The Billboard 1905-06-03: Vol 17 Iss 22 (1905-06-03)

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‘ }? i ‘ — a NI site Men = mo ag he os ‘ — 8 a The Billboard a8 itll Arenue Theatre (P. Drew, mgr.) @iers week 21; pleased good houses GEO. W. BENCHAED. SAGINAW.—<Acedems (J. M. Ward, 5 in Noteir’s Ciaim 14-17; good Garrick Dramatic Co. ip Lord May Festival 22-23; Marquette o Carter and ve. pases. Hont Steck Co. 21; Garrick Stock Co. 22-28. BAY CITY.—Washingtcoa Theatre (W. J. oat, Rag & Lyre re Co. 16-1T; pre reper Vander! le 2a ~eraeelll Musie Hall (Chas. Frerck. Vauderille will continue JaMES J. McMAHON mgr.) threugbout the summer. MINNEAPOLIS.—Metropnlitan Opera House —— ter three weeks, a mer.) Closed i. mer.) Week Jon B. Murtha. Mason, and wntion pictures. — Theatre. Weber's hee Duchess Co. week 4... & WALKER. ST. “CLOUD.—Daridsoe Opera House (BE. T. Deridsen. mgr.) Milwackee German Theatre Co 14-15: pleased packed houses. Stetsen’s U. TC.. 16; good basiness. The Moonshiners 21; fair besiness. MISSOURI. EANSAS CITY.—Tbhe Willis Wood (Wootward & Burgess Am. Co.. mars.) Pucked bouses greete@ Richard MansfieM daring bis stay 224. weber he presented King Bichard Lil. The Merchant of Venice sand Dr. Jekyll and _ Hyde. As in former seasons the Mansfield productions were im every detail, moet artistic a Gnisbed. Sotherm-Marlewe combinatiens 2-it1. The Grand (Hudson & Judah mgrs.) Season came to = clese Zl. whem an extra performance of His Last Dellar was the offering. House will be open week Jume Ll. whem the Pollard Juvenile Opera Co. is due. The Gilliss (E. S&S. Brigham, mgr.) Deadwood Dick was the thriller week 21. and excellent Sasiness was the rule. George Klimt im the title ‘ rood, while the peupie enacting the season at this house was breaght to a close 21, with a dig amateur carnival Forest Park (Jobo D. Hogikins, kes; A G. Peterson, res. mgt.) Business om the increase and week 21 witnessed crowds of fair propertions who enjoyed a good vraniderille bill beaded by The Pekin Zouaves in their : marches, and which further #204 Manning, comedy eccent Amie VPelot, jugglers; Phyllis Allen, comtralte: Apollo, bounding wire act, and the Diograph Meritorious features announced for week 28 Miectric Park (Sam Benjamin, mgr The “2% seseon at this popular resort will be enet ZB, and from all indicutions a x jetvws summer seems assured. Amon eeteeetiows are Mystic Chutes, Myth City, iat Deewee of The World, Elouse of too Mauch Peowle Miketeo’s® Hickasha, Russian Temple, iat stuers of lesser importance. The German “#2 been enlarged and the size of the *aue Mervewce? in anticipation of the great ‘aye te whieh will surely be in evidence bere pvt “at efvent ef hot weather. Teeaow!t Perk (Ken Hoserithal, mgr.) After ere sewetiued elosed for the past four years, ie seowtitel ettverien retreat will again be verses 22 @ breathing spot for the masses. ces Recewthel, whose long and successful conthe Grand Opera House here has ese wi well Enown to the profeasion, will bere “veree, end May 2h ie set as the opening Agere Meny nevel eonecesiona are announced taf from ell reporta Menager Rosenthal'’s intentien of making bis place the Coney Island of ¥ tie fart ivek wi hh The West, seems to have been realized. The first headline, out-door attraction is Kilpatrick's daring automebile fight. The theatre bus been remodeled and will be managed by Walter Terry of the National. and a good randeville bil I is announced for the coming week oo _ SF. JOSEPH —Ly ceum Theatre LaBelle Marie, the @rst half. Mavourneen the balance Fultes and Edna Jackson FP. Ballard. fair « Lakeside Park s Blect. Ry. Co. NEW JERSEY. ATLANTIC CITY.