The Billboard 1904-03-19: Vol 16 Iss 12 (1904-03-19)

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THE BILLBOARD 3I ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA.—Natl. Guardsmen's Convtn. May —, 1904. GEORGIA. ALPANY, GA.—Grand Lodge Knights of Pythfas Convtn. May 17-18, 1904. Wm. H. Levpold, P. O, Box 12, Savannah, Ga., G. K. of R. and 8. ALBANY, GA.—Royal Arcanum Grand Council Convtn. April 26, 1904. KR. P. Lester, Jr., Covington, Ga., y. ATLANTA, GA. oe Eclectic Medical Assn. 1904. Dr. G Convtn. March 30-3 eo. A. Doss, Moreland, Ga., "eee, ATLANTA, GA. southern Hardware Jobbers’ Assn. Convtn. June —, 1904. C. B. Carter, 117 Gay St., Knoxville. Tenn., Secy. & Treas. ATLANTA, GA, —Republican State Convtn. March 23, 104. ATLANTA, GA.—Amertecan Nurserymen’s Assn. Convtn. June 8 1904. Geo. C. Seager, 25 Oslego St., Rochester, N. Y., Secy. ATLANTA, GA.—Brotherhood of St. Andrew State Convtn. May 17, 1904. Henry M, Ralston, Brunswick, Ga.. Secy. ATLANTA, GA.—Annual Diocesan Convtn. May 18, 1904. Rev. Frederick F. eese, he 518 Walnut St., Macon, Ga., Secy. ATLANTA, GA.—National Colored Immigration & Commercial Assn. Convtn. June 2-3, 1904. Laura P. Lemon, 30 Young St., Secy. AUGUSTA, GA.—American Cotton Mfrs.’ Assn. Convtn. May —, 1904, MACON, GA.—Royal and Select Masons Grand Council Convtn. April 26, 1904. MACON, GA.—Royal Arch Masons Grand Chapter Convtn. April 27 MACON, GA.—State Madical, ” Soctety Conrvtn. April 15-17, inclusive, 1904. L. M. Jones, Atlanta, Ga., Secy. SAVANNAH, GA.—Southeastern Billposters and Distributors’ Assn. ere. May 194. H. J. Rowe, Athens, Ga., Pres.; John R. Bain, Spartanburg, 8. C., Treas.: R. L. Kirkpatrick, 720 Temple Court, Atlanta, Ga., Secy. IDAHO. BOISE, IDAHO.—Pacific Coast Billposters and Distributors’ Assn. Convtn. March 18, 1904. G. Spaulding, Secy. ILLINOIS. ALTON, ILL.—United Commercial Travelers Sup. Council Convtn. May 20-21, 194. Geo. B. Hart, 160 Clark St., Chicago, I1l., Grand Secy. AURORA, ILL.-—State Convtn. May 3-5, Pratt, Secy BELLEVILLE, Photographers’ inclusive, 1904. Assn. E. C, ILL. — a | tase House Employes Convtn. June 22, BLOOMINGTON, ILL.—State Sedical Society Convtn. May (third week), 1904. Carl F Black, Jacksonville, [lL, Vres.: EB. W. Weis, Ottawa, Ill, Secy.; Dr. Jas. H. Stowell, 103 State St.. Chicago, IL, Chairman Com. ber AGO, ILL.—International Glove Workers’ ‘nion Convtn. Aug. 2, 1904. A. H. Casselbos 42 First Ave., Gloversville, N. Y., Secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—Canned Goods Brokers Assn. National Convtn. April 13, 1904. W. Vice-Pres, inh.—Nava] and Military Order Spanish-American War Natl. Commandery Convtn. May 25, 1904. Capt. John T. Hilton, 170 Sta Ave., New York City, N. Y., Secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—National Municipal Leagne Convtn. April 27-29. 1904. Clinton R. Woodroff, 121 South Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa.. Secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—National Congress of Mothers Convtn. May 11-14, 1904. Mrs. E. C. Grice, Riverton, N. J., Secy. CHICAGO, ILL.