The Billboard 1905-07-08: Vol 17 Iss 27 (1905-07-08)

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The Billboard ) that fully 150,000 walked oe the new board been excellent. It is one of the leading shows | sulted his attorney and secured a temporary in| Mons, in an act that has thrilled vaudeville audwalk at the Brighton Beach Park, Which was | of Coney Island. junction, restraining the manager of Fair Ja-|iences, gave a performance that won enthusias the means of big business for the Boer War and Steeplechase Park (Geo. Tilyou, mgr.)| pan from selling his “tea sherbet.”’ The case-| tic applause. The other features are Hardy and the attractions on The Pike. Manhattan Beach | Steeplechase Park is getting its share of the/| came up before Judge Shaw in Covington, and] the Lavado Sisters. { {s more popular than ever this season and Pain’s| patronage at Coney Island. Many new shows] he took the matter under advisement. ‘ port Arthur and fireworks are better than ever|are seen this season. The large balloon is a Business at the st White City on the Lake (Jos. Neuman, mgr.) and drawing big crowds. Percy G. Willlams is| feature, and the bathing is cantinns. good, cctntitatenting the weather’ — iouk oye oa 5 Ange oy * a B sen. = doing big business with vaudeville shows at Galveston Flood (James McKane, mgr.) One] considerably cooler and less inviting to the outoak Pa = L gpm cen gy “ sen pene rey safc Manhattan Beach Theatre. If the weather is|of the leading shows on Serf Ave. at Coney| side resorts. Next week promises to eclipse |““O Sui oe new sollee will he in favorable July 4 should break all records atj|Island is The Galveston Flood. It is pat-| 4ny week ever known to the resorts im this oe cer SO 6 nee ee wee oe menguans ee aed eee ee ee ee city." "ther are’ ail” preparing extra “attrac: | ine" wiih Sartigat’ the ‘preseai_promrats st other resorts. W. A. Brady, of Brighton Beach GEO. H. HAKES. tions to do a phenomenal business. The open-| music and drama. The Hanford Company will Park, is looking for some big carnival company 200 Broadway, New York City. ing of the Grand, which announcement is al: — r elreus for July or August, and the compan ~ od : be retained to contribute and the balance of y Bg ng ~—* with will 2 sure of big "ane NEW YORK CITY—Theatres which have pon lh. 3 ge = Ge Mignees Gace of the-/ the program will consist of high class special| “Manhattan Beach Theatre (Percy G. Wil| (Sed for the season are the American, Belasco, | Rranche ‘Walsh in vrhe wen, + — — ties, which are now being booked. ‘The presliams, mgr.; David Robinson, bus. mgr.) Last Berkeley, Lyceum, Bijou, ‘Broadway, Circle, ovale, “x oman in the Case./ent management will continue to control the ' : , > Thougt y ’ i week was the opening week here and Mr. WilColonial, Criterion, Daly’s, Dewey, Empire, po ln a yg ale None am Soe ae Gardens. | Hams presented a vaudeville which was a very ;, lds, Garden. Garrick, Gotham, Grand Opera) Havlin have promised to give their pateon Mr, Albee is here looking after B. F. | strong drawing one as follows: Eddie Fay, soe eeu te meet vl Madison | higher class of plays in general than Gung ang Keith’s interests. Tue work of remodeling | Kattie Rooney and Eight Yankee Doodle Girls, |)... Eight pa am, Bi titan, Miprevious season. Keith’s Theatre is progressing rapidly and will Louls A. Simon, Grace Gardner, Fred Niblo, a < ’ urray , New Ams. o ace terdam, New Lyceum. New West-end, New The Standard has been added to the reper-|e finished in time for the opening, which has Patty Bros., Chas. F. Semon, Herbert Brooks,| yy... }, seen Sinema "theaiet ak end, Ne tolre of Cincinnati’s theatres. It is the re| Deem set for the last week in August. ida Grannon, Lutz Bros., and the vitagraph. York, Princess, Savoy, Star, Third Avenue, Wal> Pg Bon lack’s Wet Music ., , rille named and reconstructed old Vine Street Opera PAUL C. MOONBY, Business was to capacity here all the week. — ‘ee ieee a. ead 5 ag House, which Manager Chas. Arnold is capialy 200 East Prospect st. David Robinson is business manager, Harry Nel4 . . ow SF i converting int / eo rhouse EDO—1 ¢ 2% 4 ins, " treasurer; Harty Teonbaedt, stage manjamie oe a 3 a Hippodrome, Knick-| Unless cuiestoeen Eihonen yt A eae na: econ onal hae 7a the panne ager, and Louls pony Sew err Herald Square Theetee Ghee Propane mgr.) will open its season the last week in August parks and theatres all drew excellently. At “pain’s Fireworks, Manhattan Beach (A. H. Sam Bernard commenced its tenth week July 3. 