The Billboard 1906-03-17: Vol 18 Iss 11 (1906-03-17)

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=~ MARCH 17, 1906. The Billboard The American Tkt.Co TOLEDO TICKETS IN ROLL Little Homestead 5; Shadows of a Great City 67; Babes in Toyland 8; Land of Nod 10. Jeffers’ Theatre (Sam Marks, mgr.) Uncle Tom's Cabin 1-4; good business and performances. North Brothers 4-10. ST. CLOUD.—Davidson Opera House (EB. T. Davidson, mgr.) An Aristecratie Tramp 4; fair business. Beach and Bower's Minstrels 178; Nance O’Nelll 23. MINNESOTA ALBERT LEA.—Broadway Theatre (A. F. Wohlhuter, mgr.) Buster Brown 9. 8T. PAUL.—Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, mgr.} Kyrie Bellew 4-7; fine performance and good business. Rip Van Winkle 810; Henry W. Savage 15-17. Grand Opera House (Theo, L. Hays, mgr.) Bankers and Brokers week 4; fine performance and large business. The Duke of Duluth week 1. . Star Theatre (J. C. VanRoo, mgr.) Merry Maidens week 4; w and business. Orpheum Theatre (Chas. “grerek, mgr.) Good MISSISSIPPI CANTON.—Opera House (Ike W. Betts, mer.) Barnard eS Say March 6; Barlow Miaps4 underlined HATTIESBURG. —Auditorium (Field & Look mrs.) Kajab of Bhong 28; good business. J N.—Century Theatre (V. Otis, =? 28; fair show and busine eo show and busi. excellent company Harry Beresford 14; Modjeska 15. ATCHEZ.—Baker Grand Theatre a RP BE , lov ures 2; capacity 2 x Alice } gy | 3; business. Rajah of Bhong March WINONA.—Opera House. The akan tie 2 en we Barlow Min MISSOURI KFIELD. — DeGraw Theatre (Fred When We Were Twentyshow. A Royal Slave Mareh 2; good business and performance. My Wife's Family 5; canceled. Walker Whitesides 6; pleased good business. Cousin Kate %; A Homespun Heart 15. CLINTON.—Bixman Opera House (W. P. Jarvis, mgr.) Parsival 28; canceled. John Griffith March 16; Miss Bob White 21; The Belles 22; Jerry from Kerry April 4 HANNIBAL.—Park Theatre (J. B. Price, mgr.) Hickman Bessey Stock Co. week 18; good business. The Clanaman 10; packed house. The Holy City 138; Si Haskins 17; Carleton Opera Co. 24; Rentfrew's Jolly Pathfinders 26-31. JOPLIN.—New Club Theatre (L. F. Ballard, mgr.) Myrkle-Hacder Stock Co. week 26; good show and fair business. Kerry Gow 11; Morey Stock Co. week 12. New Lryic Theatre (Chas. E. Hodkine mgr.) Dell and Fonda, Madge Daytelle, Billy Durant, Chas. Carrell, Russell and St. Clair, and oth ers week Feb. 25; good business. N CITY.--New Jefferson Theatre «(W. J. Edwards, mgr.) Sun's Minstrels 19; fair business. Over Niagara Falls 22: show and buelmess. San Toy 28: good and business. Nobody's Claim March 5; Si Haskins 10; Century Stock Co. week 12; 3 yr 19; The Clansman 20; Royal Slave 22; Miss Bob White 24; Pair of Country Kids 26; Slaves of the Mine 28; Dora Thorne 31. KANSAS CITY.—Willis Wood (Woodward & Burgess Am. Co.. mgrs.) Parsifal 4-7; good business. Lulu Glaser 8-10; excellent busiwess and good performance. It Happened in Nordland 11-14; Rip Van Wink!e 16-18. Grand (Hudson & Judah, mgrs.) David Hatum week 4; fair business and good show. Miss ob White week 11 Auditorium—Woodward & Burgess Am. Co., mers.) Kerry Gow week 4: good performance and excellent business When Jolnny Comes Marching Home week 11. lies (E. 8. Brigham. mer.) Queen of the Hichbinders 4; Dig business. Dangers of Worktng Girls werk 11. Orpheum ‘Theatre (M. Lehman, mgr.) Bert Coote and Co., Four Colbys, Rice and Cady Amoros Sisters and Bees Fight Century others week 4; good busi Allisons head bill this week. (Jee. Barrett. mgr.) Watson's Orl entals week 4; good business and show. Amerfcan Burlesquere week 11. Majestic (Fred Waldmann, mgr.) Knickerhockers week 4: good show and business. Cracker Ineke week 11. Yale’s Theatre (L. Brown, mgr.) Business good week 4. National (F. L. Flanders, mgr.) Good bustwess 4 and week. CHAS. H. SMALL. Tee Opera House (Thompson & mde mgre ) Te Die at Dawn 3; good bust wens and shew. King Perkins 17; Dora Thorne 27. 