The Billboard 1905-06-03: Vol 17 Iss 22 (1905-06-03)

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panama The Billboard 39 DiI BROTHERS’ -SHOWS= Can use a few more Aerial Acts; anda Good Singing Clown; also Performers to goin Leaps; Horizontal Ten Musicians. first letter. Bars; Troupe of Performing Dogs; Band Leader and Circus people write; quick action necessary! State all in No fares advanced. WANTED—Good Boss Canvasman. Show opens in Chicago, Monday, May 29. Longseason. First-class accommodations. on BODKIN BROTHERS’ SHOWS 302 DEARBORN ST., ) CHICAGO, ILL. FILMS Moving Picture Machines and Slides Wanted in all quantities. State length, subject, conditions and lowest price in first letter Second Hand Films Machines and Slides of the latest subjects and best condition FOR SALE. LEWIS S. PHILIP, 133 So. Clark St., Chicago, Hi. In Repertoire. Under Management of 0. W. Trayte, WANTED... For the Seibel Bros.’ Dog and Pony Show: Musicians, clarinet, cornet, slide trombone, alto; other musicians write: must be up in standard music and above all sober, | Gentlemen that are attentive to business, and | can appreciate good treatmer*. with your money every week. and can join oa receipt of | wire. Address to 0. V. BURR, Musical Director, #24 West Fort St., Detrvit, Mich. WANTED SENSATIONAL Outside Attractions for Lake View Park, J. C. HOLDEN, Mgr., Terre Haute, Ind. | 5: ewe Dalsy Beverly FREE ATTRACTIONS WANTED FOR FALMOUTH. (KY.) FAIR. 4days,—Sept, 27, 28, 29, 30, 1905.— 4 days. Old Fashioned Country Fair and Races. J. R. WILLIAMS, Secy , Falmouth, Ky. Look! Look! Something New! New Pistol Machine out. You shoot at the Bell and you get your penny back. Cheap, #20 = -¥: and = Guarantee to earn the ney in one week. Apply to PETER MARQUART, 550 Hart St., Brooklyn,N. Y, Empire Theatre, Springfield, Ill, WANTED AT ALL TIMES. Sketch Teams, Musical Acts, Sister Teams. Balladists, Song and Dance, Serio Comics and Novelties, John Connors, Proprietor, WANTED—First-Class Vaudevil! Acts at Harlem Park, ROCKFORD, ILL. Address Mgr. Harlem Park, Rockford, IIl., care Rockford & Interurban Ry. Co. WANTED for the Great Bosco Show No.2 a Musicians, Concert People and Singing and Talking Clown. Privileges for sale; Candy stand on side show. Address, Clark City, LIL, ‘til June 1. _ SOUVENIR POSTAL CARDS. Published in every known style in large or small quantities at prices that will surprise you. Best advertising medium. Last paren and bring results. Ameri Box 1229, B. B., New — hE te WANTED First-class open air Exhibition Troupe for Sept. 12-15, Equestrienne troupe preferred. GEO, M. TITUS, Sec'y Fair and Driving Park Assn., Corry, Pa. WANTED—Sober and competent Alto, Baritone and Slide Trombone, quick; Two-Car Show; no Parades; night performance only. my. 6B. MOORE, Neilsville, Wis. WANTED Chorus Girls, WHO GAN SING AND DANCE AND WEAR TIGHTS. Height, 5 ft. 3 to 5 ft. 6; weight, 120te 140 lbs. I furnish everything, costumes, tights, shoes, hose, ete. Address PETER S. CLARK, Room 1, 1358 Broadway, New York WANTED Ferris Wheel to join at once. Nobelsville, Ind., May 29June 3; Anderson, Ind., June 5-10. Address FRED HEWITT. Wanted... .--Wanted Fer the Dixie Carnival Company, QUICK! Two Free Attractions for week June 4; also Glass Show and one more Platform Show; also Musicians and legitimate privileges: address quick: DANNA THOMPSON, Washington’ Kansas, May 29-June 3; Superior, Neb., June 5-10. Wanted for the Biggest One OnjEarth—Only One Under This Name AL. W. MARTIN'S Soritis UNCLE TOM’S CABIN. The newest edition of the oldest hit. White peopie in al! lines of the business, tncluding two chiidren for Eva and Harry. ages about six and twelve; stage carpenter property man, electrician, minstrel peuple, singers, dancers, quartette, suitable for this big city attraction. Want white musicians for my featured concert band and orchestra. All people engaged must be A-!: state all you do Ors jetter. Consider silence @ poiite negative. Season opend Peru, Ind., Aug. 17. For Sale—Band, uniforms, Unc'e Tom and Ten Nights in a Barroom scenery. chariots. and all kinds of parade stuff in good condition. BD. S. MARTIN, Manager. Permanent address at all times care Nationaé Printing Co. 1514 Tribune Bidg.. Chicego, 111. Norge—Musicians address Woody Van, Mauch Chunk, Pa. The Coney Island of the East: Old Orchard Beach, Me. Only Amusemeat Park within 100 miles; a Militon People, 30 Cities, and 500 Towns to draw from; 15 loca! population. Great excursion center of the East. REE PARK. Patronage doubling each year. & HAVE by ownership or contract the Big Arcade and other New Buildings, Open Air Theatre. Scenic Railway, Maze, Ball-Room, Grove, Merry-go-Round. Boating, Athletic