The Billboard 1903-06-20: Vol 15 Iss 25 (1903-06-20)

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THE BILLBOARD Salem, Mass., will hold a street fair in connection with its Fourth of July celebration June w-July 4. A lon of the Hall Carnival Company escaped at Rockport, Ind., and killed a mule. Nobody was injured. &. Braden bas severed his connection with the Cosmopolitan Carnival Company and ean be addressed at Cairo, IIL PONCE DE LEON’S OPENING. Clinton, Ia., will bave a carnival June 29Ponee de Leon Park, the new amusement IRELAND camp. The stilted conventional booths of the | July 4. The attractions will be furnished by | resort at Atlanta, Georgia, opened the season at Tas x average large fair will in this military fair | the Gaskill-Mundy company. June 1 with an immense crush in attendance. eit se all have as 4 substitute marquees and various Katy Gray of the American Girl show with| W. T. Hallowell is director of the park band Ba Will be Represented at World's Fair. Compre| tents, regulation and otherwise, of militacy | the Hall Carnival Cémpany, was recently left| and as the first strains floated through the ‘Hite hensive Exhibit. pattern. <A larger tent will represent the | $18,000 by her brother who died. grounds the many attractions were thrown open ; William Redmund, M. P., the brother of the several separate commands of the National Berger landed Toledo, all reports to the con-/ to the public. The Atlanta newspapers describe he H ¢ | Guard in Greater New York, and will bear the | trary notwithstanding, and he deserves a great| the place as a veritable land of nymphs and 1 i leader of the Irish party in the — oe insignia of the organization and the arm of the | deal of credit for winning the fight. fairies. The theatre is a beauty and the ventilhake Couunons, is making @ supreme effort to Ls service that the tent represents. The tent Since J. 8. Berger, the well-known promoter | ation is perfect. ‘The stage is large and has : Ire fone oo ape ans ae 7 will be the storehouses of fancy goods and | las been breathing the atmosphere of Toledo, | every at the ois « e f appliance used in a first class opera : ae ¢| Valuable articles of all descriptions donated | Le bas acquired a new sobriquet. They now] house. Everything on the inside is painted j he succeeds in convincing the government o to the Fair, which will be sold at fair prices | call him Golden Rule Berger. white while the chairs are all dark. Jake Wells M4it F the necessity of such an exhiw. It probably will by the ladies who have volunteered their imThe Gaskill-Mundy-Levitt Carnival Company | jas leased the Casino and opened it with the " be made one of the most interesting at the portant ald, without which no fair can ever suc| Will furnish the attractions for the street fair | Giffen Musical Comedy Company in The Lady : : show. ceed. and carnival to be held at Johnstown, Pa., in| Slavey. The capacity of the house was tested 5 Mr. Redmund is at present m communication The officers of the Ladies Committee are, | July. and the Mavagement was satisfied at the interest i with the Irish chief eg ee ys Irish | president, Mrs. William B. Smith, 220 RiverThe Gaskill-Mundy-Levitt Carnival Company | manifested. The bill will be changed every board of agriculture on the su dec os ~ side Drive: Treasurer, Mrs. William H, Search, | jeard rumors of Showmen’s Dread at Cumber| Week aud after each performance the park band é eg -y Py ind if the rxiibit be . | 78 Riverside Drive; Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. | jana, Md., aud canceled their dates for that city | Will give concerts. ‘he band stand is in the $ ing for. He does not mind he ex *© | Charles E. Johnson, 72nd Street and Broadway: | forthwith. central and most beautiful part of the grounds : proposes is placed in the British section of the Secretary, Mrs. E. 8S. Joyce, 66 West Stith St. E. E. Freit sid } aa Neeneie Cate and the two concerts daily draw large crowds. 