The Billboard 1903-08-29: Vol 15 Iss 35 (1903-08-29)

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THE BILLBOARD 7 known Loulsville actor, and ig one of intense beart interest. * The Elks will baild their own excursion steamer, putting in a stage for high-class vaudeville attravtions during the hot summer months. The Cole Younger-Frank James Wild West gave two performances here Aug. 17 to big crowds. The show was up to date in every respect and people were turned away, not being able to get standing room inside the large tent. Ernest Kettig opened his bathing beach at the foot of Walnut street, Aug. 18. Marvin Hart and Wm. Schiller have been engaged as the chief attraction at the Bardstown ir. ie Labor Carnival will be held in Louisville, Sept. 7-19 E, Leweday, 316 W. Jefferson +t, bas the affair in charge. Ww. F. Ramsaver, alias Steeple Jack, has been engaged as a special attraction for Fountain Perry Mark next week ORVILLE B. TAYLOR. DENVER, COLO. The different playhouses are doing good business, each striving to put on the best attraction. Broadway Theatre (Peter McCourt, Mgr.)— The Jane Oaker Stock Company, assisted by Kugene Ormondi, are presenting The Mysterious Mr. Bugle. Mr. Ormondi made his first appearance as leading man of the Jane vaker Stock Company. Miss Jane Oaker in the role of the pretended Mrs. Bugle was very good. Mr. (nmondi’s work was appreciated. Miss Melville and Mr. Aiken did good work I their respective roles. Next—Christopher, Jr. Elite) Gardens (Mrs. Mary Elitch-Long, Mgr.) Miss Perey Heswell and Robert Drouet, supported by the Bellows Stock Company, are presenting Colinette to big business. Miss Haswell is a charming actress and made quite a bit. Kubert Drovet is seen in the role of Adrien. He gives a very good portrayal of the part. Mr. Theodore Roberts as Louis XVIII. was good Mr. Henry Holker appears in his best character werk in the role of the .renchman. Mr. Herman Sheldon was good. Next—Drother Officers. Manhattan Beach (J. Edgar Clifford, Mgr.)— The Great Harbecks, hoop rollers, are the leadliners at this place Miss Dereece Murray. singer: Hanvey and Deane, comediaus; Prince & Daniels, mandolinists and whistlers; Miss irooke Eltryne, singer; Bruuage & Ciark, com edy team; Smith aud Chester. balladists. Busi ness continues big. Crystal Theatre (Geo. F. houses continue as a rule. Bioscope, Kelly and Daly, Mack, sketch team; Rotjen, slight-of-band; l'urvey & Hayes, sketch team. Rocky Mountain Lake (F. E. Mills, Carberry & Stanton, sketch team; comedy, The Miltens, musical trio, and Meany & Anderson, sketch team. Business is fair. Alacazar Theatre (Frank Klipfel, Mgr.)—Geo. Adams, Mgr.)—Big Pratt & Little, the singers: Gibson & Mgr.)— The Niners, Milton's comedy, My Uncle, is produced as a curtain = raiser Marion Goodwin, vocalist; Mamie Lawrence, singer: Dot Collins, dancer; liessie Floyd, balladist; Lottie Nelxon, dancer; Gracie & Potter, comedy team: Etta Karnes, singer, and The Miltous, sketch team. Business ls good. NOTES. F. E. Mills, of Mills-Edsonia Co., has secured a five years lease on Rocky Mountain Lake and will run a vaudeville show in connection with outdoor attractions. Prof. Wynan Abbot makes balloon ascensjous This place ought to forge te the front under Mr. Mills’ managemeut, os it is the chosen spot for all picnics given in the city. rhe tmpire Theatre opens the regular season 7 The attraction will be furnished by Coast Circuit. y Lubliski will open a vaudevine blouse. It will be known as the Novelty Tueatre. The admission will be 10 cents and bourly shows will be given. The regular season of the Broadway Theatre will open August 30, the attraction being The burgomaster, JUD. MeGINNIS. KANSAS CITY, MO. The Grand (Hudson & Judah, Mgrs.)