The Billboard 1903-08-01: Vol 15 Iss 31 (1903-08-01)

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a ee THE BILLBOARD CORRESPONDENCE NOTICE.—The Billboard desires a correspondent in every city and town in the United States which is not here represented, NEW YORK. Eight Theatres Open. The Wizard of Oz continues to good busrness. The attractions for this week at Manhattan Teach is a Chinese Honeymoon, which had a Jear’s run at the Casino. Mrs. Odell Williams and companv will head the bill at Proctor’s Twenty-third Street Theatre this week in a sketch called Big Sister's eau, The Watermelon Trust, a colored specialty, will also be in the bill, as wili twenty other new features. At Proctor’s Fifth Avenue the play will be Lord Chumley, with the vaudeville section headed by Shameroy Brothers, Edith Richards and Harry A. Brown. The Old Coat, a comedy by Charles Townsend, will be the play at Proctor’s 125th St. and the vaudeville bill will be headed by Macy Madden, monologist, At the Fifty-ciguth Street Theatre the play will be, My Sweetheart. The vaudeville bill will be headed by.bdith Murray, blackface comedian, and John E. Drew. The Wizard of Oz, still meets with success at the Majestic. ‘ Among the uovelties offered at Hammerstein's Paradise Koof Garden will be Victor’s Royal Venetian Band of forty pieces and Agues Malbr, eccentric danseuse. Leaders of the fun at Keith's will be Smith & Bryan, eccentric comedians; Kene, Welch and Melose, grotesque acrobats; Charles M. Ernest, monologue reports a good business. fhe Kunaways is the ouly piece of its kind now on Broadway and its management reports a good business. The Earl of Pawtucket still prospers at the Manbattan. The breezes blow and the lanterns swing to the tuneful music of Gloyo upon Madison Square Garden roof, where Japan by Nigut, is pleasjuz tcousands these warm evenings. llarry B. Lester, Cole and Warner, Barr and Evans, and the Ford Sisters, are among the entertainers scheduled for the Floating Roof Garden. RALPH KELSO. CHICAGO. Run of Facing the Music Extended Indefinitely. Bijou Opens With The Denver Express. In a short time all the theatres will be running in full blast and the season of 1903-04 will be on. The parks are enjoying prosperous business, the weather being excellent for outdoor aut Lions. Powers—Henry E. Dixey in Over a Welsh Rarebit and Facing the Music is delighting large audiences. Announcement has been made that the run has been extended indefinitely. Grand.—Babes in Toyland entered its sixth week Sunday night to a crowded house, The ciorus Las been increased and the whole performance made livelier and more spirited tuau ever. the Dearborn night with a Dearborn.—The Tenderfoot in began its sixteenth week Sunday packed house. Miss Frances Merton, Miss De Sousa’s understudy, has appeared in the part of Marion Worthington and has given a good account of herself. She is a well-schooled singer aud works into the part quite naturally, though she had a vast deal of detail to absorb in a very short time. hijou Theatre.—The season opened at this popular West Side Theatre, Sunday matinee, the attraction being the well-known melodrama, The Denver Express. The Railroad scene is sensational and realistic and delighted the large audience present. The company is capable and the play is well staged. Friday, two performances are to be given of Sapho. Sam T. Jack’s.—TIwo of the best burlesques seen in a long time were presented in Sam T. Jack's for the week commencing Sunday. leg-Mania and Adonis. Both burlettas have good music and plenty of comedy. The comedians, Tob V Osten, Lew Spencer. Ed Morris and James Thompson, keep the fun going briskly, and are ably assisted by the Misses Aileen Vineont, Camille Kenyon and Mile. Dika. Between the burlesques is a good bill of vaudeville specialties. Trocadero.