The Billboard 1904-04-09: Vol 16 Iss 15 (1904-04-09)

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THE BILLBOARD J. F. Hopper, 812 Brown Blk. Adjt. Gen. Omaba—Knights Templar Gran Commander) Con. Ap-. 14. F. E, White, Plattsmouti, Omaha—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter Con May 3. Mrs. Anna Simpson, 821 S. 20th St, Omaha—Internatl. Union Journeymen HorsesShoers of the U. S. and Canada Gon. June _, KR. Kenehan, 1548 Wazee St., Denver, Col! Omaha—-Bankers’ Union of the Wold Sup. eime Lodge Con. May 4, Omaha—Sons of American hevolution State Su c, ciety Con. April 30 Lobiugier, » N. Y. Life Bldg., Secy. NEVADA, Reno—I. O. O. F. Grand Encampment. June 20. W. Sutherland, Virginia City, Nev., Gr. Sevile Reno—i. O. O. F, Grand Lodge Con. June 21. W. Sutherland, Virginia City, Nev., Gr. Se.). NEW HAMPSHIRE. Corcord—Grand Royal Arch Chapter Con. li. F. D. Woodbury, Gr. Secy. Concord—Grand Council of Koyal and Sel. c. Masters Con. May 16. F. D. Woodbury, Rec. Concord—Grand Lodge of New Hampshire Fre: and Accepted Masons Annual Con, May 15 F, ~. Woodbury, Gr. Secy. Manchester—N. E. O. P. Grand Lodge Con. Mech 23. 4. Daniels, 385 Hulle St., Secy. The Weirs—state Pharmaceutical Assn. Con. Week June 23. Marshall, E:m S8.., Manchester, Secy. NEW JERSEY. Atlantic City—American Protestant Assn, Con. u, J. McKee, Cincinnati, 0., Secy. Ruling Fraternal Mystic Cir Ma, gs. —. W. Atlantic City—sSup. cle Con, June —. c é Atlantic City—Natl. Provident Union Congre Con. June 7. J. F. Keenan, 41 Weldon St., Brooklyn, N. Y., vy. Atlantic City—American Ortho ie Assn. Con June 8-10. Ridillon, M. D., 92 State St, Chicago, Ill., Secy. a Atlantic City—American Larynological Con. June 6. J. E. Newcomb, M, D., W. 69th St., New York City, Secy. Atlantic City—Library Assns. of New Jersey and Pennsylvania Con. Meh. 18-19. A. M. Heston Atlantic City—American Academy of Mediciu Con. June 6. Dr, C. McIntire, 52 N. 4th St. Easton, Pa., Secy. Atlantic City—American Medical Assn. Con June 7-10. G. H. Simmons, i103 Dearborn Av-. Assn. lis Chicago, Tll., Secy. Atlantic City—Order United Americans Spgeome Grand Temple Con. a8 9, R. W. Pilling, 1941 Dauphin St., Phi ao Pa., Secy. Atlantic City—Natl, Piano lers‘ Assn. of America Con, May 23-26. -G. E. Bradnock, Middletowa, N. Y., Secy. Atlantic U..y—Legion of the Red Cross Supreme Council Con. June 7, J. B. Treibler, Jr., 1417 Hollins St., Baltimore, Md., Secy. Atlantic City—Ancient and Arabic Order Noble. of the Mystic Shrine Imperial Council Con July 13-14. B. W. Rowell, 206 Masonic Bldg., Boston, Mass., Secy. Ca May—State Bar Asen. Con. June 28-30. {ifotel Stockton). W. H. Staake, 501-505 Franklin Bldg., Philadelph Pa., Secy. Elizabeth—A. & I. United Knights of Malta J. De Baun, Paterson, Hempstead—Shield of Honor G. L. April 19. Jersey City—New Jersey Billposters and