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The Billboard 1905-10-07: Vol 17 Iss 40 (1905-10-07)

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: 12 The Billboard OCTOBER 7, 1905. HALL CAINE IN NEW YORK | magician; Harry Dellinger and Otto Clark, —_—_—_—__ | musicians; Wm. Meeker, buck, wing and Hall Caine is in New York. Very conspicu| wooden shoe dancer, and Edward Alvose, the ously is he there. The insurance investigation | boy soprano. Regards to friends. is not bothering him particularly. Still the Charles and Nealy Weisz, playing a) eee author has seen some shortcomings in the ‘ Rice’s Fl ing Palace Theat Co are Prodigal Son production, and with his usual with pandbecy oa ting we eee |. ewes 9 : roid : : joyful over the recovery of their son, Fred, capacity for work he has assumed the prompt e : {who was recently confined to Riverside In9 ® book. , 2 ; firmary, Paducah, Ky., with typhoid fever. 0 er S ap a 10n asses in ew or vearsals at the New Amsterdam are str nu-| when’ Fred was stricken with the disease Mr. ous affairs these days. Just how much of our! ang Mrs, Rice placed their steamer, Charlie, president's famous quality they partake of it) at the disposal of Mr. and Mrs. Weisz that would require’ Edward Morgan, or Aubrey | they might take him to the hospital. toucicault, or Drina De'Wolf to say. | Leona and Leota write that they * sada a very pleasant two weeks’ engagement Of the Sacred Festival Play Produced at Coney Island, Wheeling, W. Va., closing Mr. Caine is endeavoring to r place some of Well Known and Successful M er the veneer of authorship that was inevitably rubbed off in the production without his earlier supervision |Sept. 16. After the Saturday evening perby Martin and Emery. Dies After Two Years of Generally, he is well-pleased with his new | formance Manager Rogers banquetted the per] play as put on by Liebler & Co. Still it is | formers at his resort. _— his yon wore . convenie nt sometimes to have the author around | Frank Hassett. Claude Ne a . — ers Suffering. to elucidate the more subtle significance of | Leota, Wm. Rowe, Rose Vesta, ~ aeea aes Elgin, Ill., Oct. 1, 1905 z some of the lines Hebr. Meyers and Rose and The Great eySpecial © . . I, 1905. a . | wood. Marti & E pet a to alee f — | ’ ‘ tT artin & Emery’s big production of Parsifal, | Lester Leigh S.. has. H. Russell, Le-] in English, was seen for the first time on any Jacob Litt, the well-known theatrical manager, ODDS AND ENDS | Roy and Grant, Will Melville, Vonquette, De] stage at the Elgin ; died at a sanifarium in Yonkers, N: Y., Wednes Vv Sist G t 1 Laran Marcell and] Opera House tonight. A ~ — on = isters, ran am a ra oO, Marcello, large and representative audience greet: a the éay, Sept, 27, after a confinment of two years, On the first Wednesday in October |the Three Altons, after having played a suc presentation. Following ts the cast: aertay thom a Serves aDesent. Beem 418 mew ledge of Elks will be instituted at = cessful summer at parks, street fairs and car& , —_ “ " 2 ‘ vais . irecti f Ted Sparks, have Anfortas, Prince of Capadocia and Chief program boy in a Milwaukee theatre to big | Yankton, S. D., with a membership of 200. | nivals under the direction o Warden of rG : } ; 3 saggect +o : ; started their regular vaudeville work, all arden of the Holy Grail........ Mr. Cotton theatrical interests in four large cities is the They will erect a club house at once 9 a. wa le ANS str x Titurel, Capadocian King of the. Grail : prey — his career and the history of Mr. 7. —— and father to Anfortas.......... Mr. Priest ‘ s € Gr gory, the lestly C) Jacob Litt was born in Milwaukee, Wis., fortyan 0 ee ae CEE. idéteecy mrcdhiieewesSaaeuual ‘ five years ago. About twenty-five years ago he JACOB LIT I Sir or. Rupp began lis career as a program boy in the old Gurnemanz, Seneschal of the Grail . Company (rand Opera House. Later he became usher = ne ‘ae * : * “ . “ a -.