5 a . eee aan te = 1. Manager George Fish and wif f the Fore3 ms . Toledo ~ “ Hudson Theatre Henry Y . 7 & rege a wife, of the Fore-| her first srofessional one in Toledo. Miss Shonberg, bus. mgt.) Pain's Port Arthur has !rne Heir of The Hoorah is sdewendt tee vanity | PA¥sh Stock Co., which played an engagement | Nocman styles herself a ‘society ecaricaturist,” met with popular fancy, and is the best show business, and began its twelftl ek 7 pacity] at Robinson's Opera House last season and|and her work is Beh inde ant nidietin Gucak: ever seen here. The scenery is very beautiful! Lyric ‘Theatre (Sam S. & ten Shut : will open its second season the latter part|She depicts the various American girl types and the production very paren ge a Fantana is still playing to capacity nae Began | of August, are spending a short summer vaca-| with just the right touch and one realizes that Ramslan specialties are introduced and the fol-| entered its twenty aft weet 3. sution at, ihels beautiful cottage at Ocean City. | Miss ‘Norman, is taking ‘off the different girl wire walker, who does an excellent act on the “ a yoo and-twenty-fifth Street The| ojty about the middle of August ; ih) aoe eae a. a = ss — So : . atre . Aust *ynes 7 : st. »-note she . 1 high wire; =e Flying Dordens | ge ty 4 Mergen as janes’ Wits a ee oo oleae fr ge and Waldron, two Cincinnati percane ‘that a speatved. = ies sat aie Per the best casting acts ever seen here, and a bi-|,, , . nn ay “cpm ormers, laid off this week in the city on ac-| kins Fish F z tl : cyele act direct from Mexico called The Devil's company this week in The Tigress. 3 kins Fisher are still playing the sketch, The ir Proctor’s Fifty-eig Street T , count of the death of Mr. Holmes’ aged mother. Half-Way House, that Ezra Kendall wrote for Chimney. The fireworks are better than ever | 4). ero a mai a a -= Mr. Holmes feels deeply the loss, and would | them some years ago, and while the playlet is and Mr. ig a2 Semen many new novel-| Grace” Reals will L.A a aan = _~ play even part of a week, refusing several | of the enjoyment of witnessing it is lost in the ties in this line this season. nna “ vals ’ offers. Mrs. Holmes was buried in Spring | w y on : ally tl pls much Brighton Beach Music Hall (Wm. T. Brown, week is Paul Revere Grove Cemetery, June 28. Pee ee eee ee ee “ _— : Proctor’s Fifty-eighth Street * ’ 1 : “ fact that almost every playgoer knows just Sidne ~ » far anaieen gi Ay Fy A Fynes, genl. mgr.) . esp Oughinn botamas te itl. Ae : ¢ ~ po meng cunt ee caietn enaas tan aa ee a Sidney Drew, Fo gs, i « . -witimate this eo est request, were induced to remain re ive. Fickers ‘ ver Chas. Mildare, Cartmel and Harris, Griff Bros., |‘ \¢sitimate this week for the presentation of well received. Mattie Vickers was held ove . one of her greatest t s. She | CYer Monday and Tuesday at the University | from the cast of The Girl That Looks Like Ma, : Irving Jones and kinetograph. Business is sat= dha rr oul ainieer beng a. Campus, and put on four more productions. The seas ae given at the Giaen last week, and ; isfactory. get-me-Not, leading the stock company.* entire engagement was a most pleasant one,|she made good with a monologue and songs. The Paradise of Japan at Manhattan Beach ot, seading Waa aa and big business prevailed. Johnson, Davenport and Lorello have a fair ac, will open soon mort . F Coney Island has been running like a seared] robatic act. Camille Personi does well with , Morrison’s Theatre, Rockaway Beach, is open BUFFALO—/ark Theatre (M. Shaw, mgr.)