The Billboard 1906-03-17: Vol 18 Iss 11 (1906-03-17)

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MARCH 17, 1906. The Billboard and stepfather, who is Edward Burton, the wellknown vaudeville comedian. The ladies waxed exthusiastic over the song, but Mr. Burton did not appear particularly impressed, and on their M U S I C homeward way the trio engaged in an animated , discussion as to the merits of the new compo NEW YORK sition. It was Christmas week and a fur-clad Santa Claus passed by, surrounded by a crowd ’ -of children, which led Burton to exclaim: PUBLISHERS NOTES “Clara, if that song makes a hit I'll parade Broadway for three hours, dressed up like a Santa Claus.’’ ARRIS’ new hit, The Belle of the “And if it isn’t a hit,’’ quoth Clara, in high anger at the criticism of her selection, “I'll do the same stunt, made up as a Salvation girl with a tin penny cup and a bell.”’ The sequel was acted one day last week, Ball, is a distinct James Sohmer, the illustrated sung singer. Mr. Sohmer has a baritone yoice of power and sweetness and feature with sings with rare expression and feeling. He has refused all offers to go with road shows, preferring te remain in New York. Tommy Burnett and Miss Kitty Roth are also singing this hit to the delight of their audiences. ja bunch of prickly horse-hair whiskers. and the throng on Broadway was highly edified by the sudden appearance of a stout, furmuffed Santa Claus, who perspired as he poldded along, while muttering wierd imprecations under “Pipe “You Assume No Risk When Dealing with Us —Wwe Are Ready to Send On Approval —_ Any Diamond, Watch or other piece of Jewelry you may select from our cat : ” “e alog. Examine it carefully. If not entirely satisfactory, return it. We p ae —, ee by aoe ea aa eae ssteter, Crissunias all charges and take all risks. We have pet mr faith qth peers Het Fannie Franklin, the phenomena! soprano, is singing Dreaming Love of You and it is indeed a treat to hear her rendition of the song. At a discreet distance from the motley gang followed a hansom, from which peeped the laughing face of Miss Jerome and her mother, we know that they are the very best quality and Highest Grade of workmanship. Write for Cataleg Today. Your Credit is Good with Loftis °° “° 4s". makes no difference who watched with keen delight the vindication —— — where you live or whether you are a modest employee or wealthy employer; WITMARK of Miss Jerome’s opinion on the son uestion. all we ask is honest intentions and good faith. The Loftis Credit System TIMELY TOPICS P eq ~~ "> makes your Credit Good by adjusting the terms of payment to meet your income. It is the Take Me to Your Heart Again, by Collin most popular and cucesestnd Cress Syetem in the world because c — Pomes, Simple and vis and Frank J. Richmond, is creating quite Confidential. We ask No Security—No Endorsementa—No Interest. We were oe in musical circles. The song i ion REM ICK RETU RNS TO N Ew YORK awarded the Gold Medal, the Highest Award, at the World's Fair, St. Louis No stronger sung my many of the most prominent vocalists endorsement could be given. W rite for Gur New Big Ouatalog Today. Write for Our New Big Catalog The Finest ever issued, 66 pages, 1,000 illustrations of Beautiful Diamond Rings, Pins Brooches, ete., ranging in price from $25.00 to $500.00. High Remick returned to New York last week. Upon Grade Elgin and Waltham Watches, Ladies’ and Gent's size, from $10 to $100.00, and all other kinds of Jewelry, Silverware, his return he was gratified to find that his etc. Select any article you wish and it will be sent on approval. If entirely satisfactory retain it, paying one fifth cash and house has published four popular songs that ‘¢ balance in eight equal y pay there ls no interest to pay. Write for Untaleg Today. are now considered hits, namely, When the DIAMO N D C UTTERS a ee Ser —& yh, A WATCHMAKERS-JEWELERS Department cs7 92 to 96 State Street m2, 4-9 Ot ie, coon ditty, 7 Remick remains in New York about ten BROS & C0. 185e CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. rT] I NEVER GET ENOUGH TO EAT” Fred. D. Woodbury, en route with the Phelan ‘lays when he returns to Detroit, Mich. Stock Co., is singing and illustrating Those Songs My Mother Used to Sing, Sweet Adeline, Because You Were An Old Sweetheart of Mine, “On the Side Streets "Round the Town,” but “They All Spoke Well of You" © My Sunburnt Lily” while the “Lights of Home” were brightly saining on “Justa Pictureof You,” “Back Back to the Dairy.” Professional copies of these Seven Great Popular Songs will be sent FREE to professional singers only, sending program, on receipt of a two-cent stamp. After a ten weeks’ rest in Palm Beach, Fla., in the profession. spent in fishing and automobiling, Jerome