The Billboard 1906-03-17: Vol 18 Iss 11 (1906-03-17)

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The Billbeard 55 —nh —_— am #. T. ANTED a .» | Zanoras, Cycling (Colonial): Pee =————_ ee ee at dee oe eee . in S a (Exposition): Oklahoma] 24. Willy (Orpheum): New Orleans. K d YanGotre & Cotrely Zimmerman, 10ns 0 e Okla., 5-17. York} La., 12-17. Vasu! Girle’” (Prector’s 58th St.): New musemen once Theat ity, 1 , W., 12-17. RMERS’ DATES hea Vernon (Olyeapte): Cte, Tl. 3. ADDITIONAL PERFO le Swing, Miniature Railway, Electric re, Walbourn & Whitney ( Astatres, The (Family): Lancaster, Pa. 12 Ferris Wheel, Circle Swing, ler Tours of the World, House of Wack Chas. & Jennie (Crystal): F American Newsboys Quartette (Acme): SacPenny Arcade, Base Ball Ga ll of all kinds. ich; Joka J. (Unique): Santa Crus, Cal., meiican, oat mats (Peepii'ep: Cotar Rapids, Troubles, Helter-Skelter, and Sho ieitisiaiaaiaiiiiia Welch, Adams & w ; 24. Located in the indef. 14, O., inIa., 12-17; (Garrick) Bur on 19_ rk in this section. ‘ Weston, Al. (Orpheum): Springfie Alexander & White Gemeay "Pear (iesre’s): The Only reenay amen 5 e Grounds Every Sunday from All Points wilkes Mattie: Moss & Stoll Tour, Eng., Mar. time, +. rt (liye & Bebman’s): Brooklya,| City. Excursions Run d Privilege People . : . | Avery a Free Acts an v . 6-Apr. 30. etal): Detroit, Mich., in N. City Id like to hear from Good Free Wilber, Oliver (Cry : saw 6 Gitany (Pastor’s): New York , Wow A NS det. : Danville, DL, Feb. 26, | Acker! 12 ARSONS, K ° on, sam ae as “ . Ahern & Baxter (Lyrie): St. Joseph, Mo., na Address ELECTRIC PARK, pP Wittens 6 : , Aleene & Hamilton (People’s): Cincinatti, t. 25, indef. Bros.’): Olty ef ; / E Woikoinaky,| Tres pe, (Orrin Bro a een Eller © Chagas: nds. -cuben tiki VAUDEVILLE BURLESQUE = ccd ns exic ° . (Star): Aurora, Ill. 2] 12-17. : Chisbelm, Mins.. nce of this and nex ‘ Wison, Tour & es © ofeangedbesey Pa. 12} At liberty for Good Company for balance of . 12E _ , win berks’ Sete ee ms tiy & Seem (Pet OB): 2 a HUMPTY DUMPTY PANTOMIME, iat: (Star) Munete.. Bloomington U..} pucbeye Prio (Academy of Music): Pot A LITTLE : ‘ash 19ille, Pa., . Be 12-17; phe oe i thane: San Franmn. Famil (Orpheum) . an s civ. AY ROU PE Weuce, Cal, 10-88. me Bnd ee a a a ee Wormser Tots, The (Lyric): Ft. Dodge Blamphin & ALBERT 217 Wis., Family): York, Pa., 12RAY qultiese Ey eg Racine. Bartletts, Musical ( = f ey DAN pened paces eruneameanntils oy Prank (Main st.): Rs nL, 12-17; Barrett Sisters (Keith’s): New Clown and Comedy Juggler. VERYTHING econ), Mactan, We IO 124-1 pedouin Arabs, Bight (Temple): Ft. Wayne. IN ANOVELTY PANTOMIME rcv. A LITTLE OF . Warnecke mora): Milwaukee, Wis.. | S¢un 22. 17. a . Wire Walking an Witman, Fraak (Alba t. Paul, Minn., 19-24.| ., Cooper (Hyde & Behman’s): Brook bling, Comedy Juggling, licy | sWitey (Jacob's): “Peoria, Ill, 12-17: iva, N. Yer 27, in this act we introduce Tum ymedy from start to finish. We carry Wiley &Wiley Coos at OP r Reown & Wilmot (Star): Cripple Creek, Col., ‘ Carrying Perch. It is Comedy Props, which are all New ; nee: eee OS 12-17; (Grand) Leadville 19-24. 