4 exhibition, but it) must be distinetly labele d The Ladies Fair Committee was organized E. reitag. president o 1e roque s | A large pavilion in front of the band stand has 1% “Ireland.” ‘“‘We want to show the world,”’ he and at work almost as soon as their relatives of Wecatur, 1., says that the street tair there : says ‘‘what Ireland is capable of under a sound | *"° * : ‘ been set asiage for picnic parties. Amon he : is a sure go, although no arrangements have as ‘ P gage st + ——-best patronized amusements are, Shoot the and economic industrial development. yet been made. Ghaten Miniature Railway, Cosmorama, Aerial The proposed exhibit is intended to show Phoebe, the feature of tue Alpine theatre | Swings, Pony Trvck and Crystal Maze. The what Ireland can produce under natural cona ant with Wrights Carnival Company is reported to] Midway, with its cane racks. shooting gallery, ditions. : “eee | | be dangerously ill and an operation will prob| ete.. did big business. There is also a Wiree-way, ty ‘ * ef scans im x. A os & Pia ably be necessary. figure eight toboggan and a cave of the winds. Arigna district in enny admitted by expe to be the finest steam coal of its kind in the ot The corner stone of the new Mason's Home | A new Club House has been erected world; gold and silver are from Wicklow, gran, ite and marble from Donegal and Conemara. Slate and iron from Clare and Wexford, and peat from the bogs of Allen. Specimens of linen and woolen goods will also be included Irish poplin. which is a society luxury, will have a coruer entirely to itself, and in this connection it is proposed to send over a Weaver with his old-fashioned loom, of which a few still dourish in Dublin. An attempt to repro near the at Sullivan, Hl., will be laid June 24. All tue | Spring whieh, tradition says, ft te place where uasous of Decatur, lL, besides tue nights | Ponce de Leon gave up his hunt for the Fountain Templars, will go to Sullivan. of —— No — oe oe ~ on . . . . | grounds. ames G,. ossmnan is president of the The Gaskill-Mundy-Levitt Carnival Company | imusement company which controls the resort. have canceled their date at Cumberland, Md./ +r. jargest holders of concessions are, Jake due carnival may be held in September. The | wojis, and the Wells, Dunn, Harlan Company, original date was June 2-July 4. ire personally represented by Hugh Cardoza. The Gaskill-muncy-Leviti Carnival Company will furnisu the aicractions for tue street fair lio te wela at Brie, Fa., August 2-S, under tue ; 7 PARK NOTES. auce an Irish =a be ~~ ~ya | aus, ices of tue krie Laver Lemple corporation. Bg oem is to Lave a new summer mae how sent from Ireland, ane zi. : : : neatre shortly . om oe cae speakers will be installed to | The last day of the Gaskill-siundy Company | A band stand is being erected on the base explain in the vernacular the names of the ) at Spriughela, was devoted to securmg aid for | ball diamoud of Columbia Gardens at Butte, various articles to those who are students of | the relief fund of tue Kansas flood sufferers. | vont. Celtic in the United States. | The main entrance receipe cur te entive da) Tke Webner Brewing Company will build Que of the most interesting features of the _ penicraiaglh precspage Pane og “ ne —, That same flood} .n amusement park at Dayion, ©., for next exhibit will be a panoramic view which it is jmow Lous them at bast St. Louis. season. Loped will give some idea of the industrial | The Hall Carnival Company had a week of -m F activity of Ireland about sixty years ago, just . Doyle w rites laconically from Manhattan rain at their opening stand in Cauneiton, Ind., | Beach, N. Y. “All going out and nothing comand tour aays of wel Weatuer the next week in Jing in.” Kockport, Ind. One of the members of the comWheeling Park at Wheeling. W. Va., under pany writes:—Everybody has as nice a pair of | the management of Conrad Hirsch is doing big ulus growlug as any sucker that ever swam the | busines. ark blue sea. Owing to the continued rain Fudge & Stafi tomoiers., iike poets, are born. You cannot | ford’s vaudeville under canvas has not yet openjiutae cseuw. ue peculiar gitts, abilities and} ¢d at Decatur, Ill. before the famine had commenced to denude the couatry of its population. A well known Irish artist bas been engaged on this work for some iwonths. OLD GUARD FAIR raiis of cuaracter togetuer with the creative The new summer Sane in a os at ; faculty necessary must be inborn. ‘This is | Chattanooga, Tenn.. is almost completed. It Its Objects and the Plans Through Which They | oevanhoate apes mplifed in the case of J. §.| basa seating capacity of 500. are to be Carri.d. " berge:. His record this year is briiliant indeed. | | = Kusell who vow ge = K o~— —— ® " . 