—A brisk and enjoyable bill is this week being given in the Trocadero by the always lively and capable stock company, with an ample allowance of burlesque and variety, and with M..lie De Leon, the Girl in Blue, as ihe added, and indeed, the chief attraction. A roaring farce with the humorists, Guy Rawson, Alex Carr and Frank Damsel as the stars, aud a long array of pretty women. Masonic Temple Tueatre—This lofty playhouse had its usual big crowus at both performances Sunday. George Primrose proved a great uttraction and was engaged for a second week. He is assisted by his clever proteges, the Foley Brothers. Other well-known performers on the bill are Miss Elfie Fay, called the craziest woman on the stage, on account of her eccentricities and odd actions; Girard & Gardner, sketch team; Waterbury srothers & Tenny:; Greene & Werner, The Young American Quintet and A. H. Dunean. Chicago Opera House.—Vandeville: Marshall P. Wilder, Boniface & Walzmnger, Mons. Rapoli. Hale & Francis, Five Flying Banvards, Hooker & Davis. Great Northern Quartet. Madge Mait land, The Dancing Suttons, Empire Trio, Bentham & Freeman, Josephine Coles, Fonda & Gillen, Galva Brothers. Olympic.—Large crowds viewed the polyscope pictures of the Root-Gardner battle shown in the Olympic the past two years. Sans Souci Park—This favorite Southside park is enjoying big attendance, which is entertained with the vast number of amusements. Two new attractions have been added, Hammerstein's reptile and animal exbibit and Leon's London Ghost Show. The vaudeville is of the same hich order as previous offerings—The Marco Twins, Musical Kleists, Brothers Rossi, The Cole de Losse arfd Allan Wightman. The Chutes Park.—Chicago’s Coney Island— The Chutes—has added another novelty, Tlie Katzenjammer Castle. Passage through {it resembles the experience of a tempext-tos-ul mariner undergoing on initiation of the Sons of Malta. The vaudeville has for its features, Earl & Proctor. Irwin & Martin, the Louisiana Jubilee Singers. Chevrean’s trained animals, Tom Fortune, Joe Niemeyer and Little Texas. Marine Roof Garden.—This new garden is visited by wusic-luvers, who go there to hear into the order . the orchestra made up of Mr. Thomas’ organization. Concerts are given every evening aud Sunday afternoon. Vrograms are of popular and ciassical music in avout even proportions. Coliseum Garuen.—Brooke and his famous Band are the magnet that is packing the Coliseum nipitly. Bismarck Garden.—Miss Charity Martin, soprauy svivist, in conjuncuion with Bunge’s Band, ias been delighting the patrons of this Nortuside surden Lue past week. NOTES. The Trocadero next season will be a combination burlesque house. “Cissie’’ Loftus is to be Manager Murdock’s $3,00u attraction in the Masouic Lemple Theatre tue Week of August 2. M. C. Anderson, the popular Cincinnati maaager, Was in tue city this week. He is looking yuunger than ever, Heury, 1U., will hold its annual fair and carhival tue lauer part Of August or early in September. A. HM. HART. PHILADELPHIA. Cool weather proves so tempting as to cause postponement of improvements, Park managers having much trouble. Cool wWeauer inlersperseu wilh copious rain fdas uuu lerribe luuwuer slurs uure Waue tue Lueaires ao a lana vulce Lusiuess. iu ilact tue Wedtuel Was su Ll lur Luealve going tual Jgermou of the Lyceum ‘heatre delayed bis contemplated improvements, cuanged tis mind avoul closiug, wuustliy gathereu togetuer a swwck COlupany aud without much buowing diu a ulce LUsiless. Me Will Beep Oye lndeluilery ally Cluosiug M the Weatuer gets so very warwi (uit Peopae Will Dgul shy of bis house. ie slmacs Li announcements fur the commg Wed wut tue chauces ure that be wil rewalu open. aititu 8S Cuestuul Street Lheatre ls uuipg a vice LUSiuess and tue vaudeville bilis beep up lo iue high standard set when the wbouse first vpeneu. As tue house is tairly bhoneycomucu eilu cooling apparatus a Warm Gay Las LO waters i0¢ Lie palbous aud in couseyuence iis a LUuured LO Ole suOot that be Will Lot Close. at ine bijou of Siu Street Tueatre coutroiied wy mt. Wheelin the stock company continues with cever prouuctious of colueuy with promt. “he present week A Guded boul is tue bill anu sor DeXSt Week Collusion Will be put von. iui stares Wany Of tue park Wauagers in the iace if this wealtuer Goés vot take a sudden "MUlge. With rainy Saturuays and dau, Suuuays, eaung up ali