-Mr, McCormick Sir *allaes, night ' > and was appointed to a position in the box Holy Grail epi —— ? office, and shertly afterward became treasurer. 7 Holy Grall.........-.sseeceseees Mr. Shields Sir Guyon, Knightly Warder of the Holy re ee -.-Mr. Harrington Sir Gorlois, Knightly Warder of the After the Grand wes destroyed by fire, Mr. Litt organized a summer opera company, which played Schlitz Park several seasons to big success. Elated by his good fortune, the young _ fer ees eae Mr. Phillips Sir Encinal, ‘nightly y manager bought out a dime museum on Grand Hols 9 a pela ve tied Mr Rauch avenue, which he managed for several seasons, | —xteee tS i ee =6L Ct. 6 6pponald. Knightly Warder of ¢ ; _ adding beth to his stock of experience and to Sir Ronald, Knightly Warder of the ey GON nc apedstncneesansesd Mr. Milton Sir Adriae, Knightly Warder of the ' his capital. The owners of the Academy of Music at Milwaukee engaged him to manage that house, and in a very short time became ee, Mh ETT eee Mr. Losey ate ae pet : one of the best frst-class theatres in the 0g oe ee = Irvi state. Mr. Litt then built the Bijou Theatre Herald of the Cup, of the Gall Gm 4 and became its manager. He established a pany ' Mr. Schiefe similar theatre in St. Paul and a third in Herald of th Warders es ea Mr F i ieumaneiie, % Cee WU BPG ee sc ccetseeces ee. ° unne But Mr. Litt was not content to confine arsifal, a shepherd afterward a soldier of the Cross and Knightly Warder OE Gin. Te Goins teas uctece Mr. Grattan Klinschor, a black Knight of necromancy whose domain ts rankest Pegan land his efforts to the build'tng and management of theatres. The Lights of London was his first road venture aad his first success as a producer. Twenty years ago Lights O’London was one of the most popular melodramas on the road, and it paid him handsome profits. The Stowaway followed. It was likewise popular and a financial success. Mr. Litt then starred Gus Heege bas ; HEE: tte eee e ee ceens Mr. Bernhard in Yon Yonson and A Yenuine Yentleman, both rhe —— of Denial, the pride-born = Hol plays becoming eminently successful over the nipggere lea +o ommE. ELOLMCS populer-price circuits. The Ensign was alse Carlotte, an acolyte of ‘the Holy ‘Grail, Miss Horn Herzelede, mother of Parsifal....Miss Hampton Curlosity, narcotic bloom in the magic produced. During the summer of 1896 Mr. Litt brought out the C. T. Dazey melodrama, In Old Kentucky, which is still a big drawing attrac garden of Klinschor.......... Miss Tenchert e Frailty, narcotic bloom in the magic gar—o Wer of Wealth, alse by Mr. Dazey, Gen Of Elinsebor.........scceeee Miss Laube In 1808 Mr. Litt leased the Broadway Theatre Folly, narcotic bloom in the magie garin New York City, which afterwards remained i den of Klinsehor.............Miss Hansen his headquarters. Ben Hur was produced at this Passion, nareotic bloom in the magic theatre under his management and scored a _ garden of Klinschor.............. Miss Erig hit. The seme season he leased McVicker’s Vanity. narcotic bloom in the magte garTheatre, Ohicago, which he opened with BronGon Of TROOP. «cds ss eeeee Miss Williard sen Howard’s Shenandoah, the cast of which Allurement, nareotic bloom in the magic included Otis Skinner, Mary Hampton, Nanette garden of tT Peer eee Miss Porter Comstock, Frank Burveck and other well-known Desire, narcotic bloom in the magic garplayers. These successes were followed by proden of 4 ree Miss Carter ductions of Sporting Life, The Great Ruby, Queen Terriprobe, of the Grail Company Saleb West, The Price of Peace, Mistakes Wil] | [RBBBBRRRRRRmmeerer Seem ge ee ee eee ewe iss Conrad Happen. Dazy's The Suburban, The Club's Baby. “Gorah, and others. This strenuous life had its effect upon Mr. Litt’s system, and two years