The Billboard 1905-05-06: Vol 17 Iss 18 (1905-05-06)

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ccccs eR LATO A a The Billboard completed by Nov. 15. The theatre when com pleted will seat 1,100 people, will be steamheated and lighted by electricity. The stage will be large enough to accommodate any act upon the road. The Irwin Theatre will continue in the field under the management of Frank J. Irwin. There is some talk in San Francisco about a new music hall on the order of the Weber & Fields’ old house on Broadway. It is understood that Joe Weber's brother will open the new house. It is going to be where the Terrace Garden on Mason street, between Ellis and Eddy, used to be. The present building is to be remodeled and is said to be a fine place for such a show. It is just half a block from the Tivoli and one and a _ hali blocks from the Orpheum, Alcazar, Columbia and several continuous houses. ' Ground will soon be broken new Novelty Grand Theatre to be Fresno, Cal. The new house will be with all modern improvements and will be handsomely appointed. Its opening will be contemporaneous with that of the circuit’s new house in Los Angeles, which will probably be in the early part of September. Theodore Rotschild, secretary and treasuer of the Novelty Grand Theatres Co., has acquired a ten years’ lease on this property. The outside dimensions will be 50x150 feet, affording ample room for a spacious auditorium and a commodiuos stage. The present house will continue in operation, the Novelty Grand Co. thus having for the future two places of amusement. for the built at eguipped MUSICAL, The Rays, in Down The Pike, report success all along their route. The rank of knighthood in the Legjon of Honor has been conferred upon Mme. Adelina Patti in Paris. Prof. Emil Anna, a well known compeser and instructor of Des Moines, Ia., is Writiug a comic opera which Will have an eastern production next season. Conreid’s Grand Opera Co. broke the record in Frisco where one performance of Parsifal took in $14,000 and the total receipts for the week were $144,000. Miss Stella Hammerstein, daughter of the New York manager, is to appear in a comic opera to be produced in London. The Attricks Music Pub. Co. are cousteantly kept busy writing special numbers for leading artists. Their song hits, I May Be Crazy, Never, Some O” Dese Days, When The Moon Shines and Nellie Darling, aie among the best on the market. Humperdink’s new voluntary Marriage, by the public at the opera, The Inwas received clamorously Royal Opera House, Berlin, Ger., April 14, and approvingly by the critics, who, however, regard the music in some parts as being too dramatic for a comedy. The story is from Dumas Les Demoselles de Saint Cyr. One of Manager Savage's new productions next season is to be a grand opera founded on Tess of the D’Ubervilles, by Elliott Schenck, a musician who for a long time was associated with Walter Damrosch and his orchestra No date has yet been set for the production, but it is expected that the new opera will be made a prominent feature of the season of the Savage Grand Opera Co. Musicians and music-lovers will be glad to know that the full piano score of It Happened In Nordland is now ready. Messrs. M. Witmark & Sons, the publishers, having announced this fact a day or two ago. This is the musical play written by Glen MacDonough and Victor Herbert, that created such a furore last winter when it received its initial performance at Lew Field’s Theatre, New York. It is generally admitted that the music in It Happened In Nordland ranks among the best of Mr. Herbert’s compositions, and the various selections from the famous musical play will long be remembered. Of course, every one will be eager to get copies of the different numbers, for he will want to be reminded of the pleasant evenings when he heard the exquisite songs and instrumental pieces, especially ‘‘Al Fresco,’’ the peautifal intermezzo written expressly for the play, and the following numbers, all of which have become great favorites: The Jack O’Lantern Girl, A Knot of Blue, Absinthe Frappe, and The Matinee Maid. MINSTREL. Murphy & Gibson’s Minstrels will open at Steel Pier, Atlantic City, early in May for s summer run. Mr. E. S. Baker is organizing in Dubugne, Ia.. the Curry Howard Greater Min strels for a summer tenting tour. The company opens May 18 for a tour of Illinois. John W. Vogel’s Minstrels were entertained after the performance at Springfield, Ohio, by the Eagles, and Manager Vogel was presented with a beautiful bouquet of roses. The Eagles at Washington C. H., Ohio, also entertained the members of the company with a fine luncheon, music, etc. After a successful tour of the east, South, middlewest and northwest, the Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels will close its twentieth annual season at Richmond, Ind., Thursday, May 4. The season opened at Marion, Ohiv, Ang. 15. The company will disband at ColumDdus,. Ohio, May 5. Reorganization for the season of 1905-06 will begin at once, and rehearsals will be held at the Great Southern Theatre in July. The company wil