The Billboard 1904-03-12: Vol 16 Iss 11 (1904-03-12)

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THE BILLBOARD 13 of the Pbheraohs. One Pharseh wammy wis ioeluded in the collection. carry four uniformed bands of music this comAt the annual meeting of the stockholders | ing season. Bandmaster Horace of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company | been engaged to March 1, thirty-one directors were elected to] the big concert band, which will be featured | cream of all the bookings on the Puacifie Coast Robinsou’s Opera Heuse (E. D. Stair). The -erve three years and four were elected for] with the Parker show. The Great Purter Amusewest Company w'!! wugous fer the privileges. The company will | merited and received applause. Mr. Lee's act j leave winter quarters this spring one of the | was ey f interesting. ag wae the per} Murphy hos largest and most complete carnival companivs | formance by Lewis McCord and bigs clever us furnish musiciang and direct | In the United States. Manager Reiss bas the | sistants of Her Last Rehearsal. and is now booked solid until Nov. 1. There | Fatal Wedding was the recipient of the same one Year to fill vacancies. The board of lady The Palace of Illusions and Australian Myswill be fifteen pay shows, two big sensational | large — ‘ss und applause that has ever bee) managers also convened and were in session] tery with Smith's Gypsy Camp are doing well. free acts, Including Achilles VPhillion’s spira) | #iven it locally The attractive feature is th. several days. Miss Egan, secretary. under in-| Their seats broke down ut Baymuth Feb. 24, | tower, Harry DuBell’s aerial illumineted bievele | Cholr Celestial. The piece is spleydid!y structions, requested of Secretary Stevens, of | but nobody wag burt. They will add « band ani | act, also two military bands. ‘The Stadium | ™eunted. Next week: At the Old Cross Roads the Exposition Company, an itemized state| snake pit and other privileges soon. Dr. Boucher | will be the feature show and will include | Lyceum (Heuck & Fennessy). Human flearts ment of expenditures made on account of the] is the proprietor and manager. Diavolo looping the loop on a bieyele: Fred The company, headed by Geo Ww. Murdevk, is poard of lady managers. There is a discrep The Lockwood Exposition Company's an| Leslie's troupe of performing pigs, Fukino’s | ’etter than ever A nice business will uw ancy between the figures as estimate. by the | nouncement to committees reads: Our staff of | troupe of Japanese, eight in number: the fa| Ueubtedly be done during the week. Next: In bowrd and those of the Exposition olticia!s. | operators are thorough, competent, conscientious | mous Gilmore Family: Cykno, the eycle demon convicts Stripes. , The former approximates $20,000; the litter, | gentlemen, and when we get your contrset | Kitehi and Richard, hand balancers. and Prof _ Peoples. {Heuck ,& Fennessy). Rose Hil ording to President Francis’s statement to | nothing shall be left undone to make your cele| Grundle’s military band of fourteen English: Folly Co. The Cincinnati famous Wi Congress, $72,000. One of the interesting fea| bration a success from every standpoint. Every sheet of paper used ahead son trio are closing the olio. Two good au tures of the session was the report of the Ed Tyler, of Indianapolis, Ind., manager of | will be special from the Donaldson Lithograpl: oo ‘ti greased the openings. Next: The Trans committee appointed to appeal to Congress for | the Alabama Carnival Company. and Hazel Det| ing Company. The executive staff for Manage ; ‘NOTE, Prof. Frank V jer Stucke of the special appropriation of $100,000, rick, of. Crawfordsville, Ind.. were married «st | Reiss will consist of Mr. H. L. Leavitt, general : 7 Mop em cer : es, G “ollege sie } ius " lete score Birmingham, Ala., on March 1. Mr. Tyler has representative: J. G. Fenn. treasurer; Gus E ae 6 woe Beg en a just closed his carnival company at Hartford, Meyers, manager of privilege department: J. ¢ composition is said yp at. oe the most Ala., to good business, and will remain in Bir| Duggins, secretary, and the following promoters. | }cutiful and typiea 7 of American music. mingham for two weeks with his Unique Thea| Mr. Chas. A. Doyle, Mr. Fred H. Bureh, Mr. cocmanstieniiihamataiiialial er tre. Al. White, Mr. Chat Smith, Mr. Will G. Hodge le Notes from the Hall Carnival Company: We | and Roy Bradshaw. PHILADELPHIA. have a fine ne of attractions this season, both Notes from the Mundy Amusement Compan: ——_—_— pay and free A. J. Bucklin has signed wita | After three months of “debating the affairs of THE NEW ROBINSON AMUSEMENT CO. his Ferris wheel, merry-go-round, laughing gal-| the Gaskill-Mundy Carnival Company were Dreury, miserable weather, combined with the rs ink ad. t » c on h f stieeess “ { A new arrangement has been perfected by lery and miniature railroad. B. P. Kelly hes | brought to « successful terminstion at usual dull Lenten business, has made this week : : signed to furnish the Olu Plantation, together | Texas, on Feb. 6 The = show ane wan Sock 4k suhine” etanie ae aa a lent — —s ee eae ae oe with his free attraction, the back drop and | divided and the firm of Gaskill and Mundy will Week abd not much improvement is looked fo ont Ine Robinson Amusement Company and trick house Rybus’ electric fountain wi'l he be no more. The property was loaded ‘on two }until the Easter holidays. By that time the the General Amusement Company, of Cincin a feature show his is «a wonderful piece of | Separate trains, Col. Gaskill shipping his pro people of the city will commence to transf1 oe “B this « jidation Mr. Dan R. Robin| Mechanical work. We expect to carry seven | erty to San Antonio, Texas, and Mr. P. J. | their allegiance to other lines of amusement, ong’ reom 1 general manager and Mr “Charles | C#Ts this season, providing they will hold our! Mundy shipping to Houston, Texas, where he | se it might be said that the season is prac poe ig late + the General Amusement Comoutfit : has secured | a five-years’ lease on the great [| tically over in this city. Of course, there will | pany becomes treasurer. William Judkins Hewitt writes: I organized Anditorium in that city, which will hereafter | be some large weeks from this on, but not The pew management will add many novel | ©? March. 2 tn Birmingham. Ala.. The Loe:be known as the Houston Zeo and the heme of | many. As usual, managers ar ) excellent “exhibits high class, moral and | Weod Exposition Company, with Mr. Frank D. the Great Mnndy Shows The excellent in all their details. Arrangements | “Tiffiths, general manager: Mr. Henry W. Lockadmirably suited for ure all = talking Auditorium is J about and planning for summer runs, but th *\ a winter home for Mr Will all peter out aus soon as the weather gets have already been perfected by the committees wood, secretary and treasurer, and ‘uyself os Mundy’s wild beast collection, having a frent| a litthe warm. The Keith houses will remain of various cities with the new Robinson Amuse| £¢neral representative. We have plenty of age of 45%) feet and a depth of i 375 feet. giving peu all summer, as they always have, but ment Company fixing dates for carnivals, gala | C@pital and it shall be our aim to present a a level floor space of 200 by 175 feet for the | the other Louses will commence to trim sail i festive weeks. The music which they will earnival company on new and original lines. menagerie and animal displays. It has a raise; from this on, and when the first evidence «f primar i « i f -omplete and entire | “@'tying ten shows, merry-go-round, Ferris floor and gallery with a seating capacity for torridity comes, up will go the shutters. tt furnish wi oe . nd will t “y 9 f tl . fea| Whee! military band of fifteen pieces. five of 3.500 people. Over 50 painters, carpenters and | seems foolish to talk this way when the gnow ay ent og oom a ‘cute! mise = Only the the most startling free attractions and last. but decorators have been busily engaged for the J's yet on the ground, but the first peep of the eng al ge Bo ay of the ae air daw not least, our own $5.000 electric Hight plant. past ten days transforming the immense build bine biras will soon be heard, and then when have been retained, it is claimed, and that the | OUr mo..o: ‘The name guarantees merit.’ ing into a Zoo As the time for the grand | ‘he circuses ¢ome it will be all out and all mar new ones added will make the outfit of The Blake, orter & Willard Great Roman opening draws near everything «assumes the per pe i Ehe premiced building of theatres ‘n a -mpeny complete in all particulars is | Stadium Show closed its theatrical season on | fection of detail. The arrangements are unde | UMS Clty _ las py ves: developed into any deie A tats . ; Feb. 22 at Shreveport, La The show carried the direction of Mr. Joseph J. Conley, geners! —s B.. — rhe oe ne P gms was ase ed. v0 ave ween rebill 4 een e up ry a Mr. Robinson and Mr. Arnold are now in Chi= ai ; i ak eee ae Os : ig aoa legul snarl. W. 4 Gilmore, whe was a have cago consummating arrangements for a complete uilt a uew one at Eighth and Areh Streets, new train of cars for the transportation of thel: us not yet let the contracts, and Johny Hart | immense aggregation. The company will un las not yet awarded the contract for the ere ! doubtedly be well advertised; entirely new print } tion of his new house, although he claimed that ing has been designed and will be unsparing} ' ue Was all ready Ilurt may build his the used during the ensuing season It is the In i" atre, and | think he will, for he hag made « tention of the business staff to have its coming lot of meney with the one that stands on the aaneunced ia the variets cities wheve arrange: | fo ccc rrr ss = = —— site now, and it is au upstairs house, but the . ments have been consummated for their exhiii : other projected theatres will exist on paper tions several months in advance of their ad If you want to get your ad in the Seietek | Fair and Carnival Numuntil the fire laws are so amended that it will vent. ber of “THE BILLBOARD " you will have to send in the copy at ot cost a fortune to put them up. The business staff will embrace Mr. Charles once Of course you don't want to be teft out. The old adage of Walnut Street Theatre—Checkers, with Thos Harkinson, official representative; Mr. Sam H conspicuity for absence will not apply in t'is case. If you are not W. Ross in the ijeading role, opened on Feb. Joseph, general agent and director of publicity represented in the Fair and Carnival Number you will never be 29 for a three weeks’ run, and as it bas made and Mr. Ben — _ — ale a missed unless it is to be compared disparagingly with those who : “ = — ae } pe Py aoe department. e home office is and w ” ‘ ASE . » 7 " are i > iness., t Wil yecome & favorites uring reir stay poe mended -canek to Mieemn Wk Weteaes tebe are so represented. Let them know yeu are in the business, here. That it will be a profitable engagement ing, 621 Main Street,Cincinnati, Obto. = = ———== = —-— ~~~ -— is proven by the remarkably large advance: sale for the rest of the engagement. . CARNIVAL BUSINESS ON THE PACIFIC. THE LAST FORM “CLOSES MARCH 12 12. Chestnut Street Opera House—Mother Goose T d ival busi t} lireet from its New York run, opened on Feb he circus an carniva yusiness on the 3 20 for 4a three weeks’ stay, anu business a. nage ie man = oe = tine rd hee been enormeus It has caught on tn the past few years. Good, strong shows ‘ee great shape. from graft) always get the money. Only three Chestnut Street Theatre—The Medal and the carnival companies have showed the Coast dur| —————_—___________ ___EEEeeesSF —$$$$__—_—_—_—__—__——_—— | Maid is finishing up «a successful engagement ing the height of the business: The Jabour ‘ and will be succeeded on Mareh 7 by The Eurl Carnival Co., The Southern Carnival Co. and ] 18 people, a special car for the pony circus and | director of the Mundy Amusement Company. | of