12. | Burlesque, Trick Wall and all Stage ps, 4 ar of cone Weaver, Otte “ion eee Decatur," Il., Bobe, Celina (Proctor’s): Albany, N. Y., our own Trick House, d. Not a word spoken, and a ro. 2) oo See 17; (Proctor’s) Newark, N. J., 1994. d Novel. The only act of its kin Park, Carnival and Fair 19-24. — dison, Wis.. , keys (G. O. H.): Is-|) and Nov Act for any Company, ‘ Wat: “Gee ot) Decatur, lil., 19lisoapoie ind Fxg RS Milwaukee, | tinual roe nev Roe ao Attraction. A refined act for a oe ane 12-17; + Wis... 19-24. 7.| Managers des t., Philadelphia cei, Benton Btw), Oabkoah, Win, 12+] go sree, {BID DabIaRE, Teg Address, DAN CARRAY, 463 N. 8th St., . nda . Willisns & Thonees — = oat 8 Denver, Col., = Saesy (Colonial): New York City, ED White, Ba, B. & Rolla (LaSalle): Keokuk, I. Bard Bros. (Proctor 88th St.): New Yerk WA A RII > ines ity, 12-17. %e)12 tis aga) Deaiolnes Jackson, Mich., Baitxt ay (Hammerstein’s): New York AGENBEGCK’S GREATER SHOWS ae 200 “ City, ’ Cona., eect Eee wy (Temple): Detreit, Black. Vesta. & Co. (Poll’s): ay ieee FOR CARL H ‘ Watch 12-47 12-17; (Proctor’s) Albany. N. Y., 19-34. MS—W. W. SCOTT, Cincinnati, 0. Wood fares : Nerthampton, Mass.. 12-17. Mad.,) Carson Bros. (Peli's): Worcester, ne DRIVERS AND Sw, W. SCOTT, Cincinnati, 0. Wilsoa Trie, The (Maryland): Baltimore, ” Hn & Franklin (Bijou): Wheeling, W. Va., WORKING PEOPLE _ exe anne be —y McAVOY. Sag ay o 19-24.| H.): Rochester, N.| Cla IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, AL MEN—CARL HAGENBECK, JR., » O. Were re Set Sense tone legrove’s Horses (Proctor’s): Albany, WN. TRAINMEN ERNIE HOUGHTON, Cincinnati, 0. Wasiace & ‘Reach ‘dba Decatur, Ul., 12colerore's t: Chieago, Ill, 12-17. — (GENBECK ‘SHOWS: PROPERTY pe ey rn ): Quincy, Dl., 12-17; (La Sereek. oO ae ig & Co. (Procter’s 5th re): Care HAG cuvuoKsS ae ARSHAL, Cincinsati. THAGE PAIR Melis, Uae (Bison): 19 24." lym, W.| Xew York City, 1217; (Procter's 8a Bt.) CHANDELIER MEN AND sheng cence yet to winter quariers at > gna ; . Brook +; = y' 19 nd iacinnati April 5 illiams & Melburn’ (Nassau): New York City : Breoklya, N. Y., All Drivers a hows Opens at Ciec r. oti J*tinena (Columbia): St. Lowls, Me., xe ange daapoenesipe Wheeling W. Va., | GROUNDS. CINCINNAT" OHIO. . N. THOMPSON, Manage , Mx (Grasse) , Coimeee. _ 30-28. *s): oo & Aloin (Bijou): ing W. a oF a, Watson's Farmyar ‘ 2.1%. b's): New Yerk City, =< oe oa .. 