| “eer this week. Wheelock’s Indian Band has popular songs and the Yamamoto Brothers close ; and doing big business. High class vaudeville| The Farnum Stock Co. presented A Gilded| 5°¢D tearing things all to pieces at the pop-|the bill with a sensational wire act. The at1 is presented twice daily. Fool in a most meritorious manner last week | "aT resort, and business has been great. ‘This|tendance was uniformly good for the week. Luna Park, Coney Island (Thompson & Dun-/to excell. nt patronage. This week: Barbara| ®™Sa@gement becomes of more interest to Cin-| For week July 1-7, J. J. Rosenthal will pre. dy, mers.) Luna Park is now fully opened and | Frietchie. cinnatians because of thé fact that Mr. Max] sent Rebecca Warren in A Friend of The Fam: all the big shows are doing well. One of the Lyceum Theatre (J. Laughlin, mgr.) Mildrea| Rosemberg has become manager of the band, | jly. big drawing features this week is Chicks every | Holland did nicely last week in Sappho. House and will be held over for next week. The ar“The bill 25-July 1, at The Farm was made fifteen minutes. Seventy incubators, with 6.000 | now dark until next season. tistic accomplishment of the Red Man is ably |up of strong individual acts that blended har: eggs. have been placed and so arranged that Shea's Garden Theatre (M. Shea, mgr.) demonstrated by the achievements of this or-| moniously into one of the best programes of the several chickens are hatched every fifteen min-/ Liquit Air proved a strong drawing card last ganization. Among the vaudeville performers | season. Della Fox was accord d the top place > utes, which is a novel sight for the many vis-| week. The demonstration is very good and ex-| Were Gertie LeClair and her piccaninnies; Prof.]on the bill and her many Toledo friends turned itors. The Fall of Port Arthur is doing big|ceptionally interesting. Nina Morris and com-| 4®4erson, magician; Clint and Bessie Robbins, lout in Jarge numbers to hear her. She sings “ business and has proved to be a big winner. The | pnay, in a wholly impossible comedietta, El-|S*¢tch team; Tommy O’Dell, the well-known] the same songs that made her famous when > Igorrote Village is well patronized; A Trip to| mer Tenley and Spissel Brothers and Mack were} ™"Strel, and Young and Brooks, in a musical] cne and DeWolfe Hopper were appearing in ‘ the Moon is as popular as ever. The Fire Show | also wl] received This week: Dalvero’s Naspecialty. Good bill; highly appreciated. Wang, years ago, and her voice has lost none of e is remodeled and many new features are added | val Bombardment, Colonial Sextette, Mildred] Chester ts doing nicely. The Mocking Bird, | its delightful sweetness and range. Mise Fox this season. The open air circus is the big| Flora, Kennedy and Rooney, Sully . amily, Four| “ith Miss Carrie Reynolds heading the cast, to fill her local engagement, had to make a free drawing attraction and many new circus | Livinestons, and the kinetograph. J. has been making good. On the vaudeville stage jump from Los Angeles. Others on the bill e acts are added each week. The concessions are Lafayette Theatre (Chas. M. Bagg, mgr.) | “ete Wahlund and Tekla, strong people; Mar| Were Jane Courthope and company in A Fisherpleased at the business that they are doing. Last week a stock company opened a summer | “Ott Twins, Bessie Baus, Devaro and Curtis and| man’s Luck; Jack and Bertha Ritch with Brighton Beach Park (W. A. Brady, mgr.) | engagement to satisfactory business. The olio,| Se Luigi Picaro Trio of acrobats. All headsinging act; Conlon and Hastings with a neat ° Lewis & Fillis’ original St. Louis qroduction of | headed by Rose Carlin, was very good. Phorso| mers. The crowds at this resort have been little comedy; Foster and Wise Mike, the latter \° The Boer War is the magnet here. It is play-| will be the: feat act this week. . causing a broad smile upon the face of Col.