The Billboard 1904-05-14: Vol 16 Iss 20 (1904-05-14)

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THE BILLBOARD 2 merican Academy of Mediciue Dr, ©. Melatire, 52 N. 4th St, Pm, “Pa. “* Becy. th es a Medical Assn. Con. ae a. Hi Simmons, 108 Dearborn Ar Chicago, LLL, e a je City—Nat * Plano Dealers‘ Assn. ay = Coa. May — G@. KB. Braduock, Middletown, N. Y., ULay—Legion of the Red Cross Supreme — cil Ga. 3 dune te J. i, Treiber, dr., Hollins St., timore, ateatie City—Anclept and eile ‘order, Noble» of the Mystic Shrine imperia Con. July 13-14. B. os 206 Masonic Bidg., Mass. Celdwell—State’ Federation of Women’s Clubs ) 25. Miss Julia Van —! Ca May—State Bar Asen. Con. June 28-3u. (ilotel eet WwW. dH. i — ply a DistrivTo. oo June 6. a a, los Greene St., Pres.; H. BE. Ayres, ) N, J., Treas.; Clas. Rosencrans, Long Brauch, N. Secy. New Branewich—Post Office Clerks’ State Con. May 3u. Maurice B. McGrath. Paterson—Tburty-fourth Catholic Total : nence Union State Con. May 30. ‘., J. Mai lory, 684 Lamberton BSt., Koa ad N. Sec). Treatee—Knlgnes Colum Btaie” —Natl rotberhood of Operative Potters’ reson eT eT Doty, Box 60, B. Liver ricitoo State beat Workers Asan. Con. May C. Stepbenson, Atlantic | City—A Con, June 6. mf weam, bly M sense State Assem M. EB. Murray, 107 Baltic St., Y. lo—Garment Workers’ Natl, Con. Aug. 29. Bua White, 117 Bible House, New York Oily. Buflulo—Lather League of America Con. Aug. i618. Kev. L. M. Kuhns, Omaha, Ned., Secy. Buffaio—Awmerican Dermatological Assn. Con. June 3% «6C. J. White, M. D., Boston, Mass., Secy. Butt ere a Young Men's Csietion Ass. May 11-15. B. ©. Morse, 8 W. 20th St., New 17-18. a, York City. Buffalo—international Sunday School Lesson Committee. June 29-July 1. Rev. 0. P. Gif ford, 289 ~~ Ave. ee aM. A. imternatl. Con. May 11-14. R. ©, Morse, SW. 2th Bt.. New York City Buffalo—Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers I[nternatl, Alliance Con. June 13. J. E. Bray 318 Nelson Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., og ye Bottle Blowers’ Assn. of s a Secy. Butelo—General Assembly of the peters Chureb in the U. S&S. A. May 19. . ~ aL Roberts, 1319 Walnut 8t., Philadelphia, Pa., Dunkirk—New York State .iremen’s Con Aug. 15-20. Chief T, B. Donovan, Pres. A. K. Loeb, Treas.;: P. R. Wade, Secy. Elmira—State Master Horseshoers’ Assn. Con. Jos. J. Mackay, SOO Seventh May 16, 1 Ave., New York Ci Ithaca—Awerican Pativiogical Assn. Con. July 5. Prof. H. W. Smith, Harvard University. Cambridge, Mass., ° Lockport—Order Gamma Natl Con. June 30-July 2. J. R. Gould, West Ave., Secy. New York City—American Whist League Con. Jun+ 27 to Fed 2. New York —American Booksellers Con. May 18-19. ~~ W. Nichols, 30 B, fA St. at — oS "yy Publishers of New York ee ey Workmen's Sick and Death Benefit Society Con. May 15. New York ———Asen. Con. June 8-10. 