Pawtucket. The Oregon, Pacific and Oriental Carnival] Co.. ] 4 car for the scenery and baggage. The reputa| Mr. Mundy recently left for Baltimore, Md troad Street Theatre—Charles Hawtrey, in of Portland. They showed towns of 2.000 up| tion gained by these showmen the past season | where at the Leonhardt Wagon Works he is | Saucy Sally began an engagement here on Feb. to the very largest, and in general business [ reflects great credit on their managerial ability | superintending the construction of seven hand 2Y. and will continue week of Mareh 7. Busi has been good. The promoters of carnival com. | and will build for them a great business another | some fronts, which are being arranged from | ness very fair. panies have had no trouble in securing good | season Everything is hustle-bustle at their | plane and photographs from the great exteriors Garrick Theatre—Clara Bloodgood, in The e contracts. In some cases where business was | Winter quarters in Shreveport. Blake is traln| of the amusement pavilions at the late Paris | Girl with the Green Eyes. has hud a fal bad it can be charged to the lack of adver| ing some elephants, Porter is building his new | Exhibition. Mr. Charles Dynes has been in Eu sood week and will] continue for next week. tising. electric sensation, the La Venitta, and Willard | rope for the past four months and has engaged Auditorium Theatre—The Sign of the Cross is working night and day forces In his Temple | nine open-air features for the hippodrome and | vpened for a week on Feb. 29 to medium bug of Music workshop bringing out new novelties | the amusement plaza. Mr. Mundy states that | '’ss “nd same state of affairs existed all weex STREET’ FAIR NOTES. to take the road April 10. Willard’s Temple «f | he will have the largest collection of animals March 7. The Fortune Teller. Forari Brothers have booked Anderson, Ind Music No. 2 will be seen with one of the big | ever carried by a carnival company—his show< _ Grand Opera House—Wardg and Vokes, in The for a Maymaker’s Carnival. ‘arnival companies and his No. -1 company will | will be all new and up-to-date in every respect wo Pinks, had a big week, and will be fol Dock White will have six concessions with the | continue with the Blake, Porter & Willard tn-| The following feature acts have been signed: | ‘owed on Mareh 7 by Why Women Sin. Royal Amusement Company. terests. Ago. loop the loop: the Muncie Zouaves, 17 ft National Theatre—The Queen of the High The Mundy Amusement Company has signed Notes from the Lockwood Exposition Com| number: the Millman Trio, and Weaver. wich) | “@ is #ttracting medium sized audiences thifor the Chattanooga Spring Festival, May 25-28. | pany: Things are going here with a rush and | his 40-feot bieyele jump. A large number of at and = be followed on March 7 by LaBelle Fatima’s Streets of Cairo have booke; | vim that would make the old troopers’ eyes | other big acts are being negotiated with one "Park "The jome, . with the Royal Amusement Company. open wide could they but see {t. Our season | will be announced shortly. Mr. Mundy emphatt] ,, 4 BR are ~Way : Down Bast opened a S. ©. Haller, acting for Col. Ferari, made }| opens next week and if business is not good | cally states that a carnival company virtualiy aoe — s i = ri a with a Lily Lantry a present of a cub lion lately in | it + el be ae att of one ot = eo —_ brings . ‘ory fair to the home doorway of aaa. e. and business has ruled large evet St. Louis. panies on the roac ‘ur r. ewitt Is doInz | the public. and is the natural playground for a , = : , E. W. Frost, promoter for the Arnold Shows |] some till work ahead and we feel sure of a&| the masses, and the larger the expenditure. tl. “eG ae Pw agg ae xy Ra 9 (Carnival Company), is spending the winter in] prosperous season. The business staff consists | higher class and more novelty amusements. the | and on March 7 Joe Wel t “h Th "? nddles. Tortland, Ore. of Frank D. Griffiths. general manager: Henry | larger the revenues for