|9 gog that does not belie his name, and the Zare ing to capacity business and turning many away. Atuletic Pat (Robert F. Walters, mgr.) | xe Martin. row Trio in a whirlwind bicycle act that was @ Four performances are given on Saturday andj Crimmins and Gore, in a Warm Match. supBeautiful Lagoon is coming out more every | vood finish to a fine bill. c Sunday and holidays, two on other days. Over excellent company, was the best} Week. They have had a free attraction out|” __ ; © th — 90,000 people paid admission last Sunday to see red to the park patrons in the there that has simply been hard to equal. The The only opposition that the par 3 a; ,this show. A. L. Thompson’s biggest scenic re season. This week: The pixie| Five Flying Moores, for several years with|Ccelving is from the roller skating a ~ railroad is open and the park is rapidly Milling | Troubadours, headed by Carter and Bluford, H.| te, Ringling Bros. Show, have been doing an} Jack and Louis Shackne. i “Drothere have a up with attractions. There is much talk /J Williams is now assisting Harry Curly Wright} @¢tlal act that is simply great. On the vau| heart of the city. The Shackne Brothe of a deal with one of the big three circuses for | with the business of the Myth City concession, | 2eVille stage were the Three Ronaldos, the | long beem identified with = =. Lge E... a season’s engagement here next season, alsO) fJarry Lambert is doing the spieling for New Waddells, Lottie West Symonds and Ben and| its amusement enterprises and this nev r some talk of another big attraction to show] york to North Pole. Steme-—tdan MelKensio Grace Forbes. Fair Japan, Myth City, and the is but the culmination of their efforts to be ' } : : a teri » desires of " here during the entire month of August. ANY/ was the hit of strong s ro inst al Bumps, all new attractions, are ably demon-|#™mong the first in catering to the desires o e big carnival or attraction would be sure of big por nt *-* Teen iene ot iawn te oan strating their value as attractions. For the | the eeatie. chem rk © ay — — = le money as the people are here. seen at the theatre, but will not get into the | Week of the Fourth some big extra features will | most finely appointed is the west Si a well e Dreamland, Coney Island (W. H. Reynolds, | },, ba i he fe ta perfect heal be on the bill. It is interesting to note the intracting large crowds. Item—Louls Aibion, ri , arness unt is in perfect th. creasing ¢ is ths ~ ™ known in the stock companies of Columbus and pres.) The warm weather has brought big CHAS. W. GOBPTZ, 168 Adams st. easing crowds that attend the Lagoon. They | * ; ‘ in Miss r crowds to Dreamland, and at times the large : get larger every night. Toledo, will have a prominent part in i ». amusement park is hardiy large enough to hold ELMIRA—RKorick’s Theatre (Herbert SalinEllery’s Band brought enormous crowds to} Hobbs, which will be put on at the o—— the te the crowds Creation and Bostock’s Animal| ger, mgr.) Manhattan pera Co. in Iolanthe| the Zoo last week. The newly composed waltz | week of July 19. B. Q. LUSTIG. Show are the big drawing attractions. Hell| drew large houses week 24-July 1. Especially} by Sig. Ferullo, entitled Queen ef The West DAYTON.—tlakeside Park (Jas. A. Kirk, “ Gate, Touring Europe, Canals of Venice, Tour-| good work was done by Nettie Vesta, Herbert] Waltzes, was played Saturday for the first | mgr.) Vaudeville bill for week 25: Mme. ing Switzerland, Midget City, The Alr Ship, | Salinger, Henry Taylor. George B. Field, Jack] time. Quite a number of prominent people were | Louise Schmitz, the Two Bentons, and Bosanko Fire and Flames and others are some of the | Castellanos, Alice Gaillard, Odette Bordeaux,| Present, among them being Mayor Fleschmann, |and Radcliff in Wanted, a Partner. The new attractions seen here this season. The big free | Emma King, Charles L. Gill and Mabel Douglas.| t® Whom the composition was dedicated. This | Shoot-the-Chutes has made good, far in excess y open air hippodrome is a featute this season. | Dorothy July 3-8. week Duss, the millionaire bandmaster, has|of expectations. Daily admissions average uear The ostrich races are a feature act on the race Rialto Theatre (F. W. McConnell, mgr.) Ar-| been doing a phenomenal business. the seven thousand mark, while Sunday passes track. Seventeen large ostriches direct from | delle and Leslie, James R. Purvis, Blanche LorCLEVELAND —" elosing Ss _ | the fifteen thousand mark. Lakeside has secured < The closing of the Star The r, Florida were added last week as an attraction.