The Billboard 1906-03-17: Vol 18 Iss 11 (1906-03-17)

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The Billboard MARCH 12, 1906. ROUTES (Continued from page 45.) ALSO DIRECTING KATHRYN BRAYHAM oe. weit: icine 1024, *™'| gumTHE NEW ENGLAND PLAYERSomm .. J., 12-37; "Colouial) ° New York City, 19 SEASON 1906-1907. Ogden, Helen (Bennett's): London, Ont., 12-| Collie’s Opera House....Turners Falls, Mass. 17: (Star) Hamilton. 19-24. Opera Ouse .ncccccccccccceccses Ludlow, Vt. sh Wonder, The (Garrick): Burlingtoa, Ia., 12-17; (Bijou) Ba 19-24. 3 Memorial Hall .......... North a N. H. = M. Jack (Unique): Sheboygan, Wis., H Fair vt. @’Brien & Buckley (Proctor’s): Newark, K. ~ J., 12-17; (Proctor’s) Troy, N. Y., 19-94. vt Family (Majestic): San Seticion, Tex., Vt. ober Billy (Grand): Joliet, M., 12-17. ne a vt. 4 TD : Opera Honse (new) .........e505roton, t. , Omens, F. & Co. (Poll's): Waterbery, Uonn., Village Hall ..-.2.-seveee es: jBradtord, Vt @Das. Ida (G . Oo. H. ): Pitt ttsburg, Pa., 12-17. TR FROUSS occ cecevessecvesss non. ° . Opera onse eueese sveneseane Whitefield. N. H. gees Senet See (Orpheum): Salt Lake Overa House perce North Woodstock, N: H. ohannesburg, ra WEED cvenestcensenmen ord, “ .—% Ty. we Ae i J 8. Sern MNOS oven cscnnund Serene Lake, N. Y. Pierce. Robt.: En route with it. L. QOlark’s| Opera House .......... Lake N. ¥ Piri, Antonio & Annie (Orrin _ Mexfico City, Mex., Nov. 27. indef. Power’s Elephants (Hippodrome): New York City, Aug. 30, indef. Price, Harry M.: En route with the Buster Price & Knapp (Standard): Ft. Worth, Tex., Oct. 16 indef. Pierce, Mr. & Mre. F. Marion (Grand): Couscil Bluffs, Ia., 12-17. rs gon Trio (Paragon Villa): Colegrove, Pa., Attractions Northeastern Circuit — a5 ra WM, W. LAPOINT, ERLE 0 ZB. ATTORNEY AND GENERAL MANAGER. HOME OFFICE WITH EASTERN AMUSEMENT CO. BRAYHAM BARRE, VT OPERA HOUSE ..........Bellows Falle, Va THE VERMONT (new) .........Barre, Vi (Opens in September.) lA POINT ‘e SMITH’S OPERA 1 HOUSE (new), Graniteville, V3 THE GLOBE (new) .......... Northfield, Ve (Opens in November.) NORTHERN 2 ow Johnsbury, in oor.) = Wanted for Houses Represented. erry, Frank L. (Crawford): Topeka, Kan, | Also can place people in all lines with specialties for our 3 Repertoire Companies. Also Pee. 3 j. C., & Dog (Bmpire): Rockford, u1.,) want attractions, Palm Reader, Shooting Gailery and other concessions for Dewey Park, Pekin Zenaves, Seventeen (Majestic): Obl: Barre, Vt., whieh has been closed four seasons. cago, Tll., 18-24 Pitcher, Orville (Orpheum): Pertsmouta, 0O., 12-17; (Grand) Hamilton 18-24. Phillips & Fariardeau (Fischer's): Los An WM. W. LA POINT, Barre, Verment. geles, Cal., 12-17; (Empire) Bakersfield 19 2. Pauls. The (Moore’s): Lima, 0O., 5-17. Poulter, Bd. (G. O. H.): Galesburg, I1l., 12-17; (G. 0. H.) Kewanee 19-234. Powers & Theobald (Grand): Hamilton, 0O., 1217; (Orpheum) Portsmouth 19-24. | SKID00" | "A FAIR GAME F FOR ‘You |, Pucks, Tee Two (Pastor's): New York City, BLUE PAYS oo CENTS 4 12-17; (Hammerstein's) New York Oity 18u renee sc mle ane rd ae i KOK Gi OSOlSse a — Phil. & Nettle (Maryland): Baltimore, : SSE SE