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ROUTES / AHEAD, The 4a mai toa professionals free af Gon. Bien’ ioe ag 4. Te pe tes > ited ntl
Billboard oat u gee be + promptly Sorwarded,
BROWN’S Amusement Co. (Southern; E.
Brown, Mgr.)—La Grange, Tex., Feb. 15-20; Bastrop, 22-27.
BROWN’S Amusement Co. (Western; E. Brown, Mgr.)—Te -xarkana, Ark. Feb. 15-20;
South Mealester, Ll. T., BAUSCHER Carnival Co. "_ Covington, La., Feb, 15-20: Slidell, 22-... BARKOUT & Faust Carnival Co. out, Mgr.)—Hattiesburg, Miss., Meridian, 22-27. DIXIE Carnival Co.—Safford, Ariz., Feb. 1420: Tucson, 22-28, MILLER Family
(K. G. BarkFeb, 16-20;
Amusement Co. (Harry Mil
ler, Mgr.)—Lexington, Miss., Feb. 15-20; Durant, 22-27.
TALBOTT-Whitney Carnival Co. (E. C. Talbott, Gen. ..gr.)—Alexandria, La., Feb. 15-27.
UNITED States Carnival Co.—Jennings, La., Feb, 8-14; Lake Charles, 15-22.
WALSH’S Crystalplex Carnival Co. (W. Henry Walsh, Mgr.j)—Sanford, Me., Feb. 15-20; Biddeford, 22-27.
PERFORMER’S DATES A postal card addressed to ‘‘The Billboard’ will bring you a supply of mailing cards which only require to be filled out and stamped with @ one-cent stamp in order to have your route appear regularly and accurately in our columns.
ALDRICH, Charles—(Circle) New York City,
Feb. 15-20; (Pastor’s), 22-27.
AHERNS, The—(Comique) Seattle, Wash.,
Feb. 15-20; (Edison) 22-27.
ALLEN, Searl & Violet—(Orpbeum) Utica,
N. Y., Feb. 15-20; (Avenue) troit, Mich., .
ADAMINI & Taylor—(Keith’s) Philadelphia, Pa., Feb, 15-20.
ALI & Peiser—(O. H.) Erie, Pa., Feb. 15-20.
AMERICAN Trumpeters, Four "—(Sheedy’s) New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 15-20.
—— The—(Mechanics) Salem, Mass., Feb 15
ADJIE’ 3 Lions—(Poli’s) New Haven, Conn., Feb. 15-20.
ADAIR & Dahn—(Columbia) St. Louls, Mo., Feb. 15-20.
ANTRIM & Peters—(Empire) Hoboken, N. J.,
Feb. 15-20. ALI, Hunter & Ali—(Orpheum) Davenport, Ia., Feb. 15-20; (Weast’s) Peoria, Ill., 22-27.
ASCOTT & Eddie—(Empire) Hoboken, N. J.. Feb. 15-20; (Keith’s) ene egg = I., 22-27. BRUNS '& Nina—Milwaukee, , Feb. 1520; Springfield, I4l., 22-27
BU ER, The Great—(Orpheum) San Antonio, Te” Feb. 15-20.
BAADER & Lavelle—(Weast’s Theatre) Peoria, Ill., Feb. 15-20.
BLIND Tom—(Shea’s) Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 15.
BELLMAN & Moore-—(Cook’s) Rochgster, N.
Y., Feb. 15-20; (Temple) wy. Mich., 22-27. BURTON & Brookes—(H. &
City, Feb. 15-20; Newark, N. J., "22.97. BEANOS, The—( Empire) Lorain, 0O., Feb.
15-20: (Areade) Toledo, 27-27.
BRYANT & Saville—(Columbia)
0., Feb. 14-20.
BROOKS Brothers—(Pastor’s) New York City
S.’s) New York Cincinnati,
‘eb, 22-27 BAgR ‘& Evans—(Howard) Mass...
Nora—(Mechanics) Salem, Mass., Feb. 15-20.
er" Show—(H. & S.’s) New York City, Feb. 15
BUR SON, Arthur—Dublin, Tex., indef.
BINNS, Binns & Binns—(Proctor’s) Newark.
N. J., Feb. 15-20. s .
CAPITAINE, Alcide—(Proctor’s) Newark, N.
W.—Jameson, Mo., Feb. 17
CRESWELL, W. P. (Bicycle Bill)—San Francisco. Cal., indef.
