The Billboard 1904-10-29: Vol 16 Iss 44 (1904-10-29)

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The Billboard SE Correspondence. Princeton —Btate pamnental Society Con. (Continued from page 11.) WSCONSIN. MIL W AUKEE.—Davidson. Who's Brown? 16, drew good house; good company, Neat: The Royal Chef. Bijou.— Rowe Melville in Sis Hopkins, drew a crowded house, 16, and giwre than pleased. Her support is good. Next: For His Brother's Crime. Stur.—The Trans-Atlantics opened bere 16, to the usual crowded boeuse. The chorus is « large and capable ove. The ollo includes such well-known people as Tsuda. Adele Purvis Onri, Geo. EB, Marphy avd Nat Brown, the Warsaw Pros. and Rita Bedmond. Next: Kentucky Belles. Alhambra.—To Die at Dawn opened 16. to crowded house. Mise Elsie Crescy is the star. Queen of the Highway, next. JANESVILLE.—Myers Grand Opera House (P. L. Myers, mgr.) Wililams and Walker, 14, in Dahomey, to big business and plessed immensely. Thomas Jefferson in Rip Van Wingle, 15, good sbow to big business. Who's Brown? 21; Royal Chef, 24. Manager Myers bas been in Chicago the past week. ASHLAND.—Grand Opera House (W. T. Seeger, wer.) irish Pawnbrokers. 17: Thos. Jefferson, 20; Ole Olson, 25; Her First False Step. 26; Princess Chic, 30; Quincy Adams Sawyer, 31. MERRILL.—Padcer Opera House (W. 8. Roberts, loc. mgr.)--Earl Doty co. in The World, 14, fair performance to fair business Clara Thropp in A Dolls House, 21; A Modern Viking CANADA. TORONTO.—Princess (0. B. Sheppard. mer —A Chinese Honeymoon, 13-15. to big ‘o-ences. The company ig superior to the previvur one. Lillon Reed as Fife scored strongly Fred Heck is a splendid comedian and bisrong, Lopical, received several encores. Coming: Blanche Waleb. Grand (A. J. Small, mgr.)—The evergreen Joseph Murphy in bis time tried favoriteShaun Rhue and Kerry Gow drew the asua: large audiences of people, who only visit the theatres when Joseph comes to tuwn, Neat Stella Mayhew. Massey Hall (S. Honshon, mgr.)—The famous band of the Grenadier Guards, under the direction of Albert Williams. drew l!amens audiences twice Sanday. The wuiversal ver dict is that it is the Gnest military band ever heard here. They will appear again, 17-18. Shea's (J. Shea. mgr.)—Hassan Ben Alis Toosoonin Arabs created a sensation, week 10. Such remarkable tombling has cever been seen here. Mabel McKiuley., Mary Hompton and co with others, formed a pleasing bill. Big busiDess. Majestle (A. J. Small. prop.)—Bert Leslic and Robert Dailey are two clever fun-makeis and aided by an excellent company of vocalists dancers. pretty girls by the score, Make thinglively for the large audiences with their skit Paris by Night, 10-15. Coming: The Way of the Tranagressor. Star (F. W. Stair, mgr.)—Weber’s Dainty Duchess co. were up to the standard and sv were the audiences during the week, Charles Robinson, Gray and Graham. Bessie Cliffora. James and Sedle Leonard, and the Enugetrom Sisters were favorites. Next: New York Stars. J. A. Gimson. BER@IN, ONT.—Opera House (Frank Ford. mgr.)—A Royal Prisoner, 7. te only fair house. The Real Widow Brown, 11: good company. tw capacity business. The Gamekeeper, 13, to 3g ee good company. Way Down st, 20. WINNIPEG, MANN.—Winnipeg Theatre (C. P. Walker mgr.)