The Billboard 1905-05-20: Vol 17 Iss 20 (1905-05-20)

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ey The Billboard 33 Denver—United Commercial Travelers’ Gr. Con. June —. W. E. Lawlor, Trinidad, Col. Denver—Foresters of America Gr. Court Con. June 8. Kenneth Henderson, box 181. Denver—Fraternal Order of Eagles Gr. Aerie Con. Aug. 16. A. E, Partridge, Kansas City, Mo. Denver—American Osteopathic State Con. Aug. 15-20. Dr. H. L. Childs, Auburn, N. Y. Denver—G. A. R. con. Sept. 4-7. J. E. Gil man, Boston, Mass. Denver—Natl. Wool Growers’ Con. June —. Denver—BPpworth League Con. July 5-9. BE. M. Randall, 37 Washington st., Chicago, Il Trinidad—Knights of Pythias Gr. Lodge Con. Aug. 8 W. S. O’Brien, 210 Confinental bldg., Denver, Col. CONNECTICUT. Bridgeport—Sons of St. George Gr. Lodge Con. Aug. 9% W. A. vente, 33 Bishop st., New Haven, Conn. Y. P. O. U. Com. July 12-18. Mise J. B. Strobridge, 56 Suburban ave., Stamford, Wonu. Hartford—Natl. Y. P. C. U. Con. July 12-19. Miss Emma Barnett, Rich Valley, Ind. Hartford—Natl, Y. P. C. U. Con. July 12-19. Hartford—Almumini of the American College in Rome. May —. Rev. J. Emil Gefell, Ph. D., Rochester, N. Y. New London—lImproved Order of Red Men Grt. Council Con. May 24. F. A. Cantwell, DELAWARE. Wilmington—Protestant Episcopal Church Dio cesan Con. June «. John A. Grohe. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. ashington—O. U. A. M. Natl. Council Con. Sept. = John Sever, 1341 Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa. Was:ington—Inter-state Railway Commission Congress Con. ay —. Washington—Natl. Postmasters’ Con. May 2324. RK. F. Lawson, pres., Effingham, 111. Washington—International Chief of Police Assn. Con. May 22-27. Maj. Richard Sylvester. Washington—Seventu Day Adventists’ Gen. Conf. ey 11-30. W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park, XK < Washington—Natl. biocutionists’ Assn. Con. June 26. Robert I. Fulton, Obio Weslyan University, Delaware, O. Washington—Natl, Woman's Press Assn. Con. — —. Mrs. Mary M. North, Show Hill, Washington—American Society of Supts. of Praining Schools for Nurses Con. May —. Miss A. Nutting, care Jobne-Hopkins’ Hospital, Baltimore, Md. FLORIDA. Ocala—State Elks’ Assn. Con. May —. . D. Ackerly, Jacksonville, Fla. yo Tampa—State Board of Pharmacy Con. June 15. BE. Berger, room i4, First Natl. sank bldg. GEORwiA, Atlanta—Teachers of Colored Youths’ Natl. Assn. Con. June 28-30. F. G. Smith. Atlanta—Knights of Honor Supreme Gr. Lodge . June 13. J. E. Sheppard, Edgefield, Atlanta—Natl. Assn. of Master Plumbers’ Con. June 6-8. Daniel Shannon, 120 Mills et., Boston, Mass. Atlanta—Annual Con, of Natl Acan of Mfrs. May 16-18, Marshall Cushing, 170 Broadway, New York City, Fitagerald-=Retail Grocers’ Asen. of Georgia Con. July 11-12. John Bratton, 1428 Empire bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Forest Park—Veterans’ Assn. of 3th Georgia Regimental Annual Reunion. July 2. A. P. adamson. Macon—Order Eastern Star Gr. Chapter Con. May 16. Mrs. C. W. Hubbard, 360 Mulberry. Macon—U. R. Knights of Pythias State Encampment. May 16-18. Capt. Will Terrell, 46 E. Alabama st., Atlanta. Ga. Macon—Annual State Horticultural Society Con. mm... : Chas. T. Smith, Concord, Ga. acon—beague of Ga. Municipalities Con. oo ~~ Bridges Smith. “ eating vannah—I. O. O. F. ur, Encampment. 