The Billboard 1903-06-20: Vol 15 Iss 25 (1903-06-20)

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THE BILLBOARD 21 M. P. Curran, Boston Press Club, Boston, | SYRACUSE. N. Y.—Isth Annual Co ; . * ° SUSE. N. Y. nvention PUT-IN— Mass., Pres.; C. Frank Rice, Boston Press the National Assucintion of Letter on y tna gs “s oe! Eclectic Medical Assn. TEXAS. Club, Boston, Mass., Secy. Sept. 7-12, inclusive, 1903. Edward J Cant. Forest, 0. 7, , Dr. W. N. Mandy, BASTROP, TEX,—LaG Reotts ATLANTIC Clty, N. \ & wt Billposters well, Times Bidg., Washington, D C.. Sec VAN WERT, ‘o. nat 5 vention, Aug. 6 1903. Me M : a, oy " } & Distributors of the U. 8. & Canada Convto. | SYRACUSE, N. Y.—Ilumbers, Uastitters and Home tars Rome Cuaats of Ametia Get. | is Genes Srex., Secy. oe ee : : Ag a a Fg Geonteves Mapes oF: (eee! fee a eee eee TEX.—1ith Annual Texas Funer ! i res.; r D ~~ Convent A ame " eamunw P x MOBMISTOWN, Ne J.-High Court of + a ae —_ Th. ” -— ~~ Tilden, ZANESVILLE, 0.—International Retail Clerks A agg 4 a Association Coni J ORRISTOWN, | Me Fe cree, Geattan sept, |SYRACC BEL Mo o¥.<0n UM.” State -Counedl Protective Ass. Convention, July 14, 1008. Wright, Pres; Ge July 7. 1903. John W. ! | ~ ib. As "Mackenzie, ae Oe eS ke ee x Morris, es — Colo., VORT” WORTH, ‘TEX “State Mezican War ] zabeth, N. J., gh Secy. Vort Ewe a a 7 ° REGON. , ° — } 44 NEWARK, N. J.—German Catholic Societies THOUS SAND ISL ANDS, ne, Supts. of OREGON CITY, uum.—1. O. R. M. State Cou GALVESTON. "Tek es — “? =_ } | State Convtn. Sept. 27, 1903. Fred Sarg, the Poor, State Convtn. June 23-26, 1903. cil Convtn. ’ July 22, 1903. Wm gry a grants Agents Co -—Southern Facite Suti 1a 33 ae nes —— oe ne Secy. THOUSAND ISLANDS, N. Y¥.—New York Pease Poll, Gr. Secy 23, 1 eares COMER, ee a> : | NEWAR {. J.—Eastern DPuzzler’s Convention, Assn. Conventio une 24-25. inc » 190: PORTLAND, ORE.— Assn. Con i | of U. 8. Convention, July 4, 1903. J. Frank A O. Reunell Dearie, x ; ee 3008. Lodge ND, OE — Degree | of fag ma muderen. raging 4 ~— Estate 4 : : Miller, Secy. TROY, N. ¥.—New York’ State p Pes: Seachers Stephens. 500 Columbia ‘st Grand Recorder WALCO, TEX .—a. ‘oO. U. A Culmore, Secy. e SEA GI2T,’ N. J.—National Rifle Assn. of | Assn. Convto. June 23-25, —— 1903. F.| PORTLAND, ORE.—State Pharmaceutical ‘Asen,| Yention. July 28, ives. J vi Reed, » A t 4 America Convtn. Sept. (Ist week) 1903. AlA. Shepard, Orange N. J., : Wis Convtn. June —, 1908. A. W. Allen, 241 N. Texas, Grand Kecord 1p — ; ‘ bert S. Jones, Passaic, N. J., Secy. UTICA, N. ¥.—Great Genta = the Im oO. 16th St., Secy. 2 Pyar 2s. WACO, TEXAS —State G SOMERVI ILL. rr hg 42° <¥.,0. 8. ot A. State ConI. M. State of Bo. ¥.. Ganete, dan rh PENNSYLVANIA. Retail Asem, Convts. June — & butchers i | ventio . 19, W. . Tren~ a : . ~ oe : ton, N. J., State Secy. ¥.. “Great Chiet of 7 nice amt, N.| ALLENTOWN, Pa. pState Firemen's ConvenWACO, TEX. “State Lettes Gi —_ WESTVILLE, N. J.