| ing, Fannie May, Lilllan Hall and biograph/ atre on Saturday night left three theatres and|a Winner from the box office records, and that 3, Creation (E. F. Girard, bus. mgr.) This/drew well 26-July 1. J. M. BEERS. the parks to divide the amusement patronage |i8 what counts. Manager Kirk ‘announces 6ev d attraction is the banner drawing one of Coney GLOVERSVILLE—Family Theatre (Wm. Caluntil the first of August, when the regular play-|eral features for the Fourth. The government Island and is considered by all one of the best houn, res. mgr.) Bill for week 26: Metropolihouses will begin to open. Although the }has doubled its appropriation for firewor sa rt shows ever seen at Coney Island. The attractan Ladies Quartet, Florence Pierce, Hilton and weather has been cool the parks and summer | the National Military Home, whieh Lakeside s tion is or capacity houses. 7 na Hoeffler, Lew Palmer, Ira Kessner, and the vi-| ¢ardens are drawing large attendance. ~ adjoins, and os —— ee >? tostock’s (F. C. Bostock, mgr.) New wik oa large business . : aad . tions to take care of something ce y thou 3. and Bostock presents the most sensational show | pi. theatre will open July 3 with J. W. Gorevening, 26, in Dion Tssiunniite a lebrated | ton is the event of the year, inasmuch as ex . ever seen here. Wonavita has a new lion act| man’s musical comedy, entitled The Gibson Girl,| drama, The Jilt. The play affords a onal of | Cursions ere run into town on a dozen steam is which is now ready for the public, and promises presented by a select’ troupe of artists. Under] well drawn character Barn. and the members of | T0#ds, while fifteen traction lines pour their c. to be very sensational. Harry Schwab is bhandcanvas—Andrew Downle’s Shows played here the ontis ue ‘plaved — i . th ~“re on me ry | quota of traffic, all bound for the ‘‘Home’”’ and ling the press work for this attraction with | oo to fair business. ; ; capable ‘enue ny ee ONES OSSSSN Laxeside. | With the new chutes, Oy much success, ile . » a ” Eucli commie’ a . ¢ > theatre, dancing pavilion and the old favorite Midget City (L. J. Rodriguez, mgr.) The BINGHAMTON-—Ross Park (J. P. E. Clark, _ Euclid Avenue Garden Theatre (Max Faetscenic, business at Lakeside will more than tax , eccond season here of The Midget City bes | Gt) The following bill presented week 26-| Kenheuer, mgr.) Robin Hood was the delightful the large force Manager Kirk has supplied. A » — . . cir anar » Tr » q » > ‘ring » cuchi rs , 2% x F » 7 * ‘ proved to be as popular as the first and the July 1: Ki amura Japanese Troupe, The Pry| offe is of the Eu lid Garden Ope ra Co., and proficient police and aid force is being put ) poe tg or banjo artists, and Vernon, ventriloquist. | Was enjoyed by a large audience, 26. Miss Es. attraction is doing well. All the concessions | °S: i artists, arn ernon, Log “= eet ; ; through the ropes for the day and any accident, rthe i “tty Large attendance at every performance. telle Wentworth made a pleasing Maid Marian. oa “ + 7 in the Midget City are pleased. arge a yi] ear J ewing to the crushes, ete., will be brought al ve 3 , Casino Park (J. P. BE. Clark, mgr.) Wm | Her association with the Bostonians made her — , ° Every Sunday finds many circus people and . : , . . oe aT . , to a minimum. yh , ~ “ ’ Oe ly’s Minstrels week July 3-8. Business | familiar with the part and she sang the charmshowmen at Coney Island visiting friends and | Josh Dal finst . , wed atid . , andevill od looking over the big ot! No doubt | enerally excellent at both resorts. Circus—| in¢ numbers assigned her in a pleasing manner Fairview Park (Al. Ward, mgr.) Vaudeville Con ~~ Teter 1 “awl tay gr to thi alin Ringling s. July 26. Harry Davis made his first appearance with the} bill for week 25: Ethel Robinson, Busch and ) than ever nefore. eee ee 6 telnet ITHACA—Lyceum Theatre (M. M. Gutstadt local company in the role of Robin Hood and | Gordon, Chinese Johnnie Williams, and the Hay Berge . ana bi The oa 2 , 19: 's R. O Ganait see | TeVived the