The Billboard 1906-03-17: Vol 18 Iss 11 (1906-03-17)

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MARCH 17, 1906. The Billboard 75 Willlametown—Bpworth League State Con. April —. Watson, st., Charleston, 8. o. TENNESSEE Obattanooga—Southern Baptist and Auxilary Societies thee Cun. May 10-15. Racevine Ew Arcanum Grand Council. Mea. w. Gray. Nashville. * i protect of Locomotive Engineers. Mess “Be H. Salmons, 408 Caxton bidg., Cleve eland, 9. Memphis—United Commercial Travelers’ State Council. May 45. Hugo Esch, jr., Mem phis, Tenn. ate ae. Hardwood Lumber Assn. May Mempnee. F. Fish, 617 Traction bidg., InTEXAS Austin—State P peg eae 4 and Bmbalmae Assn. F. Foster, Marlin. April —. Al a — ne ‘. ” Assn. d 42 Dallas—U nited Commereial ?< May 11-12. -?@G 48, Dellae—staie Cattle Raisers’ Aesn. March 19J. S&S. Lytle, Fort Werth. Suisce—Sest Texas I. O. O. F. Anmiversary Assn. April 26. WwW. OD. Bilantoa, Gainesville, Tex. ee ae Press Assn. May 2. Lusk y Galveston—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge. April 25. Hemry Miller, Weatherford. Galveston—Rathbone Sisters Grand Temple. Apr. 24-26. Mre. B. P. Converse, S11 Ave. E, a Antonio. Galveston—Northern Settler’s Congress. April 2B. 21 Houston—Traveler’s Syn Asen. _. oe. Ludlew, 300 E. Commerce = tonio, Tex New heauntele—Gtate Philatelic Assn. April —. Otto Heflig Gan Antonio—State Lumbermen’s Assn. April 10-11 Carl F. Drake, Austin. San Antonio—State Saengerfest. Apr. —. Robt. Hanschke. San Antonio, Waco — Knights —— Grand Commandery. April @. J. © idd, Houston. UTAH Galt Lake City—I. 0. O. F. Grand Lodge. April 1729. P. A. Simpkin, Box 1600, Salt lake City. VERMONT Brattleboro—State Dental Assn. May 16-18. Dr. H. F. Hamilton, Newport. Burlington—United Commercial re In terstate Council. May 25-26. W. H. Nich46, Providence, R. I. VIRGINIA Oovington—A. O. K. of M. C. Select Cas tle Con. April 12. Jamestown—lInternational Naval, Marine & Military Exposition. May 17-Nov. 1. epee News—State Sunday-School Assn. April Lee Knowles, Staunton. National 1a “Point Comfort—Royal Arcanum Con. May 16. W. O. Robson, 407 Shawmut ave., Boston, Mass. Richmond—Jr. O. U. A. M. State Council. April 17. J. E. Beehm. noke Richmond—Reyal Arcanum Grand Counell. 17. Jas. B. Blankp, Box S&S, Petersburg. Roanoke—A. @. K. of Mystic Chain Select Castle. April 9-10. R. B. L. Heckman, 1014 Stewart ave. April WASHINGTON Bellingham—A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge. 1113. J. H. Hermer, Seattle. Bellingham—Degree of Monor Grand Lodge. April —. Emily Callahan, Seattle. WEST VIRGINIA Corksburg— State Sunday-School Assn. April 17-19. C. Shafer, Wheeling. Garecvers Biate Sunday Sued Con. April 17-19. W. C. Shaff Wheeling—Internatienal Order ot ta Daughters & Sons. May —. ry Loewe Dickerson, 156 Fifth ave., t York City. WISCONSIN Beloit—Royal Areanum Grand Council. April 2. OC. D. Simonds, 121 Wiscensina st., Milwaukee. Chippewa Falls—Epwerth League, Eau Claire Dist.. Con. May —. Rev. Jno. Fisher, Knapp. Ageti 18. F. B. Gano, 438 Center st., Stevens Point Milwaukee—State Bottlers’ Protective Asan March 21-22. J. P. Reiter, 195 Jackson st. Milwaukee—State Spiritualists’ Assam. 1 17-19. Rev. N. K. Baker, Portage, Wis. Milwaukee—Intermational aa 4 Master Bollermakers’ Assn. May —. 4. C. Cook, St. Louis, Mo. Milwaukee—Intermational fon. April 3-7. Miss M. E. Hannon, 113 14th st., Milwaukee. Milwaukee—State Photographers’ Assn. April 24-26. J. M. Bandtel, 479 15th st. Milwaukee — Women’s Auxiliary International Railway Master Boilermakers’ Assn. Mrs. E. ©. Cook, St. Louis, Me. Menomonie—State Clay Workers’ Assn. Mch. Kindergartners’ = May —. (4th Tuesday). Capt. Kollaly Gamble, TemCANADA Branford, Ont.—B. Y. P. U. Con. of Ont. and Que. April 18. Calgary, Alta. Territorial Horse Breeders’ Assn. May 8-10. Chas. W. Peterson N. W. T.—Western Div. Grand OrMarch 14. J. M. Matthew, Drawer 120, Winnipeg, Man. Goderich—L. ©. A. Grand Orange Lodge. March l4. A. M. Todd. Lindsay ‘Ont.