The Billboard 1905-06-03: Vol 17 Iss 22 (1905-06-03)

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The Billboard 33 Hamilton—Swiss American Saengerfest. July 3-4 Mt. Vernon—Beta Phi Fraternity of the United States Con. June 20. J. G. Upson, 801 Hudson ave., Newark, O. Put-in-Bay—Natl. Commission Merchants’ League Con. Aug. 16-18. A. Warren Patch, Boston, Mass. Put-in-Bay—International Apple Shippers’ Assn. Con. Aug. 2. A, Warren Patch, 17 N. Market st., Cleveland, O. Put-in-Bay—International Federation of Commercial Travelers’ Con. July 24-26. Arthur Sheetz, Omaha, Neb. Springfield—Catholic Total Tbstenance Union Pittsburg—Lutheran Church Genl Synod Con June 14-21. Rev. H. K. : 1 st., Cincinnati, O. a — Pittsburg—United Commercial Council Con. June 9-10. B. PF. Dowell, 23-25 Oxford st., Philadelphia, Pa. ; Reading—Thirty-eighth State G. A. R. En campment. June 7-8. Lemon Buch. Reading—Womens’ Relief Corps State Con. June 7-8. Mrs. Abbie Lynch, 1531 Market st. Allegheny, Pa. ; July x ey ar 0. G. T. Gr. Lodge Con. Scranton—American Mechanical Society of En Travelers’ Gr. A. A. Anderson, McKeesport, Pa. WARNING! gineers’ Con. June 6-9. Prof. F. R. Hut-| Lhe undersigned is the SOLE OWNER of United States Letters State Con. July 11-12. Wm. A. Manning, ton, 12 West 31st st., New York City 609 Park bidg., Cleveland, 0. Slatington—Firemen’s Con. : Springfield—Knights of Pythias Gr. Lodge Con. June 12-17. J. B. Jones. Tifin—Knights of Columbus State Con. May — P. J. McCarthy, 1027 Spitzer bidg., Toledo, O. Toledo—Ninth Annual Con, of the League of June 17. Wilkesbarre—Natl. Assn. Newsdealers, Booksellers and Stationers of the U. S. Con. Aug. 29-30. M. E. Golde, 1017 Sixth ave., New York City. Wilkesbarre—Catholic Total Abstinence Union Patent as follows:—“LOOPING THE LOOP,” No. 712,407, October 28, 1902; “LEAPING THE GAP,” No. 737,375, August 25, 1903; “GLOBE OF DEATH,” No. 764,800, Con. ol. J. Logue American Municipalities. Aug. 23-25. John Girard bldg. Philadelphia, Pee pues July 12, 1904 i Jni 5 Mac Vicar, Des Moines, Ia. York—State ‘Rural Letter Carriers’ Assn. Con.|'UY “©? , and the EXCLUSIVE licensee under United States Toledo—Natl. Hay Asem. Con. July 18-20. P.| Aug. 2-3. W. C. Woods, R. . 3 LOO 728 : E. Goodrich, Winchester, Ind. York—Natl. Chairmakers’ Union Con: ‘une’, | Patents:—““DEATH TRAP P,” No. 723,525, March 24, 1903; Toledo—State Funeral Directors and Embalm-| ¢. (. Miller, 1384 W. Broad st. Sta D. ers’ Assn. Con. June 7-9. Edw. E. Fisher, Columbus, 0. , 7 Columbus, O, Van Wert—Sup. Home of the Home Guards of America. June —. J. W. Evans, 402 8. Washington st. RHODE ISLAND. Hartford—V. P. Union of -Universalists Society “AERIAL LOOP,” No. 738,434, September 9, 1903. NO OTHER PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION HAS, AT Washington C, H—80t @. A. R. State Encamy Providence, no” Ma" Adtme Herr, THIS TIME, A LICENSE TO OPERATE UNDER EITHER OF Washington C. Hons, of Veterans Ladies’ | cig. 25-25. Joun Hinkey, 215 No. Chain ce,| SAID PATENTS, NOR A RIGHT OF USER THEREUNDER, Gage, Marietta, O. Washington C. H.