EEE Md.. 12-17; (Chase's) Washinagtes, D. C., | | D000! IOOSe ic fe 19-24. ac] Meie@koioke Hen fos koe Kea km Pichiani Treupe (Proctor’s 26d St.): New Ast St Se “SKIDOO”’ SOMETHING NEW FOR YOU. GREATEST VALUE, BIGGEST MONEY-MAKER EVER OFFERED Agents, Operators, Store-keepers, ORDER NOW. Cigar Stores, Saloons, Public Places can stim ulate their business 100 per cent. Agents can clean up $100 a week, or more, either operating or selling them. Profits as big to dealers or operators as $150 Slot Machine, No mechanism to down—always in order and ready for a play. Percentage big and fair te player and ope rater. Fascinating, simple—ten can p at one time. — WHAT “SKIDOO” IS AND MEAWS TO YOU —— mee F We perfected this little machine to take the place of prohibited, expensive Slot Machines. “BEIDOO”’ does the same work and costs yeu a mere song. Cleverly and neatly made; strong aad York City ts. 17; (Proctor’s’ Newark, M. J.,| Bac kaon) soOODCOG Ka i durable. Cabinet is made of kiln-dryed wood, dovetailed, cabinetwork construction: size, 0%x12%. 19-24. Keo Ks 1 Y(s0 os )k 84 0s )k 0 87 OOc Pelot. Fred & Annie (Orphewm): Omaha, Nebd., 12-17; (Orpheum) Kansas City, Mo., 194. OoooCoc Yohookoo Kn ie " " Potter & Marris (Bijeu): Battle Creek, Mick.. | | OSCE (78)|(7» X00) iKs=)es )K 6) hs 12-17; (Bijen) Lansing 19-24. Palmer & Robinson (Crawford's): Topeka. Kan., 12-17: (People’s) Leavesworth 19-24. STIRS Patti Bros. (Heward): Weston, Mass. 3217; | ji: on siclofeicicinis )Kos)Ko4)}(ee)} Kes 11a 3G ag) rahe (040 19 HG +10) (18/490 + (Proctor’s) New Yerk City, ~ +a Pattersons, Bounding (Apollo Nurnberg. — 16-31; (Corso) Zurich, Swits., April 1Precol oe (Orpheum): San Francisce, reweis & Freed (Novelty): Demver, Ceol., 12 Finished in oak or mahogany, handsomely ornamented sides and front. “SKIDOO’’ Cards grotesque and artistically decorated. The layout is an ornament to your place. We furnish five ’” Combination Cards with each cabinet. Each card set to a different cembinatien. We have over 100 different combinatiens—making play interesting all the time. First “SKIDOO” Card pays for entire ontfit, and big percentage besides. Cards furnished will net yeu a clear profit of $13.50. All for the small sum of $1.50 for Gemplete Cutfit. Extra @ards, $2 a dozen. Exclusive Territory to Agents and Operaters for an order big eneugh; warrant privilege. Seme locations can run off four er five a day. Ome a week will show big profit. Profit te us won't warrant our spending much in pestage. Secure Territory. Send im $1.50 for sample; this will earn your enough to buy more WESTERN AUT MAIIC M CHIN C0,, Settynnie.’ 51 Market St, Ghicage, Ill, Post & Russell (Keith's): Philadelphia, Pa., Riley & Morgan (Crystal): Frankfort. Ind., 19-24. a Mr. & Mrs. Johm T. (Majestic): Sam| Rice & Elmer (Shea’s): Toroato, Omt., 12Antonio, Tex. 12-17. 17; (Pastor's) New York City, 19-24. Pero & Wilson (Grand): Vincennes, Ind., 12-| Rice Bros. (Howard): Bosten. Mass. 12-17. 