The Billboard 1904-04-02: Vol 16 Iss 14 (1904-04-02)

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THE BILLBOARD The Billboard. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT Long Distanc Telephone Main 2079 R. 4 ddress all comr«nnications for the editorial or business departments to /The Billboard Publishing Co. Subscription, $4. 2 Year; 6 mos., $2.00; 3 mos,. $1.00 in advance. = ADVERTISING RATES, oTen cents per fine. agate measurement. Whole page $70; half page $35; quarter page, $17.50. No »oremium on position. PR Billboard is for sale on all trains and news-stands oughout the United States and Canada, which are nupplied by the American News Co. and its branches. en not on sale please notify this office. The Billboard is sold in London at The American Fohenss, Trafalgar Buildings, Northumberland Ave., C. In Paris at Brentano's, 37 Ave. de Ul Opera. The wong supplied by the American News Co. and its nches MF ome me wan should be made by P need order, or registered 9 a able to to the Billboard Pub. The -ditor cannot bon ar to return unsolicited manuscript; correspondents should keep copy. Wi ut is necessary to wire us the instructions and y for amr eoemenis, greet saving in the matter of telegraph tolls may be by recourse to the Donaldson Code. ~ ig Fa Second-Class Matter at Post Office at Cini, Ohio. ce or express or made pay Saturday, April 2, 1904. PHENOMENAL WEEKS’ BUSINESS. Done by the Barnum & Bailey Show in Madison Souare Garden. New York, N. Y., March 26, 1904—(Special to ‘The -Billboard.’’)—The mum & Bailey Show in Madison Square Garden has enjoyed the most successful opening week in the hisa of the show he performance remains the same as on the opening day, except for a few minor changes which have been found necessary or advisable by the management, but which have not materlally affected the merit of the program on way or the other. The dog acvs, which were very fine and w i” might well have been featured in a smaller show were stopped by the Society for t Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The management is contemplating a surprise for circus people and one which will also be appreciated by the laity. Your correspondent, however, is not at liberty to forestall this surprise by promuigaung its character. The auvance sale of tickets is enormous. THE MAN BEHIND THE SCENES. The stage manager, owing to the fact that he is ever invisible, his work is not fully appreelated. Too much praise can not be bestowed upon a.m. The success of the play depends a great deal upon uis judgment in carrying out the details to the letter. As he is hidden from view, the audience scarcely gives the manage: a tnought, and therefore does not receive the eredit due him. He instructs the performers how their parts should be played; how to emphasize certain words and the making of gestures. sis word is their law. The perform ers at certain: points may move too slow, or possibly the grouping is too bad, and finds it necessary to rearrange the whole show. While his troubles are many, through it all must be polite and re as he deals with men and women of cultu He needs theatrical instinct, to see that the whole is worked out in perfect harmony, and must be a man of artistic taste. Many things come within his lne luat require harmonof color. The lights costuming, scenery are all under his personal oa which go to make up the magnificent gorgeous productions that are to oe seen on the stage today. He must select the certain colors to be worn by the performers; otherwise if left to their individual taste. colors may be selected that would be jarring to the balance of the scene. Even the draperies and wall hangings are examined by him and placed according to his instructions: also the many small details of the production which must