— State Homeopathic Medical Assn. Convtn. May 11-13, Inclusive, 194. Dr. Burton Hazeltine, 100 State St., Secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—National Social Democratic Party Convtn. May 1, 1904. CHICAGO, ILL.—Amalgcamated Leather Workers’ Union of America Convtn. July 4, 1904. John Roach, 317 N, 7th St., Olean, N. Y.. y. CHICAGO, ILL. —American Laryngologica), Rhinological and Othologice! Soclety Convtn May 30-June 1, inclusive, 1904. N. H. Pierce, Pres.; Wendell C. Phillips, 40 W. 47th St.. New York City, Secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—African M. E. Church Genera} Conference. May —, 1904. CHICAGO, ILA..—National Afro-American Congressional League of U. S. Convtn. June 20-25, 1904. CHICAGO, ILL.—Republican National Convtn. June 21, 1904, DECATUR, ILL.—State Library Assn. April 20-21, 1904. INDIANAPOLIS, Convtn. IND. cram State April 20-21, Convtn. INDIANAPOLIS, ixD. Se Railway Master Boller Makers Assn. Convtn. May 10-12, 1904. E, C. Cook, 105 N. 7th St., St. Louls, Mo., Secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—National ness League Convtn. Aug. Washington, Tuskegee. JACKSONVILLE, ILL.—Ilinols Elks’ Assn. Convtm. May 38-4, 1904. . L.. Matenthal, aon G. H. Raymond, Treas.; T. S. Bunn. Sec JOLIET. ILL.—Rural Matl Carriers National May 10, 1904. Convtn, MARISSA, ILL.—Reformed Presbyterian Church Negro Busi —, 19064. Booker Ala., Pres. General Synod Convtn. May 18, 1904, ev. J. Y. Botce, 2213 Spring Garden St., Phila delphia. Pa., y. OAK PARK, ILL.—State Letter Carriers’ Assn. Convtn. May 12, 1904. M. T. Finnan, Bloom. ington. Ill, Secy. PEORIA, ILL.—Amertean Local Freight Agents Asean. Denn!tson, Convtn. June 14, 19044. G. W. & Toledo, 0., eare P. Co, x Ve Ben Secy. PEORIA, ILL.—State Undertakers’ Assn. Convtn. ‘June 14-17, Inclusive. _ H. M. Kilpatrick, Elmwood, IIL, PEORIA, ILL.—Soctalists State "Seavta. 29-30, 1904. PRORIA, ILL.—Knights of St. Convtn. Jtne 20-23, 1904. 404 S. Adams St... Peorta, ROCKFORD, I1.L.—State Convtn. March 21, Salle, Il., Secy. ROCK ISLAND, ILL.—foyal Areanum Grand Council Convtn. April 20, 1904. John Kiley, 76 Monroe 8St., Chicago, INl., Seey. SPARTA, ILL.—Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America Convtn. May John National John J. Gallagher, lll., Seer. Lanndrymen’s Assn. . WW. E. Fitch, La May 25, 1904. Rev. S. G. Shaw, Ph. I, 45 Antrim St.. Cambridge, Mass., Clerk. SPRINGFIELD, ILL.—G. A. R. — Encampment. May 10-12. Inclusive, 1904 EF. ; Thomas, Com. of Post, Secy SPRINGFIELD, ILL. oeNational Travelers Protective Asan. Convtn. June 6, 1904. Lonuts T. La Beaume, St. Lonts, Mo., Natl. Secy.; Louls Ocha, 1582 Meepomene St., New Orleans, Ta., Seey. INDIANA. FT. WAYNE, IND.—Degree of Honor Grand Lodge Convtn. April —, 1904. Alice B. McGrew, Evansville, Ind., Secy. FT. WAYNE, IND.—A. 0. U. W. Grand Lodge Convtn. April 12, 1904. Fred Baker, Ist & Main Sts., Evansville, Ind., Secy. FT. WAYNE, IND.—State Master Horse Shoers* Assn. Convtn. April 13-14, 1904. Wm, Elmendorf, 210 Division St., Evansville, Ind., Secy. & Treas. FT. WAYNE, IND.—Christian Endeavor Union State Convtn. June 23-26, 1904. Rev. J. Webster Bailey, State Pres.: Mrs. M. L. Hageman, State Jr. Supt.; Miss Anna Loulse Minnich, Indianapolis, Ind., State Secy. FT. WAYNE, INDL.