—UVark last week. Next: Florence Gale in As You Like It, 18-20. CONVENTIONS. The following dates have bees contributed since the publication of the last issue. ALABAMA, Birmingham.—Nat'l. Railway Commissione:* Assen. Con. Nov. 15-17. E. A. Moseley, 1113 14th St.. N. W.. Washington. D. C. Mobile.—State Federation of Women’s Ctlut Con. Nov. . ae ar | Arch Masons’ Grand Chap Dec. Geo. A. Beauchamp. ter Con, eansenma. Los Angelese—State Mother's Nov. 17. W. W. Murphy. COLORADO. Congress Con Boulder—Y. M. C. A, State Con. Dec. &11. G. S. Bilhetmer. Rox 35. Denver, Col. Denver—State Horticultural Con. Nov, —. M. A. Shute, State Capitol. Denver—American Cattle Growers’ Assn, Con Jan. —, 1005. H. W. Robinson, 209 Boston Bidg. Denver—National Live Stock Assen. Con. Jan. 10-18. C. F. Martin. CONNECTICUT. Farrington—Bricklayers Masons and Plasterers’ State Con. Nov. 2. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington—American Forestry Assn. Jan, 8-7, 1905. H. M. Suter, Atlantic Bide. ILLINOIS. Bloomington—State Horticultural foctety Con. Dec, 14-16. L. R. Bryant. Princeton. Champaltgn—RBricklayers and Masons’ State Con Nov. 16-17. John B Mattingly @°3 FE. Clark Chicaro—Interetate Indenendent Telephone Association Con. Dee, 13-15. E. M, Coleman, Loutevilie, Ky, Chieago—Stete Lumber Dealers’ Aasn. Con. Feb. —. 1905. Geo. W. Hotchkiss, 333 Manhattan Ridg., secy and treas, Bvanston—State Teachers’ Assn, Con. Oct. 28-29 Dee. Springield—Rebehab State Assembly. Mary Miller. Indlanapolis—Rebekar State Assembly. Nov. S11. Mrs. Millie Lindsay, Kokomo, Ind, IOWA. Nov. — Des Moines—State Anti-Saloon League Con. Dee. —. L N. McCasb, 418 lowa Loan and Trust Bldg. = oe Molnes—State Traveling Men’s Assn. Con. (skaloowa—Epworth League State Con. Nov. 17 Sioux Chty—State Charities and Correction Con ference. Nov. O1-l. John Beardsley, Des Moines, Ia. XANBAS. Parsons—State Special Teachers ee Con. Nov. 25-26. C. 3. Olson, Fopris—Gtate Horticultural Suciety » Ou: Dec. Geo. W. Martin. Ww mete Rensten Scottish Rite Masons. Valley of Wichita. Nov. —. E. E. Bleckley. SXENTUCKY. Lexington—State Woman Equal Rights Assn. Con. Nov, 17-18. LOUISIANA. Lafayette, La.—State Public School Teachers’ Assn. Con. Dec. — WN Bauer, 610 Camp S8t.. New Orleans, New Orleans—National Commission Merchants’ League Con. Jan. —, 1006. A. Warren Patch, Boston, Mass. MAINE. \uburn—State Woman Sufforage Assn. Con ‘ov 1-2. Mrs. Lacy Hobert Day, Portland. Me. Bongor—State Ornithological Societr Con. Nov 25-26. Willlam L. Parvers. Gardiner, Me. «Whton—Patroos of Husb.ndry State Grang: Con. Dee. 20-22. inclusive. E. H. Libb; Auburn. Me. Portiand—State Commercial Travelers’ Assu Con. Dec. —. Arthur Crale. ortland—State Detective Assn. Con. Dec 7. Chas. A. Maxwell. 8 Cedar St. MARYLAND. Saltimore—State Woman Sufferage Assn, Con Nov. 1. Emma Maddox. lvl N. Fulton 31 ollege Park—Maryland State Horticultura) So elety Con. Dec. 28-29. 8S. Norton. MASSACHUSSETTS. Boston—State Teachers’ Assn. Con. Nov. 25= A. B. Kimball, Hieh School, Springfiela as8. heston—Royal Arch Masons Grand Chapter Con. bee. 138. J. Gilman Waite. Masonic Tempk oston—Zeta Psi College Fraternity Con. Jan. = 1905. Chas. H. Darling, Tufts Collese ass laverbill—State Barbers’ Assn. Nov. 6. New Bedford—Portuguese Fraternity of th: Ct. S&S Jan. — 1965. R. C. Viefra. Springfleld—State Charities and Conference. Nov. 1618. Joseph Lee. MICHIGA:. Detroit—Royal and Select Masters’ Gr. Counel) Con. Jan. 16-17. 