The Billboard 1906-03-17: Vol 18 Iss 11 (1906-03-17)

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ba oe 76 The Billboard MARCH 17, 1906. On the market. == WANTED Independent [Managers and Doctors to handle THE OLDEST LINE OF elndian Remedies-o Our goods are reliable, our prices are right, and our paper ¥ is the finest ever furnished FREE by any medicine house. For Full information Address OREGON INDIAN MEDICINE CO. CORRY, ERIE COUNTY, PA. ¢:Beautiful Lagoon: SEASON 1906 OPENS MAY 27. Everything up-to-date. The only real outing place for Cincinnati. Many new attractions and amusements. J. J. WEAVER, Gen’! Manager, LUDLOW, KY., Opp. Cincinnati. WANTED.... ....WVANTED Attractions for Beaumont Driving Park and Summer Theatre. South Texas League Base Ball is played at this park. Propositions for refreshment privileges and advertising on the fence are solicited. Address, FRANK J. DUFFY, Beaumont, Texas. WANTED For Washington Park, Alton, Ill. Concessions—Ferris Wheel, Merry-Go-Round and all other Amusements, to open April 1st. Address A. J. FRITZ, Mer., 4018 Laclede Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Gap THE GD BRADLEY FOLDING CHAIR The only complete folding chair on the market. When folded takes 4 the space of any other chair; weighs % as much. One Dozen Chairs Foided Occupy a Space of 8x16x38 Inches Strong, Durable, Easy to Carry, Best. Specially built for Circuses, Parks, Carni vals, Reunions, and all Amusement EnterAarne dg Nickelodeon Man agers—This is the Chair for you. “Constructed of hard wood, steel and canvas. Write TODAY for descriptive circular. Price and full particulars sent upon application. Bradley Folding Chair Ge. 265 La Salle St., Chicago. Ill. RODGERS’ OPERA HOUSE, PORT ARTHUR, TEXAS. Just completed. Seating capacity 1,000; population 6,000; monthly pa ~ a $120,000. Can offer inducements to good companies. For open time ad S. L. LEWIS, Lessee and Mgr., Port Arthur, os. ...the Deagon Theatre Company... Want to Book Fair Dates in Indiana and Ill'!nois. Change of Bill Each Night, Strong Vau— egg em acts. a eS Special paper for every bill. The Show that pleases e e ctors who play brass, write ee . 7 Management, EDWIN H. DEAGON, Griffith, Ind. Lake Co. ster PLATING ciz SROSEE Tins. TRAPPINGS AND RIGGINGS. Special attention given to all classes of rical reus Wi ee Belis, Horizontal Bars, Aerial Rigging, Etc., Etc.. Made Good as New. JAMES OSMOND POLISHING AND PLATING WORKS. 127-29 West 32nd St., near Sixth Avenue, EW YORK CITY ome” TRUNKS “as EN WHERE. | PROFESSIONAL. IRONCLAD. dodgy ebeesiil $5 be 2: ¢ | ORR EEEES 89 00 CASH FETE, | Réepeecpapes 9 be RE See 9 __ KK BD onc cccsescesecs ORDER 40x23 x25.........00 11 0¢ For Particulars and Lliustration, Request Catalogu e. THE BELBER TRUNK AND BAG ©0., 1s Columbia Avenue, PHILADELPELA, Ps, Tintion “The Billboard” when answering ads, Mention “The Bilhoord.” chen enmeering ads New Conventions NOTE.—The Sitvning Guten tave ust peared in this list before. 6 ALABAMA ey ee Dental Aesn. May 8-11. Dr. Tunstall. Sak ae 0. =m ¥. Grand Encampment. May —. Rott 4 Selma—State Retail erg and Merchants’ : nn. U. State Con. April 3 , 4804 10th ave., Bir ing ° Mobile—I. O .R. M. Great Council. May 22. W. 8. Smith, Montgomery. Montgomery—State Travelers’ Protective Assn. April —. BEB. L. Heyden, Birmingham. ARIZONA Phoenix—Rebekah State Assembly. April —. Stella M. Dunham, Douglas. ARKANSAS Hot “gy a Faderation of Women’s Clubs. April 25 Hot Springs—State Retail _Grocers’ & General Merchants’ Assn. May Little Rock—Knights ‘at | Ladies of Honor Grand Lodge. May 8. CALIFORNIA San ae e State Assembly. M: Mary Donoho, 681 Lyons st. ~~ San ‘Jose—Foresters of America Grand Court. May —. Jno. J. Cordy, 120 O'Farrell st. San Jose—A. 0. F. <> Pacific Coast High — May — ‘alconer, 102 O'Farrell 8 Santa Rosa—Christian Eednavor Dist. Union. April (last). H. M. Reeves, 822 Slater st. Reddimgton—G. A. R. State May 