—Daughters of Veterans State Baltimore, Md. Narragansett Pler—American Railway AccountPhillips, (except the Gaskell Carnival Co. and Mundy Carnival Co., who have Con. June 6-9. Billa M. Ziegler, pres., Woos— — Soi. 2 Cc. G. z ter, O. ” 5 . Wauseon—Northwestern Ohio Firemen’s Assn. Providence—Irish Catholic Benevolent Union right to use Death Trap Loop); and we warn all Managers, Con. June —. Nat'l Con. Aug. 18. J. B. Davis, 5512 Woodland ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Xenila—Ladies of the Golden Eagle Gr. Temple of Uhio Con. Aug. 29. Lillian Roberts, 607 Williams ave., OKLAHOMA. Guthrie—Oklahoma Editorial Assn. Con. 6-3. W. W. Screws, Montgomery, Ala, June Providence—State Medical Society Con. June 1. Dr. Stephen A. Welch, 253 Washington st., Warren—Catholic Order of Forresters State Court Con. June 13. J. A. Dupont, 188 Chaplin ave., Providence, R. I. SOUTH DAKOTA Agents and Amusement Promoters that all performances of this character, given by any person, firm or corporation without our consent, will be an infringement of our said exclusive rights, and will render all parties thereto liable Aberdeen—State Pharmaceutical Con. Portland—State Dental Assn. Con. July 17-20.| Aug. —. E. C. Bent, Dell Rapids. to us for damages. Dr. Arthur W. Chance, Dekum bldg. Aberdeen—Order Eastern Star Gr. Chapter Con. ; Portland “A. _0. 0. W. Gr. Lodge Con. July} uss 18 Mrs. A. M. McCallister, Ma¢ioe,} The BARNUM & BAILEY CIRCUS has discontinued the perPortland—International Irrigation Congress Con. | Bristol—I. 0. G. T. June 20. Aug. 21-24. A. King Wilson. Portland—American Medical Assn. Con. July Lodge Con. Eva E. Williams, Watertown, 8S. D. Deadwood—Natl. Railroad Commissioners’ Assn. formance, ““ANCILOTTI LEAPING THE QUADRUPLE CHASM,” i114. Dr. G. H. Simmons, 108 Dearborn ave., | Aug. 16. Edward A. Moosely, Washington, which we heretofore notified them was an infringement of our rights, Chicago, ° . © PortlInd—State Homeopathic Medical Society | Sioux Falls—State Sheriffs’ Assn. Con. Ju i a a! ¥ 99 “Con. a 6-8. Ella K. Dearborn, M. ‘4 18. Howard H. Cole, Aberdeen, S. D. ad and are now featuring the act of LEAPING THE GAP under 800 Union ave., N., Station B. Portland—U. C. T. Inter-State Con. June 9. Sioux Falls—Knights of Pythias Gr. Lodge Con. June 7. J. H. J. Black. contract with us. George H. Cook, Seattle, Wash. Sioux Falls—12th Annual Session of Gr. CounPortland—American Library Assn. Con. July cil of Minn., Dakota and Manitoba, United s 48. J. S. Wyer, Louisville, Ky Commercial Travelers of America. June 9-10. . Portland—Natl. Railroad 7 , Assn. J. M. Dresser, 780 Cedar st., St. Paul, Minn. Con, Aug. 16. Martin S. ‘ker, ashing ton, D. C. TENNESSEE. aa Portland—Natl. Letter Carriers’ Assn. Con. ;|Bon Aqua Springs—State Pharmaceutical Assn. Sept. 4-11. Ed. J. Cantwell, Hutchins bidg., Con. July —. FE. F. Trolinger, Bell Buckle, Washington, D. C. Portland—International Anti-Cigarette Assn. Tenn. Bristol—German Baptists of the United States 1133 Broadway, St. James Building, NEW YORK CITY. Con. July 15-17. Elmer E. Miller. Con. June 6-8. D. F. Bowman, Johnson City, Portland—Natl. Railroad Agents Assn. Con.