—The thirteenth season of this popular house opened 16 with The Burgomaster as the attraction. Business throughout the week was up to a most gratifying standard. Oscar Figman, who sings tee tithe role this season, is a comedian of most happy and original methods, while the remainder of the cast included such favorites as Kuth White, William Riley Hatch, Ruth Dexter Thomas Ricketts, R. J. Moye and a host of other clever people, was thoroughly satisfactory. (tis B. Tharer in Sweet Clover is announced for week of 23. The Auditoriam (Woodward & Burgess, Mgrs) This house will throw open the doors 23, with Cora Van Tassel in The Volunteer as the initial offering of the season. Managers Woodward and Burgess have secured an excellent line ot hookings and the present season should be a red-letter one from every standpoint. Reuben in New York week of 30. The Gilliss (E. 8S. Brigham, Mgr.)—Elmer Walters’ new production, A Millionaire Tramp, attracted big houses week of 16. The show is good and enlists the services of a number of talented people. The Village Parson will be eern week of : Forest Park (Lloyd Brown, Mgr.)—Papinta, whose spectacular dancing seems to never lose favor, was the headliner in the theatre week of 16. Jessie Couthoul in ber artistic monvlogue ame in for a large share of applause while Dick and Alice McAvoy, in their sketch of slum life, also received a warm welcome. The bill was rounded out by The Josselin Trio, aerialists: Martinett! and Grossi, comic instrumental. ists, and James P. Donovan, Irish comedian. The Flying Dunbars in their thrilling aerial act Was the excellent free feature for the week. Vapluta will again head the bill week of 2: Eleetric Park (Sam Benjamin, Mgr. \—The Randa Rossa continued throughout week of 26, to be the chief attraction at this resort, and business was all that could be desired. The ‘reat Northern Quartette accompanied by the big bang was a meritorious feature, while in the German Village, Gillihan and Murray in song and dance, and William G. Rogers, a bari tone soloist of considerable ability, commanded ‘he mest attention. NOTES. The _ ating Williams Show closed at Cam cron o nm The Century opens Hurlesquers. Manager Louis Shouse has booked the Melba mre Company for Convention Hall night of ov Sam Benjamin, trle Park, 20 with Miaco's City Club the popular manager of Elecwill have charge of the box-office at tindson and Judah's new. Omaha house, The Krug. during the coming season. Miss Dessa Gibson, of Anna Held’s forces, Was in towu recently securing evidence for ber forthcoming damage suit for $100,000 against A. B. Pierce, the Providence millionaire. The local scribes are again busy with Dame Rumor, who now bag it that next summer will se another park here, backed by one of the Milwaukee breweries. Spears and Hardaway’s National Stock Company opens Sept. 1, at Belton, Mo. Soph Moehrman, soubrette, and Master Walter Wakins. the boy prodigy, will be the feature vaudeville acts carried by this company this Beason. Ted Sparks, the well-known booking agent of this city, reports big business this month having so far since Aug. 1, placed over 80 acts in the various houses throughout the Southwest which he represents. Dorris and Finley's An African Missionary, which goes out thig season umier the direction of Mr, Sparks, openg Oct. 5, at Platte Citw Neb., and is booked almost solid until spring. CHARLES H. SMALL. NEWARK, N. J. Things theatrical in this city are already beginning to show sigus of great activity. Two houses have opened the season and it is expected that the others will not be long in following suit, in fact, the opening date of one las already been announced tor next Saturday evening, August 22. Electric Park's good business continues despite the other attractions in the field. Wroctor’s box-office receipts are also up to the mark, and for the past summer Mr. Proctor has certainly given us good bills, with the result that business has been excellent. Blaney’s TTheatre.—This new combination theatre opened its season on Saturday evening, Aug. 15, with Only a Shop Girl, featuring Miss Lottie Williams. The piece continues throughout the week. The supporting company is fair. Business good. Aug. 24-20, The Lighthouse by the Sea. Empire Theatre.—Manager Hyams began the season with a watinee performauce Monday, Aug. 17, the play being A Ragged Hero, which will be presented during the cucrent week, Aug. 17-22. For a popular price attraction the compauy is good, Hal rows ana Julia West doing the best work. This house Ls Leen redecorated curing the summer and preseuts a fine appearanee. The Empire, uo doubt, will enjoy a prusperous season. Next weea—Jim Bludso. blectric Park.