have careful attention. “The man behind the scenes’? has a right to make his bow at the lowering of the curtain and receive the credit due him just the’ same as the leader of the orchestra who receives apPlause and makes his bow for the popula: music rendered. MARRIAGES. Mr. Charles C. Blue, of Garrett, Ind., Miss Gertrude Paul, of Augusta, married at Gadsden, Ala. Mr. does a flying trapeze act. ‘Miss Paul was a member of Wilburn’s Vaudeville show. The couple will retain their position with the carnival company and left for Decatur for a week’s stay. Owen Dowd, secretary to Walter L. Main, and Miss Mamie Lemm, a performer with ‘he show, were married in ‘Cleveland, Ohio, on St. Patrick’s Day. Mr. Dowd comes from Roch2sSg Y., and Mrs. Dowd comes from Seattle, a Lawrence Atkins, who was a member of the Shore Acres Company this season, was married in Philadelphia, March 20, to Miss Virginia Aruna, 4 non-professional, of St. Paul. Mr. Atkins is 70 years of age. William Monticello Princeton and Mrs. Lilian Maxwell Johnston were married at Jersey City, N. J., March 22. and OBITUARY, Alonzo B. Hudson, manager of the Kansas City Billposting Company, died March 20 from at attack of heart disease. He was 51 years of age. His brother is manager of the Grand Opera House, and Mr. Hudson was at one time assistant manager of the old Coates Theatre in Kansas City. D. 8S. Hibble, member of the Ben Hur Compal , was stricken with pneumonia while at yton, O., and died March 23. His home is in Nashville, Tenn. Winfield Mercer, who was with the Guy Stock age g =! at Atchison, Kan., died March ~ efter *5 brief illness. Although he was not ‘member of — No. 173, F. O. Eagles, out ot respect for his two brothers, who are, they assumed charge of all arrangements. iss Margaret Monk, a character actress, who had played in companies with many of she great actors since Keene’s time, died at New York City, March . Frank Ward, a well-known billposter in New York City, died March 16, at the age of °8 years. His burial took place in Calvary Cemetery, Brooklyn. Mr. J. Robert Connell, for some time ‘The Billboard’s”’ correspondent at Lynchburg, Va., and well known to professionals, died March 22. Mr. Connell was only 30 years of age. LADIES’ LIST. Adilaide, The PalmLawrence, Mamie E. t Leonard, azie Aldrach, Blanche Lewis, Zadora barnes, Olive Lewis, Mrs. Hdith Beach, Goldie Lilliam, Palmist Bird, Mra, Hattie Lorrimnoer, Mamie Eagle Louw, Miss Willie Brown, Mamie Lyuch, Lillie Cannon, Mrs. Etta McCormick, Ruth Campbell, Mr. & McDonald, Marion McDonald, Josie MeNiiigetr, dirs P. A Mack, Mrs. Frank Muacpiersun, bhumuy Magee, Nora McHugh, Uliie Celesti, Mlle. an and Fire Cerita, oe The Dancer Medgugut, Grace Clark, Mabel Mavis, Marie Cole, Mrs, M. L. P. Meeker, Cecil Collins, Hattie Melton Twin Sisters Cooper, Mrs. May Melville, Luciell Davenport, Lulu Mills Sisters Dunn, Goldie Mitchell, Mrs. Duray, Kit Moore, Mrs. Ella Ewen, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Carrie vans, Lizzie Nichols, Caroline Fogleman, Laura Oliver, Marie Francis, Frankie Percell Madame Fridman, Fanny (Palmist) fry, Mrs. Biruie Phillips, Mrs. Chas. W Gardner, Edna M. Phillips, Htta Gore, Miss M. L. Pruspetto, Mlle. Hamilton and De Estey “label Hastings, 7 kKaymond, Maud 4 Mr, and Mrs. Held, Frieda E. Shepperd, Neilie Herrman, Mise Nelda Shickle, Isbella dickey, dna Shipley, Mrs. I. ©. Hines, Mrs. Lottie Sinclair Sisters Hocking, Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mrs. Mary Howard, Bessie Spaulding, Rebecea Hugart, Marion Sutherlaine, Pear! © iceses, Miss Townley, Mrs, F. S. Ina, The American ‘Townsend, Arva Girl Vallecita Kellogg, Mrs. W. Walters, Olive Kellogg, le Weese, Jenuie Del Kohler, Mrs. Maud Weston. Lela La Vonie, Marie GENTLEMEN’S LIST. Abould, Salim buy