The Billboard 1906-03-17: Vol 18 Iss 11 (1906-03-17)

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MARCH 17, 1906. The Billboard MEMPHIS, TENN., BOASTS OF THE GREATEST PARK IN SOUTHLAND, CAPITAL $25,000 FREE GATE JAMES L. GLASS, cueeemen GENERAL MANAGER. Univerzal Transfer System. WILL VAN SIZE, Double Track Car Service. BUSINESS MANAGER. Adjoining Memphis’ Most Popular Park ‘ wis THE PROFITABLENESS OF BILLBOARD ADVERTISING... I take no credit to myself for the organization of Fairyland. It is the natural result of BILLBOARD publicity. I say this from the most honest and sincere standpoint, with a desire to keep others in the organization of outdoor amusements. A little history of Fairyland organization is now in order. After finding a suitable location and signing leases for a term of ten years, the securing of concessions and installing of amusements were next in order. We had no line on a single concession who wanted to come to Fairyland. We talked to several, with indifferent success, and not until our page appeared in THE BILLBOARD did we have an opportunity to close with a single concession or an available employee. The replies to the first ad. were voluminous in the extreme. Hundreds of applications for space and privileges were received, and the appended list of attractions was the result. The half page ad. used two weeks later brought what was lacking, and now every available space has been disposed of, and to-day the : musical rap-rap of hammers and the swish-swish of saws tell of the work of an army of union workmen, proving the profitableness of BILLBOARD advertising. JAMES L. GLASS, Gen. Mgr. ee +. yoy ‘ Parks ee a are olvendy bail os eae ag In America. ¢ cusbtutan THEATRE, 60x140 feet, Seating 2,000 People. ced oniaiaih oe anamael ona ocation, Management and Availper centage basis. yee dis just fifteen minute CLUB HOUSE, 40175 feet, The advantage of a booking ar . airyiand is jus n minutes ride from the business center «f VAUDEVILLE THEATRE, 30x70 feet. land. magnitude and. prominence srstems in Amerira,double wacked FIGURE EIGHT COASTER, by National Amsenet Co, J} rege oe maape commoy 2 on om — a position $e noel oe Us Cars, an n sufficient numnds of amusements where five freee cay fared esata YE OLD MILL, by 20th Century Amusement Co. : a ns scree eee ghout the city ‘ will be ee Ta TH PS ing fd and is practic ally an peered sein ’ P — ee irceie thas will _ dditi h A fe p BY estimate, fully’ Fifty Thousand | | eat QF PORT ARTHUR, by Scott Mfg. Co seseuemsnge sues seendUbp aren pa pt a in amuse’ y ° . age in excellence. Fairyland will draw its patronELECTRIC THEATRE, by Auto Sight-Seeing Co. Ispecify Southern Parks tribu t ili ft tary to Memphis for two reasons: q people who are cager tor the park HOOTING GALLERY Ist. The aavantage of close busbe ial pa, Ghenetens, with no gate CRYSTAL MAIZE, $ ’ iness ey — eet gol go to enloy the advantage o Fairyland has received the enGYPSY CAMP, SODA WATER BOOTH, ing shows and the exchange a Sa CORMUGOPIA ICE CREAM, | | outual benest. cureet Car Company and the Park |} PENNY ARCADE, MERRY-GO-ROUKD, ond. The South offers the largest and dryest season for summer Fairyland will be advertised in LUNCH STAND MUSEUM, amusements, making the season e the most extensive and effective : doubly profitable by a season of Semphis'e one of ise heclbiess | | AIP AROURD THE WORLD seen ponerse’ cities in America. and the most MEIER WATER CIRCUS, PHOTO GALLERY, Then we figure that Southerners aanaee Fy A } Bae arethe greatest lovers of outdoor and have the price. ; And all the Small Concessions that go to Make SS ee air. days for the enjoyment of the a Complete Park. Socata thousands who will attend. . Uj sang Double Wanted, Band leces, nion, Orchestra