The Billboard 1903-06-20: Vol 15 Iss 25 (1903-06-20)

Record Details:

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THE BILLBOARD PERFORMERS DATES. AS The William (Ole Evan and Harold—En route with Busby Bros.’ 3 Tent Show Routes. , Charles T.—London, and Clonn—En route with Dog and Pony Show. 3 AMLILA (Sam Du Vries, Mgr.)—(Du Vries Sea Hill—Hippodrome, MOORE “and. Hight—(Proctor’s) COLUMBIA’ Theatre § MADDOX and Wayne—( Woolworth -20. —(L akeside Park) MACK « miliott—(Fairview Park) Springfield, e 5-20. in Cyntmiana--New York, . Mamie—(Delmar Garden) Oakla ‘Taylor—(Sohmer Park) Mon| boma, June 8-20. yee “ > & Co.—-Winne oem, ADAMS, ay 4 H. Co.—(Idlewild Park) Teming of Helen R. & Se-tneee Park) Coney . Frohman, Mgr.)—New York City, March Stone Lake Chautauqua, f. Somme 7 WILBUR Repertory—Mansfield, 0., MITCHEL i Sam and ~ 7 Spring MORTON a Gert rude—Pittsburg, , Repertory—-Uswego, ogg ele — NE Saree EN. DUNBAR-Edwards Stock--Portland, Me., June Ne AADER & Lavelle—Oskaloosa, Pa., June 15 % D. The Unforseen— a — NEW York Comedy Four—(Park) Woonsocket, 4 'B AXTER, Sid Fritz’s—Portland, Ore., VANS & Svard Btock . Florence—London, Eng., June 22NEW York “Comedy Four—(Park) Woonsocket, PL AMONDON & Amondo—En route with Ring UOMAN and Adelle—(Casino) Newark, 0., EDMUNDS Stock» BU RKE Mooler & Teller—Johannearg, S. 4. _ Falls Park) JopVY N Lorne lho rtory (Lorne Elwyn, Mgr.) Mo. ‘ “June 28 July 5-2u. PASCATEL—Shayne ‘Circuit of Parks. PRICE & Lyle—(Fritz’s) Portland, Ore., May 3 .— (Music 2 George, * “Emile (Music Hall) Fort s (Lioyd & Genter, > BRUNS and Nina—Oshkosh, Wis., ‘in Repertoire (W. _ Lillian—(Keith’s) Boston, Mass. Burt—(Palm Garden) Mer.) nena J (Broadhurst & Currie, and Brooks—(Farm) _PRE Vost & Ag > ~ ‘Ciemanammeaen Park) Sagi FRANKLIN Stock "Mr. and Mrs.—(Summer Park) Lima, “RIC H ARDS, Geo, oy ith Ferari Bros. Carnival j Co RY AN and Richfield—Sayviile, L. FRANKLIN Stock ‘Harry—(Huber’ 8) re ANF Tis ip & Cartatnn-{ensere Garden) ‘e * Willard—(Mannion’s) CLAR K &, ‘aie an—(Avoe rark) Youngstown, » Green Eyes (Clara Bloodgood; GAMBLER’S ‘Daughter (Eastern; c His’ r Y & Ww itis -(Grauman’ s) Mrs.—Johannesburg, Ss. A., { ‘Fs aanily—(ativerside Park) SNY Di K & Bac kle +y—(Te uple) Detroit, Mich., Dy indef. MOU K & Dupree—-(Electric Park) Kent, ‘tne. Geuted—itow Oricuns, SIERMAN & DeForrest—(Musie Hall) Brigh w. —(C hestnut Hill Park) B samils—(Woolw orth the Gre at—En route with Collins “. Young—(Guvernator’s) Atlantic , (Bicycle Bill)—En route ros. —Woolworth Roof Garden) Lan cls ‘ ) Se Midway Routes. = Ii aus Lier c Sed Co. ee y, —— a wiery—(haem) To wb. AV is dig Macauley —(“Zasonic Lemple) ChicA Message from Mars ties A RMODY — (Lakeside IP ark) Akron, v., Four Awditertam) : e 14-20. Bowers & Dixon—(Hopkin’s Park) TOMKINS, William—(Keitn s; Boston, Mass., aE A ne ass 2 ete HIMMELEIN’ Stock. Siste -rs—(Empirey Button—( ‘as abash He NTLE = Moore ® elson—(Empire) London, Eng., Paul’ J.—Care “Gaskill Mundy Carui _VICTOR More _ Pearl en rR ng ey (Brighton Beach) “iterry L.