1905. Chas. A. Conover Coldwater, Mich. Gr. Rec. lonia—State Municipal League Con. Feb. —. 165. John A. Fairlie, Ann Arbor, Mich. secy and treas. MINNESOTA. Minneapolis—International Hod Carriers and Bullding Laborers’ Union of America Con. Jan. 9, 1905. H. A. Stunbuargh, 423 Waverl) St.. Waverly. N. Y. St. Paul—State Butter and Cheesemakers’ — Con. Dec. 1-2. ©. 1. Cole, Rockford MISSOURI. Brookfield—Grand River Medical SocletCon. Dee. 1. Dr. Tinsley Brown, Hamilton, Mo. Marshall—Y. M. C. A. State Con. Nov. —. St. Louls—Secretaries of the States and Ter ritorles of the U. 8. yo Oct 28. St. Louls—Inter-State Milk Producers’ Protective Assn. Nov. 28. D. IL. Farbeck. pres... St. Louis—Lumber Exporters’ National Assn. Con. Jan. 26 1905. Elliott Lang. 27 So. Exp. Bigds., Memphis, Tenn, MONTANA. Helena—State Educational Assn. Con. Dec. 28-30. W. W. Welch. NEBRASEA. Omaha.—Neb. Hardware Dealers’ Assn. Con. Feb. —,. 1905. H_ I. Hall, Lincoln. Neb. Omahe—Neb State Teachers’ Assen. Con. Dee 28-30, Inclusive. A. O. Thomas, Kearney Neb. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Manchester—Freedmen’s Ald and Sonthern Edgee Society of the M. EB. Charch Con. Nov. —. NEW JERSEY. Long Branch—Knigehts of Pythias Grand Lodge (Col.) Con. Nov. 15. J. H. Mason. 30 Angusta St.. Newark, N. J. Newark—Luther League State Con. Nov. —. Miss Elsie Schulz. Jersey City, N. J. NEW YORK. New York a Institute of Electrical Engineers. 28. New York pl a of olonte! Wars of N. Y¥. Con. Dec. 19. Arthur S Welcott, 45 Williams St. New York Citr—Amertcan Institute of Socta’ Setence. Jan, 11, 1905. W. H. Talman, 287 4th Ave. Ogdensbure—Patrone of Husbandry State Grange Con. Beginning Feb. 7 1905. W. N. Giles, Skaneateles. N. Y. NORTH CAROLINA. Greensboro—Rehbekah State Assemb'y Nov. —. Mrs. W. J. Brauner. Waynesville, N. C. ONTO. Ctnetnnati—National Asean. of Retall Grocers’ Con. Jan, 24-25, 1905. Fred Mason, St. Peul Minn, Columbus—Fifteenth Annual Gr. Chapter of Ohto Order Eastern Star Con. 26-27. Mre. Ella B. Shearer, Marysville. 0., @r. i, — ==> PENNSYLVANIA, Erie—Patrons of Husbandry State Grange Con. Dec. 13-16. W. F. Hill. Mont Alto. Pa. Vhiladelpula—state Woman Suffrage Assn. Con. Nov. 4. RHODE ISLAND. Natick—Krug’s Daughters State Con. Nov. 17. Mrs. George H. Corey. Fiskerville, R. 1. Providence—Modern Language Assn, of Amerlea Con. Dec. 28-80, inclusive. og Me. H. Grandgent, lu? Walker St., Cambridge, Mass NORTH CAROLINA. Charleston—Women’s Christian Temp. Workers’ State Con. Uct. 27-30, SOUTH DAKOTA. Mitehell—Y. W. C. A. State Con. Nov. —. Deadwuod—State tlonal Assn. Cou. Dee 27-20, inclusive. Miss Helen Bennett, Cor. TENNESSEE. Memphis—Rebekah State Assembly. Nov. —. Mrs. Morgan Ketchum. Memphis—Tri-State Medical Society Con. Nov 15-17. Dr. McKinney, Lyceum Bldg. | -y* Osteopathic Society. Nov. —. Dr. A. Lutfield. TEXAS. Dallas—Southwestern Saddle and Harness Assn. Nat'l. Con. Jan. —, 1005. D. 8. Kaufman. Abilene, Tex. Salt Lake ap 0. O. F. Grand Encampment. A 15. A. F. McCanne, er. County