cuauces of prout, we) uce in a bad Way. xven if August is very s0C tue any tueatres Witch Will open in that waiviitu Will uelp lo keep crowds away from we valreas, 80 Usis can be put down as a losing cucu. in audiuon to bad weather the concesjwuaires at Woouside Park have Lad to contend wits arrests Lor vidlalioug Of the SUuUAyY iawn. tuey wave all been Lneg and alinough tue) jadi that tuey can afiord to seep open and pa) vue fines tue city uuluorilies Way Wake Liv sues biguer of linprisum .welm Lor repetition of we Oilenuse. Torresdale Park ig receiving tie salce Kind of ireatment. Boiu of tuwese parks ace Wiluli the city immits bul lie Olwers are wot SO tuey lave not been toucwed. Ciarke'’s vroviaence band is tue aliracuuon at Wilivw ureve Park and Vowell tue siagician is alsu playing tuere. At Cuestuut Mill the bund ,iud BlVe aWay to vauuevilie again on MonUa). ihe aoyal siarine Band is piayiug at Woousiue ark and Franciscus tue diagician, vccupies tue ueatre. At Wasiuington Vars on tue Deiaware, 4 .uge band and a small vaudeville show are ibe attractions. Work ius commenced on the new theatre that W. J. Gilmore is to build on loth St. It will be pushed rapidly. All of the other thea.tes are receiving twuches of improvement. The Auditorium is being entirely renovated and vver 310,000 is being speut ou the Grand Opera slouse. bLxtensive improvements are being made at the Academy and mosc of tue otler bouses are having some improvements, Mauy of the delegates anu attendants to the Bill Vosterg Convention passed turough the city on their way home tuis week. It was a tired, aappy and sun burnt crowd. BOB WATT. BALTIMORE. <iks capture the city. Thousands arrive. Great enthusiasm prevails. Weather is warm, Kernan’s Monumental Theatre opens. Hello, Lill! is tue vrotherly salutation that is ueard everywhere. ‘The city is crowded with thousands of t£lks who have journeyed from all paris of the country to join the immense gatherang in this reunion, Crowds of people turong the streets and great enutuusiasm prevails. Tue city is handsomely Gecorated and at night it is brilliantiy iuuminated. VPuryple and white is much in evidence as are also the Llk’s beads and clock dials. The thousands who came us strangers are now mingling together in friendly ouvocation, ‘they are receiving much attention and are treated with utmost hospitality. The special featwes, Other than tue business sessious, will be the parade and band contests. the Marime Band from Washington will besd tue parade, although local musicians belonging to tue Federation of Labor were much opposei io it. The tlk’s musical committee have settiled the controversy. ashe block occupied by the klk’s Hall ig fairly avlaze in light aud color. The front wall of the building is entirely covered with incandescent lights, A large bell was placed on tue roof to ring out the mystic hour of eleven. The Cincinnati headquarters are directly opposite. The buil:ling is beautifully decorated and illuminate. A large electric sign with the letters **Cincinnati, 1904’ adorns the wall and as it stands out quite prominently can be seen for some distance. It looks like that city will capture the next convention. The Cincinnati delegation made a striking appearance In the parade, and as they marched along they received much applause. They were handsomely attired ‘n golf suits consisting of red flannel coats, gray striped pauts, long black stockings and tun shoes. They won first prize for having the largest delegation and for making the best appearance. Weber's band of Cincinnati alwo received great honors. The band was roundly applauded for its excellent renditions, Of ail the visiting bands, it easily leads in popularity. In the band contest which was held at Electric Park, this band came out first with seventy-six and two-thirds, out of a possible eighty. Jersey City Band. second. with seventythree and one-third points. Fifth Regiment Pand of Paterson. N, J., thivd, with sixtyeight and two-thirds points. Great Western Band of Cleveland, fourth, with sixty-seven and two-thirds points. The prizes) were:-——First prize, $1,000; second