—Knights of Columbus State Convtn. May 6, 1904. W. H. Tobin, Muncie, Ind., State Secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—National Raflroad Master Blacksmiths’ Assn. Convtn. Als. —, 1904. A. L. Woodworth, Lima, 0., Secy. (INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—State Haymakers Assn. Convtn. May 18, 1904. C. E. Nobes, Flora, Ind., Secy. INDIAN APOLIS, IND.—Prohibition State Convtn. April 5-6, 1904. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. — State Assn. Convtn. April 4-5, 1904 F. E. enderson, Muncie, Ind., Secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND—American Foundrymen’s Convtn. June —, 19. Dr. Richard Moldenke. Rox 432, New York City, N. Y., Secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Rallway Telegraph 8nu rintendents’ Assn. Convtn. June 15, 194 . W. Drew, care Wisconsin Central Ky. Co., Milwaukee, Wis., Secy. INDIANAPOLIS, INU.—National League Convtn. June —, 1904. Laundry men's Republican Elbert Weeks, Guthrie Centre, Ia., Secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Inter-State Sportsmen's Asen. Convtn. June 19-25, 194. Elmer F. Shaner, 219 Coltart Square, Pittsburg, Pa., Secy. & Maer INDla.. APOSTS, IND.—Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity Convtn. April 8, 1904. Orra E Monnette, Secy. (NDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Natioaal Hardware and Lomber Assan. Convtn. May 19, 1904. C. D. Strode. 1110 Fort Dearborm Bldg., Chicago. IlL., Secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—National Prohibition Congress Convtn. June 29, 1904. Oliver W. Stewart. Natl. Chairman. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Knights Templar Grand Commandery Convtn. May £1, 1904. Calvin W. Prather, Recorder. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—State of Homeopathy Convtn. May —, i". H. Raker. M. D., Muncie, Ind., Sam‘! Horrell. Noblesville, Ind., Seer. . 0. D. Grand Grove 196. J. H. Haught, 612 RICHMOND, IND.—U. Convytn. June 1-2, Luneoke Bldg... Indianapolis, Ind.. Gr. Secy. IND.—Fastern Indiana Dental Assn. Convtn. May —, 1904. H. F. Hussey, RICHMOND, Seer. WINONA LAKE, IND.—Young People’s Chris tien Union of the U. B, Church Convtn. June 22-26. 194. Rev. ©. W. Brewbaker, 821 CassailCanton, O., Secy. ly St., INDIAN TERRITORY. Institute 1904. Pres.; MUSKOGEEF, I. T.—Knights Templar Grand Commandery Convtn. April 12, 1904. Jos. §8. Marrow, Atoka. I. T., Secy. MUSKOGEE, I. T.—Royal Arch Masons Grand Chapter Convtn. Aprifi 12, 1904. J. S. Murrow, Atkoa, I. T., y. SHAWNEE, I. T.—A. 0, U. W. Grand Lodge Convtn. April 12. 1904. 3D. J. Clardg, Secy. SOUTH McALESTER, I. T.—Indian Territory Bar Assn. Convtn. June 7, 194. F. H. Kellogg, Secy TULSA, I, T_Oklahoma and Indian Territory Pharmaceutical Asen. Convtn. May —, 1904. F. M. Weaver, Oklahoma City, 0. T., Secy. Oklahoma Pharmaceutical Assn.: H. D. Kinaely. Checotab, I. T.. Secy. Indian Territors Assen. IOWA. ALBIA. IA.—Iowa Ohristian Convtn. June —, 10. S. Denny, 1218 29th St., Des Moines, Ia., Cor. Secy. RPOONE 1A -Probibition State Convtn. May 25, 1904 CEDAR RAPIDS. 1A.—State Federation of Women’s Clubs (Colored) Convtn. May 26. 