Tres. _ Arch Masons’ Grand Chapter Con. Dec, 6-8. VERMONT. Springfield—Y. _* 8. C. EB. State Con. Oct. 25= Helen L. Graves, St. Johnsburg Center. VIRGINIA, Lynchburg—National Tobacco Growers’ Con. Nov. 10-11. Portsmouth—Y. M. C. A. of U. 8. (Col.) Con Nov. 24-27. J. E. Mooreland, 1982 Eleventh St., Washington, D. C. Kiehmond—Reyal Arch Masons’ Grand Chapter Con. Nov. 88. James B, Blanks, Peters burg, Va. WASHINGTON. Seattle—Pacific Northwest Norgegian Singing Societies Saengerfest. Nov. 30-31. Spekane—State Teachers’ Assn. Con. Dee. —. 0. C. Whitney. Tacoma. Wash. Spokane—State Hardware Assn. Con. Nov. —. A. C. Blake, Watcom, Wasb. WEST VIEGINIA, Charleston—State Bar Assn. Con. Dec, 29-30. Wm B. Mathews. Whee.lng—Rebekah State Assembly. Nov. —. Mrs. H. Roney, Wheeling. W. Va. Wheeling—l. O. O. F. Grand Encampment. Nov. 22. J. L. Daves. WISCONSIN, Milwaukee—Konigbts of Labor Nationa] Con. Nov. —. J. D. Chamberlain 43 B. 8t., N. W.. Wasbington, D. C. ilwaukee—Western Amateur Press Assn. Con 9 24. William C. Ahlhauser, 495 Is: ve. ny ee Teachers’ Assn. Con. last wk.) T. W. Boyce, Prin. let Disarict School. Oshkosh—Welsh Christian Endeavor State Con Dee. 31-Jan. 1, ’oS. Miss Sarah J. Evans, 30 W. Irvine 8t. CONVENTIONS Reunions, Conclaves, Assemblies San Franciseo—Bricklayers and Masons’ Iater Bationa! Union of America Con Jan. 1906, P. J. O'Brien, 515 Gvagh St.. North Adams, Mass., secv. San Francisco—State Photographers’ Asso. Con. Oct. 26-28. F. A. Webster, 1111 Washington St.. Oakland, Cal. San Francisco—Catholic AS of State Con. Nov. —. C. Rewe, tuck Ave., Berkeley, Gai. sau Franeisco— Amerikan Federation Laber Com. Nov. 14. F. Morrison, 423 G. “ N. Ww. Wasbington, D. C. San oe Seamens’ Union ef America Con. Dee. 5. F. Fureseth, East and COLORADO. Mission Sts. Denver—Wyoming Lumber Dealers’ Assn. Annox} Con. Jan. 3, 1905. H. H. Hemenway, Colorado Springs, Col. Denver—State Editorial Assn. = Jan., 1905. America 2821 Shat P. B. Smith, Sa#lidas, Cul.. secy. CONNECTICUT. o © Coa. Oct. 23 Wm. ©. Uiexineon, 823 Gher man Ave.. ee, Unitarian Sunday Sebuol BoeteHartford—New England Tobaceo Growers’ Assn. . Jan. 8, 1905. Paul Askerly. secy. rtford—atate Federation of Wumen’s Clots “Con. Nov. —. Mary M. Abbott, Watertown, Yew +, ES Gen’l. Cenf. of Churches tioma) it — tt Ge: Ives, Memorial Alall. Hartford, Gouna. Ost. —. Dr. Car’ . J. DELAWARE, a eee. G'S U. State Con. Oct, 26ee $ Oo. F. er ee Nov. . . Appleby. . Boa Gr. Scribe. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washingto.. -American Institste of Architects, Dec. 15-17. Glenn Braun, care The Uctagon, Havana—American Public Healt® Asm. Con. Piniey, Pres. Washington, D. vc. Washington—American Warehousemen’s Agen. Con., Dee. 7-9. W. C. Reid, 32 EB. 42nd St., New York City. FLORIDA. facksonville—Southern Educational Assn. Con. Dec. 28-30, 194. R. J. Tighe. Ucala—United Confederate Veterans’ State Ditvision Con. Nov. 1-3. 1904. Fred L. Roberteon, Tallahassee. Fla. Tampa—tElks’ State Reunion. Nov. 14.36. fsmpa—Knights of Pythias ef Four Southera States Conclave. Nov. 14-26. vampa—Confederate Veterange Remaeon. Nov. fampa—Oda Fellows’ State Uon. Nov. 14-26. Tampa—Eagles’ Con. Nov 14-16, GEORGIA. \tlanta—Sigma A Epsilon Fra Con. Dec. (last wk.). — ——. Uoe. 8. A. EB. Fraternity Con. Atlante—Phi Delta Theta. Society Frate Con. Nov. 21-26. Ernest Hallmon — Pilberton—United Dangbters of Confederacy State Div. Con. Oct. 26-28. Mrs. A. B. Hall, Savannah, Ga., pres. ILLINOIS. meee ee Jobbers Assn. Con. Nov. . 