—Coentinzed good bdosiness, end with the bething season opening June 1. and with over twenty comventions booked for and all the amusements have dome well : coming week will bring a big imcrease im the crowds here. Young’s Pier. Mme. Awkins, with Amy Lee and a chorus of fifty. and also the Roral Italian Band. opened te big besiness week 22 s Orpheum Vandeville Co. week 2: opened to S. RB. O. and prospects are bright ” : dasiness. Tilrou’s echese Pter. The vitagrapo and many other porelties are pleasing immense crowds. Manager Clements has many big attractiems beaked Heinz Pier. Large crowds are always in attemdanmce at this popalar pier. Garrick Theatre. The Steck Co. presents a change of bill weekly and Desiness is O EK. Battle of Gettrsburg is making a Dig impression and ts doing a big besiness. Joamstown Flood. Business is immense, and at times extra performances are given to accomedate the large crowds. Dentzel’s Galloping Horses and Amusement Palace is packed and crowded at all times. Pree Arcade is doing «a nice basiness. All the newest and latest nerelties in the amusement lime are to be found at this ever-popalar ane Steel Pier. Band concerts, socials, hops, cake walks, and besket bell to S. R. O. Pignting The Flames is doing a tremendous The Bsbr Incubator, Ofd Mill, Scenie Rail. Figure Eight. Boller Palace of ‘Tilesions, three big Carreasels, and Ministure Railway are all doing Five penny machine perlors are now located bere and there is still romm for more. Each perler contains from ome hundred te two hundred ant d Gtty machines, all doing Dig basiness. It is ttainly a novelty and money maker. A Fer ris Wheel is now im course of comstroction. Manager Ingersoll, the well-known park man. was bere 15. looking after his amusement interests. The fameas Boardwalk is being widened and extended twenty feet oceamward, making it six miles lomg and sixty feet wide. FRANK B. HUBIN. ee _the exception of Proctoer’s aga tat es anal bare al closed opened last Saturday under iitiens The Olympic Park bas e weual open-air attractions and the nan azement ot Hans Werers of the de Pleasure Park is featHippedrome. Wild West Pike amusements, and eral Maneger C L t fame. bas made extensive elterat ‘ons and aprorements at Greater Electric Park where © new attractions are a Japanese Tea Gard exican Village amd a meuster circie swing he electric fountain display promises to eclipse at of former years and a strong feature is im the German Village. The 2 odes Wood and Barrr. Martin and Quigg. Mar Trado, Hughes. Toledo and Price, The Bottomley Troupe, and the cinematogra ph. The 3S. B. O. sign was cut 22 at the annual benefit of the attaches of the Empire Theatre The attraction was The Pipe of Peace, with Robert Connes as the star. The food exbibit is open to good business in the Newark Theatre Ada Landon Hand's or chestra is being featured in the entertainment closes this week urlesquers. The ex nefit is June 3% Brothers’ Show received a re 24, and played to capacity. welcome and pleasing feature. Austin Fynes, gen. mgr.) Joe le was the headline nd Johnson was the bill Current: seridah Simp Jolby and Way, Miss pie ‘ and HARRY Oe ON NEL, Greater Electric Park. ron | good mgr.) " geod busiion. Busimer.) Trent India 17-20; big The Comforts of : Garrity, mgr.) Dark week DD E. J. CAMPION. mt resorts will the Brooklyn theadoing very good busi Theatre (Peres G. week's was the lest Wiliams, mgr.) vaudeville bill of the ws: Miss Louise Gun Sextet, Chevalier DeLaris, a. Frans Bbert & Co., LeRoy ' lett’'s Degs, Patter and Hartwell Clay ton White and Merie Stuart. Next week the comic opera season begins. The Little Duchess will be the opening bill. Broadway Theatre. ‘The Broadway Dramatic Ce.. under the management of Frank Reicher. will be seen bere for a summer season. This week Barbera Frietchie was produced. BusinesS Was very satisfactory opening week. Bijou Theatre (Marr G. Spooner, mgr.) The Speoser Steck Co. supporting Edna May and presented 7-208 There is no Ceell Spemmer let =p to business here and the season will run into June Next week, The Shanoghran. Parton's Lee Avenue Theatre (S. 8S. Allen, mer.) The Lee Avenue Steck Co. supporting Etta Reed Parton. presented Camille this week. The production drew packed bouses. The Payton Steck Go. has bed «@ very successful season bere. Next: The Three Guanismen. Star Theatre (A. H. Schonberg. mgr.) Rice & Barton's Rese Hill English Folly Co. presented Kuights of The Red Garter and A Sensation fer an Hear; besiness continues very good here. Mr. A. Sebenberg is very busy getting ready for the opening of the season at Manhattan Beach, where be is manager of Pain’s Fireworks. Next: Miner's Americans. Gayety Theatre (James