The Billboard 1905-05-06: Vol 17 Iss 18 (1905-05-06)

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—_— The Billboard (A Connnre ONDENE. 1} CALIFORNIA. SAN FRANCISCO.—Aleazar. The Man From Mexico. which made a big hit with Joun Craig iLidian Lawrence in the leading roles, opened Monday wi Next week they present When hoiatnoot Was in Flower, for the first time n stock The scenic embellishments will elaborate and the costuming elegant. ‘ obia Grace -anStudditord in ise Ked opened lj to a big house. The bird has struck the town. Julla Marlowe and r at. Sothern tollow with Romeo and Juliet. Margaret Anglin and Frank opened Monday, 17, in The Cross house. auesday, 18S, Frou Frou The Bternal Feminine. Muss Worthington are very popular Corner Grocery ' opened 17 to a Miss big use lAllian Elliott, wife of Mr ‘ wan of toe Central Stock, made ber reap \ ce atter several months’ absence and was \ med by a large and enthusiastic house Next week Robert bmmet, with Hersecbel May the leading role. Grand Opera House. Virginia Calhoun in Kamoua Sunday, lo The piece lis , «cately staged and very fine, but tue open was not very large. The Ferris Stock wened Sunday, 24. poeun iuis house opened with a new bill Sunday Miss Titus, the popular lyric singer vell received Loulse Dresser, the come next week They have crowd matinee and night. fivel Plorodora is in its second week and ob zs a good They have but one ee, and that is on Saturday opened «, will open ed ouses every business Maj estic Theatre (1. W. Bishop, mgr.) Frank Kacey n Ezra Kendall's play, The Vinegar b \s the top as a Star, judging | * tle audiences be is drawing to every pert t Piscuer's Theatre (Teny Lubelsai, mgr.) Con is «vaudeville Vardmann, Ricuard and ta rt, Comian and Mussell, Cowles and Alden, W e Lenert Hicgan Brothers, Maude Rock ‘ ind moving business very goud L,ceum Theatre Flourney, mgr.) Con vaudeville Camillo and Towua Bel quartet, Clark and Temple, Orville Pitcher, Ray Ka md, The Lyric Musical Comedy Co., and : p* ules ‘ . W. J. Kurtis and dogs, Wilsen and Morga Matel Lamson, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. LD. M. Hall, Frank Rodgers. \ ‘ i 1. Mallory Brothers, Brooks and H y y, bigh diver, and the animati Kaldwin Theatre wruce and Cooper, Hayes = letors, Baby Helen, Teddy Williams, wing 5 sere Newelty Theatre (S. Leverick, mgr.) WN York Comedy Pour, Helena, W. Leanort, Deonzo, K ~h and moving pictures . Durant and Baldwin, laa Kingsburys, and mo a cox! business with Col i 1 lteme—The Floto Car No ved | (skland Monday lj, and com s There are fourteen wen with (mukiand May 1 1 dor k ey wlll show in San Francisco rhey “oa very business on rhe s doing good of San Jose, = i rained very ~ getling Warm so A. Ww THOMSON COLORADO. DENVER.—fusiness last week was exception ‘ ‘ ikl jmpreve fram now on, tbat Le ve j I ‘a Pheatre iE F Metourt mgr.) lunes ! * ba f «a American tists gave 2 inclement weather prevented ending this musical treat Mrs ! : ‘ ge sas the t Coming i ! I Ta Theatre (BE. F. MeCourt, megr.? leo ¢ singing comedian opened \ Romance ~ Athione and was well re iH singing of My Wild Igish Rose ‘ ¢ t Coming Florence Roverts Melt» MacRowell New Ourtli« Theatre (A. RB. Pelton, mgr.) The Mu ners Daughter opened a week's engage ‘ " couse and seemed to rane Miss Mae has the leading part Nex The regu season of vaudevilie i‘ elodr ‘ o eum Thea n lienderson, mer.) I * very a very good bill is being sente the bill are Emmett ‘ ga & { ' ‘ Jones, Charles H I ke a tirace LaRue and Inkey Boys, Lav