K. Nothing Like That In Our Family, one of the funniest songs on the market, is being sung with success by Lew Dockstader, Press Eldridge and Harry Hanlon. Pass the Chloroform Alon, is a feature with nner Stock Co. in OLD COMPOSER STILL LIVING Will S. Hays, whose songs, Mollie Darling, The Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane, and others, were sung twoscore yeurs ago, is living in Loultsville, Ky., and recently celebrated the seventy-fourth anniversary of his birth. From Home, Sweet Home, and Kate Kearney. THE F, B, HAVILAND CO. Keep On the Sunny Side is being sung by Joseph Smith and Annie Carter, English and Gandy, Rose Parker, Hanson and Williams, Petching —s and by the Spook Minstrels. Hello, All Right, Good-bye, Only A Message MUSICAL COMEDY Get in line with the headliners and send for them now. . Dave Lewis Co. sang I Want Somebody to Love and When Mose With His Nose Leads the Band at Proctor’s Twenty-third Street Theatre recently. Miss Lyon has added Starlight to her repertotre. Longing For You, College Life, and Just A Little Rocking Chair and You are also big Haviland numbers. STERN & CO. Fannle Everett, a well-known singer of coon songs, and one of the few artists who render their’ songs slow enough to allow the counter melodies and harmonies to be heard and appreciated, is doing one of Stern’s new songs, Let Him Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stene, also Lazy Moon. The Bradfords are also singing the first number which they feature in their sketch, entitled A Hot Time In Coon Town. James A. Kiernan & Co., who recently opened their vaudeville season in a new one-act comedy, entitled Taming Tbe Beast, are featuring aoa Young Antelope and I Like Your ay. Anna Driver, a charming little comedienne who holds the record for playing clubs and entertainments around Greater New ‘York this season, has picked her entire repertoire of song plumbs from the Mark Stern orchard. She received special permission to use for club work Marie Cahill’s hit, Robinson Crusoe’s Isle, with all the extra verses, as well as Milo, the hit from The Babes In the Wood. She is also singing Since Father Went to Work, I Like Your Way, and My Little Buttercup from The Catch of the Season. No wonder she gets the work. REMICK NOTES The long Hst of artists singing When the Mocking Birds are Singing in the Wildwood, Good-bye Maggie Doyle, Cheyenne and Jessamine are, in part, as follows: The Century Comedy Four, Walters and Prouty, Jessie Mae Hall, Elsie Faye of Caprice Lynn and Faye, George Ovey, Artie Hall, Mary Baker, Harriett Keyes, Rennier and Gaudier, Hanvey and Doane, Howard and Emerson, Elsie Leslie, Bertha Hollenbec, Anna Laughlin, Clarice Vance, Laura Comstock, Lettie Holmes, Josephine Gassman, Maggie Cline, Della Fox, Emma Carus, May Irwin, Carmen Sisters, Mabel Adams, Alice Lyndon Doll, Marie Laurent, Josephine Ainsley, Doherty Sisters, Nicholl Sisters, Mayme Remington, Madge Fox, Laura Bennett. Marion Cleveland, Kitty Wolfe, Leona Thurber, Rose Carlin, Margnerita Starr, Elfie Fay, Hazel Bourne, Grace LaRue, Loulse Brehbany, Madeline Burdette, Lizzie Freleigh, Lillian Held, Avery Strakesch, Nevada Farrington, and many others. MISS JEROME WINS SONG WAGER Clara Belle Jerome of the Sergeant Brue Co. is nightly scoring a tremendous hit with her bnew song, Nora, My Irish Rose, and thereby hangs a tale telling of a wager which was recently paid by a stout vandevillian under most distressing circumstances. The song was written for Miss Jerome by O'Dea & Cauldwell, and when the little comedienne went to Stern & Co. to hear it for the frst time, she was accompanied by her mother Henshaw and Fransioli, two of the best actresses in musical comedy, are making a decided hit this season in In New York Town. The part that they play in this successful production is original with them, Miss Vinnie Henshaw, whose likeness appears herewith, bears a decided resemblance to the famous beauty, Lillian Russsell, and she is often taken for the well known singer. The Fransioli’s act is the portrayal of people in the lower walks of life. In this line they are supreme, and they bring into the portrayal that refinement that eatches on with any audience. Miss Henshaw is one of the most popular and well-liked women in the profession, and she has been the recipient of many honors and presents at the hands of her admirers, for her many acts of kindness to not only members of the profession but also those outside. She is ever will Vinnie Henshaw. ing to lend her aid and assistance to make any | deserving cause a success. Miss Henshaw has never turned a deaf ear to a fraternal organization, whenever Her partner, one of the Miss Franstoll, **best is also known as fellows’’ in the profession, and her