Clark, mgr.) Phil Sheridan's Favorite City Sports had a big week bere. Next: Bose Hill Co. Phillips’ Lreecm (Logis Phillips. mgr.) The Lreeum Steck Co. presented The Little Church Areund The Corner this week to good houses Dreamland. Comey Island (Wm. H. Reynolds, mgr.) This week many of the new attractions at Dreamland were opemed and everything here is ready for a big season's business. All of ..e last seasem’s attractions such as Bostock’s, The Midget City. Fighting The Flames. The Canals of Venice. The Baby Incubators and many others remain ss popular as ever. «a few of the big bew attractions this seasom are Creation, which wes so much talked atoat at the St. Louis Pair, emi Touring Burope in an Automobile and Hell Gate. which sbeuld do well bere. The Flea Ciress which is lecated adjoining The Midget Oity is attracting big crowds and the flea that @ies of «a small canvas is the hero of the clan. The big Hippedrome race course is a strong drawing card, chariot and other races being held bere every afternoon and evening mgr.) This Bosteck’s (Frank C. Bostock, attraction ts ene at Dreamland, Ceaser Island. from the boaimess dome the opening week, the attraction will tbe a record breaker. Capt. Jack Bonavita, the ome-arm lien trainer, and his liens, is the feature bere and a big drawing card. A few of the ether big acts are Mme. Morelli and her jagwars: Charlies Miller and bis elephants; Mile Acrera and the Polar bears; Eer and his beriesque wild animals: Brands and the snakes; also several others. A large emtramce to Boetock’s bas been made om Surf avenue. and a twenty-fice-cent ticket also includes admission te Dresmiand mn Flood (H. A. Bradwell. mgr.) The big reprodection of the Johnstown Flood proves to be more popular than ever and so far this season's besiness bas been much greater than ever before Lana Park (Thompen & Dundy. mgrs.). The warm weather brings big crowds to this worGerful Lama Park. Moet of the big attrections are open bere and in a week or two all of the attractions will be ready for basiness. The bis Fire and Flames Show is as popular as ever ami drews well: also The Trip te The Moon is Gases big crowds. The Fall of Port Arthur fl be ome of the greatest features of Coney Island and The Igerrete Village will soon open. The Dig three ring. open-air circus is the leadting drewing attraction. L. A. Thompeon’s big | scenic railroad, The Dragon's eGorge, promises to be the greatest of scenic railway devices, ang will be opened this week. Lana Sark this senson ja more beautiful than ever and all the at tractions are clean and first class. There is nothing objectionable allowed here and ladies and children can visit Luna Park with safety. Brighton Beach Park (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.) This beavtifal new park will open 27, with Wm A. Brady's big spectacle, The Great Boer War. with General Piet Cronje and one thousand Rorr and British heroes of the Transvaal. Capt. A. W. Lewis is the originator and manager of the production. A performance will be given every afternoon at three o'clock and every even. ing at half past eight; the prices will be twenty. five, fifty and seventy-five cents, and box seats one dallar. The grand stand seats 28,000 people. The attraction is handsomely billed and the daily papers are full of clever reading notices and half-page advertisments. The Boer War will be the leading out-door attraction for New Yorkers this season. From New York to The North Pole (E. J. Austin, mgr.) This attraction is located on Surf avenue, Coney Island. It is one of the biggest and best scenic productions ever seen wre. Last season it did big business at the St. Louls Fair. Morrison's Theatre, Rockaway Beach. handsome theatre will soon open. High-class vaudeville will be the bill here. Wm. Morris furnishes acts and attractions for Manager Morrison. Manhattan Beach Theatre (Percy G. Williams, mgr.) A change in policy has been made here and instead of comic opera and light summer shows Manager Williams will present highclass vaudeville opening June 19. The performan es will begin at 8:30 p. m. instead of after he Pain’s Fireworks Show at 9:15 p. m. Mr. Wi illiams is sure to make a big