| Tenn. Fairmont—State Bankers’ Assn. Con. June —. Plays on Royalty, for Stock or Repertoire. July 18. N. A. Cottrell, Bismark, Mo. Chattanooga—Order of Select Knights Natl. Con. C. T. Hiteshaw, Parkersburg, W. Va. Portland—Charities and Corrections Natl. Conf. Aug, Geo. A. Staples, 825 Ellicott sqr., * DENISE,” one of the best emotional dramas Huntington—Wholesale Grocers’ State Con. M * “ July 15-22, Alexander Jounson, Fort Wayne, | Buffalo, N. Y. 25. 'F. A. McMahon, Wheeling, W. Va. | CxtaNt. » acts. two versions; one with 8, the Ind. Lebanon—Epworth League State Conf. June —.] Martinsburg—Twenty-seventh Annual Council of a Sl = ae AF fo ~ —e a “The Ca oT Portland—Nebraska Lumber Dealers’ Assn. Con.| Paul B. Kern, 1915 Broad st., Nashville, P. E. Church in Diocese of W. Va. June 7. | COUDIS, Star lead for actress. Pp July 17-19. Bird Litchfield, Lincoln, Neb. Tenn. Portland—Associated Fraternities of America Con. July 24-28. Edmund Jackson. Fulton, Lookout Mountain—State Bar Assn. Con. July 15-17. Robt. Lusk, Nashville, Tenn. Rev. Robt. Douglas Roller, D. D., Charleston, W. Va. of the Nonsuch,” a rattling Comedy, 11 in cast, can be played by 9, star lead for actor. “The Burglar’s Wife,” a comedy-drama, m. Memphis—Mosaic Templars of America Natl. WISCONSIN. eS Be ee eee Portland—National Good Roads Assn. Con. June) Gr. Temple Con. July 18, J. E. Bush, Lit-) Blanchardville—-Y. P. ©. U. of the U. B. vent part for Dutch comedian: scene, Peru 14-17. R. W. Richards, Omaha, Neb tle Rock, Ark. Church State Con. June 22-25. Rev. G. B.|*% : =e : Portland—America Institute of Iastruction. July Memphis—Natl. Credit Men's Assn. Con. June and New York. “ The New Woman,” acom Chapman, pres. «scene, N 10-13. Wm. C. Crawford, 80 Ashford st., 14-16. Chas. E. Meek, 29 Liberty st. ue’ Bay—Fraternal Order of Eagles’ Third sey = | ag a a _ Boston, Mass. Memphis—Oil Well Superintendents’ Assn. Con. Annual State Con. June 18-15. L. C. SnaveMe. bs <P ; € 4 = WES Portland—National W. C. T. U. Conf. June 27June 6-8. M. B. Wilson, Lockhart, Tenn. ly. any other plays and sket« . 28. Mrs. Henrietta Brown, Albany, Ore. Memphis Natl. Congregational Workers’ Con.|/La ¢ . A. R. State Encampment. June COL, J. F. MILLIKEN, Portland—The Gr. Lodge Degree of Honor Con.| Sept. —. Rev. 0. Feduma, Troy, N. C. 13-14. E. O. Kimberley, Janesville, Wis. 287 Broadway, New York City. noe are Mrs. Ollie F. Stephens, gr. rec. a gg * —a —— yoy La Crosse—State Medical Soclety. Con. June ortland—Pacific Coast Electric Transmission Con. pt. ; son Brooks, le —. C. S. Sheldon, Madison, s. Assn. June 20-21. Geo. P. Lowe, San Franst., Chicago, Ill. La Crosse—I. 0. Foresters’ High Court Con. | Milwaukee—bocal Clerks, Modern Woodmen of ciseo, Cal. Nashville—I. O. R. M. Grt. Chief of Records| June 7. J. C. Proctor, Madison, Wis. America Con. June 17-19. W. T. Copeland, Portland—Natl. Cont. of Charities and CorrecNatl. Con. Sept. —. Madison—State Stationary Engineers’ Assn. Con. Lima, 0. tions. Oct. —, Portland—Natl. American Woman Sufferage TEXAS. June 16-18. Peter Gauer, care Water Works, Milwaukee—Improved Order of Heptazophs Sup. Racine, Wis. Conclave. June 13-17. S. H. Tattersall, BalAssn. Con. June 29-July 5. Miss Kate M.