn. a, Raynor, 4424 Evans Ave., Chicago, m., Secy. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—International League of Press Clubs Convention. June 10, 1903. M. P. Curran, Boston Press Club, Boston, Mass., Pres.; C. Frank Rice, Boston Press Club, Boston, Mass., Secy. ATLANTIC Clit, N. J.—Asseociated Billposters & Distributors of the U. 8S. & Canada Convtn. July 14, 1903. Chas. F. Bryan, Cleveland, U., Pres.; Chas. Bernard, Savannah, Ga., Secy. BAYONNE, N. J.—Slavish Societies of United States and Canada Convention, June 8. 19u3. ELIZABETH, N. J.—State Letter Carriers Assn. Convention. May &$ 1903... HIGH BRIDGER, N. J.—Catholic Total ence Union State Convention, May 30, LAKEWOOD, N J.—1. M _ er Secretaries Conference. June 11-15, 1908. NEWARK, N. J.—State Barbers Assn. Convention. May 30, 1903. NEWARK, N. J.—Eastern Puzzler’s Convention, of U. 8. Convention, July 4. 19038. J. Frank Abstin1903. General y. "J.—Modern Woodman of America State Convention, May —. 1903. Frank A. Champlin, 22 Clinton St.. Secy. SOMERVILLE, N. J.—P. 0. S. of A. State Convention. Aug. 19, 1903. I. W. Thorn, TrenState Secy. State Postoftice Clerks Assn. Convention, May 30, 19038. M. E. MeGrath, New Brunsw = Pres. WESTVILLE . J&.—Methodist Chureh Conf. "Set. —, 1903. NEW YORE. ALBANY, N. Y.-—-State German Catholic Societies Convention, June —, ALBANY, N. .—State Dental Convention, May —. 1903. Dr. J. L. Appleton, Secy. BINGHAMPTON, N. Y.—Knights of Pythias State Convtn. July 28, 1908. John J. Ack Protestant Assn. er. Albany, N. 1., Secy. BROOKLYN, N. Y¥.—American Wire Weavers Protective Assn. Convention, July 18, 1903. Fred. W. Ashworth, Belleviile. N. J.. Secy. BROOKLYN, N. Y¥.—Empire State [Philatelic Society Convention, Aug. —, 1903. A. Herbst 106 E. 111th St.. New York City, N. Y., Secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—United National Post Office Clerks Association Convention, May 30, 1903. H. J. MeGhee, P. O. Clerk, Buffalo, N. Y., Secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—American Park and Outdoor Art Assr’s Tth Annual Convention, July 7-9, inclusive, 1903. Chas. Mulford Robinson, 65 S. Washington St.. Rochester. N. Y.. Secy. RUFFALO, N. Y.—2nd Annual Convention N. Y. State Br. S11 United Nat'l Asan. of Post Office Clerks Convention. May 30, —_ Walter C. Dickerson, Syracuse. N. Y. CLAYTON, N. Y¥.—Annual Convtn. of “the “Sons of Philatelia. Aug. —, 1908. J. F. Dodge, Abbottstown, Pa.. Secy. ELMIRA, N. Y¥.—State Letter Carriers Assn. } mes May 30, 1903. F. C. Williamson, ED MIRA N. Y¥.—New York Billposters & Distributors Assn. Convention, May —, 1903. GENEVA, N. Y.—E. 0. S. Y. S. Firemen’s Assn. Convention, Aug, 5-6, 1908. Chas. B. Young, Secy. GLOVERSVILLE, N. Y¥.—State Firemen's Convention, Aug. mR A 18-21, 1903. Maxson. Secy. HAVERSTRAW, N. Y.—fludson Valley Firemen's Convention. June 16-17, 1905. JAMESTOWN N Y.—Scandinavian Brotherhood of Ame rica Convtn. Aug. 11, 1003. J. ©. Sanberg, Bradford. Pa.. Sup. Secy. JAMESTOWN, N. Y¥ United Commercial Tray elers Grand Council Convention, May 20-59, 1903. LOUISVILLE, N. Y Nat'l. Master Composi tion Roofers Assn Wm. K. Ill., Seey. NEW YORK, N. Y. -American Booksellers Assn. Convention, June 8-9, 1903. J. Wilson Hart, 156 Sth Ave., Secy. NEW YORK, N. Y.—Sovereign Sanctuary of Ancient and [Primitive Free Masonry Convention, June 21, 1903. E. T. Stewart, 304 W. lth St.. Seey NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—American Furniture Assn. Convention, July 53.28, 1903. Chas. E. Spratt, 428 Lexington Ave.. Secy. Convtn. June 17-18, 190% Thomas, 169 Wells, St. Chicago, NEW YORK CITY. N. Y.—Royal & Select Masters Grand Council Convtn. Aug. 35, 1903. Geo. Van Vliet, 16-Sth Ave., Gr. corder. NIAGARA FALLS, N Y.—American Society of Heating and Ventilating Convention, July 17-18, 1905. W. M. Mackay, Box 1818, New York City. N. Y., Seey. s NIAGARA FALLS, N. 1 .—Awmerican Library Assn. Convtn. June 22-27, luvs. J. 1. Wyer Jr.. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr., Secy. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.—National Apple Shippers Assn. Convtn. Aug. 5, 1903. H. Warren Patch, 17 N. Market St., Boston, Mass., Secy. NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y¥.