Distributors’ Assn. Con. June —. J. F. O’ Mealia, 104 Greene St.,. Pres.; H. E. Ayres, Paterson Con. April —. x. 3. Treas.; Chas. Rosencrans, Long Branch. v. J., Secy. Long tranch—Epworth League State Conf. sé 27-28. Rev. F. A. Demoris, Camden, N. J., Secy Newark—Foreign Missionary Society of Presby terian Church Con. April 26-28.. Mrs, Chas | Bi aa 15v6 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. y. Newark—Medical -and Chirugical Faculty Con. April 26-28. J. W. Lord, 1011 N. Charies St. Baltimore, Md., Secy. is Paterson—Branch Loyal Assn. Grand Council -pril 19. J: H. Farrell, 409 Graham Ave. Paterson—Thirty-fourth Catholic Total Abstinence Union State Con. May 30. J. J. Mil lory. 684 Lamberton St., Trenton, N. J, Sec\. Trenton—Internatl. Hod Carriers and Building Laborers’ Union of America Con. April —. H. A. Stanberg, Waverly, N. _ ats cy. Trenton—Nat!l, Brotherhood of Operative Potters’ Con. July 6. T. J. Duffy, Box 50, E. Liver pool, O.. cy. Trenton—Daughters of Liberty State Counci Con. April, 19-20. W. L. Hayward. Newark. Trenton—State Deaf Workers Assn. Gon. May 30. Stephenson, Secy. NEW YORE, Albany—State Bottlers’ Assn. Con. March 24. Albany—State Nurses Assn. Con. April Miss A. Rhodes, 202 W. 74th St., New York City, Pres. Alpeny — State Embalmers’ Assn. Con. Marct Albany—State Dental Assn. Con. May 11. Dr. W. A. White, Phelps, N. Y., Secy. Buffalo—Luther League ‘of America Con. Aug. 16-18. Rev. L. M. Kuhns, Omaha, Neb., Sec. Buffalo—American Assn. Dermatological June 3. C. J it ecy. Buffalo—tinternatl, Young Men’s Christian Assn R. C. Morse, 3 W. 29th St., N. Y. Buffalo—Order of Railway Telegraphers © n. May .. Quick, 5081 Delmar Ave., § . 0. « : y. Buffalo—Y. M. C. A. Internati. Con. May 11-14, R. C. Morse, 3 W. 26th St.. New York » Buffalo—Natl.' Air Brake Assn. Con. May 1°. F. M. Nellis, 218 Willtam St.. New York Buffaj>— Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers I[nterfatl. Alliance Con. June 13. J. B. Bray 8 Nelson Bldg., Kansas City. Mo., Seey. Buffalo—Glass Bottle Blowers’ Assn. of I. § on. July 11-21. Launer, 930 Wither spoon Bldg.., Philadelphia, Pa., Secy. Buffalo—Royal Tempiars of Temperance Suprem Conclave. May 26. E. B. Rew, Masonic Tem ple, Secy. Buffalo—General Assembly of the Presbrteria’ Chureh in the U. S. A. May 19. Rev. W. H. Roberts, 1319 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., Dunkirk—New York State -aremen’s Asén. Con Aug. 15-20. Chief T, Donovan, Pres.: A. K. Loeb, Treas.; P. R. Wade, Secy. Ithaca—American Philological Assn. Con. July 5. Prof. H. W. Smith. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., Sec 7. Ithaca—Delta Phi Fraternity Natl. Con. Apri 7-9. F. L. Carlisle, 8 Stone St., Watertown segs 85 er Gamma Sigma Natl. Con. July — J. R. . y. New York City—Natl. Workmen’s Sick and Death Benefit Society Con. May 15. New York City—American Railway Assn. (or W. F. Allen, 24 Park Place, Secy. City—State Associated Press Acs ‘York Oity—United Cloth, Hat and Ca Makers of America Con. May 1. M. Mikal. 