8 . * it is couLiiu t ba ver been equ in incis reports good business ali along e _ The OM Guard Fair in October at Madison Above {« an excellent picture of Captain . —— it it bas eve equalled, let ine netwithatending the Gatie weather. Square Garden, will be the first distinctively |p y Clark, manager of the Western Agri| **°"* Z Pixley’s Grove at Portsmouth, O., will book uilitary fair seen in New York City since that} cijtural and Arts Association and also of fe ~Herald-Transeript’’ of Peoria, Tl, ] no attractions nor sell any privileges this seaof the Seventh Regiment held at the old Madi| woos. Manitoba's Bie Fair He was born | published a large double column cut of Dan. 8. son Square Garden in 1879. son , » occasi » ‘i . ; in Nottingham, England, in December, 186) and ? isue il with tue following caption;—The gentleme ml ae ae ee oe eee fue Old Guard's object in creating this fair came to Manitoba, Canada, in the month of | Wamy aua enterprising head of the publicity The City Park and Recreation Company will is to obtain a fund for the purpose of a site March. 1882 Here be started as a farmer | Geparement of the carnival and advance agent put on a Street Fair and Carnival at Pryor and the erection thereon of a new and suitable and it has proven a most successful venture. | tor Ferari Bros." Great Loncon Carnival ComCreek Ind. Ter., the last week in September armory. The Old Guard's present “‘gun-shop He still owns about S00 acres of excellent land. | pany, a man who has made thousands of friends | 5, the first week in October. at ——s = ae coe = dtanity ot In 1897 be assumed the management of West| Gurmg his stay in Peoria, and who has made and tet adequate to he © ab r @ . , Frank's Opera House, Washington Park, Ber; ern Manitoba's big fair and can now proudly | kevd every Jiowise to tue patrons of the Mid-] pon Point, N. J., bas been greatly increased boy jon. Feir Co a a look back and survey a field of unbroken suc| Way. in capacity since last season. The house will Pm AO gy Fh, Odell 2 «> -. *.4cesses and well direc ted fairs. The Gaskill-Mundy company failed to show | now seat 2200 and is playing to excellent busi . . 4 : < ee SD : : — aan are the flen, Seth Law. the Mies. Mime Meet. | in East St. Louis last week on account of tae ness. the Hea. G oe Sk. Genew, Eiien WPetter P , the Old Guard had decided that | “°° Ali tue Male members of the shows Col. Wm. Thompson, manager of the Empire Major ,™ ral Chas F. ioe, Adj Gen Ne oon 4 ag Ag 8 g The ladies bave already | “ete Pressed into service in an attempt to save | Theatre at Denver, Col., has leased Union Park a 4 5. . > £ . ei. we ao o ue. 7 a Fr . » o a . “ 4 » 7 H. Henry, Brig. Gen. George Moore Smith and | provided a working fund of nearly a thousand tue levee. icey worked all day under the]in that city. The park will be opened June rig. Gen. James McLeer. Besides these emi-| dollars for the development o. their plans by airection of Charlie Franklin, boss cauvasman.| 21, and a first class vaudeville bill hag been bent men the list includes the Colonels com reanizi: uchre partie musicales and other However, it was “‘loves labor lost” as the levee ed. organ zz 4 euchre pp 3. m cales 7 aialint hs 4 . ~ ~ . " ‘ : a ae ; ‘ally | Save way under the strain Tuesday night, Lake Springs Park at Nevada, Mo., opened cunt ee ee eee — —" S peeved cocielly ond arteay June ¥. she entire apparatus is now flooded and | June 4. to big attendance. Messrs, Stettmund . coors of the three Batteries, of Squadron A, of the . . the company is at a stanustill, being unable [and Hout have charge of the stock company A grand Military Lawn Fete on Riverside : tafe ts ” a First Battalion of the Naval Militia and the | prive is planned for later in September upon w get —< the town. emp to over 2,000 people on the open tirst Signal Corps. Besides the good will | the most beautiful grounds for this purpose in of all tLe promoters now in the field, and & . evinced by the Commanders of these National | town, and one of the leading Broadway Thea| tuere are a lot of guod ones, it is a safe bet ean we LF, a ~My Bg" =— A... Guard organizations a considerable amount of | tres has promised a monster benefit in Sep| te say that J. S. Berger has done the most won1 “ e, “ ~ Durt r“ 8 a a tu active co-operation and aid is already indicated | tember in aid of the Armory Building Fund. derful work. At the beginning of this. season I setthe — St. I ge * pa 7 we by the soldiers composing these various comcuemenmiennnaisannaeinatiti be vad pen ge pp hn — on. His sole Siem Gatien. t. Louis, earning many favorable mands of our loe . caplial cousistec 0 