The Billboard 1906-03-17: Vol 18 Iss 11 (1906-03-17)

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MARCH 17, 1906. DOard 77 THE OF BOSTON Empire Woman's Orchestra RITA MARIO, Conductor. “This organization stands unchallenged as the Premier Woman's Orchestra of the World.”—Florida Times Union. Just returned f rom the South, where it met with tremendous success everywhere. Specially engaged fur week of March 12 to 18 at symphony Hall Bostw-n, for the largest Automobile Show ever held in this country. This is the first time a woman’s organization of mus: cians has ever played in this famous auditorium of music. Imperial Guards Military Band of Women---I5 Pieces, The Greatest Military Organization before the public. All Soloists. If ag want the best, write. Now booking for the Summer Season Parks, Carnivals and Expositions. New England representative of all the leading bands. FURNISHING THE LARGEST NUMBER OF WOMEN MUSICIANS IN THE UNITED STATES. GEORGE W. SMITH, Gen. Mgr.., (4 Music Hall Building, (Empire Theatre), BOSTON, MASS. OWER’S P =CAMERAGRAPH= THE ORIGINAL FIREPROOF Fitted with or without Fireproof Magazines and ,Take-up Device. nat? >. ©] >’ 1@) ef . MACHINE Has proved its efficienc other machines in its STEADY and FLICKERLESS PROJE STION, DURABILITY OF CONSTRUC TION, ete., superceding all other males of motion picture machines in EXCELLENCY and SUPERIORITY. Ifyou want THE MACHINE that WILL GIVE YOU THE RESULTS, WE HAVE IT. Write for Catalog to NICHOLAS ‘POWER, 115-117 NASSAU STREET, ‘ NEW YORK. ‘Chicago Jobbers, KLEINE OPTICAL CO. San Francisco Jobbers, MILES BROS. All our apparatus is fully proby United States patents iseued or pending, and infringements will be vigorously prose FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS. OUR LEADER FOR 1906. The Greatest of all “4 MASTER STROKE,” THE 20TH CENTURY TIVOL ne SQUEEZE. 40 GAFF. , ene REMEMBER.... Is operated by letting two ] ‘This game has ‘ a over all ivory balls roll down incline. yer has privilege of dropping one ef the balls, at all times. Has 4 combinations, big and little prize, star and blow off. With the TIVOLI we give you two 4x 4 feet layeute made on best enamel cloth; hand pp ; ome for the “REP” and one for the “GRIND.” This game is allowed to go everywhere on account of ite fair appearance or advertised before. et it while it Is a i. ° . . ‘ 7 Price, $35.00. new. 4 5 | Some Prices for 1906 That Are Also New: The Evans Bee Hive; the Hit of 1905..............c0c..0 poe dp s00ebh ocean 30,00 ee The Twisted Wire **Set Spimdle’’................:.000...c008: geceeeeeeeneeeees bey 24 Tne World’s Fair Striker, Complete... ..... 0.0.5 ...0 605 ceec ceed eeee cee e eee eens eee The IMPROVED Came! Back Spindle...................---§Wddede Setnes cece 35.00 The Chicago Drop Case, **mew??.... ........6: screens cee seees Sherk nweens sn cous . Get our prices—they wil! please you. year guarantee. Price 8185.00. We manufacture all our own goods. H. C. EVANS & CO., The American Theatrical Booking and Renting Co. H. S. Sanders Orville B. Taylor, LIVERMORE, KY. | -MANAGERS— | LOUISVILLE, KY. Compani d booked in the best 1 and 3 nights, and best week stands. WANTE Seok Densiue Minstrel, Musical and Vawdevike Cémpanties, 48 weeks work, Also, Vaudeville Acts for Parks, Circuit and Winter Houses. Can use Good Dramatic an Musical People. Managers send your open nonee ey . = —— ae poe meses W : : that line. “aaioess Ee ee H. 8. SANDERS, Livermore, Ky. Mention “The Billmard” when answering ads Mention “The Biliboard” when answering ada never Deen Sold | srtte— Valdosta—Missionary Baptist District Coca. March 22-26. ILLINOIS Springfleld—Royal Arcanum Grand Council. oo 18. Joe Kiley, 76 Monroe st., Chicage, Decatur—Illinois Elks’ Assn. 23-6. R R. Rowe, 441 Lawrence ave., Jackeonville—I. O. R. M. ceat Council. May 84. Will H. Bluedom, 106 N. Main st.. East