66 E. 4th St., Secy. Olesale Liquor Deale:s’ June 8-10. D. Stauber, Roow 9, City New \ Con. May 11. Hogan, 1400 AuJitorlum Tower, Chicago, IIl., Secy. New York City—American Federation of Musiclans Con. R mas 16. ©. Miller, Allen Bldg., St. y. New York Citv—american Therapeutic Society 2-4. Dr. N. P. Barnes, 212 Mary land Ave., N. E., Washington, D. C., Sey. New York City—State Mason Bldg. Material alers’ Assn. Con. March 17. J. D. Carar,, 18 Broadway, Secy. New York City—International Sunshine Society Con. May 19-21. Mrs. M. D. Beattie, 96 Sth Ave., Secy. New York City—Hotelmen’s Mutual Benefit Assn. of U. S. and Canada Con. June 7-10. G. W. Sweeney, Hotel Victoria, Secy. New York City—American Chemical Society Cou Sept. 8-11. H. Schraeitzer, 40 Stone St., Se y. New York City—American Flag Assn. Con. Juie 14. TT. Fitch, 120 Broadway, Secy. New York City—Natl. Credit Men’s Assn. Ninth Annual Con. June 15-17. W. A. Pendergast, 29 Liberty St., Secy. New York City—Natl. Ornamental Glass Mirs Assn. Genl. Conf. July 26. G, Green, Pittsburg, Pa., Secy. New York City—United States Local Appraisers’ Con. June 30. Niagara Falls—Natl. Provident Union Con. June Niagara Falls—New York State Music Teashers’ (2. a. June 20-23. F. A. Shepard, Orange, . J., Secy. Niagara ralls—Natl. Car Service Manage..’ te June 16. A. G. Thomason, Scranton, Pa. Secy. Niagara Falls—American Dermatological Ass... Con. May 2-4. C. J. White, M. -, 25 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass., Niagara Falls—lInternatl. Makers. May i.. Niagara Falls—American Institute of Homeopath June 20-25 a C. Gatchell, 100 cy. Rochester—Hotel and Restaurant Employes’ In Alliance and Bartenders’ Internatl. League of America Con. May 9. J. L. Sullivan, 530 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O., Secy. Rochester—State G. A, R. Encampment. June 14-16. F. Brown, Aloany, N. Y., Asst. Adjt. Genl. Rochester—Internatl. Kindergarten Union Con. April 26-28. Rochester—Semi-annual Con. and Distributors’ Assn. M ‘ ©. F. Filbrick, Buffalo Fitch, Albany, Secy. State Counc'] Boehler, Morris, Pres.; ». B. Council. May 28Rochester—Protected n. H, Luuege, Saratoga—Royal Arcanum Grand April 26-27. J. -, Secy. Springs—American Railway Master Car Builders’ Master Mechanics’ Asgn. Con. J. W. Taylor, 607 Rookery Bldg., Chicago, I] Saratoga . . Phillips. +, Chicago, Ill, Secy. Friesian Assn. of America F. L. Houghton, Putney, Vt. Catholic Slovak Union of Amerfea Con. May 16-23. A. Vv. Kozak, 2 N. Main St., Wilkesbarre, Pa., Secy. NORTH CAROLINA, Asheville—North Carolina Bankers’ Assn. Con. June 14-16. C. N. Evans, Charlwtte, N. C.. Asheville—Catholic Knights of America Con May —. G. Rieter, Vincennes, Ind., Secy. Durham—Grand Lodge I. 0. 