Grounds, Ferris Wheel, Circle Swing. Camera Obscura, Beaman’s Great Anatomy Exhibition, and celebrated Dog and Pony Circus. Wire Jewelry, Knife Board, Cane Rack. art Gallery, Jap Ball Game, Plate Board. Novelty Bail Game, Fish Pond. Doli Rack, Candy Floss, Pop Corn Crisp, Hot Buttered Pop Corn. Ice Cream Cones, and big Roller Skating Rink, 300-feet circle. WE WANT to contract for Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Stand (extra fine privilege). Candy Pulilog Stand, Miniature R. R (permanent), Oriental Goods. Platform Show, Galatea, Electric Theatre, Laughing Parlor, Penny Arcade (fine location), Glass Show, Shooting Gallery, and anything else legitimate. Opens June 15th to Sept 15th, all alive seven days each week: 32 page fllusrrated proepectus. THE MAINE INVESTMENT CoO., Ltd. AL. W. MARTIN, Sole Owner. MOORE & HOOD MFG. CO" 9, 11,13 W. Madimae son St., CHICAGO = Sporting Goods Club Room Furniture. Wholesale and The largest exclusive Sporting Goods House inthe U.S. We quote a few of our new ones: “Shoot the Chutes,” latest dice game 825.00 The Revolving Drop Case, (new)...... 35.00 “Chicago Style’ Twisted Wire Spindle, 22.50 Camel Back Spindle—controiled (no re OR a a ee $12.00 The World's Fair Striker, with case feed De 5. os th cdo acta va xk'c<sd. THE CHICAGO DROP CASE, A LITTLE WON DER. Size 15 x 16 inches, weight 5 Ibs........ $25.00 Electric Money Drawer, 2 sets dice... 30.00 Electric Bar Magnets, complete ...... 25.00 ‘Check Cop.” the original and best. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed; per bottle 33, Send for Catalogue—FREE. HARBACH’S Electric Stereopticons with 220 voit Rheostat and Switch, 6 in,, $25. Electric Spot Light Condenser $18. Motion Pictore Machine and 500 ft. of Films, $35. FILMS 4 cts. per ft., up. Many Featured Films, Comic, Ete. Late Song Slides, $5 per set. 220 volt Rheostat $3.50; Reels, Films, Boxes, Lines, Condensers. 41-200 31. Condenser Protectors 60 cts.: Electric Connector Ends, % cts. per set. Oxy-lith outfits; Acetylene outfits, Edison Kinetoscopes, 75 cts. Power Cameragraph No. 4. Send for Catalogues. — Machines and Films Wanted. HARBACH & C0.. emma. Pa. WRRW0000000000000000000000000000008 County Fair Mansfield, Ohio, AUG. 30-31, SEPT. 1-2 One of the best in the State. Attraction and Privilege Men write, Address OHN H. COSS, Secretary. The Best Money Maker Paying five hundred per cent. The Fairy Floss Machine, Runs by Motor. For full particulars address Wm. King, 604 So. Sterling St., Streator, Ill. -WANTED... Medicine Performers—A1l Sketch Team, man and wife; also good Single Performer, lady preferred; can use good people at all times; salary sure; must be ladies and gentlemen; all good performers; write me quick. DOC KESTNER, Blackfoot, Idaho. $$ REAL GET RICH QUICK $$ I just sell rights to make Standard Oil's W ASH®, a washing cil to whiten old canvas, crashes and sheets of magicians and steropticons; Washes coarse clothes, kills vermin. Circus and road shows, whitens ladies’ skirts. overalls. Eorror Star, Rochester,N, Y PRIVILEGES FOR SALE! At the 5th Annual) Interstate Fair, Beloit, Wis.. Aug. 15, 16, 17, 18. We want Merry-GoRoand, Ferris Wheel and Shows as well as other good attractions. Address T. DBD. CORCORAN, Secy., Beloit, Wis. Cc ival C arnival Co., Comunicate with DAN ZOOK, Chairman Carnival Committee, Ft. Worth Texas, care of Eagles’ Hall, 4th and Main. WANTE Shows of all kinds, Free Acts, and Acts for Stadium, Band of 8 or 10 Pieces, Concessions. Must be able to joinon wire. State allin first letter. MITCHELL & SANGER, Kokomo. Ind., week, May 29; Watseka, I11., week, June 5, KINGSLEY-RUSSELL CO.: Repertoire Leading Woman ; other useful people with specicalties, write. Mattoon, Ill., May 29 and week. ‘ FIRST GLASS CARNIVAL CO. WA a Modern Woodmen of America’s Log Rolling Association, to be held at Osceola, La., August 17-18-19, 1905, Address allcommunications to ROW WILSON, Osceola, Ia. Lock Box 131. —~For MONARCH CARNIVAL CO., No. 2: Ferris Wheel, WANTED Train Robbery or Moonshiners; also want Merry-Go-Round for season. Must join June 5. Wire 6.W. DUTTON AM. €0., Larned. Kans. WANTED... Troupe of &§ or 12 Well Trained Ponies. Send full description of work done, give sex, age, color, height. and the least cent cash that will buy, Dr. F. THATCHER. Box &. El Paso, Texas. LWing Wild Animals ad Birds SNAKES . zz: Frank B. Armstrong, FOR SALE:—! Show Horse. beautiful Arabian mare, 8 yrs. old. weight 90 pounds; she has eight feet. Took in #354 In one week at Anamosa Horse Fair. Address W. A HUFF. Ottumwa. la. Brownsville, Texas. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads, Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads. ee a ‘4 iy f a? ' a « ; :