8T. JOSEPH.—Tootle Theatre (C. U. Philley. mgr.) Kyrle Bellew 28: excellent show and busioees. Primrose “Minstrels March 1; pieneed large business. San Toy 6; good show aod breiness Miss Roh White 7: Parstfal 8; Isle of Splee 18; Field's Minstrels 16. Lvreeum Theatre (C. U. Philley, mgr.) David Harum 13; good sow and business. Way of tre Transgreseor 4-5: good show and business. Miner's American RBurlesquere 6-7: good busiwees, A Pair of Pink 8-10; Queen ‘of the Highwtolers 1142; Bohemian Burlesquers 13-14 Cryetal Theatre (Fred Cosman. The Kanedons, Fimile Watt, 4: borineces lyric Theatre (H. Walter Van Drke, ) Why Women are Single week 4; business fair. BEDALIA.—New Sedalia Theatre (Geo. F. 01endort mgr.jJ Nobody's Claim 4: fair bustness and good performance. The Clansman 7: food performance and business. Uncle Si Has Kins &: Dwvid Harum 9. —Opera Honse. Ga. OReTS, The Marneys and others week 10; good busincas, Bowman Co. 21-22; good -. A Royal Glave 28; fine performance rood Sariness. To Die at Vawo Mareb MONTANA ANACONDA.—Margaret Theatre (F. H. Clinton, mgr.) Savage English Grand Opera Co. 26; good business. Little Johnny Jones 28; good business. Nance O'Neill 3; good bustness. Piff,Paff, Pouf 5; Woodland 7; Yon Yonson ®. BILLINGS.—Opera House (A. L. Babcock, mgr.) Little Johnny Jones 24; performance and business good. A Thoroughbred Tramp 8, BUTTE.—Broadway (J. K. Heslet, mgr.) Little Johnny Jones 25-26; capacity business and fine performance. Savage English Grand Opera Co. 27-28; large business and well pleased houses. Piff, Paff, Pouf 2-3. irand Opera House (Dick P. Sutton, mgr.) Lulu Sutton and Co. in Buried Alive week Feb. 25; business good. NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE.—Elks’ Opera House (0. A. Matson, mgr.) Florence Roberta Feb. 10; excellent performance and patronage. ani Pringle’s Minstrels 14; pleased capacity business. Medjeska 23: pleased capacity busi White Feather 26; . Jerry from Kerry March 9; Ellery’s Italian Band 24; Chas. Hanford 31. NEBRASKA OMAHA.—Boyd's gese. mers.) Raffles 23; ness. Bob White 44; good show and fair business. Glaser 6-7; It Happened in Nordland 8 Krug’s Theatre (Chas. from Home 27-28; fair good busi Tranegressor 8-10. (Woodward & Burgess, mgrs.) Mise Hobbs week 4; good business. A Contented Woman week 1. Orpheum Theatre o ae, } hn = Hetchine and jan uno and = Russell, ‘Mary t and Go. ae and i Mildred r, Bape O’Rourkeurnette Trio and moving asi week ‘4: good bill and business. J. ROOT YORK.—@pera House (W. D. Fisher, mgr.) Lyric Road Show 26; good performance and business. Charlotte Burnett 6: good business. Hooligan’s Troubles 9; Lyric Road Show 15. NEW JERSEY ATLANTIC CITY.