0. F. Con. May 11. B. H oode.. Raleigh, N. C.. Gr. Secy. . WwW High Point—Royal Arcanum G. G. Con. April 13. Ra Pro Diocesan Con. J. E. Ingli, Henderson, N. C., y. Raleigh—Royal Arch June m7; Grand CounWilmington. mu. June 15. J. C. Winston-Salem—Commercia] Travelers State Cov B. H. Marsh, Secy. NORTH DAKOTA. Cooperage Mfrs. Co.. Moore, 304 Montgomery Bid.. Cutters and orth America Con. Call, Box 817, Syracuse. N. Y_ Hardwood Lumbermen's Assn Con. 19-20. CC. D. Strode, 134 Monroe St., Chicago, Il, Cincinnati—Amaigamated Brotherhood of Teamsters and Helpers Con. Aug. 1. E. L. 147 E. Market St., Indianapolis, Ind., Cincinnati—B. P. O. 'E. Natl, Con. July G. A, «seynolds, Saginaw, Mich., Sec Cleveland—Amalgamated Iron, Steel orkers’ Assn. 2. House Bldg., June 14. K. RB. 8 Union Sup. ConnF. L, Fuller, Elyria, p. Treas. Cleveland—Natl. Dancing Masters’ Assn. Con June —. E. B. Gaynor. Chicago, Ill., Secy. Cieyeland—Baptist May Anniversaries. May 16 Columbus—Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen's State Con. Apri] 11. E. E. Smith, Toledo. 0., Secy. Columbus-Royal Arcanum Grand Council Con, ‘ atty, 0., Gr. Cleveland—Bankers’ Fraternal cil Con. June 7. ” _ tan April =. L, Seymour, 619 Savings Ka Previdence—State Medieai Boctet Cleveland, OSeer 8. Dr. 8. A. Welch, 258 Washington, “gi Columbus-—Knights of Honor Sup. Lodge Cn Sec'y. Aug. —. N. M. Givan, St. Louis, Mo., Secy.| Valley Fallse—U. 0. @. ¢. Grand Commandery Columbus—Republican State Con. April —. Con. April 26. BE. Po » Railroad st., Secy, Columbus—K. 0. T. M. State Con. April 19-20, Wickford—O, U. A. M. State Council Con Apr Columbus—L, 0. T. M. State Con. April 19-2v. 26. 0. C. Barrows, 895 Westminster st. rs a yi Se sn tgiation State Con. Providence, Pe, ‘ pril 17, YS * ylor, Secy. CAROLIN Columbus—American Assn. Physio-Medical PhysouTH a. Sicians and Surgeons Con. Morrison, M. Anderson-—Medical Assn. Con. April —., -19. J, 17-19. J. G Columbia—Knights of Honor Grand Lodge Con D., Anderson, Ind., Secy. Columbus—Ladies of the Maccabees State Con, |. April 20. L. N. Jealy, Becy. Temas se ets Emma Q. Olds, Elyria, 0., | Newberry—State Federation “of Women's Clubs Columbus—Internatl, Tin Plate Workers’ i've. Rocenin ty | MPs. Andrew Moore, Columbt. tective Assp. Con. May 10. Cc. B. Lawyer, ockhillJr. O. u & M, State Counce)! Cou. ” ene W. Va. y. April 26. Dayton—} atl. Window Ginna’ Assn. Con. SOUTH DAKOTA. ug. (first week). Otto empke, Oskaiousa, Ia »fouche—N , . era’ _— Ie rretectes, . ee he ee Cirele ay ey o ‘ ~ — om. Ona. mn. June 7. OC. W. Kreig, . ynolds ; tht nD se , ‘ _ St., Canton, 0., Gr, Secy. of Ohio, ep Big Stone—State G. A. B aud W. B.C. Con Kirtlanu—General Conf, Later Day Secy. Marietta—American Flint Glass Workers’ Uniou Con. July 11 ; = Nelson Put-in-Bay—Sta .. Teachers (last