eite, Jos. W. Adams, Frank Srenueus, Lhe Aiton, Thos. Musical Aitken, Geo. W Briggs, 2 loyd &. Mgr Aladdin, Jr., Big brink, J oun Spectacular Co. Brodie, W. A. Alden, Harry T. Sruusya, . bL. Alexander, M. Brose’s Comedians, Ali, Mock-Sad Allen, J. Lee, Mgr. Brows, W. H. Allen & Gashaim Srown, Samuel Allington, brown, Alther, Chas, brown, 4. J. Anderson, Ubas, HeziBrownie, Bd. kiah Buckeye State Carn. Anderson, Gus Bucueitz, Richard Anderson, Harry Bucklin-Darnaby Buelow, H. vs persed F, Araki, Tan unker, kobt Fate cle Argos, Ulaud A. Kider) ° Armfield, 7" and Buuuy, Jack Armond, J. Burch, T. H. Asmucker. Earl Burroughs, W. D. Bailey, William Burson, Arthur Baker Co., A. H. oC. Baker, Col, Wm. Cake, BK, M, Banett, J. C. : Calver, Vic Banker, Geo. OCump Car. Co., C. H. Banter, Arthur Campbell, J. Banter, Bad Uampbelt D. Ww. Barnes, Will H. Barrett, M. J. Bartholomew, Prof. Geo, (Animal Train Careno, Frank er) Barrill, Herman J. Carpeuter, be. L. D. Carrel, James I. Bartin, John A. Carroli, R. L, wartine & De Onzo Carreras, . Bartley, Chas. Carter, Capt. Nick Bartlett, James Caster’s Snake Show, Bassage, B. C. lke Bassy, James — E. Drexel, Be ot serrite F Ca Beal, Merr . urman, Guy ton Hon BE. rr C Charis lle, ‘Colorado Charter’s Hindoo CirBeechele, cus, Mgr. Beechele, Henry Chelew, Alfreq Belcher Balloon & Cheney, Carl F. Am. Co. Chevalier, Frank gy mn Her: Uhilicotne, GC. ik. Bell, ¢! ame Co. Benard, Mr. Church & Kilites * Benard, Sam Clark, Mr, Benjamin, BE. R. Clark & Fraviolo Bennett, F. k, J. K., Lreas. Berlin, Sam Clark, H. M. Besterman LJ Kissenger Billings, Clarke, E. N, Suite harley ton, J. W. Blitz, ran Blitz, Walter A. 3 — iene Blue, as. A a J. W. cole, ocx “cual Boon, Prof. (HypColumbus Carn. Co. Borders, Joe (Arthur a 4 4 Moriella) Conklin, _ ° Boucher, aJck Connors, , = Bow ten, Hoy Continental Carn, Bowman, R. Cook, Laurence (Scenic Artist) Cooper, J. Boylan, ©. J. Cory, Geo. Bremer, M. . Cossage, Geo. notist) Cotter, J. J. Cottons, The Oraig, £. M. Craig. R. J Cross, Tom (Colored) Cumpson, John R. Cuuningham, HH. O. Currie, W. K. C. W. (cure Warren Cook D’Asta, Capt. Davis, C. D. Day, Tom De Ball, Alf. Dee, Tommy Delvey, Fred De Kreko Bros. (Incr) Delgarian & Rogers Dillard, M. J Donaldson, Chas. H. Vubovan, Sum Downs, “Whitey Vunbare, Siemun wunean, H. HM. (UK. Y. Shorty) Vuvinsion, E. vuffy, Wall Du Frane, Andy Yu Vall, Frang wisenbarth, Mr, wik Carnival Co, wilery, Ur. W. H. tllis, Ellis. Mr., Agent tillis, H. 4. aiimenuerf, W. C. wlmer «lmerson, H. L, clmpire Stock Uo, Eberstein, M. C. eslenvucs, Mhuil tvans, Louis J. fairground Show falk, Hurry ®arquhar, Marry J. Faust, J. Peinberg, Chas. Fetters, C. A. ticher, Joe Fick, Edw. Fifer, Jack Fiteber, H. H. tb itzgerald, Gerald fitzuugh, Baril W. ®lack, W. Bb Florida, ng A. Folsam, F. tord, bd. J. Foster, Dr. J. C. Foster, C. J. Foster, John M. Fountain, Bobvy Fox, Chas. E. box’s Dug aud Pony ames Gampp, H. ae ae, Gardner, Geo. veard, —* preg oo . Gerbach, ar Gibbons, Bernard Gibson Show, Howard Gillette Shows, ©. M. pte Ed. 8S. (Heason, Prof. 0. R. ‘tobadon, Henrice told, Joseph L. Gordon, Lyman Gorman, W. H. Gorman, J. A., Mgr. Goy ert Gray, John H. Gray’s Amusement “o Gray’s Wonder Work ers, Dr. —_— American Carn. Zreat Oriental Carn. Co. Harry Hamilton, Geo, W. Hamilton and De Estey (Ollie candley, W. W. Haner, Frank Nianigan, Pat Happuch, W. A. Herdins, L. B. Henry, Chas. Herbert Stock Ce. Herts, A. Hermur, Dr. Car (Visto =, ny Co.) FMeronius, ‘‘Mexican Strong Man.” Hewitt, the Great (Illusionist) Hicks, Chas. M Hiidreth, Frank Hilliard, W. Horan, "Wddie House, J. C. oward. Tom M. oward, Jack imperial Oarn. Co. abn, A. Jabon & McFarlan Jaillet & James, &. E. Jamesilain, J. F. Hale Jennier, Geo., Jr. Jewett, Everett A. Johnson, Robert Jenesen, — c. Johnson, ° ° Johnson, Chas. G. Johuson, M. K. Jones, Edward