The Billboard 1906-03-17: Vol 18 Iss 11 (1906-03-17)

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68 The Billboard MARCH 17, 1906. FIRST-CLASS WANTED GONGESSIONS NO STRONG GAMES =WOLFFS PARKz LEGITIMATE ONLY apn “apn WOLFF & SON, Prop’s. The Only Park in America in the Genter of a Large City Million People to draw from. Address, MAURICE WOLFF, 1472-84 JEFFERSON AVENUE, Open Gate. DETROIT, MICHIGAN. Acknowledged the Convention City Of The World. PARK LIST... PIERS, BEACHES, SUMMER THEATRES \ Notice. in many instances the Park Manager cannot be reached at this time of the year on account of the resort being closed. The addresses given are the same as published last year. This list will be revised and corrected weekly. Performers, Managers and Correspondents will confer a favor by reporting any errors or omissions im this list. ALABAMA ferd Lake Park, Anniston WDilectric & Gas Co., Ludlow Allen, mgr. 2 eg View Park, J. Wells, mer., Plimmer, booking agt.. Bw. Ze a Park—North Bir =togham Park—Rast Lake Park, Jake Wel mer. Mobile—Mobile Park, Mebdile Light and R. R. Oo.—Menree Park and Theatre. M. McDer mott, theat. les. Montgomery—Pickett Springs, Mont. Traction terse—Highiand Park—Bloom Fountain Park, Co.—Highleand Park—Bloom Feuntain Park, Jake Wells, mgr, box 754—Washington Park ae people), Mtg. St. Ry. Co.—Calhoun rk. New Decatur—Oakland Park Selma—Bikdale Park, W. R. Hall—Riverside Perk, W. R. Hall—Riverside Pavilion, E. E. Sheffeld—Tuhree Cities Park, The Sheffleld Oo.. J. B. McOlary. ARIZONA Phoeniz—Paet Lake Park, Oharles F. Berger. << “Teens Grove, E. Drachm 8 ARKANSAS Eureka Springs—Aoditoriam Park, Geo. Fergu rt Smith—Biectric Park. B. L. Hirschberg— Baseball Park—McLoud’s Park. Hot Springs—Whittingten Park, H. 0. Price— Summer Park—Kentucky Clad Park. Little Rock—forest Park, Park Amusement Co., mgrs.; C. T. Taylor, box 152—Braddock Park | New of ow Pe mgr.—West End Park—Glenark Pine o Blu Bal Park, 0. Senyard. Texarkana—Texarkana Spring Park CALIFORNIA Park. Los Augelde uence Park, ee, —and Zoo, Henry Koch—Several Monterey—Sea Side Park. Oakland—@akland Park—San Lorenso Summer Park—Hayward Park Pase Robles—Elitha Water Mud Baths. Richmond—Bast Shore Park. Riverside—R. & A. Ry. Zoo Gardens. Sacramento—Oak Park, Sacramento Bilectric Gas & Ry. Co., Walter Smith, mgr. theat. San Bernardin fon Park. . C. Storden—Chutes Park—Schutzen Park—Golden Gate Park— Park—Presidio Athletic COLORADO Bealder—Chautauque Park. Gnenn—dienetie |B Park. Colorade Sp: Denver—Union Park, J. Crabb— tain Lake Park——Biitch Gardens, Frederick Bond—Manhattan Beach Park, Denver Recre Park, Jos. D. Glaes—Grand Stand Pavilion CONNECTICUT Ansonia—Blue Rock Park. Bridgeport—Pine Rock Park. J. E. Sewell— Steeplechase Island, Gee. T. Tilyou—Higpodrome Park, Louis A. Fisk, mgr.—Pleasure Beach on the Sound—aAvon Park. Bristol—Iake Compounce Park ané Sommer Theatre, Perce & Norton—Amusement Park. Danbury—Kenosia Park, J. A. Blake, mgr— Peach Lake Park. yee Park, People’s Tramway East Haddam—Maplewood Resort. East Haven—Momaquin Park, J. A. Blake, W J. Pitwmer, booking agt. Hartford—Werder’s Park—Obarter Oak Park. J. A. Blake, mgr—Oapital Park, R. J. Metre, 0. Dwyer'’s Park. Killingly—W lawood Park. Samuel Danville, mér., J. A. booking ag me Park. eriden—Hae nov: Anderson, Blake, New Haven, J. Plimmer, book ing ek YT. New Britain—White Oak Park, L. 8. Risley, mgr.; W. J. Plimmer, booking agt ©.—Reutchler’s Park Ocean Beach, Jas. A. Blake, mgr.; agt., N. ¥. 