—Methodist Protestant NORTH CAROLINA tion. Oct. 6-10, 1908 vention, July 4, 1903. M. r bg hs . Chureh Conf. Oct. —, 1903. saieiuneiee ee ae . aj. AR. ne acPraternal Mystic Circle Suey . Hukey, Austin, ae ‘. LE, ° --Natlionat De rac J le niin C1 hal NEW YORE. Assn. Convention, July ue 1 1908." Dr. i Land Title Bldg. Philadelphia, ~~ WACO, THX ous om A y Bae 4. } ALBANY, ¥. ¥.—Gtate German Cathelle Se | actinviniee kf eee, eee: = 23-25, inclusive, 1903 wa, Rea, Chief of eleties Convention, June —, 1903. ASHEVILLE, N. C.—Southern Educational Assn CATASAUQUA, PA.—Firemen’s Assn. Convtn Police, Ft. Worth. Tex. pean: | a t ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—United Typothetae of | asirmuii June 30-July 3, 1903. June 19-20. 1903. P. J. McNally, Secy <n eae heat ; M. T. Forrest, a ge ASHEVILLE, N. C.—Nat'l. Dental E CLEARFIELD, PA.—1 : . : eGowen Ave., Houston, Tex., Secy. America Convention, June 22, 1903. ‘Assn, Convtn. July 24-27 tea Charles A reg rr? i. — Firemen’s and Treas. ATLANTIC CITY, } mere Sle a -27, narles Assn. . 1g. 9v: Y :X.—Te RET TLANe a ational a re. hg Meeker, 29 Fulton St., Newark, N. J. Smith, Chaiemen: VL. abn wa Boyd | WACO, TEX.—Texas Elks Convtn. June 25-26, Z Ferguson, 446 Pearl St,, New York City, N. yy Ahn Od ose Mt. c. A. Southern “Con: PA.— Northwestern 5 og Fire DeUTAH ’ } r., Secy. en J j ention u ‘ _ 7 | pGApron, N. ¥.—Knighte of Pythias | ASHEVILLE. | N.C.—Natlonal Dental Asen.— Py Me ele oe Ei atreat: iuclusive, | NEWPORT, UTAI.—Catholie Order of Foresii? State Convtn, Juiy 28, 1903. John 3. ack-| gonr'n.. July 28-31, 1903. A. H. Peck, 92| ERIE, PA.—National German American Teacbtera State Couvta. June —, 19 ee he P State St.. Chicago, IL, Secy. ers Asan. Convtn. July 1-3, 1903. EB. Kra. | (OGDEN. UTAIL—National Irrigation Congress 15 BROOKLYN, N. Y.--American Wire Weavers | ASHEVILLE, N. C-—"Nat. Music Teachers Assn | _ mer, 134 Broadway, Cincinnati, O., Secy. | Convtn. Sept. —, 1903. H. B. Maxson, Reno, Protective Assn. Convention, July 16, 2008. | Cuvee. June SOJely 8, 1G. B.C. Cols. MARRISBURG, PA.—Kmghts of the Golden PP Bw y : ae Se. ae a S. be Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago, mL, Sven. Seaneie L Eagle Nat'l. Convin. Oct. 12. 1903. . | oe TH LAE CITY, UTAll—International Assn. > BROOKLYN, N. Y—Empire State Poulateite a ee Se ee soree, 86 Bread a6. Pitiadelpita, Pa. | %; Cantwaltader, Hroed St Statham, tae, oe i Society Convention, 1903. . Herbs’ Eye = t), Phitadels Flieg ‘Me Bosley Crecente. SS Yak Cty. Be Ys MONEIEAD CITY, N. C.—State Pharmacea-| HANVEY'S LAKE, PA.—State Dental Society | Vhiladelpiis, Wn., Sey. ‘any ol tical Assn. Convtn. June me = 1903. P. W. Couvtn. July 7, 190%. Robert It. Nones VERMONT :' BUFFALO, N. Y¥.—American Part and Outdoor | yw) athe. Durham. N.C... Secz. D. DB. S.. 1208 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, | BURLINGTON, VT.