ago he was taken to the Yonker’s sanitarium. suffering with neryous prostration. The immediate cause of his death was apoplexy His last days were quiet ones, in vivid contrast to his days of strenuous activity At the time of his death he was surrounded by his wife and two children, aged seven and six, resp ctively, and by a number of friends. Mrs. Litt was known professionally as Ruth Carpenter. Mr. Litt was widely known, and he enjorved a host of warm personal friends. His capacity for work was esstonishing. His rise was rapid and he accumulated a fortune. He was active in helping to establish the Actors’ Fund Home on Staten Island, and for a number of years served on the board of directors of the fund. A. W. Dingwell, fer many years associated with Mr. Litt, wae receatly taken into partnership with him ACT FIRST—A_ glade near the limits of Klinschor’s rank Pegan land, in sight of the irail Mountains. The Guileless Fool. ACT SK AYND—The edge of the Woodwarders charge, near Monsalvat, In the Grafl Mountains. Two days later. The beholding of the Sorrow. ACT THIRD-—First Scene—The interior of Klinsehor’s study in the necremantic Castle of “vil in the north of Spain. The Spirit of Denial. Second Scene—The Magic Garden of narcotic blossoms, The tasting of the Sorrow ACT POURTH—-The edge of the Woodwarders charge, near Monsalvat, in the Grail Mountains, seven years later. The healing of the Wound of Serrow The Deliverer, The scenery furnished for this production by M ssrs. Donigan & Goodrich ts from plates of the original preduction at Bayreuth. Costumes from original plates by Lanterer & Co. and M Dazian. Footwear by Aiston. The music, incidental to the play, arranged from the original score of Waguer’s opera by Voudrey. The properties from the warehouses of Morris, Law rence & Miller, property makers. Blectrical —_ : effects by the Western Electrical Oo., Ltd. The Manager J. H. Ammons, of the Crystal theWho Died in New York September 27 ae VAUDBVILLE ASSOCIATION MEETS production supervised and staged by the thor. atres at Marien, Kokomo and Anderson, Ind.; The Manager John McCarty of the Grant Theatre, Hamiltoe, Ohlo; Manager Gus Sun of the R. E. Orpheum Theatre, Springfield, Ohio, and Man The author makes no other clatm to originality in this version of Parsifal than ag attempt to Faulkner, originator and for| being well booked in the popular-priced vaude. me se arsifal ~ y catch w eve » rle » of an ager 0. G.M f the N Philli , merly manager of the American Newsboys ville houses of the west. old ht ws rhe Bp A a my ° yr ¢ 7 = a t Rag a. tomer ae" nn ee le ype re eat Rn a = Bagg TB ge William Heywood, in advance of the . Hie ackuon wae Ee special ——o deville Association, met in Richmond Sept. 21.|the year he will appear in vaudeville in a|/t™4 Comic Opera Co., sends us the roster foetten Ge ene 6 a oct whiet Considerable business was transacted. They | new act which & as felons: comes F. Wheaten, cae ike , hg Oe ae hteh report that ail the theatres in the circuit are : ager; Otto L. Jeancon, business manager; . — af = Gave =e oe ‘old doing a satisfactory business and a splendid Osear Dane, well known to eastern | Frederick Moss, musical director; Frank Gei-| Stands but as the new singing of an olf a 1 i audiences, informs us that he is winning new | ger, electrician; Willlam Heywood and War| 80ng. —— ee : laurels on the Pacific coast playing in an en-j|ren Moore, in advance; Emma Abbott DeBold, He has simp’) revivified a story which bung tirely new version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. | 0. L. Jeancon, Sofia Voris, Cal. Martelle, N. L. from the mediaeval rafters of romance, like the ENGAGEMENTS This week Mr. Dane is playing the Belasco a: es hag oe o a be = ever Ks —— of the — = _, a ty : x : Theatre, Los Angeles, by special arrangement eywood, Ida Sterling, elen