Jones, F. EB. Katima Remedy Co. Kelley, H. Kelley, Tom elly, Kelton, Eddie Kemp, Prof. J. T. Keno, Welch & Melrose King’s Glass Blowers Kirkendall, M, T. Kiser, Geo. Kitehie, Si Knapp, J. C. Knight & Harrington Knight, Knowles, Elmer (Hypnotist) Kohler, Anton ( cy, Robert A. La Gardo, C. (Buckskin Charlie Med Co La Mar, Cliff La Place, Mons. La Rosa, Frank Latham, Wm. H. Laubosky, Joe Lawson, l. 8. La Zara, Pauldia La Zelle Bros. (Aerial Artists) Leavitt, Daniel L. Lee, Arthur, or Lane Co., The lindsey, John D. Livingstone, W. E. Loango Turtle Boy, Louisville Carn. Co. = ah Shows, y Lowande, Alex. Luckie, Lawrence Ludale, Willie Lutty, Edmund 0. Lyons, A. N. Macdonald, Fenton d, McDonald, Wm. (Nebraska Bill) McGrath, EB. J. McGriff, Harry McGuire, C. L, MeGulre, Ed. Mclivain, Walter McKinney, Arthur R. MeNair, John McNutts, The Two Mack, J. F. Mahn, Horace Mangel, Kid Manus, Pete Maretta Shows, Mgr. Margu Prof. Markadont, Henry Marks, S. A. Mareball, Warner Martin, F. R. Mastelle, Burl Mattran & Sayed Matts, I. J. Maynard, Charley Mayes, ndgar Meisner, Bert Melville, Jeane Merrifield, Reuben Metealf, Arthur Meyers, Harry Meyers, C. R, Michales, peaks Miles, ° Miles, Dr. Miller, Cc. E. Miller, Chas. W. Miller, W. Cy Mitchel, Lola Mohamed, Hadji Monroe, Billy Mooney, Jumes E. Moore, Lou W. Moran. Benj. J. Morgan, Dutch Morgan, We. me Morley, W. J. Morogan, Win. VD. Morris, Folle Morris, J. B. Mulvey, H. G. Munro, Wallace Murphy, Oscar Murphy, Jos. A. A. Murray, Eddie Murray, Jos. Mursie, Tobie Myers, N. P. Nahm, Simon Aeimeyer, Neiss, Victor I. Newberry, Hammond Newman, Harry Newton, A. Nias, Isaac Nolan, Andrew Norris, James North, Lee (Musician) Novon, Dave Novelty Carnival & Amusement Co, ‘Leary O'Neil, Oppenheim, H. Oppenheimer, L. Oppenheimer, Joe Oppice, Paul, C. B. Pendleton, Lew Peppard, Will) C Pepper, Slim Pepper, H. L. Veters, L. P. Pfifferling, W. M. Phillips, Thomas Pilgrim, Jos. A. Remington, Wm. Revan, 0. G. C. (Singer) Reynolds, Kice, Myron Rice, J. H. Rice’s Latest SensaRive Bag ice, ar W. Richards, Allan Rickard, Ed iigee, Wm. ey, Slim Kobert, bP, J. Koberts, Walter M. Russell & 4-Paw —— Family Show, e St. Julian Bros.’ Grt. Am. Shows Sanders (iligh Diver} Sassman, W. Promoter Saunders, Jobn earn Savage, Henry W ° Schear, A. Col. L. “Old h’”’ Sittipo, La Roe Slansky, F. Sleezer, N. ne Col. R. FinSmith, A. Beverly Smith, Emery H Smith, Solly Smith, B. P., Jr, Smith, T. Cc. Smith, Ivan Smith ° Smith, Johnnie Smith, Jas. Burton Smith, Frank W. Smith, Al E, Sohler, Mr. (Novelty Man) Southern Belle Shows Spalding, Charley §. Spalding. R. Spence, Wm. M. Springer. Ye Stafford. Chaa. Stanford, Robt. Stauchter Bres. St. Brown, Al Steavens, Art. Steck. F. W. Stephens, Ira B. Stephens & Hickman — (Contortion Stevens, Jeff D. Stevens, Frank iner Co., Austin Stinson, Phil. Stoc kman, Jake Stone, Ren W. Stone; Harry Stone, Wm. Storne, maces Stranger from London Stewart, Jay Strickland, Ww. c, String, Richard Sturm, ©. F. Sullivan, 8. puiiiven, Jack Swain, Maxwell H. Osa Talbert, Jobn 0. Talbott, John rt Co. Fal Martin D. ey, Chas. H. (Cornetist) Tinsley & Brown's Consolidated Shows Trautoer. Frank Turner, W. Y. Turnstal. B. Tyler, Edward Universal Amusement Vale, Traum Vallecita Billy (Actor) Vander Werp, Geo. Vedder. J. N. Veno, Prince, G yoay Vernenilie, A. Vick, 8. Walker "& wo Wallace, Wallace aX “My Leare ‘ieee G. A. w Dr. A. White. Dic ba ~ cama Frank Whitehead. Henry K. Wemeeee, a a ur, Ha Wilkins, ~ Willard, Willard Williams, Geo. (Lit George) Williams, w Mart Williams J. vee St. R. Williams, H, Williamson, John P. Wills, John Willy’s Chemical Co. Winter, D. B. Witt, Marion A. Wolff, Moritz Ww Sho (Wisard and Ventriloquist) w Chas. come, " Woodford, Milton Earl Woods & Woodware Cone Worland, Chas. B.