a yreach-of-promise suit, | the star fame = Fair will be the pres| * FAIR NOTES. an empty purse and an engaging manner Under the direction of A. S. Graves and F. H. ence as guests of the Ancient and Honorable The annual St. Louis Fair will be held OcteNothing Gauuted however he went to work and | Robie a big fair, circus and uueees will be Artillery Company of London, escorted by its | ber 5-11, inclusive. won out iue story of his success is written held at Combination Ps ark, Medford, Mass., naime-sake of New England, the Ancient and The Macon (Ga.) Fair Association bas secured | in the following string of towns, viz.. Pittsburg, | Week beginning Sept. 1._ The fare from Bos lionorable Artillery Company of Boston. The | Signor Luciano Conterno’s Ninth Regiment | Wheeling, Cleveland, Toledo andGrand Rapids. | 62 to the park will be 5 cents. quaint, famous and picturesqué London Company | Band of New York City for ten days at the Netes from Rice’s Street Fait and Carnival mB A ae is for several reasons the crack command of the | Georgia State Fair. : Nobl Co.:—We opened at Owatonna, Miun., June 3, Wheeling, W. Va making arrangements for military nation. On its rolls are the names of An ordinance Was recently passed at } ObIeS| io good business and the weather was fine all . : —< men of high rank and a long line of ancestors | Ville, Ind., permitting C. M. Rapbun and Wal week. Jim Sturgis’ Electric Theatre was total| ©2!™3, spectacle, Last Days of Pompeii, which who have distinguished themselves in fields all |] ter Brown to held e. tak and live stock show |}, Gumaget te fire, June 5. We carry the ng SE, state fair grounds at over the world in a manner that has made their | im that city, August 1lv-15. e slowing : tions :— Mili . : hames historic and household words in England. Albany Count and International Fair Asogee > hye en Pag Oy oe Riverside Park at Saginaw, Mich., opened tue Colonel commanding the Ancient and Honor[ sociation was recently incorporated at Cheyenne, Electric Theatre, House up ‘tide down. Vandethe season June 1 with good attendance. Manable Artillery Company of London is the reign| Wyo., with a capital stock of $15,000. They | (oy ueaue. Snake show, Crocodile Boy. Tric. 428°? Jobn E. McCarthey engaged a good bill for ing sovereign, His Majesty, King Edward VII propose to hold an annual fair at Laramie, Wyo. key, the fat boy; Merry -go-round Glass Blowers the Casino. The park has been greatly en The celebrated Massachusetts organization has The directors of the Northeast Georgia Fair | 21%,’ anima; show and the follow ing See atinan larged and the grounds have been beautified. A long been on terms of fraternal friendship with | Association met at Athens, Ga., Jume 2nd amd [yi a ycen rarke and Yan Hesk. peters t = roller coaster has been built. New York's Old Guard, and the two companies | completed the organization of the association. | 44+. Sig Setece. revolving ladder, Cabet Shepard Walter Hazelton, a balloonist, made an asLave visited and re-visited each other and inter|The date was fixed for Oct. 5 to 10. The l trick bicyclist; Burnett and Neison aerial ar. ceasion from Olympia Park, McKeesport, Pa.. changed social amenities until they are strongly | track, which is to be one of the best in the south | tists brangeile contortionist: Slide for Life June 8, at which his balloon was viown several united The Massachusetts men have evinced | is nearly completed and werk on the buildings aa tl ; © an miles away. He landed in a tree top and fear a lively interest in seeing the Fair a social and | will commence at e. , Mr. B. 4 Liolder, a a ay eS ae = hang be am Ms pv — paaen tee tee re 1 “4 on ave » .|Jr., Athens, Ga., is acting secretar an ; ; . lg, ee eee: Oe new Re ng Sorte po RB gh ’ The Westeun Manitoba Big Fair will be held The item in our issue of June 6 stating that The Corwin H. Spencer, an excursion steamer ing it so, : at Brandon, Manitoba, July 28, 29, 30 and 31. | the United Labor Carnival at Toledo, Ohio, had [of St. Louis, Mo.. is equipped with a stage and rhe hospitality extended by the Old Guard and | Captain F. J. Clark is manager. Large addi| been abandoned, is erroneous. It will be held all apparatus for presenting a big production. In addition to the regular attractions the manger puts on a big vaudeville show every week. George Gore manages the theatre and privileges. its Fair will embrace other organizations besides | tiong have been made to