—Provinctal Grand Orange Lodge. March 21-22. Ff. M. Clark Belleville, Ont London, Ont. —Presbyterian Church in Oanada. June 6. Rev. Robt. Campbell, Montreal. Montreal, Que.—American Local Freight Agents’ Assn. June 19. G. W. Dennison, Penn. Co. & H. V. Ry., Toledo, Montreal—Reoyal April —, Galgaty, ange . J. Foster, Terpnte—Ontarto Rdwostional 17-19. . W. Doane, 216 Carlton 6 FOR THE FOR SALE---All Parlor, Archery, Novelty Shootin Park, Clevelang, Ohio. Call or DeKREKO BROS, ORIENTAL CONCESSIONS qu DTDem=D WANTED euuu=ss cau» At the Ingersoll Luna Parks of Cleveland, Ohio, and Pittsburg, Penna, Silent ac's of merit for open-air performance. Oriental Dancers and Performers in all branches. Dancers of all Nations; also young Ballet Dancing Girls, attractive in form and appearance. former employees, reliable and sober Wanted to hear from our Talkers and Magicians. ’ Kinds of Concession Privileges. Booths, Bazaars, Oriental Fortune-Telling Privilege, Country Store, Novelty and Souvenir Stands, Smoking Gallery, Tin Type, ete , at our Oriental Department of the Ingersoll Lame dress in full for particulars for two weeks to GABRIEL DeKREKO, Suite 8, 1414 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Then to DeKREKO BROS., 402 Cuyahoga Bidg., Cleveland, O. ment 125 per cent or 121 WEIGHING MACHINES. We are the largest manufacturers of the best coin controlled weighing machines in the United States. We sell them SINGLY or in lots of ONE THOUSAND fer Cash er en the EASY MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN. Weighers do a steady and uniform business always—nothing else in this line does. Returns om Inyest per cent better than Government Bonds, and JUST AS SAFE. 100-106 Second Street, So., WRITE US. THE NATIONAL NOVELTY COMPANY, Inc. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNB6OTA. EIGHT SOLID WEEKS OF FAIRS | ge FOR A CARNIVAL COMPANY Commencing in California in August, working north te Oregon State Fair at Salem, Oregon, Sept 10 to 15; Washington State Fair at North Yakima, Wash., Sept. 17 to 22; Spekane interstate Fair at Spokane, Wash., Sept. 24 to Oct. 6; Lewiston-Clarkston Fair at Lewiston, Idaho, Oct. 8 to 13. Privileges for Sale. § Write the Sccretaries or Address ROBT. H. COSGROVE, Spekane, Wash. Free Acts Wanted. » REVOLVER FREE! WATCH FREE! 10 other articles. Cost nothing. Read wind and Stem-set Waten 1 Ele t Rollei God $1 Vest Chain, 6 Triple liver. plated Tspoons worth $1, 1 Pair Goid-plated Bireve But‘oas, 1 Tie Holder, 1 Gold-plated Collar Button. All we ask in order te introduce ar Cigors is that you silow us to send in same package, |) o four Se and 10c Ciears, valued $5.95, FULL EXAMINATION LLO $ CIGAR CO. Winston-Salem, N. G Address, WINST 5 wHY NOT BUY YOUR | | AMUSEMENT DEVICES OF CWP, ; Hyp root MERRY GO ROUNDS [RARER WECKANICAL SAZOTING GALLERIES -AMATEURS.. Wanted for Shows in all of the United States. THE TH ATRICAL STAK, 19 Park Row, New York City. == Will Make For You . $100 A BAY. Spin sugar into cotton candy any color or flavor BARTELL FLOSS MACHINE CO. 16 MURRAY STREET, Mention The Billboard. eo eee. SOROUFINNG, Se *alwa: 500 like above sample Ar $529 Cena cash with oder CUP" Pee. Co. CIN CINNATE, @. ... |THE LONDON.... MUSIC HALL ay Pa a Wax Works. Cate rome ot per, Boenery, ys SAMUEL FRENCH. 18 W. 22d St., Mew York. ind's nds Fondly welogme at 0 Strand py iy ea a Prt erry Et —o % P LL AY For $ Stock tock Companies, for for Re Repertoire Ci Com ies, for Amateurs SELL CHEAP ? Bea Gin eee Black hep lamas = a fool walls, 6150; Set 5 le, with 18 Deerfoot Large Knives and 2 Watehes 625, Edisen Exhibities Hy ‘Setomatie Fee Hern, 6 Dr ) ~R yt ont eons Uniferms, @7; Tithe and speetad ame Shews, cheap. : Address W. H. RICE, Tenth and Mais Streets, Vert othe texas. Vention The budlward whenunwering at Mention '' The Billhoare™ when aewerrag ada Mention “Tee Pillhoard” when weorme te,