121 E. t., Cincinnati, 0., Seey. New York City—Loyal Aemn. Natl wa. Jeane ‘. . ~— 76 Montgomery St., Jersey 7 New York dity Ne. Asse. Stove Mfrs. of 8. Con. May 11. = uaz Philadelpbia, New York City—Natl Fire Protective Assn. Con. May 24-26, New York City—americam Therapeutic Society Con. June 24. Dr. N. P. Barnes, 212 Mary. land Ave., N. B., Washington, D. C., Secy. New York City International Sunsb . May 19-21. Mrs. M. D. Beattie, 06 Sth ee New ork gn amatetmente Mutual Benefit Assn. of 8. and Canada Con. June 7-10. G. W. bunnen, Hotel Victoria, Secy. New York City—American Chemical Society Con Sept. 8-ll. H. Schraeltser, 40 Stone St., Secy. New York City—American Flag = Con. June 14. T. Fitch, 120 Broadway, Sec New York City—Natl. Credit Men’s Teen. Ninth Annual Con. June 15-17. Chas. BE. Meck. 29 Liberty St., Secy. yo ork City —Natl, Ornamental G Mfrs ny Conf, July 26. GS. Green. Pitt. New vy York City —Unttea States Local Appraisers’ Niagara Falls—Natl. Provident Union Con. June Niagara Falls—American Dermatological Assn Con, June 2-4 egy Chas, J. White, 239 Marlborough S: 2. Niagara " Falle—Lnteraath Label League Con. une Niagara Falle—Knight Templars’ om Sept. —. Miegere Falis—New’ ton State Music Teachers’ Con, June 20-23. F. A. Shepard, Orange. Niagere ralis—Natl. Car Service Managere’ = — ‘aa 16. A. G. Thomason, Scran Niagara Palle Nath Millers’ Federation Con. June 8-10. atone Falla—Internatl. Brot makers. Mey 12. T. Miller, Holyoke, Mass. Mtagese Falls—American Inatitate of Homeopa hy Con. June 20-28. Dr. OG, Gatchell, 100 state St. oe Il. 5 ag er—State G. A. Encampment. June jal F. Brown, Albany, N. Y., Asst. Adjt. Rochester—Grand Sa ivereal Craftmen'e Counc!! Ang. (24 week). Pa Sn + Hahnemann Assen, Con. One 27-29. Dr. Merrit BE. Graham. Rochester—Degree of Pocahontas State Counctl + New York City, Ge. K R. a velers Grand il. May 28-20. ©. Rochester—Protected ba Circle Grand Circie Con. May 26. H. . Porter, care Business a See a nN he Gr. Secy. Saratoga Springs—Awmerican Kallway Master Car Bullders’ Assn. and American Railway fom Mechanics’ Assu. Con, June 22-24. J. W. Taylor, @7 Rookery Bldg., Chicago, 11) Saratoga Springe—American Raliway Accounting Officers’ Assn. Con. June 20. C. G. Phillips, 79 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill., Secy. Syracuse—Brotherhood of St. Andrew State Con. May 14, 15. Syracuse—ivistein Friesian Assn. of America June 2-3. F. L. Houghton, Putney, Vt. i he Catholic Slovak Union of AmerCon, May 16-23. A. V. Kozak, S02 N. Mato St, Wiikesbarre, Pa., Secy. NORTH CAROLINA, Asheville—Southern Nurserymen’s Assn, Con. Aug. —. J. ©. Hale, Washington, D. C., Asueville—North Carolina Bankers’ Assn. Con. June 14-16. C. N, Bvans, Ubarlotte, N. &., Asheville—Catholic Knights of America Con. May —. G. Rieter, Vincennes, lod., Secy. Greensboro—Republican