ind Tomeon in A Tonehbdewn, Les Dahlias, ! sin novelty dancers; Gallande, clay med . Count DeButs, comedy cyclist, and as an ‘ ‘ attraction, Bessie French, the child prima ‘ \ ‘ ‘| Theatre (Geo. I. Adams, mgr.) Bust e the opening of the Crystal has been ‘ ‘ I “ appearing this week are Me ‘ und Metl Gulterres Brothers, Vernie Mel “on, Glenrey and Russell, Loule Darling Detiraw Trio, and moving pic Novelty Theatre (Henry Lobelski, mgr.) Bus! hess Very gow! and an excellent bill Those nz are Dan Gill, Farrell and O° Marrell, Ih ne, Forn Comedy Four, Robinson, illustrat ed cs and moving pletures I Theatre (Wm. Binford, mer.) Business ve com The bill consists of The Lestorings lemonde and Densmore, Mart Malloy, tussell J. Grose, The Manning Trio, Clay Truss, and the moving pletures J. D. MeGiInais CONNECTICUT. HARTFORD. —Parsons' mgr.) Buster Brown udlences That most Telegram, was and deli 21.22; Theatre (Hl. C. Par 18.19; pleased large amusing faree Mrs played most cleverly ghted audience 20. Peggy fair business. Next: Wright ti ople’s before a large From Paris Lorimer in The Shepherd King week 24. Hartford Opera House (Jennings & mgrs.) MePFadden’s Flats 17-19: A Pair of Pinks 20; fair house. Streets 24-26 Poll's Theatre (L. ¢ Kilby, mer.) Stuart the male Patti, who dresses and sings like a woman; Violet Black & Co. in a clever sketch, A West Point Regulation, and the Misses Delmara in a pleasing musical number were the favorites of week 17: good business. Next: Valerie Bergere & Co.. Bud Snyder, Augusta Glose, Maddox and Prouty. Seymour and Hill. Wood and Barry and Ford and West Fr. G. BLAKESLEE Theatre (EB. C Old Cross Roads 17-19: Graves, fair business. The Girl of The BRIDGEPORT. —smith = Smith, mgr.) At The good busi ness. Peggy From Paris 20; pleased large audi ence. MeFadden's Flats 21-22; pleased big business May Irwin in Mrs. Black Is Back 24: Superba 25-26; Grace George in Abigail 27: Isle of Spice 28; Dben Holden 2. Poll's (Jose Criddle. mgr.) Large attend ance with a strong bill of which Grace Cameron Was the star Next Stuart. the male Patti; Curtis and May, The Zarrow Trio, Barry Scan lon, Petehing Brothers, Fiske and McDonough, Juggling MeBanns, and the electrograph. WINSTED.—Opera House (Jay E. Spaulding, mer.) Human Hearts 19; pleased good house. Eben Helden 27 DELAWARE. WILMINGTON.—The Grand Opera House iJesse K. Baylis, me Forbes Robertson in Hamlet 14: pleased a “large and appreciative audience Ireland's Own Band 15; good busi hess The Princess Chie 20; had good house. Miss Bob White 25: Grace George in Abigail 2); Maude Adams in The Little Minister and ‘Op 0" My Thumb May 1; James K. Hackett 4; Al. Leech in Girls Will Be Girls 6 The Garrick Theatre (W. L. Dockstader, mgr.) Week 24 Zella and Det, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Litchfield. The Lavelle Trio, Bobby Gaylor and Harry Re s, T. W. Eckert and Emma Berg, presenting The Land of Two Moons; Harper. Desmond and Bailey, Four Famous Londons, marvels, and ‘he Lyceum mgr.) A Guilty Conscience Just Before Dawn 20-22: good business. A Jolly Amer n Tramp 24-26: good business In The Shadow of Darkness 27-20: May Yohe and Putnam Bradley Strong in vaudeville May 1-3; The Two Sisters 46; The Smart Ser 16-18. ILLINOIS. nae Chatterton Chatter er.) Mildred aerial the kinet , Theatre (Daniel Oumpthries, 17-19; fair business. (Geo. w. Holland in The Tri mpl eavy applause at the annual very good attendance Raliroe fair audience Fabio toma house deserved The —s 2h well atte Manag mces Henry W. nge's