—State G. A. R. En campment, June 17-19. 1903. F. bany. N. Y.,. Asst. Adjt. Gen. NEACSEA FALLS, N. Y.—Grand Lodge I. F. Y State Convtn.—Aug. 18-20 te 1903. John G. Denbert, New York City, Seer. NIAGARA FALLS. N Y of Electrical Engineers July 3. 1903. Ralph W. New York City. Secy. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.—American Mechanical Engineers Society Convention. June 23-27. 1903. T. R. Huther, 12 W. 3ist St.. New York City. N. Y.. Secy. SARATOGA, N. ¥ .—Order of the Mystic Shrine a a Council Convtn.. July 8-9, 3 Brown, Al 0. 0 inelu853 Broadway, American Institute Convtn June 2. Pope, 95 Liberty St., Rowell, 206 Masonic 'Y emple, oom .. Secy. SYRACUSE, N. Y.--Plumbers, Gasfitters and Steamfitters Helpers of U. S. and Canada Convention, Aug. —, 1908. L. W. Tilden, 518 Ogden Bldg SYRACUSE, N. Convtn. Aug. well, 945 Chicago, IllL., Secy. Y.—Nat’l. Letter Carriers Assn 31-Sept. 5, 1903. E. J. Cant Penn. Ave., Washington, D. y. SYRACUSE, N. Y.—Holstein Friesian Assn. of America Convention. June 4, 1903. F. L. Houghton, Putney, Vt.. Secy. SYRACUSE, N. Y¥.—O. U. M. Convtn. Aug. 25. 1903. Henry E. McKenzie, Port Ewen, N. Y., State Secy. TROY. N. Y.—New York State Music Teachers Assn. Convtn. June 23-25, inclusive, 1903. F. A. Shepard, Orange N. J., Secy. UTICA, N. ¥.—Great Council of the Imp’d 0. R. M. State of N. Y., Convtn. Aug. 11, 1903. M. J. O'Hara, 116 Baldwin St., Elmira, N. Y., Great Chief of Records. NORTH CAROLINA. ASHVILLE, N. C.—Y. M. C. A. Southern Conference, June 13-21, 1903. ASHEVILLE, N. C.—National Pe a Assn.— Convtn.. July 28-31, 1903. A. H. Peck, 92 State St.. Chicago, IL, Secy. ASHEVILLE, N. C.—-Nat. Music Teachers Assn Convtn. July (ist. week), 1903. Francis L. York. 255 Hancock Ave., Detroit, Mich., Secy. ASHEVILLE, N. C.—American Society of Civil Engineers Convention, June 8-12, 1903. Chas. Warren Hunut, 220 W. 57th St., New York City, N. Y.. Secy. GREENSBORO, N. C.—Si7th Prot. Ep Diecesan Convtn. June 10, 1903. Rev. Jul E. Ingli, Henderson, N. C., Secy. MOREHEAD CITY, N. C.—State Pharmaceutical Assn. Convtn. June —, 1903. P. W. Vaughn, Durham. N. C., Secy. SALISBU RY, N. C. —Kings ‘Daughters a and ~— State Convention, May — w. Rurgwyn. Weldon, N. C., Secy. WILMINGTON, N. C.—B. P. O. E. vention, June 4-5, 1963. W. PF. Secy. WILMINGTON, N. C.—Royal Arch Masons Grand Chapter Convention. June 16, 1903. Jas. C. Munds, Masonic Temple, Secy. NORTH DAKOTA. D.—Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. Convtn. June 23, 1903. Frank J. Thompson, Gr. Secy and Recorder. FARGO, N. D.—Grand R. A. M. Convtn. = 25, 1903. Frank J. Thompson, Gr. Secy. and Recorder FARGO, N. D.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge Convention. Beginning June 23, ton D. Lord, Park River, N. D., Gr. Treas.; r. 3. Thompson, Gr. Secy. FARGO, N. D.—Southwestern Educational Assn. Convention. May —, 1903. a T. C. Williams. Casselton. N. D., sec GRAND FORKS, N. D.—I. 0. oO. ¥. Grand Encampment. June 5, 1903. Lon McDonald. Se-. LISBON, D.—Woman’s Relief Corps State } te et June —, 1903. Ella J. Ryman. WAHPETON, N. D.—20th Annual Convtn. and Tournament of North Dakota Firemen’s Assn. June 9-11 incluvive, 1903. H. L. Reade, Box 522 Bismark, N. D., Secy. OHIO. AKRON, 0.—Y. P. ©. U. National Convtn. of Universalist Chureb. ae 8-15, 1903 Cc. Neal Barney, 30 W. St. Boston, Secy BELLEFONTAINE, 0.—National German Baptists Convention. May 30-June 6, 1903. CANTON, O0.—Rathbone Sisters Grand Temple Convention, June 2, 1995 Mrs. Flora Hend rich, 426 N. Walnut St., Secy CANTON, O.—Knights of Pythias Convtn. June 9, 1908. Wm Beatty, Toledo, 0., Secy. CINCINS ATI, O Commercial Lravelers Assn Natl. Convtn May 29-30, 1905 Chas. C. Daniel, Cor. Front & Gay Sts., Columbus, State Council State ConRobertson. FARGO, N. Mass., 0., Secy. ; : CINCINNATI, O.—International Printing Pressmens & Assistants Union Convtn. June 1519, 19038. W. J Webs, 2024 Lexington Ave., Rrook Ly N. cINe INNATI. O oO “tases "Ro ttle Blowers Assn. of United States “& Canada Convtn. July 13, 1908. Dennis A. Hayes, Pres.; Conrad Anth ¥ \ a ee oe a [ ee ot my ease tatiagnas raniiateatianiee nenimnann seppenatinnaptane ennai nee pat Re ; a = a teres = ene!