CASAD & Le Verne—(Crystal) St. Joe, Mo., Feb. 15-20; (Weast’s) Peoria, Ill., 22-27.
CLIFFUKRVS, The—(Green Front Deadwood, S. D., Feb. 1-28.
CARLIN & Otto—(Orpheum) New Orleans. La., Feb, 15-20.
CARMEN, La Troupe—(Empire) Hoboken, N. J.. Feb. 15-20; (Keith’s) Philadelphia, Pa..
22-27. CRANE, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner—(Bijou) PhilPa., Feb, 15-20; (Keith’s) New York
adelphia, City, 22-27. CARLYLE, Gladys—(Empire) Seattle, Wash..
indef. CLAYTON, White & Stuart—(H. & B.'s)
Brooklyn, N. Y.. ion 15-20; (Chase’s) Washington, D. C., 20-27
CHERRY & Bates—(Howard) Boston, Mass., Feb. 14-20.
CARMEN Sisters—(Shea’s) Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 15-20.
CASTELLAT & Hall—(Proctor’s 23d St) New
York City, Feb. 15-20.
CARTER, Mr. and Mrs. Carl—(Hashagen’s) St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 15-20.
Bo ay & Robinson—(Orpheum) Utica, N. -, Feb. 15-20.
y oaRBON & Willard—(H. & S.’s) New York City, Feb. 15-20.
CLARKE & Temple—(Poll’s) New Haven, Conn., Feb. 15-20.
cL IFFORD. billy Single—(Lyric) St. Joseph. Mo., Feb. 15-2¢
COLBY & a Salem, Feb. 15-20.
COOPER & Bailey—(Proctor’s) Newark, N. J., Feb. 15-20. SY, a 4 Dayne, Blanche—(Procter’s) Albany, ¥., b. 15-20. . A an We (Park) Youngstown, O., Feb.
DE WITT, Shorty and Lillian—(Fulton St.) Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 15-2
nag MORE, Misses—(Keith’ s) Boston, Mass., Feb, 15-20. DERENDA & Green—(Lyceum) Washington. D. my Feb. 15
RANE, “Sam—(Casto) Lawrence. Mass., Feo.
15 UPREES—(Trent) Trenton, N. J., Feb. DALE, Musical—Detroit, Mich., Feb. 15-20
-» 22-37. EVEAU, Herbert—(Keith’s) Boston, Mass.. rep 15-20: (Keith’s) Salem, 22-27.
AVIS & Macauley—(Orpheum) Brooklyn, N. Y.. Feb. DICKSON, Ohas., Co.—-(Keith’s) Providence,
R. I., .@b. 15-20; (Kelth’s) Boston, Mass., 22
‘. ELDORA & Norine—(Howard) Boston, Mass.,
Feb. 15-20.
EVERETT Sisters—(Standard) Ft. Worth, Tex., Feb. 15-20.
ELDRIDGE, Press—(Keith’s) Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 15-20; (Union Square) New York City. 22-27.
EARLE, Harry—En route with Kentucky Ju
venile Minstrels.
EVANS Trio—(Shea’s) Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 15-20; (Star) Hamilton, Can., 22-27.
FOUR Lukens—(Poli’s) Hartférd, Conn., Feb. 15-20: «Poli’s) Bridgeport, 22-27.
FISHER, Mr. and Mrs. Perkins—( Duquesne) Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 15-20; (Pastor’s) New
York City, 22-27.
FEDDESSAS, Great Gay and Elece—En route with Empire Comedians.
FORTUNE Roy—Camden, Ark., indef. FISHER & Johnson—(Proctor’s 5th Ave) New York City, Feb. 15-20.
FALKE & Semon—(Poli’ 8) Hartford, Conn., Feb. 15-20: (Avenue) Pittsburg, Pa., 22-27. > 7 — & Hayes—(Unique) Los Angeles, Cal., e 8-21
FARL EY, James and Bonuie—(Pastor’s) New York City, Feb. 15-20.
FISKE & McDonough—(Trent) Trenton, N.
.. Feb. 15-20. FITZGIBBON-McCoy Trio—(Keith’s) York City, Feb. 15-20. FLETCHER, Charles Leonard—London, Eng., Feb. 8Sept. 8. Ri" PMille-—(Keith’s) Philadelphia, Pa., eb. 15-20. — & Wilson—(Shea’s) Toronto, Can., Feb. +~—_ Newark, N. J., Feb. 15-20. — & Fields—(Casto) Lowell, Mass., Feb. “FADETTE Orchestra—(Trent) Trenton, N. J.,
Feb Feb.