prize, $500; third prize, $300, and fourth prize, $200. Kansas City Band with sixty-one and two-third points received honorable mention. The business sessions for the election of otticers and other matters were held at Ford's Opera House. Tuesday afternoon. Among the important matters brought up at the meeting Was the subject of Commercialism. This question Was discussed at great length and it was hotiy contested. It involves the use of the hame of the Elks in connection with street fairs, carnivals, etc, Nothing detinite could be learned as to the results of the discussion for the affairs of the meeting are held in strict secrecy. A Confetti Fete will be held Wednesday night and a large crab feast will be discussed Thursday. There are fully 75,000 visitors in town. Kernan’s Monumental Theatre opened July 20, with The Innocent Beauties as the attractioa, The theatre bas been renovated and redecorated inside and out, and a handsome new box office has been constructed. Th? house is Going big business this week. The summer parks and other resorts are doing a rushing business and the various places are swarmed with visitors. Good attractions are provided and everybody Is pleased. SYLVAN SCHENTHAL. DROOKLYN. Lew Dockstader is replaced by A Chinese Honeymoon at Manhattan Beach. New Syndicate secures grounds. Manhattan Beach.—Lew Dockstader and his great minstrel company closed a very successful two weeks’ engagement last Saturday evening aut Manhattan Beach. Sam 8S. Suubert aud Nixon & Zimmerman opened Monday with A Chinese Honeymoon, while Shannon's 23d Regimeut Band and Pain’s Pompeij coutinue to draw large roWus to this popular resort. Brighton Beach.—The bill at Brighton Beach last week Was considered to be one of the best f the season. George kvanus, author of In the Good Old Summer Time, Charles Bradshaw and Company and Marguerite and Hanley, who made their first appearance in America, coming direct from Europe, were among the head-liners. Shafer’s Marine Band coutinues its popular concerts on the Brighton Beach piazza this week. Bergen Beach.—The Boston Comique Opera Company played Paul Jones to large : ouses iast week at Bergen Beach. There were thirty people in the cast, the leading singers being Miss day Walters and John Saunders. Coney Island.—Sunto and his band are givinz afternoon and evening concerts. Will H. Hill, who performs a series of sensational acts 150 feet in the air over the Court of Honor, and Cameroni, who slides on a wire banging by bis teeth from the top of tne Court of Houor, are among the leading free attractions that entertain the multitudes in Luna Park, Coney Island. A herd of water buffaloes from the Phillipine Islands lave been added to the large collection of wild animals in Bostock’s Sea Beach Palace. Coney Island. A very goed vandeville bill was presented this week at Henderson's Music Hall, Coney Island. Several new attractions are being installed in George C, Tilyou’s Steeple Chase Park, and will soou be running full blast. This is ove of the prettiest as well as popular resorts in Coney Island. William H. Reynolds is at the head of a new syndicate that has purchased a large parcel of the choicest property in the West kud of Coney Island. The syndicate will conseruct a manmoth amusement resort that will possibly outshine anything on the Island. One of the features will be an immeuse electric lighting plant. They expect to open the park for business early next summer. The Coney Island Hippodrome will be the name of the new resort. North Beach, L. I., is taking care of large crowds nightly. Rob's Casino, with the upto-date vaudeville show, is one of the leading attractions. Rockaway Beach.—Morrison's Theatre at Rockaway Beach, L. I., is one of the best patronized enterprises at this ever-growing resort. NOTES. Welsh Brothers’ Circus began their tour of Long Island last Monday, Hempstead being the first town in the circuit. Walter L. Main’s and the Goodrich circuses are now covering Long Island. So far the weather has been good and they are all doing big business. Pawnee Bill's Wild West Show was at Jersey City, Monday, July 20, and showed to a large crowd. A small boy, who gave one of the buffaloes a piece of tobacco, was tossed by the animal and quite badly injured. GEORGE H. HAKES. SAN FRANCISCO. Whittlesey’s Success in Prisoner of Zenda. Good Business at Various Houses. Columbia.