—(Crystal Theatre) Den —New York, + : 22.27 Ps ANS a Pt Sou Temple) Chicago, Otto—En route with Gollmar Bros. ar E RGL SON and Mac gaa 9g Park) Grand LaMar—(Guvernator s Pavilion) KINGDOM Courtney rlece—(Lakeview Cassady—( Chestnut rv ine gar Buye r (L le *b Allen—(Lake Erie Marshall P.—(cChicago O. H.) Chic Johnny—( Proctor’s PRE DO & "Dare—(Pastor’s) : PLOOD & Hayes—E n route: wit’ LYCEUM Stock Co See Midway Route G ARKISON, Jules and Ella_-(Keith’ 8) WooD & arate Y New York, N. Y., s “a? Girl GR ee PH & Feasley Comedy Bar and JugSatay Sow Cestie, route with Barlow & Wilson's Quintet—(Chester este Sorin Stock Sidney— (Ramona) > — x ¢ \ Richmond (ie a's) Be “NE ILL — 0 Repe > 7 — ° lef. Parks—En gg with Rice’s Ministe (Miller & Conyers, HEWITTS, Four—En route Wright's Carnival i r and Gertrude Cycie Whirling Bretons SIALTA and Mando—(Casino Pavilion) aa Sisters s, the Two—(Coney Island) Cincinnati, (Lindenwald Park) aminmi. HOWARD Bert—En route with Dockstader’s Minstrels. ‘N, Adelaide—(Forest Park; Paxtang Stock—Harrisburg, . gilarty—Establishiment Yard, ” Fitzgerald, Mer. j-Mertiore, SEI > Leslie—(Farm) Toledo, -(Bellevue Park) Toledo, 0., JOHNSTONS, ta 7 camara Park) James “ALC Az: it Stock (Belasco & Mayer, } ‘al., f ARNOLD ‘Stock GG. Ws i ae ee ete ae . Four—(Shea’s) Buffalo, BENNETT-Moulton Frank & Co.—(Orpheum) man Park Choate BU FFINGTON Stock (Daniel Buffingto —g: > 9am snails Iron Pier) shand—-Gueeiete Park) ’. sropererny eee > st. Railway Park) Woon Rotert Emmet (J. (Crescent Park) Provi Supe So Se Toner L AitKINS ‘& Patterson—(Woolworth Roof GarBLANCH Bates in The Darling of the ¢ ayticn > Tom's Cabin (Stetson's Western GOO OEE es COOK Opera House Stock—Rochester, oh ~ WINNINGER Brothers Repertory (Frank Winninger, Mgr.)—lIrenwood, Mich., June 15-21. YORK State Folks (F. KE. Wright, Mgr.)— Poston, Mass., May 25, inder. MUSICAL. AMSDEM Opera—Lancaster, Pa., May 30 Sepr or BEGGAR Prince Opera—Dés Moines, Ia., June 1-20. BUTLER Helen May and Her Ladies’ Mj). itary Band (J. Leslie Spabn, Mgr.)—Baltimore, Md., June 1-20, BIJOU Musical Comedy—New Orleans, La., indef. BLACK Patti Troubadours (Voelckel «& Nolan, Mgrs.)—New York, NN. Y., May 1s, indef. BROOKE'S Chicago faeries. ae (Bert A. Hall, Mgr.,—Chicage, Hil, ind BOST: eal Opera No. ae Haute, Ind., May Sl-June 20, BOSTON Ideal Opera—Mobile, Ala., June 8, indef. BEGGAR PRINCE Opera—Des Moines, Ia, ome 8-20. a.«LETON Opera—Paris, Tex., June 15-20. CENTRAL Oper a (Leopold Fuenkenstein. Mgr.)-—-Veaver Falls, Pa., June 15-17. CANADIAN Colored Concert (Wm. Carter, Mgr.)—-sveiton, Mich., June 18; Vermontville, lv aes Rapids, 20-21 CANA.~IAN Jubilee Singers (W. H. Cary, Mgr.) om town, Ont. Can., June 16; Bee ton, 17; Season ends. CHASE Comic Opera—Washington, D, . May 25, indef CHINESE Lioney moon (8S. S Shubert; Nixon & Zimmerman, Mgrs.)—Boston, Mass. , May 25, indet,. CREATOR® Band (Howard Pey & Frank Gerth, Mgrs.)-—-New York City, May 16, indef LAN DA « tn John Henry (Klaw & Erlanger, Mgrs.)--New Yora Cite. May 25, indef. DANILAS Frank In Miss Simplicity (J. Louis W..te, Mgr.)—New York City, May 11, in DUQUESNE Garden Opera—Pittsburg, Pa, May 25, indef DUFF J. ©. Comic Opera—San Francisco, f. ar... ..R (Will J. Block, Mgr.)