. 15-20. — JSON & Dupree—Lincoln, Neb., bog ag H. V.—(Fulton St.) Brooklyn,
GENARO & Theol—(Empire) Glasgow, Eng., Feb. 22-27: (Empire) Liverpool, 29-March 5. GOLDSMITK & a ee Gard*n) New York City, Feb.
=. A B+, oenten, Tex., Feb. 15
GILSON & Hart—(Howard) Boston, Feb. 15-20. GODFREY, Hal. & Co.—(Empire) Hoboken, N. J., Feb. 15-20.
GOTTLOB. Fred ana Amy—(Trent) Trenton. N. * Feb. 15-20; (Keith's) New York City.
GRANT. Sydney—(Colonial) Cleveland, 0., Feb. 22-27
HASKELL, Loney—(Orpheum) Omaha, Neb.. Feb. 21
HEATH & Excela—(Novelty) Oakland, Cal., Feb. 15-21: (Unique) Stockton, 22-28.
HERRMANN the Great (Ed Thurnaer, Mer.) —Providence, R. I., Feb. 15-20; Worcester, Mass.. -.-26: Hartford, Conn., 27. HERN & Lewis—(Lyceum) Niagara Falls, N. Y., Feb. 15-20.
HINES & Remington—(Avenue) Detroit, Mich., Feb. 15-20.
eer Two—(Huber’s) New York City. Feb.
5-20. Hor MES & Waldron—(Edison) Helena, Mont. Feb. 15-20. HOFY & Lee—(Fulton St.) Brooklyn, N. Y.. Feb. 15-20. HASKELL. Loney—(Orpheum) Kansas City. Mo., Feb. 14-20. HECLOW, Chas.—(Crystal) Colorado Springs.
Colo., Feb. 15-20.
HECLOW & Wheeler—(Crystal) Colorado Springs, Colo., Feb. 15
HERRMANN, Adelaide—(Poll!’” s) New Haven. Conn., Feb. 15-20.
HUGHES & Hazelton—(Miner’s Bowery) New York City, Feb. 15
HOLDEN & Florence—(Orpheum) Los Angeles Cal.. Feb. 14-20.
HART, the Laugh King (D. T. Hart, Mgr.)— Lexington. Miss.. Feb. 15-20.
HUNTINGS, Four—(Shea’s) Buffalo, N. Y..
Feb, 15-20. JENNINGS & Jewell—(Orpheum) Everett.
tg ae 15-20; (Empire) Westminster, B. Cc ¥
JAMES & Davis—(Standard) Houston, Tex.. Feb. 15-20.
KEENE. Mattie, & Co.—(Mechanics) Salem. Maass., Feb. 15-20. KLFIN-Ott Bros.
& Nickerson—(Colonial) Cleveland, O., Feb. 15-20;
(Park) Youngstown,
KELLY & Kent—(H. B.’s) Brooklyn, N. Y.. Feb. 15-20.
KENNA. Charles—(H. & B.'s) Brooklyn, N.
Y.. Feb. 15-20.
KEATONS, Three—(Portland) Portland, Me.. Feb. 15-20; (Mechanics Pavilion) Salem, Mass.. 22-27.
LAMONTS, The—(Keith’s) Providence, R. I.. Feb. 15-20: (Keith’s) Boston. Mass., 22-27
LAWRENCE, Al.—(Ciub Engagements) ‘New York City, Feb. 15-20; (Olympic) Chicago, Il.,
LA TOUR. Irene and Zaza—(Proctor’s) Newark, N. J.. Feb. 15-20.
LATIMORE & Lelgh—(Jeffers) Saginaw. Mich.. Feb. 15-20: (0. H.) Port Huron, 22-27. LITCHFIELD, Mr. ~~ Mrs. Neil—(Orpheum) New Orleans, La., Feb, 15-27.
LA VEEN & Grom (Keith's) Pawtucket, R. I.. Feb. 15-20. Mass..
T.PONARD, Feb. 15-20.
LLOYD. Herbert—(Keith’s) Providence, R. I. Feb, 15-20.
LORETTA Family—(Emptire) Seattle, Wash.. Feb. 15-20.
LEE. The Mystic—En route with Ferguson Stock Co. LINTON and Bridgeport, Conn., burg. Pa., 27. MORRIS & Bowen—(Orpheum) San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 21-March 5.