4. J. S. Tyson, gr. scribe. — _ Savannah—Knights of Pythias Gr. Lodge (Colored) Con. July 13. F. M. Coben. Savannah—Natl. Travelers’ Protective Assn. Con. May 15-21. W. J. Donian. Tipton—Georgia Inter-state Saw Mill Assn. Con. May —. Elwood C. Harrell. IDAHO. Coeur D’ Alene City—Grand June 21. J. J. Whittier. an Landpoint—Lumbermen’s Con. Ashein. June 16-18. J. ILLINOIS. Aurora—State PoliceMen’s Assn. Con. M _ Benj. DeJoegar, Moline, Il. Bloomington—United Commercial Travelers’ Sup. Council Con. May 19-20. G. B. Hart r sec., 100 Clark st., Chicago, 111. a Chicago—American Institute of Homeopathy. June 26-July 1. State st. Chicago—Natl. German American 4 Assn. Con. July — a — ae | + Alexis Mueller, LockOnicaso— Inland Daily Press. Assn Con. 20. yu City, Ia, Coat? Master | Bteam Boller Makers’ Assn. . me 5-7. N. L. drich tery pl, New York City. ninaegp tartans Chicago—Natl. Jesuit Alumni. July —. J. cme. Equitable bidg., St. Louis, Mo. fan aa erican Whist League Congress Con. bara a A ee Liquor Dealers’ Assn. . ne 7-9, vid S bldg, Pittsburg, Pa. erect Mean Chieago—American Swedish Singers Union Can. —— 20-23. Herman Nordberg, 1614 Belmont Chicago—International Woman’ ; n’s Label League Con. June 6. 3} Market st., mene se 1: Cae plead Chicago—Natl. Telephone Con. June 20-21. J. aa: Hoge, Blectric blig., Cleveland, 0. Tee Shirt, Waist and Laundry Workers’ nternational Union Con. Aug. 8. Manning, box 11, Sta. 1, Troy, N. Y. Chlcago—Malsters’ Asen. of U. 8. Con. Aug. 1. ea J. Pank, 268 LaSalle st. <coso—Daughters of Liocerty Natl. Council on. Aug. 15. W. V. Edkins, 1604 E. PassFP ave., Philadelphia, Pa. ‘lea go—Wholesa le Saddlery Assn. of the U. Ohas. Getchell, M. D., 100 June V. Tufford, sec and treas., Mason ¢ Ge June 12-16. W. R. Stone, Rochester, Chicago — International Hahnemannian Assn. Con. June 22-24. J. B. 8. King, 6713 Wentworth ave. Chicago—Western Gas Aesn. Con. May 17-19. James W. Dunbar, New Albany, Ind. Chicago—Woman’s Prohibition Club of America Gen. Council Con. June 21-22. Miss Emma S$. Walker, Decatur, I). ieee Laker Con. June 27. debs. Chicago—Amalgamated St. Railway Employes. Oct. —. W. D. Mabon, 221 Mitchell ave., Detroit, Mich. Chicago—International Glove Workers of America Con. Aug. 1. A. H. Cosselman, 42 First ave., Gloversville, N. Y. Chicago—Stereotypers and Electrotypere’ Union Con. Aug. 8. George W. Williams, 534 Warren st., Boston, Mass. Joliet—German Army and Navy Assn. of N. A. Con. Aug. —. Mattoon—State Letter Carriers’ Assn. Con. May ww. L. E. Parker. Mills Shoals—Reunion. Aug. 8-12. Dr. Merich, pres. Moline—B. P. 0. E. Gr. Lodge Con. May 1617. J. J. Faulker, E. St. Louis, Il. Peoria—électric Medical Society Con. May 1718. W. BE. Kinnett, M. D., Yorkville, Ul. Quincy—International Mill Workers’ Con. June 18s. W. E. Kellington, Minneapolis, Minn. Rock Island—Natl. Fraternal Tribunes Con. July 11. Robert Rexdale. Rockford—Sons of Veterans State Encampment. May —. B. E. Cummings. Rock Island—State Medical Society Con. May 16-18. E. W. Weis, Ottawa, Ill. Sparta—Reformed Presbyterian Church Synod Con, May 2%. Rev. J. W. Sproul, 22A North ave., Allegheny, Pa. Springfield—Y. P. S. E. State Con. July 7-12. H. Marecusson, 1221 Assn. bidg., Chicago, Springfield—yY. P. S. C. E. State Con. July 7-12. H. M. Kilpatrick, Elmwood, Il. INDIANA, Anderson—U, A. 0. D. Gr. Grove Con. June —. Stephen 1. Wright, 1622 Lee st., Indianapolis, Ind. Crawfordsville—Annual