—Al Haynes and Lis company in Too Much Married is tuis week's leading fea ture. Tie other fistures, iucluciug Fay and his band, remain. Proctor’s Theatre.—Howard Thurston, the great magician, remains for a second week. His act js extremely mystifying and is pleasing the vaudeville lovers here. Robert Carter «& Co., Collins & Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Mack. Evans & Clement are in the bill. Neil Moran & Co., in the playlet, Noah Little, as a feature, are good. Excellent business, NOTES. Waldmann’s Opera House opens Saturday evening, Aug. 22, with Kose Sydell’s London Belles. T.e Columbia Theatre will probably open Aug. 31 with Th King of Detectives. under the man agement of Sullivan, Harris & Woods. Manager Jacobs of the Columbia would have opened sooner, but it ws impossible for the painters and decorators to complete their work before this time and it is expected that the appearance of the theatre will be completely changed. The Newark Theatre will probably open Sept. . “Nellie McHenry in M°Liss will open ber sea son in Newark. Sept. 7. Under Two Flags, announced as a $40,000 production, will be seen in Newark during the seasol Blaney's Theatre, now a has certainly reached the hving 10, 15 and 25 cents, and as an extra in ducement a coupon printed in lecal papers ou Suucay, together with ten cents would admit women to the best seats Monday matinee, Aug. 17. A sixteen-year-old Newark girl, Miss Goldie 0. Skinner, will this season be with the Four Leaf Clover Company. L. R, W. ALLISON. combination bouse, popular price limit, SEATTLE, WASH. Empire Park Theatre.—There will not be any great change this week in the bill and there does not need to be, as last week's bill was the best ever produced in the Northwest. Lutz Brothers are ome of the best attractions, the armless brother doing some expert rifle shooting and other work that has never been equalled in this vicinity. Fred Waddell’s club swinging !s very clever. George Moore, the molologist, held his audience well and his songs were encored to the echo. Robinson and Grant, the midgets, do a sidesplitting act with applause after every line The Waldron Brothers are rather weak but the little German redeems the act. Fr erick, the conjurer, is one of the new attractions, also Williams and Gordon, rapid fire conrersationalists. Allen Shaw's coin manipulating is excellent The tent is crowded every night evidencing the qualitof the attractions. The Grand Opera House.—Amelia Bingham in The Climbers, will run three nights, beginning Aug, 20. Seattle Theatre.—Return engagement of The Pollard Aug. 16. The Choppers, a side degree of the Woodmen of the World, open their Loop the Loop Exposttion, Aug. 25. running for two weeks, using the same grounds the Labor Carnival had. The Northwestern Stage Employes are holding a convention with a three days’ session. Delegates are expected from Portland, Tacoma and Spokane. F. M. WEB Opera Company, three nights, opening MONTREAL, CANADA. Theatre Francais.—August 17, Shooting the Chutes. Thies pepular theatre opened its dours for the season with the above musical extravaganza, and the house was literally packed to the doors The specialties are clever and the whole performance took well with the audience. Booked: Aug. 24, The Limited Mail and Treasure Island. Proctor’s Theatre opens up the 24th inst. The house has been thoroughly overhauled and will look resplendent on the opening night. The following are beoked for the first few weeks: Aug. 24, Hello Bill: 31, A Fisherman, with HI. Thomas and Lou Hall in the leading parts; Sept. 7. A Gentleman of France: 14. Bonnie Briar Rush, with J. H. Steddard: 21, David Harum. Theatre National Francais.—-This small theatre is growing In popularity among our FrenchCanadian people and gives good entertainments in French, to whieh section of the city thes eater entirely. They opened on the 10th Iinst.. in Quo Vadis and hed big houses. The attraction for the week of 17 is A Cadet of Gascony, aud the opening night was most s Academy of Music.