all concerned. Mr vill i the attractio 2 Menai pllinteeges The Improved Order of Red Men of Massillon | W. Lockwood, secretary and treasurer; Wm. | Mundy has surrounded himself by an uble and Star Theatre ga teat is picking up at this Ohio. will give a street fair and carnival at] Judkins Hewitt, general representative. We | competent executive staff. whose long experi louse under the new management. To Dje at thet place in the near future. carry an electric light plant, military band. | ence has placed them foremost in their respect| Dawn had a medium week and will, be’ suc. The Aerial DoBells have signed with the | Ferris wheel, merry-go-round and five high-| tve lines in the amusement world. Captain | -eeded on Mareh 7 by Her Marriage Vow Royal Amusement Company as thelr feature | class free attractions. The plantation show, un-/ by Joseph J. Conley, general director: Charles Kensington Theatre—For Her Sake is. the free attraction for the coming season. der H. E. Handy. ts now in shape and is cer-| lyynes, European agent; W. H. Rice and H. B.] hill for this week and for week of March 7 . ©. Nickles, of the Avenue Theatre, Louis-] tainly a strong feature. We carry nine other | Potter. general agents: Roger Flint, genera! | The Moonshiner’s Daughter is announced | ville, Ky., has signed with the Hatch-Adams ] shows, besides several concessions. Every one : le representative: George ©. Johnson, adjuster Columbia Theatre—Winchester is the attra- Carnival Company for the summer season. is well and happy and join in sending regards | Fred Warde, treasurer: Charles Franklin, ms | tion this week, and for week of March 7 A | Johnny Rabbet, manager of the Dum Bros.’ |] to all friends. ter of transportation: Captain Recardo, chief | Hidden Crime is announced. Carnival Company, expects to put on a free The Dobbins Carnival Company fs now in win! animal man. Forepaugh’s Theatre—.ue stock company is street fair this summer at Cohoes, N. Y. ter quarters at Schenectady, N. Y.. and will | giving a creditable presentation of Dr. Jekyll Mr. and Mra. C. H. Straton have closed with open May 2 In one of the Eastern cities with 2 INCINNATI and Mr. Hyde this week. and for week of March Dunn Bros.’ Midwinter Carnival Company and | populstion of 100,00. It will not play Schenecc ° 7 Alone in London is undeslined. : $ will go to thelr home for the rest of the season. | tady this season, as it has had seven carnivals fn Standard Theatre—RBusiness js fair at this : Dunn Brothers have been doing fair business | two years. Mr. Dobbins has been promoting and Grand Operas Honse (Rainforth & Havlin) house. where the stock company ig producing and expect to go on the road next season with | contracting since Feb, 15 in the choicest East| Fritz! Scheff. in the romantic musical Rabette Che Drama of Life, and are sanstncing At the ® larger show. They have closed for the win-] ern cities. and will continue to do so until April | to fair business The offering was the first | Hour of Nine for week of March 7. ter. ; 1. when he will give all his attention to the | musics] production seen at the Grand = for Eleventh Street Opera House. Business does Mr, E. W. Van Allen has placed his glass | opening stand and let his agents take up the | some time. Miss Scheff was supported by Enu| ot show much falling off at this house. wher palace, lunette and statue turning to life with | road work ahead. The opening city will be a gene Cowles, Louis Harrison, Richie Ling, Jose| Dumont’s -nstrels are still giving a pleasing | the Royal Amusement Company for the coming | free street fair, as will also most of the cities | Puine Rertlett and Ida Hawley. Next week program. season. it plays this vear. There will be a few en| Rogers Brothers itn London. Postock’s Animal Arena—¥Wsiness is up to a The carnival held at Meridian, Miss... under | closed ones The show wil! travel in its own wv alot Street Theatre (M CC. Anderson. nrofiteble standpoint. and the chances are that the auspices of the