MAY & Miles—(Sheedy’s) Fall River. Maas.. Feb. 15-20: (Grand) Newport, is s MUSICAL Simpsons—Jersey City ie Feb. l5-euv: (Star) Brooklyn, N. Y.. ‘or MAY Morris—En_ route with Ferguson Stock Co. See Dramatic Routes.
MONROF, Mack & La wrence—(Orpheum) Los Angeles. Cal., Feb. 15-22.
MARCET’S Art Stndies—(Columbia) Cincinnati, O.. Feb, 15-20. MARSRALL, Mystic—(Mystic) Lewiston, Me. Feb. 15-20
McAVOY, Dick and Alice—(Casto) Lowell, Mass.. Feb. 15
MITCHELTS, Three—-(Empire) Hoboken, N. J., Feb. 15-20.
Gus—(Casto) Lawrence,
Lawrence Feb. 15-20;
Sisters—(Poll’s) (Avenue) Pitts
MOORE & Littlefield—(Orpheum) Omaha, Neb Feb. 15-20,
MASON-Keeler Co.— Mo, Feb. (Cotumbta) St. Louis,
MAC & Mac—(0. H.) Fitchburg, Mass., Feb. MEREDITH Sisters—(Fulton i YP See ( St.) Brooklyn, MU RPHY, Mr. Cincinnati, 0.,
: and Mrs. Mark—(Columbia) Feb. 15-20; (Orpheum) Utica,
The—(Keith’s) Philadelphia, (Keith's) Providence, R.
MACK, Eddie—(Proctor's
MAGINLEYS, Pa., Feb. 15-20; 22.37
125th St.) New York City, Feb. 15-20; (Keith's) Philadelphia, Pa., i ”
OWENS, Dave—(Custo) Lowell, Mass., Feb. 5NEW York Newsboys’ Quartette—(Howard)
Boston. Mass., Feb. 15-20.
~~ Ed.—(Proctor’s) Albany, N. Y.,
Feb, 15-20. NAWN, Tom, & Co.—(Poli’s) Waterbury, Conn., Feb. 15-20.
NELTA, Ruth—(Proctor’s 23d St.) New York City, Feb. Talkative Miss—(Proctor’s 125th New York City, Feb. 15-20. ~ ORPHEU S Co medy™ Four—(Empire) Cleveland, O.. Feb. 15-20.
O'BRIEN & West—(Star) Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 15-20.
OWENS. Mamie—En route with Kentucky Juvenile Minstrels. _ PARODY, Lee—En route with Ferguson Stock
Co. See Dramatic Routes. PELOT—( Keith's) low York City, Feb. 15
PETERS. ee wy Nettlie—(Park) Youngs
town, O., Feb
PRENTICE Trio—(O. EH.) Lewiston, Me., Feb. 15-20.
PRIMROSE & Foley RBrothers—(Park) Worcester, Mass., Feb. 15-20.
PIERCE & Maizee—(Keith’s) New York City, Feb. 15-20: (Shea's) Buffalo, N. Y..
PASSPARTS. The Dancing—(Shea’ 8) Buffalo N. Y¥., Feb. 15-20; (Shea's) Toronto, Can., RUSSELL & Dunbar—(Duquesne) Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 15-20: (0. H.) London, Can., 22-27 ROBERTS, The Four—(Coeur d'Alene) kane, Wash., Feb. 15-20; (Ballard) Wash., 22-27. RANDOLPHS, The—(Crystal) Denver, Col., Feb. 15-20: (Crystal) Colorado Springs, 22.97" REYNARD. Ed. F.—(Orpheum) Omaha, Neb.. Feb. 15-20: St. Paul, Minn., 22-27. RICHARDS, Three—(Avenue) Pittsburg, Pa. Feb. 15-20; (Orphenm) Brooklyn, N. Y., 22-27. REID & Gilbert—( Academy) Pittsburg, Pa., FeerAN (People’s) Cincinnati, 22-27.
AN, Thos. ." m4 Richfield—(Poli’s) Hartford, Conn., Feb,
“ "RUSSELL —(Relth's) Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. RAMZA & Arno—(Sheedy’s) New Bedford. Mass., Feb. 15-20.