—Unior ot / ‘Art Asso’s 7th Annual Convention, July 1-9, WILMINGTON, N. C.—-State Bankers’ Assn Ia., Pres.: C. V. Kratzer, Db: D. S., Kead-| a’ A lene, T.—-Union af St. Jeen-Reptiste tachasive, 1903. Chas. Mulford Robinson, 65 Convention, June 24-25, 1903. : ing, Pa.. Secy. Eats Sec merique, July 21-23, 1903. J. A. Gingras, ; Wenteten Ot. Seeman, Teen | Eres, 5. C—eerel 6 ee ee OR ERDAEE, FA Sent lonel Convention of MONTPELIER, VT.—State Undertake : Tila BU FFALO, N. Y. ~Anclent Order of Foresters | @f2nd Council Convention. June 18, 1903. Jas. Pa. Billposters’ & Distributors’ Assn., Aug. | balmers Assn. Convto June 23-25, 1908. mL 4 Convtn. | Sept. 7, 1903. Robert A. Sibbald, wit Bn —— Tog. i , e P gay A aay | ~, —, Reading, Pa., Ek. Bond, Brattleboro, ¥t Seey > i. | Park Rid Rs Be BSED NAS —Knights Templar Gran Pres. : 1as. m ecker, uancaster. >a. . .? . ew BU IFFALO,N. eo Ba ‘Hoo Nat'l. Convtn. Convin, June 24-25, 1903. : Treas.; Barney Link, = I gg —agy S VIRGINIA. he i} Sept. 9, 1903. J. H. Baird, 613 Wilcox Bidg., NORTH DAKOTA. LATROBE. PA.—Western Pa. Firemen’s Assn. | CHURCIT FALLS, VA.—I. 0. G. T. State Gr 1? HAUTALQUA, N.Y FARGO, N. D.—Grand lodge A. F. @ A. M.| LEBANON, PA Ye Pt Lodge Convti. ‘Sept. 1, 1903. Geo. W. Hauxj ft} | CHAUTAUQUA, N. YY. M. C. A. General ‘n. Jun aie | Ante 93.4 ae >. U. State Convention, wurst. Crand Secy. : Ret Secretaries Conference. June 18-21, 1903. gee — . — J. Thompue 1903. DANVILLE, VA.—State Firemen’s Assn. Coninet CLAYTON, N. ¥.—Anoual Convtn. of the Sons | FARGO, N. D.—G ad R. are ANON, PA.—State Sunday School Assn. | vention. Aug. 20-22, 1003. @. @. nS of Philatelia. Aug. —, 1903. J. F. Dodge, 25, 168. F ra A. M. Convtn. June Convention, June 25-26, 1903. Vortsmouth, Va., Secy. % 447) paar yo Big. Pinas 3. Ths, Gr. Beh. and | LINES, GA Sergion AT? qsegtonat te | Antcaice of UB Ghucen Gnmrentn, Saas Hl) SSPATC \ —Fire ’ ' men uly ug. 10, 1903. Conventi fU. B.C ’ . : 13-15, 1903 mene Convte. 409 FARGO, 'N. os. k. ~~ a Lodge Con“ se Pa. —Remesienn of the 14-19, 1903. Cc. i Ga, eee ~~ ; GENEVA, N. Y—E. 0. & ¥. 8. Firemen's Beginning June Clinorest Nat'l. Supreme Court. Sept. 1, 1903. | | Secy. ‘ a Asso. Convention, ‘Aug. 5-6, 1903. Chas. E. ge ug By 9 N. D., = Treas.; | 18 High St., etdgepert, Conn., | HOT a VA. gg * Bar Assn. Conpeon . Secy. vention, Aug. 1903. ovovalsvit TLE, N. Y¥.—State Firemen’s Con| GRAND FORKS, N. D.— Rebekah State AssemPHILADELPHIA, PA.—A. O. K. of M. C Hinkley, fie. Charles Btn Baltimore, +7 ) vention, Aug. 18-21, 1903. R. A. Maxson. ah June —, 1903. Etfie Lawyer, Ellendale, Select Castle Convtn. Sept. 8, -903. Juhn J. Secy. i " _Secy. : D., Secy. Davis. Box 256, Pittsburg. Pa.. Secy. HoT "SPRINGS. VA.—State Bar Assn. Conven: ITHACA, N. Y¥.—State Veterinary Assn. ConLis ON, N. D.—Woman’s Dette Corps State | PHILADELPHIA, PA.