fame and beauty are as world-wide as | her talents. Geo. Cohan proposes three cheers for the critics. Is the one in Toledo included? Elsie Janis tleman from Hamilton, Obio. Much speculation has been indulged | in regarding the successor of Gericke of the Boston Symphony. Some say Weingartner, others Dr. Muck, and many haven't decided. MUSICAL It is reported that Mme. Nordica is dissatisfied with her engagement with Conrled | this year, and that she will not very probably | return next season. Conried has promised to give RBaltimore his Metropolitan Opera Co. once each week for ten weeks next season If the music lovers of that city so desire. Conductor Emil Paur appears to be dissatisfied with prospects for next season. and it Is sald that he may not conduct the Pittsburg Orchestra. Alice Dovey, of The Land of Nod, is quite fll In Loutsville, Ky., and desires to hear from all friends. c. L. PARTEE MUSIC COMPANY, Publishers of “Songs that Make a Singer Popular” 23 East 20th Street, New York City A DARKY LOVE SONG. ‘ELK MARCH AND 2 STEP,” Up-to-Date Togee Song No cards. Late prog. for copy and orchestrations. Reg. copies 20c n “HANNAH, TY DUSKY DARLIN’,” ORIGINAL WORDS. GOOD CATCHY RAG. ALSO PACKMA™~ MUSIC PUBLISHING CO.. Shreveport, La. LEARN TO THROW YOUR VOICE. taught. Trial lesson and full particulars 10 cents. feature of Henshaw and | PROF. LINGERMAN, 705 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ventriloquism New...... Song Books volunteers were called for | to appear at a benefit in the cause of charity. | denies strenuously the} report that she was recently married to a gen| “When Autumn Tints the Leaves With Gold” Dale Hamilton's Waltz Song is a winner everywhere. Just the piece for summer productions. Send program and 10c for orchestration and professional copy. ILLINVIS MUSIC CO., 6110 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Tl. OF THE FAMOUS VAUDEVILLE SONGSTER.” “Everybody Works But Father.” (fhe Genuine Words.) “Golden Autumn Time My Sweet Elaine.” (Author of “Harvest * Moon.”’) “MILO.” (Junie McCree's Big Hit.) 75¢ | wus =| “Little Girl.You'll Do.” nes (Sung by 10,000 Vocalists.) “Evening Breeze is Per Sighing om _ Home, Sweet Home. —— (Sung by Primrose Minstrels ) “Since Father Went to Work” (Latest New York Comic Hit.) “Let Me Write What I Never Dare to Tell.” (New Ballad Success.) SEND “Robinson Crusoe’s isle." 2c STAMP (Marie Cahill's Big FOR inner ) “When FatherLaid the oy Carpet on the Stairs.” (Great Comic Success.) “Down Where Silv'ry Mohawk Flows,” (Sung by all Minstrel Companies.) te | } a oy ! oe pote POETRY if a song. Send SIONAL COPY (Piano), for a LEADER sb | 10-plece orchestration. on ee D.B. McCLOSKEY COMPOSER AND ARRANGER OF VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC.’ our PROFES Melo-Dramatic Music for Traveling Managers. Absolute Accuracy Guaranteed in All Cases. D.B. McCLOSKEY, Care Ward 5, Cincinnati Intirmary, HARTWELL O8IO. | neatly done. | 210 Powell St.. PERFORMERS .. | Send in late program for professional copies | of our late music. Call on us when in 800. All pular songs taught free. Arr Songs published on royalty. THE ALTURAS MUSIC PUB. CO., San Francisco. Cal, -OLD VIOLINS... BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. G. Schroeder, 10 £. 17th St., New York. Maker of high grade Violins, Guitars and mandolins. Fine repairing. Send for catalogue VENICE CAR co ST. LOUIS, MO. Build Freight Cars. Repair works licited. Cars stored. 1-X-L Theatrical TRU K KS 36x 24x21 $16 WAX Circus 2411818 $7.50 Strong, Durable. Made for Rough Handling. Guaranteed for 5 years. Made and sold only by 1-X-L TRUNK CO., 1051-57 Central Av., Cincinnati, 0. Cheap. An & tune Cylinder Crank Organ FOR SALE cort $6125; Magic Kettle Vutfit. new, Spirit Cabinet Act; Galatea and other illusions, and big lot of Magic Tricks. G. H. ELLIS, 38 Baldwin 3t., Cambridge, Mass. : SALE— fifty, SHETLAAND PONIES fiiiicc be, al aces, cot ors, sizes. Lllustrated circular, price list. BELLEMEADE, Bedford, Mass, The Hit of the Season will be the Latest March Song, Entitled “OH, WHY NOT NAME THE BABY TEDDY?” Send late program, with stamp, for professional copy, to THE ComPros RS’ mUSi co., ichmond, Ind. AMERICAN SONGSTER Co, 34 East 2ist St., NEW YORK, . PROFFS* IONAL BRASS QUARTETTE.... (Trumpet, Cornet, French Horn and Slide Trombone), booked for the Lyceum next season, will accept summer engagement as organizetion or in some first-c band or orchestra. Each man a well-schooled —_— and all four are experienced ensemble players. Best o references. Address BRASS QUARTETTE, Box 72, Mt. Aubura, Mich. Mention ‘The Billboard” ne ; answering adx Mention “The Billboard” when answering aia Mention “The Billboard” when anewering ada M: tion ‘* The Billboard ANAC @