—Yonung’s Pier !e drawing big business with band concerts and vande ville. Savoy Theatre. Marie Cahill 5: packed house. Side Tracked 6; Yvette GutIbert and Co. 7; Mummy and the Hummingbird 8; The Tenderfoot 9-10. Steel Haley's Basd continues to attract the crowds. Heinz Pier. Business fine. JERSEY -—Bon Ton Theatre (T. W. Dinkins, mgr.) Sam Devere’s Own Show 26 and week; good business and show. May Hward Co. week March 5; Star Show Girls 12-17. Bijou Theatre (J. W. Holmes, mgr.) At the World's Mercy week 26; good business. — Hogan week 5; Across the Pacific week Academy of Music (F. E. Henderson, mgr.) The Show Gtrl week 26; good show and fine business. The Runaways week 5-10; Behind the Mask 12-17. TRENTON.—Taylor Opera House (M. Moses mer.) Dockstader’s Minstrels 28: Dan Sully March 1; fine business. Eternal City 3: good show and business. Philadelphia Orchestra 5: good business. Mrs. Leffingwell’s Boots 6; good business. Yvette Guflbert 10; Andrew 13; Ham Tree 17. State Street Theatre (F. E. Shalters, mgr.) No Mother to Guide Her 1-3; fair business. Show Girl 5-7; A Race For Life 8-10: Texas te Vogel's Minstrels 14; Smart Set 15‘. Trent Theatre (Edw. Nye. Arch Boyd & Co., Blondell & Co., Alhambra Sextette, Mullen and Correlli. and others week 5: good business. Edward Clark and his Six Widows, Mason and . Renton, mgr.) Ned Geo. Wilson, Edw. Kelly, Harry Corson Clarke, and others week 12. NEW YORK NEW YORK CITY.—At the Metropolitan Opera House the sixteenth and last week of the grand opera season started March 12. Belasco Theatre (David Belasco, Blanche Bates continnes. Lycenm Theatre (Daniel Frohman, mgr.) The Lion and the Mouse continues. mgr.) Hudson Theatre (Henry 3B. Harris, mer.) Otis Skinner continues, Wallack’s Theatre (Mrs. Theo. Moss, mgr.) Wm. Faversham continnes. Garden Theatre (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) Reavmend Hitcheock continues. Madison Square Theatre (Walter N. Lawtence. mgr.) The Title Mart closed ite stay at this house 10. The theatre is dark this week. Manhattan ‘Theatre (Harrison Grey Fiske, mgr.) The Triangle continues. troadway Theatre (A, W. Dingwall, mer.) The Vanderbilt Cup continues. Savoy Theatre (Frank McKee, mgr.) Mr. Hopkinson continues. Casino Theatre (Shubert Bros., gars.) De Wolf Hopper opens 12. The Farl oa @ the Girl closed an eighteen weeks run 10. New York Theatre (Klaw & Erlanger, mers.) Humpty Dumpty opens 12. The Rogers Brothers In Ireland closed 10. Pifou Theatre (Henry B. Sire, mgr.) David Warfield continues. Empire Theatre (Chas, Frohman, mgr.) Maude Adams continues, tarrick Theatre (Sam. Gumperta, mgrs.) The Galloper continues. Princess Theatre (Shubert Bros., mers.) Brown of Harvard continues. Joe Weber's Musie Hall (C. T. K. Miller, mer.) The stock company continues. Criterion Theatre (Chas. Frohman, Francis Wilson continues, Knickertecker Theatre (Al. Hayman & Co., mers.) Fritzl Seheff continues. Lyric Theatre (Shubert Bros., mgrs.) cana continues. Herald Square Theatre (Ohas. Frohman, mgr.) Geo. M. Cohan continues. New Amsterdam Theatre (Kiaw & Erlanger, mers.) Fay Templeton continues. Richard Manefield opens 19, Fields’ Theatre (Oscar Hammerstein, mgr.) Louis Mann and Olara Lippman continue. Liberty Theatre (Kiaw & frlanger, mgra) (7 ba &. Piaberty. mgr.) Mexi The PeAet'n cortinues Majestic Theatre Richard Theatre (Woodward & BurMise Williams and W le nee a alker continue. His Majesty The Hippodrome (Thompson & Dundy, mgrs. The Society Circus continues. , Academy of Music (Gilmour & Tompkins, mgrs.) The Heart of Maryland continues. Proctor’s One Hundred and Twenty-fifth St. Theatre (John T. Fynes, mgr.) The stock com_ bill for week of 12 is Romeo and Ju e