—Boston Mass,.. May 2, indef. DUSS Metropolitan Opera House Orchestra (R. E. Johnston, Mgr.)—New York City, June s, indef GiFFIN Musical Comeay—Norfo.s. Va., indef GILM.. Mabelle in The Mocking Bird (Sire Brothers, Mgrs.)—New York City, June 1, indet. HANCOCK Concert (Lawrence Lewis, Mgr.) Houston, Tex., June 15-20. — Dodo A. ‘Henry W. Savage,Mgr.) Chicave Il indef. hac KERBOCKEL Girl (Josephine Hall) LIBERAL Grand Military Bane (J. P. Stoltz, Mgr Kansas City, Mo., SiJJune 2s. v MANHATTAN Opera Co. (Herbert Salinger, Mgr.)}--Elmira, N. Y., June 15, indef. PRINCE of Vilsen (Henry W. Savage, Mgr.) New York City, May 11, indef, PEGGY trom Paris (Heury Savage, Mgr.) Boston, Mass., May 12, indef. RUNAW.. (S. S. Shubert: Nixon & Zim meriuan, Mgrs.)—New York City, May 10, in IBINSON Comic Opera—Atlantic, Ga., June ROSENTHAL Opera—Fall River, Mass., June 15-17: New Bedford, 18-20. INNIS Band—St. Louis, Mo. indef. RING Blanche in The Gibson Girl (Geo. W. Lederer, Mgr New York City, June 1, indef SULTAN of Sulu (Henry W. Savage, Mgr.) New York City, indef THE Silver —..pper —Philadelphia, Pa., indef VOYAGERS—Chicago, HL, May 24, Indef. WIZARD of Oz (Hamlin & Mitchell, Mgrs.)— New York City, June 1-, indef. WHITNEY Opera Co. in When Jounny Comes Marching Home (T. C. Whitney, Mgr.)—Chi “ago, Ill, May 10, indef, Wi. BER Opera—Duluth, Minn., June 1-Aag 8. MINSTRELS. AUSTIN & Laynes—tIronton, O., June 15-17; Waverly, 18-20, BUSit Tomple Minstrels-—Chicago, L., June 15, Iindef. FIELDS & Hanson's——Middletown, Conn., June 15-20, A ened S, Chris.—Paterson, N. J., June 8 "ror ACK & Cole’s—Allentown, Pa.. June 15 VOGEL’S ‘John W. Vogel, Owner & Mgr.)— Janesville, Wis.. June 17; Belvidere, Ill... 18; Marengo, 19; Waukesha, Wis., 20; Kenosha, 21; Chicago, HL, 22, indef. FARCE-COMEDY. ROSAK & Mason's Comedians—Ottumwa, Ia.. June 15-27; Oskaloosa, 20-July 11 COILANS Four in Running for Office (Fred Niblo, Mger.)—New York City, Mav 18, indef CURTIS Comedy (8S. M. Curtis, Mgr.)—Ft. Worth, Tex., Jone 8, indef FERRIS Comedians (Harry Bubb, Mgr.)—St aul, Minn., Indef GODDING Comedy Co. (0. W. Cotten, Mgr.) Katon Rapids, Mich., tndef. HOLMAN Comedy (Harry Holman, Mgr.) Champaign, IL. May 31-June 27. WARD & Vokes in The Head Walters (E. D. Stair, Mgr.)—Beston, Mass., todef. BURLESQUE. RLACK Crook Burlesquers (Sim. Williams, ‘er.)-—Cleveland, O., June 15-20. ! her ton ee a” June 7-20. MISS) New York, Jr. oseph Oppenheimer, Me Buffalo, N. a , tn. (WHRIEN Vaudevilles (C. W. Jacobs, Mer.) Wiln'ngton, Del. June 17; Chester, Pa., 18; Cameon, N, J., io: Atlantic Clty, a Re EVES, Al. Co,—ochester, N, Y., June 15 Vk KNON’S Vaudevilles—RBabylon, N. Y.. June 17; Centre Moriches, 18; Good Ground, 19; Southampton, 20: Bast Hampton, 22; Bridge, Greenport, 25; Northport, 26; Oyster Bay, MISCELLANEOUS. BOSTOCK'’S Trained Animals-—Coney Island, Y.. May 25, indef. FLINT, Mr. and Mra. Herbert L.—Hancock, Mich., June 15-20; Calumet, 22-27 GRIFFITH, B.C Hiypootiet (I. TH. Bush Mer.) Reehes er, Minn., June 15-20 HAGENEEPCK’S Carl Trained Animal Exbibt thon toston, Mase. June 1-20 PAMBIGGER, Gus Zoo—-Hilledale, Mieh., June 12: Coldwater 2-27. WOOD, Wisard and Ventriloquist——En route through Meateo,