—InterNational Jewelry tion, Aug. 18-21, inclusive, 1903. Eugene 6 vin. Sept. —, 1903. James Law, [res.; Convention, June —, 1903. Ella J. Ryman, Workers Union Convtn. July —, 1903. C. Massie, Richmond, Va.. Secy. and Treas. i Wm. Henry Kelly, Albany, N. Y., Secy. & — N. D.—G. A. @. State Encampment. te ny bay PA. — International Marble LYNCHBURG. VA.—State Bankers Assn. ConTreas. A june —. 1903. C. W. Barrett, Tower City, orkers Assn. Convention, July 24, _ vention. June 18-19, 1903. JAMESTOWN. pat okzrpSeandinavian BrotherN. D., Secy. + Ag 1416 O’Campton Ave., St. Louis WASHINGTON. 100d 0 merica mn. Aug. 11, 1903. J. ‘ 0. Sanberg. Bradford, Pa... Sup. Secr. OHIO. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—State Amert SEATTLE, WASH.—F. & A. M. Grand MT. VERNON, N. "_knights. of St. Jobn | AKRON, O.—Y. P. C. U. National Convtn. Veterans Assn. Convtn. July 3-4, 1908. we Convention. June —, 1003. RB. C. Meal & Malta Convtn. . 1, 1903. Francs of Universalist Church. July 8-15, 1903. C. Horace M. Ebert, Pottstown, Pa., Asst. ster, Secy. a. a? 5S Pine St., New York City. oo, Barney, 30 W. St., Boston, Mass., PuIPRDELPitA. P “ae hag bpimy oo 74% oom N. Secy. Chas. Hayward, Wil t A.—International Stee a Dr. F. A. Shaw, Del.. most eminent lesen “Comimander. « 00. | CANTON, O.—Daughters of Liberty State CounCopper Plate Printers Union Convention. am P ; NEWBURG, N. Y.—Y. P. 8. of A. State cil Convtn. June 23, 1903. 17-20, “i John E, Ilallman, 1328 WharWEST VIRGINIA. Convtu. Sept. $9, 1903. Charice Do ‘Pendell | CINCINNATI, O.—International Print See S.. Gee MARTIN 65 Court St.. Binghamton, N. Y., State Secy. mens & Assistants Union Convtn. — 15. | PHILADET. PHIA. PA.—Representatives of Cat-| Stat ‘—a Fo te Oe eee NEW YORK CITY, N. ¥.—-American Cemetery | 19. 1903. W. J. Webb, 2024 Lexington Ave., holie Colleges Nat'l. Conferenc.. July 10-11, | Shrwer, New. Martiveville: V a ay ne Superintendents Convention, Aug. —, 1903. | , Brooklyn, N. ¥., Secy. 1903. Wm. L. O*Hara, Emmittsburg, Md., WHEELING. W. VA_ Nat’ ye a J. W. Keller, Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester INCINNATI, 0.—Glass "Bottle Blowers Assn. of | ,, Secy. Mi Conyvtn Vee a ee ie eee N. Y., Secy : . United States & Canada Convtn. July 13, | PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Fraternal Mystic —— M, Convtn. Sept. 22. 1903. Jobe Server, NOW TGR’ NM. x.—Sovereign Ranctusry of | 1*!Vennte A. Hayes, Pres.: Conrad anth| farreme Ruling Convtn. July 14, 1908 wane ea Philadelphia. Pa.. Nat'l SecyAncient and Primitive Free Masonry Couven-| N#t!Treas.; Wm. Lawner. 930 Witherspoen H. Swartz, Supreme Treas.; J. D Aivers, IITR SULPHUR SPRINGS. W. VA —State tion, June 21, 1903. E. T. Stewart, 304 W Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa., Natl. Secy. Land Title Bldg., Supreme Recorder. Educational Assn. Convtn., June 23-25, 1903. 104th St., Secy. a . | CINCINNATI. 0.