have headquarters as usual at 50 East Broad street. The Donnelly & Hatfield Magnificent Minstrels, which will be directed by Mr. Field, will also be rehearsed at Columbus Several members of the Greater Minstrels have signed with that organization for the coming season. There were no changes in the personnel of the company during the season just ending, and very little sickness during the long trip. The first part of next season's offering will be entitled The Gridiron Club. It is excellent minstrelsy. believed opportunities the subject will afford for the first part of 3 VAUDEVILLE. Dot Cellins will work until July 1 and will then lay off for the summer. The Trenton Trio have replaced the Four Nelsons with the Brigadiers Burlesque >. Ce Christopher, the magician, is play ing a twenty weeks’ engagement on the Pacific coast. The Maple Leaf Trio write that they are doing very nicely. Their act is a big success, Dan _ Strickler, of the Strickler Vaudeville Show, is home for a few days in Louisville, K;. Cyrus Barrison, father of the Barrison Sisters, dropped dead April 2 on First avenue, New York. The Altons, Eddie and Irene, will go with a carnival company for the summer, beginning June 5. The Marvelous Shields have been engaged as a vaudeville feature with the Mason & Dixon Show for the season. A new vaudeville was recently opened up in Manila called The Paz. Australian artists are holding the boards. Mrs. Annie Yeamans has canceled her engagement at Colonial Music Hall, New York, to take a three weeks’ rest. Parish, the singing ventriloquist, has just closed on the Nast and Danforth circuits, and opens upon the Lang Circuit May 7. Victor Lee (The Wizard) writes that on April 18, at Glasco, Kan., he closed the most successful season he has ever had. Just in receipt of a souvenir card from Radford and Valentine, who announce that they are a big success at the Alhambra Theatre, Paris. Mrs. Blanche Chesbrough-MilineuxSeott will enter vaudeville in New York next September, it is reported, at a salary of $1,000 a week. Howard Thurston has been secured by Tony Lubelski for Fischer's Theatre, San Francisco, Cal. There is promise of a big boxoffice record. Caicedo, well Known in England and in this country as The King Of The Wire, is a feature of Thompson & Dundy’s New York Hippodrome. Ollie Young and Brother sailed for London, April 26 per steamer Baltic, White Star line. They open at the Coliseum for Mr. Oswald Stoll. The team known as the Two Hobbs has seperated. both professionally and socially, Mazie Bavis Hobbs having obtained a divorce from her husband. Billy Onslow and Mile. Garnett write that they are meeting with good success in Southern California in their new act, entitled An Unexpected Visit. The Sloanes write that they are meeting with big success with their new change act, entitled A Society Quarrel. They are booked until July. While playing at RPoli’s Theatre in Hartford, Conn., Mme. Hermann had a large flashlight photo taken of her new illusion, The Birth of The Butterfly. The Four Sensational Boises, after a very successful season over the Shea, Keith and Orpheum circuits, opened with the Wallace Shows at Peru, Ind., April 29. James A. Hennessey writes that he opened at the Family Theatre, Butte, Mont., April 10, and after the first performance was booked for the following week. Miss Evelyn F. Kellogg, a_ well known church choir singer of Hartford, Conn., has signed a contract to sing in vaudeville. She will go over the leading circuits. Sidney Loeb reports excellent busi ness. Next season he will present a sketch written by Chas. Stratford, entitled Married Life. Miss Heleene will be associated with him. The Lesherings made a good impression with the patrons of vaudeville houses in Pansas. They are now on their way to the coast, being booked at the principal houses on their way out. Surazal and Razall write that while piaying the Grand Theatre at Joliet, Ill., they made a tremendous hit, taking four and five encores each performance. They are booked solid until October. James A. Hennessey, “The Monologue Man,’’ writes that he will take the management of the Frazer Theatre, Pendleton. Ore., and will have a circuit of four cities between Portland and Ogden. Miss Mabel Simpson, the clever dancer, is filling a three weeks’ engagement over the Kohl & Castle Circuit. She sails for Europe June 7 and will open in the Palace Theatre, London, for a long run. Nellie King, musical artist of the team of Oram and King, is slewly recovering from the effects of a surgical operation which she recently underwent at the Lawrence Private Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. Margaret Santoro, of the team of Santoro and Marlow, and ber two little daughters, Victory and Theresa, joined her husband in Chicago last week after a three weeks’ visit with her relatives in Detroit, Mich. Limb of The Law is the title of the new novelty sketch E. R. Zaranos and Sisters Hess will produce the coming season. They are booked for sixteen weeks. They will work in some clever specialties during their act. The Aerial Wilsons write: We have just finished