12-17. :| Crane Bres. (Keith's): K ! Welch. Lem. (Rijon): a it. Miriam (Keith's): New York Gity, SEA sl DE PAR bo ly Am ; Se! ae ae arket): Caleage, | Carson, finest Bathing Beach in the eset. Only Am Soo. x a Bowest, & Ce. (Trent): Trenton, N. ivilege People leok this up. Cenceded yoo People, 30 Cities and 500 nan a yy gs erick K. (National): Kansas Cersom (Treat): Trentea, N. J., ecement Fock within o tedias 4 ba Begg EF excarsion center co City, Me., 524. , Fraaciatke, larry ( ne ee ee See See nan as Wn ae ae arent Buildings containing sbeut Wilder, Marshall P. (Orpheum): Saa Cal Tee (Park ©. W.): Erie, Pa., 12-17;] patronage SWN AND OPERATE—The Toca bomte achwap, Maan, hotemn, Geena, cisco, Cal.. 11-94. *s): New Bedford, lions Scranton 19-24. WE OW Veople, Open-air Theatre ~~ Camera Ubscura, Beaman’s Grea cod & Ray (Mathaway’s): e x. Y. (Family) _ Mamie (Family): Shmokie.| 55 poeths for. Privilege beara of New Stores, Cirele Swing, Mass., 12-17; (Proctor’s) Albany, N. Conroy, | Joka New York City 19 2. Beating, Athletic Greunds, Blec leg Riek. Laughing and Shoet; ” 12-17; (Paster’s) 3 a): «i Reller Skating Intature Rallway, . wins James & Cecelia (People’s): Leavea-| P.. agg i: (Murtig & Seamon’s): New MN ORIVILEGES LEASED FOR 1906—C Cea bee Cane and Knife Beard, ice-cream worth, Kan... 12-17. ‘s): PwilaYork City . (Proctor’s 58th St.): New ing Parlors, Ferris-wheel, Palmistry, Camp, Platform Shows. ch week. Thirty-two ! “Eeiote,) Pace 12it; (Chase's) Washington, | Courtelen. "Wa. Proctor’s 58th St.): New| Cones, Tovcors, Speciatirg, Indien Comp, Fiat THE MAINE INVESTMENT CO. Ltd. ie . . ° o — D.C. kee, Wis., | Carlisle's Animals P Ly Bs Prospectus. i Wail # Bradley (Grand): Milwaakee, Cole Johnson (Alhambra): New York City, | Page SS F den See 12-1 2-17. x RENRY F. JUERGEN Orph Omaha, Neb., 1 17. : ERGENS, Wal, Jimmy —" Worcester, Mass., 12a Cora = aoe Pm 4 oar pues ee Springs, , . : New York Gity,) Sprim 12. . Ine SE Wevbs, Four ve geedae San Francisco curistai, Al. (Unique): Minneapolis, Minn., VERGEN ‘ Ris Ae Whitesides Ethel (Chutes): , Stuart (Orpheum): New LS is 7 Mr. & Mrs. ( Wilsoa, * Llsate SS ee ie — ase cryatal): Milwaukee, Wis., ——SUCCESSORS TO——. haan al heum): Ports4. Wikot * _ at: © crane) Hamiltom 19-24. a a Hubert (Orpheum): Brooklyn, N. Y., Juergens Bros. Werder Tis 1. sate erway oon, Major (Trent): Trenton, N. J., 1210 ae : ARTIST Was, a ae ae Dewitt, Lavinia (Majestic): Ft. Worth, Tes., EVERYTHING IN GOLD WIRE : iain dines , New York City, 7. / 1 the new designs in bra Wels _& Ransley (Keith's): i Donaldson, Anna (Keith’s): New York @ity, 906 CATALOGUE will be ready in April, akaemee season, and will lead with the Wires Telegraphy (Trent): Trenton, N. J.. oc, ae Geo. H., & Co. (Pastor's): New mang w have made extensive preparations 1 po artists. OUR MOUTTOES: Prompt Shiplaston (Hathaway's): New Bedford, | re city. 12-17 12-17 best and latest line of novelties and Gndings Seutians as Geitis on tadetamiieanen White. c 1 tte Dida (Crystal): Frankfort, eer Rapids, Best Goods for the Money; Mevest ngs; that we have seme geeds you Wenn "a. Roland (Eimling’s Music Hall): Baltia ait eS, a, Ind.: 10-28 — bye ws your order at once, and we will ae Guid an Sees Sabian Mic’ 0., 1 anteed. in order 43 Watewrient.” winarea a ed Moline, Il., Deonze & Elliott (People’s): Cincinnati, cam not buy elsewhere, that yea must have wait’ ‘puitte “Weryetalhe” Deaver, Col., 18-17; | nojcech & Sheldon (Boa Ton): Philadelphia, | . seress. ADDRESS am ars St NEW YORK, ! = see ELRY CO Pestle (Pett’s): Rew Maven, Conn., Dewitt, arm Torrance (Albambra): ne JUERSENS JEW " s] 12-17; (Pell’s) Martford or a tn Wari & Curren (Keeney's): rookiya, N. Y., me Is IT eget ., 12:17; CASH BUYER. What's Your Offer for Let ? Wilsons, The (Standard): Cincinnatl, ©., 12°] o's monegger Thane: tod. bi ‘ BARGAIN FOR Quick CHINES GUARANTEED TO BE se): Cin-| _ (Lyric) Terre Bimling’s Music Hall): BaitiY NEW, UP-TO-DATE AMUSEMENT MA bought them for that purpese Walthour, James. & Co. (People’s): Smet, reas | at ALL PRACTICALL Enough for an Arcade Outfit. We doug terests and remeval cinnatl, 0. 12-17. : Mow] mere, MG. ID1T. new Yok Git. IN PERFECT CONDITION.” e Proposition now. owing to cur manufacturing a taeeennen 2 Walton, Fred. & oe (Proctor’s 28d St.): -™..' Melville (Colon Yorn | ay ca an ab 16 Mills , oy nuts ‘Deg Fasehen 1 Mille Seeeces k City, 12-1 Albambra): New to new fac ; 2 Mills ters; ‘ Le Wesley, Lexie (Murtig & Seamon'’s): New York Meppive Cup, Qunetee : Oriaboms | Mills Unita, Siands and lmpretal Mheverte at a Gees G nesnmes tar ae mer k ‘ Bijou): lahom eller; t ow ° v waltz, 3 to (Murtig & Seamen's): New| City. 12 Goats ( Fortune Tellers; 1 Reavers dooms Goulet’ 8 tesctie Weegat Machins: 40 done ie tie ae York City 21-17. San Fraa-| City, Okla. 1S tT. (Buson’s): Caleago, Hl.) vis National Sbatter yey tf ty y ae sy ng my By Be Yarrick & katente ps ~~ made Pree TT. itadeetie) Chicago, Iil., pg seme pe =] $3 — FB Extension Cards; 1 — —— WESTERE AVIOMATIL MAYeaget ‘Oe "Yeagte "(Westecparten): Barilla, Frederick, Bree. & Burne (Trocadero): or a ak a Sia, Treat le four cash efter.’ F.0. iaetch Aq, Gites See oe } . i 30. 1 Brook. erenees—C eons: Tet . oats gE... ml.. 4 a | , (Orpheum): } a ad Sterne , ttoaa ya : Broek ‘rn (joe) ee Ta.. 19 94. | Preach, Menri (tiyée & Bebmaa’s) ven TY CIRCUS 3} oti tee f pe ee ee lee he at” en Gv WANTED #2: SOCIET Cape Town, 8 A.. . Nees ANNUAL TOUR. Cencert & Pearl (Gem): Superior, | 3M teria, Ore., 12 (FOURTE ts preferred. Acrobats, ae © Vite (arsed) "Brerette. | Weeb. 1DO4. ee Rs cane a eee oe nt eae ene. ee, Oo , St. Teomas.| 17; (Grand) la., 12-17; | Want te. Show for Ledges only: State lowest terme and par“a " 17; tBijoa) Daortile T., 19-84.] ¢, (cu) Beriington 18-94 ramenan tecked. pen ep at SpringGeld, 0. May 28. ter gy a spoly. WANTED-—-A gued Oat., . a (Garrick) Burlingtos New York | beoked. Vv best of treatment. No ‘ Zame. Zat (Star): se ae — prac a ae Sle pee. eaten ae on ties 3. &, STIMNEL, 28 Arcade Bidg., Springtelé. Obie. Zancigs, The (Hurtig & Seamon & Seamon’s): New athe City “12-34. |] Fagen & Byron (Martig oon O i when ads a treated Reeeieg Fee BOAT: | Pepe cay. 1st. Mention ‘ ‘The Billboard” when anewering ads. Mention “The Billboard” anamneris) tao, “Seconh (Bijou): Lacrowe, Wis., 1247; (Continued on page 57.) (Unique) Eau