State Con. May 13. . Khaleigu—osth Pret. Episcopal Diversan Con. June 8 Kev. J. B. li, Henderson, N. U., Secy. Raleigh—Royal Arch Masons Grand Chapter Con. June 14. J. ©. Munds, Wilmington. Se and a Masters Grand Counui Con. June 16. J. C. Munds, Wilmiagton. uaieigh—Kalgita Templar Gi Grand Cou. June 15. J. C. Munds, Wilming NORTH sanere. ae of Honor Gr. Lodge Con, May li. Mrs. K. Blewett, — N. D. Gatgo—wsene Chapter BK. iL. Juue ov. fargo—Grand Loige EK. T. a June 2%-2. a 4 ~~ Medical Society Con. May —. Cc. L. Brimi, M. D., Copeeneee, N. D., Secy a a Lodge ‘a. & A. M. Con. June J. Thompson, Ge. as mt -& R. A. M. Con. June 28. F. J. Thompson, Gr. Secy. OxIO. Akron—Christian Endeavor Con. June 23-26. Ashtabula—State Police and Home Guards of ra. . ~ Ubio Bocampmeni. June l4. Dr. W. Ely, Beaver Center, Pa., Gr. Secy. Cincinnati—Natl, Hardwood Lumbermen'’s Assn a May 19-20. C. D. Strede, 144 Mourve Chicago, IL., Secy. Gadheds Laat Brotherhood of Teamsters Con. Aug. 1. EB. L. Turley, 147 E. Market 3St., Indianapolis, Ind., Secy. Cincinnati—Natl. Lumber Mfrs.’ Assn. Con. Geo, K. Smith, Equitable Bldg., St. May —. Louis, Cincinnati—B. P. O. E. Nalt. Con. July 1921 inclusive. G. A. Reynolds, Saginaw, Micb., Secy. Clevesand—Sup. Home of the Home Guards of America. June 14-15. J. W. Evans, 402 8. Washington St.. Van Wert, O., Sup. Secy. Clevelana—Republican ne ~ A = _ May 4. Cleveland—Nath. Zionists Vieveland—Kaights of Fidelity Neue Con. May Cleveland—Ka bts of Pythias * F ae 14. W. Beat Gr. PLT ae Fraternal cil Con. June 7-9. F. L. Fuller, Elyr Sup. ‘Treas. Uleveiand—Seth Annual Obio Medical Assn. Con. May 18-20, tnclusive. Dr. Frank Winders, Leng and Lexington Ave Cleveland—Natl. Dancing Masters’ Assn. Con June —. E. B. Gaynor. Chicago, Ill... Secy Cleveland—Natl. = May 1 16-24. A. W. Stone. Cedar A Columbus—Konights ‘Honor Sup. Lodge Con Aug. —. N. M. Givan, St. Louis. Mo. Secy. Columbus—A merican Assn. PhysioMedical ae 8 sicilans and Surgeons Con. May 17-19. J. Morrison, M. D., Andergon, Ind., Secy. Dayton—Natl. Window Trimmers’ Assn. Con. Aug. (first week). Otto Rempke, Oskaloosa, Ia Dayton—Protecteu Home Circle Grand Circle Con. June 7. C. W. Kreig, 115 B. Reynolds St.. Canton, O.. Gr. Secy. of Ohio.. ". | Samilton—American Central Saengerbund, July Mansfield—O. U. A. M. State Council — WwW. Cc. _= 873 4th St. Marietta—American Flint Glass Workers’ Union Con. July 11. Martin's Ferry—Firemen’s Con. May 30-June 4. Put-in-Bay—State Teachers’ Assn. Con. June (last week). W. W. McIntyre. ——e June 1. C. C. Miller, 560 S. Lane bus, O., y. —. Reunion loith O<. V. L Sept. Springftield—State Post Office Clerks Assn. Con May 30. C. A. Kirk, Toledo , Secy. June 14-17. Tifio—G. A. R. State Encampment.” Toledo—Order of Red Cross Sup. Commandery Con. June —, S. H. Meeks, 295 