The Billboard 1906-03-17: Vol 18 Iss 11 (1906-03-17)

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is f ») MARGH 17, 1986. The Billboard 45 —=DARCY & WOLFORD 2% —PLAYS— ities WE ean supply Managers at LOWEST ROYALTY any play available. represent Foreign and American Authors, Managers and Dramatésts. ADDEESS ALL COMMUNIGATIONS TO KIMGKERBOCKER THEATRE BUNDING, 1402 Broadway, Mew York, soq Sesser Mallory Brothers, Brooks & Halliday (MoSchenectady, N. Y., == nite w, Mona: “Okiebousa City, Okla., Majestic Trio (Atlantic Garden): New York Mckearie, Tigatrice, & Co. (Orpheum): Den—, ftp ne 1B Lansing, Mich., Meers, Three (G. O. H.): Pittsburg, Pa., 19 2. Maddox 3 Melvin (Keeney's): Brooklyn, N. Y., 12-1 Macy & Balt (Keith's): Cleveland, 0., 12-17. (Chase’s) Washington, D. 1 C.. . Madeaps, Three Original (Keith’s): Youngstown, O., 12.17; (Keith's) Syracuse, N. Y., 19-24. Mathews, Zoa (Majestic): ~~ Antonio, Tex., 12-17; (Majestic) Waco 19Millar Bros.. The (G. O. H.): Pitteville, Pa., 12-17; (G. O. H.) Shamokin 19-24. Meme Signor (Muber’s): New York City, McGee & Collins (Bijou): Racine, Wis., 12-17; (Gennett) Richmond, -2A. Martin Bros. (Keith’s): New York City, 12 17; (Keith's) Boston, Mass., 19 Mansfield & Harvey (Crystal): 12-17; (Crystal) Anderson 19 Mureal (Empire): Cleveland, 0O., ety) Youngstown 19-24. Millman Trio, The (Orpheum): Brooklyn, N. (Alhambra) New York City 19-24. 1217; (Gal Macirt's ‘— & Monkeys: Reading, Pa., 12a =< ee James (Columbia): Cincinnati, 0., Meare Gee. W. (Cook's): Rochester, N. Y., a & Willard (Orpheum): Denver, Col., Mack, Walsh (Dewey): Utica, N. Y.. 5-17. — bee Reliefs (Kelth’s): Providence, Mareena, Nevaro & Mareena (Coleaial): Lawrence, Mass.. 12-17 a 4 & Evans (Taunton): Taunton, Mass., 12 Merrit. Raymond (American): Utiea, N. Y., Milons, Four (Auditorium): Chicage, Ill., 5 a ae Andrews (Keith's): Providence, R. 12-17; (Keith’s) New Yerk City, 19 uitciven & Brewning (Crystal): Kokome, Ind., — & Cain (Orpheum): Kansas City, 1217; (Orpheam) Denver, Col. 19-24. Satan. Moana (Bijou): Oklahoma City 11-17; Shawnee 19-34 Moore, Tom (lloward): Bostes, Mass.. 12 17; Keith's) Bostom 19-24. Meyer, Bem (Proctor’s): Albany, N. Y.. 1217; (Proctor’s 125th St.) New York City 19-24. Mason & Maxon (Crystal): Andersen, ind., 12-17; (Crystal) Kekomo 19-24. Monroe, Mack & Lawrence (lathaway’s): Bedford. Mass. 12-17 hy & Kelly (Trent): Treatoa, N. J., 12 Trio (Treat): Trestom, N. J., Sater. Baker Trio escanen’s Watermelon Girls (Keith's): New York Cit 12-17. Mesfation a Chapelle (Keith's): New York ty Meinereey, Jas. (Family): Carbendale, Pa., Melroy Trio (Elite): Davenport, Ia., 12-17; (Power's O. H.) Decatur, Iil., 19-24. . or Mrs. Daany (Bijou): LaCrosse, Murphy, Mee & Mrs. Mark (G. 0. 11.): Pitts. , 12-17; (Bennet’s) London, Ont., 19McSourley & Eleanore (Topic): 12-April fr. Matoumete Troupe (Keeney’s): 1 mee & Walter (Standard): a & Moran (People’s): Medallicn Trie (People’s): Meinnt Trio (Colonial): —— a Stetson (Alhambra): New y ° McCree, Janie, & Co. (Proctor’s 58th St.): New York City, 12-17. Mallory Brus.. Rrooks & Pa f (Hurtig & Seamon's): New York City, 12-17 Naynon, Rosa (Noveau Cirque): Finland, Mar. 1-81 Billings, Ment.. Brooklya, N. Cincinati, 0., Cincianatl, 0., Cincinnati, 0., 12 New York City, 8 Uelsingfers, Melcen, Earl (Natioual): Kansas City, Mo.. ae ~~ Family: Mt. Clemens, Mich., Jaa. 1, Melson 8 Helen (Crystal): Marion, Ind., Jan. Nixon Gee. E.: Rellevue, Ky., inde Nosses, The Five: En route with the “pert and the Girl. See Musical Reutes. Nowlin, Dave: em route with Al. G. Field's Minstrel. See Minstrel Routes a & Co. (Family): Gloversville, N. Y., — & Miller (Poli’s): Bridgeport, Cona., 12 Notte Billy (Monumental): Baltimore, Md., 12-17; (Trecadere). Philadelphia, Pa., 19-24. a Fred (Proctor’s): Albany, N. Y., 12rege 