The Billboard 1904-09-24: Vol 16 Iss 39 (1904-09-24)

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The Billboard 23 ft. Louls—Astronomical and “ea oa 1 eet ty of America Con. Dec, 80. Geo, Comstock, care University of Wisconsin, ‘tad. feon, Wis. st. Louls—P. A. of America Con, Oct. 3-8, inclusive. St Louls—Mo, Natl, Guards’ Encampment. Oct. 5-13, inclusive, Mr. Clark, Brigadier sen, =a MONTANA. ficlena—Order Eastern Star Gr. Chapter Con. Oet. 6 Mrs. Elva Boardman, 917 W. Quartz St., Butte, Mont, NEW JERSEY. Atlantic City-—-Ameriecan Hardware Mfrs. Assn, Con. Nov. 1618. F. D, Mitehell, Philadelyhia, Pa. caméee Local Preachers of M. E. Chureh in America Con, Oct. 14. Rev. G. B, Jones, 170 Snyder Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. New Brunswick ~Netl, Print Cutters’ Assn. of America Con. E. Dix, 1934 Moore 8t., *hiladelphia, Pa. Paviaceiy"’ “NEW YORK. Academy of Science Washington, Rathbone Sisters Gr. Temple Con H. S. Campbell, 135 Barrett OHIO. om 4 Tool Builders’ Assn. City—Nat}. Ne York > . Arfiold Hague, Con Nov. 15. kh chenec otady Oct. 4-5. Mrs. St. Cincinnati—Natl. Con. Nov. —. EF, Montanus, Springfield, Ohio. Cleveland—Tan Beta Pi Fraternity Con. Nov. 28 OREGON. Seaside—Rathbone Sisters Gr. Temple Con. Oct. 11, Mabel N, Chastain, Weston, Ore. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia—Retail Cigar & Tobacco Dealers’ Assn. Con. Oct. 17Philadelphia w. & & vU. Nat'l. Con. Nov. 29-Dec. 4. Mrs, Susanna Fry, Rest Cottage, Evanston, Ill. Newport—Reunion East Tenn, Veterans Assn Con, Sept. 2. C. F. Beyer. TEXAS. Epworth League Ger. Mission (South) -— R. E. Rector, 805 Vir Conf. Oct. 28. Rev ginia Ave.. San Antonio, Tex. E Fl Paso—Nat’l, Irrigation Congress Con. Nov. 15-18. VERMONT. Rutland—King’s Daughters State Con. Sept. 28-29. WASHINGTON, Bellingham—State Grocers’ Assn. Con. Sept. 27-29. WISCONSIN, Mukwongo—Song of Temperance Gr, Division Con, Oct, 18-19. W. G. Kewes. WYOMING. New Castle—Knights of Pythias Gr. Lodge Con. Sept. 28. W. Shornmaker, CANADA. Toronto. Ont., Canada—World’s Women's Christlan Assn. Con. Oct. 2. | CONVENTIONS. Reunions, Conclaves, Assemblies ‘This list te revised and corrected weekly. —_-_-— ALABAMA, “io ee City—State Police Chiefs’ Association. Mosigomerg—State Coloreé Baptiste Con. Nov R. B. Hudson, Selma, Ala. New Decatur—Fourth Annual Con. of Gr. Ohapter of Ala. Order Eastern Star. Nov. 8. W. M. Cunningham, Corona, Ala., Gr. b Little Bap Asen. Con. Nov. FP. Love, 201% W. 24 8&t. Pine Bett ‘0. 0. F. of ark. Gr. Con Oct. 25-27, AA E. Jno. P. Paul, lphur “e. Ark., Gr. yPine f&—Rebekeah State Assembly. Oct. 3& 7 ~ eee meld, 115 Pike Ave., Little Rocz, ARISONA. Phocalz—I. 0. @. T. Ge. Lodge Con. Oct. 19. A. P. Wolbridge, Box 308. Berkeley—Kappa Gamma (Fraternity Con. Sept. —. Mary D. Griffith, Philadelphia, Pa. Los Angeles—Letter Carriers’ State Con. Sept. Petslame—ts 0. F. 4r. Con. Oct. 11. Creamery Operatives’ 0. 