The Naaby Yeoungstown—I. O. R. M. Gr, Lodge Con. May 17. Dr. M. S Clark. Youngstown—I. 0. © F. Grand Lodge Con May 17. C. H. Lyman, I, 0. O. F. Temple. Cotumbus, 0., Secy. Veneaocla—Weish Prestyterten Church Genera! Sept. —. Rev. Joshua T. Evans, 7. Zanesville—Ohio Billpostergs and Distributors’ ag Con. a. la. G. L. Chennell, ColumS. EB. Riblet, Galion, O., Treas: & L. MeClelian, Xenia, 0., Secy. OKLAHOMA, a oy @. A. R. Semone. May -. P. Straban, Perry, 0. T., A. A, OREGON, Astoria—I. 0. 0. F. Gr. Lodge Con. May 1S. pens ee a. Me. ee rtilan American ining Congress 5 ug. 2-27 I. Mabon, Secy. PENNSYLVANIA, . Allegheny—North American Saengerfest, June om, Allentown—Penn. Billposterg and Distributors’ Assn. Con. A, 26-27. ©. A, Yeck, Laneaster, Secy.; John D. Mishler. Reading, Pa... es.; J. H, Fasa, Mauch Chunk, Treas. ly udy. Scranton, Sec’y. Gettysbure—SAth State G. A. R. Encamp. June — OC. A. Syndam, Philadelphia, Adj Gen. Gettysburg—<Associated Health Authorities anc Sanitarians = May — H. H. Whitcome, Morristown, P Greenville United Pres, Chureh oe N. A. Gen. _ 25. ye . & Reid, 244 Saxtend? ‘Ave. tmebere. ay ae ag ‘Oo. a May 17-19, H, Fawney, N. B, Cor. Lansforu—Firemen’s Assn. on Rs 19-20. P. J. MeNalily, Catasauqua, McKeesport—Scandinavian lnvothnhesd of Amer Sup. se, Ces. Aug. —, Joba VU. Sohnberg, Bradford, Secy. Palladelpbla~Aiwerican Negro Natl Con. Aug. Philadelphia—Transfer poe Carting Companies’ Con. June 810. J. W. Taft, Jr., 100 N. Clinton St.. Chicago, Lll. See’y. Philadeiphia—Irop Moulders’ Union of N. A. Con. July —. E. J. Denny, 423 Walnut St.. cipeinnatl, O., Sec’y. Philadeipbhia—Order Sons of Temperance Natl. Division Con. June 22. B. K. Jewell, South ampton, N, H., Sec’y. Philadelphia—Nat'h Assn. of Nurses Con. May Pulladeipbla—Jewish Publication Society of America Con. May Phuaueiphia—United National Gold Dosteg Protective Union of America Con. Aug. 1. ° N. Batturs 316 Beckett St., Camden, N. J Philadelphia—Gen, Soc. of the ‘War of 1512 Con. June 19: H. R. Webb, 727 19th St., Wasbingten, LD. C., See’y. Pittsburg—Philatelic Sons of America Con. Aug. 9-12. G. Rhode, Box 1038, Secy. Piucsvurg,—diale Statiouary cugineers’ Assn. Con. June 3 RK, Pape, 5529 Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Sec’y P..tsburg—Natl. Stes.” Asan. Con. May 17-19 D. M. Perry, Indianapolis, Ind. Sec’y Pittsburg—Natl. N. A. Gymoast Union Gen. June Pocono Summit—Brotherbood of Sane and Philip Nat. Con. July 1-6. W. 830 Newington Ave., Baltimore, a Sec’y Reading—Shield of Honor Supreme Lodge 27t Aunual Con. June 7. W. T. Henry, Mfrs." Record Bldg.. Baltimore, Md.. Sec’y. Wilkesbarre—Blue Label League Cigarmaker’s State Con. May 16. J, De Bruyn, 978, N. Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. RHODE ISLAND. Frankfort—Woman's Rellef Corps State Con. = —. Mattie Kubling, 1036 Bank Locs Covington, Ky. ne Catholic Benev. Union Con Aug. -—-. J. E, Davis, Philadeipuia, Pa., Sec’y Providence—Y. P. Union of Universalist Borie’, Con. July 6-13. A. Hersey, 30 West St., Bos ton, Mass., Sec’y wegelbense—Dectety. of American Chemists Con. Ju _. Providence—State Medical Society Con. Junr } a Dr. 8. A. Welch, 253 Wasbiugton, St. Pz. SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston—Confederate Reunion, May 15. Newberry—State Federation of Women’s Clube Con. May —. Mrs. Andrew Moore, Columbia SOUTH DAKOTA. Big Stone—State G. A. BR and W. R. C, Con June and July. Canton—S. of V. State Encamp. June —. J B. Wolgamuth. Carthage, Adj. Pierre—S. D. Nat. Guard Encamp. June 14. Yankton—Order Eastern Star Grand COuapte June 1l. Mra, A. M. McCallister, Madison. Yankton—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge Con. Jum 14. A. Pettigrew, Flandreau, Sec’y. Yankton—K. T. Grand Commandery Con. June li. A. Pettigrew, Flandreau, Sec’y. TENNESSEE. Chattanoogo—United Commercial Travelers’ Gr. Counci. Con. May 13, 14. Hugo Esch, Jr., Memphis, Tern. Chattauvoga—wDegree of Honor Superior Lodge —. June 14. Mary A. Pratt, Coldwater, Chattanooga—Natl. Order of Select Knights Con Aug. —. G. K. Stapler, Buffalo. N. Y., Secy Chattanooge—Natl. Fire Patrol Supts. Aassp Con. Sept. —. J. J. Cashman, Jr., 155 dist St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Secy. Chattanooga—Southeastern 5 ey and Dis tributers’ Assn. Con. ey ~ J. Rowe Athens, Ga... Pree.: J. B P #5 Spar tanburg, 8. GQ; RB Kirkpatrick. 720 Temple Court, ‘Atlanta, Ga., Secy. Chattanooga—Brotherhood of Boilermakers -~ Iron Ship Bullders of America Con. J w. J ilthorpe, Portsmouth Bildg., Si City, Mo., Sec’y Chattanoogd—Kaignte Templar Gr, Commandery Con. May Barchus, Memphis, Tenn. 7 a 2 0. a Su p. Lodge Con. une 14. W. W. Sackett, Meadville, Pa. Chattanooga—Woodmen Circle Sup. Forest Con. May —. Mrs. E. B. <a ops 412 W. O. w. Bldg., Omaha, Neb., Chattanooga—International Fire Engineers’ Asn Con. Sept. 13-16. H. A. Hill, Wyoming, 0. Clarksvile—i, O. O. F. Grand Encampment of Tenn, May 25. J. R. Harwell, Nashville Gatesville—Annual Confederate Reunien. July 26-29. C, L. Bush, Vice-Pres; W. H. Johnson Knoxville—G, A. R. Dept. Encamp. W. W. French, Chattanooga, Asst. Adj. Gen. Lookout Mountain—Commercial La of America Con. July—. Nashville—B. Y. P. U. Interstate Con. May 12. Rev. L. O. Dawson, Tuscaloosa, Nashville—Democratic State Con. May 25. Nasbville—U. C, V. Reunion. Sept. 13-15. Maj. Genl. W. E. Mickle, New Orleans, La., Secy Nashville—Confederate Reunion. June 14-16 inclusive, Nash ville—Southern Saote Annual om. May 13. Rev. L. Burrows. D. D., Sec’y. TEXAS, Corsicana—Anctent Mystic Order P of Stete Con. May 13. W. B. Gilbert, 43, Waco, Tex. Corsicana—United Commercial Travelers’ Gr. Counct! Con. May 