RAYS ‘anand tend Tos Angeles, Cal.. Feb, 15
SEMON Children—(Shea’s) Ruffalo. “ws Feb. 15-29: (Shea's) Toronto, Can., 22-27. STEIN-Eretto Family—(Orpheum) New Or
leans. La.. Feb. 22-27
SHIFI Ds, Nellie—(Novelty) Oakland, Cal. eb. -27.
SNYDER & Bnuekler—(Orpheum) San Franeiseo, Cal., Feb. 15-20; (Orpheum) Los Angeles
-27. SATNDERS, Chalk—(Mechanic) Salem, Mass. Feb. 15-20.
STEWART & Fitzgibhbins—(No. 2 W. 20th St.) New York City, indef.
SIDDON Brothers—(A, & S.’s) Boston, Mass., Feb. 15-20.
STURER, Fred —rceaaaiie 23d St.) York City, Feb. 15o
ST. JOHN & Le Fevre—(Falton St.) BrookIyn. N. Y., Feb. 15-20.
SHERMAN, Dan & Mable DeForest—(Shea’s) Toronto, Can., Feb. 15-20.
SMITH & Powell—(Keith’s) Boston, Feb. 15-20.
SWAN & Rambard—(Proctor’s) Albany, N. Y.. Feb. 15-20.
SYLVESTER. Lawrence—(Criterion) Tampa Fla.. Feb. 15-20
SPISSFELL Bros.—(Casto) Lowell, Mass.. Feb. 15-20.
SHAWS. The Aerial—(Garden) Canton, 9., Feb. 15.22.
TALBOT & Rogers—(Shea’s; Toronto. Can. Feb. 15-20: (Empire) Cleveland, 0.
THORNF., Mr. and Mrs. Harry—(Poll'a) New Haven, Conn., Feb. 15-20; (Poli’s) Bridgeport
TROTRADOUR Fonr—(Gatetv) Albany. N. Y. Feb. 15-17; (Ster) Troy, 18-20; (Royal) Mon. treal, Can.. 22-'
27. John T.—(Columbia) St. 20.
15MtRonRAnOT RS, Three—(Proctor's) J.. Feb. 15-20, N THOMSON. Harry—(Orpheum) San Francisco. _ Feh. 14-20.
& Kltment—(Lyceum) San FranFeb. 15-20.
TUSHFR & Johnson—(Proctor’s Sth Ave.) New York City, Feb, 15-20.
TYCE & Jermon—(Colonial) Cleveland, 0.. Feb. 15
20. VAN. Gladys—(Casto)
s Lowell, Feb VALMORE & Horton—(Shea’s) Toronto. Can., Feb. 15-20: (Fmpire) Cleveland, 0., 22-27 WFICH, Jim and Cella—(9th & Arch) Philadelnhia. Pa., Feb. 15-20. WRITE & Simmons—Denver, Colo.
. Feb. 15
WHIRTING Wheelers—Lake Charles, La., Feb. 15-20.
WATSON, Hutchings & Edwards—(Shea’s) Ruffalo. N. Y.. Feb. 15
WAYRTRN’'S Minstrel Misses—(Temple) De troft. Mich.. Feb. 15-20.
WHITMAN. Frank—(Keith’s) Providence, R. I., Feb. 15-20.
‘WILLIAMS & Melburne—(Poll!’s) Bridgeport om. Feb. 15-20.
WAPTENRERG Rrothers—(Cook’'s) ter N. Y., Feb. 15-20.
WEISH, Charles L sot Jennie—(Emptire) De
troit. Mich.. Feb. 15
WEST, John A.—(Star) Toronto, Can., Feb. nro & Ray—(Keith’s) Pawtucket, R. T.. 'e
WITTTAMS & Melburn—(Poll’a) Hartford Conn., Feb. 15-20; (Jacqnes) Waterbury, 22-27.
A HUMAN Slave (7. M. Ward, Megr.)—Rochester, N. Y.. Feb. 18-20.
AMERICAN Hobo Co.—Athens, 0., Feb. 18: MeConneliaville. 19; Dancaster, ,
AT Pike’s Penk (Claude Roardman, Mer.)— Grayville, I11., Feb. 18; Robinson, 20; Newton, 22; Bffingham, 28.