sixteen weeks of vaudeville dates including the Castle Circuit, and our act has met with flattering success. We will have an entirely new apparatus and act for next season. partnership. Tom That Laura Gilla week on t Circuit to new and m in great the 3, for a first since meeti Chicago Shoes repor booking, ha summer mor Milwaukee, They play a cuits this entitled Fiv of college li Alliger Webster, A new take the Devere and formerly wi resting at ner. actors have gagements Lano is having jumy days’ rest Shows for During field, I1l., I Thirty-eight John came Big meeting. night at sketch course of An Irish James known member of the latter sketch Chester, Pa. paper work city, Keith's Ohio, the popular week he ¢g Chevalier. for sailing, town had a could = sail every place Chevalier at Hill says Cooley. Jolly Americ accident at Del., April and cutting on stll running. Nelson : York, while Dan Glinsereti will join the Great Wallace Shows. comedy last their audience curtain to the end of their act. The Grotesque Randolphs close with the Eisenberth West to pla) & Co. Lester Crawford and Jas. road tering the vaudeville field now Sunshine, established a Berriman, The lodge will meet every the Olympic. Mrs. Thomas Q. Seabrooke will assist her husband in the sketch he is to present in vaudeville is said the Man, Hapgood Burt, Dingle Dongle Clare Kummer. musical team looking after the has been receiving a tising through Notes from Swallow & water he stumbled and fell the stage in the afternoon The Four Nelsons, this season with the Brigadiers Burlesque Co., have dissolved Henry Peysee, Louie Flesche and will take a month’s rest in New couple, Harry and their eighth consecutive he* Novelty Circuit with the Star follow. They have added many vel features to their act and it is m, are in demand. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bird opened at Standard Theatre, week's appearance Ft. Worth, Tex., April engagement. This was the of Mr. Bird upon the stage ng with a street car accident in August. Louis Albion & Co. in Rice and Old t that they have ving only a few weeks during the iths open. They say that they have with them from the rise of the an almost solid Boat Co. May 6, and go directly y parks for the summer opening in Wis., for J. Prescot of Minneapolis. ll the leading western parks. They write that their act is a big success. A novel attraction on the park cirsummer will be a comedy sketch, e Thousand Dollars. It is a story fe and will be put on by Crawford, The company includes Beatrice H. Alliger. vaudeville team which will shortly is to be known as Lippman. Miss Lillian Lippman, th the Curse of Drink Co., is now her home in Baltimore before en with her new part Mrs. Lano and her dog and monkey been this playing most successful enseason in the South. Mrs. at her home in Paulding, Ohio, wd from Graceville, Fla., for a few before opening with the Wallace the summer. his engagement Jan Gardner, at of Gardner, lodge became manager of Raspberry and SpringWest and of Raspberries. members. Mr. the Olympic, presided over the Thursday people shortly. The dialogue of the to be spiritedly clever. In the action, Mr. Seabrooke will sing a new comic song by Benjamin while Mrs. Seabrooke will sing Dell, the new song success by J. McCabe, a former comedian and at one team of McCabe and Black, the original member of the known as Boyce and Black, ts interests of The Billboard in MeCabe is engaged in news city and has been a mem welltime a the being Mr in that ber of the Times staff, the largest paper in that for the past four years. Prospect Theatre, Cleveland, choice bit of adver of R. L. McLaughlin, of this house. Last card advertising Albert were round, just right seemed as if everybody in and were trying to see whe them the farthest Consequently you went the name of ‘Albert Keith's’ stared you in the face. Markle’s enthe Monongahela the effort press agent ‘ot out a The cards and it few terprises: We are now on river playing to the best business we have ever had on this river. We have the best and largest company we have ever handled. The perform ance this year is on the same style as that of last season—musical farce comedy, interspersed with good vaudeville acts. The following peo ple are with the company: Mat Swallow, W. R. Markle. Abe Cheeks, Capt. Walter R. Pell, Norman Thous, Devaro and Curtis, Addiston and Livingston, Dan and Ray Carray, The Sisters Harves, Emma LaMoine, Edith Heywood Joe K. Kelley, Virginia Kelley Everett Old feld, Fred. McGee, The Three Deloys and Chas. Hoenstein. James Hagan leads a band of four teen pieces, and Bill Nunn has charge of the orchestra Messrs. Swallow & Markle’s new boat, now in course of construction at Parkers burg, will be ready about June 1 This beat will have every improvement and will be the largest and prettiest floating palace on the rivers. FARCE COMEDY. Hollis E. Cooley, manager of the Gus attraction, will go under canvas this summer. denies that McFadden's Flats **Hot-air,"’ Joseph Kearney, ieading man of the ‘an Tramp Co., the Lyceum met with Theatre, a painful Wilmington, 24. While getting a