108 La Salle St. cmkensiidas Kappa Epsiton par sara Con. a 15. Wm. D Jobnson, 51 Metrepolitan “hicago—Natl. Wagon Mfrs. Aasn. Con. Nov. 15. H. W. Snydam, care Milburn Wagen Co. Toledo, 0. “‘hicago—American Trotting Assn. Con. Dee. & W. 8H. Knight, 355 Dearborn St This list is revised and corrected weekly. aLaBama Mobile—Confederate Veterans’ State Reunion Feb. (ist Sun.) 1905. J. A. Hughes 161 So. Warren St. \‘fontgomery—Gr. Lodge A. F. and A. M. Con Dec. 6. Geo. A. Beauchamp. + a of Ala v Cunsingbam (Corena Ala Gr Rey raftedege—T. M. C. A. Inter-State (Col.) Con Nov. 10-13. W. 4. Bunton, 418 Houston St. Atlanta, Ga. ARKARSAS. ®t. Smith—Ark. M. E. Charen Conf. Nov. 1517. tittle Rock—State Be Assn. Nov a =6Rew J.P mw W. B34 Bt. “me Bief—!I. 0. 0. F. of Qr. Cos Ont, BIT tactestve P. Springs. Art.. Ge. x pe Rinff—Rebdetah 5 J 2 118 Pike Ave.. Little Rors art Texerkana—Y. M. C. A. State Con. Feb. 9-12 1905. J. L. Scofield, Little Rock. Ark. State 7 ARISOWA. ee Templere’ Gr. Chapter Con & Jens W a A o. . e 8. John M. Ormeby CALIFORNIA. Petaluma—I. 0. G T Qr todge Con. Sacramente—State Federation ef beginning Jan. 2 1905. @. B. Tth St.. Sea chi Royal Arch Masons ~ ‘Chapter Con, Oct. 27. Gilbert W. Barnard, Masonic Tem Chieago—American Feonomic Asen. Con. Dee. 27-30. Frank A. Felter, Ithica. N. Y. “hicago—American Historica! Assn. Con. Dee. 27-30. A. H. Clark. care Smithsonian Instttute. Washington, D. C. “Ricago—American Politica! Science Assn. Con, Dec. 28-31. W. W. Willenghhy. cr. Ino. Hopkins University. Baltimore Wd. Mhicago—State Engineers and Surverors’ Soctety Con. Jan. 1820. Inclusive, 1995. E. FR. oe 1636 Monadnock Llock. Chiengo, secy. hicagco—Order Columbia Knights Grand Lodge Con. Jan. 29-830. 1995. W. Lipps, TO4 Masonic Temple. secy. Necatur—Ex-Prisoners of War Reunion. Oct. —. Fred Norman. Ysleahure— Military A Vedical Soctety. Mer 19% Tr Horrell Geleshare 11, To'let—State Fh Fg Sefence Asan. Con. Feb. 21-23. Inclusive 1995 Miss Sallie Anthony. Bloomington. _ ~~ “oringfield —Srate ecopers’ Asem Cra. Nov 15 and 16. Jas. A. Stone. ‘pringfiel4d—I 0. O. F Gr w=pment. Now 14 Peltwman. Saiem [il.. Wankegan—State Firemen’s Assen (Con. Jan. 19-12. 1995. Walter BE. Rice. Champsign, ML, secy. TNDIAW TERRITORY Wagoner—Colored Methodist Church Cont. Sov. 9-15. Drpiara. 1. 0. F. A. State Con. Feb. 2-8, 1995. Jas Young Crown Point. Ind. secy. ate Federation of Women’s (Tobe Con Off — We 8B L ORera Greee caatio ted Car fecy Ft. Warne—Gideone State Con. Ort. —. : Prenkfort—Rovwel (Order of Wooee San Ladge Net. — 1AM W Rid Frenkfort| Indtanapolis—Schol Posrd= State Con. Nov) — A. M. Sweeney. Indianapolis. Ind. Indtanspatia Decree of Porebentae imn'é ow] fer of Red Men's Grt Shenet) Com Met = Mra Rosslls Brady Wereee led tpAte-enntte |! Oo F fe Fate Coe Vow 16-17. W. H. Lee’r 1. 0. O. PF. Bldg, Seride. 2 OSA Nasr rat @c. Fair Raitene. St. Louis ae he Ri pL Sm RO a tt ENN ht 2s A et ene a Ng sl ren sta nial ih itn ans aa catanDa iby ena