0. F. Nat*l En 19%. William A. San Francisco. mn Feceration of Laber 423 G. Bt... N. WwW San "Prancisco—State Assn Con, Sept. —, San Francieco—M. I. campment. Sept. 19-24, Davis, 121 Geary St., Bau Francisco—America! Con. Nov. 14. F. Washington, D. 0 San Francisco—i. 0. Sovereign Grand lodge Con, Sept. 10.9, *. Fr. Grant, 3 UN.” Liberty St., Baltimore, M4. Colorado Springs—State Blectric Light, oo & Ratlway Assen. Gon. Sept. 21-23. Geo. B. Tr Pp. do Springe—W. ©. T. U. State Con. Sept. iy Mra, A. P. Crowley, Colorado ings, Deaver— Regal Arch Masons Gr. Qhapter. Con. , FR eroenom, State Convention. Sept. ~ eee Photo Buttons, 8st. Loule Button Co. CONNECTICUT. Bridgeport—Sone of Temperance State Annus! Con. Oct. 38. Wm. ©. Uickinsom, 823 Snerman Ave., New Haven, Cona., Gr. Scribe, Bridgeport—I. 0. O. F. ‘Gr. Encampment. Oet. . Fred K. Botsford, New Haven, UCons., Scribe. East Hartford—State Sept. 21 and 22. Conn. Firemen's Assn. Con. Jobn 8. Jones, Westport Fairbham—Natl. Unitarian Sanday School Gocie ty Con, Ol, — Hartford—Table Knife Grinders’ Natl. Unien Con. Sept. —. John Prokp, Washington Piace, Northam ton, Conn, Hartford—Northwestern Dental — Coa. 18. . Edger O. Kinsman, 15 Brattle ya Cambridge, Mass. New London--State Federation Oet. 11. P. of Laber Osa. B. Conelley, 168 Maia &t., Das v. une, is tae St., New Britain, ’ New Londos— Gen'l. Cenf. of Oongregational Churches of Conn. Nov. 15. Bev. Joel 8. Ives, Memorlal Hall, Hartford, Cons. Noank—Jr. 0. U. A. M. State Council Oss Sept. 27. H. N. Marvin, 88 Gibbs Bt., New Haven, Conn. Waterbury—Aa. 0. U. ba *~ 20. James A. Knex, P. Ledge Con. Oct . Drawer 41, New Havea, Cona, Willimantic—L'Union St. Jean Baptiste 4d’Amerique Con. Sept. 23. J. ad Caron, University 7" w Woonsocket, EB. I. W Ulaméntie—Knighte Pythias Gr. Lodge Con. Oct. 18%. J. °. @herwood, Stamford Ocena, OUBA. Haveana—American Public Health Asem. Oon. .—. Dr. Carls J. Finley, Pres. DELAWARE. a? wo} of Pythias Gr — On” 20. Mark L. Garrett, 708 King 8t. . wh po Del., K. of B. and &. Wilmington—Il. O. O. F. Grand Encampment Nov. 15. J. H. Appleby, P. O. Box 285. Gr. Scribe. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington—Atlantic Coast Master Plamber* Association. Sept. 1904. John E. Rose, Richmond, Va. a Washington—Naval Order of the U. 8. Cos Oct. 5. 8. Hubbard, 82 Broadway, New York City. Washingtoun—College of the Ancients of Th Continent of America Con. Oct. 20. Louis E Stilz, 155 N. 4th St Philadelphia, Pa. Wasbington—A. and it. UO. Anigobts of Malts Sup. Gr. Commandery Con. Oct, 18-20, Frans Gray, N. EB, Cor. Broad and Arch Sts., Phil adelphia, Pa., Sup. Ree. Washington—Knighta ef the Gelden Eagle Sup Castle Com. Oct. 11. A. C. Lyttle, 814-816 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa., 8. M. of B ircle Brotherhood’ Unies Log Circle Cen. Oct. 17-19. H. B. Valter, 