week), St. June 1, y. Marys—Natl. Chain Makers’ c. GC. bus, ® ° Springfield—Kebekan State Assembly. June and July, Reorganized Church of Brookings—Grand Lodge A. O. U. W. " points and Auxiliary Societies. Annual Cou. May lu. | J.D, Lavin, | SO S. Salvaras, Canton—S. of V. ‘State Encamp, June —, J’ Wolgamuth, Carthage, Adj. * Yankton—Order | East ro Star Grand Chapte Ledge—Grand fasembly of Ohio Union| June 11. Mra. Ay M. McCallister, Madison: ‘ gue, ay ll. Nellie M, Du Yankton—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge Con. June 1519% Lorain St., Cleveland, 0., ey. l4. A. Pettigrew, Flandreau Sec'y mn. June i 2 ¥ Yankton—K. T, Grand Commandery Con. Jy i. 6A. Pettigrew, Flandreau, Sec'y. ms TENNESSEE. Chattanooga—State Medical Assn, Con, 12-14. DD. J, berts, Nashville, See’y. w. Melntyre, Norwood, v., Assn. Con. Miller, 560 S. Lane 8t., ColumApril April 13. | Chattanooga—De r tf i : srhgtee bee peat ae in, con. [cans Hotness oe yen ca s ngfie ate Post Office Clerks Assn. Con. | C a (La hvug a~~ Brotherhood of Bollermak May 30. C. A. Kirk Toledo, 0., Secy. Iron Suip Bullders of America Gon. y~ x4 Titin—G. A. R. State Encampment. June 14-17.] W. J. Gilthorpe, Portgmouth Bldg., Kansas Toledo—Onder of Bed Cross, Sap. Commandery ally. Mo., Sec’y, 7 ° _— BH. Meeks, 205 e Nasby, 4 {ta nooga— Woodmen Cire] . Pores Youngstown—I. ’ 0. O. F. Grand Lodge Con: — Mra. B. B. et 412 Woo: wo le . H. Lyman, I, 0. O. F. Temple, W. Bidg., Omaha, Neb., Secy. : a _ Cou Ke OF * Chatt —l i P Veneuocia—Weish Presbyterian Church Genera) Con. Aug. a ail, 3 A — Scotty, Sat. — Rev. Joshua T. Evans, eGaatnooga—State Federation of Wemen's Clubs x Se ° e ril 20-22. — + 2 eS ont a and Knoxville, Cor Sec'y, ei ee 5 m. une le. Fae co uennell, Colum| Ciarksviule—]. 0. of vu. F. ag hs Pres.; S. E. Riblet, Galion, O., Treas. | of Tenn, May 25. J. R. Harwell sapment Cc. McClellan, Xenia, 0., Seey. Knoxville—State Traveler's Protective Assn. OKLAHOMA. > anal April 24-25. 4H. derson, Nashville, Guthrie—Southwestern Billposters and Distribu| x ie tors’ Assn. Annual Con, ry 4 10, RK. W. W. Pex, Charen: > ado eninge er tae c Pres.; E. Alton, OklaLookout Mountain—c Jommercial Law League of y O& FZ, ° America Con. =>. aa yy 8. = a EBacampment. P a Memphis—Souther “Hallway ents’ Assn. Cou _. 7 = . +. T., A. A. G. M b B Q > N Oklahoma City—Associated Billposters and DisNashville—Democtatie Sone cuatlatte,N. ‘ tributors: of Oklahoma and Indian Territories Nashville—U, 0, G. C. Grand Commandery’ Cou Assns. Ce June 14. Ww. &. Burnitt, ArdApril 19. W. F. King, Jefferson City, Sec’y. — more. pas, Pes, B.S. Brooks, Chickasha. Nashville—U. ¢, V. Reun Sept. 13-15. Maj és Py + L. Craig, Oklahoma City Geul. W. E. Mickle, New Orleans, La., Sec). > ™ . Nashville—Southern Baptist Annual’ Con. May OREGON, 13. Rev. L. Burrows, D. D., Sec’y. Pendleton—Y. P. 