—Sept. Wolf Hopper in Mr. Pickwick Theatre Royal opens its doors on the 24th with The Senonstan Burlesquers, and it is suid they have an excellent cast. Sohmer Park is still drawing large audiences at every performance. The principal] attractions A. opens with De this week are the Six Athos Bros., acrobats: Messrs. Banc, Bedard & Mochou, in feats of strength, and Professor Struck, legerdemain. Kiverside Park is advertising in addition to the usual vaudeville performance it will secure the services of a comic opera stock corpany for the remainder of the summer season. The first of a large list of operas to be given wil be Geroftle Gerofia. What might have been a serious balloon accident occurred on the 16th inst. Professor Burnett who conducted the ascension owing to a change in tue direction of the wind, dropped into the River St. Lawrence, which at this point is some two miles wide. He was promptly rescued by several people in a skiff, but his balloon was carried by the rapid current for some miles before it was recovered. y. E. BRADSHAW. WACO, TEX. The best play of the seasou is the verdict of ali who see Fanchon the Crickett as played by the Verden Co. at West End Auuitorium this week. The house is at each performace, packed to suffocation, and to judge from te appiause and good things said avout the show, every one was delighted. “4188 seil aul as Fanchon is more than gov.t. She was excellent. Her work :s a very cle/or rendition of Maggie Mitchell's great part, This young lady had an opportunity to show Low versatile she is and took adVantage of it and by ber clever work in tie part of Fanchon, she won the hearts of all. Miss Gertrude Dunlay as Mother Fa let pisved the parc as it should be »ityed aud sleeved that sue bas made a study of tue part and by ber good work Ist night made many new adwiirers. Miss Ressie Brownie as Mo'ler Barbanit and Museieon was fine, cleverly plaviwy the two parts with an ease and grave characteristic of tuls young lady. Mr. Frank Farrell as Lanirvy was the usval iuished actor, playing the pact as well ss of Was ever pluyed in Wacu. Mr. Varreil was tins. ur. C. Rea Berger as Facther Bartavi tue gruff old man to perfectinn, M:. it wis ix always goou; Le play'as his parts of it a~ if he lived them. Chas. Brewnie, a Didier, and the way he made the audience laugh and applaud shows very clearly that he played lis part as it should be played. Bertram Bracken and Lew usual, five in their parts. big furnished the fun Virned were as ‘Lhe specialties went BUFFALO, N. Y. Shea's Theatre Papita Aragon and Edmond Hayes & Co., ure the head liners at Shea's tuis week. The sketches presented are of the very best order. Stanley & Brodman, Harry Le Clair. Chas. Leonard, Fletcher and Marion Littletield also have sume very good acts, which make the bill a winner. Full houses are in order at every performance. Teck Theatre.—The Baldwin Melville Stock Co. are doing very good business in their presentation of Virginius. Mr. Wm. Farnum, leading man, has become very popular with tue patrons, Lafayette.—Bill B. performance in Judge Bolivar in Van gives his farewell burlesque here this week as Bolivar’s Court. He has no equal and many Buffalouians will regret seeing him leave. He has becn a great favorite here this summer and a good drawing card for Brenven and Ruse. Mr. Van goes tu New York next week where he will enter vaudeville. Next week the lainty Duchess Co., cpens tue regular seasou at this popular playhouse NOTES. A report is current here that Mr. is interested with New York men in theatre project in this city. The site selected adjoins the Teck theatre property. The old Court street theatre now in the bands of the carpenters and decorators promises to be one of the best play houses in town when i sue Management expects to open pee. i. Extensive repairs are being made at the Academy. This house did an enormous business during the past season. Barnum & Bailey with their mammoth show give two performances Aug. 17 and 