2147 York St., Philadelphia, Pa., kK Washington—United Boys Natl. Com. Oct. 7-9 Rev. Wm. 313 MeGih Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Washingten—American Gas Light Assn, Cos Oct. 19-21. Alfred B. Forstall, 58 Willise Tampa—Elks’ State Beunion, Nov. 14-36. Tampa—Knights of Pythias of Four States Conclave. Wov. 14-26. Tampa—Confederate Veterans Beunon. Nev 14-26. Tampa—Odd@ Fellows’ State Con. Nov. 14-26. Tampa—Eagles’ Nov. 14-16. @m0RGIA. Atlanta—Nat’l Com. S A. EB. Fraternity Con Dee. —. maz. Nampa—lI. 0. 0. F. @r. Ledge Com Oct. 18 D. L. Ba Iéahe. Myers, Boise. es See Idaho I. 0. 0 *. Get. 17. D. L. Badley, Beise, Idaho, \crora—State Federation of Labor Con. 11. J. F. Morris, Marine Bank Bldg., ™ Chicago—Pelish Catholic Soctettes. Oct. = Chleago—Americam Directory Dblishers Sept. — W. H. Bates, obra Ave., New Yerk City. Chicago—Stationers’ om. Oct. — Chieago—Genl. Assn. of Teachers’ of Christian Science Con. Oct. Chicago—Railway Supte. ef Bridges and Bafié Ings’ Assn, Con. Oct. 18-20. 8. F. Patter son, Boston and Maine R. R., Concord, N. 8. Fast St. Louie—Intern’l. Metal Leathere’ Union. . Letbig, 182 Abbey 8t.. Cleveland, oO. Rast St. Loule—Lesene of American Manietpal! tles. Oct. 4-6, 1904. John Mae Vicar, Der Meines, Ia. Fast St. opt. 15TH. at tag Veterans’ Assn Con. Murdock, Ft Worth, Galeaburg— Tt tary Tract Medical Society Oct. 194 o. . Se Ly ag Tm. Peorla—Kaights of Pythiae Gr. Lodge Coen. Oct 12. O. Z. Heusley, Btoatagton, nt. Quincy—Natl. Prison Assa. Rev. Dr. Milligan, Allegheny, Pa., eee Quiney—Nat'l. Prison Ohapiatas’ Assn. Con Oct. — Rev. D. Starr, D. D., Columbes. Springfield—State Order Anti-Horse Thief Aesn Con. Oct, 18 Henry P. Caldwell, 126 Wasb tngton &t.. Chicago. IT. Springfield—State Beekeepers’ Assn. (oa. Nov. 18 and 1@. Jas, A. SpringfielAd—I. O. O. F. Gr. campment Nov. 14. Geary ©. Feltman, .Mm. Gr. Scribe. Springfleld—Nat!, Rretherhood of Coal Hoist ing Engineers’ Con. Sept. —. EB. Jenkins Danville, tl. INDIAN TERRITORY. fold—t. Oo. O. F. Gr. Encampment. Oct. a. W. Bre thrie, Okla.. Gr, Scribe. A@vertis’¢ Buttons, St. Louls Button Ce didates. . Headquarters for Campaign Goods Largest and most complete line in the count ry; will deliver in 48 hours after conventions select their canBUTTONS, BADGES, PHOTOS, SGUUENIRS different Novelties for Summer Resorts. Fairs, Carnivais, Celebrations, etc., etc SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE. W. F, MILLER, Manufacturer and importer. 