1904. Blanche M. Woods, 317 E. Sth St., Davenport, Ta.. Secy. CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—International Union of Flour and Cereal Mill Employes’ Convtn. June 20, 1994. A. E. Lg 112 Corn Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn., § COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA.—I. 0. F. Hitgh Conrt May 3-4, 1904. John L. Sahn, Dubuque, Ia., High Secr. DAVENPORT, TA.—State Electrical Assn. Conytn Apri! —, 1904. J. W. Walsh, Secy. DAVENPORT, 1A.—Twenty-elghth Convtn. Anelent Order United Workmen. May 10, 1994. RB. F. Rehkopf, Des Motnes, Ia., Grand Re corder. DFS MOINES, mw —State Optical Assn. Convtn. June —, Dr. Geo. E. Boyce, Waterloo, Ia.. P ng DES MOINES, IA.—Sons of American RevoIntion State Convtn. April 19, 1904. E. D. Hadley Secy. DES MOINES, IA.—lowa State Assn. of Magnetic Doctors Convtn. June —, 1904. P. Rutters, D. M.. Pres.: W. A. Treas.: D. Alonzo Renedict, Secr. DES MOINES, 1A.—K. 0. T. M. State Convtn. April 14, 1904. J. M. Ermerins, 208 Crocker Bldg.. Sec cy. DES MOINE S, IA.—tL. April 14, 1904. DFS MOINES, IA.—Natl. Swine Judges Convtn. MeTavish. Coggon, Ia., DES MOINFS, IA. —State Electrical Assn. Con Oo. T. M. State Convtn. Assn. he Expert Ww. vtn. April 13, 19044. D. FP. MeGee, Red Oak Ta., Prea, DES MOINES. I!A.—State Funeral Dtrectora’ Assn. Convtn. May 24-26. inclusive. 1904. Fred BR. Neff, Cedar Rapids, Ia., Secy. & Treas. DES MOINES. IA.—Congregattional National Counet] Convtn. Oct. —. 1904. Rev. Asher Anderson, 410 Congregational House, Boston, Mass... Secy. DES MOINES, TA.—State Soctety Towa Medical Women's Convtn. May 17. 1904. Dr. Jennie MeCowen. Davenport. Ta., Secy DPS MOINES, IA. —State Osteopathte Assn. Convtn June 24, 19%. Dr. Ella Ray Gilmore, Sheldon, I!a., Secy. IOWA FALIS IA —lIowa State Sabbath School Assn. Convtn June —. 1904. F. Mitchell. 178 11th St.. Des Moines, Ia., Gen. Secy. MARSHALELTOWN. [A.—Iowa State Billposters Asan. Convtn. May 26, 1904. Chas, T. Kindt, Davenport, Ta. y. MARSHALLTOWN. 1A.—State Federation of Labor Convtn. Beginning May 10, 1904. J. HA. Strtef. Stonx City, Ia., Secy SIOUX CITY, [A.—National Building Trades Council of America Convtn. Aug. —, 1904 J. S. Maloney, Chicago, IIL, Secy. KANSAS. EMPORIA, KAN.—G. A. R. Grand Encampment. May (3d week), 1904. W. W. Dentson, State House, Topeka, Kan., A. A. Gen. JUNCTION CITY, KAN .-—Kansas State Sports men’s Assn, Convtn. May 3-5, inclusive, 1904. E. L. Wetz Secy. JUNCTION CITY, KAN.—Kansas_ Bankers’ Assn. Convtn. April 13-14, 194. W. W. Bowman, Concordia, Kan., Secy. LEAVENWORTH, KAN.—State Pharmaceutical Assn. Convtn. May 25-27, 1904. S. O. Putnam, Leeal Secy.; E. E. Lair, Topeka, Kan., an. Secy OTTUMW A, KAN.—Royal Arcanum Grand Council Convtn. April 12, 1904. TOPEKA, KAN.—Royal Neighbors of America Sup. Camp Convtn. June —, 1904. Mrs. Winnte Fielder, Peorfa, Ill, Secy. TOPEKA, KAN.—State Women's Press Asean. Convtn. April 12, 1904. Mrs. M. D. Morgan, Cottonwood Falls, Kan., Secy. TOPEKA, KAN.—State Dental Assn. Convtn. May (2d week), 1904. Geo. A. Esterly, Law rence, Kan., Secy. bk ge 4 KAN. Populist State Convtn. April TOPEKA, KAN.—Natl. Assn. of Co-Operative Mutual Insurance Companies’ Convtn. May 25-28, inclusive, 1904. W. B. Linch, Lincoln, Neb., Secy. & Treas. WICHITA, KAN.