—With a superb cast, including Miss Amelia Bingham and Wilton Lackye, W. 8. Abdington and others, A Modern Magdalen has just closed its first. last and only week. Monday, July 20, The Frisky Mrs. Johnson will be presented. California.—Nance O'Neil has played to large houses during the past week. Three nights were devoted to Romeo and Juliet; Thursday night a fine production of Elizabeth was presented, and balance of week was given to Macbeth. July 20, will be the opening night of the Neil Morosco stock season. The opening offering will be, In the Palace of the King. Alcazar.—White Whittlesey has made the bit of bis life in The Prisoner of Zenda, which has had a splendid reception this past week, and will continue week of 20. In the double role of Rudolph, Whittlesey is certainly fine. It is seliom that the Alcazar continues one of its plays for a second week, but the success of the past week and demand for seats in advance, caused Messrs. Belasco and Mayer to continue the ‘Prisoner’ another week. Tivoli.—Wang has been pleasine good audiences at the Tivoli during the past week. Week of 20, The Highwayman will have the boards, with Camille D'Arville ag Lady Constance. Central.—Muldoon'’s Picnic, a laughable comedy. introducing various specialties, bas enter tained the patrong of this popular theatre during the week just closed. Monaay, July 20, the new season will be opened br a #pectacular pro duction of Faust, with Hershel Mayall as Mephisto. Grand.—In Central T'ark, in its second and last week. scored a success. Sunday, July 19. In Wall Street. will be presented for the first time tn this city. Fischer’s.—The new burlesque, Under the Red Globe, #pelle success, and already promises as long @ run as the previous Weber & Fields’ bur lesques. old and Dill and Barney Bernard, the Yiddish character artist, and many other speclalties and novelties, combine to make a most enjoyable evening. Orpheum,—Several new acts are announced at the Orpheum for week of 20. Ethel Levey, wife of George M. Cohan, will make her first appear. ance in this city. Claude Gillingwater, The Orpheus Comedy Four, Three Palos, George W. Hunter, De Kolta, the wizard, Bailey & Madison, Hodges & Launchmere and the Biograph with new motion pictures. Chutes Park.—George Hanlon end Sons, pantomimists; The Cooutown Disturbers; Van Fossen & MeCauley, comedy singers; Marion George, violinist; l.utz Brothers; Waldron Brothers and others, make up a very — program. R. FOLKS. BOSTON. Castle Square Company in Fanchon, The Cricket. Peggy From Paris doing exceilent busi ness. Tremont Theatre.—Begiuning of the eleventh week of George Ade’s musical comedy Pegyy from Paris, doing a grand bustuess. The piece will continue to enjoy prosperity for a long time to come, Castle Square Theatre.—The offering of the stock company this week is the comestic drama Fanchon, The Cricket, with Mary Hall in the title role, with the usual strong supporting cast. Keith's ‘Loeatre.—Mayme Remington aud her pickaninnies are one of the biggest bits of the show. The Montrose troupe of acrobats, Palfrey & Hilton, bicyele turn, Miss Mary Hampton Co. in a satirical comedy called The Melodrama, Tue Fadettes Ladies Orchestra, and many other good features. Howard Atheaneum.—Tbhe Howard's own burlesque company in tie travesty, Perpetual Motion, which is an eatremely lively musical comeuy. followed by a strong vaudeville show. Palace Theatre.—Mgr. Waldron’s offering this week is a Lurlesque entitled, Chums, presented Ly the stock company, followed by strong ollo, aud concluding with a burlesque, Barnum s Vet oint of Pines.