success of the new theatre as his name connected with « theatre means always a good show. Pain’s Manhattan Beach Fireworks will open about June 17, with the best spectacle ever produced here entitled Port Arthur Bergen Beach. This ever-popular amusement resort, located on Jamaica Bay, is open and a very prosperous season is looked forward to. Many new attractions have been added and several valuable concessions have already been taken, and a few are still left and live ones can no doubt make big money here. Galvest Flood (James McKane, mgr.) This attraction is dol ng big business at Coney Island, Many new and startling effects bave been added this year and the scenic production is perfect. Tilyou’s Steeplechase Park (Geo. Tilyon, mer.) The Steeplechase has many new attracns and many novelties No visit to Coney Island is ag without a visit to the Steeplechase Park GbO H. HAKES, 200 Broadway, N. Y. C. TROY.—Griswokd Opera (M. Reis, mgr.: H. R. Hayden, res. mgr.) Francis Wilson 20; capacity houses Lyceum Theatre (Burns Gilliam, mgr.) The Mortimer Snow Stock Co. for week 15, presented My Partner to big houses all week. The Wife 22-27; with Mr. Snow snd Miss Crawford in the leading roles. Miss Crawford returns to the east of the local company after scoring a great success with the Scranton Co. Miss Crawford's many friends will accord her a hearty welcome back to Troy. The Girl I Left Behind Me week 2». F. MAHONEY. GLOVERSVILLE.—Darling Theatre (Will B. Gant, mgr.) May Irwin in Mrs. Black Is Back 19; pleased capacity business. Howe's Moving Pictures 20; pleased well filled houses. May Hillman Co. 22-27. House Dewson and Whitefield, Will Dockray, Hathaway and Waltone, Ira Kessner, and the vitagraph; business continves big. ELMIRA.—Rialto Theatre (F. W. McConnell, mgr.) Martin and Ridgeway, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright, May Neilson, Nellie Ridgeway, James D. Proudlove, and the biograph drew good houses 15-20. Rorick’s Theatre (Herbert Salinger, mer.) Matthew's Minstrels 22June 3. Manhattan Opera Co. June 5-Sept. 16. J. M. BBERS. NORTH CAROLINA, NEWBERN.—New Masonic Theatre @, F. Matthews, mgr.) Davis-Driscoll Stock Co. $12; fair business, closing here 13. Osman Stock an 15-20; played Blue Grass, Woman Against W man, The Strategist, business. Season closes 31. Tent Show 15; good show, ence. GREENSBORO.—Grand Opera House (Chas T. Poller, res. mgr.) House closed for season. Under canvas—Siebel’s Dog and Pony Show 16; good attendance, good show. The Rabbit's Foot Co, 34. OHIO. COLUMBUS.—Venl, Vedi, Vici are the three immortal words that beave been done in scarlet and gold and swung to the topmost fiag staf's at beth the Great Southern Theatre and the Empire. Two more popular companies never played in Columbus than the ones now claiming the spet light. It was thought at Grst that, owing to the novelty of having two companie? running here at the same time, both doing stock, the attendance at the start might not be con sidered a criterion of what would follow. Some of the wise ones have again made a mistake, however, and the attendance bas kept up through rain and shine until the management bas reason to be patting themselves om their re Spective heads Houses at both the Empire and the Southern could net bave been better. At the Empire, i2 well pleased sudi ba evlar, the S. R. ©. sign has been in use almost constantly and the playhouse at the other end of the arenue has also been stacking them up. The Belle of New York went ood, The French Maid went better, and gooiness knows where they will step. Jobn Young fs the funniest comedian that has hit the town in many & moon, and the truthful Mr. Welsman say? that the longer he is here the funnier be will get It would be well nigh Impossible for any ome to be better than he was as Pum ‘a The Belle and as the sailor this week; be % great. The whole Musical Comedy Co. ts excellent—a good word on some occasions, bet a little weak now. Josephine Newman, Charles Gidlyn, George BEtmer and Tom Ince are just as clever as they can be. The good ones are really too numerous te mention; suffice it to say, thet ther are making the hit of their Hves. “ee © oe eo ee weaeee*te = ==