—WDemocratic State Convtn. April 7, 1904. WICHITA, KAN.—Inter-State Loan Brokers’ Assn. Convtn. April 12, 1904. Wm. L. Maxwell, Paola, Kan., Secy. WICHITA, KAN.—Kansas Christian Endeavor Union Convtn. July 12-14, 1904. Miss Eleta Stewart, Independence, Kan., Secy. KENTUCKY. ASHLAND, KY.—Knights of the Maccabees State Convtn. May 5, 1904. Hon. E. J. Tanner, McKinney, Ky., State Secy.;: M. F. Elkin, Leland Hotel, Lexington, Ky., State Commander. LEXINGTON. KY.—Peace Officers State Con vtn. April 15, 1904. G.o. M. Hill, Paris, Kr., Seer. LEXINGTON, KY.—Jr. 9. U. A. M. State Connell Convtn. April 25-27. 1994. Thos, M. Funk, care Ky. Laundry, Secy. LEXINGTON, KY.—Danghters of America State Convtn. April 25-27, 1904. LOUISVILLE, KY.—Knights of Pythias er Lodge Convtn. Ang. 15, 1904. Cc. . Nashville, Tenn., LOUISVILLE, KY.—U. R. Knights of Pythias National Encampment. Aug. 904. LOUISVILLE, KY.—Knights of Columbnes Natl. Counefl Convtn. June 7, 194. Patrick J. Brady, Cleveland, O., Treas.: Dantlel Natl. — 23 Church St., New Haven, Conn, Secy. See Lov TSVILLF. KY.—Repnblican State Convtn April —, 1904. Lov ISVILLF, KY.—Rathbone Sisters Supreme Temple Convtn. Aug. 16-20, 1904. Belle Quinlan, Galesburg. I11.. Secy: LOUISVILLE, KY¥—Catholie Knights and Ladies of America Sup. Council Convtn. May 24-27, 19M. John J. Puffy, 93 Porter Bldg., Memphis. Tenn., Secr. LOUISVILLE. KY.—Nationsl Pythtan Editortal Assn. Convtn. Ang. 16. 1904. R. H. Wester. San Antonio. Tex., Secy. LOUISVILLE, KY.—American Saddle and Horse Rreeders’ Assn. Convytn. April 11, 1994. Gen. John R. Castleman, Pres.: I. RB. Nall. Secy. MAMMOTH CAVE. KY.—Kentucky Pharmaceutical] Assn. Convtn. June 21-24, » @ W. Gayle, Frankfort. Ky., Secy. OWENSBORO, KY.—Natl. Traveling Freight Agents’ Assn. Convtn. June 9-10, 1904. PADTCAH, KY.—!. 0. R. M. Great Connetl Convtn. May 19, 194. Henry W. Ray. Marysville, Ky.. Great Chief of Records, LOUISTANA. LA.—State Sunday School Convtn. April 19, 1904. J. Secy. MONRORF. T.A.—State Homestead Teagene Convtn. April 8-9, 1904. F. T. Midland, New Therta, J NFW IBFERTA. 1.4A.—Grand Lodge Knichte of Honor of Lontsiana Convtn. April 5-6, 1904. Henry Walters. 814 St. Charles St.. New Orleans. Ta.. Grand Recorder. NEW ORELFANS, 1.4.—Kings Danghters State CROWLEY, Assn. Christman, Convtn. April 15, 1904. MAINE. BANGOR, ME.—I. 0. Good Templars Annual Session. April 14-15. 1994. Geo. F. Brackett 10 Main St.. Belfast, Me.. Gr. Seer. BANGOR. MFE.—Thnited Commercial Travelers State Convtn. May 13-14, 1994. W. Rarnerd, Ir. Melrose Mass. Grand Seer. RATH. ME.—N, F. O. P. Grand Lodge Convtn. April 6, 1904. W. L. Quimby, Bangor, Me.. Secy. GARDINER, MF.-—-State Letter Carriers Assn. Convtn. April 28, 1904. PORTLAND. MFE.—I. 9 R. WV. State Connetl Convtn oefl —, 194. W. FEF. St. John. Per 1708, ° PORTLAND, ME.—Republican State Convtn. Anrfl 14, 1904. PORTLAND, ME.—Danchters of Liberte Nat? Convtn. Ang. 16-17, 1904. Mrs. Lillian R. Irwin, Keyport, N. J., Seer. PORTLAND. ME.— State Pharmacentical Assn. Convtn. June 21 and 22. 1904. M. LL. Porter. Danforth. Me., Secr PORTLAND. ME.