13, 14. W. P. Gilbert, Drawer 43, Waco, Tex. Dallas—City Marshals and Chiefs of Police of Texas 10th Annual Con. June —, M. T. Forest, 1704 MeGowen Ave., Houston, Sec’y. Fort Worth—State Mexican War Veterans’ Assn. Con. May 24. A. J. Neve, Columbus, Sec’y Galveston—Catholic Knights of America State Con. May — OD. F. Kelleher Anstin. Galveston—S5th Annual Meeting of the Council of the Protestant Episcopal Ohurch for the Diocese of Texas. Mav 18 R. M. Blgim, 1111 Franklin Ave Honston faer’y. Houston—State Pharmaceutical Assn, Con. May —. Geo. W. Morrell. Bonham—Confecerate Reunion. July 46 Iinclusive. Address, C. H, Jackson. Houston—Order ‘of Railway Clerks of aaa rawer Con. May 16. R. EB. Fisher, Suite 500, Hall Bldg., Kaneas City, Mo., Sec’y. UTAH. Salt ‘om oe League B. Y. P. U and = a BE. Con. June (filret week). Miss Mayete” Bybee care Walker Bros.’ Store, Sec Salt Lake City—United Commercial Tetenetase Con. June —. S. B. Buckles, Sec’y. Cowden St. Jobnstown--S. of V. State Con. June 14-16. J, Broad and Arch Sts., Philadelphia, Adj. VERMONT. Bellows Talk—I. 0. 0. F. Gr. Ene: M av. —e| nutneee~tunie er gy | gaat dery Con. June 14. H. Gr. Rec. we ee Martte Ewoskers? Assn. Con. July 18. H. Roberts, 273 Porter St., Detroit, Mich., Sec’y. VIRGINIA. Fortress ge To Arcanum a 7 Council Con. May 18. O. Kobson, 404 Shamut Ave., Boston, leaen Sec’y. Norfolk—State’ Street’ Railway & Electric Assn. oa May 15. BR, D. Apperson, Lynchburg, Old Point Sar at ag Arcanum Grand Councl. say 16. W. U. Robson, Boston, Mass. Old Point gy a a —. Pass. & Ticket Axts. Assn. A. J. Smith, cure L. 8. & x 3S. RB. 2 Seda iekimood Daughters of Liberty Gr. Council May gichnend-“Mational Stationary Engineers’ Assn. Con. Aug. 2. F. W. Raven, Chicago, LiL, Roanoke—United Commercial Travelers’ op Council Com. May 27-28. J. Fishburn, Box 103, Sec’y. WASHINGTON. Seattle—State Dental Assn. Con. May —. Dr. C, A. Custer, 2nd Ave. & Pike St. Spokane—hnights of Pythias Grand Lodge Con. May 17-19. Gus Meese. Spusane—Curistian budeavor of Washington & Northern Idabo Con. June facoma—i. O, OU. F. Grand Encampment. June 6. Louis F. Hart, Grand Scribe. WEST VIRG Martinsburg—2itn Annuai Council of P. B. Church in Diocese of W. Va. June 1. Rev. kK. D. Roller. Charleston. Sec’y. dorgantownp— West bes: ays > be Assn. Con. June 21-23. Mr. Chr. Sistersvile—Va. Natl. a. 5 en, June Wheeling—Republican State Con. July 12. WISCONSIN, Appleton—State League of Municipalities Con. 4 (last week.) S. KE. Sparling, Madison, is. \ppieton—German Veterans’ Society of Wis. Con. June 11-13, inclusive. sppleton—i. O. OU. F. Grand Lodge Con. June 7. R. Hoe, 408 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Secy. \pple.on—Kebekab State Assembly. June 7-9. Mrs. Sarab BE. Hutchison, Menominee, pox § Milwaukee—National Saengerfeet. July 28-. Slack Beaver