8. C. E. State Con. March 22 rare cathe Division "Daughiers of the OonPortland—K. 0. T. M. State Con. Mareh 22° Nasbriic’ galt? 1+ Mre Joun P. Hickman, Congress Con. Aug asbville, Sec’y, 22-27. Portland—American Mining i. Mahon, Secy. TEXAS, Austin—State Medical Assn, PENNSYLVANIA, Gatranbell 26. H. Allegbeny—North American Saengerfest, June Stenson Bese Boobies: J mtg = “ion —, 6-7. J. N. Hunter Greenville, Sec’y Allentown—Reunion 1st Defenders Assn. of Pa. Corsic. al Assn < ” Convtn. April 18. E. D. Smith, Pottsville, B, : oy Dalla Bes ee ne Allentown—Pens, Billposters and Distributors’ Dallas—State Funeral Directors and Embalmnm. Convtn. May —, , A. Yeck, Laners Assn. Con. April 25-28. G. W dercaster, wee.: John er meates. Pa.., milk ‘ ” ee Anery es.; J. H. i.aga, Mauc unk, Treas. —— ior Chesterna fela of Honor Grand Convtn. _— rr A erehale and a et Fetice st Philsdetghta, «4 Nason, 2128 N. 9th St., pont 1704 McGowen Ave., Houston, Sec’y. Easton—Penn. Lumbermen’s Assn. Sem!-anngs] Gon. Map eae sw ee cute See'y. Ld 14. sud: feet, Scranton, Sec’y. | naiias—stare Square Bale Cotton Ginners’ ‘Assn. a ey * Philadelphie "aay oe Jon. May 8. W. Watson, Stone, See'y. Greenville—United Pres. Chureh of N. A. Gen. | “Con. May 24.4 Mgtiean War Veterans fe Oakland Aven Piitbure "sec: J. Reid, 24 Onn ace Knights of America State jer isbare—Democ = eratie fo Ooo tens e® . Galveston—55 th " Anntal Mesting “of me teanch J —— se ‘ 5 ‘Sts.’ se Frotestant Episcopal Church for the a. Few 4 cer Cor. Broad and Arch Sts., Diccese of Texas. May 18. RB. M Elgin, 1111 Johns.own—Protected Home m. ..ay 1 Pittsburg, 0. . Grand Sec’y nsforu—-Firemen’s Assn. Con. J. MeNally, Catasauqua, ° Philadelphia—Transfer and Carting Companies’ Franklin Ave., . Seec’y. Galveston—I. 0. R. M. Great Council Con. May a pertiett, C. G. of R. ters Grand Temple Con. April 26. Mrs. BE. McAuliff, 1817 Center St., Circle Grand Circle D. Gue, 2624 Hamilton St., _June 19-20. P. y A Con. June 8-10. Fy: Fatt, dt., 100 N. Cin. | Houston Miller’ ‘Wentaeaa ges, Con. *. cago, . rs —, . . Philadelphia—American’ ‘Clinaatologteal Assn. gy 2 of Hallway Clerks of America Fg oS * Hinsdale, au. D., 3913 Chest-| 0" Kansas City ie ent, Suite 500, Hali Philadelphia—iron Moulders’ Union of N. a.| Marlin--Modern’ Order ue: Praetorians National Con. July —. B. J. Denny, 433 Walnut St.. ~; Go Taylor Dallas, Cincinnati, 0., . iladelphia—A merican and Social Science Con. i —., . Orange—State Lambermen’s Asen, Con. See’y Drake, Austin, Sec'y Apeil Academy of Politica) April 89. J. T Young. W. Philadelphia Sta.. Phila., Sec’y |. April 12. Philadelphia—State Master Plumbers’ Assn. Con. . Aatento—@. A. R. Department macumgment April —. H. Smith, 5516 Germantown Ave. Ce 28Dr. L. L. Whittaker, Ave. Philadelphia—American Philosophical Boclety | 40> Sec 7. Con. April 7-9. I. M. Hays. 104 $. 