2 func (Maryland): Baltimore, Norworth, Jack (Grand): Pittsburg, Pa., 12 Notice & Fees (Temple): Ft. Wayne, Nobles. Rate & Dol Keeney’s): Brooklyn, N. ¥., 12-97. =A ' bs Olive, Mme., Gaetan & Ab Sid: Moss & Stoll Toar, Eng., Dee. indef. Opel: En route 3% Spnford & Robinson's Entertainers, See Dramatic Routes. (Continued om page 52.) Special WIRE ARTISTS Watch This Space For New Goods |, —=™.. etre JUST OUT---NEW CATALOGUE No. i9 porn Send For One Now. Weduced Prices all along the line—we will not be sn Per gallon Quality and prices count. When it comes to a ““Show Down” we're Just the Thing for Hat Pins. Quaker Olive Hat Pin Sheilis, aey y tor use “Johnny on the Spot.” Let us hear from you. You Can’t String "Em Up for $19.00 a grosa and use Rolled Plate Wire as good as ours. If it's work you are aller, make tuem yo Lf not, let us do the work and save you muney. No. 3706 Scroll ring made of our famous T. | wire with initial souvenir or 1004 heart le. Lucky Shoes— Always Good cent sellers that ever No, 4506 2 shoes on pin. happened. Msde of R. T. Special Wire. Per gross ........ Per gross, without bangle.... 2.25 Cat Eye Rings that are Riogs Kids Just “Eat Em Vp.” No, 3715. Four strand No, 3716 Yes and No cat-eys ring, made of £109 white metal fortune ring. mounting ;all hand buffed. A big seller just out, Doz No, 3911. Coiled silver filigree wire that can be strung on wire for making Bracelets, Brooches, Rings, etc. Serd fursample. Per yard... o ses.» $0.10 Per 50 yards.. eee ceeeee AD “Per 100 yards....... meses < ante $0 ROGERS, THVRMAN @ CO. 156 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Jaceron Bracelet. No. feo This beautiful bracelet is a new article, made of silver Jaceron figree wire, mounted with faceted beads, aks and heart angle oo shown in cut. No. 2109. 4-strand Cateye ring mountings, made of R T. special size, <a wire. Asst. sizes & a Address all commanications to the Chicago Office, — Dwe....... .. 90.80 «Gross... MINNEAPOLIS, MINN PAUL. MINN. -NEW $200, 000 PARK UNDER CONSTRUCTION AT LAKE MINNETOKNA. TWIN CITY RAPID TRANSIT CO., Owners. H. M. BARNET, Lessee. WANTED, to hear from Large Band. What have yeu that is a Big Winner? Address H.M. BARNET, Box 72, Minneapolis, Minn. PROF. FRED MACART’S “African Baboon and Monkey Comedians,” Most Amusing Animal Act on Earth. =: BOOKINGS FROM DEC. (0th, 1905, T@ DEC. Sth, 1906:= 'o— . 16—8Y RACUSB. APRIL 1—ALNAMBRA, NEW YORK. AUG. 5—TRAVEL. He 17—UTICA. APRIL 8—GOTIIAM, NEW YuRK, AUG. 12—ORPIIKUM, SALT LAKB. DEC, 24—ROCH ESTER. APRIL 15—PATERSON, N. J. AUG. 19—ORPIEUM, DENVER. DEC. 31—DSTRUVIT. APRIL 22—HORUKEN, N. J. AUG. 26—TRAVEL. APRIL 2—LAWRENCB, MASS. SEPT. 2—ORIHRUM, ST. PAUL. 1906. mat 6—FALL RIVER, MASS. BErT. 9—ORMIEUM, MINNEAPOLIS. JAN. T—IDLB MAY 18—OPegN. SEIT. 16—ORIIIEUM, OMAliA. JAN. 14—CItIc “ago OLYMPT¢. MAY 20—OregN. SET. 23—ORVHEUM, KANSAS CITY. JAN, 21—I1DLS MAY 27—OPEN. SEPT. 30—CHICAGO MAJESTIC. NB 3—UPEN. OCT JAN. 28—Cmicaco paseanee. FEB. 4—ViTTSRURG FEB. 11—TOLRIM. FER. 18—CINCINNATI. J 7—CHICAGU HAYMARKBST. gu qu J FEB. 26—BVANSVILLE. son vv Pia qU OCT. 14—ST. LuUIS. OCT. 21—CHICAGU OLYMPIO,. OCT. 28—INDIANAPOLIS, NOV, 4—CINCINNATI. NOV, 11—EVANSVILLE. SAN FRANCISCO, NOV. .18—LOUSVILLB. LOS ANUELES. NOV, 25—MEMPIIIS.” ’ Los ANGELES. DEC. 2—ORIPUEUM; NEW ORLEANS. Ne 17—OPEN. " NB 24—TRAVRE. YY 1—ORPHEE u. SAN FRANCISCO. 4—INDIANAPOLIS. SAN FRANCISCO. MARCHE 11—IDLB. MARCH 18—COLONIAL, NEW YORK. MARCH 25—ORPOEUM, BRUUKLYN. Have Six (6) Weeks Open This Year. PROF. FRED MACART, Proprietor and Trainer. MADAM MACART, Business Manager. Permanent Address, Care of CLIPPER Office, 4 47 West 28th Street, New York City. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads. Mention “The Billboard” « ten annecring ads, Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads, ;