The Billboard 1905-05-06: Vol 17 Iss 18 (1905-05-06)

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The Billboard Things Theatrical North and West from a Chicago Point of View. J. Allen Darnaby, business manager ceneral agent of The New Parker Amuzsewas In Chicago last week. a ae J. A. Reed, for many years manager of the late Charles Coghlan, is in the same capacity with Frank L. Perley’s big production of The Girl and The Bandit. Some novel meth and ment Co., ods of advertising have been adopted by the energetic Mr, Reed with most excellent results. 7Oee Kafoozelum, which is to be the summer offering at Hyde & Behman’s, is the story of an underground kingdom whose citizens pay a visit to Chicago. Miss Elfie Fay and Dave Lewis are to be the principal entertalvers, eee Milward Adams, manager of the Autorlum, received a silver loving cup from Herr Conried, of New York, last week, inscribed as follows: To Milward Adams As a souvenir of the record week of my com pany at the Auditorium, Chicago, March 20, 1905. Heinrich Conried. it will be recalled that the receipts for this week of grand opera amounted to $80,000 In San Francisco, week before last, Mr. Coaried’s stars drew $81,000 2-ee A Rialto rumor has it that the Messrs. Shubert within a few weeks will relinguish the management of Miss Lillian Rus sell, and that Nathaniel Roth, the well-known theatrical director, will assume the responsibili ties of guiding her future movements. a Manager Mackey awarded a contract last week for the remodeling of the LaSalle Theatre by which another floor will be added, thereby increasing 1200. The $150,000. the seating permit was and after capacity from for the work, which granted by the City the alterations will the close of the 8) to will cost Building Department, be made immediately season. It is designed to lowed the main floor of the playhouse to the level of the street, and a new stage, entirely fireproof, with a steel curtain, will be provided. The remodeling will bring the LaSalle from the fourth class to the first class The present main floor will become the first balcony and the present balcony the gallery, while an additional main floor will be built on a level with the street. The Stage will be enlarged so that more pretentious productions will be permitted. eee Academy of Music striking novelty in the way of theatrical performances this week. The Glickman Opera and Dramatic Co., under the business direction of Edwin A. Relkin, are pro ducing six of the best Yiddish plays written by the foremost Yiddish playwrights. The company of Jewish players is headed by Mr Ellis Rothstein, and the Chicago favorite, Mr. Ellis Glickman, who have met with success in the large Jewish centers Other members of the cast are Miss Clara Raffelle, prima donna; Miss Eva Katz, soubrette: and Messrs. Gold berg, Shoenholtz, Hirsh and Young. The repertoire for the week, opening Sunday, 30, is as follows: Mendele Martyr, a drama with music, in four acts, by Maurice Richter: Satan in Paradise, a drama by Latiner; Jewish Hamlet; The Jewish Emigrants: Uriel Acosta by Carol Gutzkew; Cardinal Richelieu and Faigle of the treated to a Patrons are being Joseph -e Albright office last season on Frank and Visitors of this & sueceseful welcome week, and reported the Eastern Circuit. They joined the Gollmar Brothers Shows which opened In Baraboo, Wis., Saturday. April 29. 7ee Ed. VanVechten has been engaged as ‘rector of the Mechanical Exposition at the White City, Chicago, and began his preliminary duties last week. were 27ee George H. Heiser, general contracting agent of the Adam Forepaugh-Sells Brothers’ Shows, and Allen MePhbail, local contracting age nt for the Barnum & Bailey Cireus, were in Chicago and visited the Ringling Brothers’ Shows at the Coliseum, Sunday, April 23. 7e Mr. Charles Boyd, the well-known theatrical newspaper man, joined the advance forces of the Great Mundy Shows at Paducah, Ky., last week. ee Mr. James Marks, who for some time has been with the Nickle plate R. R. Co., looking after the theatrical business in Chicago, has resigned his position to associate himeelf as passenger agent of the Rock Island. Mr. Marks enjoys an extensive acquaintance and is universally popular with the profession. ee Mabel Taylor King, late of the Chinese Honeymoon Co., is in the city, having closed her Miss King will be identified with one of the local summer shows. season. eee Oscar Hodge, in advance of Bob Fitzsimmons, was a Billboard caller the other | day. Mr. Hodge was for several seasons with | Brown's In Town, and is known as a bustling | agent. eee Bert Haverly, the minstrel man, has | taken the place of Thomas Wise in Home Folks. | a aw Walter Soderlinger, a former member of Charles Frohman’'s with the companies, is staf of now con nected Band. executive Creatore’s a Some months since we ventured the opinion that the trolley-car circus was not only a possibility but one of the probabilities of the near future There is onty one obstacle that the manager of a trolley-car attraction will have to overcome, and that is track-room for | brisker | the the theatrical realm, is in the city, representing Mrs. Wiggs of The Cabbage Patch, to play a return engagement at the Grand Opera House, following the run of Mrs. Fiske, which is proving a tremendous success, So ae The Girl and The Bandit, after a prosperous swing around the circle South and southwest, is back at the Studebaker playing to xood-sized audiences. The opera is much more amusing than it was earlier in the season, the having found themselves to better advantage and the stage management showing movement. Miss Mabel Hite remains feature of the show, with Miss Viola Gillette, Miss Alice Dovey, Walter Jones, Nell MeNell and J. C. Miron still in the cast. The of The Girl and The Bandit will close performance of Saturday evening, comedians season with May 6. ibe a inal George Samuels, the well-known eastern manager who has been making his home in Chicago the past year, is on a visit to New York City, looking after some of his theatrical enterprises. 2-eFor the break in the monotony of the prevailing type of comic opera, Lillian Russell JACK SINGER This gentleman ‘s manager of The Blue Ribbon Girls Mr. Singer began work ten years ago as property man fer James Hyde of Brooklyn He has become well known in theatrical circles, particularly burlesque Next season Mr. Singer will have in addition to The Blue Ribbon Girls ¢ a big production of Sunny South, m which half a hundred of the best colored performers in t country will participate. The street railway soon provide ways and means for the several to it that for the trolley-car show his rolling stock companies, will carrying however the out, of idea, which is already fostered by well-known will installed being man side-track accommodation offers agers, and see ample facilities of traveling are shows alluring prospects, and there is no valid reason why an organization of this kind should not only prove a striking innevation in the amuse ment world, but a money-maker as well. Among the managers who have given the idea favorable consideration is Mr. Hines, of the Hines-Willard-Blake Amusement Syndicate, who is booking up a trolley route for his attractions to follow the summer engagement at White City, Chicago. The days of the wagon show are numbered. Electric ralitways offer unlimited possibilities. The trolley-car cireus is to be a factor. The proposition will emerge from the embryo stage before many months have come and gone, and the introduction of amusement organizations traveling by trolley will be hailed George H. as another marked departure in a remarkable age of progress and Invention. a aa Walter Kingsley, equally as well known to the newspaper world as he is in principal instrument, is pesitively cheering. | belief of Miss Russell that humor of the hurly is entitled to the thanks of a multitude of surfeited playgeers. A return to the state and dignity of the days of minuet and court dress the ballads of naval lieutenants mythical monarchs alone would be refreshing, but the retention of the scintillant wit of Sheridan, aderned with an _ orchestration In which the bass drum is not the The and away from and antices of burly ser. is not absolute essential to a latter-day comedy and her return to the ideals of the days agone. seems to have the an musical hearty approval of her admirers and playgoers in general. Of the star it is trite and unprofitthle to say again that time seems to have lost all power to bend her to fts will Apparently as youthful and with voice as well preserved as when declared the queen of her chosen realm years ago, Miss Russell seems destined to go on, if not forever, at least indefinitely. cee J. J. Rosenthal, who has been managing the Chinese Honeymoon Co. for the Messrs. Shubert, is in Chicago. a oe the Lincoln Park Zoo his famous lion, Senator Reynojds. The animal is a fine specimen, and was becoming too large to be carried around the country. Mr. Fitzsimmons’ tour has been a most successful one; he began it early in August and is booked until June. Next season Bob will appear in a new play, while his wife, known to the stage as Julia May Gifford, will star alone in a musical comedy being written for her by a prominent author. Both of these tours will be under the direction of Leon Friedman, Fitzsimmons’ present manager. ee Mr. John Ringling has ordered from Frank E. MeCullin, western manager of the Williams Rogers Co. (limited), the famous silversmiths, a complete assortment of the highest grade silverware for his private car, The Wisconsin. All of the service will bear the monogram J. R. now eer General Manager T. I. Cash, of the Cash Carnival companies, was in Chicago, Thurs day, April 27, on his way from St. Paul to Peru, Ind., and favored this office with a call. Mr. Cash will have two carnival companies this season. Both are being made ready for the approaching season at the headquarters, St. Paul. The No. 1 Show will open at New Richmond, Wis., May 21. The opening of No. 2 has not been announced. e7ee Harry R. Raver, general manager of The New Parker Amusemeat Co... writes me under date of April 21, from Abilene, Kan., as follows: Our first consignment of animals for our Zoological Eden arrived here today from the east. It includes a number of remarkably fine specimens, all in the pink of condition, and with the added large shipment now on its way from Havana, Cuba, will complete one of the largest wild animal exhibitions in America. Mr. Al. G. Barnes will the management of this attraction, and his long and varied experithis line should be sufficient guaranworth. Our big spectacular singing will soon be in rehearsal. Fifty ballet numbers, appropriate arrangement of will be introduced. will intersperse Wild Ride of assume ence along tee of its production female gether scenic Five the She voices and several to with and electrical effects, feature vaudeville musical numbers, and through The Volcanic will form the this new imposing stadium. Our part of June, date set, owing where the built comJuly 1 up attractions an acts The Gap finale of and season will the latter for which has not yet been definitely conditions at our factories, and all paraphernalia will be plete. Time is booked solid after to the last of December. Our include The Singing Girls of Bagdad, Zoological Eden, Through the Center of The Earth, Creation. or The Beginning (not only in name but a birth), Katzenjammer Castle, Electrical Theatre, A Trip to Joydom, Beautiful Alps, Parker's $10,000 Jumping Horse Carry-us-All, Giant CirParadise. LomQuarter HunBand, one the largest ever Orchestrians will People are being roster will be open to the ears pay ele Swing and Sportsmen's bardo’s Banda Rossa the great dred, and the Imperial Ladies’ grand Orchestra Harmonium, built. and ten Military Band furnish the musical features. signed rapidly, and a complete sent you in a short time. WARREN A. PATRICK. CHANGES IN CLEVELAND The Vaughan Giaser Stock Co. closes its Cleveland, Ohio, engagement at the Colonial Theatre, May 13, after six weeks of repertoire comprising some of the most pretentious of stock productions. Vaughan Glaser and the following members of his company will open at the Lyceum Theatre, Detroit, Mich., May 15, in The Prisoner of Zenda, under the management of A. Cc. Robinson: Ben Johnson, David Hartiford, J. Hester, Thos. Cofincook, A. Roberts, Charlotte Townsend, Jane Lauirel and Carline Hills. At Columbus Mr. Glaser wiil present the Laura Nelson Hall Co. at the Empire, under the management of Horace A. Smith, in When Knighthood Was In Flower. The following will be the roster of the latter company: Louis Aibion, Theodore Johnson, Geo. D. McKay, Augustus Balfour, Fred Gibson, Thos. Williams, J. T. Wigaman, Lorretta Wells, Leslie Bingham and Mabel Pennock. The organization of the new Colonial Stock Co. to replace the Vaughan Glaser Co., is nearly complete. Chas. Waldron will play strong emotional leads and Frank Camp will play comedy and character leads. Miss Ida Adair will play the leading ieminine roles. Mace Greenleaf, Louise Marcelli, E. R. Phii lips, Suzette Jackson, Priestly Morrisson, Eleanore Wescott, Charles Boyle and J. Quigley. Messrs. Campbell and Drew have retained Mr. Robert Brunton, scenic artist, whose beautiful stage pictures have formed such an Robert Fitzsimmons, the actor pugilist, while in this city recently, presented to important part of the success of the plays that have held the boards.