134-136-138 Park Row, NEW YORK, N.Y Get your name and permanent address on our matin list. We will send you our Street Fair and Carniva Catalog No. 505. THE UNITED STATES FLAG CO. Dept. K. 2243 Gilbert Ave., CINCINNATI, 0 OFDiaya, ee Federatien of Women’s Clubs Oct. — Mra. BR. L. O'Hara, Grees & Ind... Frank fort—Koyal Order of Moose Sup. Lodge. me —, 1004. George W. Bird, Frankfort. indiaszapolis—National w < of Republican Clubs. Oct. 5-6, 1904. C. W. McGinn, Great Northern Hotel, Chicago, mL indiana polis—National Life Underwriters’ Asso. ciation. Oct. 12-13, 1904. D. M. Baker, Degree of Pocahontas, Imp’é. Or der of Red Men's Grt. Counct] Com. Oct. BO. indiauapulie—i. Vv. Vv. FL Gt. Png Com. Nev. 16-17. W. BH. —— ¢ indiana pelie—-German-american Alliance Nati Con. . ©. J. Hexamer, Mar esball and Spring-sts.. Philaceiphis, Pa. Logansport—Nationai Hersee Thief Detective Association. Oct. 8-4, 1904. New Oastie—Jr. O. U. A. M. State Council Con. Oct. 25-26. Stepben Ingram. gooth 4 Bend—State a Leagte Com Nov. &11. imciusive. Geo. . terre Ha te eamesian” et Laber Con. Sept. 2, inclusive. J. W. Peters, 807 Iowa. town, Ia. Con. 13-20. Rev, Anderson, 410 Con Grinneil—American Board of Comm'rs. for Foreign Missions. Oct. 11-13, 1904. Rev. E, E. Strong, 14 Bacon St., Ro Mass. drinnell—American Board Foreign Missions Con. Oct. 813, Rev. Fi A. Stinson, D. D., a wa8 Bec. Secy.; Bev. Jud eon th, . Cor. iowa City—Kings Deaghtere State Con. Oct _ lela ©. W iington, la. Marshainbewn—B. Y. P . Btate Con. 2%. Bev. BR B. Jemes, Dd. Mason Oity—Gr. <=> SS = «>. oe ow uw Bb Tita, P. B« 11M, Dee Motnes, Malvern—Old Settlers’ Asan. of Pettawattamie Mills ané Fremont Ces. Con. Sept. —. Henry 4d ‘luacatine—State German American Editorial Assoelation, Sept. 23-25, 1904. Henry Hines. Vaterloo—State National Insurance Assn. (on. _ Nev. 15-17, inclusive. J. A. Swallow, Shen oma a. , @r. Seey Kaweas. Dodge City—G. A. B, Beunien. Sept. —. J. A. Arment. Gutchinsen—State Baptist Agmm. Con. Oct. 11 17. Addrees Rev. 7 — \ola—State Anti-Horse Thief Oct. 19-21, inclusive. @. J. Mevarty, Valede, | 8altimore—Gr. Kea., State Secy. a Firemen’s Assn. Con. Sept. Parsone—Old Settlers’ Reunion. Sept. 20-22, inclusive. W. T. Andersen, Glenwood Park. Parsons, Kan., Secy. tt. Ss “anti-dlorse Thief Asm. Con Oct. 5. Culbertson, Merling, Kan. erevepert a, * U. W. State Con. Oct. 11 Geo. J. Martin, 1725 Berlin St., “ae Orleans, La. Topeka—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. 15 and i6. Mary EB. Mays, Columbus, Kan. Cc. T. U. State Con. Sept. 27¥ \shland—Rebekah State Assembly. Sept. —. 196. Mrs. Certene Graham. Loulsville, Ky. exington—Colored Physicians. Surgeoms. Dentists and Pharmacists’ Nations! Asseetstion Oct. 11-13, 1994 Dr. J. W. Norrel, 1111 E. Teckeon St. Monefe Ind Leringten—<Anneal State Firemens’ Asse. Con. Oct. 16. Loutsville—Iotecnatienal Jeurneyman Barbers’ Union. Oct. 4, 1904. Jobn Young. 412 W Walnut St. Louteville—F. and A, Lodge Con. Oct. -. * &. S. Grant, <i W. Green 6t., Gr. Secy. Loulsville—State Liquor Dealers’ Assan. Con. Sept. — 4H. O. Lauren, 407 EB. Jefferson ! BALLOONS AND CARNIVAL GOODS All Fresh Stock, OUR GAS BALLOONS are made of the best French rubber in three colors, red, bine and green that iaflate full size, warranted 4 piece rubber, No. Per Gross a60. Assorted colors............ $3 75 1. White rattan switches 35 @. Fancy covered whips_. 1 50 WHISTLING BALLOONS. ‘ ag ‘ 80. Flying Serpents... 35. Dying | | 4 We also carry full lines of Walking Canes, Chea Jewelry, Pocket Knives, Pio. out Pr zes, Return Balls, etc. and make up selected lots for $5, $10, $20 and up. We are Headquarters for | SOUVENIR AND CAMPAIGN GOODS During 1994 we will carry a complete line of Fancy Sovenir Goods and Novelties for World’s Fairsales ; alsoacomplete line of Campaign Goods Buttons, Badges, Novelties,cte Don’t fail to = Catalogues mail and see us when in the city. on application. COE, YONGE & CO., 6th and St. Charles St. St. Louls — afaisville—Gr. Chapter of Ky. BR. A. M, Com Ort. 18. A. B. Grant, 411 W. Green &t., Gr. Secy. adisvilie—Gr. Council ef Ky. RB. and 8, M. Con, Uct. 17. H. B. Grant, 411 W. Gree St., . Recorder. ouisville— Masonic Veterans of Ky. Com, Oct. is. J. A. -. Newport—Catbolic Knights of America State Con. Sept. —, 1904. Murty Shay, Newport, Ky. Paducah—International Union Shipwright’s, Joiners and Caulkers of America, Oct. 3, 1904. MAINE, =e Y 0. O. F. Gr. Encampment. Cet. 18. Stene, Portiand, Me., Gr. Scribe. B. hoe —State Federation of Women’s Clubs Con. Sept. 21-23. Mrs. E. Don Anmnstrong, 29 Frye 8t.. Lewiston, » Oakland—Kennedee Baptis: Asen. Sept. —. Rev. F. G. Davis, So. ee Woek, Me. Portland—Knights of Temperance Sup. Con. andery Oct. 19. Mrs. Emily F. Peres, 106 yo St. Baltimore—Gr. Ledge A. F. and A. M. Con. Nov. 17. Jacob H. Mediary. Templars Gr. Commandery Jac. H. Miller, Gr. Recorder. Chapter Royal Arch Masons’ Baltimore—Knight Con. Nov. 24. Con. Nov. 18. Jno. H. Miller, Gr. Secy. esternport—Migh Tent independent Order of Nat'l. om Oct. 4 James HF. Reehe dice Dony, Station HA. Washington, D. ©. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston—Iuternat’! Peace Congress Con. Oct. 87. Benj. F. Truebd Bestee—Nat'l. 2G @pimecrs & Gamuel Ress, New Bedford. Mass. Boston—American Flag Protectors’ Association. Oct. 4, 1904. A. Bedford, 104 Hanover 8t., Boston—Protestant Epis. Church Woman's Auxitary. Oct. 6-10, 1901. Boston—Natieaal Cotton Spinners’ Asseciation ll, 1904. Oct. Temperance Legion State Coa bw — Mrs. Helen G. Hice, 19 Bainbridge Pr Episeopal Church in the U. 8. Con. Oct. 5-25. Rev. 0. L. Hutchins, Concerd, Mass. Bestee—Natl. Assn. of Woolen and Warsted Overseers Com Nov. 19. W. Pickferd, Leominster, Maas. Cambeidge— American Ormitholegists’ Union Con. Nev. 2-Dec. i. Jehan M. Sage, Portland, Coan. Fall River—Pollce State ~som in James M. Kearney, Cambridge. Gloucester—State ae om Sept. 28-29. inelusive. Arthur W. Rebdinson, Tremont Temple, Boston. Mass. Holyoke—New England Water Works’ Association. Sept. 1904. Willard Kent, 715 Tremont Temple, Bosten, Masa Lowell—Internatl. United Tegtile Workers? St. Louis Button Co. Oseven@n Buti’ns, St. Louis Button Ce.