Proctor’s Fifth Avenue Theatre (Mark Luscher, mgr.) Mr. Smooth is the stock company bill for week of 12. Fourteenth Street Theatre. Bedford’s Hope finished eight weeks 10. Kellar comes 12. Irving Place Theatre (Heinrich Conried, ditector.) The German stock company continues. Yorkville Theatre (M. R. Bimberg. mgr.) + Aaa company plays Robert Emmett this wee Murray Hill Theatre (Wm. T. Keogh, mgr.) This week The Show Girl. Last week: The Smart Set played to good business. American Theatre (Wm. T. Keogh, mgr.) This week: Bedford’s Hope. Last week: Chinetown G€harley played to great businers. Thalia Theatre (Sullivan & Woods ) This week: The Millionaire Detective, “Eat week: The House of Mystery attracted attendance. Grand Opera House (J. H. Springer, mgr.) a. — Widow entered upon her second Harlem Opera House (Alex. Lichtenstein, mgr.) Opening 12: The Walls of Jericho. Closing 16: Blanche Walsh Metropolis Theatre (Henry Rosenberg, mgr.) Opening 12: The Grafter. Closing 10: Secret Service Sam. Westend Theatre (G. A. Blumenthal, mgr.) | ope 12: Mr. Blarney From Ireland. Closing Lovers and Lunatics. Star Theatre (Wm. T. Keogh, mgr.) Opening 12: The Boy Behind the Gun. Closing 10: Yourg Buffalo. Tony Pastor’s Theatre (H. S. Sanderson, mgr.) High-class vaudeville. Colonial Theatre (P. G. ‘Williams, mgr.) Vaudeville. Keith’s Union apg (B. FP. Rogers, res. mgr.) Alhambra Theatre. €P. 6. Willams, mgr.) Vaudeville. ans & Seamon’s (Ben Hurtig, mgr.) Vau le. Proctor’s Fifty-eighth Street @. F. Proetor, jr.. mgr.) Vandeville. Proctor’s Twenty-third Street (Geo. Edward Graham, mgr.) Vandeville. Hammerstein's Victoria (Oscar Hammerstein, mgr.) Vaudeville mgr.) mgr.) Cirele Theatre (Cc. W. Willams, mgr.) ing 12: The Bon Tons. Olasing 10: The Sydell Co. Miner’s Bowery Theatre (Edwin D. Miner, Opening 12: Sam. Devere. Closing 10: The Utopians. Miner’s Eighth Avenue Theatre (Bédwin D. Miner, mer.) Opening 12: The Star Show Girls. Closing 10: The May Howard Co. London Theatre (J. H. Curtin, mgr.) @pening 12: The Parisian Belles. Closing 10: Willams’ Ideals. Dewey Theatre (Sullivan & Kraus, mers.) Opening 12: Clark’s Runaway Girls. Closing 10: The Dainty Duchess. Gotham Theatre (Sullivan & Krans, mers.) Opening 12: The Blue Ribbon Girls. Closing 10: The Rent-Santley Co. Huber’s Museum (John H. Anderson, Freaks and curios. Atlantic Garden (Wm. Kremer’s Sons, mgrs.) Vandertiile. Family Theatre (Al. Onken. mgr.) Vandeville. WALTER K. HILL. BROOKLYN.— roadway Theatre (Leo C. Teller, mgr.) Wonderland week 5. Frank Danlela in Sergeant Brre week 12. Shubert Theatre (Lew Parker, mgr.) Bertha Kalich in Monna Vanna week 5. The Earl and the Girl week 12. New Montank Theatre (Edward Trail, mer.) FE. S. Willard and Co. week 5. May Irwin in Mrs Black fs Back week 12. Majestic Theatre (Dudley MeAdoo, “War Down Bast week 5: bretness fine. Folly Theatre (Rennett Wilson, mgr.) Hap Ward in The Grafter week 5. More to be Pitied than Scorned week 12. Grand Onera Honse (M. T. Middleton. mer.) No Mother to Guide Her week 5. Florence Rintiey week 12: Howard Hall week 19. Ipijon Theatre (Mary G. Spooner. mer.) The New Macdalene week 5. The Midnight Alarm week 12. Amphion Theatre (W. T. Grover, mgr.) Dixte Cavalry Girls. Great Florenze Troupe. Cressy and DParne. Lonis Dresser. Daisy Harcourt. Jack ‘Norworth, Rrers and Herman O’Brien and tuekley and moving pictures week 5. Payton Theatre (S. S. Allen, mgr.) Lost River week 5. The Dairy