| Bonham—Ninth Annual Reunion Confederate| werril—Sons of Hermann State Con. Aug. 18. timore, Md. Gordon, New Orleans, La. Veterans. July 18-22. A. J. Stevenson. Fred Renter, 309 3rd st. Milwaukee—Rebekah Assembly I. 0. . F. of Portland—Natl. Supervisors of State Banks’ | College Station—Texas Farmers’ Congress Con. | wMilwaukee—Rebekah State Assembly. June 6. Wis. June 6. Mrs. Sarah BEB. Hute’ ison. Assn. Con. June 27-20. M. C. Bergh, Maui-| June 15-15. R. H. Walker, Gonzales, Tex. Sarah Hutchinson, Menominee, Wis. Oshkosh—United Commercial Travelers’ Gr. son, Wis. Hartford—Alumini of the a 1D/ Milwaukee—State Sunday School a. Con. pee June —. Fred Vandewater. Denton—North Texas Medical Assn. . June} June 6-8. J. T. Chynoweth, 141 Wisconsin anesville, s. PENNSYLVANIA. 20-21. H. L. Moore, Von Alstyne, Tex. st. hae RateeSeate sents “ Re = Con. Bloomsburg—S y ‘ . |Galveston—International Retail Clerks’ Protee| Milwaukee—Natl. Harness Mfrs, and Dealers’| Aug. 23. M. W. Sackett, Meadville, Pa. July 13. BF. Landing? ‘Gueuten, Fe. sees tive Assn. Con. July 11. Max Morris, box| Protective Asa. Ose. Aug. 14-16. G. M. CANADA. Bradford—Fire *s Con. . S-1l. 158, Denver, Col. Scherz, Cincinrati, 0. ss . Centre Hall—2nd. A TE Fo ll of Hus| Gatesville—Confederate Veterans’ 7th Annual | Milwaukee—Modern Woodmen of America Natl. a, See Reunion bandry. Sept. 16-22. L. Rhone, chrm. Reunion. July 18-21. W. H. Johnson. Con. June 23-24. C. W. Hawkes, Rock Isa J . O28 2 & th as. totes Gm Erie—International Municipal Blectricians’ Assn. | Marlin—Texas Womens’ Press Assn. Con. June land, I. ~ me *; c Mh . . Con, Aug. 20-31. E. Foster, Corning, 12. Mrs. James Madison, pres., Temple, Tex. | Milwaukee—International Lithographic Apprenug. 9. J. ©. . a % Gettysburg—Natl " Mineral Wells—State Retail Grocers and Butch tices and Press Feeders’ Protective Assn. Con. Montreal—Canadian Electrical Assn. Con June vo Prov ngress | ers’ Assn. Con. June 13-14. J. N. Baughn.| June 5. Jas. Basherio, 1508 Booth st. —. C. H. Mortimer, Toronto, a Con. June 6.3. F. Keenan, 4) Weldon ot VERMONT aioe sane, Oe ee on es ee a eg ae Brooklyn, N. ¥. . . §& Con. uly 2-4. Ma . 7 ° . & a a : : “ Harrisburg—Btate Encampment Dept. of Pa. | Brattleboro—Order Eastern Star Gr. Chapter} Wisconsin st. pare Bernard, 1516 Tribune bidg., Chicago eyanichAmerican War Veterans. July 2-4. _ June 6-7. H. L. Stettson, Benington, ee = yy RT, én Con. Stechatee. Cat.Oaternational Accident UnéerAllen W. Hagenbach, Allentown, t. une 15. mue : . thedral *s on ae 21. 4 Milton—S, of . “Sense Con. a —. H.|Middleburg—Knights of Honor Gr. Lodge Con.