—Second week of the Pine’s Musical Company, presenting the musical extravaganza, Jack and tue Beanstalk. There are balloon ascensions every afternoon with a parachute jump and concerts by the Lyun cadet lasd at tulg ;opular resort, The provuction of the Jobnstu .n Floog at levere Leach still copii:ucs to do a fine vus NNELLY. iness, JOHN E, ST. LOUIS. Mme. Eugenia Mantelii at Forest Park Highlands. Farce, Burlesque and Vaudeville Draw Well at the Various gardens. St. Louis is ja the midst of good weather aud g00d palvwnuge at all the summer gardens. ikverybocy is pleased. The shows given are as a rule good, aud in several cases, excellent. Next week we reach the date of tie big carnival of the Ceutral Trades aud Laver Unions of Si. Louts, and from the outlook it bids fair to eclipse all otlers If wot, it will uot be the fauit of the promoters, as they Lave certainly husiled and are waking a the display. The follow ing week: At Suburban Garden we have the return of Innes aud tis, baud, aud they repeated their success of the tirst month here. That the immense audience Was eager for lis return was shown by bills are on tap at the gardens this the hearty applause that was given him. His selections were of the best in his extensive repertoire. In the Garden were other new at tractions, namely The Marvelous Marsh with bicycle leap, and Walker's High Diving Horses. They gave entire satisfaction to the biggest audience of the season. From the Metropolitan Opera House stage to the stage of Forest Park Highlands is what Mme. Lugenia Maatelli, formerly leading mezzo of the Grau Opera Company, is doing this week. She scored a great hit. Toe Kaufmann Family, bicyclists; Saona, impersonator; Zabodie’s balancing act: Little Elsie, imitations; The Young Amercan Quartet, and others. Good bill pia) ing to immense business. Everybody's Friend is the comedy that is on for the week at Koerner’s Garden. The extremely large audiences of Sunday seemed to appreciate the fun. The entire cast was at its best in the comedy work aud a most pleasing performance is given. The Katydids, six im number, are back for this week and scored again. Next week the company returns to Shakespeare, this time with As You Like It. Weber and Field's Fiddle-Dee-Dee is the show at Delmar Garden this week, and as usual did big business Sunday and continues well. The show ig the equal ef any they have given and more elaborately staged. The company has a new member in the person of Katherine Linyard. She takes the place of Freda Gallick, who is seriously fll. Miss Linyard was given a most hearty reception. All the attractions are doing an increased business. Another good bill at Mannion’s Park this week is headed by J. Aldrich Libbey, baritone vocalist, who hag hot been heard in St. Louls for a long while, and she scored a hit. She is assisted by Katherine Trayer; Kerns and Cole, comedy skit; Leroy and LaVarion, borizontal bars; Gillibhan and Murray, vocalists; Lew Palmer and others. A number of benefits have increased business here. Lemp’s Park is another good week with a bill that i pleasing big audiences. Beverly and Danvers. tut and Cussick, Dunn and Williams, Franklin and MeNutt, Clark and Mack, Hayes and Fields, and the Southern Jubilee Singers. Business good. West End Heights’ bill this week Includes the following acts: Marguerite Favor, Post and Clinton, Kelly snd Reno, Lerado and Blake, Mitchell and Ward and Fox and Foxte. The new scenic railway is doing an immense business. Good business and good shows. Hashagen's Park has the following bill for this week: Harry Sampson, tramp comedian; Jim and Mabel Moore sketch artists; Lon Morris, Hebrew impersonator; The Hazels, sketch, and Louls Cranmer. NOTES. Mr. Charles W. Jessop spent several days thia week in St. Louis, and reports that he has just closed a most successful season wrth the Southern Carnival Company. He left the company tn Portland, Oregon, and he and bis mother (who is known the world over as the ‘Lady Con having fectioner’’) are enroute to Middletown, Indl.. where they are booked at the fair. He also States that in Sacramento, Cal., this spring, their sales on Cracker Jack alone amounted to 82,000 packages. The Columbia Theatre bas on view most excellent pictures of the Root-Gardiner fight and patronage hes been very satisfactory. The pictures are good. WILL J. FARLEY.