for three performances mers.) Good week 24 ° comedy th & Burton, res , ll for ‘ampbell and Searl+s Sibott, neted whist Edison's kinetoscope INDIANA. h’s Opera House (A M Amelia Bingham in M “Weber's All-star Stock is > Grand (S. Ziegler, mgr.) Eight Vass-r Girls For and Clark. Jink’s and his mopkteys. Tyc and «=Jern Crawford and Manning Phyllis s Allen, Leah Russell, Apollo, wire walker, and the et » crowded houses Park (Dickson & Talbott. mgrs.) The Moon shiner’s Daughter 17-19; Emily Tate is the hit f e show; good ses Happy Hool > 22: gol siness Sherlock solmes f Empire «C. S. Zimmerman. mgr.) F ay Fos er ¢ reek 17-22. Ol Royal Zouaves. Kitty Binghan rhe Faust Trio and others to fair uses Nex Jolly Widows Unique (M. Morton The Stock present r houses Lelia wise pleased im New York Cir Cireus ts billed H. PATTON EVANSVILLE —1 e Grand (Pedley & Burch mers Vivan'’s Papas, wl was secured for an thers held 13, canceled, and Chas Dilling ion of A Clean Slate was the att Weber Steck Co. May 5; DeW olf Wang 6 People & Burch mrs.) Chas Blaney Girl 16; played to capacity My Wife's Family, His Last Dollar, Mama’s Papa and His Highness The Bey are announced. MUNCIE.—W ysor’s Grand Opera House (H. BR Wyseor, mer.) The Girl and The Bandit 3; To Die at Dawn May 6. Star Theatre (R. H. Osgoodby, mgr.) Good bill and bus eas Westside Park This resort will open Mar concerts and vaudeville FRANKFORT.—BRlinn Theatre (Langebrake & Hufford, mers.) The Holy C..y (return) 18; fair business Mildred Holland (return) 21; pleased fair house Dark week 24. My Wife's Family (return) May 3; closes the season. WABASH.—tlarter’s Opera House (J. M. Har ter, mer.) Lyman Twins in At The Races 12; pleased packed house Marion Conservatory of Music Orchestra 19; large and enthusiastic audi renee GOSHEN .—Irwin Opera House (Frank Irwin, mer.) Howe's Pictures 24; large and apprecia tive audience. Geo, R. Wendling, lecturer, °%5; Dolmetseh Concert Co. 26. PERU.—Webb Theatre (Fred B. Younger Brothers 19; top heavy Niagara Falls 27 WORTHINGTON.—Opera House (Lowe & MIlam. mers.) Old Farmer Hopkins 20; S. R. O. IOWA. DES MOINES.—foster’s Opera House (Wm. Foster. mer.) Mme. Schuman@-Heink in Love's Webb, house. mgr.) Over Lottery 15; delighted very rge audience, Viola Allen In A Winter's Tale 14; capacity Harry ‘ (ark in His Absent Boy 18; only fair business Henrietta Crosman in Mistress Raymond Hiteheock in The Yankee Con Sav Nell asi The Auditorium (Wm. Foster, mgr.) age’s English Grand Opera Co. srin, I] Trovatore and Carmen. Grand Opera House (Wm. Foster, mgr.) Topheavy house saw The Midnight Flyer 15-15. The Old Clothes Man 16-19; big business Ger man Opera Co. 20-22; Chase-Lister Co. week 23. Bijou (Fred Buchanan, mgr.) Capacity busi ness js still the rule at this house. The Great Gay was the headliner week 9, while The Gard ner Trio heads the bill for week 16. DAVENPORT.—Burtis Opera House (Chamberlin, Kindt & Co., mgrs.) Mme. Schumann-Heink in Love's Lottery 2: 8S. R. O. Old Clothes Man 22: His Highness The Bey 24; Paul Gilmore 26; Grand Opera 28-29: Heart of Chicago 30 Elite (H. A. Sodini, mgr.) After May the name of this house wil be changed to the Unique Theatre, and the house will become part of that cireuit. Excellent bills and good busi hess, Suburban Island Park. nival Co. July 2-9; 30 Aug. 5. 25-26 in Lohen Ferari Ellery’s Brothers” CarItallan Band July CEDAR RAPIDS.