glass of breaking the glass a deep gash in his hand. He went with the blood Brigadiers I Kansas City, Manager O. F. BURLESQUE. Cromwell, of the Surlesque Co., had the misfortune to sprain the tendons of his right leg while tn Mo. He is improving, but his in jury has been very painful. ENGAGEMENTS. Rose Wildwood has signed for the season as leading lady with the DeHart Reper toire Co. Harry J. Earle, recently of Thompson's Electric Comedy Co., has joined Weaver's Piccaninny Minstrels to do his dancing act. Miss Elsie Harris closed with The Awakening of Mr. Pipp Co. to play the role of the Baroness in The Seminary Girl, opening at the Grand Opera House, Philadelphia, April 24. Willard Dwyer, of the James Kennedy Stock Co., has signed with Billy Walsh’s Own Co, for the summer season to do his singing speciality. Mr. Dwyer has been the featured act of the Kennedy Co. this season. COMPANIES CLOSING. Tim Murphy's Co. closed at Martinsburg, W. Va., April 12. Billy Kersand’s Minstrels close their season in Chicago, April 30. The Heart of Chicago Co. closed its season April 26 at Omaha, Neb. Rose Coghlan in Diplomacy closed her season April 15 at Scranton, Pa. Irene Jeavon'’s Stock Co. closed its season at Philipsburg, Pa.. April 17. The Dodge & Bowman Musical Co. closed its season at Dixon, Ill, April 15. Pilgrim and Elliott's For Her Sake Co. closed their season of forty-one weeks at Rockford, Ill., May 6. Rusc®9 & Holland's For Mother's Sake Co. closed its season at Kenosha, Wis., recently after a very successful tour. Walter E. Perkins’ Who Goes There Co. disbanded at Newark, Ohio, April 15. Miss Eva Francis, a member of the company and a resident of Newark, was greeted with a large and appreciative audience closing night. W. B. Patton, the peculiar comedian. will close a successful season of thirty-eight weeks at Findlay, Ohio, April 20. Mr. Patton will be seen again next season, which opens in August, in his present success, The Last Rose of Summer The Girl and The Moon Co. closed its season Saturday, April 22, at the Lyceum Theatre, Cleveland, Ohio, after 2 five weeks’ trial engagement of good business. Mr. Elmer Vance has booked the show over the Stair & Havlin Circuit for next season WITH THE STAGE HANDS. . Chas. Hockingberry, flyman at Powers Grand at Decatur, Ill., who has been at St. Mary's Hospital, is again able to be out. Oscar Russell, Checkers Co., in Philadelphia iliness of his immediately. stage was suddenly April 17, brother, -arpenter with called to his home owing to the serious He left the company Henry Needles, for the past ten years a member of the stage force of the Winston Opera House, Winston, Conn., resigned April 18 to go with Ben F. Mack's repertoire company as scene painter. The following officers have been elected by Local No. 16 1. A. T. 8. EB. of San Francisco, Cal James F. Blatkie, president; James Adams, vice-president; Wm. G. Rusk recording secretary; J. R. Malkime, financial secretaiy; D. ¢ Ralfs treasurer; William Quinn, E. Connolly and Charles Dutz, executive board; S. D. Simmons, jr. O. B. Romer, Geo Adams, 0. W. Elfin and Robert Smith, trustees John Sullivan, sergeant-at-arms dD. Cc Rulfs and Howard Morrison, delegates to labor council, and William G. Rusk, delegate to 1. A. con vention at Pitsburg, Pa ODDS AND ENDS. The McDade Fun Makers opened thelr tenting season at Owingsville Ky.. May 1 The Wood Family of entertainers opened for the summer at Garrett, Ill April P= 1) They will play Illinois exclusively this summer Harry F. Creon and Bert Kindred have signed with the company The Modern Remedy, playing to good business in Nebraska under the manage ment of Mr. J. M. Smith, consists of the fol lowing entertainers: Dr. K. Kenyon, J. M Smith, Irish and blackface comedian; W. J Noll, baritone singer; Mr. and Mrs. J. M Smith, instrumental musical sketches; Johnnie Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Keltner, sketch artists and dancers John V. Robinson'’sC Amusement opened under Charleston, W. Va... and in addition to Ohio and carry thirty-five people orchestra J. Shirely manager; Harry Mack J. Shrewsbury. leader Richard A, Saunders and Ormer Sargent arnival of canvas May 1 at will play that state Petinsylvania. They including band and is general business manager; Herman band and orchestra. have charge of top handle the advance. Koss stage of will will THE ACTOR MAN Where is it we turn When the world Who always can The jolly for a cheerful word of trouble we scan? give us a funny joke— good actor man. Who is it when we're downhearted Says ‘‘Here's ten cents, boys. push the can. It's all I have, but perhaps enough’’? The light hearted actor man. and blue Who in the morning will let his wife rest, Say “Darling, sleep if you can; I'll bring your breakfast up om a tray’? The kind husband actor man. Who was it stood on the stage and joked When the flames from the wings they ran; Saving the lives of mothers and babes? The brave grand actor man. And I feel when the last grand curtain falls, i And the race of Ife you've ran; Sure, when you reach Heaven's door— You'll get In Actor Man. SARA MACDONALD.