—O. UT. A. WM. Natl. Connefl Convtn. Sept. —, 1904. John Server. Phila Aelnhia, Pa., Secy. PORTLAND. MF —Natl. Conf. of Charities ana Corrections. June —, 1994. Joseph P. Byers, Teffersonville. Ind.. Genl. Secy. PORTLAND, MF.—State Roard of Trade Convtn. March 30. 1904. Edward M. Blanding. Rangor. Me., Secy. MARYLAND. ANNAPOLIS. MD.—State April 6-8. 1904 BALTIMORE. MD.—Sons Bar Assn. Convtn. of Temperance State Cc Convtn. April —. 1904. F. Canningham. 220 N. Tihertr St.. Secy. BALTIVORE. MD.—Jr. 0 T A. M. State Conneil Convrtn Arrfl 19 1904. Chas. 8S. Davis, 19 N. Paca St... Secy RALTIVORE. MD.—TI. ©. R. W. Great Son Connell Convtr Arrfl 27. 1904. Ww. Shinler. 3615 Falls Road, Seer. RATTIVOFRE. VMD.—Danehtere of TLiherty Stete Counet! Convetn. Wav 12-18. 1904 Mra. Lella F. Gwinn 999 W. Franklin St.. Serr. RATTIVORE. MYD.—Knighte of Golden Eacle Grand Castile Conrvtn. May 10. 1994. T.amartine Rishop, RFaltimore Postoffice, Grand M. of R. BALTIMORE, MD.—Royal Arcanum Grand Council Convtn. March 24-25, Wilbur F. Smith, 18 W. Saratoga St., Gr. Secy. TIMORE, MD.—Grand Lodge of Maryland O. M. Convtn. March 21, Elmer Berenee 630 W. Baltimore St. Gr. Secy. MT. HOLLY INN, MD.—Maryland Pharmaceutical Assn, Annual Convtn. June 21-24, 194. Louis Schulze, Baltimore, Md., Secy. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON, MASS.—Grand Household of Ruth Convtn. Aug. 23, 1904. BOSTON, MASS.—I. 0. G. T. Grand Lodge Convtn. April 13-14, 1904. S. A. Leonard, 45 Dudley St., Medford, Mass., Secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Actors’ Church Alliance of America Convtn. May 26, 1904. Rev. Waites E. Bentley, Manhattan Theatre Bldg., New Yora City,” N. Y., Secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Sons of Veterans of U. s. Encampment. Aug. 1904. W. R. Congdon, Providence, R. I., Seey. BOSTON, MASS.—U. O. G. Star Grand Commandery Convtn. June 9, 1904. Arthur Beale, 10 Franklin St.. Allston District, Boston, Mass., Gr. Recorder. BOSTON, MASS.—Tube Workers Assn. of U. 8. and Canada Convytn. May 11, 1904. John B. McDonough, 327 Orange St., Reading, Pa., Secy. BOSTON, MASS.—International Industrial Buster Union of U. S. and Canada Convtn. July 19044. J. M. Henderson, 124 Camden St., ecyv. BOSTON, MASS.—New England Cotton Mfrs. Assn. Convtn. April 27-28, °1904. Henry S. Pritchett, Pres. BOSTON, MASS.—Catholic Order of Foresters International Convtn. Aug 1904. F. McDonald, 1231 Stock wechenge Bldg., Chicago, t.. Secy. BOSTON MASS.—N. E. O. P. Sup. Lodge Convtn. May 10, 1904. BOSTON, MASS.—National Electric Light Assn. Convtn. May 24-26, 1904. Chas. L. Edgar, 3 Head Place, Pres. BOSTON, MASS.—International Plano and Or gan Workers Union Convtn. July 20. 1904, Frank Helle, 1350 South 42nd Court, Chicago, Ill.. Seey. BOSTON, MASS.—American Unitarian Assn. Convtn. May (3d week), 1904. Rev. Chas. E. St. John, 25 Beacon St., Secy. BOSTON. _MASS.—International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union Convtn. June 6, 19604, Ts Braff, 8 First Ave., New York City, | a #* y. BOSTON, “M ASS.—G. A. R. National Encampment. Aug. 15-22, 1904. Charles A. Partridge, Chicago. Ill.. Secy. BOSTON, MASS. —Woman's oa Corps Na tional Convtn. Ang. 17, Mrs. Sarah D. Wianas, Troy, 0.. +, BOSTON, MASS. —Protestant Episcopal Church’ in the U. S. Convtn. Oct. 5, 1904. Rev. 0. L. Hutchins, Concord, Mass.. Secy. BOSTON. MASS.