5th St. | NP Abtonio—l. 0. B. B. Grand Dist. No. Pajladelpais—Order Sons of Temperance Nttl. m. April —. 8. ©. Eldridge, "y. vision n. une . R. Jewell, uthampton, N. H., Sec’y. —_ UTAH. Philadelphia—Kastern ation of Musical Clubs Phiiadelphia—t Section National Con. April 27-28, . Jnited National Gold Beaters’ Pro| Provo—Rocky Mountain Billposters’ Assn Ogden—State Medical Con. May 10-11. Dr. Feder. |W. s. Ellerbeck, Sec’y, . Con, tective Union of America Con. Aug. 1. w.| May 20-21. A. H. Searles, 1728 Lawrence St. N. Batturs 316 Beckett St., Camden, N. J.| Denver, Col., Secy.; J, a. Quinn, Victor, Col. Philadelphia—Ladieg of the Golden le Grand J Temple Con. May 10. Mrs. Josie ¥. Walter, | Salt Lake City—wWestern Federation of Miners’ 814 N. Broad 8t., Sec’y. Con. May 3. J. P, Langford, Park City, Sec. Philadelphia—Gen. ‘Soc. of the War of 1812 Con. | Salt Lake City—Epworth League B. ¥. P. U and June —. H. R. Webb, 727 19th St., Washing-| ¥. P. 8. ©. B. Con. June (first week). Miss ton. D. C., "y. Mayella Hobbs, care Walker Bros.’ Store, Sec. Pittsburg—American Philatelic Assn. Con. Aug. | Salt Lake City—1. 0, F. Grand Lodge Con. 9-12. D. T. Eaton, Muscatine, Ia.. See’ " April 19-20. P. A, mpkin, Box 700, Secy. Pittsburg.—State Stationary FEngincers’ Assn, | Salt Lake City—United Commercial Interstate mn. June 3. R. Pape, 5529 Girard Ave., an. June—, §. B. Buckles, Sec'y. Philadelphia, Sec’y. Salt Lake Olpeeate Kindergarten Asan. Con, P..tsburg—Natl. Mfrs.’ Assn. Con. ay 17-19.| April 24. ly G. Sholes, 126 H B8t., Sec’y. D. M. Perry, Indianapolis, ind. Sec’y. VERMONT. Pittsburg—Natl. N. A. Gymnast Union Con. June Y Pocono Summit—Rrotherhood ders Con, aught , Templar Grand Comman 1 Con. June 1 ._ Gr, Philip Nat. Con. July 1-6, w. é Anderson, | Montpelier—Vermont M. B. Chureh Conf. April Newington Ave., Baltimore, Md.. ¥| Rutiand—-Inver ew ® 52 High 8t., Brattleboro, Reading—Shield of Honor Supreme Lodge 2711, utland—International Marble Workers’ Assn. Annual Con, June 7. W. T. Henry, Mfrs.’ .... quly 18. H. Roberts, 273 8t., Wie ei Baltimore, iid.. Gee'y. St, Joinebary-Ne' no P. Grand Lodge Con. arre—Natl. akers’ Aasn. " eat, eS May (first week). 7. Robinson, Phiindelpein’ April 26. if A. Bartlett, Grand See’y. Wiikerbarre—Graduated urses’ State Con. Apr. VIRGINIA, r Fortress Monroe—Ro al Arca RHODE ISLAND. Con. May 18. W. 0. Robson, “ade sounett Providence—Irish Catholic Benev. Union Con. Ave., Boston, Mass,, Sec'y. Aug. —. J. E. Davis, Philadelphia, Pa., Sec’y. | Lynchburg—Rebekah Asembly of Vi I, Providence—Y. P, Union of Universalist Society} ©. O. F. May 10. Mrs, 8. Edmonia Dull, any R.4 ., A. Hersey, 30 West 8t., BosLoman, See's. ; ‘ Tre ion, Mass., y. ynehburg—Commercia velers’ Interstate nce—Royal Arcanum Grand Con. April —. B. H, Marsh, Winston-Salem April 28. . A, Hagan, 146 Transit at, oan N. G., dee'y. :