Sunday School Con. May 2. W. B. Banks, pres. French Lick Springs—State Editorial assn. Von. July —. W. S. Chambers, care Democrat, New Castle, Ind. Indianapolis—State Haymakers’ Assn. Con. May 17. C. EB. Nobes, Plora, 3 Indianapolis—P. 0. S. of A. State Camp Con. Aug. 8 Sam D. Symmes, Orawfordsville, Indianapolis—Natl. Turn. Teachers’ Con. June —. Dr. Arthur Knoch, Cincinnati, 0. Indianapolis—Switchmen’s Natl. Con. Commencing May 15. M. E. Welch, 580 Ellicott sq., Buffalo, N. Y. Indianapolis—I. O. 0. F. Lodge Con. May 1718. W. H. Leedy, gr. sec., I. 0. O. F. bidg. Mauison—Women's Relief Corps and Ladies of G. A. R. Con. June 13-15. Madison—G. A. R, State Encampment. 13-15. E, E. Powell. Marion—State Barbers’ Assn. Con. May —. Edwin F. Richards. Mishawaka—!Indiana Catholic Order of Forresters’ Con. June 18. Andrew J. Shick, 309 N. 4th st., Lafayette, Ind. Muncie—B,_ P. 0. E. State Con. June 8-0. New Albany—Knights of Fidelity Gr. Grove Con. Aug. —. J. C. Becker. Richmond— International Gonf. July 3l-Aug. 3. ham College. Eugene V. June Friends Educational Robt. L. Kelly, Earl Rising Sun—Reunion Masonic Assn. June —. Robert C. Nelson. ‘ South Bend—Knights of Equity Natl. Con. June 26-27. Wm. T. Dooey, 1006 The Majestic, Detroit, Mich. Seymour—Indlapa Ierisdiction Gr. Council Young Men's Institute. Aug. 22. W. M. Fogarty. Terre Haute—State Pharmaceutical Assn. Con. June 7-9. H. 8S. Foulker. Terre Haute—Glass Bottle Blowers’ Union of U. S. and Canada Con. July 10. Wm. Lanner, 931 Witherspoon bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. West Baden—Natl. Water Works’ Assn. Con. June 14-16. George C. Seager, Rochester, mM. we Winona Lake—Presbyterian Church Gen. Assembly. May 18. Rev. W. H. Roberts, 1319 Walnut st.. Phila-c.phia, Pa. Winslow—Old Soldiers’ Reunion. Aug. 9-12. Address Geo. P. Busch, adjt., P. O. box 105. IOWA, Arbor Hill—Old Settlers and Soldiers’ Reunion. Sept. (2nd wk.) C. C. Stewart, sec. Cedar Rapids—United Commercial Travelers’ Gr. Counct!] Con. June 9-10. Chas. R. Olmstead, Sioux City, Ia. Davenport—Carlow Alumni Assn. of the U. 8S. and Canada Con. Aug. 23. Rev. John Phelan. Marcus, Ia. Des Moines—lautheran Augustana Synod of N. A. Con. June —. Des Moines—lowa Christian Con. 8. Denny. lowa City—State Health Assn. Con. June 12-18. Dr. C. T. Lensan, Mt. Ayr, Ia. Oskaloosa—Ladies of the G. A. R. State Con. May 16-18. Miss 8S. Tillotson, 304 Kirkwood Boulevard, Davenport, Ia. lowa City—State Funeral Directors’ Agssn. Con. May 16-18. Fred B. Neff, Cedar Rapids. la Stanton—Swedish Lutherans of the U. S. and Canada Con. June 9-.6. John G. Dahlberg, 970 38th st.. Rock Island, Il Washington—United Presbyterian Chureh Genl. Assembly May &%. Rev. D. F. MeGill, D. D., Allegheny, Pa. Waterloo—State Federation of Women’s Clubs Con. May 24-31. Mrs. T. J. Fletcher, Marshalltown, Ia. Waterloo—lowa State Billposters’ Assn. Con. May 25. Chas. T. Kindt, Davenport, Ia. KANSAS. Fort Scott—Order Rastern Star Gr. Chapter Con. May —. Mrs. W. D. Mitchell, 424 Heylman June —. B. st. Junction City—State Pharmaceutical Assn. Con. May 23-25. John Moore, Lawrence, Kan. Topeka—State Federation of Women’s Clubs Con. May 16-19. Mrs. Bustace H. Brown, a opal ighbors of America Sup. Cam Topeka—Royal Ne me . Pp g~* June —. Mrs. Minnie Fielder, Peoria, Til. Topeka—Protestant Bpiscopal Church Diocesan Oen. May -—. nhev. C. B. Crawford. Topeka—State