favorable impression he formerly | woods. Fairview Park will be the Mecca for 4 Berg n Be ach has been greatly improved this mgr.) The New Boy 9; S. R. Corne ul made here. Clarence Harvy as the Sheriff; | Dayton the week of 25, as Manager Ward has rer pe preg ay: Py ~ rg for ~~ ~ —e ee Oy oe Jack Henderson as Friar Tuck, and Josie In-| secured the famous Creatore with his entire ‘ractions are seen here afternoon and evening. or two weeks . .. re a . sein ‘ . . SI ne T re tropidi as Dame Durden furnished the comedy | band for nine concerts, the programs embracing The concessions a ing . Strange . * satre os ; 7 3 Ss en : visitty “4 x . .Y “ke at Gules ~~ ono t.. a ae ~~ nd G ‘ ~e “i Aye —_ element of the production in a manner that] as excellent a line of work as the city has ever th whtovakin aie o will find Bergen Beach an a wd : erg > "Mateh a ee “hea kept the audience in good humor. enjoyed. Excellent service has been supplied Morrisca’s Tun —s Rock Beac! -~ a cs we <% Og J yg N vem Min. Coliseum Garden Theatre (M. F. Trostler, }and the thousands will have no trouble with car aand doing big . ~s Led oe sen ty a a ee ee ee ; mgr.) Another program of excellent selection | transportation. Manager Ward is receiving conpresented setae Gait 8s; high-class vaudeville strels. . r was rendered by the Johann Beck Symphony Or-|gratulations from the musical fraternity of the is. Report of "he gs ' mowed HORNELLSVILLE—Sig. Sautelle’s & Welsh] chestra, including Thanhauser and Carmen, the | city for his excellent offerings for the week. nt comes exeie North —— and large crowds | prothers’ Combined Shows 2% to two good audoverture from Wilhelm Tell and the Blue Dan | Notwithstanding the fact that Creator will hold All the tt or ’ ear i. a seced f fences. Item—Mrs Arthur Sidman of York] ube. The second part of the program gave the] forth in the Park, the Casino bill is exceptionel t ia — A yh ge om — — ann State Folks is visiting her parents in this city.| Hanford Company an opportunity to present }ally good, several members having appeared in e. renovated and gw Ry pOUSES = 4 OHI The Merchant of Venice, and the piece was|other sketches in Dayton, and their welcome it, for the winter Fa to oi Tt > a oo . wil ° evidently enjoyed, for it encouraged enthusi-| is assured. soon be completed. pits pai apne CINCINNATI—What is and what {s not ice} astic applause. Ten graceful children gave] victoria Theatre (G. C. Miller, mgr.) Soth | From New Y ‘ 7 cream is a matter that is very interesting to] a pleasing dance “arranged by Manager Trostler.] +n warlowe Co. June 28 in Much Ado Abwout n Austin = ~y4 = to the North Pole (E. J. some of the people out at the Lagoon just at Luna I ark (W. O. Edwards, mgr.) One ef Nothing; big business. eee. gr. his attraction is doing big buspresent Charles Suslow has the ice cream priv-| the leading concert bands of the country, under OL BUS.—Saturd es = te St. 1 and is repeating its big success at the | iiage at the beautiful Kentucky resort, and has] the leadership of Francisco Fanciulli, is the unCOLUM Saturday of last week . . Louis Fair. ‘The attraction is well adver-|poon making a big thing out of ft. But L.| usual offering of Luna Park this week. Fan-| Close of the Merry Musical Comedy her revd and James Hutton is doing some clever] Oxinako, who conducts Fair Japan at the same] cuilli was formerly leader of the United States | the mapire, and the many folks thet “4 i ple Press work for the attraction. resort, is delighting his patrons with what he] Marine Band, and is known throughout the world | Contributed to its artistic success are now wendF sf — ¢ Johnstown Flood (H. A. Bradwell, mgr.) | calls ‘“‘tea sherbet." Mr. Sunslow last week} as a composer and a conductor. His selection ing their way back to the dear metropolis, that mevery Pag 7 season this attraction is more popular! became of the opinion that the native of Ja-| will afford a series of delightful concerts for the 2 than ever, and so far this season business has pan was infringing upon his rights. So he conpatrons of this pretty park. Adgie and her (Ceatinued on page 22.)