-Kulghts of Ancient. Eesenic | PHILADELPHIA. “PA.—American Seed Trade Dr. Edger ©. Kinenien, 15 Brattle Sq. Cam NEW YORK city, N. Y¥.—American Furniture Order Assembly. _ Sent. Ist, 1903. Chas. E Assn. Convention, June 23-25. 1903. S. F bridge, Mass., Secy. Asen. Convention. July 28-38, 193. Chas. B. pe AV Coemtea “oe | rane, Wetherill. Conn. Secy, = WISCONSIN. pratt. 428 Lexington ‘5 ).—American emical Socte SBURG, PA.—O. T. A. U. c , NEW YORK CITY. a Age or National Nata — 1903. W. A. Sepen Mg an**4 1903. Rev. A 5 A.B Bople 13) a ee State Convtn. July Convention, t 1 1903. A. BE. P “ erre Hante, In ecy. . h St., New York ct > Ts ° Seattle. Wasb ihe BE. Partridge, | or eEyELAND, O.—National Assn. Agri. Imple2 — — py ae ne = Taeiene Grand NEW YORK cry. "N. Y.—Royal & Select ment and Vehicle Mfgrs. Convention, Oct. —, PITTSBURG. PA.—State Funeral Directors Seema, Bon 1193." Milwe 1903. U. 8. Masters Grand Council Convtn. Aug. 25, 1903. W. S. Thomas, Springfield, 0O., Pres. : Assn. Convtn. June —, 1903. Geo. Chandler | EAU CLAIRE, WIS. ~ y Fai a 1903. Geo. Van Vilet, 16-Sth Ave., Gr. Re. . ee = ss Treas 5 Frank — 7th & Poplar Sts., Philadelphia, Pa., Convention June —. 1903 a aR. corder. R. en onadnoc oc! cago. . Grand Ave., Milwaul 903. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y¥.— . Ilis., Secy. PITTSBURG, PA.—Irisb Ben og Bg ee BH § a and \venteneting Geavention. dele CLEVELAND, OHIO.—North American Ticket Union National Convention. Aug 1921 1908 ~ hs — ang ge me ye ve ~ s. 1008. mS M. Mackay, Box 1818, New By Usuvention, June —, 1903. — — 1733 8. 16th St., Philadelphia, ce ae. —* 1903. Mrs. McFarland, 208 or’ t i. ¥., > CLEVELAND, O.—Bank Clerks’ Ns ; NEE ONT, Me Eo Beek, cs teeary |. vention, Sept. —, 1908. ational Con-| gTAifORIN, PA.—Catholle Total Abstinenee | 7; ATKINSON. Veto Sees Cp Assn. Convtn. June 22-27, 1903. J. 1. Wyer | CLEVELAND. 0 _Exelusive Distributors’ 1st — a Aug. —, 1908. John A LAKE GENEVA wi pte University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. Annual Convention, July 14-15, 1903. Burns. 106 S. Franklin 8t., Secy. F Confe! a, Wit. *. M,C. S. Gates _Secy. * | COLUMBUS, O.—Nat’l Alliance of Stage EmWITRKESBARRE, PA.—State Educational Assn. | MILWAUKEE <e NIAGARA FALLS, N. ¥.—National Apple Shipployes Convtn. July 13. 1903. C. H. Bond,| Convtn. June 30-July 1, 1903. David Wiant, — ER. WIS — Northwest Seon = aah ms ee Aug. 03. War. , Paul, Minn., Pres.; John F. Boyle, Philaeeemeunreten. Pa.. Secy. . a. ~ . avid Fauzer, \ en Pate . Marke elphia. Pa., Secy. & Treas. TORK, PA.—State Medieal Socte Secy. ti, "Boston, slam. COLUMBUS. O-“Rotghts of St. John Nat'l.| Sept 22. 103. Dr. ee AUKER. WIS.— Knights of soenee_ Gren ae vans, & 7. Y.—State G. A. R. EnConte. June 24. 1903. Hon. M. J. Kane. Pa.. Seey. i 23 'So. Water Se Gr ‘nee — ae campment, June 17-19, 1908. F. Brown, Al-| _ 43 Chureh St., Buffalo, N. Y., Sup. Sec ILWAUKEE wi _bany. N. ¥., Asst. Adjt. Gen. COLUMBUS, 0.