—Greene’s Opera House (J. B. Henderson, mgr.) W. 8. Collier. bus. mgr.) Frank E. Long Stock Co. in repertoire 18-23; pleased large audiences. Savage's English Grand Opera Co. in Lohengrin 27; Yankee Consul 28; Heart of Chicago 29; Chase-Lister Repertoire Co. May 1-5; The Virginian 6. People’s Theatre (Edwin Curran. mgr.) Business last week was very good. Week 24: Jas B. Raimond and Florence Good, Wm. DeBoe, The Up-Side-Down Man, Ray W. Fay, Harry Westland, Wm. Hilliard and Stock Co. in Fogg’s Ferry, and the polyscope. DUBUQUE.—tirand (pera House (Wm. T. Roehl, mgr.) Midnight Express 21: only fair house account Schuman-Heink in weather conditions. Mme. Love's Lottery 22; S. R. O. Bijou Theatre (J. Rosenthal, mgr.) Good business. Bill week 24: Werden-Gladdish, 1,000 challenge act: Three Graces, Senor Macco and dog, Chicago: DeVan Brothers, Wm. Rowe, comedian; Flanigan and Cameron, and the kinodrome. WATERLOO, —J ohnson's H. Johnsen, Lucas, James to good Kippy, tures Brown's Opera House (C. F. Brown, mer.) North Brothers in repertoire week 17; pleased good business. An Aristocratic Tramp 26; Trip to Egypt May 4. MASON CITY.—W Llson sen, mgr.) For MeGovern 17; ers week 24 Parker Opera House. Electric Theatre (E. mer.) Week 17: Ed. and Hazel Ruvane and Blentham and Hehr business. Week 24: The Welshes, juggler: James Ruvane. and moving pic Theatre (C. F. PederFame and Fortune, with Hughie ouly fair business. North Broth Harry Corson Clarke in His Absent Boy 20; best attraction here this year OTTUMWA.—Market Street Theatre (B. Christy, mgr.) House goes to the Bijou Circuit under the name of the. Bijou. Mr. Christy transfers his vaudeville to The Heights Park Theat Grand The Isle of Spice 15; The Century Stock Co. 19-20. big audience. ©. Lusworth, mgr.) --Stanley Metropolitan Stock 24-36; canceled Flora DeVoss Repertoire Co. May 1-2; canceled. KANSAS. WICHITA.—Crawford ling, mgr.) Dark the Theatre past week (E. L. Mart Toler Auditorium (H. G. Toler & Son, props.) Toler Stock Co. had fair business Holy Week; company continues indefinitely Crystal Theatre «A. E. Hutchinson, prop.) Business goul vith the following biil: The Lesherings, Joe Fox, Wilbur and Wright, Lewis, Fox and Lake, illustrated songs and moving pic ures Bill week 24 Reno,’ the magician; Joe Fox rill and Williams. Deuglas, Richard Wild ing tures and illustrated songs. Lyric Theatre «A. E. Hutchinson, prop.) Godley Steck Co. to fair business: company cin nues indefinitely NEWTON.—RKacsiale Opera House (D. S. Williams. mgr.) Hi Henry's Minstrels 20; S. R. O. Beggar Prince Opera Co. May 4. Under Canvas—John F. Stewe’s U. T. C. April 28. HUTCHINSON.—Hiome Theatre (W. A. Loe, mer.) Hi Henry's Minstrels 19. KENTUCKY. LOUVISVILLE,--Avenue Theatre (C. A. Shaw, mgr.) The Lighthouse By The Sea 23-29; capable company, geod business. More To Be Pitied Than Scorned 30-May 6. rhe Masonic (C. A. Shaw, mgr.) Caroline Hull in Vivian's Papas 24-20: up-to-date comedy to gal business. This closes the season here. Hopkins’ Theatre (Wm. Reichman, mgr.) Closed for seasor fre Buckingham (Whallen Brothers, mgrs.) The Oherry Blossoms 23-29; bright, breezy burlesque and lots of pretty girls Olio Sutton Fuller, the New Perrys, singers and City Quartet.” Next: and Sutton, comedians; Bert York Comedy Four, The dancers and The Mound The Thor ighbre s Macauley’s Theatre (John I. Macauley, mgr.) Amelia DBiegham 28-20; Joe Weber's Stock Co. May 2; Henrietta Crosman 10; Cantata 11. Hopkins’ Fontaine Ferry Park (Wm. Reichman, mer.) Opened 30 with high-class vaudeville and daily concerts. The same attractions will play the theatre that played the uptown house. Items—The Pure Food Show is drawing good crowds; Round’s Ladies’ Orchestra of New music. * * Ringling York is furnishing the Brothers’ Cireus is billed for April 29. * * Dr. Allen and his Wonder Workers are drawing good crowds nightly. * * Chas. Schepps’ Dox and Pony Show has been playing here for the past three weeks to big business. * * Prof. (has. Rice and wife are in the city. ORVILLE B. TAYLOR. MIDDLESBOROUGH.