St. Louis, Ill. Springfleld—International German Baptist Cen. ane 1. S. S. Brukaker, Cerro Gorde, j INDIANA Indianapolis—Republican State Con. April —. Indianapolis—Rebekah State Assembly. May 18. artie 8. Andrewé, Lafayette. Indianapolis—Prohibition State Con. May 89. Indianapolis—I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. May 14. W. H. Lady. Indianapolis—State Haymakers’ Asm. May 16. C. B. Nodes, Flora. Indiamapolis—Interstate Trap Shooting Tour nament. June 20. Elmer Shaver, Pittsburg. Pa. Senta State Com. April 1i INDIAN TERRITORY Okmulgee—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge. Mey —. H L. Sandera, Box 8, Webber's IOWA DesMoines—State Electrical Assn. April 18-19. Geo. 8. Carson, lowa City, Ia. Marsballtown—National Holiness Assn. March 16-26. Dr J. Fowler, Boston, Mass. DesMe of the American Revolution State Society. April 19. EB. D. Hadley, Des Moines, Ia. Ottumwa—State Federation of Labor. May 810. Ira B. Thomas, Des Moines, le. KANSAS Topeka—Knights Templar Grand Commandery. May 80. EB. W. Pointerton. Great Kansas State Shoot. April 18-20. Ben McMullen. Supe se._S. 4 M. State Council. April Banger— Royal Arcanom Grend Ooesefl. April ttleton, 1680 W. Red Jno. B. Cross Supreme Treebler, 1417 P. M. 1. 0. O. State Com. May mo. B. eBaie Vieksburg. Chariotte—l. 0 O F May Mich. Detroit—Oatheolie Kaights and Ladies of Amerlea, iy Rey F. Hayes, 1812 Ashland Block, Chicago, Lil. May 15. Fred Wheaton, 201 Masenic Temple, Mianeapolis, Mina. MISSISSIPPI a1. 8. Ka Natches—King’s Daughters’ State Con. May (24 week). MISSOURI St. ls—Roya] Arcanum , Grand . ea we. . Mayo, ey it. Excelsior—State Bankers’ Asst. May 16-17. Sedalia—I. O. R. M. Great Council. May. 15, J. W. Haight, St. Joseph. ansas — al and Select Masters’ Grand Keene il kee Bean Alf. H. White, 8960 Delmar Bivd., St. Leuls, Mo, Kansas City—Royal Asch Masons’ Grand ter. April 24-26. Alf. H. White, S900 mar Bivd., St. Louls. BIG ELTI.. The Grand Old Wheel, that stands without a rival in the amusement world, the big mone: getter, little expense, a pleasure to own an operate our new mode! for 1906, an astonishing result of brains, skill and perseverance. wR Js EL! BRIDGE CO., (Incorporated) Reodhouse, Ills. Bex 266—B. P.8.—Eli Men, we have some ofthe very best parks in this and foreign countries ing us to send them an owner of a Big Kli Wheel. Get busy. |ROCHESTER —s oo —_ NEW HAMPSBSIRE,—~" -FAIR: Sept. 25, 26,27, 28. GEO. E. WALLACE, Pres. CHAS. M. BAILEY, Secy. W. G. BRADLEY, Gea. Mgr. Eleventh Annual Fair Of the Crawferd County Grange Seciety, will be held at HIGHLAN ARK, ROBINSON, ILL., Sept. 24th to 28th, Inclusive. Please Exchange Dates. W. A. WOOD, Secy. C. ¥. COBLTER, Pres. KLINKHART OPERA HOUSE, Sescrs tenors. M0, ting copneey. Population 700; in June, July and AugLarge territory to ’ = draw trom. For open me. @kO. KLIVNKHAR®T. EEC TR RS SVE ANRS «AEN TWO GooD sHOWS ahd disa"Toan mama i utabee Bonne eset have the goods, write LEWIS E. JOMNSON, Dnager, for open time. SLOT MACHINES Slaughter Prices lam going te retire from business om aceo unt ef my health and travel. I have em band OVER SCO MONEY MAKERS That have beea operated im paske and public plaees, amé THEY WILL BE SACRIFICED. This lot includes all makes and ali kinds of ma chines. Amcng (hsm are Mills Pag Puncbere. Ro senfield’s Picture Machines, Lifters,Grip and Lung Testers, Phonographs, Watling’s Sealer and several cardand money machines made by Mills, Callie and Watling. There are enough amour ment me chines to fit uptwo or three Picture Parlors complete. These machines are al] im Grstelass con dition. To close them out quickly will sell them at ridiculously low prices—less than enedalf what they cost me. When writing, state the kind wanted and hew many. Wi!) ship the machines to your city. andif not entirely satiefactery you need not parchase them. Address WARNER NOVELTY COMPANY, HAMMOND, INDIANA.