Dental Assn. Con. May 17-19. F. O. Hetrick, Ottawa, Kan. KENTUCKY. Ashland—Knights of Pythias Gr. Lodge Con. July 25-28. D. Owen Robinson, care W. A. Gaines & Co., Frankfort, Ky. Beatyville—Jr. O. U. A. M. State Council Con. — 12. M. C. Bane, state sec., Vanceburg, y. Greenup—Knights of the Golden Eagle Gr. Castle Con. Aug. —. F. M. Griffin. Lexington—State Dental Assn. Con. May 15-16. Newton T. Yager, 215 W. Chestnut st. Louisville—United Confederate Veterans’ Natl. Reunion. June 14-16. Wm. E. Markle, maj. genl., New Orleans, La. Louisville—Division of Ky. Sons of Veterans U. S. A. State Encampment. May 22. Chas. E. Stebbins, 324 llth st.. Newport, Ky. Louisville—Gr. Army Dept. of Ky. State Encampment. May 23-24. T. F. Reyland, 217 Fairfield ave., Bellevue, Ky. LOUISIANA. Shreveport—State Con. of Y. P. S. C. E. June —. Miss Ann M. Watson, Bunkie, La. Thibodaux—State Press Con. May 23-25. MAINE, of Templars’ Sup. Com. Chas. A. Maxwell, 8 Cedar st. MARYLAND. Baltimore—Christian Endeavor Workers’ Natl. Conf. July 5-10. W. M. Robinson, 321 W. Carrollton ave. Ballimore—Y. T. S. E. International Con. July Portland—Knights Con. Oct. 18, aes VanOgden, Tremont Temple, Boston, ass. Baltimore—Protestant Episcopal Church Dio cesan Con. May 24. A. Sappington, Md., Telephone bldg. Hagerstown—Maryland Firemen’s Con. June 79. H. T. Levely, Annapolis, Md. Westminster—P. 0. S. of A. State Con. Aug. P. B. Englar, Taneytown, Md. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston—State Blectrical Contractors’ Assn. Con. July 19. W. H. Morton, 44 Whitesboro st., Utica, N. Y. Boston—Railway Claim Agents’ Assn. con. May —. C. A. Thein, LaSalle st. station, Chicago, Ill. See —Eanete Templar Gr. Commandery Con. ay —. Boston—Naval and Military Order American War Natl. Commandery Con. May 20. Capt. John T. Hilton, rec. in chief. Boston—Protestant Episcopal Church Con. May 24. Rev. L. C. Manchester, 380 Rogers st., Lowell, Mass. Boston—American Unitarian Assn. Con. May 2-24. Charles E. St. John. Boston—Natl. Assn. Masters of Dancing Con. June 13. Geo. W. Smith, Gray and High sts., Columbus, 0. Boston—Home Circle Sup. Council Con. June 21. Jules M. Swain, 120 Tremont st. Boston—Catholie Order of Forresters of the U. S. and Canada Con. Aug. —. hos. H. Cannon, 1227 Stock Exchange, Chicago, II1. Boston—Northeastern Federation of Women’s Clubs Con. Aug. —. Mrs. G. C. Hawkins, Compton pl. Roston—Catholic Order of Forresters’ International Con. Aug. 1. Thos. F. McDonald, 1231 Stock Mxchange bldg., Chicago, Ill. Boston—Photographers’ Assn. of America State =. Aug. 8-11. J. M. Bandtel, Milwaukee, is. Boston—International Steel, Copper and Plate Printers’ Con. June 21. T. L. Mahon, 319 § st., northwest, Washington, D. C. Springfield—Foresters of America Gr. Court Con. May 16-18. J. J. Gallagher, gr. sec., box 355, Lowell, Mass. Worcester—Dames of Malta Body Con. June 12. hill, Mase, Sovereign Grand Fred W. Treen, Haver MICHIGAN. Alpena—Degree of Honor Gr. Lodge Con. May 17-18. Mrs. Mary A. Pratf. Coldwater, Mich. Benton Harbor—Order of Patricans Sup. Court Con. July 2. F. H. Platt, Tonnifier bidg., Benton Harbor, Mich. Detroit—International Assn. of Factory inspectors’ Con. Aug. —. A. C. Backus, Milwaukee, Wis. Detroit—International League of Press Clubs July 1. Henry Star Richardson, er. Daily News, Philadelphia, Pa. Detroit—Dramatic Order of Knights