Farm week 12. Imperial Theatre (Wm. T. Gover, mer.) Sitner Trew. Thompson's Elephants, Hares and Healey, Fields and Wooley, Les Remos, Sahel Johnson and Four Pards, Johnnie Johns and Grant and Grant week 5. Orpherm Theatre (Perer G. Williams, mgr.) Vesta Victoria Geo. Fuller Golden. Empire City Qvartette, Cole and Johnson. Glinserettis, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Crane. Mr. and Mrs. Allison. DeWit Burns and Torrance, Hathaway and Walton and moving pictures week Rigo, Frank and Jem Latona. Emma Carus, Chas. L. Pletcher. Vesta Victoria S. Miller Kent, Millman Trio. Walter C. Kelly, Cliffe Berzac and others week 12. Hrde & Rebhman’s Theatre (Nick Norton, met) Norton and Nicholson. Rose Goghlan, Fagan and Rvron. Leror and Woodford, Deltorelli and Glisande, Dollar Tronwpe OCal'ahan and Mack and moving pictures week 5. Henri French, Estelle Wordette. Avery and Hart. Rloom and Comer, Elmer Tenler. Grace ard. Ke'ler’s Japanese Troupe, Hallen and Fal ler and Watson's Barnrerd week 12. S‘ar Theatre (A. H. Ftlis, mgr.) Trans Atlantics week 5. Rentz-Santley Co. week 12. Aleazat Theatre (F L. Bixby. mgr.) Jolly Groe« Widews week 5: cood business. Cavety Theatre (J. Clark mer.) Rose Hill Fo'lr Co. week 5. Trans Atlanties week 12. Novelty Theatre (H. Leonardt. mgr.) Hungarian Roys’ Rand. Thomas C. Havel, Manikins and others week 5. Cotham (E. F. Girard. mgr.) Howard and North, Viela Gillette & Co. Chas. Seamon, Pongo and Leo, Gates and Nelson, ” Ddamond and Norton and others week 5. Unique Theatre (Frank 3B. Carr, mer.) Washington Society Girle week 5. Keeney’s Theatre (Frank A. Keeney, mar.) Heme Hooth and Oo., Keeta, Ziska and King. Hetha war ant Walton, Grace Cameron. bieras Jewell’s Family, Kurtis and Busse, Newman and Knowles and moving pictures 5 Phillipe’ Theatre (L. Phillips, mgr.) After Midnight week 5. Family Theatre (Sullivan & Geasidine, mgrs.) Vaudeville week 12. GEO. H. HAKES, ALBANY.—Pmpire Hams, mgr.) The Rose of performance and fair returns. adeap cess 8; good performance and business. Thalia Theatre Co. 6; The County Chairman 8; WilMam Collier 10. Harmann’s Bleeker Hall (BH. R. Jacobs, mgr.) The Princess Beggar 26-27; show and fair returns. Fantana Marea 23; excel lent performance and business. Ben ef Broken Bow Ranch 5-7; Japanese Pietures 8-10. Proctor’s Theatre (Howard Graham, mgr.) Richard Golden, Foy and Clark, Kitty _— Jack Mason's Society Belles, Troupe, Tobin Sisters, Ford aad Det West Sid Baxter week 26; business. Mary Norman, . Fitzsimmons are the headers week 5. B HAMTO Heuse P. B. Clark, mgr.) The Prince Chap 26; good business and performance. 8 Co. week 27; good business. March 5; Viola Allen 7. ELMIRA.—Lyceum Theatre (M. Rete, mgr. York State Folks 1; capacity business. Isle Bong Bong 3; good business. Obamplin Stock Co., 5-10; Viole Allen 8. Rialto Theatre (F. Seymour Comedy Dogs, Helen Ogden, Annie Howard, Flee Wallace Pearl Davis week 26-March 2; GENEVA.—Smith Opera Holuse (F. K. Hardison, mgr.) The — af Kitty @4; good ba The Prince Chap March 2; fair besinese. York State Folks. 5; goed show and fair returns. Fantana 7; A Madeap Princess GLENS FALLS. tre Theatre (J. A. Helden, mgr.) Dot Karrol Stock Ce. week 10-24; 3 \ Ball 26; large business. Rose of Alhambra 27; big returns. Hadley’s Moving Pictures March 2; fair re turns. Ben of Broken Bow Rasch 68; Little Johnny Jones 13. GLO —Darling Theatre (Wil & Gaut, mgr.) Det Karroll Co. week + good ba . The Princess Beggar 28; Gane performance and business. The Manhattan Stock York State Folke 16. ° Family Theatre (Fred Du Me Deaves, Mr. and Mra. Fred Bowman, and Carter, Green Brothers. The Kineand The Mysterious Crucible week 5; JAMESTOWN.