—Princess R. Dugan, mer.) The Crescent week 24; good business and plays. OWENSBORO.-—Temple Theatre (Pedley & Burch, mers.) Dark 17-22. Alberta Gallatin in Theatre * (0 Comedy Co. LEXINGTON ,.— pera mgr.) Carroll C Opening bill: A ard Dorset Co. week 24, Bombay to capacity. star Stock Co. WINCHESTER .—Thie House medy Co, 20-23; Parisian (Chas. Seott, fair business, Princess, The Howopened with A Trip to Next: Joe Weber's All Winchester (Gains & Strother. mgrs.) Rudolph and Adolph 17; only fair house, good show. Wills Comedy Co. May 1. Cireus—tientry’s Dog and Pony Show may 3. May 3. HENDERSON.—Park Theatre, (H. E. mgr.) Howard Dorset Co. week 17; houses. MISSOURI. ST. LOUIS,—The theatrical season in this city is fast approaching an end, two houses closing with this week's productions. The business done this week was good considering that the end is in sight. The parks will open in a week. and then real summer will be on. Rain has made it hard on the cireus, but good week is in sight. Olympic Theatre. Piff. Paff, Pouf opened to geod business Monday and is an excellent show, It has a large and clever cast and pleased greatly. In costume it is rich, and in music charming. Scenically it is well done; business satisfactory. Next: The Yankee Consul. Century Theatre. Mother Goose opened its second week to only fair business. It has not done any where near the business it should have dene. It is just as excellent an a. .raction as when it first came, but it is getting less than it deserves. The Century will close with this attraction, Garrick Theatre. The Earl and The Girl opened nicely Sunday. It is good and splendidly dressed. Musically it is pleasing, and turning away its audiences well satisfied. It is on the boards for a two weeks’ stay. Grand Opera House. Nanette Comstock in Tue Crisis opened to a good house Sunday. ‘The play is well put on and the company is a good one Hallam, packed throughout. Miss Comstock gave an excellent portrayal of her role. Staging of the play has been given good attention. ‘The shew pleased thoroughly; business fair. Next: Texas. Columbia Theatre. The bill this week is one of the best seen at the Columbia in a long time, and is thoroughly pleasing throughout. Among the long list are The Four Mortons. Katuryn Osterman & Co., Hoey and Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Allison, Sandow Brothers. Powers and Freed, Caron ana Herbert, Billy Van, Murphy and Willard. Early and Lake and Zara and Zara; business satisfactory. Odeon Theatre. The Stock Co. gave Prince Karl as their closing a. raction, The company was well cast. Was given over to the members for a benefit and they realized handsomely. The company is leaving with the public’s regret as it has been very popular. Next: Greet’s London Co. Standard Theatre. The New York Stars Burleuquers opened to the usual big business. The company gave a clever performance and pleased. The burlesques were well staged and provided and it pleased, Wednesday night much merriment The olio contains acts by Bandy and Wilson, The Three Lelliotts, Loro and Payne, Globe Comedy Quintet and others; business goo Next: Cherry Blossoms. OSCALOOSA.