The Billboard 1905-06-03: Vol 17 Iss 22 (1905-06-03)

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36 The Billboard THE PICTURE THT CHILLS 7 BLOOD The Greatest Creation of Sensational Motion Picture Photography. THE HOLD-UP OF THE LEADVILLE STAGE LENGTH, 700 FEET. Length, 450 Feet, Price, $54.00 SEND FOR COMPLETE CATALOGUE AND CIRCULAR OF FILMS. A“wonderfully realistic series of scenes and incidents actually made in Colorado, and following with exceedingly fine accuracy the true events that made Colorado famous. Send for Illustrated Circular. STILL A HEADLINER. Tracked by Bloodhounds or a Lynching z at Cripple Creek, oR PRICE, $84.00 The Girls in the Overalls, 350 Feet, Price, $42.00 THE SELIG POLYSCOPE CoO. H. H. BUCKWALTER, ; General Western Agent, Denver, Colo. (INCOQRPORATED.) 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL. are ready to figure on your season’s supply of Posters, Hangers, Window Cards, Banners, Etc., write for our price list. We can save you WIS: ‘NEW YORK Wanted oa ... Wanted FPR MAY AMUSEMENT Co., eTADIw ME Complete, that can furnish free attractions in exchange for free privileges. Will consider proposition from Trained Animal Show. WANTED :—Two roore Tent Shows; one more Platform Show; can place few more privileges: or will exchange free privilege for free attrac tions; what have you? WANTED: gd 74 Camp. WANTED:—Musicians for Band No. 2; Door Talkers; ali useful people write, e are booked — for Summer season North; Address, S.C. WEST, Mer., Troy, Ala., week, May 2 W ANTE —Privilege Men, Band, and Shows, for FIFTH ANNUAL FIREMEN’S FREE STREET FAIR, WM. SCHNEIDER, Mgr., Kittanning, Pa. Kittanning, Pa., July 31-August 5, 1905. Add. WANTED... rose THe .». WANTED Merchants’ Free Street Fair, PIPESTONE, MINN., JULY, 3,4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Shows of allkinds; Merry-Go-Round and Ferris Wheel; also the Best Free Acts, none too good. The money is here, come andget it. All privileges For Sale. M, Samoya and Trix McHale, write. JOHN S. ROE, Gen. Mgr. “MAGIC COINER” | The latestnovelty. Just out. Quick seller. the coinage of money from blanks. side line for showmen to supply the trade and appoint agents. Semple by mail, 10 cts. Price, $8.50 per gross. J. R. ARMSTRONG, 340 Meyran Ave., E.E., Pittsburg, Pa. LOEB FOR CONCESSIONS. oo panes Rolling Ball Game, Ferris Wheel, Galatea, Dart Gallery, on ames, Row Boats, Souvenirs, and a lot of others; be quick! Tell me what you have; all percentage. Open 10th. Address EON LOEB, Al Fresco Beach, PEORIA, ILL. ' Eosties fo install Bowling Alleys, Roller Skating a erris Wheel, House of Trouble, Helter Shelter Cave of the Winds, and other up-to date amusements. Long term leases; terms very reasonable, For particulars address W. BAHL, Mer., Mansfield, Ohio. It represents A neat trick. A good N. B.—“ Loeb sells everything.” (You know.) Wanted... ... Wanted SEAT AND CANVAS MEN PAIN’S PORT ARTHUR Birmingham, Ala., week May 29th ; Chattanooga, Tenn., June 5,6 and 7th; Knoxville, Tenn., June 8, 9 and 10th. Pains Last Days ot Pompei Oklahoma City, week July 3rd. REASON AND CAUSE—-WHY TO DEAL WITH US. The REASON:— We always carry a full assortment of prizes and gifts, suitable for all sorte of games, such as jewelry, novelties cutlery, watches etc. The CAUSE:~ It’s our ability to offer you the right priees and prompt service. Orders shipped same day as received, We show here only a fewof our rapid selling articles; write for our monthly fair and prize list which will be ready on or about June 10th. OUR MOTTO : National Clip Patent Button nickel plated. polished, can be used for many purposes. Price per gross, $1.20 Bone back German collar buttons, Large sales and small profits best and = — me | = Watch this space weekly and Fuchs & Weintraub, gross 60c. 8 above, mother of pea: get wise. 3 back $2.00 per gross. 120 Canal St... New York One biock east of Bowery. We Want YOu For the week of uuly 3,4,5,6,7,8. If you have a good act we can use you for the above week. Propositions from small Carnival Comparies also considered. State all you can and will do and lowest salary in first letter. M. A. KRUG, Chm., East Erie Carnival Committee, ERIE, PA. AMUSEMENT CO.’S TICKETS, WRITE TO KELLER PRINTING CO., Lowest 722 Broadway, N. Y. Prices. TransContinental Vaudeville Association SUITE 604-5-6, 67 South Clark St., CHICAGO, ILLS. ——Largest Circult of Vaudeville Houses in the West.—— BoaRD OF MANAGERS: J. Rosenthal, Fred. Buchanan, J. T. Connors, F. 5. Winter, J. Berriman, C. F. Bartson, T. W. Barhydt, J. Hoefler, A. Siegfried, Bamford and Marks. Look up The Big Fair Privileges of all descriptions FOR SALE. Four day; Aug 23 to 26. Best money spend ing crowds in the country. Special out-door performers wanted: Mirrer Shows, Vitascope, Miniature Railway, Ice Cream Candy, Popcorn and Peanuts, Shooting Gallery, Side Shows Any clean performance can and will get the momey. No graft allowed on grounds This ad. will appear but this time ; write immediately to F. EARL DeWEESE, Chillicothe. Ohio. Devices and Concessions Wanted. Electric Park, Mont Attractions, gomery Amusement Co,, Box 754, Montgomery, Ala. Mention “The Billboard” when answering Ws. Mention “‘ The Billboard” when answering ads, — Mention “‘ The Billboard’ when answering ade, Mention “The encunitmniataaiting alt