The Billboard 1906-03-17: Vol 18 Iss 11 (1906-03-17)

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a The Billbeard MARCH 17, 1906. (Centinued from page 89.) open, Harry (Bennett's): London, Ont., 12 Hedges & Launchmere (Keith’s): Philadelhia, Pa., 12-17. . Four (Crystal): Marion, Ind., 12-17; (Crystal) Anderson 19-24. @erbert, Frogman (Unique): Minreapolis, Minn., 12-17; (Empire) DedMoines, la., 19 24. —& Franklin (Poli’s): Waterbury, Conn., Howard, Harry (Savoy): Columbus, iInd., 12-17; (Grand) Huntington 19-24. a; mg GUes H. (Crystal): Kekomo, Ind., mete & Heath (Family): Shamokin, Pa., 12os es & Hayes (Euson’s): Chicago, Ill., 12 im Children (Bijou): Rome, Ul., 12-17; (Bijou) Oshkosh, Wis., se ae ans. Rensces tpalese): New York ty Gass & Dillon (Lyric): St. Joseph, Mo., 11 Marcourt, Daisy (Trent): Trenton, N. J., 12Howard & Linder (Lyric): Terre Haute, Ind., Here ". Scott (Trocadere): Chicago, Ill., 12~eus & North (Keith’s): New York Oity, me. £ Graham (Bijou): Wheeling, W. Va., ee s gue i (Hyde & Behman’s): Breok Minman’s, Capt. ‘piane ney, Dogs (Family): &. = pss Il, 12-17; (Glove) St. Louis, Mo., Heywood (Buval): Jacksonville, Fla., 12-17. 9 & Leslie (Bijou): Dubuque, Ia., Harper, Desmond & Bailey (Keeney’s): Breoklyn, N. Y., 12-17. ~~ & le (Proctor’s 234 8t.): New York ty, ‘d Irving Rene. Se ay Palm Garden): Syra Irving, Pearl (Austin & Stone’s): Boston, Mass., indef. & Ryan (Olympic): eat Nl, 1217; (Majestic) Chicago 19-24 Italian Trio (Prector’s): Newark, N. J., 1817; (Proctor’s 28d St.) New York City 19 m4. Irwia, Jack (Magestic): Chicago, Ill., 12-17. a & Sparks (Olympic): pringfeld, Lil., Jack sons, range (Hippodrome): London, Eng., Few. 12-Apr. 7. Johnsons. enieate Barrasford Tour, Eng., Jones & Sutton: En route with the James Kennedy Co. See Dramatic Reutes. Jackson Family (Pell’s): New Maven, Cona., 12-17; (Poll’s) Bridgeport 19-24. Jones, Morris: Kansas City, Me., 12-17; Waterloo ia., 19-3. Sescings Renfrew (Family): Carbondale, a., 17. ae. Money: Lancaster, Pa., 12-17; Yerk Jacinto, Madame: Mentanez, Cuba, 4-17. Jehneon, Carrel] (Preeter’s): Troy. WN. Y., ¥ af (Mathaway’s) New Bedford, Mass., Jennings & Jewel] (Unique): Bau Claire, Wis., 12-17; (Bijou) Duluth, Minam., 10-34. cobs & Sardel (Wagner's 0. H.): Meline, DL, 12-17; (Bmpire) DesMoimes. la., 19-24. Jeanre & Bilewerth (Bijou): Battie Creek, Mich., 12-17. Jeeselya Trie (Poll’s): Waterbury, Conn., 18 5 te Three (Pastor's): New York City, wa: hag Clifford (Crystal): Frankfert, Ind., Julian, Thee. (Hathaway’s): New Bedford, —e Ry (Hammerstein’s): New York ty. “17. serge, Eugene (People’s): Cincinnati, 0., 12 Keufman, Reba (Albambra): Lendon, Eng., July 1-Mar. 31. ge 0 &. & ag (Empire): London, Eng., Mar. Apr. Kemp, Ww. A. (Family): Pottsville, Pa., Sept. 18, indef. Kershaw. George (Lyric): Wichita, Kan., Dee. . inde Kilpatrick: Eg route with Bickel, Watson & Wrothe. Se® Musical Routes. oe Lew (Empire): San Prancten, Cal., KineNere, The (Family): er ~~ ecg Z. YT. 12-17; (Park) Brie, Pa., 19-24 Kelly & ee (Austin & oc 8): Boston, Mass., 12-1 