18, H. F. RUNDELL. Baldwin a new DECATUR, IND. The Chandler and Sturgeon Comedy Company which will open the theatre season in this city on August 20, as was stated some time ago in the local paper, have several men here working on scenery and completing arrangements for their first production. Their scenery is of the best and will make their stage setting as complete and elaborate as any traveling company could desire to have. They have one setting that or a steamboat leaving a York, showing the Brooklyn bridge and parts of the cities, which is truly a representative piece of the highest scenic art to be found on the stage. The company altogether will consist of twelve people and rehearsing will begin next week, Their first production will he Among The Philippines, Mr. Chandler. On two nights following A Free Born American and A Green Eyed Monster will be presented. The specialty part of tne show will be strong, and several musical turns will be in the production. One member of the company, George Olmit, is an operatic baritone who played with the Carla Rosa Opera Company and for five years was at the New York Casino. which was written by PADUCAH, KY. Wallace Park, Casino Theatre—This theatre remains dark and it is not thought likely that it will open during the balance of the summer season Kentucky Theatre (Jas, FE. English. Mgr.»— Prof. Harry Gilbert, the local musician and composer, who leaves shortly for Rerlin to stndy music, will give a minstrel performance, assisted by a number of local amateurs 25 Mr. Jolly of Joliet. with Mr. maward Garvie as Mr. Jolly, opens the regular season night of 3ist. NOTES. Mr. Roy Potter, of this city, tache of the Kentucky Theatre, has signed for the coming season with Hutchinson Brothers’ Minstrels. He does an acrobatic turn. Miss Lillian Lancaster (Miss Flora Mae Clark) of this city, who was leading lady in Man to formerly an at Man last season, has signed for the coming season with the Bonnie Gilmore Co., of New York. She has a strong part with the show which plays in the East until about Christmas, after which the rest of the seasun will be speut in New York. Dr. Louis E. Allen, better known as Dr. Louis Pretty Eagle, a half-breed Mohawk Indian, who has been conducting medicine shows through Kentucky, Illinois and Indiaua for some time died at Owensboro, Ky., Tuesday, Aug. ls. He leaves a wife. Mr. Richard W. Langan, the well-known dramauec writer and musician of Louisville, Ky., died Aug. 20, after a several weeks’ illness. The Red Men of this city have contracted with the General Amusement Company ef Cincinnati, O., for attractions for their carnival, week of Oct. 5-10. The various committees on arrangements have been appointed aud active preparations will —, a RDON D. *SwIrT. OMAHA, NEB. When the theatrical season opens this fall, Omaha will have three first-class playhouses. In fact they are far above the average for a city of its size. The prospects for tue coming season are very bright. Hudson and Judah, the proprietors of Krug’s Theatre, were in the city last week and were well pleased with their new playhouse. Krug’s Park.—Sunday, the 16, was a big day at this resort end the last appearance of frei. hellstedt. It was also the closing of Millard Ritle’s Military Tournament. J. Walcorf iiail still continves his sensational act, bemyg suvt from a cannon attached to a balloon. Courtland Beach.—The past week was a govu one at this favorite resort. Tie hea Men and the Keal Estate Dealers held their annual piculc at the beach. Vrof. Bellstedt has been engaged for the balance of the season. The Bickett bkamily gave such good satisfaction that Manager Griffith has decided to retain them for avcther week. H. J. ROOT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Thousands are now here from near and far and all tLe amusements are raking in the shekels. Young's Pier.—The past week Miss Bob White, Foxy Grandpa and a large list of pleasing teatures to S. R. O. Tilyou’s Pier.—Dig crowds at all times. Steel Pier.—Band Concerts tw big returns. Bijou Theatre.—Huntley-Moore Siock Cv. to packed houses. Doyle’s.