— Masonic pera House. The Guy Imperial Theatre. The Moonshiner’s Daughter Hickman Stock Co. 17 pleased good audiopened to good business. The company presentences Repertoire: Ms. Porter From Porto} ing the play are capable, and cae p.ay is thrill; nico, Dexoy Day, Sunny Jim Mifnight in Chinaing enough to please. The preccecion is doing Sar S, PEM ss: wes hn an rtd The Coal King. }® fair business. Next: Vivien’s Papas. us—ffaii ge vthers’ Cire Je. ; Criwford Theatre. A Texas Ranger opened iC s FALLS.— Opera Housve (E. | te fair business and save a fair performance Sunday. It pleased ane the pable one. The -cenic company is a caportion is adequate; busi ness fair, Nexi wil O' The Wisp Havlin’s Theatre. More To Be Pitied Than Scorned, with King Baggot, a St. Louis boy, opened to good houses Sunday. It is a melo drama with a number company is capable Next: Fast f Globe Theatre of thrilling climaxes. The and the production pleased. in New York. The bill at the Globe Theatre this week is a most pleasing one and opened to S. R. O. Sunday. It contains the following clever acts: Blind Amos, Trixie Monroe, Jessie Russell, Peerless Quartet, Lulu Gesselman, Paul Bovince, Jessie Russell and a farce by the Stock Co., entitled A Squire For a ay; busihess goed, Broadway Theatre (East St. Louis, Ill.) The Isle of Spice Co. at the Broadway, The attraction done better. May played to fair business Sunday the total receipts being $519.90. was excellent and shoud have Indiana Folks 30; Deadwood Dick Family Theatre (East St. Louis, Ill.) The bill this week is drawing well and is most pleasing. It contains acts by Isabelle, Lenore and St. Claire; Mr. Chas Heclow, The Three ~ Jacksons, Chas Froste and A Tramp Detective by the Steck Co.: business good. Hagenbeck’s Trained Animal Show good business in spite of three days weather. The show is excellent and Everything brand new and worth a visit. opened to of rainy pleases. WILL J. FARLEY. NEBRASKA. OMAHA.—Boyd’s Theatre (Woedward & Burgess, mgrs.) Henry W. Savage's English Grand Opera Co., 20-22, was enjoyed by the lovers of good music. The attendance was large during the engagement. The repertoire included Lohen grin, Carmen, Tannhauser and Il Trevotore. Henrietta Crosman 27-29; The Virginian 30; Mrs. Wiggs of The Cabbage l’atch May 1 Krug Theatre (Chas S. Breed, 1 )} For Fame and Fortune 19-20; drew fair busi Heart of Chicago 23-26; many thrilling situs _ ope ned to good business. Escaped from 2. Item——Manager Breed wil! cont management of the Krug for at least Sing 27 inue the two years longer having recently signed a new contract for that period. Since coming to Omaha he has made many friends, and by his efforts has made this theatre a financial Orpheum Theatre (Car 23: Della Fox was Seemed to please the However, Paul Powell’ most entertaining feat a very elaborate and cl vill who helped please Geo. W. Day. Sailor and and Barbaretto, Jackson and Onza Brothers i. J. NEW JERSEY. NEWARK.—Blaney’s (J. H. Bucken, mer.) Week nd her song* audiene meties Was the >» program. It is a Others on the Ascott & Eddy Co.. tarbaretto, Jackson Bardine and DeI ROOT. mgr.) A Clean Slate 27 The Grand (Pedley & Burch, mgrs.) This new $50,000 house will be opened May 5 with DeWolft Hopper in Wang. Circus—Gentry Broth ers’ Dog and Pony Shows April 2. The Wayward Son had a prosperous run last lweek. Just Before Dawn May 1-6; Guilty Con5 ahem See science » | Newark Theatre (Lee Ottolengul, mgr.) Maude Adams May 4-6. This house will close May 13,