17; (Lyric) Terre Maute 19 24. Rayno’s, Al., Bull Dogs (0. H.): Scranton, Paulo ~ Marlow (Majestic): Ft. Wayne, Ind., re. 12-17; (O. H.) Binghamtoa, N. Y., 9-24. mien ‘Signor (Bijou): Dubuque, Ia., 12-17. Reed & Hadley (Novelty): Omaha, Neb., Quigiey Bros (Temple): Detroit, Mich., 12-17; (Cook’s) Rochester, N. Y., 19-24. nao & June (Orpheum): New “rieans, La., Bedford & Valentine (Alhambra): 7. Fr., 19-2 Mar. 1-31; Barrasford Teur A hy & Sims (Ben's): sain, Mich., 12Ramola. Williams ov (B a): Daven 17; (Bijou): Calumet 19-24 port, Ia., Oct. 28, indef. Rado & Bertman (Family): Brie. Pa., 12-17; Reed, Frances (Circus Schumann): Berlin, (Keith’s) Philadelphia Pa.. 19-24. Ger., Nov. 1-Apr. 30. Riee & Edwards (Bijou): vansviile, Ind., 1217: (TaSalle) Keokuk, Ia., 19-24. Regards to all Friends. § — trop.) Bliss and Ralph Young, Write. W. MAURICE RUCKER, Hotel Asbestos, : : : ST. LOUIS, MO Back! Back! Back to the dance halls for the vampire managers of gypsy camp outfits that had to stick out all winter and just pull through. NUFF SED. Rare Opportunity. Western Plays the Rage. omaroom THE STAMPEDE! “sc By Walfred Wilson and Isabel Fraser. Sensational Scenic Effect. A Cattle Stampede en the @pen Prairie. Patent applied for. Can ie leased on royalty fur feemnedinte band produc Pag Address x C. A. BURT & W. W. RANDALL, Broadway Theatre Bidg., N. Y. City. ETHEL WHITESIDES and Her Pickaninnies.., Special scenery and electrical effects; best act in vaudeville. Fun to the brim and music that makes your feet shuffle Care Billbcard, Cincinnati. O. Gyn PIERCE AMUSEMENT CO. «9 Opens Regular Season GOLDSBORO, N. €., April 2. Can place one more Sensational Free Act. 25 Ladies for One Nightin Japan Pleased to hear from anything that’s good. A. L. PIERCE, Manager. The Foremost Attraction of Its Kind An Entire Change Not A Single Old Feature Retained. PRE-EMINENT, PROGRESSIVE, PERENNIAL enero WANTED IMMEDIATELY ~~ For Summer Park and Regular Seasons (May 27th, 1906 to May 5th, 1907) MINSTREL PEOPLE IN ALL LINE. Comedians, Singers, Daneers, Musicians, Specialists, Useful People Doubling Brass. Strong Comedy Feature Act to Close Olio. CAN PLACE IMMEDIATELY---Basso and Baritone Soloist. Address all communications to 1918 Demming Place, Chicayo; Care Billboard, Cincinnati, O., or Route in Dramatic Papers. J. A. COBURN, Sole Owner and Mgr. GOLDEN BRITTLE POPCORN “**=,,,. THE NEWEST CONFECTION NOVELTY For Summer Parks, Carnivals, Resorts, Street Men and Theatre Candy Stands. A HOT SELLER AND QUICK REPEATER. Send postal card for sample and porr Now! EVERYTHING IN POPCORN: Brittles, Bars, Crispettes and Paneakes. ELECTRIGAL CONFECTION CO. OF NEW YORK, 137 West 32n¢ Street. PAVILION BEACH, KtYPERT, N. J. CONCESSIONS TO LET. Japanese Ball Game, Doll Rack, High Strike, Cane and Knife Rack, Prize Shooting Gallery, Souvenir Booth, fortune Telling, Photegraph Gallery ae end Cigar or any new nevelty. Low rental; fine loca tien for -arouseiand Swings Can a pate oe t Machine on per centage or rent. Drawing population 60.000. pening day May 30. Answer qu is season. FRANK J. KNAPP, Mgr., 160 E. 86th 8t., New York City. Mention “The Billbvard” when answering ads. Mention “The Billboard” when anowering ods. Mention “ The Billboard” when answering ads, Mention “Tha Billboard” when anmearing ody