a a Keserve Fund Fraternity Gr. Lodge Con. June 89. Robt. B. Werner, Mgr. tanesville—Myetie Workers of the World Sapreme ay e Con. June 7-9. E. Jackson, Fulton, Sec’y. Lake Mills—United Order of Foresters’ High Court Con. May 20. A. L. Hurd, New Lisbon. vadison—G. A. RK. State Encampwent. June 1516. F. A. Bird, Asst. Adj ladisou— Wisconsin Inter-Scholastic Athletic ety Con. lahr, Horicon, Uanitowoc—State Federation of German Ca Benevolent Societies. June —. P. A. Miller. “ilwaukee—lInternational Assn. of Railway Clerks’ Con. — — A. W. Anderson, 908 Unity Bldg., C IL, Seey. \Milwaukee—National Seenguetent, July —. \lilwaukee—Western Drawing Teachers’ Con. May 10-13. Miss D. Chamberla ginaw, Milwaukee—State Master Barbers’ Assn. Con. M a user, Jr. ay —. L. Holzha % ; {ilwaukee—Improved Order of ee Supreme Conclave. June —. &. Tattersall, Relt'more Wd. See’y. Milwaukee—Natl. —— Dealers’ Assn. Con. June 22-24. Geo. Stebbing, 98 Board cf Trade, Chicago, in” Milwaukee—American Opticians’ ny Con. Aug. 1-4. E. L. Jones, illwaukee—State Medical Society "Con. June zs-24. wr. C. W. Sheldon, Sec’y. Milwaukee—International Lenguhensanen, Marine and Transport Workers’ Assn, Con. July 1116. H. ©. Barter, 407 Elks’ Temple, Detroit, Secy. \iilwaukee—International Theatrical Stage Employes’ Assn. Con. July 11. L. M. Hart, 126 vrasbington St., Chicago, Lll., Sec’y Milwaukee—Knighbts = Pythias a Lodge Con. June 21. U. 8. Burns, Box 1193. Sec’y. Portage—l7th Annual State Firemen’s Assn. Con. June 15-17, inclusive. Fred H. Henry. Wausau—Eagles’ Gon. June 17-19. Prom yg Casper—Fourth Industrial Assn. Con. Oct. 20-22. ot. a Contant, Cheyenne, Sec’y. ae eT oy Templar Sovereign Great Priory of Canada Con. Aug —. Wm. Whyte, resin, $: SSSI asanlae ot Tomer erictoa, » —Roya Council Con. Aug. Rev. . Ow Aug. 10, J, Frazee, Halifax, N. 8. Grand vorke~aights ot Pythias Grand Pa, P May 1 B. Pferdner, Victoria, Hanilitos—Canadian Asen. Con. June C. H,. Mortimer, Toronto, Sec’y. Hopeweli Cape, N. B—I. 0. @. T. Gr. one Cum, PTs, A. ©, Lawson, Chipman, Milton, Ont.—-Firemens’ Assn. Con, Aug. 2-4 rms’ tnelusive. W. J. ada Con. Aug. 14. w. astey, S805 Ottawa—international Plate Printers’ Uae = America Con. June T. Roy St., Dorchester, , mh, See’y. Torcnto, Ont.—I. 0.'0. ¥." Gr. Encampmeat, Aug. 9. M. D. Dawson, London, Ont., Gr. cr ° 14. T. White, Brantford, Sec’y. Toronto—Friends’ Biennial Conf. Aug. 12-19. Toronto—National Expressmen's Mutual Benefit ssn. Con. July —. ©. M. Nixon, 65 Broad way. N. Y., See’y. Toronto—North America St. George Union Con. Aug. — W. 23 Scott St.. See’y. Toronto—International Jewelry Workers’ Union Con. Inly — HH. O. J. Taylor Newark. N. J. Yarmouth, N. S—I. 0. F. H Court Con. June 21. E. I. Hiseler, Secy., ‘ax, N. 8. EXPOSITIONS. Altamont, N. Y.—12th an Aug. 28-26. inclusive. Fred ar., — ay 0 ey