A LITTLE Outcast (Eastern; Ged. B. Onis) —Newark, N. J., Feb. H Trenton, 18-20: Wilmington, DVel., $ i J., 25-27. A MILLIONAIRE Tramp (elmer Walters’ )— Emporia, Kan., Feb. 17: Newton, 18: MecPherson, 19; Salina, 20: Beloit, 22: Bellville, 24: Beatrice. Neb., 2%; Lincoln, 26-27. A —s Crime (J. M. Ward, Mer. )—Paterson, N. J., Feb. 18-20; Baltimore, Md., 23-27. A BREAK for Liberty (J. M. Jacobs, Mer. )— Passaic, N. J. Feb. 17: ‘South Amboy, 18: Platnfleld, 19; SYatington, 20: Easton, Pa., 22; Shenandoah, 25; Shamokin, 26: Mahanoy City, 27. of Keys (Gus Bothner, Mgr.)— Feb. 18: Lisbon, 19; Sharon, Pa., Clearfield, 22: Phillipsburg, 23: York Haven. 3A: Milton, 25; Pottstown, 26; Trenton, N. J.,
““AURREY Stock Co. (Carl Brehm, Mgr.)— Watertown, N. Y., Feb. 15-20; Kingston Can...
29.97 ARIZONA (J. H. Palser,
er. )—Philade! phia, Pa., Feb. 15-20: Newark, N, J., 22-27.
AN Aristocratic Tramp (Will Kilroy. Mer.) —Leetonia, 0., Feb. 17: Mineral City, 18; Canul Dover, 19: Mansfield,
(Fielding Amusement Co.. Mers.)—Guelph,
Can., Feb, 18; Brantford, 19
Galt, 22: Berlin, 23; Stafford. 25; Woodstock, 25; St. Thomas, 25; London, 27.
ARE You a Mason? (Julius Cahn, Mgr.)— Spokane, Wash., Feb. 18-20: Butte, Mont., 2124: Great Falls. 25; Anaconda, 26; Helena, 27: Fargo. N. D.
29. A SOLDEER of Fortune (Henry B. Harris, Mer.)—Newark, N. J., Feb. 15-20; Brooklyn,
A TROROUGHBRED Tramp (Harry Darlington, Mgr.)—Hamilton, O., Feb. 17: Wilmington, 18: New Vienna, 19; Portsmouth, 20: Ironton, 22: Wellston. 23: Marifetta, 24; Pleasant Citve 28: Woodsfield, 27.
AT the Old Cross Roads Mer.)—St. Louis, Mo., Ind., 22-24; Muncle, 25; 4 Lexington, Ky., 27.
AUBREY Stock Co. (Eastern: Wm. Davidge, Mgr.)—New Rrnunswick, N. J., Feb, 15-20; Yon
(Arthur C. Aiston, Feb. 14-20: InMlanapolis, Soldiers’ Home, 0., 26;
kers. N. Y., 22-27.
ARIZONA (No. 1; M. B. Raymond'’s)—Loutsville, Kv., Feb. 25-27.
A ROYAL Slave (Fastern: Harry Gordo
3 n, 17: THollidars19; Connellsville, 20; Indiana, 23: Somerset, 24: Monongahela City, 26; Greens
Megr.)—Jersey Shore, Pa., Feb. burg, 18: Mt. Pleasant, McKeesport, 22: Rrowneville, 25:
burg, 27: Irwin L ADAMS. Maude (Chas. Frohman, Mgr.)— Roston, Mass.. Feb. 15-27
ARIZONA (C. Sambert, Feb. 19-20; Hamilton, 0O.,
ALLEN, Viola (Chas. Ww. “Allen, Megr.)—New York City. Feb. &-Mch. 19.
AN English Daisy (Weber & Fields, Mgrs.)— New York City, Indef.
ACROSS the Paetfic (Farry Clay Mer.}—New York City, Feb, 15-20.
RATES, Blanche (David Belasco, Mgr.)—chi
Mer. )—Kokomo, Ind..
eago, TIL, Feb. 15, Indef.
BOYD, Archie, in Joshna Whitcomb (Kilpatrick & Rnurniston. Mers.)—Marlboro. Mass., Feb. 18: Rockland, 19: New Redford, 20.
RLAIR, Eugente (Henry Gressit, Mgr.)—Worceater. Mass., Feb. 15-20.
RONFLLI. William & Rose Stahl—Toronto, Can., Feb. 15-20.
RTOODGOOD, Clara (Chas. Frohman. Mer.)