the buildings. The list | in Poleco, July G11, unaer the auspices of the tue English and Massachusetts Companies and | of attractions has not yet been completed. Im| »uliaing Traves Council. Eighteen thousand any one of these visitors at any time would re| provements have been made ov the grounds and | posters waren been put up in sas around Toledo. celve a greater amount of attention from the |a large wumber of trees and shrubs Lave been | fhe Morris & Berger United Carnival Company press and public if interest was not certain to | planted. Many new walks and reads have been will turnish the attract.ons. ‘lhey have forty A clever Frenchman, struck by the —_" » “Une » Saw * . ue pata snow and eight free attractions head{| the loop-the-loop is causing in Paris, has dug appe Big SRF, ites oh Gee Sat PS oe ed by the Bickett Family, the Granadas, Barnes’ J an old illustration published in **L'Illustration”™ The following influential independent organitaving biks and Marvelous Marsh. Following | in 1846 which shows that practically the same vations will attend the fair; The Richmond are a few of the people with the show: Capt. } thing was done at the Paris Hippodrome as long Blues of Richmond, Providence Light Infantey Sorcho, Jack Shields, Cora Beckwith and Sig-] ago as that period. This will at least set at of Providence, State Fencibles of Philadelphia, fried. Among the attractions are: Temple of | rest many claims of modern builders that they Atuskeag Veterans of Mauchester, Washingtou Fame, Swanson’s Electric ‘theatre, Millie Chris| were the inventors of the idea. Light Infantry of Charleston, Bristol Train tine, Streets of Cairo, The Aztec Twins, Trixy, Phalen Park, belonging to St. Paul, Minn.. Artillery of Bristol, Cleveland Greys of Cle —___ _ the talking horse, City of Jerusalem, American }| will be turned into an amusement resort by the veland, Gate City Guards of Atlanta. Minute rheatre, Roman Stallion, Congress of Dancers, { park commissioners. A public bath-house will be Men of Washington, First Company Foot Guards STREET FAIR NOTES. Geeman Village, ‘Trained Wild Animal Arena, | built where bathing suits will be supplied for ’ of Hartford, Second Company Foot Guards of J. S. Berger is on top again. Glass Pavilion, House of Illusions, Smallest | twenty-five cents. A shoot the chutes, roller ‘ New Haven, United Train Artillery of ProviTittin, Ohio, will hold a Carnival week of July | Horse on Earth, Cliquot, dancing doll, Ferris { coaster, miniature railway and a well equipped dence, Newport, Worcester Continentals of Wor| 29. Wheel, Miniature Railway, Ghost Show, Merry-] restaurant will be installed. Privileges will be cester, Putnam Phalanx of Hartferd. There will be no street fair at Rushville, Ind. | g0-Round, Sampson, the big snake. The com| leased and the lessee has the option of retaining The headquarters of the Fair until shortly | this season. pany opened in Pittsburg, May 30, to big busi| the lease until 1904. if he so wishes. iii before it opens at the Garden are in St. James And now it is Golden bay a Mayor | hess. — Menchen, | manufacturer tg ll Bulldin yc w » » whe ones had better look to his laurels. electrical appliances and » € = one alfred yo Bey RR... Bh “a , The daily papers of Owatonna, Minn., lauded | There's pleasure in the summer woods, and by | way, N. Y.. has just produced — new _ ! Old Guard's Executive Fatr Committee trans| Rice's Carnival Company to the skies. the ‘rippling stream, ing clouds for Messrs. Swift and M Hl — acts ite business. The plan for the installation The Robinson Amusement Company has seThere's pleasure in a moonless night, when | stown Flood at Coney Island. He = a Twontr of the Fair indicates that it will be an ex| cured Coldwater, Mich., for August 24-29. stars are all a-gleam. pleted an Aurora Borealis Machine “yd es eae eceptionally attractive spectacle. There will The marvelous Gillmor Family of aerialists | There's pleasure on the ocean beach when Dil| Thousand Leagues under the Sea at Lun Johns. be a lavish decoration In the National colors of | have joined Ferari Bros." Carnival Company. lows thunder loud, Coney Island. He will soon 2 new Fae “4 , the whole interior of the Garden and the floor Dr. Horace Grant romoted New Lisbon, 0O., But the pleasure of all pleasures, is the pleas| wn Flood for E. C. Boyee at Revere c itself will present the appearance of an army for the Rot a Amusement Co. ure of a crowd. Boston, Mass.