—State Funeral * Directors” Assn RHODE ISLAND. SS ae WIS.—Rohemtan National ‘Turetie NIAGARA ALIS S. ¥.—Grand 1. 0. 0| Convtn. June —, 1908. E. E. Fisher, Secy. | NEWUORT. 1. Nati. Carriage Dealers Asen Sey Sees ee es ee eit F. N. ¥. gtat® Convtn.—Aung. 18-20, incluCOLUMBUS, O.—United Commercial Travelers | Convtn. July —, 1903. i uanwat Se we O., Seey yaa New York city, Bee} Denbert, 853 Broadway, poet ey —— gy June 26-27, 193. | PROVIDENCH.” R_ 1.—Forestera of America | gress to Wig. —Natioaal we sa Kett, . Charles C. Daniels, Front & Gay St's.. Secy. Supreme Convention, Aug. 25-29, 1903. E ; ~ TR. . . ic f. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.—Woman's Reliet | CRESTLINE, ©.—Senatorial Convtn. June 4 MeMurtry, 367 Fulton St., oanhien NY MILWAUKEE. Wi oo can Florists oh Corps State Convention, June 17-19, 1903. 1903. Hon. W. H. Dore, Tiffin, 0., Chairman; Secy. a a . E, WIs.— & Or4 Kate L. Gledhill, 276 N. Pearl St., Albany L. H. Smith, Bucyrus, O., Secy namental Horticulturist. *Boclety Convtn. Be oot sine 7 Pp . , : DAYTON. 0.—Young Pevpie’s Christian Union SOUTE DAKOTA. SS io — p ~ aaa mele eag:s apkapt Ai iARA F N. ¥.—Ladies of G. A. KR. of United Presbyterian Church Synodical | BIG STONE LAKE. 8. D.—St y : 7 Ktste Convention, June i710. 1900" Mira'klia | Convtm, July 14, 1808. Rev. C. M. sraetical | Oy TG. Comvntion, Same —State G. A. R. and | AUREE, WIS.—Knights of the Royal aie &. West, 727 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Indianapolis, Ind., Secy. W. SIOUX FALLS. S. D.—I. 0. G. T. Grand dle gy ag Fa Pe say —_— =e baa ney DAYTON O—Grand Lodge of Free and ac-| Lodge Convention, June (last week), 1903. | MONROE, WIS.—St te Germai —_ i} ARA FALLS, N. Y.—American Institute ag ~ Masons Convtn. Oct 28, 1903. Horace Mrs. Luey Bordemann, Secy. 7 Y ‘s r ate German-American Press ¥. Electrical Engineers Convtn. June 29, . Irvin, Chairman; Geo. L. Marshall, Beez. W. SIOUX FALLS. S. D.—I. 0. T Grane Tauck “Tae rr w : Pres. ‘ a July S, 1mm, Rome b W. Pope, 95 Liberty St., PRANK LIN, + 2. —Reenton Obie, Assn. of Ma | ize cgay, Tha oe RA, ‘, “a Hasek. nm ty, is., ; if anders. ug : © ar cy Boardemann, Necy : "1S » j PLATTSBURG, N. Yl. 0. 0. F. High Court | Casstown. 0. Secy. : TOMAH. WIS.-State Firemen’s Assn. ConvenHELE at Fa ieee Oosos | LAKESIDE, 0.—Y. M,C. A. Middle-west ConTENNESSEE. ee ene ty er Ave., Buffalo, N. Y¥., Secy. ference, June 19-28, 1903. CHATTANOOGA, TENN.— ret En © SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Yl—Awerican Me| MARION. 0.—Catholie Knights of Ohio Convtn.| Nov. —. 1908. J. G. nae By Am WAUPACA, WIS—State Board of Pharmacists are chanical Engineers Society Convention. June _— 7 _— Cc. J. Anthony, 815 Rose Ave.. Gieecient. O0.. Secy. see eos Sogt. 3-5, aces, ES Cee Be ? uther, 12 W. Bist St.. tldg.. Cleveland, 0., Sec ! NOOG: —Tennessee Den PAUPAC ake New York City. N. Y., Secy. MONTPELIER, 0. Northern Tri-State Medtbay ng Tenn nt lusive, 1 a he te = Wis.