6. Norwich—Sachem Park—Wlectric Park, J. A. a. oe W. J. Pitmmer, booking agt., Tramway Park—Wildwood Park, J. A. Blake, mgr.; W. J. Plinmer, booking agt.. N. Y. C. Rockville—Sniple Park. —Roton Point, Smith & ae. a props. Southington—Lake Com J. Blake, gr. Ww. J. Plimmer, book ing ae. 1204 Broadway, N. Y. C. South Noeorwalk—Nerwalk Park, Geo. Clark— Dolan’s Point, John 0. Sullivan—Roton Point, Smith & Kelly, Roton Point Imp. lumbia —y “pemmaitieed Park, Conn. Lighting C.—Forest Park, est Lake Park, Jas A. Blake, mgr.—Belleview Lake Grove. West Haven—Savin Rock Theatre. heart ae ag Lake Park, J. A. Blake, W. J. Plimmer, booking agt., N. Y. C. Glectric Park. DELAWARE wien, ©. 8, Her. Pavilion, Theatre and Ocean er, C. 8. ilmington—Shellpot Park, Ferris Giles—Branbt Sprir gs. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washingten—Riverview and Excursion Resorts, B. 8. Randall—Glenn Bcho Park, L. D. Shaw, mer.—Ohevy Chase Lake Park, Herbert ude Cle —lawrence Garden, Joe Daniels—Coliseum Park—Wildwood Park. FLORIDA Fernandia—Amelia Beach. ry ee ey Park. Henry F. Willard & Co.—Crystal Roof Garden—Lincoin Park (colored people, Jacksonville Hiectric Co.— risa Park. Pensacola—Kufrican’s Park, V. J .Videl—Palmetto Beach. Ybor City—DeSoto Park. GEORGIA Atlanta—Ponce DeLeon Park, Jake mgr.; W. J. Piimmer, booking agt.. C.—Piedmont Park—lakewood Park, T. Poole, 57 Hunter st.—Washington Park (colored people). ugusta—Monte Sano Park Theatre. Geo. H. Conklin—Lake View Park, Geo. H. Conklin. care Augusta Ry. Co ew Summer Theatre, J. C. Knight, r. en, N. Columbus—Wildwood Park, F. E. Reidhead— North Highlands. F. E. Rei Gainesville—Chattahooche Park, W. H. Slack. Macon—Clump’s Park, W. H. Labb Am. Oo. < wend Park, City Blectric Ry., C. N. jer. : . BR Isle of Hope, L. ER. Nash—Lincoln Park (colyt eee L. R. Nash—Tivola ark—Tybee IDAHO Boise—Riverside Park, Mose Christensen. 4 Falls—Highland Park, Jos. McGuire, adv. ILLINOIS Laclede ave., St. Atwood—Bura's Park. my one Park, W. ©. Braitherwaite, Dearborn Chicago Belleville—Budweiser’s “Garden—Fair Grouné Bloomington—Houghton Lake Park. Fred Wol Park. oo jairo—Sportemen’s Park, D. F. M ° Centralia—Colombia Park. ee Champaign—West Bnd Park, M. Kusse Chicago—The Chutes, W. ‘H. ann 221 8. Kedzie ave.—White City, Paul D. Howse, gen, mgr., , = st. and Park ave.—Sans Souci Park, L. H. olf, 278 Franklin t.—Hillinger’s Gary hear — Fn Beach. 5. W. B view Park, Panl W. M4 ———— st.—Bismark Park—Lincoln "Park Zoo—New Mason’s Park—The Coliseum Garden—Sharpshooter's Park—Calumet Grove—Glenwood Park—Riverview Park. Saul W. Cooper, pres., Suite 414, 84 LaSalle st. Deaville—Wooderland = HH. L. | | Terre Haute, Way a — Given, | gen: oY tur—Dreamland Park, megr.; — Ws Mallory, mgr. DeKalb—Blectric Park. Dixon—Godney's Park, Wm. C. Jones—Higgine’ Park, Henry C. Higgins—Rock River Assem bly Park, Adam A. Krape, Lena, East St. Louis—Priester’s Park—Gen Elgin—Trout Lake, 0. W. Cook el Ohicago— National Pa eer Rallway Par Galesburg—Summer Park, Earl Cowan—Highland Park—Terminal Park. J. Murdeck, care Western Vaudeville Assn., 502 Ashland bik.. Chicago Highwood—Ft. Sheridan Park. Iuka—Rose Lake Park, J .J. Schcoolfield. Joliet—Rock Ran Park, L. ‘Northern—Blectrie Park, F. Fisher—Park on Du Page RBiver— Joliet Driving Park. eo—Electric Park, O. W. Burrill, bez LaSalle—Marion Park. Marion—Electric Park. Ottawa—DPllis Park. Peoria—Pfefer's Palm Garden, C. G. Pfiefer, 2000 North Adams st.—Central Park