Kingsley & Lewks (Bmpire): Hobokea. N. J., 12-17; (mpire) Paterson, N. J., ae Kobler & Marion (Bastable): Syracuse, N. Y., 11; (Temple) Buffale 12-17; (Star) Hamilten, Ont., 18-34. Kates Bros. (G. 0. H.): Syracuse, N. Y., 1217; (G. O. BM.) Pittsburg, Pa.. 19-24. Kelly, Walter C. (Orpheum): Brooklyn, N. Y., 12-17; (Alsambra) New York City 19 9. = Albert (Bijeu): Greem Bay, Wis., 12 gicia & Klein (Irwin): Goshen, Ind., 12-17; (Crystal) Elweod 19-24. Kellins King (Majestic): Bot Springs, Ark., 12-17; (Majestic) Little Reck 19-24 Knox Bros. (Crystal): Rock Island, mM. 1217; (Bijou) Des Molaes, Ia., 19-24. Kemp & Wiley (Bijou): Wichita, Kam., 5-17; (Bijou) Oklahema City, Okla., oe Kenney & Ilollis: Lowe Masses 9-24. Keno. Walsh & Melrese * (Hopkine’) Leulsville, Ky., 1217; (opkins') Memphis, Tens., 19-24. Keaufmane Troupe (Shea's): Buffalo, N. Y., 12-17; (Shea's) Toreato, Ont. 19-24. Keaton’s Three (Orpheum): Reading, Pa., 12 17; (athawar’s) Lowell, Mass., 19-24. ow > nee (Unique): Sheboygan, 18., -17. Kelly. Sam & Ida (Crystal): Detroit, Mick., 12:17; (‘Jeffers’) Saginaw 18-24. Keough, Thos. J. ((rpheum): San Francisco, Cal., 5-17; (Orpheum) Les Angeles 19-81. —_— Paul (Orpheum): Minneapolis, Minn., 5x iaee (Orpheum): Sas Francisco, Cal., Ka Oo. ways): Mow Bodied, Mace’ 153%; teres. Kurtis & Busse’s Dogs (Sheedy’s): Fall River, ee 12-17; (Hathaway’s) New Bedford 19-24. dy’s) Fall River 19-24. Klein & Clifton (Empire): Paterson, N. J., 12-17; (Trent) _— i Keough. ~~. n, Amphion): — lyn, a, yisate (aipae Bebman’s) Brook lyn 9-24. Karabanza Japs (Eden Musee): New York City, indef. — OR ead (G. 0. H.): Indianapolis, Dn Kokin, ~~ ened (Orpheum): Salt Lake City, tab, «eu. — & Co. (Procter’s): Albany, N. Klekko & Fravoli (Majestic): a fae. Tex., 12-17; (Majestic) Ft. Worth, Kretore (Bijou) : Rockford, Ul., 317, otBtjen) Oshkosh, Wis., 19-24. —— (Bijou): Decatur, D1l., 12-17; Peoria Kine i Gotthold (Columbia): Cincinnati, 0O., 12-1 Kipple & Mclaughlin (Keith's): New York City, 12-17. Kalimonsky Bros. (Family): Hazelton, Pa.. 1247 Keelers Japanese pereee aves & Behman’s): | Kent, Ls — & ©o. (Orpheum): Brooklyn, Kosure & Chaplin (Blite): oY oe la., 12-17; (O. H.) Decatur, Ill, 19-24 Kiltners, The (Oryetal): Trinidad, Col,, 12-17; (Earl) Pueblo 19-24. Kilties, The (Colonial): New York City, 1217 Leo & Chapman: En route with the Rays. See Musieal Routes ae 4 Le age (Hippodrome) : London, Bng., Commen teters (Oter): Attenta, Ga. inde? Libby & Trayer (Doric): Yonkers, N. Y¥., 12 17. . «& ' Dale (Keith's): Rollas (Industrial): Luce & Luce (Otymnpte ): Obicago, Ml re Sisters (Vandette): Obicago, Hoboken, N. J., 12 ; (Keith's) providence, . ae Sere Suse (Majestic): & Jen (Orpheum): Brook (Alhambra) New York New York City, 12-17; (Poli's) New jeeen. Conn., 19-24. eng Trio (Sheedy’ 8): = (Orpheum) Utica, Langdon, Hardie (Majestic): Little Rock, Ark., 12-17. (Proctor’s 23d St.) — el Ry og 7 Keith's) Boston, oo 0. (Masonic Temple) 2 Minn., “ei (Orpheum ) Minneapolis 19-24. Wilmington, Del., 12-17, New Haven, Conn., re. Jules, & Co (G. ; Dodge Lindsay & Chait (Poli’s): 12-17. THE GUTHRIES ~ The abovei s an excellent illustration of the Guthries, acrobats, introducing their wonderful acrobatic with a web descent. They also do breakaway _ Roman big acts. Miss Ida Guthrie is the only lady in ladder. Their wardrobe and apparatus is first-class. Rurope’s greatest gymnasts and ladder acts, introducing in al) three who holds a 16-foet breakaway Lavender, Geo. (People’s): Cedar Rapids, Ia.. 12-17; (Bijeu) Dubuque 19-24 Leslie's age Circus (Empire) : Paterson, N. Lewis. Dave, Co. (K *s): Brooklya. ——~ sits (New York) New York City. Lancaster, Tom (Webb): Peru, Ind., 12-17: (Bijou) Battle Creek, Mich 19-24. aS ~ & West (G. 0. H.): Syracrse, i ‘ Leonzo (Family): [Rottstown, Pa., 12-17. ex; & LeMaire (Family): Hazelton, Pa., 12-17, Littlefield, C. W. (Mohawk): Schenect XN. ¥.. 20-37, ae Leslie, Geo. W. (Orpheum): Par ae 0., =. 17; (Orpheum) Portsmouth 19-24. wis & Chapin (Masonic Temple): Ft. Wayne, Ind.. 12-17. Lamount & Paulette (Lyceum): Niagara Falls. N. Y., 12-17; (Temple) Buffale 19-24. La _ Ade delia, Mme. (Star): Muncie, Ind., 12 La Zar & La Zar (Savoy): Columbus, Ind., 1217; (Majestic) Mr oery gp 1. 9saa fea, Maude (Idea): Manitowoc, Wis., 12 Le "Toy Bros. (Monumental): Baltimore, Mé4., 12-17 ;(Trocadero) Philadelphia, Pa., 10-84 ess, Theo. & Camille (Crystal): Pueble. Col., 12-17. Lyster & Cooke (Bijou): Appleton, Wis., 1217; (Bijou) Green Bay 19-24. Lewis & Lessington (Star): Muncie, Ind., 12 17; (Phillips’) Richmond 19-24. lair, Harry (Orpheum): New Orleans, La., 5-17; (Hopkins’) Memphis, Tenn., 19-24. La Navid (Novelty): Omaha, Neb., 18-17. La Renes. The Two (Bijou): DesMoines, Ia., 12-17; (Bijon) ° Quincy, Ill, 10-24. pase, D oe (Manhattan): Norfelk, Va., 19ar ’ Lawsen, Chinese (Bijou): Battle Greek, Mick., 12-17; (Bijou) Jackson 19-24. Le Biurn Grand Opera Trio (Columbia): Oia17; (Meymarket) Chicago 19-24, Lucy & Lacier (Grand): Marion, Ind., 18-17; (Celumbia) Cincinnati. O., 19 Lewis, G (ol : r wis, ee Chicago, DIL, 12 Lester: (O. H.) Cape May, N. + incase any 12Leonard, Grace (ny ee & Bebman’s): lyn, N. Ta Lawrence & Marrington (Pastor's): Samuel (Trocadere): Marie (Trocadero): teigtoan, Tare (Hathaway's): Leonard & S Pnittipe (Huber’s): Lynae, ee (Proctor’s 234 St.): — Herman (Unique): Minneapolis, Minn., us ag x my & Co. (Keeney’s): =: Mr. & Mrs. ~ gag (Strand): Seattle, Marlo & ,Aldo (Schuman’ 8): Barrasford Tour, Eng., Jan. En ronte with the Great BarMcAllister, Jessie ‘one ong a” — (Bijou): McFarland, Jessie (Bijou): at Marvelous: Des Moines, Ia., in Marion, Ind., inMarquette, Mich., En dag cal Casad’s Mu ar ig ta are a winersaip. on @ Feb. 1 Marion, Harry (Unique): Akrea, 0., Merrille, The Taree! Stoll Tour, Baug., Milton, Chas. W. En route with the Great Milton, A. ® & Mra. Geo. W. ( Star): Atlanta, * | sateen av imste (Alcazar): Deaver, Col, im Monrief & Smith: Portland, Ore.. indef. Montague’s Cockatoo Oircus (Orrin Brea.’): City of Mexico, Mex., Nov. 20, indef. Mooney & a ha ee Joba S. A., Mar. 12-Apr Morris & Morris (Thalia): Seattle, Wash, indef. Meneca, Beatrice (Czyetal): Anderson, Ind, Motogirl (Orpheum): Frankford, Ger, Max. lie, Joh J.: En route with CradeeMNeville co. See Dramatic Routes. McFarland & McDonald (Empire): Toledo, O., 11-17; (Empire) Cleveland 19-24. Marion & Deane (Grand): Joliet, Ill., 12-17; (Masonic Temple) Ft. Wayne, x. McCune & Grant (Webb): Peru, Ind., 12-18; (Bijou) Kalamazeo, Mick., 19-34. navee & AzeHe (Bijou): La Crosse, Wis., 9-24. Martins The Aerial (Family): LaFayette, Iné., 12-17. ag x & Coralli (Keith's): Ptiladejphia, Pe., 1 2-17. awe, ® Fox (Bennett's): St. Tkomas, Ont., 1241 seuivey & Warde (Bijou): met Wis., 12 Martin, Dave & Percie (Idea): Wis., 12. 14; (Idea) Rey du Lae és: Ben's) Ke ca ba, Mich eOarvers, The (Main St.): Peerfa, Ill., 12 17. McGrath Bros. (Alhambra): New York City, 12-17. Meredith Trio. The (0. H.): eag N. Y,. 12-17; (O. H.) Laneaster, Pa., Morgan & Crane (Bijou): ‘nba, ‘Wis. 1s 17; (Bijou) Sheboygan 19-24. Melville & Conway (Majestic): a Tex., 12-17; (Majestic) San Apteaie 19 Mann, Estelle Louise (Bijou): Davee Ta., 12-17; (Dominion) W tonipeg, 19.24. Macarte Sisters (G. H.) Pit . es 12-17; (Proctor’s 234 ‘st.) how York City 24. Merian’s Dogs (Haymarket): Omicage, Ill, 12> 17; (Columbia) St. Louis, Mo., 19-24. Military Octet: ———, Mass., 12-17; (Empire) Paterson, N. J., 19-24. meCasley & Donovan (iowerd): Cbicago, I8., 12-17. Mozart, Pae & Eva (Empire): Belse City, Ida., 5-17. Manamg Trio (Lyric): ia, Me., 12-17. Mathieus, Juggling \ixeit Beston, Maaes., 12-17 Manvro (People’s): Parsons. Kan., 12-17%; (Lyre) St. Joseph, Mo., 10-2. Morris, Joe (Gotham): Broeklya, N. Y., 12 17; (Proctor’s) Newark, N. J., 19-34. Mack & Dugal (Bijou): Galesburg, lll., 12 17; (Bijou) Jacksonville 19-34. Magee, Clem C. (Bmpire): 1? ul., 12 17; (Proctor’s) Newark, N. 19-24. Miskel, Cora, & Co. et Fy Chicago, 17 2-17. Mitchell .. Browning (Crystal): Anderson, Mardo Trio (Industrial): Melime, Il., 12-17; (Bijou) DesMoines, Ia., 19-24. Millie Bros. (Bijou): Appleten, Wis., 12-17; (Bijeu) Green Bay 18-24. McCord, Lewis, & Co. (Majestic): Oh oe 13-17; (Grand) Indianapolis, Ind., Massey & Kramer (Grand): Pettstewa, Pa., 12-14; (Family) Mabamey Oity 15-17; (Family) Shamokin 19-34. Seen, Four (Crystal): Denver, Col., 12 Mewatte, a , (Majestic): Chicago, 1! 12-17;' (G H.) indianapolis, Ind., 16 2. May & Miles (Orpheum): Mansfeld, 0., 12 17; (Star) Muncie, Ind., 19-24. MeCune & Grant (West Side): Janesville, wis, Murphy & Magee: Denver, Cel., 12-17. Mills & Morris (Haymarket): Caricago, IL. 1217; (Columbia) St. Leuls, Me., 19-24. Martinettie & Sylvester (idea): Oshkosh, Wis., 12-17; (Idea) Fond du Lac 19— Howard (Lyric): Terre Haute, Ind, Marco Twins (G. O. M.): Indianapolis. Ind., 12-17; (Columbia) St. Leuis, Mo., 19-24. Mathews & Ashley (Imperial): Brooklya. MeFarland & McDonald (Empire): Toledo, @., McGloin & Smith (Sheedy’s): Fall River, Mass., 12-17; (0. H.) Lewell 18-24. THE McCARVERS The MecCarvers, Billie and Sadie, pictured above, are now scoring a decided bit on the western vaadeville circuits. Their singing and dancing t up to te.