Meridian Rifles, netted « | curs and have its own special billing and elecVer.) The nleasing play of the Seuth by Lot it will continue so until the end of the season neat sum. The Barkont Carnival Company fur-| trie light plant. Every show booked with the } J Blatr Parker. entitled Under Sontherr | \ number of novelties are announced for ever nished the attractions. outfit will be of a hich class legitimate charac— is again showing to large houses fn thi< week , : ; Mr. H. H. Tipps, manager of the Royal] ter. The feature show will be entirely novel i ~~ company molds together more read Keith's New Chestnut Street Theatre—Rus! Amusement Company, has two promoters out | and riding and amusement devices will have a | |' or — a Meet: =a. centother perform ness is very good at this house. where the ining up some good ones. His first five cities | constrnetion frame-up that will be neat. elabo| coeae a“ _ reault , Miss care Lewis, in the vaudeville bills are large and costly. have never had a street fair. rate and easily handled Instead of calling the | fl me role of Lelia, receives deserved anKeith's Bijou Theatre —V audeville continues The Great Parker Amusement Company oric!| ontfit the Continental Carnival Company as last o sage 5 ee of the —— is so a to attract paying audiences, although turunally intended carrying twenty pay attractions, | summer or Military Carnival & Merchants’ Fair aie a Le ap ey “et wal te anion of spec = aways are infrequent. Dut have aince considered three additional ones, | Company the show will be called the W. F. Boe aa ¥ enlt to men 4 tet : Lyceum Thestre—Rurlesque continues to at . . mention n fact, they all deserve {t. The | tract good andiences. Week of Feb. 20 Th: thus inereasing the number to twenty-three. Dobbins Carnival Company. Mr. Dobbins can be a lawe*e ane . q . F . dy T The Will 8. Trites joined Wallace's Pemees Glass | addressed sat Rox 305, Schenectady, N. Y. — =P —_ e. ve eo score ~ 2 = _ An7 on and for the week of — h7T Rlowers at Los Angeles, Cal., Feb, 18, for a A few facts about the Nat Reiss Southern | pn. iq flavum hery as en provided. Next a . aieaweere R 4 ennemnced. a“ ; thirty weeks’ engagement. Mr. Trites was with | Carnival Company tn winter quarters at Albu| ‘Columbia (ML Anderson). Valmoree and | ing crowds this week ys me the Robinson Carnival Company last season. querque, N. M.: | Manager Reiss arrived at win| gioeton. vocalists and dancers, were among the | Museum——Vandeville and curios are attract The Lamy Bros., acrobats and aertalists, | ter quarters a few days ago from New York | gontures of a good bill. Georgia Gordner and ing good crowds to this house 7 Chas. Johnson, high’ diver, and M. 8. Mooney-| City to personally superintend the finishing of Joseph Maddern presented a nlessine ltrle : ie : han, Ferris wheel cone easion, signed contracts | his wagon fronts. The Stadium front is nerrly comedy, Too Many Darlings. while Talbott pe NOTES. | with the World's Fair Midway and compbene’ ond = a one oy = = a ~ The acum and His Friend: Henry The melodrama, If Women Wiese ae bee ‘o. e ; ve, le s P : ore he he ad it >¢ w Swanson & Carter Exposttton Company played | seen on the coast. This will he a 2-car show, poe Geen we + ip ol yp gp — cue. aan hae qed graded. at Starke, Fla.. week of Feb. 28-27 to = suc} and Mr. Retse willl have his own rafiroad equ!)tesqne dancing: Lewis MeCord and company. tn Keith's RBijon Theatre, Philadelphia, t& to | CPR They have # clean Hast of shows. Cuaptala| ment this season. All shows will bave wagon | qJer Lact Rehearsal: Fife Fay. !n a singing ‘and inetall a stock company tn April for the sum Nick Carter, champion bigh diver, gives u free] fronts. Mr. Gos Meyers. manager of the priet| dancing specialty: Sherman and DeForrest and | mer season. His other Philadelphia house will exhibition every afternoon and evening. lege department, {s building three baggage | the bioscope completed an entertainment that ‘continue to present vaudeville all summer.