— Pa., Feb. 15-20; Baltimore, Md., 9 RUNTING., Emma (Earl Rourgess, Mer. Atientic City, N. J., Feb. 8-20; Ghuster. | Pa,
9 RENNFTT-Bubler Stock Co.—Mt. Vernon, Mo. Feb. 15-17.
BARRYMORE. Ethel (Chas. Frohman, Mer.) —Toledo, 0., Feb. 18: Sonth Bend, Ind., 19: Grand Raplds, Mich. 20: Ft. Warne, Ind.. 22: Terre Hante, 2%: Evansville, 24: Lexington. <y.. 2%: Knoxville. Tenn., 26: Chattanoora. 27. RENNETT & Monlton (J. M. Torr, Mgr.)— Johnstown, Pa., Feb. 15-20.
BENNETT & Moulton (Ira E. Newhall, Megr.! -Yonkers, N. Y., Feb. 15-20.
RURKF-MeCann (M. McCann, Mer.)—Kerser, . Feb. 15-20. After Dark (Snllfvan, Mers.)\—Fall River, Mass., RALDWIN-Melville Repertory Raldwin, Mer.)—New Orleans, La. RELIEF Gold. In A Colorado Wait (A. Ww Cross, Mer.)—Jnnction City, Kan.. Feb. 18: Fmporia, 19: Lawrence, 20: St. Joseph, Mo., 21-22: Leavenworth, 23: Ottawa, 24: Chann'e. 25: Ft, ee 28: Syringfield, Mo., 27. RURGLAR. The ‘(Wrieht & Hatcht. Mers.)— Marens, Ia... Feb. 18: TLeMars. 19: Stonx Citr 20: Sionx Falls S. D.. 21: Pipestone. Minn., 22 PRECKENRIDGF Stock Co. (Chas. RBreckenridge, Mer.)—Pnrlington, Kan., Feb. 15-20: Yates Center, 22-27. RENNFTTMonlton (Will A. Partelo. Mer.) Haverstraw, N. Y., Feb. 15-20: Orange, N.
J., 22-27.
RELCHER’S Comedians—Monett, Mo.. 16-17: Fxeter, 18-20: Springdale, Ark.,
REN Hur (Klaw & Erlanger. Mers. )—Memnhis. Tenn., 15-20; Lexington, Ky., 22-24 Darton, 0. 25-27.
RENNETT-Monlton Co. (A. P. Reed, Mer.)— Danville. Pa. Feb. 15-20: Ashland, 21-27.
RATER Prown (Troadhuret & Currfe, Mers.) -Priladelphia, Pa... Feh. 15-20: Youngstown. ., 22: Torain 28: Sandusky. 25: Toledo, 28-27
RELLFW, Kerrie, In Raffles (Liebler & Co., Mers.)—New York City. Indef.
CLEMENT. Clary. In The New Dominion (7. CC. Toren, Mer.)\—Nashville. Tenn. Feb. 17-18 New Albany. Ind., 19: Maysville, Ky.. 20; Columbna, 0., 22-24: Hamilton, 2%: Richmond, Ind. 26: TLorsnsport. 27: Marion, 28.
CRANE, Wm. FH. (Chas. Frohman, Mer.)— Ft. Warne. Ind.. Feb. 18: Jackson. Mich.. 19: Grand Ronids, 2n: Kalamazoo, 22: Rattle Creek, °8: Tansing. 24; Ray City, 25; Saginaw, 26:
Toledo. 0.. 27. CAMILLE. Georgia Harper (Harper & DeMers.1—Aberdeen, S. D., Feb. 18; Red
trick, field, 19: Huron, 20.
(M. A. Curts. Mer.)-—
Feb. 18-20; Hays, 22-24; Ellis.
Harris & Feb.
Feh. 27.
CURTS Dramatic Co. Pneeell, Kan., 25-27.
COLLIER, Wm. Roston, Mass., Feb. 22-Mch. 5.
COGHLAN. Rose (Jules Murry, Mer.}—DalIne. Tex.. Feb. 18-17: Parte, 19° Texarkana, 29: Tot Snrines, Ark.. 22: Pine Rinff, 2%: Little Rock. 24: Greenville, Miss., 25; Clarksdale, 26; Memphis. Tenn., 27
CARTER, Mra. Leslie (David Relasco, Mer.) = Toronto, Can., Feb. 15-20; Buffalo, N
(Chas. Frohma Mer.) — 8-20; Philadelphia, Pa..
CROSMAN, Henrietta. In Sweet Kitty Rel— (David Relasco. Mgr.)—New York Citv. ndet.
OLAXTON, Kate—Hoboken, N. J., Feb. 18-20.