The Billboard 1905-06-03: Vol 17 Iss 22 (1905-06-03)

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The Billboard BABY-RACK AND CANE-RACK MEN! HERE IS SOMETHING FOR YOU! i FOY PEPSIN GU™M—(Our price alone makes this a BABY-RACK GUM. otherwise a eeeena: awaa eaten ooes FETED nee nore Miler $8.75 it Jane good oo any c-cons gure made), Mado ot the best grade MEXICAN = , . eri, tee ceee es Fiber ee .1LE, in G SEN an cRMI?D LAVORS. Five WHITE ASH—Packed halt hundred, 4% inches, short filler, seed wrapper. This regular size tablets wrapped in tin foil, neatly banded with printed labels, brand has become a a with all who have tried it. NOTE: We Require a Deposit of 50 per cent. with Above Goods. BSED WI ha 06. chi cndndaey cncketbedbdes cenwcescqhh then dakess okt iceseed WE SEND OUR 1905 CATALOGUE FREE! FREE! FREE! We Are The A al A i InNco RATED We Are The Pe tienes oop Most Reliable _— A e House in the ” Business 272 E. MADISON ST., CHICAGO. aL [DRINKING M A E H | N ES | @ur New 1995 Catalogue and June Supplement is just off the print and ready ‘for mailing ; we offer you the following goods at ve 7 Se prices : The Whole Dam Family Postal Cards, $4 a 100u; The New Japanese Rubber $4 Canes, $2.50 a 10u; Colored Dusters, $17 » 1000; No. 5 Rubber Balls, $2 a Made 0,000 in Six Months. gross; Fancy Paper Fans, $2 a gross; German Collar Buttons, 50c. a gross; It sells any kind of a drink for 1 cent or 5 cents a glass, | Four Blade Knives, 70c. a doz.; Spikes for Ribbon Canes, 45c. a gross; Slappers, such as Water, Root Beer, Lemonade, Orangeade, etc. $275 a gross; Dotson's Parer-Slicer, $6 a gross; Paper Bells, $5 a gross; Brass Fifty machines at St. Louis sold $40,000 worth of water | Trumpets, $5 a gross. : ,'4 : in six months at 1 cent per glass, 90% clear profit; One ss machine at South Ferry took in 300 a month; One If you are interested, so please drop a penny postal card to machine at Battery Park took in $240 a month. Each machine is provided with a register that registers each M.§ GERBER ; coin deposited in the machine. : Importer and Jobber of Watches, Jewelry, Cutlery and Streetmen's Specialties. Ten of These Automatic Drinking = (j,26 sourn street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Machines at any Pleasure Resort WILL EARN $100 a Day. Free Street Fair Size of Machine 5 ft. 6 in. high ; 15in. wide ; 24 in. deep. Price of Machine : $80 Each. Great Bend, Kansas, week May 29th; Garden City, week June 5th. WANTED— Performers, Shows, Band and Concessions. Forty weeks’ work. » . * A deposit of $25 required with order on each Machine. Cam place any paid attraction; wire or come. LIQUID VENDING MACHINE CO,, Sabin meer canvas ce WANTED Sa ts ee ee amy Came Rare Antelopes, Goats, and Sheep, Kangaroos, Swan, Geese, EMUES, CASSOWA E X P 0 S | T { 0 N $ H 0 W S . RIES, Cockatoos, Macaws. Monkeys from $80 a dozen upwards, small and monster Python Snakes. LOUIS RUHE, 248 Grand St., N. Y. One or two good shows at once, to join on wire; 7 : Vaudeville or Plantation preferred. Address Atte nil On Val (| PY | | p Acts Week, MAY 29. FRED HEWITT, Nobelsville, Ind. ‘ All Performers booked in the BIJOU THEATRES, of the Bijou Circuit, and for the Bijou Amusement Company, who have contracts for time opening on June 12th and later are ante ante hereby canceled, as these houses will hereafter be booked by the Bijou Booking Agency eee eos Inc,, Room 406, 67 8, Clark Street, Chicago, Il. PRIVILEGE PEOPLE FOR | WANTED: Vaudeville Acts. The BIJ KING AGE aan. THE FRED HEWITT EXPOSITION SHOWS, 2 eee ocean tune tak tor F Keefe, Mar ona bates lemme Only bree who sep mane pease saan good a lady eee. la Ww be New and novel acts want at all times. ustrated Singers an anists constantly in Ga eek, No Isville, Ind., week, May 29. ey ae ee ame and amchera. Visiting oaneases ond portecmere corally invited to make this office their headquarters while in Chicago. jhen writing perADDRESS SID. FLOTO, Mgr. Privilege. formers will state time of act, and give route list for a couple of weeks, and also state whether GIJOU BOOMING AGENCY, Mosw 100, 67 b Clark St. Chicegor ills. FREED’S UNITED SHOWS R WAN Two Good Shows other than Electric; a Ferris BALLOON ASCENSION AND PARACHUTE 0 OP oe mcg penn ing — who pear tarry co By a thoroughly experienced aeronaut, for out-door attraction. Add. ban ; Ss . Osca r . aren fy _ . \ also door talker and machine opera a dress H. T. FREED, Mer. Prof. CASSELLE, New Dundee, Ontario, Can. Madison, Kas.. May 30 to June 3; Eureka, Kas.. June 6 to 10. | All People Performers, Shows,Concessioners, ete. under contract with the HEINZ BROS.’ National CarLA ival Co., report not later than June 3, at Prairie du HIGH a CG ss CARNIVAL co. Chein, Wis. WANTED -A few Good Shows; Ferris For Street Fair, under auspices of M. W. of A.,| Wheel, and Acts for Circus. Address week, Aug. 1-5, Carrollton ©., W. 6. ASHBROOK, Secy. ED. HEINZ, Prairie du Chein, Wis. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads Mention ‘‘ The Billboard” when answering ada. Mention “‘ The Rillhoard” when answering ads. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads, =— OE ee A I OE REIS