—1. OS, F._ Gund, tote i SANATOOS ya Nigh’ Sy saster Car | cine Society Convin. July —, 1003. De. | Dr A. § Page. Columbia. ‘Tenn. Se) ee oS wae Builders Assn. & Master Mechanics Aesn. of | W-_¥. Shumaker, Butler, Ind., Pres.; Dr. | KNOXVILLE, TENN.—Knights of ‘Wise M es . “Y 4} America Canytn. June 14-July 3, 1903. J. J. R. Williams, White Pigeon, Mich., Secy. Supreme re Lodge Convtn. Au 1s. rer Wee W. Taylor, 667, The Rooker, Chicago, Mi., PORTSMOUTH, O.—State Sunday School Con-| 1008, J. L.. Brown, Gan W.. Oth Ot, Contense| CRETEXES. WIGS. 4. 8. Pept. Enemy iH vtn. June —, go. Tenn.. Secy. as "eul nie —, 1903. te SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.—Knights Tem| PUT-IN-BAY. eS aights of Columbus, State | KNOXVILLE, TENN.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge | CHEYENNE. WYO.—Ladies of the Grand Aiea plar Grand Commandery Convtn. Sept. 1, vtn. June —, 1908. Convention. June 15-19. 1903. W. 8. Th Ze Army of the Republic, June 16-19, inclusive } Jong. Arthur Mac Arthur, Troy, N Yar. eur: “IN: BAY. 0.—heta Tete, Pi National Fra-| son. 1305 Demonbreun St., Nashville, Tenn, ae A gy B. Ross, 208-9 McCarthy Bldg. oh ernity Convention, July arren Secy. ° neblo, Col.. Dept., Secy. hides SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.—Southern HardDP. Oaks, 133 BL Market St., Indianapolis, Ind., | LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, TENN.—State RAWLINS, WYO.—Knights of Pythias on i Local ware Jobbers Assn. Convtn. July 14-17, 1903. | ‘Treas.; P. A. Sisson, Galesburg, Ill, Secy. Fire Underwriters Assn. Convention, A Lodge Convtn. Sept. 23, 1903. C. S. Gree B. Carter, Knoxville, Tenn., PUT-IN-BAY, 0. —Ohlo Rar Assn. Convention, 1908, Sol. Mayses, Chattanooga A mo hanm, Laramie, Wyo., Grt. Keeper of Records sihaToos. N. ¥.—Order of the "Mystic Shrine July 7-10, inclusive, 1903. Smith W. Bennett, | MONT EAGLE, TENN.—State Druggists Acsn. & Secy. Imperial Council Conyvtn, ge in 7 == B Columbus, O., Secy. Convtn. July 15, 1903. E. T. Troll CANADA. ‘ W. Rowell, 206 Mason 08. ee: | PUT-IN-RAY, '0.—Untited States League of | _ el! Tuckie, "Tenn.. Secy — Mass., Secy. Ruilding and Loan Association Convtn. Be| NASHVILLE, TENN. Nat'l United Postoffice a. has x oan Fg — SENECA FALLS. N. Y--Sone of Veterans ginning Aug. 11, 1908. Chas. G. King, Mas-| Clerks Assn. Convtn, Sept. 7, 1908. R. C 25, vo8k “Rev. A. 3. Presser Grand Menas, fe Shaken Gave.’ tee —. prion, ney. Becy. eunin diie aaa Loeffler, 808 Wall St... Milwaukee, Wis.,| Canada, Secy. : : SYRAC Ta cea y. M N 3 = . oO. F. oan = ae Letter ace Aas. Ae. 7" ia. Fag Mer — —Fisher, | NASHVILLE, TENN.—National Negro Men's Masa Riese i ‘isos. os 908, y ° anapolis, Ind., Secy. Business League Conrtn. Aug —, 1903. London, Ont., Canada, Gr. Scribe.