16-18, John H. Roberts, Octavia st.. San Fr Ventnra—Native , of the Gold West Grand Parlor. April 23. C. H. Turner, 1640 Union st., San Francisco. Santa Crouz—Degree of Honor Grand Lodge. a ws Donnelly, 1812 Market st., COLORADO e-oee Arcanum Grand Council. April Denver—Knights and Ladies of Securi tional Council June 2. NaW.. Wa a more, Ashland Block, Chicago. a = Fraternity National Con. _. on G. naman, 1865 Chia ave., cago, Denver—Railw 8 —_ June 20-21. P. W. Drew, Wis. CenRailway, Milwaukee, Wis. CONNECTICUT Bridg U. A. M. State 12. mip Averd, Bridg am,..2m eport. Hartford—Sons of Veterans State April 23. M. D. Rudd, ———_— DELAWARE Wilmington—State Trap Shooters’ League Tour= May —. Bdw. Nelchoir, 214 st. Dover—State ent. May —. J. D. Litzenbey, W e wi eng OF COLUMBIA on—Roy Arcanum Grand Coundil. ~ & 8B. TWhdte 1115 New Hampshinre Wasbin on—Cotton Convention. May 1, James R. acColl, Pawtucket, R. Weshtngten—threnten of Union and Confederate Veterans. May —. Washington — International Rrot! Bookbinders. June 12 James W erty, 132 Nassau st., New York City FLORIDA Jacksonville—State Horticultural Society, May (let week). Orlando—United Danghters be —_ Confeder acy State Div. May —. S. Boteler, Thompson, Lake City. Sanford—State Teachers’ Assn. April (last week). L. A. Kirksey. DeLand. Jacksonville—Florida Elks’ Assn. May 16, G. D. Ackerly, GEORGIA Augusta—I. 0. O. F. Grand Lodge. May 23. J. 8. Tyson, Savannah. an: Macon—State Tax Officers’ Assn. March 14. W. A. Calhoun, Rupert, Ga. School or rapes unday Assn. March Atlanta—Southern me nee Phiathea Assem py as March 8-18. L. Bichards, 88 le st. Atianta—National Organization ef Blue Gray. March 23-24. Sole Manufacturers of ist rouumanos MERRY-GO-ROUNDS And «MINIATURE RAILWAYS... AMUSEMENT OUTFITTERS— HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN CO., 78 Sweeney St., NORTH TONAWANDA, NK. Y. sta teh mop MACHINES. aE: eee eee ~ wine and * tata, 4 "(68.00 te a $4 Best con \_> MERE esepeneener 10.08 «pproved Cable, lowest price. wafustabie Brands for Machines.. dcccesessess GD ebbed Bleached Sereens, 9 . Automatic Water Rippie, rane shours. , Carbons, Gelatines, Slide Carriers; Slides made order. Repairing b: workme ena sell you new a ry than you can buy hand K. HERMAN E. ROYS, 1368-70 Broadway, New York, City. AGENTS and STREETMEN “P” PUZZLE—JUST OUT A HOT SELLER. Send 1%c. for Sample. L. L. YOUNG & CO. 990 Washington 8t., Boston, Mass. PATENTEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS. PATENTED NOTICE--Opposite Delmar Garden. FOR SALE? ieee twestery patiding, store on first floor, big pavilion in front it. G tion. Big business in the summer season. Soda Fountains, Lunch Stand, Counters, Tables, Chairs. Full Ftxtures for 10 Privileges. The house is furnished from top to bottom. Ice Cream, Soda Water, Candies, Confectionery, Cigars, Water Melons, Lemonade. furters, all kinds of Sandwiches, Restaurant and Furalshed Rooms. The lot is 50x 176. Best location 4 business. Rent is ve “wl and three years’ lease. good thing for a hustier. L. ENGEL, 6626 Delmar Bivd., ST. LOUIS, MO. FOR SALE! CAROUSEL—40-foot Engine, New Organ, Tent. all in excellent condition. Cost#26,(00. Willsell reasonable. Address F. M. ZOLA, 225 Clinton Ave., New Haven, Coan. POSE AND SERPENTINE SLIDES, Richy colored and blocked out. Sets per slide | for film Iirts and Exchange proposition. C.L. Hull & Co..209 E. 57th St.,CHICAGO,ILL. ---WANTED PARTNFR.... To join me tp an equal purchase of a first class moving picture machine and films to cost not less than 8700 nor more than #1260. Am expert operator, eight years experience, do my own wiring; no habits; ne second hand outfits. Address, W.H McC rein, Box 14, Sour Lake. Tex. eee THE eee Winneshiek County Fair IS LOOKING FOR Good, Reliable, Novel Attractions FOR THEIR FAIR DATES SEPTIFMBER iito 14. AT DECORAH, IOWA. Address, BEN BEAR, Decorah, lowa. Mention *‘ The Billboard” when answering ada