—Polite vaudeville to S. R. O. Guvernator’s.— Variety aud vaudeville to big houses. Heinz’s Tier.—Always crowded. Inlet Theatre is coing fine. County Fair, Alligator tarm, Wild West, Veny Cireus, Postock’s Trained Animals, Moorish Maze, Laughing Gallery, Dream World, RKoving Frank's Big Gypsy os all te big returns. FRANK B, HUBILN. LANCASTER, PA.—Rocky Springs Park (H. B. Grittiths, Gen. Mgr.) The vaudeville bill offered at this resort was the best presented during the season and drew increased business. The program week of Aug. 17-22 included Jeanette & Otis Laurelle, Andy Amann «& Frances Hartley, McCune & Grant, Mariette Elliott, Ely Dawson, Baker and Boyle. Claude Amsden, of the Amsden Opera Co., which closed at Rocky Sprtmmgs Park, July 25, has been engaged to play the leading comedy role with A Jolly Man’s Troubles Cv. Hazel Davenport will do the leading female comedy and F. Wade Cleveland light comedy with the same company. They were all members of the Amsdef Opera Company, and during their stay in this city won many warm friends. Woolworth Roof Garden (Capt. John B. Peoples, Mgr.)—Week of Aug. 17-22. A. O. Dunean, Harry Linton and Lawrence Sisters, Ben Myer, J. K. Emmett, Louse montrose, Scott Brothers, Conroy & McDonald and the Kinetoscope made up a pleasing bill that attracted capacity business. Lillian Burkhart was on the bill but collapsed after the matinee the 17, anu upon the advice of her physician canceled the balance of ber engagement. The Lancaster County Fair, Horse and Cattle Show will be one of the greatest fairs ever held in Pennsylvania. Nearly all the available space has already been taken and in several of the departments additional space bas been made for the accommodation of those desiring to exhibit. The herse department will be exceptionally large this year. Many horses coming from ihe larger castern cities to compete for the Horse Show prizes. This feature of the fair was a grand success in 1902 and the management have decided to give two days to the exhibition this rear. Each of the other stock departments will be tilled to its capacity. SHREINER. RANTOUL, ILL.—Neal’s Opera House (J. D. Neal, Mgr.) The opening of the Neal Opera House, Aug. 13, by Mr. Earle Doty with the support of his strong and capable company in the four-act drama, The Iron Mask, was a brilliant success. The play is admirably constrneted. Mr. Doty was excellent in the leading role as Louis XIV., and contributed an exceptionaily strong piece of avrting. Karl Way made the part of M. de St. Wais a strong one. Edwin Barrington played the part of M. D'Aubigne with marked skill. George French was decidediy good in the part of Cardinal Mazarine. The play was staged attractively. The usual packe:! house applauded liberally. The costumes were elegant. Paper is of an excellent quality and very picturesave. Mr. Doty and his company deserve success. Next—A Thoroughbred Tramp. Aug. 25. A large list of splendid attractions are to follow. NOTES. Robert Sherman and his new repertoire company is the attraction at the ITeroy lil.) Opera House during fair week, Ang. 17-22. Mr. Sherman played Rantoul last December. EALE C. CARY. MONTGOMERY, ALA.—Vickett Springs Casino (Management Montgomery Traction Co.) The Harrison-Adams Theatre Company, which played at the Casinu last week have been retained for the week of August 17. They present this week as last light melodramas and comedies. The performances are received with favor and applause by the audiences. Tie attendance is not as large as it should be. The management ennovnees that after this week the doors of the Casino will be closed until next summer gE & ¢€ STAMFORD, CONN.—trand Opera House (1. M. Host, Mgr.) Aug. ss ond week. Chester De Vonde Stock Company. Big business and andi ence well pleased. Aug. 17, Gentry Brothers” Dog and Pony Show played bere to big business at afternoon pe- formance but only fair business at night. Show very good. HAWLEY OLFINGEL. ee gay . “4 Se pe ae ota mamta o a RE soo ~~ a nepal a a la, «al la set een sane fom “ lh be = eer aren me mais — Pe gee peareees a eee onan ae irs i} : 7 il i Hal ji, ; i) 9 it ;