Edgar, Stella] nered by the lyrie poets of the perilod, to » Harry M. Price, German comedian, with Belasco & Mayer. ” Next week he opens | Shanley, Mabel Edgar, Clara Banagan, Nana] handed down to posterity as a glimpse behind has joined the eastern Buster Brown Co. the Wyatt Circuit of houses. | MeClain, Marguerite Diaz, Florence Williams, |] the vell into the Iterature of that time. ca Will M. Carroll, of Jacksonville, Ill Tt : : ome =e om |} Inez DuViere and J. W. Moore. The comAided by much that is modern tn effect. be / 4 a he new Lyric Theatre at Terre} pany is playing in two new comedy ope . ‘ re of a 7 2 : | y is : o y operas, en-| has tried to retain the pristine atmosphere © 4 joined the VanDyke-Eaton Co. at Rock Is Haute, Ind., opened Sept. 23 with the follow| titled Miss America and Violette. mysticism, as well as the sha analysis of land Sept. 19. ing bill: Billy Van, Luce and Luce, Claude 1 4 f : "i 1< : J » Be “ é ’ . | om ee character, as is set forth In the half myths © Juggling DeLisle joined the Ben-|Reif, Zutka, DeHollis and Valora, and the Mme. Sarah Bernhardt’s name has] the parable-like utterances with which the nett-Moulten Co. during its engagement at|kinodrome. Manager Jack Hoeffler writes that | been proposed by the Minister of Public In-| early singers struggled to throw the beautiful Hudson, N. Y. all acts playing his theatre will have a one-| struction and Fine Arts for the Cross of i story of the Redeemer into the strong light William A. Kemp has been engaged page ad with photos in the leading papers in| Knights of the Legion of Honor. The Grand] of Terre Haute re f tl i ith which the final CES SS | ee eee ee re ; Chancery © xe order, with which the final] just entering Into the dawn of a future civilize Pa Te ee Billy S. Clifford, in The Jolly Baron, | decision rests, is now considering the st of | tion ae ee ; eink ” itle f the | Dominations. Every one hopes that the decoThe general staff of the Parsifal company 1 Richard C. Maddox, the Dutch coa ey a ae heat rs ration will be conferred on the famous actress | as follows: Martin & Emery, directors; H. B een has — of = aeepentene under tour of the larger one and three night stands this time. It is an open secret that she has | Pmery, manager; Daniel Martin, business direc e management o eorge Samuels. of the middle west. Mr. Clifford’s tour is been more than once before proposed for the] tor; Sed J. Deschane, advance representative Happy Golden, the blackface come-| under the direction of Chas. F. Whittaker, for Legion of Honor. But the Minister’s nominaProf. Maybohm, conductor; A. Rauch, eholr dian, has gone out ahead of Ciark’s Famous|a scond year, with Jeff Bernstein business mantion in her favor has been each time rejected | iirector; Richardson Cotton, stage director Comedians, and he reports prospects very bright |ager of the company. |by the Grand Chancery, which, strange as it! Franz Bernhard, Stage manager; Phillip Risser, % a # may seem in this land of dramatic art, enter-] master mechanic; Howard Moore, assistant me for 90 — 4 Notes from the Russell Family Vau-|tains Old World prejudices against the stage.| chanic: C. H. Kehl, master electrician; H Frederick Paulding has been en-|deville Co.: We are now playing fairs under | Hitherto not one French actor or actress has| Milliken, advance electrician; Bugene Morrlé gaged by Daniel V. Arthur to play the part |canvas. Our roster is as follows: Reub Rus-| been decorated as an actor or actress, but in| master of properties; Arthur Irving, master © ef Baren Kautora, the Japanese minister in jsell, slack wire and juggler; Floyd and Flossie every case as a professor at the Conserva wardrobe, and Arthur Schiefer, master of trans Moous@ape, Marie Calill’s starring vehicle. on the trapeze and in songs and dances; Polo, | toire, or else for charitable work. portation. ‘