The Billboard 1905-06-03: Vol 17 Iss 22 (1905-06-03)

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cee REN net eneete — “o ee 34 The Billboard Greatest Drawing Attraction On Earth FOR FAIRS OR TOWNS WITH RAGE TRACK. AUTOMOBI LE RACES By the fastest and best Automobiles of this and foreign countries, driven by famous and daring Chaffeurs of Europe and America. immegiately. $S0,000 INVESTED IN AUTOMOBILES. We guarantee to draw larger crowds than any other attraction you have ever had. Address International Automobile Go., Frank Kelly, Prestdent, Secretaries, managers and committees write 925-227 E, Fourth $t., Cincinnati, Ohio PORTLAND, MAINE, CARNIVAL JUNE 22 to JULY 1 INCLUSIVE. AUSPICES NATIONAL GUARD AND MERCHANTS. Animal Show, Ferris Wheel, Midway "aaa Ja by Ball Game, Candy Floss, rankfurter, Tintype, Novelties, Confetti, Optical, and all other Privieges ‘for sale. NOTE—Excursions from allover Maine and Canada. Fifty-third Regiment coming from Canada; Governors’ Day and eight other special excursion days, EXPOSITION BUILDINGS and GROUNDS COVER 30 te wy . Big business here. he playing Patterson Carnival can get rate by N. Y. H. & H., and B. & M. R. R. d Maine cecomeehip Co. a MANAGER EXPOSITION, PORTLAND, ME. THE SMITH GREATER AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE Gonstantly Adding New Features. Privilege People Write. Novelties and Confetti Sold to Schwartz. Route:—Lawrenceburg, Ind., May 29-June 3; Circleville, O., June 5-10. PRIVILEGE PEOPLE ATTENTION _ ——.COME ON TO THE BIG ONE —— THE REDMEN’S SUMMER FESTIVAL, fest sis sv ATTRACTIONS BY WHITNEY’S GREATER SHOWS. Confetti and Novelties for sale for balance of season; all other privileges $10. Can place one or more good shows. Sister Team At Liberty. For Parks, en or Small Parts in Company. Room 42 DENVER, “iutain, Frisco Sisters, cocorapo. Charles Building, LAST CALL——DON'T THINK BUT GET iN LINE AND GO BACK, BACK, BACK TO BALTIMORE FOR THE GREATER BALTIMORE ccc. —annp— JUNE 12 to JULY 1, 1905. CARNIVAL Can use a few more first-class shows, with good fronts, on the Midway. Concessions of all kinds for sale in the Exhibition Hall and on the Midway. No exclusives. More money here than any gold camp or oil field in the country. Write or wire quick to B. R. JOHNSON, PIPER BUILDING, BALTIMORE, Md. WICHITA SPRING JUBILEE Wichita, Kan., Week June 12. ATTRACTIONS FURNISHED BY “GREAT GASKILL SHOWS= All hasttinente ariviles es 310. The opportunity of the season, Address AL, TINCH, moter, or I Woop, Secy. Wichita, best show town in the West. A $1.50 rate +~ 100 miles. fest ree 3 d Carnival ever held in Kansas. ANNOUNCEMENT! We are pleased to announce that an increasing demand for our Metal at pom | Galleries has justified us in placing large orders for material and bettering our facilities, thereby greatly reducing the cost of manufacture as well as improving the quality. These mirrors are made of highly polished composition metal. Have same appearance, produce same effects and will answer the purpose as well as the most costly glass. They are the only practical mirrors for traveling purposes. We are offering our No. 1 Style Gallecy (intended for parks and other permanent locations) at a special low price, Write for particulars. J. M. NAUGHTON, Amusement Construction Company, "= WANTED... ....WANTED Two glass engravers, two glass blowers, rust be good on shade work: one that can spin. Summer’s work, Luna Park, Pittsburg. Address J.G. FOLEY, 505 Shaw Ave, McKeesport, Pa. | Parisian et Grvan Cone Cooking Ovens The ae Money Getter at World’s i CAUTION —We are the sole manufacturers of Parisian Ovens, the only evens used in the World’s Fair Grounds. A bonanza this season at Street Fairs, Carnivals, State and County Fairs, Basebal) Games, Picnies, Soda Founts, and all gatherings. Thousands of dollars made by Conces| sionaires at the World's Fair selling our | shape of cones, filled with delicious ice Delicieus Crisp Ice -"— 7 Cones. A brand cream, which can be eaten as you walk or | pane greatest come| strofl along without a, the finest new idea from Paris, back seller ever introdu Over 500 per cent profit. a maple to operate; light and gpestenie, Write for Catalogue. ll particulars, secret formula, etc S| LANIER & DRIESBAGH, Mahne Wore TBE Paston St, MEMPHIS, TEM a eat od ¥, Ben ; 4 Delightfully flavored cakes made in the gloves or clothes. They in hot er co!d weather, Mention ‘‘ The Billboard” when answering ade. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads, Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads Mention “The Billboard” when answering ot su ve