—Samnuel’s Opera Howse ( Reis, mgr.) Mamie Fleming Co. week 26; good business and performances. Black Crook Mareh 2; good performances and fair business. of the Four 5: fair business. Arrival of Kitty 6; Girls WIN be Girls 9; My Wife’s Family 10; Myers Stock Co. 1217; County Chairmaa 16. POUG .—Collingwoed Opera House (W. C. Milliard. mgr.) Himmelein’s Stock Co. week 26; big business and good performance. Lawrence D’Oreay in The Pmbassy Bali fine performance and good bosiness. Viola ines 5; Kirke Bsown Stock Co. week 6. i Jno. Till’s Marionettes, Adam Duo, Dale Rossi, Gordon and Edwards, Jeanne Bdédwerds and moving pictures week March 5. -—Lyceum (M. E. Wolff, mar.) Ie’s All Your Fault 5-7; pleased good ness. A Madcap Princess 10; Mrs. heffingwell’s Boots 12. Cook's Orera House (W. B. McOaliwm, mer.) Kanfmann ‘Troupe headed good bill week 5; business big. Fadette’s Orchestra week 12. Baker (W. B. McCallum, mer.) Tes — in a Bar Room week 5; good bneteeas. of Old Vincennes week 12. National (M. Hurtig, mgr.) Cuetee’s Last Fight 5-7: good business and show. Sultan of Seln 8410; Black Crook 12-M. TROY.-—-Rand’s Opera House (M. Rete mer.) Shepard's Moving Pictures 4; Grabasa Broek Co. week 5: cood business. Proctor’s Griswold (W. H. Graham .) Rahda. Gus Edwards, Tanner and Gftihert, Cetina Bobe, The CamilMe Trio, Geo. W. Day, Geergiana Clark, Rice and Prevost and moving pictures week 3; business and bill goed. Lyceum Theatre (B, Gillam, mgr.) Jefferson DeAngelis in Fatana 5; capacity busipess and fine performance. Royal Theatre (W Hi. Buck, mer.) High Rollers week 5: good Dusiness. The Black Crook Co. 12 and week. SCHENECTADY.—Mohawk Theatre (Weber & Rush, mers.) Elinore Sisters, Bristol's Ponies, Hacker Lester Trio, Donovan aud Arneld. Tobin Sisters, The Swickards, and Scett end Jebnson week 5; good business. Van Curler Opera House (C. H. Benedict, mgr.) Himmelein’s Ideals 5 and week; good business. Viola Allen 6; S. R. © Congrove Stock Co. week 12. NORTH CAROLINA CONCORD.—Opera House (J. B. Qakiwell, mgr.) The Convict’s Dmughter 8; geod perforrance and fair returns Partlow and Wilsos Minstrels 6: good show and fair returaa. GOLDSBO Messenger Opera Howse —~ gine & Gibson, mers.) The Littl Duehess 9 RALEIGH.— caciemy — Upebturch, mgr.) Adelaide Tlureton Feb. 28; business and performance good. SALISBURY.—Meronev’s ‘Theatre (Tf. B. Marsh, mgr.) Lyman Twins 26; falr show and good business. Kilties Tand March 1; good performance and fair business The Little Duchess 3; good business and fine performance. Brater Rrewn 5: Sarah) Bernhardt 10. WILMINGTON. — Academy (Cowaa Bros., mers, Davis Goodwin Stock €o. 26-Mareh 1: good business. Buster Brown 2-4; geed business. A Jelly American Tramp 5; Mra. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch 1}. WINSTON-SALEM. Piks’ Auditertum (W. Rarlow Minstrels @; fair J. Cromer, mer.) businees. Depew-Burdette Stock Co. 6-46; Litth Duchess 20; Dora Thorne 87. NORTH DAKOTA FARGO.—Opera Hovee (OC. P. Walker, mer.) Piff, Paff, Pout 26: good business and 2 ance. Savege’s Enclie: Grand @nerea Oo. Mareb 8: pom E company and basinees. The isle Underlined, Rates in Toy . Blanehe Walsh (Cent*nued on page ™.)