—Danghters of the Revolution General Society Convtn. May 1, 1904. Mra. Carlton M. Moody. 1909 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa., Ree. Secy. BOSTON, MASS. —Knights and Ladies of Honor Grand Lodge Convtn. May 12. 1904. Sam‘! Hathaway. 228 Tremont St.. Grand Secy. BOSTON. MASS.—American Gynecolegical Assen Convtn. May 24-26. 1904. Dr. J. Riddle — 29 W. 46th St., New York City, N. Y., y. BOSTON, MASS.—-Order United Pilgrim Fathers Sup. Colony Convtn. April 6, 1904. Nathan Crary, 292 Essex St., Lawrence, Mass., Sup. cy. BOSTON, MASS.—Knichts of Pyrthias Lodge Convtn. April 27, 1904 Cross. Grand Keeper of Records and Seal. BOSTON, MASS.—Sons of Temperance Grand Division Convtn. April 19, 1904. C. E. Dennett. Grand Seribe. BOSTON. MASS.—Grand Lodge I. 0. 0. F. of Massachusetts Convtn. Sept. 1, 1904. John W. Parkins. Grand Secy. BOSTON. MASS.—National Assn. and Worsted Overseers Convtn. 1964. Walter of Woolen May 18, Pickford, Leominster, Mass., Secy. BOSTON, MASS—National Mull Spinners’ Union Convtn. April 5. 1904. Samuel Ross, New Redford, Mass., Secy. ROSTON, MASS.—Knights of Honor Gr. Lodge Convtn. April 13. 1994. G. Pratt, 730 Washington St.. Grand Recorder. FITCHBURG. M ASS.-—-I. 0. O. F., . U. State Convtn. April —, 1904. James W. Gregg, Lowell, Mass., Secy. LYNN. MASS.—Foresters of America Grand Court Convtn. May 17. 1904. J. J. Gallaeher, Rox 3255.° Lowell. Mass.. Grand Secy. LYNN, MASS.—New Engtand Colontal Baptist Assn. Convtn. Mav 11-16 Inclusive, 1904. Rev. Johnson W. Hill, 26 Harwick St., Boston. Mass. cy. SPRINGFIELD. MASS.—Amertean Wire Workers’ Protective Assn. Convtn. July 16, 1904. -y F. Desmond, 112 Powers St., Brooklyn, Y.. Seev. SPRINGFIPED. MASS.—New England Gran ite and Freestone Cutters Convtn. April 5, 1904. SPRINGFIFLD. MASS.—Roral Areannum State Conneil Convtn. April 28-29, 1904. J. J. Todd. Roston, Mass., Secy. WORCESTER. MASS.—Post Office Clerks’ State Convtn. April 19. 19944. J. H. Henderson, Matling Division P. 0., Roston, Mass., Secy. MICHIGAN. ‘ ANN ARROR, MICH.—State Academy of ’ Sefence 19th Annnal Convtn. March 31-April 2. Inclusive. 1904. Jas. B. Pollock, 922 Church St.. Secy. ANN ARROR. MICH.—State er Soefety Convtn. March —, 1904. A. B. Covert, Secy. ANN ARROR, MICH.—Michigan State Danghters of American Revolution Convtn. Mayr —. 1904. Mrs. Berths RB. Black, 703 Stockton St.. Flint. Mich., Seev. BATTLE CREEK, MICH.—K. 0. T. M. Great Camp. June — — Thos. Watson, Port Huron, Mich.. § BATTLE CREEK, WicH.—t. oO. T. M. State Hive. June —. 1904. Miss Emma F. Brower } Ann Arbor. Mich.. Gt. Rec. Keeper RATTLE CRFFK, MICH.—Ladies of the Modern Meeecahees Biennial Review. June 8-10, 194 CRESANING MICH .—Ladiles Anvfllare Na tional Leagne of Vetersns and Sona Conrt Aug. —. 1904. Mrs. M. C. Barney, Mich.. Secry. DFTROIT, MICH.—Amertean Pediatrie Convtn. May 36.Jrne 3 1904 Dr. pe 1 Dupont Cir Washington, Se DETROIT MICH.—Roral Arcanum Grand Coun ell Convtn. April 19, 19064. C. B. Derthick, ‘eo Toniea. Mich.. Secy * DETROIT. MICH. —Raptist Young People’s Union Nattons! Convtn. July 7-10, 1904.