of Kohr, Assn. Imperial Palace Con. Aug. —. H. W. Belding, 407 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Detroit—-Eastern Star Ben: volent Fund of Ameriea Con. Aug. 22. Miss M. E. Crowe. Detroit—-Royal Arch Masons’ Gr. Chapter Con. May -——. Chas. A. Conover, Coldwater, Mich. Detroit—Order of the Star of Bethlehem Eminent Gr. Commandery of N. A. Con. June 20. T. J. Crowe. Detroit—State Pental Assn. Con. L. LeGro, Three River, Mich. Grand Rapids—Master Butchers of America Con. Aug. 1. C. Christefferson. Omaha, Neb. Kallamazoo>—State Lett r Carriers’ Assn. Con. May 30. Will M. Robinson, Battle Creek, Mich Lake George—American Pediatrie Society Con June 19-21. Samuel S. Adams, M. D., Wash ington, D. C. Mackinaw—Natl. Fraternal Press Assn. Con. Aug. 28. A. E. Stevenson, 415 Stevens bidg., Detroit, Mich. Saginaw—State Retall Hardware Assn. Con. Aug 9-10. A. J. Seott. Marine City, Mich. Traverse City--Women's Relief Corps State Con. June —. Vina E. Ridfield, Jackson, Mich. MINNESOTA. Duluth—International Assn. of Fire Engineers’ Con. Oct. —. Minneapolis—American Local Freight Agents’ Assn. Con. June 23-s:. G. W. Dennison, Toledo, O. Minneapolis—American Grain Buyers’ Assn. Con. June —. A. July 11. Ed. Barrett, Atwater, Minn. Minneapolis—Natl. Spiritualists’ Assn. Can. Oct. 18-22. Mrs. M. T. Longley, 608 Pa. ave., 8S. E. Washington, D. C. Minneapolis—American Opticians’ Assn. Con. July 24-27. E. L. Jones, Sandusky, 0. Minneapolis—Universalists Gen. Con. Oct. 2025. Rev. G. L. Demarest, Manchester, N. H. Red Wing—Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Synod of America Con. June 1-10. Prof. A. J. Lohre, Jewell, Ia. Red Wing—Protestant Episcopal Chureh Diocesan Council Con. May 24. Rev. A. D. Stowe, 181 E. 14th st., Minneapolis, Minn. St. Paul—State Homeopathic Medical Society Con. May 16-18. E. L. Mann, M. D., Endiecott Arcade. MISSISSIPPI. ; Meridian—A. ©. U. W. International Con. Aug. 10. Jos. Ehrich, . any, Ga. Meridian—United Commercial Travelers’ Gr. Council Con. May 19-20. Gully Smallshot. MISSOURI. Kansas City—Fraternity of Operative Millers of America Con. May 24-27. J. F. Muller, 114 Sherman st., Chicago, Ill. Kansas City—Millers’ Na... Federation Con. June 7-10. T. Jamrue, 612 Royal Ins. bldg., Chicago, Ll. Kansas City—United Amateur Press. Assn. Con. July 7-9. Frank E. Murphy, Brantford, Ont. Mexico—United Commercial Travelers’ Gr. Council Con. June 9-10. A. J. Fitzpatrick, Chillicothe, 0. St. Louis—Rebekah State Assembly. May 16. Allie Poundstone, Cartersville, Mo. St. Louis—Fraternal Bankers’ Assn. Con. June 20. Chas. F. Hatfield, Chemical bldg. St. Louis—National Baptist Con. may 16-24. St. Louis—Protestant Episcopal Church Diocesan Council Con. May 23. H. H. Denison, 1913 8S. Compton ave. Sedalia—Knights of Columbus State Con. May —. John Cashman. MONTANA. Anaconada—B. P. 0. E. State Con. Harry O’Gooman. Butte—State Medical Society Con. W. S. Renick. Butte—I. 0. G. T. Gr. Lodge 37th Con. Aug. 23. J. A. Longstaff, Helena, Mont. Kalispell—State Federation of Labor Con. Aug. 21. H. O. Smith, Helena, Mont. NEBRASKA. June —. May —-. Cambridge—Annual Southwest G. A. R. Reunion. Aug. 25-31. Chas. Monsel. Grand Island—G. A. R. State Encampment. Ma 7-19. C. M. Parker, Lincoln, Neb. Grand Island—-Women’s Relief Corps State Con, May —. DBlizabeth Kearney. H Island—Bankers’ Union No. 6. State Con. May 23. F,. M. Penny, Wood River, Neb. Grand Island—Ladies of the G. A. R. t. Con, May 17-18. Alice Trueli, pres., Neb. Lincoln—State Seat Soe Con. May 16-18. Dr. M. E. Vance, i241 st. Lincoln—State Blectric Physicians’ Society Con, May 17-18. D. L. Palmer, M. D., pres., Holdredge, Neb. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord—State Federation of Women’s Clubs Con. May 2425. Mrs. Susie BE, Hadecock, Manchester, N. H. r—Fore of America Gr. Court “i a , Te. DeCourcy, 1172 Elm. NEW JERSEY. lea Asbury Park—Reformed Church in Amer (Dutch) Gen. Synod c=. F oa 7. Rev. W. H. DeHart, Rariton, N. J. Asbury. Park—New Jersey Billposters and Distributors’ Assn. Annual Con. June 6. Chas. Rosencrans, Long Branch, N. J. Asbury Park—Sons of Temperance Natl. Division Con. July 12-13. Rose Slack, 1-» st., Trenton, N. J. Asbury Park—Natl. Educational Assn. Con. July 8-7. Irwin Shepard, Winona, Minn. Atlantic City—State Pharmaceutical Assn. Con. June 14-156. Frank G. Stutzler, Elizabeth, N. J. Atlantic City—Natl. Piano Mfrs.’ Assn. Con. May —. W. M. Hill, W. agp ag F Atlantic City—Fraternal Mystic e ing Con. July 11. J. D. Myers, Title bidg., Philadelphia, Pa. F Atlantic City—U. S. Brewers’ Assn. Con. June 6&8 Chas. J. Warner, 109 E. 15th st., New York City. Atlantic City—Independent Order of Orsccteny Sup. Court Con. Aug. 1. Jobn A. MeGillivray, Temple bidg., Toronto, Ont., Can. Atlantic City—National Steam Fitters’ Assn. Con. June 12-156. H. B. Gombers, N. ¥. @ Atlantic City—P. O. 8. of A. Natl. Camp Con. Sept. 26-27. F. BE. Stees, 524 N. 6th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Atlantic City—Hotel Men’s Mutual Benefit Assn. of U. S. and Canada. June 6. J. K. Blatchford, Chicago, Ill. . Atlantic City—Natl. Photo-Engravers’ Assn. Con, B. A June —. LeGros, 347 Dearborn &t., Chicago, ll. Atlantie City—Modern Woodmen of America State Con. May —. . > Tolen, 26 Mt. Pleasant ave.. Newark, N. J. Atlantic City—Shield of Honor Sup. Lodge 27th Annual Con. June 7. Wm. T. Henry, Mfrs. Record bidg., Baltimore. Md. Atlantic City—American Larynogological Assn. Con. July —. Dr. James Newcomb, New York City. Belleville—State Exempt Firemen’s Assn. Con. May 17. J. McCoy. Bloomfield—1I. O. O. F. High Court Con. Sept. —. F. A. Mackenzie, 215 Broad st., Eliza beth, N. J. Millville—Ancient Order Knigms of the Mystic Chain of N. J. Aug. 22. Thomas Hana, 110 W. Foundry st. Newark—State Homeopathic Society Con. May 35-26. Bernard Clausen, 736 Garden st., Hoboken, N. J. b Mi Newark—lInternational Jewelry Workers Con. July 10. Wm. F. Shade, 3082 N. Sth St., Philadelphia, Pa. ; New Brunswick—Natl. Print-Cutters’ Assn. Con. May —. Thos. C. Irish. 145 Broadway, Paterom, KR. 3. Paterson—Post Office Clerks’ Con. May 30. M. E. McGrath, New Brunswick, N. J Trenton—Sons of the Revolution State Con. May 17. Prof. Wm. Libby, Princeton, N. J NEW YORK. Albany—Brotherhood of St. Andrew State Con. May 27-28. Dr. J. W. Canaday, 283 State st. AlbanyState Independent Telephone Assn. Con, June 21-22. T. S. Lane Albany—Catholic Young Men’s Natl. Union Con. Aug. —. Jas. H. Fitzgerald, Mechanics Valley, Pa. Alexandria Bay—American Seed Trade Assn. Con. June 20-22. C. E. Kendel, 115 Ontario st.. Cleveland, O Auburn—Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Pap rhangers’ State Con. — Aug. 7. Jno. A. Goodwin, 15 N. Lexington ave., White Plains, ~ oe tteeeeeeeemane i ee —