| and Preston sts., Baltimore, Md. ogy Pane > i > ~The Aug. 14-19. Fawney, N. B. Cor. Broad and Arch sts., July 12. . S. Piper, Brattleboro, Vt. Milwaukee—North American State League Con. 3 eds ia: fe, sen. —— s” Philadelphia, Pa. Rutland—Marble Workers of the U. S. and Caness. June 3-5. Ernest H. Hottelet, 700 P ith . Ont ahr PF A a en June 30 nd Osterburg—20th Annual Grangers’ Encampment. ada Con. July 5. Henry Roberts, 273 Porter, 10th st., Milwaukee, Wis. a a ahi Gane, B. Sane “ Aug. 15-18. Geo. W. Oster, gen. mgr st., Detroit, Mich. Milwaukee—Natl, Woodmen of Americas Con. |, Ot %) -Toral True Blue Assn, Con. Aug. Philadelphia—United Order of Red Men Natl. | Woodstock—Protestant Episcopal Church Dio} June (wk. 19.) a Soto Gaawum. fest Secry, Ont. vem » Con. Sept. —. George Beanger, N. Y. C p cesan Con. June 4. C. H.Wells. ag eg a go of Fn gg ee 7 cholas ingram, y: , > Philac ntsk m Gr. Lodge June 20-24. Anna P. Lister, Peoria, Il. . eS . ze a ‘is-28. = Ma. Mackey “oad FelVIRGINIA. Milwaukee—American Press Humortsts’ Con. Cont.’ Ont. 20-23 . — i. ng lows’ Temple. yy : Bristol—Baptist State Sunday School Con. Aug. Wm. F. Kirk. ‘ To — Delta Chi Suatenntiy Gen. dane nd Philadelphia—Natl. Zionists’ Con. June 16. —. Nelson Williams, Richmond, Va. Milwaukee—Natl. Baggagemen’s Mutual Benefit aa 3. D. MeNurrich, 103 Bay st. Philadelphia—Internat’l Brotherhood of Team-| Hot Springs—American Hardware ManufacturAssn. Con. June 10-11. W. D. Carrick, 5 “aanetn. Snt,-~hancetate’ Billposters and Dtsnd sters’ Con. Aug. 7. E. L. Turley, 147 Market| ers’ Assn Con. June 69. EB. D. Mitchell, Union Depot. vo ede con dens 0 St., Indianapolis, Ind. : 809 Broadway, New York City. Milwaukee—Natl. Walther League Con. July T Oat EM am Newspaper CireufaPhiladelphia—Women’s Single Tax League Natl. | Richmond—State Local Fire Insurance Assn. 16-20. F. P. Strage, 1532 Chestnut st. > n "on a es. 3. L Boerbaus, tl. Con. June 15-17. Dr. Charlotte M. Dickens. Con. July —. H. P. Trice. Milwaukee—Northwestern Mutual Life UnderNon Haven am, a nd Philadelphia—Am. Order of Steam Engineers’ N writers’ Con. July 18-20. D. E. Murphy, T — fone In m 1 Sunday Con. Sup. Council Son. June 12. Frederick MarWASHINGTON. cr. Murphy & Surba. y =e elinaeemanmens Scheel ug koe, 931 N. Orianna st., Reading, Pa. Seattle—League of American Sportsmen’ Con. | Milwaukee—United Spanish War Veterans’ Con. ne Oat, Assn. of Transportation and Car P Philadelphia—Knights of the Red Branch Sup. June —. Sept. 7-9. Wm. E. English, 102 Monument — i aaieen Cen. tate ok Commandery, Aug. 27-29. P. B. Braser,| Vancouver—Rebekah State Assembly. June 5. pl., Indianapolis, Ind. Fane xs ie “Gasfitters and Helppie “ ; Nellie M. Knoff, Seattle, Wash. Milwaukee—American Gas Light Assn. Con. ers’ Con. Aug. --. L. W. Tilden, Temple of ? 1“ “2. ° ” “4 Music, Chicago, , i a 'g—Natl. Gymnastic Clubs’ Con. June WEST VIRGINIA. Oct. —_ a, A, Ransdell,, 530 Broad Music, Chi Il seen atuinaill ; epower Firaternational—Steam, Hot Water and | Clarksburg—Protestant Episcopal Gaoren D. nianten-tamdien Gat. Cond. 0a 2.| be tle? Lon Oe, te oe oe ha ‘pp rs and Helpers’ Assn. Con. June cesan Counc ‘ ° . BR D. : % W. F. Costella, New Haven, Conn. Roller, Charleston, W. Va. Rev. S. E. Oneford, Allentown, Pa, Conrad, 24 Park Place, New York City { i] |